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Physics Class 9 Chapter 2

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Joseph’s Coed School,

Kolar, Bhopal

Class: IX

Subject: Physics


Force and Laws of motion

General Instructions:
1. Make a separate copy for Physics.
2. There are 5 chapters of Physics in the Science book, Chapter 8,
9,10,11,12. Write all the chapters in the same copy.
3. Write all the notes provided here in.
4. Do all the In text questions and Back exercise questions of book after
completing the notes.


A push or pull on a body is called force. Forces are used in our everyday actions like pushing,
lifting, pulling, stretching, twisting and pressing. A force cannot be seen. A force can be judged
only by the effects which it can produce in several bodies (or objects) around us.
Force has both magnitude and direction, making it a vector quantity. It is measured in the SI unit
of Newton and represented by the symbol F.

Effects of Force

 Force can make a stationary body in motion. For example a football can be set to move
by kicking it, i.e. by applying a force.
 Force can stop a moving body – For example by applying brakes, a running cycle or a
running vehicle can be stopped.
 Force can change the direction of a moving object. For example; by applying force, i.e.
by moving handle the direction of a running bicycle can be changed. Similarly by moving
steering the direction of a running vehicle is changed.
 Force can change the speed of a moving body – By accelerating, the speed of a running
vehicle can be increased or by applying brakes the speed of a running vehicle can be
 Force can change the shape and size of an object. For example; by hammering, a block of
metal can be turned into a thin sheet. By hammering a stone can be broken into pieces.

Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

1. Balanced Forces
If the resultant of applied forces is equal to zero, it is called balanced forces. Balanced forces do
not cause any change of state of an object. Balanced forces are equal in magnitude and opposite
in direction. Balanced forces can change the shape and size of an object. For example - When
forces are applied from both sides over a balloon, the size and shape of balloon is changed.

2. Unbalanced Forces
If the resultant of applied forces are greater than zero the forces are called unbalanced forces. An
object in rest can be moved because of applying balanced forces.

Unbalanced forces can do the following:

1. Move a stationary object.

2. Increase the speed of a moving object.
3. Decrease the speed of a moving object.
4. Stop a moving object.
5. Change the shape and size of an object.

Some Common Forces

1. Muscular Force: The force obtained by the working of human body muscles is called
muscular force. Ex: Lifting objects, doing exercise etc.
2. Gravitational Force: The force applied by earth on an object in downward direction is
called gravitational force.
3. Frictional Force: The force which opposes motion is known as frictional force. It acts in
the direction opposite to the velocity of body.
4. Air Resistance: When an object moves through air, air applies a small force in direction
opposite to velocity. This force is called air resistance.

Newton’s Laws of Motion

Newton has given three laws to define the motion of bodies. These laws are known as Newton’s
laws of motion.
Newton’s 1st Law (Law of Inertia)

A body at rest will remain in rest, and a body in motion will continue in motion in a straight line
with uniform speed, unless an external force is applied..

Inertia and Mass: Inertia is that property of body due to which it resists a change in its state
of rest or of uniform motion.

The mass of an object is a measure of its inertia. Its SI unit is kilogram (kg).

Different types of inertia:

Inertia of rest: The tendency of a body to remain in its position of rest is called inertia of rest.

Example: (i) Person sitting in a car falls backwards, when the car suddenly starts. It is because
the lower portion in contact with the car comes in motion where as the upper part tries to remain
at rest due to inertia of rest.

(ii) When we hit a carpet it loses inertia of rest and moves. But the dust in it retains inertia of
rest and is left behind. Thus dust and carpet are separated.

(iii) When a tree is shaken, it moves to and fro. But fruit remains at rest due to its inertia of rest.
Due to this fruit breaks off the tree.
Inertia of motion: The tendency of a body to remain in its state of uniform motion
in a straight line is called inertia of motion.

Example:1. When a running horse stops suddenly, the person sitting in it falls

2. When a car is braked suddenly, the man bends forward violently due to inertia of
motion. The man may collide with parts of car hurting himself. Seatbelt will not let
the man bend forward. And thus save them from accident.

