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IJARDoppler Ultrasonography Abdominalvessels

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Doppler Ultrasonography of Abdominal Vasculature in Canines

Article  in  International Journal of Advanced Research · January 2015

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2 authors, including:

Priyanka Mahadappa
Indian Veterinary Research Institute


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ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2015), Volume 3, Issue 4, 1167-1171




Doppler Ultrasonography of Abdominal Vasculature in Canines

Priyanka*, K.Jeyaraja and P.S.Thirunavakkarasu
Department of Clinics, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai-600 007

Manuscript Info Abstract

Manuscript History: Present study was conducted with the objective of describing the sonographic
appearance of major abdominal vessels in canines. The study was conducted
Received: 15 February 2015
Final Accepted: 22 March 2015 on ten healthy animals. Abdominal aorta and caudal vena cava were located
Published Online: April 2015 caudal to the kidneys. Aorta was located on midline and to the left of the
more ventrally located caudal vena cava. Pulsating movements of aorta
Key words: helped its differentiation from caudal vena cava. Iliac arteries and veins were
the major branches of abdominal aorta and caudal vena cava respectively,
Ultrasonography – Abdominal visualized in caudal abdomen. In animals with relaxed abdomen celiac,
Vasculature – Canines
cranial mesenteric, splenic and hepatic arteries were observed in cranial
*Corresponding Author abdomen. Main portal vein was visualized in an oblique sagital plane. Portal
vein was lying ventral to the caudal vena cava and aorta was dorsal to the
caudal vena cava and portal vein. On color doppler study, aorta had the blood
Priyanka flow towards the transducer and caudal vena cava away from the transducer.
Pulse wave doppler study revealed that aorta had a typical pulsatile arterial
waveform. Flow in caudal vena cava was laminar and undisturbed.
Periodicity in the flow of caudal vena cava was marked in cranial part and
mild in caudal part. Mean velocity of Abdominal Aorta and Caudal Vena
Cava in caudal abdomen was found to be 0.84m/sec and 0.78m/sec

Copy Right, IJAR, 2015,. All rights reserved


Abdominal vessels such as aorta, caudal vena cava, portal vein and their branches like external and internal
ileac arteries, celiac arteries, mesenteric arteries, external and internal ileac veins, mesenteric veins are typically
standard in location. They have characteristic appearance and specific flow pattern. Diseases of abdominal organs
will cause variation in the appearance of the vessels supplying them. This altered appearance of vessels may help in
early diagnosis of diseases of the organs supplied by them (Finn-Bodner and Hudson, 1998). Vascular diseases and
anomalies like thrombosis, infarction, vasculitis, neoplastic infiltration of vessels, stenosis, dilatation, aneurysm,
arteriovenous fistula and shunts are also encountered in veterinary practice (Spaulding, 1992). Presently exploratory
angiography is considered as the gold standard technique for diagnosing vascular disorders. This technique is having
many side effects and cannot be applied in clinically ailing patients. Other non-invasive techniques like nuclear
scintigraphy and computed tomography are used routinely in human medicine. High cost and non availability at all
places limits their application in veterinary practice and this leads to under diagnosis of vascular anomalies in canine
patients (Szatmari et al., 2001).

Doppler ultrasonography is relatively new within small animal sonography. Duplex doppler
ultrasonography provides both real time anatomic and dynamic information. The presence, direction and type of
blood flow can be determined during duplex examination. The doppler signal is fairly specific to a particular vessel

ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2015), Volume 3, Issue 4, 1167-1171

or even vessel site. Hence, the knowledge of normal doppler signs of each blood vessel is important in their
identification. If the sonographer is familiar about the normal vascular anatomy and principles of doppler technique,
then doppler ultrasonography may prove beneficial in many ways (Mattoon, 2013). The possible benefits of doppler
ultrasonography of abdominal vasculature include, it will serve as landmark in locating many organs eg: pancreas
and lymph nodes. It will be useful in detecting altered blood flow to organs eg: decreased blood flow to kidneys in
chronic kidney disease and increased blood flow to liver in portal hypertension. It will be helpful in differentiating
the benign tumors from malignant ones and also in assessing the degree of neoplastic infiltration to neighbouring
organs and lymph nodes. After assessing the blood flow to the tissues, it may also aid in choosing the biopsy site.
Most importantly the vascular diseases and anomalies can be easily diagnosed (Nautrup, 1998).

