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Ruzol Admin Law Reviewer

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The key takeaways are that administrative law regulates government action and balances executive power with separation of powers and judicial review. It establishes agencies' quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial authority while ensuring due process.

The major powers of administrative agencies are their quasi-legislative authority to make rules and their quasi-judicial power to adjudicate disputes.

The sources of administrative law are constitutional provisions, statutes, court decisions, agency rules and regulations, and agency orders and determinations in settling controversies.


Atty. Luie Guia

Trisha Ruzol
A. Nature  Institution
Administrative Law o Administration as the aggregate of individuals in
 Branch of modern law under which the executive whose hands the reins of government are for the
department of the government, acting in a quasi- time being.
legislative or quasi-judicial capacity, interferes with the  Function
conduct of the individual for the purpose of promoting o Actual running of the government by the
the well-being of the community executive authorities
 The legislative and judicial departments no longer had o Through the enforcement of laws and
either the time or the needed expertise to attend to these implementation of policies
new problems o Ex: collecting taxes, prosecuting lawbreakers,
o Solution: delegation of power enforcing sanitary rules ets.
 Regulates a private right for public welfare Administration is internal or external
 Fixes organization of the government and determines the  Internal
competence of authorities to execute the la o Rules laid down in a particular agency which are
imposed (work assignments, uniforms)
Major powers of the administrative agency o Relations of officers with each other/with
administration itself
 Quasi-legislative authority– rule making power o Involve law of public officers (qualifications,
 Quasi-judicial power – adjudicatory function selection, powers, duties etc)

Sources of Administrative Law  External

1. Constitution or statutory enactments o Relations between admin agency and individuals
a. Social Security Act which established the Social affected by quasi-judicial and quasi-legislative
Security Commission. activities
2. Decisions of courts interpreting the charters of
administrative bodies Government (as distinguished from administration) is the
3. Rules and regulations issued by the administrative agency or instrumentality through which the will of the State is
bodies formulated, expressed and realized
a. Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Code
b. Rules by SEC amd IPO
Administration Law
4. Determinations and orders of the administrative bodies
in the settlement of controversies Preventive, personal; Punitive, impersonal;
a. Awards by the NLRC Seeks to spare individuals Maintains an eye on those
from punishment by who violate the law
persuading him to observe
Atty. Luie Guia
Trisha Ruzol
its commands o Encroaches on power of executive by giving
B. Governing Constitutional Principles - Separation of Congress a direct role in enforcing
Powers and the Exercise of Executive Power o Encroaches on judiciary when it gives Congress
 Rules are laid down by legislature the discretion to approve/disapprove admin
 Enforced by the executive regulations on WON they conform with the law
 Subject to the application and interpretation of the  GR: Oversight Committee can only scrutinize, investigate,
judiciary and supervise

Delegation of Powers AMIN Party-List Group v. Executive Secretary

 No branch of government can abdicate authority by  President has the power to reorganize the executive
delegating it to another body branch
o Xpn: when delegation is authorized by Consti (to  Power of control of the President over exec department,
LGUs and Admin bodies) bureaus, and offices
o Legislature can delegate quasi-legislative and  Administrative powers – supervise and enforce laws
quasi-judicial function (as long as incident to
admin functions) Lacson-Magallanes v. Pano
 President has power of control of the executive
Belgica vs. Ochoa o Power to rule on the correctness of a decision of a
 Pork barrel case (corruption via kickbacks) department secretary
 Allocation of money from which they can identify which  Executive Secretary may reverse the decision when he is
project the money goes acting by authority of the President
 Congress’ power to appropriate should be prior to law
being effective (Congress cannot choose a mode of II. ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES
budgeting) Administrative agency
 Malampaya funds = there was discretion by the President  A body endowed with quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial
for fund allocation = fund allocation is congressional powers for the purpose of enforcement or execution of
function the law
 An arm of the legislature - it is authorize to promulgate
ABAKADA v. Purisima rules
 Attrition Act – rewards system and sanctions to those  A court - performs functions of a particular judicial
who exceed their revenue targets character, as when it decides factual and sometimes even
 Created an oversight committee = unconstitutional for legal questions as an incident of its general power of
violating separation of powers regulation.
 Involves supervision through legislative veto  Created by the Constitution or by a statute
Atty. Luie Guia
Trisha Ruzol
o If created by the Constitution, the administrative
body can be altered or abolished only by Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority v. Manila Pest Control Co.
Constitution (CSC, COMELEC, COA)  FPA is an Attached Agency to DA
o If created by statute, the legislature that breathed  FPA only has jurisdiction over agricultural/farm
life into it can amend or even repeal its charter, pesticides not urban pest control products
thereby resulting in its abolition which is justified  Used STATCON, “fertilizer” and “pesticide” always came
if made in good faith (BIR, PRC, SEC, BSP) with “agriculture”

