Installation and Operating Instructions: Controller Unit Esp-Sat and MAXICOM Interface Board (MIB) Kit
Installation and Operating Instructions: Controller Unit Esp-Sat and MAXICOM Interface Board (MIB) Kit
Installation and Operating Instructions: Controller Unit Esp-Sat and MAXICOM Interface Board (MIB) Kit
Controller Unit
MAXICOM Interface Board (MIB) Kit
Safety Information
Important safety information and warning messages appear throughout this manual. To ensure correct
operation and to avoid additional expense, read this manual thoroughly before you begin installation.
The lightening flash with L’éclair avec is symbole de la flèche,
arrowhead symbol, within an placé dans les limites d’un triangle
equilateral triangle, is intended équilatéral est prévu pour avertir
to alert the user to the presence of l’utilisateur de la présence de
uninsulated “dangerous voltage” “tension dangereuse” non isolée
within the product’s enclosure that dans l’enceinte du produit qui
may be of sufficient magnitude to pourrait ëtre d’une importance
constitute a risk of electric shock to suffisante pour présenter un risque
persons. d’électrocution aux personnes.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Welcome to Rain Bird . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
The ESP-SAT Controller and MAXICOM Interface Board (MIB) Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Special Features and Model Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Overview of the MAXICOM Central Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
About This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Thank you for purchasing your new, state-of-the-art Rain Bird controller. For more than six
decades, Rain Bird has led the irrigation industry in meeting all of your water management
needs by providing the highest quality products and services available. Your new Rain Bird
controller is designed to give you a lifetime of on-site watering control.
The MAXICOM Interface Board (MIB) kit for the ESP-MC controller converts the stand-
alone ESP-MC to an ESP-SAT controller that can be linked to the MAXICOM system.
Introduction (continued)
The ESP-SAT controllers are available as Wall-mount (WM) or stainless steel Pedestal-
mount (SS) models, with 12-, 16-, 24-, 32- or 40-station capability and all have the following
special features:
Introduction (continued)
• Surge protection
• Satellite interface for use with MAXI, MAXICOM, and Links Master control systems
All ESP-SAT controller models are also available with the following satellite data path
Introduction (continued)
The ESP-SAT controllers are one part of Rain Bird’s MAXICOM Central Control System.
(See the illustration on the next page.) The satellite controllers receive commands from the
cluster control unit (CCU) and operate stations according to schedules programmed at the
central computer.
1. Central Computer uses MAXICOM software program to control the entire irrigation
2. Computer Data Path transfers information from the central computer to the CCU by
phone communication or by radio/direct communication.
3. Cluster Control Unit operates field devices by executing commands received from the
central computer.
4. Satellite Data Path transfers information from the cluster control unit to the field
devices by a two-wire path (TW) or by MAXILink radio
7. Weather Station interprets weather conditions and sends information to the cen-
tral computer.
Note: Your ESP-SAT controller is already set up for satellite data path installations. Some additional
equipment may be required for some types of installations.
MAXICOM Central Control System
Phone Radio/Direct
1. Central
Computer Central Computer
3. CCU at site at site
4. Satellite
Data Path Two-wire Path (TW) MAXILink Radio (LINK)
7. Weather
Station Weather Station
Introduction (continued)
• making the field valve, communications, main power, and grounding connections for an
ESP-SAT controller,
• installing a MAXICOM Interface Board (MIB) into an existing ESP-MC controller to con-
vert it to an ESP-SAT controller.
If you are installing a new Wall-mount ESP-SAT controller, begin with "Chapter 1:
Installing the Controller" on page 7.
If you are installing a new Pedestal-mount ESP-SAT controller, begin with "Chapter 1:
Installing the Controller" on page 12.
If you are installing a MAXICOM Interface Board into an ESP-MC controller to convert it
from a stand alone controller to a satellite-capable controller, begin with "Appendix B:
Installing a MAXICOM Interface Board (MIB)" on page 56.
Chapter 2 contains instructions for connecting the controller. Chapter 3 presents program-
ming and operating information. Chapter 4 suggests answers to any problems you may
Chapter 1: Installing the Controller
Important: Before installing your controller, make sure that the area around you is free from
dirt and dust and that your hands and arms are clean. This will avoid contamination of the
controller’s internal parts.