3. Due to inertia of motion even when the car stops, the luggage on the top of car has the
tendency to move forward. Therefore luggage is tied.

Inertia of direction: The inability of a body to change its direction of

motion by itself is called inertia of direction.

Example: 1. When car takes a sharp turn, a person sitting in the car experience force, acting
away from the centre of the curved path.

2.mud guards are used in vehicles so that mud can be stuck on inner wall of guard

The momentum of a body is defined as the product of its mass and velocity.
Thus, momentum = mass x velocity
Or, p = m x v
Where, p = momentum
m = mass of the body
v = velocity of the body
The SI unit of momentum is kilograms meters per second (kg.m/s)
Note: The force required to stop a moving body is directly proportional to its mass and velocity.
Change in momentum: It is defined as the difference between final momentum and initial
momentum. Suppose initial momentum is mu, and final momentum is mv, then
Change in momentum = mv – mu
Rate of change of momentum: The rate at which momentum is changing is known as rate of
change of momentum.
Rate of change of momentum =mv - mu / t
Or, = m (v-u) / t
Newton’s 2nd Law (Law of Force)
The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the applied force, and
takes place in the direction in which the force acts.

Force = change in momentum / time taken

F = mv - mu / t

F= m(v-u)/t

But we know that



Or Force = Mass x Acceleration

Its SI unit is Newton (N).

Thus, one Newton of force is defined as the amount that produces an acceleration of 1 m s-2 in an
object of mass 1 kg.

Application of Newton’s 2nd Law:

1. while catching a fast moving cricket ball, a fielder in the ground gradually pulls
his hands backwards with the moving ball. In doing so, the fielder increases the
time catching te ball. Thus, the acceleration a=(v-u)/t of the ball is decreased and
therefore the force f= mxa of catching the fast moving ball is also reduced. If the
ball is stopped suddenly then time of catching ball decreases. Thus, the rate of
change of momentum of the ball will be large. Therefore, a large force would
have to be applied for holding the catch that may hurt the palm of the fielder.
2. Similarly falling on cemented flooring hurts more rater on cushioned floor.
3. Sock absorbers are used in vehicles to reduce jerk


Type 1

Question 1: Calculate the force needed to speed up a car with a rate of

5ms–2, if the mass of the car is 1000 kg.

Solution: According to question:

Acceleration (a) =5m/s2=5m/s and Mass (m) = 1000 kg, therefore, Force
(F) =?
We know that, F=m×aF=m×a
=5000kg m/s2=5000kg m/s2
Therefore, required Force =5000m/s2=5000m/s or 5000 N

Question 2: If the mass of a moving object is 50 kg, what force will be required to speed up the
object at a rate of 2ms–2?

Solution: According to the question;

Acceleration (a) =2ms−2=2ms-2 and Mass(m)=50kg, therefore,

Weknowthat, F=m×a
=100kg m/s2=100kg m/s2
Therefore, required Force =100m/s2=100m/s2 or 100 N

Question 3: To accelerate a vehicle to 3m/s2 what force will be needed if the mass of the vehicle
is equal to 100 kg?

Solution: According to the question:

Acceleration (a) =3m/s2=3m/s2 and Mass (m) = 100 kg, therefore, Force (F) =?
We know that, F=m×aF=m×a
2 2
=100kg×3m/s =100kg×3m/s
=300kg m/s2=300kg m/s2
Therefore, required Force =300m/s2=300m/s2 or 300 N

Type II:

Question 1: To accelerate an object to a rate of 2m/s2, 10 N force is required. Find the mass of

Solution: According to the question:

Acceleration(a)=2m/s2, Force(F)=10N, therefore, Mass(m)=?

⇒m=102 kg=5 kg⇒m=102 kg=5 kg
Thus, the mass of the object = 5 kg

Question 2: If 1000 N force is required to accelerate an object to the rate of 5m/s2, what will be
the weight of the object?
Solution: According to the question,

Acceleration(a)=2m/s2, Force(F)=1000N, therefore, Mass(m)=?