Types of Administrative Agencies UP vs. Dizon

1. Agencies where the government is offering a grant or  UP is a government instrumentality whose funds are
special privilege public funds = not subject to garnishment
a. Philippine Veterans Administration  Funds are already appropriated hence diversion of funds
2. Agencies where the government is seeking to carry out that disrupt public services is not allowed
certain functions  Remedy of Stern Builders = file money claim with COA
a. CSC, BSP, BIR, Bureau of Immigration
3. Agencies performing some business service for the public Liban v. Gordon
a. MWSS, Bureau of Posts, Postal Savings Bank  Declared that Gordon has forfeited his seat in Senate for
4. Agencies regulating business affected with public interest Red Cross
a. Phil Patent Office, Fiber Inspection Board  PNRC (Red Cross) is sui generis institution that performs
5. Agencies regulating private business and individuals public function but not a government agency
under police power  PNRC was created by Pres. Roxas as a non-profit
a. SEC, MTRCB, PRC, Board of Food Inspectors organization to bring humanitarian assistance
6. Agencies that adjust individual controversies because of  PNRC is not government-owned but privately owned and
some strong social policy gets its funds through donations
a. NLRC, Bureau of Labor Standards, Court of
Agrarian Relations United Residents of Dominican Hills, Inc. v. COSLAP
 COSLAP is an administrative agency performing quasi-
Mactan-Cebu International Airport Authority v. City of Lapu- judicial function and not a court
Lapu  It may not assume jurisdiction over cases pending in
 regular courts and cannot impose its judgment upon the
 Airport was created by Congress = MCIAA is a judiciary
Government Instrumentality NOT a GOCC
 Gov’t instrumentalities are exempt from real property tax Philippine Anti-Dollar Salting Task Force v. CA
 Xpn to xpn: airport is not a taxable entity because it is a  Dollar salting = stashing of foreign money in bank
government entity, for public purpose accounts abroad without authority from the CB
Atty. Luie Guia
Trisha Ruzol
 The PADS task force is not mean to exercise quasi- of the various departs are agents of the President,
judicial functions = only determines probable cause and pursuant to Sec. 17 of the Consti
conduct preliminary investigation  President can delegate his powers to the Cabinet
members except when required by the Consti to
Creation, Reorganization, and Abolition of Administrative personally act
Agencies  DENR Sec. can validly reorganize the DENR as an alter
 President is vested with the power to reorganize ego of the president
executive agencies
De la Llana v. Alba
Biraogo vs. Philippine Truth Commission  Under Sec. 1, Art. X, courts are not entailed to their
 The creation of a fact-finding body to investigate cases of judges; power of legislative to establish inferior courts
graft and corruption is within the powers of the presupposes the power to abolish those courts
President under his mandate of faithfully executing the  If the inferior court is abolished, the presiding judge will
laws lose his position
 Constitutionality of EO 1, creating the PTC  Abolition must be made in good faith


 Authority of the President to reorganize in line with its A. Powers of Administrative Agencies in General
power of control and by virtue of valid delegation of Genuino v. De Lima
legislative power  There is no enabling law allowing the DOJ to issue rules
 Reorganize the National Printing Office; it was not and regulations on the issuances of HDO, WLO, and ADO
abolished nor were its functions transferred to another  GMA requested from DOJ an ADO to seek medical
agency assistance abroad; denied

Pichay v. Office of the Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Smart Communications v. NTC
Affairs Investigative and Adjudication Division  Power of administrative agencies must be within the
 Authority of the President to Reorganize the Presidential confines of the granting legislation and doctrine of non-
Anti-Graft Commission to the ODESLA delegability and separability of powers