Warning! Don’t let water or other liquids come in contact with any part inside the con-
troller cabinet.
If you have the Wall-mount ESP-SAT controller, follow the instructions for "Wall-mount
Installation," which begin on this page. If you have a Pedestal-mount ESP-SAT controller,
follow the instructions for "Pedestal-mount Installation," which begin on page 12.
Wall-mount Installation
Choosing a Location
When choosing the best location to install your wall-mount controller, please consider the
✔ Warning! All wiring must be installed and connected in accordance with local codes.
✔ We recommend an indoor area, protected from vandalism, where the user can easily
reach the controller.
✔ Select a location that has access to 120 volt AC electrical power (or the proper electrical
supply voltage outside the United States).
✔ Choose a flat, stable, vertical surface where you can mount the controller. Allow suffi-
cient conduit clearance for the electrical connections at the bottom of the controller cabi-
✔ Allow 14" (35.9 cm) minimum clearance for the hinged cabinet door to swing fully to
the left.
14" (36 cm) 11-1/4"
minimum (28.8 cm)
Cabinet is
6-5/8" (17 cm)
To Fuse (28.2 cm)
120 Volt AC
Wiring in Conduit Locate for
and Housing easy access
and for
in Conduit
Chapter 1: Installing the Controller (continued)
Before you begin installation, you will need the following tools:
✔ Wire Strippers
✔ Lineman’s Pliers
✔ Needlenose Pliers
✔ Tape Measure
✔ Marking Pencil
✔ Metal or Plastic Anchors (Toggle Bolts may be used if installing in drywall. We strongly
advise you to locate a wall stud and mount at least one mounting screw into the stud.)
Chapter 1: Installing the Controller (continued)
Removing the Controller’s Faceplate 4. Disconnect the wide gray ribbon cable
by grasping the wide sides of the con-
You must first remove the faceplate before nector and gently pulling the connector
you can mount the controller. To do so, away from the terminal board.
1. Remove the controller cabinet door 5. Disconnect the six-wire cable from the
from its two hinges by opening the door MAXICOM Interface Board (MIB) by
then holding the bottom of the door and firmly grasping the base of the cable
sliding up. connector and gently pulling the con-
nector away from the MIB.
2. Pull out gently on the two white plastic
snap latches on the right side of the 6. Remove the faceplate from its hinges by
faceplate, then swing the panel open. pushing up on the panel until the lower
hinge comes up out of its hole. Slide the
3. Disconnect the two-wire harness from
faceplate down and away to clear the
the terminal board by pressing the latch
upper hinge from its hole. Set the face-
away from the connector and pulling
plate aside.
the connector away from the terminal
board. 7. Remove the foam block containing the
battery from the inside of the controller.
Remove cabinet door Pull snap latches Disconnect two-wire harness Disconnect ribbon wire
Chapter 1: Installing the Controller (continued)
Mounting the Controller on the Wall Note: The mounting materials and specific
screws you need will vary according to the kind
1. Pick up the metal cabinet. Using a thin of mounting surface (i.e., wood, cement, mason-
blade screwdriver, push out the three ry, drywall, etc.).
largest plastic plugs at the back of the
cabinet. The three new holes should You have completed the Wall-mount instal-
form an up-side down triangle. lation. Turn to page 17 for connection
2. Place the mounting template onto your
mounting surface, then drill the holes.
Disconnect six-wire cable Remove faceplate from hinges Remove the three plastic plugs
Chapter 1: Installing the Controller (continued)
Pedestal-mount Installation
Choosing a Location
When choosing the best location for installing your Pedestal-mount controller, consider the
✔ Warning! All wiring must be installed and connected in accordance with local codes.
✔ Select an outdoor area protected from vandalism, where the user can easily reach the
✔ Select a location that has access to 120 volt AC electrical power (or the proper electrical
supply voltage outside the United States).
✔ Allow 14" (35.6 cm) minimum clearance for the hinged pedestal door to swing fully up
and then to the left.