We know that, F=m×aF=m×a
⇒1000N=m×5 m/s2⇒1000N=m×5 m/s2
⇒m=10005 kg=200 kg⇒m=10005 kg=200 kg
Thus, the mass of the object = 200 kg

Question 3: A vehicle accelerate at the rate of 10m/s2 after the applying of force equal to 50000
N. Find the mass of the vehicle.

Solution: According to the question,

Acceleration(a)=10m/s2, Force(F)=50000N, therefore, Mass(m)=?

We know that, F=m×aF=m×a
⇒50000 N=m×10m/s2⇒50000 N=m×10m/s2
⇒m=5000010 kg=5000 kg⇒m=5000010 kg=5000 kg
Thus, the mass of the vehicle = 5000 kg

Type - III

Question 1: What the acceleration a vehicle having 1000 kg of mass will get after applying a
force of 5000N?

Solution: According to question:

Mass(m)=1000kg, Force(F)=5000N, Acceleration(a)=?

Force=MassxAcceleration or

∴5000 N=1000 kg×a∴5000 N=1000 kg×a
⇒a=5000 N1000 kg⇒a=5000 N1000 kg
⇒5000 kg ms−21000 kg=5m/s−2⇒5000 kg ms-21000 kg=5m/s-2
Thus acceleration of the vehicle =5m/s−2=5m/s-2

Question 2: After applying a force of 1000 N an object of mass 2000 kg will achieve what

Mass(m)=2000kg, Force(F)=1000N, Acceleration(a)=?

∴1000 N=2000 kg×a∴1000 N=2000 kg×a
⇒a=1000 N2000 kg⇒a=1000 N2000 kg
⇒1000 kg ms−22000 kg=0.5m/s−2⇒1000 kg ms-22000 kg=0.5m/s-2
Thus acceleration of the vehicle =0.5m/s−2=0.5m/s-2

Question 3: An object requires the force of 100N to achieve the acceleration ‘a’. If the mass of
the object is 500 kg what will be the value of ‘a’?

Solution: According to the question,

Mass(m)=500kg, Force(F)=100N, Acceleration(a)=?


∴100 N=500 kg×a∴100 N=500 kg×a
⇒a=100 N500 kg⇒a=100 N500 kg
⇒100 kg ms−2500 kg=0.2m/s−2⇒100 kg ms-2500 kg=0.2m/s-2
Thus acceleration of the vehicle =0.2m/s−2=0.2m/s-2

Newton’s 3rd Law (law of action and reaction)

Whenever one body exerts a force on another body, the second body exerts an equal and
opposite force to the first body. Or, to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


Action and reaction forces are equal and opposite. But they act on two different bodies.

Application of Newton’s 3rd Law:

1. Gun applies force on bullet due to which it moves ahead. By Newton’s 3rd Law, bullet
will also apply same force on gun in backward direction. Due to this force, gun moves
back. This is called recoil of gun. Gun moves back only by small amount due to its heavy
2. rockets move forward by expelling gas backward at high velocity. This means the rocket
exerts a large backward force on the gas in the rocket combustion chamber, and the gas
therefore exerts a large reaction force forward on the rocket.
3. H
Hose pipe app
plies large foorce on wateer due to which water mooves ahead. By Newton’’s
3 Law waterr applies the same force on pipe backkwards. Duee to this forcee, pipe can move
backwards. To
T stop it, maany people need
n to hold it.
4. Man
M pushes the
t boat backkwards and by
b newton’ss 3rd law, boaat pushes maan forward.
5. M
Man pushes water
w back by
b applying force.
f By Neewton’s 3rd Law,
L water applied
a equall and
oppposite forcee on swimmmer. Due to thhis force mann moves aheead.
6. C
Cheetah appliies forces onn ground in backward
b dirrection. By 3rd law, grouund applies force
eqqual and opp
posite on cheeetah in forwward directioon. It is due to
t this force that cheetahh
moves ahead.. For runningg faster cheeetah needs too apply moree force on grround in forwward

Law of Conservati
C ion of lineear Momeentum

The prinnciple of con
nservation of momentum states that t if two objects
o collide, then the
total momentum be efore and after the colllision will be
e the same e if there is no externall
force accting on the colliding ob
Conservvation of linear momen ntum formula mathemaatically exp
presses the momentum
m of
the syste
em remains s constant when
w the net
n external force is ze

al momentu
um = Final momentum

er a collision
n between two
t balls wherein
w therre occurs no
o energy lo
osses during
the collission.