DENR v. DENR Region 12 Employees Soriano v. Laguardia

 Power to reorganize can be delegated under the doctrine  Power of Administrative Agencies are granted or
of Qualified Political Agency delegated to them expressly or impliedly by law
 The doctrine of Qualified Political Agency recognizes the  To determine the powers of an admin agency, the inquiry
establishment of a single executive, all executive and should be from the enabling law
admin orgs are adjuncts of the Exec. Dept and the heads
Atty. Luie Guia
Trisha Ruzol
 Ang Dating Daan is regulated by the MTRCB pursuant to C. Quasi-Legislative Power of Administrative Agencies
PD 1986 Quasi-Legislative Power
 Authority delegated by the legislature to the
Provincial Bus Operators Association of the PH v. DOLE administrative body to adopt rules and regulations
 How to determine if the act under review is quasi- intended to carry out the provisions of a law and
legislative or quasi-judicial implement legislative policy
 If validity or constitutionality of a rule issued by admin  Rules are legally binding and have statutory force
agency thru quasi-legislative, regular courts have  Formulate interpretative rulings that are accorded great
jurisdiction weight but no statutory force
 If quasi-judicial, Congress may require certain quasi-  Legislation on the administrative level = subordinate
judicial agencies to take cognizance before resorting to legislation
courts (exhaustion)  intended to enable it to implement the policy of the law
 Primary Jurisdiction and to provide for the more effective enforcement of its
o Courts should not resolve a question which is provisions
within the jurisdiction of an admin tribunal  construed as a whole and to be part of the powers of
 Exhaustion admin bodies
o Parties should exhaust all remedies in admin  no retroactive effect unless intended to
agencies before going to court
o Court and admin agency have concurrent Kinds of Administrative Regulations
jurisdiction A. Legislative
a. Implement a primary legislation by
B. Administrative/Enforcement Power supplementing the statute, filling in the details, or
“making the law”, and usually acting pursuant to
Jalosjos v. COMELEC a specific delegation of legislative power
 Enforcing a final decision imposing perpetual b. Legislative regulation is issued by the admin body
disqualification to hold public office is administrative in pursuant to a valid delegation of legislative
nature power
c. intended to have the binding the force and effect
Bautista v. CA, G.R. No. 143375 of a law enacted by the legislature itself
 Preliminary Investigation is merely inquisitorial and not d. implement existing law, impose general, extra-
a Quasi-Judicial function statutory obligations pursuant to authority
 Prosecutor in PI does not determine the guilt or delegated by Congress
innocence of the accused, only a means of discovering the e. Supplementary
person to be charged
Atty. Luie Guia
Trisha Ruzol
i. Intended to fill in the details of the law Executive Secretary v. South wing Heavy Industries
and “to make explicit what is only  Requisites for a valid admin issuance [see below]
f. Contingent Requisites of Administrative Regulation
i. Issued by admin authority based on the A. Its promulgation must be authorized by the legislature
existence of certain facts upon which the B. It must be within the scope of the authority given by the
enforcement of the law depends on legislature
ii. issued upon the happening of a certain C. It must be promulgated in accordance with the
contingency which the administrative prescribed procedure
body is given the discretion to determine D. It must be reasonable.
or to ascertain some circumstances and
on the basis thereof may enforce or First Requisite: Promulgation Must Be Authorized by the
suspend the operation of a law Legislature
iii. whether a statute shall go into effect  Authority to promulgate the regulation is usually
B. Interpretative conferred by the Charter itself of the administrative body
a. Interpret the statute being administered, to say or by the law it is supposed to enforce.
what it means; construction of a statute.  All that is required is that the regulation be not in
b. Issued as an incident to its power to enforce the contravention with it, but to conform to the standards
law and is intended merely to clarify its that the law prescribes.
provisions for proper observance by the people.
c. have the force of law, are entitled to great Review Center Association of the PH v. Executive Secretary
respect, and have in their favor a presumption of  An admin order is an ordinance issued by the President
legality which related to administrative operations of
government. It must be in harmony with the law and
Republic v. Drugmaker’s Laboratories should implement the law and carry out legislative policy
 GR: admin regulation must comply with prior notice,
hearing, and publication in order to be valid and binding Second Requisite: Regulation Must Be Within the Scope of
 XPN: if it is merely interpreative the Authority Given by the Legislature
 Assuming a valid authorization, it is still necessary that
SEC v. Interport Resources Corporation the regulation promulgated must not be ultra vires or
 Mere absence of IRRs cannot invalidate a statute where a beyond the authority conferred.
reasonable construction that will support it may be given
 The necessity for Administrative Agencies to promulgate Lokin v. COMELEC
rules = impracticability of lawmakers providing  The function of promulgating IRRs may be exercised only
regulations for various details of management for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of a law
Atty. Luie Guia
Trisha Ruzol
 Admin regulations cannot extend the law and amend a o XPN: merely interprets a law or internal in nature
legislative enactment  Publication must be in full or it is no publication at all =
inform the public of the contents of the law
GMA News Network v. COMELEC
 Aggregate basis for allowable time went beyond Tanada v. Tuvera
authority provided by law  Requirement of publication for issuances of public nature
 COMELEC is the office authorized to enforce election or of general applicability
laws but it cannot exercise its powers without limits or
reasonable basis Abella v. CSC
 Its discretion must be exercised within the limit and  Prior notice and hearing not essential in validity of rules
intent of the law applicable to future conduct