Chapter 1: Installing the Controller (continued)
Finished grade
Concrete base
24" x 24" x 8"
(61.5 x 61.5 x 20.5 cm)
2" (5 cm)
Chapter 1: Installing the Controller (continued)
Before you begin installation, you need the following tools and supplies:
✔ Wire Strippers
✔ Tape Measure
✔ Level
✔ Shovel
✔ Saw Horse
✔ Sledge Hammer
✔ Wheelbarrow
✔ Concrete
Chapter 1: Installing the Controller (continued)
Site Preparation and Mounting 3. Thread the four anchor bolts into the
plastic mounting template provided.
1. Mount the pedestal on a level concrete Position the bolts so they are perpendic-
base with the top of the base at least 2" ular to the template. The threaded ends
(5 cm) above grade. The base dimen- must protrude between one and two
sions are: 24" x 24" x 8" (61.5 x 61.5 x inches above the template.
20.5 cm).
4. Pour the concrete.
2. Before pouring the concrete, position
the following in the concrete form: a 1- 5. Before the concrete sets, position the
1/2" (40/49 mm) sweep elbow for the template with the anchor bolts in the
communication wiring; a 3/4" (20/27 base. Make sure the sweeps are centered
mm) sweep elbow for the 120 volt AC within the template window. Level the
input wiring; a 3/4” ground wire con- template.
duit; and a 1” cable conduit.
8" (61.5 cm)
(20.5 cm)
(5.1 cm) 8"
(20.5 cm)
Mounting template
wiring (MAXICOM only)
(61.5 cm)
Chapter 1: Installing the Controller (continued)
6. If more than one pedestal is required pad and pedestal for air circulation and
per base, leave 6" (14.7 cm) or more drainage.
between the outside edges of each
adjoining mounting template. 9. Open the pedestal door, pull up and
remove the front access panel. Mount
7. Allow the concrete to set for at least 24 the pedestal to the base with the wash-
hours before continuing. ers and nuts provided. Tighten all nuts.
Make sure the pedestal is vertical and
8. After the concrete completely sets, posi- shim if necessary.
tion the pedestal over the anchor bolts
and on top of the template. In high You have completed the Pedestal-mount
humidity areas or locations where installation. Turn to page 17 for connection
excessive moisture may be a concern, instructions.
allow a small gap between the concrete
Mounting template
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
There are four types of connections you Each valve that is controlled by the
must make to your ESP-SAT controller: ESP-SAT must have its own wire that is
• connections to the field valves, connected to a numbered station terminal
• communications connections to the on the controller's terminal strip. Each sta-
cluster control unit (CCU), tion terminal is capable of operating two
• connections to the main power supply, valves.
• grounding connections. Important: The wires you use to connect the
controller to the field valves must be
approved for underground use. See the Rain
You may also want to connect an optional
Bird catalog for exact wire specifications.
sensor, which prevents watering during
rainfall or when the soil is moist. Important: Do not install the valve wires in
the same conduit as the wires to the main
This section of the manual contains instruc- power source.
tions for all five types of connections.
To connect the valve wires,
Important: All wiring must be installed and
connected in accordance with local codes. 1. Route each valve wire up through the
large hole at the bottom of the controller
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
There are two possible types of connections Warning! Wires that connect the controller
between the controller and the CCU: to the CCU must be installed in a conduit
• two-wire path (TW) or other than the one used for wires to the
• wireless radio path (LINK). main power source.
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
Connections to an Optional Sensor System To connect the sensor’s wires to the con-
The ESP-SAT allows you to connect an troller,
optional sensor system. The ESP-SAT works
with any open or closed switch sensor such 1. Strip 1/2” (1.3 cm) from the end of the
as Rain Bird Raincheck, Rain Bird sensor wires. Insert one wire to each of
Aquamiser, Rain Bird Intellisense, or Rain the sensor terminal holes. If the wire
Bird Rain/Freeze Switch. does not enter securely into the hole,
press down on the orange lever as you
Note: The information from this sensor system insert the wire.
does not feed back information to the central
control system (MAXICOM). 2. Route the wires through the hole at the
bottom right of the cabinet.