Momenttum of the two

t balls be
efore collisio
p1i = m1u1
p2i = m2u2
Total mo
omentum of
o the system
m of two ba
alls before collision,
c pi = p1i + p2i = m1u1 + m2u2.

During the collision

n m1 exerts an action force
f F12 on
n m 2.
In respo
onse, from Newton"s
N th
hird law, m2 exerts a re
eaction on m1, that is, F21, such that
F12 = -F21

e sign impliies that the two forcess are directe
ed in oppossite directions.
After the
e collision th
hey underg
go change in velocity and
a the corrresponding change in
momenttum. Mome
enta of the two balls aftter collision
n p1f = m1v1
p2f = m2v2
Total mo
omentum of
o the system
m of two ba
alls after co
ollision, pf = p1f +p2f = m1v1 + m2v2
Also from
m Newton"s
s Second Law:

Total mo
omentum before
b collission = Total momentum
m after collision
Hence th
his equation implies th
hat if no extternal force
e acts on the
e system of two collidiing
balls, the
e total mom
mentum is conserved.

If two or more objectts apply forcce on each otther with no external forrce, their finaal momentum
remains same
s as initiial momentuum.

Total moomentum beffore collisionn = Total moomentum aftter collision

Practical examples of conservation of momentum:

Recoiling of gun:

When a bullet is fired from a gun, the gun recoils, i.e., moves in a direction opposite to
the direction of motion of the bullet. The recoil velocity of the gun can be calculated from
the principle of conservation of linear momentum.

Suppose, m1 = mass of bullet

m2 = mass of the gun

v1 = velocity of bullet

v2 = velocity of recoil of gun.

Before firing, the gun and the bullet both are at rest. Therefore, linear momentum before
firing equal to zero. The sum of linear momenta on firing equal to m1 v1 + m2 v2.

According to the principle of conservation of linear momentum, total linear momentum

after firing should also be equal to zero.

Therefore, m1 v1 + m2 v2 = 0

v2 = − m1 v1m2

Question 1: Find the recoil velocity of a gun having mass equal to 5 kg, if a bullet of 25gm
acquires the velocity of 500m/s after firing from the gun.

Answer: Here given,

Mass of bullet (m1) = 25 gm = 0.025 kg

Velocity of bullet before firing (u1) = 0
Velocity of bullet after firing (v1) = 500 m/s
Mass of gun (m2) = 5 kg
Velocity of gun before firing, (u2) = 0
Velocity of gun after firing = ?

We know that,
⇒0.025 kg×0+5 kg×0⇒0.025 kg×0+5 kg×0 =0.025 kg×500m/s+5 kg×v2=0.025 kg×500m/s+5 k
⇒0=12.5 kg m/s+5 kg×v2⇒0=12.5 kg m/s+5 kg×v2
⇒5 kg×v2=−12.5 kg m/s⇒5 kg×v2=-12.5 kg m/s
⇒v2=−12.5 kg m/s5 kg⇒v2=-12.5 kg m/s5 kg
⇒v2=−2.5 m/s⇒v2=-2.5 m/s

Thus, recoil velocity of gun is equal to 2.5 m/s. Here negative (- ve) sign shows that gun moves
in the opposite direction of bullet.

Question 2: A bullet of 5 gm is fired from a pistol of 1.5 kg. If the recoil velocity of pistol is 1.5
m/s, find the velocity of bullet.

Answer: Here we have,

Mass of bullet, m1 = 5 gm = 5/1000 kg = 0.005 kg

Mass of pistol, m2 = 1.5 kg
Recoil velocity of pistol v2 = 1.5 m/s
Velocity of bullet v1 =?