Bito-onon v. Fernandez CIR v .CA

 DILG Issuance providing resort to Courts in Liga elections  Fortune tobacco case
beyond what is required by law  Prior notice and hearing required when rule adds
 Amendment of guidelines is more an exercise of substantial burden on the governed
supervision but exercise of control which the president
does not have over the Liga Villanueva v. JBC
 Submission of Rules to the Office of National
Third Requisite: Regulation Must Be Promulgated in Administrative Register (ONAR) is confined to issuances
Accordance with the Prescribed Procedure of admin agencies under Exec branch
 Does not require previous notice and hearing  Since JBC is under the SC, it is not covered by publication
o XPN when the legislature itself requires it under the Admin Code
 In the absence of such a requirement, the administrative  JBC policy of requiring 5 years of service for judges
body can promulgate the regulation in its exclusive should be published = seeks to implement a
discretion. constitutional provision requiring proven competence
 If the regulation is a settlement of a controversy between
specific parties, it is considered an administrative GSIS v. Daymiel
adjudication and so will require notice and hearing.  Publication is indispensable in the validity of legislative
Publication rules of admin agencies
 Art. 2, NCC: laws “shall take effect after 15 days following  Accountant, retirement benefits from GSIS
the completion of their publication either in the Official  Assailed resolution creates a burden to those governed
Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation in the when it is implemented, hence needs to be published
Philippines, unless it is otherwise provided.
 GR: if it is of general application and penal in nature Fourth Requisite: Regulation Must Be Reasonable
Atty. Luie Guia
Trisha Ruzol
 Must not be unreasonable or arbitrary as to violate due  Regulation should be read in harmony with the statute
process; must accomplish the spirit and intent of the and not in violation of the authority conferred on the
statute administrative authorities
 Depends on the character and nature of the conditions  The admin regulation that contravenes the statute is
met invalid