Important: The wires you use to connect the
controller to the sensor must be approved For Pedestal-mount models, route the
for underground use. See the Rain Bird cata- communication wires through any of
log for exact wire specifications. the three holes.
Important: The sensor wires should be 3. Connect the other end of the wires to
installed in a conduit other than the one that the sensor’s valve common terminals or
contains the wires to the main power source.
Insert one wire into each of the terminal holes
4. Follow the sensor’s directions for plac-
ing and connecting the sensor’s probes
and for setting the shutoff level, if
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
Sheet metal and #10 screws Antenna with rubber pad in place
Rubber pad
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
Installing the antenna with sheet metal screws Connecting the Antenna to the Radio
To install the antenna, To connect the antenna to the radio,
1. Make sure the supplied rubber pad is 1. Route the coaxial cable attached to the
placed between the mounting surface antenna through the hole in the base of
and the antenna base. the controller cabinet. For Pedestal-
mount controllers, route the coaxial
2. Insert a screw into one of the mounting cable through any of the three holes.
holes on the antenna, the rubber pad,
and then into the mounting surface. 2. Connect the coaxial cable to the coaxial
jack on the radio.
3. Tighten the screw with a phillips head
screw driver. If your antenna already has a coaxial
cable affixed to it, use this cable to con-
Note: At least one of the screws must make
nect the antenna to the coaxial jack on
good contact with the antenna's metal surface
for a secured ground connection.
the radio/modem. Discard the coaxial
cable shipped with the radio/modem.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have
installed all four of the sheet metal If your antenna does not already have a
screws. coaxial cable affixed to it, connect the
coaxial cable supplied with the
radio/modem to the coaxial jack on the
antenna and the coaxial jack on the
Connect the antenna's coaxial cable to the radio/modem
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
b. Press the MAN. START/ADV. key Warning! Never select channel 28 (on a
on the faceplate until the number CCU-28) or channel 6 (on a CCU-6) for a
“1” and the word “CHAN” appear 32- or 40-station satellite. There are no chan-
in the LCD. nels higher than 28 for the CCU-28 and no
channels higher than 6 for the CCU-6.
Stations will not operate when assigned to
channels higher than 28 (CCU-28) or 6
4. On the controller faceplate, place the
c. Use the up arrow/ON key and the STAND ALONE/MAXICOM switch in
down arrow/OFF keys to select the the MAXICOM position.
channel number you desire.
If the link path is communicating, the
LINK TO MAXICOM light on the face-
Turn the dial to TIME/CALENDAR
plate displays a steady light. If the link
path is not communicating, the light
flashes. If the light flashes, check all of
the connections.
The antenna and radio/modem are now
installed. The antenna is factory-tuned to
the correct frequency range.
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
Connections to an Optional Sensor System To connect the sensor’s wires to the con-
The ESP-SAT controller allows you to con- troller,
nect an optional sensor system to the MIB.
The ESP-SAT works with any open or 1. Strip 1/2” (1.3 cm) from the end of the
closed switch sensor such as Rain Bird sensor wires. Insert one wire to each of
Raincheck, Rain Bird Aquamiser, Rain Bird the sensor terminal holes on the MIB. If
Intellisense, or Rain Bird Rain/Freeze the wire does not enter securely into the
Switch. It will also work with pulse-type hole, press down on the orange lever as
devices. you insert the wire.
Note: The information from this sensor system 2. Route the wires through the hole at the
feeds back information to the central control bottom right of the cabinet.
system (MAXICOM).
For Pedestal-mount models, route the
Important: The wires you use to connect the
communication wires through any of
controller to the sensor must be approved
for underground use. See the Rain Bird cata- the three holes.
log for exact wire specifications.
3. Connect the other end of the wires to
Important: The sensor wires should be the sensor’s valve common terminals or
installed in a conduit other than the one that wires.
contains the wires to the main power source.
4. Follow the sensor’s directions for plac-
ing and connecting the sensor’s probes
and for setting the shutoff level, if
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
Setting the Switches Note: When sensor inputs are used, you must
consider the following information.