Besides this doppler ultrasonography is simple, noninvasive readily available technique with no side effects
on the patients. If sonographic techniques are mastered over, then doppler ultrasonography will be a major
breakthrough in the diagnosis of vascular disorders and affections (Kinns, 2010). Lot of research has been done in
human medicine and presently doppler ultrasonography is being used in the diagnosis of vascular disorders whereas
in canines, still it has to be explored. Keeping in view of this fact, the present study was conducted to standardize the
technique for 2-D imaging of major abdominal vessels and describe their sonographic appearance in canines.

Material and Methods:

Present study was conducted at Small Animal ultrasound unit of Department of Clinics, Madras Veterinary College,
Chennai, during the year 2013-2014. Ten clinically healthy canines belonging to different breed, sex and age group
presented at Small Animal Clinic Outpatient Unit of Madras Veterinary College Teaching Hospital for routine
health check up and vaccinations were selected for the study. Ultrasonography was performed with an ALOKA SSD
3500 ultrasound machine with curvilinear probe and 5 MHz frequency was used. The preparation of canines for
ultrasonography was done according to the standard procedure given by Nyland and Matton (2002). The animals
were fasted for 12 hours and liberal amount of water was given to drink. Hair over the entire abdomen was clipped
from the xiphoid along the costal arch to the areas of the right and left kidney, respectively and to the cranial aspect
of the pubic bone and liberal amount of acoustic gel was applied to the skin. Animals were examined in right lateral
recumbent position. To visualize the main portal vein, animals were placed in dorsal recumbency and viewed
through oblique sagital plane.

Results and Discussion:

Two dimensional visualization of aorta and caudal vena cava:
In caudo dorsal abdomen, aorta and caudal vena cava were located caudal to the kidneys. In longitudinal
view the cranial two third of the abdominal aorta was located on midline and to the left of the more ventrally located
caudal vena cava (Fig.1). In transverse plane, aorta was visualized just off midline on the left and vena cava was
lying adjacent to it on the right (Fig.2). Findings of the present study are in accordance with Pugh (1994) and
Szatmari et al. (2001), they studied the normal morphology of canine abdominal vasculature and found that
morphological appearance and their location was specific to each vessels.
Abdominal blood vessels in longitudinal plane had a tubular structure with well-defined walls. The walls
were parallel, hyperechoic and appeared as thin smooth lines. Non-compressed vessels imaged transversely
appeared circular or oval. The lumen was anechoic because of the echofree blood inside. Aorta was less
compressible than the caudal vena cava and had a thicker wal1. In addition aortic pulses were also observed. Urinary
bladder as an acoustic window enhanced the visualization of aorta and caudal vena cava. These findings are in
agreement with other workers (Szatmari et al., 2001; Kamikawa and Bombonato, 2007).
Two dimensional visualization of major branches of aorta and caudal vena cava:
In caudal abdomen, the aorta and caudal vena cava were bifurcated into the iliac arteries and veins
respectively. The external iliac arteries were the first to bifurcate from aorta followed by the internal iliac arteries.
The common external iliac veins branched off the caudal vena cava in this region; the internal iliac veins arose from
the external iliac veins (Fig 3). Findings of the present study are in correlation with many workers (Spaulding, 1997;
Nautrup, 1998).
In cranial abdomen, celiac and cranial mesenteric arteries were visualized. The celiac artery arose from the
ventral wall of the aorta caudal to the stomach and branched shortly into the splenic artery (Fig.4) to the left and
hepatic artery to the right. The cranial mesenteric artery arose from the ventral surface of the aorta caudal to the
celiac artery. Visualization of these vasculatures in cranial abdomen was difficult owing to tense abdomen. This is in
concurrence with Nyland and Fisher (1990) as they opined that tense abdominal musculature and gastrointestinal gas

ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2015), Volume 3, Issue 4, 1167-1171

hindered the clear visualization of vasculature in cranial abdomen and suggested that sedation and overnight fasting
may facilitate their visualization.
It was possible to follow aorta and caudal vena cava cranially till diaphragm only in one dog which was in
agreement with Nyland et al., (1995) and Kantrowitz et al., (1998). They observed that sonographic tracing of aorta
and caudal vena cava till diaphragm was not possible in all animals. They further stated that visualization was easy
in patients with pleural effusion and ascites. Szatmari et al., (2001) also opined that cranial part of aorta was not
easy to image, especially in deep chested canines because of the artifacts caused by gastrointestinal gas and ribs.
Two dimensional visualization of portal vein:
The main portal vein was visualized with the animal in dorsal recumbency in an oblique sagittal plane. The
cranial part of the transducer was placed on the linea alba and turned slightly to the right. In longitudinal view,
portal vein was lying ventral to the caudal vena cava and aorta was dorsal to caudal vena cava and portal vein. In a
transverse view of the cranial abdomen, the caudal vena cava was situated dorsal and slightly to the right of the
portal vein and aorta was on the midline or slightly to the left. These observations are in correlation with Boswood et
al., (2000) and Nyman et al., (2004).
Doppler evaluation of aorta and caudal vena cava:
On color flow doppler, aorta showed the blood flow towards the transducer i.e. red color and caudal vena
cava was having the flow away from the transducer i.e. blue color (Fig.5). This observation was in agreement with
Spaulding (1997), he stated that flow within the vena cava would be towards the heart (away from transducer) and
flow within the aorta towards the limbs (towards the transducer).
On pulse wave doppler study, the aorta had a typical pulsatile arterial waveform. It had a sharp systolic
peak with large and clear spectral window. The velocity distribution was narrow. Systolic peak was followed by a
retrograde flow wave (Fig.6). This finding is in agreement with Ochoa et al., (2011) and Mattoon, (2013). They also
observed typical high resistance flow pattern in abdominal aorta. Flow in Caudal vena cava was laminar and
markedly periodical in cranial part of caudal vena cava whereas, in caudal part of abdominal vena cava the flow was
laminar and mildly periodical (Fig.7 and 8). This observation is in concurrence with Boswood et al., (2000), they
reported that Caudal vena cava had undisturbed laminar flow. Influence of respiration was more in cranial abdomen
causing markedly periodic flow in cranial part of caudal abdominal vena cava than in caudal part of caudal
abdominal vena cava (Szatmari et al., 2001).
Doppler evaluation of major branches of aorta and caudal vena cava:
Blood flow pattern in iliac arteries and veins was typical arterial and venous pattern respectively. Iliac
arteries showed sharp systolic peaks with a very small spectral window which was also observed by Szatmari et al.,
(2001). They studied the doppler pattern in major branches of aorta and caudal vena cava and stated that iliac
arteries had plug flow velocity profile i.e. clear spectral window and narrow velocity profile.
Doppler evaluation of portal vein:
Portal vein had typical undisturbed laminar venous flow with variation in the velocity. This variation in the
velocity might be due to respiratory movements as observed by Lamb et al., (1999). They calculated the portal blood
flow in canines and stated that portal vein had phasic laminar blood flow pattern owing to inspiratory and expiratory
Velocity of Abdominal Aorta and Caudal Vena Cava:
Mean velocity of Abdominal Aorta and Caudal Vena Cava in caudal abdomen was found to be 0.84m/sec
and 0.78m/sec respectively. Results are in agreement with Szatmari and coworkers (2001), they found velocity of
abdominal aorta and caudal vena cava as 0.83m/sec and 0.79m/sec respectively.



Fig.1. Longitudinal Appearance of Caudal Fig.2. Transverse Appearance of Caudal Vena

Vena Cava and Aorta in Caudal Abdomen Cava and Aorta in Caudal Abdomen
ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2015), Volume 3, Issue 4, 1167-1171

Fig.3. Longitudinal View of Branches of Iliac Fig.4. Two dimensional Image showing the
Vessels in Caudal Abdomen splenic hilus and vessels.

Fig.5. Image showing blood flow in Aorta (Red Fig.6. Image showing the Doppler blood flow
Color) and Caudal Vena Cava (Blue Color) pattern in abdominal Aorta

Fig.7.present paper describes
Image showing the Dopplerabout the sonographic appearance
blood flow of abdominal
Fig.8. Image showing thevessels
flow branches in
canines. If the technique
pattern is mastered
in cranial then it can prove as a major diagnostic
part of abdominal pattern intool in diagnosing
caudal vascular anomalies
part of abdominal
and diseases in canine Caudal Vena Cava
patients. Caudal Vena Cava

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