PAGCOR v. Philippine E-Gaming Jurisdiction, Inc.,

Taxicab Operators of Metro Manila v. Board of  Interpretation of OP deserves respect = doctrine of
Transportation respect for admin or practical construction
 Not denied due process = they were called to a
conference or required to submit position papers Enforcement
 6 year ceiling for a car to be operated as a taxi =  Power to promulgate admin regulations carries with it
reasonable standard the implied power to enforce them
 May be effected through judicial action or through
Penal Regulations sanctions that the statute itself may allow the admin
 The power to define and punish crime is exclusively body to impose.
legislative; cannot be delegated to the administrative
authorities Amendment or Repeal
 Admin regulations cannot give rise to criminal  Admin regulations promulgated are subject to
prosecution unless the legislature makes such violation amendment or repeal by the authorities that
punishable and imposes the corresponding sanctions. promulgated them in the first place
 May be changed directly by the legislature
Special requisites of a valid administrative regulation with a
penal sanction: D. Quasi-Judicial Power
A. The law itself must make violation of the administrative  Power to determine questions of fact to which the
regulation punishable legislative policy is to apply, in accordance with the
B. The law itself must impose and specify the penalty for standards laid down by the law
the violation of the regulation  Incidental or in connection to performance
C. The regulation must be published.  Enabling powers
o Allows something to be done (licenses)
People v. Santos o SEC – allows issuance of securities
o Phil Patent Office – issue patents, copyrights,
Construction and Interpretation trademarks
 Directing powers
o Definition, valuation, classification, fact-finding
Atty. Luie Guia
Trisha Ruzol
B. Due process must be observed in the conduct of the
Quasi-Judicial Judicial proceedings
 Hear and  Determine
determine questions of A. Jurisdiction
controversies legal rights  Competence of an office or body to act on a given matter
or decide a certain question
incident to  By courts
 Without jurisdiction, the determination is null and
admin duty  Legal questions without any legal effect whatsoever
 By admin  Legislature that has the power to confer jurisdiction and
authorities so limit or expand its authority
 Factual  Admin body has its own jurisdiction as conferred upon it
questions by its charter
 The law may allow some admin bodies to award certain
kinds of damages while denying the same power to other
SEC v. Universal Rightfield Property Holding, Inc administrative bodies
 Due process: opportunity to be heard and to file motion  Ex. SEC and NLRC are allowed to award damages but not
for reconsideration NTC
 Defect can be cured by filing an MR  unless expressly empowered, administrative agencies
are bereft of quasi-judicial power
LBP v. Natividad
 Primary jurisdiction is vested in the DAR to determine Davao New Town Development Corp v. COSLAP
just compensation for lands under ARP but can be  Tribunals of limited jurisdiction could only wield such as
challenged before the courts that granted them by enabling statute
 Rules of Procedures need to be followed  Grant of exclusive and primary jurisdiction of ARP cases
to the DAR means that no other court, tribunal or agency
Cariño v. CHR is authorized to resolve cases cognizable by the DAR
 CHR does not have quasi-judicial powers; It can
investigate and fact-find but cannot try and decide cases Unduran v. Aberasturi
 “investigate” = examine, inquire or probe  Jurisdiction of Administrative Agency v. RTC
 “adjudicate” = judge, settle, rule on  RTC exercises exclusive original jurisdiction in all civil
2 Conditions:
A. Jurisdiction must be properly acquired by the Continental Micronesia, Inc. v. Basso
administrative body  Jurisdiction over a foreigner in a labor case
Atty. Luie Guia
Trisha Ruzol
 Foreign corps doing business in the PH be licensed to do  Where expressly granted the power of adjudication, it is
so is subject to PH jurisdiction deemed also vested with the implied power to prescribe
the rules to be observed in the conduct of its proceedings
San Miguel Properties v. Sec. Hernando Perez,  rules must not violate fundamental rights or encroach
 Primary jurisdiction = Rely on expertise, special skills, upon constitutional prerogatives
and knowledge of agency to determine questions of facts
 Relief must first be obtained in admin proceedings before Angara v. Electoral Commission
going to the courts
 Action for specific performance can be brought only in Philippine Lawyers Association v. Agrava
DARAB v. Lubrica
Smart Communications v. NTC  Rules of procedures must not expand jurisdiction
 Primary jurisdiction of administrative agencies applies
only in the exercise of their quasi-judicial function Power to Issue Subpoena
 In cases involving specialized disputes, refer the same to  The power to issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum
an administrative agency of special competence is not inherent in administrative bodies
 The courts will not determine a controversy involving a  Admin bodies may summon witnesses and require the
question within the jurisdiction of the admin tribunal production of evidence only when duly allowed by law,
prior to the resolution of that question by the admin and always only in connection with the matter they are
tribunal authorized to investigate
 discretion requiring the special knowledge, experience  Unless otherwise provided by law, the agency may
and services of the admin tribunal to determine technical invoke the aid of RTC within whose jurisdiction the
and intricate matters of fact, and a uniformity of ruling is contested case falls
essential to comply with the premises of the regulatory  The Court may punish customacy or refusal as contempt
statute administered.
Carmelo v. Ramos
Office of the OMB v. Masing
 Jurisdiction by the Ombudsman on administrative cases Power to Investigate
against all public officers and employees  to discover, to find out, to learn, obtain information.
Power to Adjudicate
Honasan II, v. Panel of Investigating Prosecutors of the DOJ  to settle in the exercise of judicial authority
 Ombudsman’s jurisdiction to investigate public officers,
though primary, is not exclusive but concurrent Contempt Power
 Power to punish for contempt is essentially judicial and
Power to Promulgate Rules of Procedure cannot be claimed as an inherent right by the admin body
Atty. Luie Guia
Trisha Ruzol
 To be validly exercised, it must be expressly conferred  Instances when notice and hearing can validly be omitted
upon the body and, additionally, must be used only in  Urgency of immediate action and the fact that the right
connection with its quasi-judicial functions had previously been offered but not claimed
 If subpoena of the admin body is disregarded, the person
summoned may not be directly discipline by that body IV. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS
 The proper remedy is for the administrative body to seek A. Administrative Due Process
assistance of the courts of justice for the enforcement of  There is no requirement for strict adherence to technical
its order. rules as are observed in truly judicial proceedings
 The power to hold in contempt must be exercised not on  GR: unrestricted by the technical or formal rules of
the vindictive, but on the preservative principle procedure which govern trials before a court. This rule is
 COMELEC, NLRC, CIR applied to questions of evidence, pleading and other
Tolentino v. Inciong  Essential that due process must be observed = fair play
 An administrative agency cannot cite a Judge in contempt
as it has no power to do so 7 CARDINAL RIGHTS