Since, before firing the bullet and pistol are in rest, thus

Initial velocity of bullet, u1 =0

And initial recoil velocity of pistol, u2 =0

We know that,

⇒0.005 kg×0+1.5 kg×0⇒0.005 kg×0+1.5 kg×0 =0.005 kg×v1+1.5 kg×1.5m/s=0.005 kg×v1+1.5
⇒0=0.005 kg×v1+2.25 kg m/s⇒0=0.005 kg×v1+2.25 kg m/s
⇒0.005 kg×v1=−2.25 kg m/s⇒0.005 kg×v1=-2.25 kg m/s
⇒v1=−2.25 kg m/s0.005 kg⇒v1=-2.25 kg m/s0.005 kg
⇒v1=−450 m/s⇒v1=-450 m/s

Thus, velocity of bullet = 450 m/s, here negative sign with velocity of pistol shows that, bullet
moves in the opposite direction of pistol.

Question 3: A boy of 50 kg mass is running with a velocity of 2 m/s. He jumps over a stationary
cart of 2 kg while running. Find the velocity of cart after jumping of boy.

Answer: Here given,

Mass (m1) of boy = 50 kg
Initial Velocity (u1) of boy = 2 m/s
Mass (m2) of cart = 2 kg
Initial Velocity (u2) of cart = 0
Final velocity of cart (v2) =?

Since, boy jumped over cart thus, thus the final velocity (v1) of boy will be equal to that of the

Therefore, v1 = v2

We know that,

⇒50 kg×2ms−1+2 kg×0⇒50 kg×2ms-1+2 kg×0 =50 kg×v1+2 kg×v2=50 kg×v1+2 kg×v2

∵ v1=v2v1=v2
∴100 kg m/s=50 kg×v2+2 kg×v2∴100 kg m/s=50 kg×v2+2 kg×v2
⇒100 kg m/s=v2(50 kg+2 kg)⇒100 kg m/s=v2(50 kg+2 kg)
⇒100 kg m/s=v2×52 kg⇒100 kg m/s=v2×52 kg
⇒v2=100 kg m/s52 kg⇒v2=100 kg m/s52 kg
⇒v2=1.92 m/s⇒v2=1.92 m/s

Therefore, velocity of cart after jumping of boy over it is equal to 1.92 m/s. Since, velocity has
positive sign, thus, cart will go in the same direction of boy.

Question 4: While playing football match, Kris collided and got entangled with Tom who was
playing for opposite team and running from opposite side. The mass of Kris was 40 kg and the
mass of Tom was 60 kg. If Tom was running with a velocity of 3m/s and Kris was running with
a velocity of 4 m/s, find the velocity and direction of both of the players after collision assuming
other forces were negligible.


Mass of Kris (m1) = 40 kg

Initial velocity of Kris (u1) = 4 m/s
Mass of Tom (m2) = 60 kg
Initial velocity of Tom (u2) = 3 m/s
Final velocity and direction of both of the player after collision =?

Let final velocity of both of the players after collision = v

Let Kris was coming from left and Tom was coming from right.
Let the velocity of Kris is positive, therefore velocity of Tom will be negative as both were
running in opposite directions.

Thus, initial velocity of Kris (u1) = 4 m/s

And the initial velocity of Tom (u2) = - 3 m/s

We know that,

⇒40 kg×4m/s+60 kg×(−3m/s)⇒40 kg×4m/s+60 kg×(-
3m/s) =40 kg×v+60 kg×v=40 kg×v+60 kg×v
(Because entangled after collision both the player got same velocity)
⇒ 40 kg×4m/s+60 kg×(−3m/s)⇒ 40 kg×4m/s+60 kg×(-
3m/s) =40 kg×v+60 kg×v=40 kg×v+60 kg×v
⇒ 160 kg m/s−180 kg m/s⇒ 160 kg m/s-180 kg m/s =v(40 kg+60 kg)=v(40 kg+60 kg)
⇒ −20 kg m/s=v×100 kg⇒ -20 kg m/s=v×100 kg
⇒ v=−20 kg m/s100 kg⇒ v=-20 kg m/s100 kg
⇒ v=−0.2m/s⇒ v=-0.2m/s

Thus, velocity of both the player would become – 0.2 m/s. Negative velocity shows that they
would go from right to left after

Home work:
1. Do all te In text questions in the copy.
2. Do all the back exercise of the book.

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