The MIB contains four dip switches (located
If the satellite is a 32- or 40-station model,
at the upper left corner of the board and MAXICOM will access the first 24 stations on
labeled “S1”), which must be set before the channel number you select, the remaining
operating with the MAXICOM system. stations on the next number in the sequence,
and sensor 1 and 2 on the next two numbers in
To set the dip switches, the sequence.
The factory default settings for these If the satellite has fewer than 32 stations, the
switches are: S11 = ON, S12 = OFF. MAXICOM will access the first 24 (or lower) sta-
tions on the channel number you select, and
2. Switch S13 controls the sensor 1 and 2 sensor 1 and 2 will operate on the next two
numbers in the sequence.
mode and can be toggled between
MODE (on).
The factory default setting for this
switch is: S13 = OFF (MAXICOM
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
Connections to the Main Power Source junction box on the nipple, then thread
the washer on. Twist it to tighten.
The three main power input wires for the
standard 120 volt, 60 Hz/AC transformer 2. If you have the standard 120 volt, 60 Hz
are black, white, and green. The interna- model, use wire nuts to connect the
tional version 230 volt, 50 Hz wires are black wire to the power source hot wire,
brown, blue, green, and yellow. The wires the white wire to the common wire, and
exit the controller through the smaller hole the green wire to the ground wire.
at the cabinet base.
Important: The wires that connect the con-
troller to the main power source must be If you have a 230 volt, 50 Hz model, use
installed in a conduit other than the one that wire nuts to connect the brown wire to
contains the field wires, sensor wires, and/or the power source hot wire, and the blue
communication wires. to the power source common wire.
Connect the green and yellow wire to
To connect the power input wires to the the ground wire.
main power source,
3. Close the junction box.
1. Connect a junction box to the trans-
former nipple. To do this, place the 4. Install a conduit for the wires from the
power source to the junction box.
Location of junction box Main power wire connections
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
The ESP-SAT controller has built-in electri- 1. Feed the ground wire through the large
cal surge protection. For the system to hole at the bottom of the cabinet.
work, the controller's earth ground terminal
must be connected to a ground rod that is 2. Loosen the screw on the copper earth
driven into the earth. ground terminal and place the ground
wire into the terminal. Tighten the
Important: Use a #10 (6 mm) or #8 (10 mm) screw to secure the ground wire.
bare wire to connect the controller to the
ground rod or grounding grid.
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
Putting the Controller Back Together troller is supplied with power. The 9
volt battery provides power for keeping
Congratulations! You have completed the track of what cycle is in progress when
connections for your new controller. To put there is a power outage. The 9 volt bat-
the controller back together, tery also allows the controller to be pro-
grammed when the face plate is
1. Attach the battery recharging clip to the detached from the cabinet. This feature
9-volt battery supplied. Then push the lets the installer walk a site while set-
battery into the battery holder. ting watering times and schedules.
The ESP-SAT controller fully charges Note: The ESP-SAT controller also has a built-
the nickel metal hydride, 9 volt battery in lithium battery that provides for non-volatile
in about 48 hours and continues to program memory.
charge the battery whenever the con-
Chapter 2: Connecting the Controller (continued)
Warning! Do not use an alkaline battery in 5. Connect the six-wire cable to the J1 con-
the controller; alkaline batteries can cause nector on the MIB.
an explosion.
6. Reattach the faceplate to its hinges.
2. Connect the wide gray ribbon wire from
the back of the faceplate to the J1 slot on 7. If you have a Wall-mount controller,
the terminal board. reattach the controller door to its
hinges. If you have a Pedestal-mount
3. Connect the transformer’s five-wire controller, reinsert the access panel.
cable to the J7 terminal board connector.
8. Turn on the main power to the con-
4. Connect the two-wire harness to the J2 troller.
terminal board connector.
Connect the gray wire Connect the five-wire cable Connect the two-wire harness Connect the six-wire cable
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation
The ESP-SAT controller will usually operate automatically, receiving commands from the
central computer. A satellite controller can also operate as a stand-alone controller, using
locally programmed instructions. Local programming will be used, for example, if the satel-
lite loses communication with the CCU. You can use the keypad to program the controller
locally so that it will operate automatically. You can also make changes in watering sched-
ules without disturbing the programmed information.