Guevarra v. COMELEC A. Right to a hearing

 Contempt citation can only be made in matters related to a. Present one’s case and submit evidence in
an agency’s exercise of Quasi-Judicial function support of this
b. Liberty and property = fair play
Bedol v. COMELEC B. The tribunal must consider the evidence presented
 COMELEC is granted power to issue contempt citation a.
because it is provided by law C. The decision must be supported by evidence
Simon v. CHR D. evidence must be substantial evidence – relevant
 CHR has power to provide in its rule the power to issue evidence that a reasonable mind may accept as
contempt citation adequate to support a conclusion
E. the decision must be rendered on the evidence presented
B. Notice and Hearing at the hearing, or at least contained in the record and
 Essential to due process and its non-observance will disclosed to the parties
invalidate the administrative proceedings F. the court must act on its or their own independent
 Persons are entitled to be notified of any pending case consideration of the law and facts of controversy, and not
affecting their interests so that they may claim the right simply accept the views of a subordinate in arriving at a
to appear and present their side or refute the position of decision
opposing parties G. the court should render its decision in such a manner
that the parties to the proceeding can know the various
Atty. Luie Guia
Trisha Ruzol
issues involved, and the reasons for the decisions grant provisional reliefs, such as writs of preliminary
rendered attachment or injunction, intended to ensure the
enforcement of their adjudications.
 It is basic to due process that the tribunal considering the  It is established that administrative agencies who have
administrative question be impartial, to ensure a fair not been conferred the power to enforce their quasi-
decision. judicial decisions may invoke court action for the
 The law does not require another notice and hearing for purpose.
a review of the decision of the board
 Unless otherwise provided by law or executive order, an Soriano v. Laguardia
appeal from a final decision of the administrative agency Pharmaceutical and Health Care Association v. Duque
may be taken to the department head, whose decision
may further be brought to the regular courts of justice, in Res Judicata
accordance with the procedure specified by law.  GR: is that an administrative decision is not considered
res judicata so as to preclude its subsequent
Ang Tibay v. CIR reconsideration or revocation.
GSIS v. CA  Decisions of the previous incumbents of the
Estrada v. Office of the OMB administrative body may be modified or reversed by
Samalio v. CA their successors in the exercise of their own powers of
DLSU v. CA adjudication.
Perez v. People  Where the administrative decision has been affirmed by
Montemayor v. Bundalian a court decision, the doctrine of res judicata is applicable
 The effect of res judicata attaches to the judgment of the
Enforcement of Decision reviewing court rather than to the administrative
 In the absence of any statute providing for the judgment
enforcement of an administrative determination, the  Decisions and orders of administrative agencies,
same cannot be enforced except possibly by appeal to the rendered pursuant to their quasi-judicial authority, have
force of public opinion. upon their finality, the force and binding effect of a final
 Usually, however, the administrative body is allowed judgment within the purview of the doctrine of res
certain sanctions that it may impose directly for the judicata.
enforcement of its own decisions, i.e. revocation of or  This principle is, however, not applicable to all
refusal to renew licenses, destruction of unlawful administrative proceedings, such proceedings that are
articles, summary closure of stores, refusal to grant non-litigious and summary in nature without regard to
clearances, issuance of cease and desist orders, detention legal technicalities obtaining in courts of law.
and deportation of aliens, and imposition of fines.
 Significantly, many administrative bodies, such as the Montemayor v. Bundalian
SEC and the NLRC, have been vested with authority to
Atty. Luie Guia
Trisha Ruzol
Gonzales v. OP issued under the Labor Code of the Philippines and by
United Pepsi Cola Supervisory Union v. Laguesma the Central Board of Assessment Appeals.”
 Other appeals are prescribed by special laws, such as RA
V. JUDICIAL REVIEW No. 1125, providing for appeal to the Court of Tax
Art. VIII, Sec. 1, Consti Appeals of any decision rendered by the Commissioner of
 Judicial power is vested in the SC and lower courts Internal Revenue, the Commissioner of Customs, or any
 Duty of the courts to settle actual controversies and to provincial or city board of assessment appeals.
determine whether or not there has been grave abuse of
discretion Akbayan Youth v. COMELEC
Rentokil Philippines, Inc. v. Sanchez
Rule 43 - Appeals from the CTA and Quasi-Judicial Agencies to
the CA Methods of review
Rule 64 - Review of Judgments and Final Orders or Resolutions  prescribed by the Constitution, statutes or the Rules of
of the COMELEC and COA the Court. These methods may be specific or general.
Rule 65 - Certiorari, Prohibition and Mandamus  It is provided in RA No. 5434 that an appeal from a final
award, order or decisions of the Patent Office shall be
General Rules taken by filing with said body and with the Court of
 An administrative decision may be appealed to the courts Appeals a notice of appeal within 15 days from notice of
of justice only if the Constitution or the law permits it or such award, order or ruling, copies being served on all
if the question to be reviewed is a question of law interested parties.
 However, jurisprudence is replete with cases where the  The Administrative Code generally provides that an
Supreme Court has applied the exceptions rather than appeal from an agency decision shall be perfected by
the rule. filing with the agency within 15 days from receipt of a
 In the case of the constitutional commission, i.e., the copy thereof a notice of appeal, and with the reviewing
Commission on Elections, the Commission on Audit, and court a petition for review of the order. Copies of the
the Civil Service Commission, it is provided that “any petition shall be served upon the agency and all parties of
decision order or ruling of each Commission may be record.
brought to the Supreme Court on certiorari by the  The petition shall contain a concise statement of the
aggrieved party within 30 days from receipt of a copy issues involved and the grounds relied upon for the
thereof.” review, and shall be accompanied with a true copy of the
 On the basis of Sec. 16 of the Interim Rules and Guideline order appealed from, together with copies of such
implementing Sec. 9 (3) of BP Blg. 129, the Court of material portions of the records as are referred to
Appeals may “review final decisions, orders, awards or therein and other supporting papers.
resolutions or regional trial courts and of all quasi-  The Supreme Court instructed certain universally
judicial bodies, except the Commission on Elections, the accepted axioms governing judicial review through the
Commission on Audit, the Sandiganbayan, and decisions
Atty. Luie Guia
Trisha Ruzol
extraordinary actions of certiorari or prohibition of 4. Judicial review of administrative cases is usually effected
determinations of administrative officers or agencies: through the special civil actions of certiorari, mandamus
 First, before said actions may be entertained, it must be and prohibition, which are available only if there is no
shown that all the administrative remedies prescribed by other plain, speedy and adequate remedy.
law or ordinance have been exhausted; and,
 Second, that the administrative decision may properly be Information Technology Foundation of the Philippines v.
annulled or set aside only upon a clear showing that the COMELEC
administrative official or tribunal has acted without or in Alexandra Condominium v. LLDA
excess of jurisdiction, or with a grave abuse of discretion. Paat v. CA
Ruivivar v. OMB
Doctrine of Primary Jurisdiction or Prior Resort
 simply calls for the determination of administrative B. Exceptions
questions, which ordinarily questions of fact, by 1. When the question raised is purely legal (question of law
administrative agencies rather courts of justice. is involved)
 If the case is such that its determination requires the 2. When the administrative body is estoppel
expertise, specialized skills and knowledge of the proper 3. When the act complained of is patently illegal
administrative bodies because technical matters or 4. When there is urgent need for judicial intervention
intricate questions of facts are involved, then relief must 5. When the claim involved is small