This chapter will guide you through the use of the controller's keypad and LCD, as well as
the local programming and operation of the controller.
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
Before beginning to program or operate your controller, take a moment to familiarize your-
self with the controller’s faceplate. The following pages contain a short description of each
of the buttons and indicators. Specific instructions for all of the operations you can perform
begin on page 38.
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
This light is on when the STAND ALONE/MAXICOM switch is in the MAXICOM position
and the controller is physically linked to the MAXICOM system.
This light is on when the controller’s active program is set to water on even days of the
This light is on when the controller’s active program is set to water on odd days of the
This light is on when the controller’s active program is set to water in a cycle with a speci-
fied number of days.
This light is on when the controller’s active program is set to water on specific days of the
Set the dial here to run the controller automatically on the programs you set.
Set the dial here to set the length of an individual station’s watering time.
Set the dial here to set a program’s watering start times. Eight start times are available for
each program.
Set the dial here to enable or disable Master Valve 1 (MV1) for a particular station.
Set the dial here to set programs to either stack or overlap. The default for all programs is
Set the dial here to set the time and calendar.
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
This section of the manual contains instructions for programming your ESP-SAT controller
locally. The controller comes from the factory without a pre-set default program.
Before you begin programming, it is a good idea to chart your watering schedule on a piece
of paper, taking into account the schedule for all stations and how often you want to repeat
the schedule. A blank schedule is provided for you on pages 54-55.
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
Each MAXICOM satellite on a CCU must In order to program the controller, you
have a channel number for successful com- must first set the controller’s internal clock
munication. To set the channel number, and calendar. To do so,
1. Turn the dial on the ESP-SAT faceplate 1. Rotate the dial to TIME/CALENDAR.
to the TIME/CALENDAR position.
The hour digits in the display flash,
2. Press the MAN. START/ADV. key on indicating that they are ready to be set.
the faceplate until the number “1” and
the word “CHAN” appear in the LCD.
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
Setting Up a Program
Step one: Selecting a program
To select the program you want to set up,
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
The display shows USED if the pro- To set an odd or even cycle,
gram is active and using a different
cycle mode. If this is the case, you can 1. Rotate the dial to ODD DAYS or EVEN
override the previous setting. DAYS.
The display shows the program and
2. If the program you want is not dis- ODD or EVEN.
played, press PGM until it is.
3. Press ON. A
The cyclical display shows and the
cyclical light on the faceplate illumi-
The display shows USED if the pro-
4. Use the arrow keys to set the number of gram is active and using a different
days in the cycle. cycle mode. If this is the case, you can
For example, if you set a 3-day cycle, override the previous setting.
the controller skips two days and
waters on the third day. 2. If the program you want is not dis-
played, press PGM until it is.
5. Press MAN START/ADV to toggle to
the left side of the display. 3. Press ON.
The number of days remaining in the The display shows either ODD or
cycle flashes, indicating that it is ready EVEN and the corresponding light on
to be set. the faceplate illuminates.
6. Use the arrow keys to set the number of 4. Return the dial to AUTO.
days remaining before the next water- The controller returns to the time of day
ing day. This tells the controller where display and waters on the days you
today is in the cycle you have just set. have specified.
7. Return the dial to AUTO. Note: The 31st day of the month defaults to
The controller returns to the time of day ON, so if you do not want to water on the 31st,
display and waters on the days you you must set that day to OFF. See page 47 for
more information.
have specified.
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
Step three: Setting the length of a station’s 4. Press MAN START/ADV to toggle to
watering time the right side of the display.
Within the program you are setting, you The length of watering time flashes,
can set the length of a station’s watering indicating that it is ready to be set.
time from 0 minutes to 12 hours. Set the
5. Use the arrow keys to set the length of
time in one-minute increments for up to
two hours; set it in 10-minute increments
If USED is displayed, you can still set
from two hours to 12 hours.
the length of time. (You can include the
same station in different programs and
To set the length of a station’s watering
give that station different lengths of
watering time )
1. Rotate the dial to STATION WATER-
6. Return the dial to AUTO.
The display shows to the time of day.