first be obtained in an administrative proceeding before 6. When irreparable damage will be suffered
a remedy will be supplied by the courts even though the 7. When there is no other plain, speedy and adequate
matter is within the proper jurisdiction of the court remedy
8. When strong public interest is involved
Doctrine of Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies 9. When the subject of the controversy is private land
 an administrative decision must first be appealed to the 10. In quo warranto proceedings
administrative superior up to the highest level before it
may be elevated to a court of justice for review. Cuevas v. Macatangay
Jacinto-Henares v. Philippine Plaza Holdings, Inc.
A. Reasons Association of Non-Profit Club, Inc. v. BIR
1. The administrative superiors, if given the opportunity, Puerto Del Sol Palawan, Inc. v. Gabaen
can correct the errors committed by their subordinates Diocese of Bacolod v. COMELEC
2. Courts should as much as possible refrain from Sangguniang Barangay of Don Mariano Marcos v. Martinez
disturbing the findings of administrative bodies in PhilHealth v. Chinese General Hospital
deference to the doctrine of separation of powers Phillips Seafood Corp v. BOI
3. On practical grounds, it is best that the courts should not Penafrancia Shipping Corporation v. 168 Shipping Lines, Inc.
be saddled with the review of administrative cases
C. Appeal to the President
Atty. Luie Guia
Trisha Ruzol
 Of special interest is the question of whether or not a A. Questions of fact
decision of the cabinet member has to be appealed first  Review of the administrative decision lies in the
to the President before it may be brought to a court of discretion of the legislature, which may or may not
justice. Jurisprudence on this matter is rather indecisive. permit it as it sees fit.
 In the early case of Demaisip vs. Court of Appeals, the  Even if allowed to review administrative decisions on
Court held that appeal to the President was not necessary questions of fact, courts of justice generally defer to such
because the Cabinet member was after all his alter ego decisions and will decline to disturb them except only
and, under the doctrine of qualified political agency, the where there is a clear showing of arbitrariness or grave
acts of the secretary were the acts of the President. abuse of discretion.
 This view was abandoned in Calo vs. Fuertes, where it  The Supreme Court ruled in Osias Academy vs. DOLE that
was held that appeal to the President was the final step in “findings of administrative agencies which have
the administrative process and therefore a condition acquired expertise because their jurisdiction is
precedent to appeal to the courts. confined to specific matters are generally accorded
 In Bartulata vs. Peralta, however, the court reinstated not only respect but finality.”
the Demaisip doctrine, again on the basis of alter ego
justification B. Questions of Law
 Tan vs. Director of Forestry, thereafter revived Calo  the administrative decision may be appealed to the
andagain required appeal to the President as a courts of justice independently of legislative permission
prerequisite to an appeal of a Cabinet member's decision or even against legislative prohibition. The reason is that
to the courts of Justice. the judiciary cannot be deprived of its inherent power to
review all decisions on questions of law, whether made
D. Effect of Non-compliance initially by lower courts and more so by an
 The failure to exhaust administrative remedies does not administrative body.
affect the jurisdiction of the court and merely results in  Administrative bodies may be allowed to resolve
the lack of a cause of action which may be invoked in a questions of law in the exercise of their quasi-judicial
motion to dismiss. function as an incident of their primary power of
 If this ground to dismiss the court action is not properly regulation.
or reasonably invoked, the court may proceed to hear the  However as a rule, it is only the judicial tribunal that
case. can interpret and decide the question of law with
 As previously noted, the court has the discretion to finality.
require the observance of the doctrine of exhaustion of
administrative remedies and may, if it sees fit, dispense
with it and proceed with the disposition of the case.

Questions Reviewable
Atty. Luie Guia
Trisha Ruzol

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