The display shows the program, the sta-
tion number, and the length of watering
Step four: Setting watering start times
time. The station number is flashing,
indicating that it is ready to be set. For each program, you may assign up to
eight start times per day, available on the
quarter hour.
To do so,
1. Rotate the dial to WATERING START
If the station is included in any other TIME.
program, the controller will let you The display shows the program, the
know by replacing the length of water- number of the start time, and the start
ing time with USED. time. The start time number flashes,
indicating that it is ready to be set.
2. If the program you want is not dis-
played, press PGM until it is.
3. Use the arrow keys to display the sta-
tion number you wish to set.
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
2. If the program you want is not dis- Step five: Setting programs to stack or overlap
played, press PGM until it is. You can set a program to stack (run one at a
3. Use the arrow keys to select one of the time) or overlap (run simultaneously). The
eight start times. ESP-SAT controller can run up to nine
valves simultaneously. The default setting is
4. Press MAN START/ADV to toggle to
the right side of the display. to stack all programs.
The start time flashes, indicating that it To set programs to stack or overlap,
is ready to be set.
1. Rotate the dial to PROGRAM
5. Use the arrow keys to select a start
time. Start times are available in fifteen
minute intervals, with an OFF setting The display shows the program and
available between the 11:45 pm and STACK or OVERLAP.
12:00 am options on the 60 Hz model
(and between 23:45 and 24:00 on the 50
Hz model). A
Note: Start times are displayed in chronological
order. If a start time is deleted from the order by
setting it to OFF, all later start times are auto-
matically moved down one start time number. 2. If the program you want is not dis-
When a start time is added to any start time played, press PGM until it is.
number, the controller automatically reorganizes
the times so that times appear in chronological 3. Use the arrow keys to set the program
order. This reorganizing only occurs after the to either STACK or OVERLAP.
dial has been moved off the WATERING START
TIMES position. 4. Return the dial to AUTO.
The controller returns to the time of day
6. If you want to set additional start times,
press MAN START/ADV to toggle back display.
to the left side of the display and the
next available start time number. Set the
next start time in the same fashion as
the first.
7. Return the dial to AUTO.
The controller returns to the time of
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
2. Use the arrow keys to set the number of
days to the next cycle.
2. Use the arrow keys to select the station 3. Return the dial to AUTO.
number. The controller returns to the time of day
display and will delay watering for the
3. Press MAN START/ADV to toggle to
the right side of the display. The ON or number of days you have specified.
OFF flashes, indicating that it is ready Note: To cancel a Rain Delay, re-set the num-
to be set. ber of days to 0.
4. Press either the ON or OFF key.
5. If you want to set another station, press
MAN START/ADV to toggle back to
the left side of the display to continue
setting stations.
6. When you are finished setting stations,
return the dial to AUTO.
The controller returns to the time of day.
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
Note: If there is nothing left for the con- 5. Press MAN. START/ADV.
troller to do but wait until a soak time elaps- The length of time to soak flashes, indi-
es, the display shows SOAK. cating that it is ready to be set.
Note: The Test program does not respond 6. Use the arrow keys to set the minimum
to Cycle and Soak settings. length of time to soak for from 1 to 60
To set Cycle + Soak,
7. If you want to set Cycle and Soak for
1. Rotate the dial to CYCLE + SOAK. another station, press MAN.
The display shows the station number, START/ADV. again.
the length of time to water, and the
length of time to soak. The station num- 8. When you have finished setting Cycle
ber is flashing, indicating that it is ready and Soak, return the dial to AUTO.
to be set. The controller returns to the time of
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
The water budget feature allows you to The Event Day Off feature allows you to
increase or decrease a program’s watering omit temporarily a calendar day or days
time in increments of 1% without having to from the watering cycle. After a calendar
reset the timing for each station in the pro- day passes, that day returns to the default
gram. You can set the budget for 0% to setting. The default for all days is ON. If the
300%. You can use the 0% setting to shut a 31st is set to OFF, it remains off until it is set
program down temporarily. To set the to ON. This is to accommodate odd day
water budget, watering cycles which do not allow water-
ing on the 31st and 1st. To set a day off,
1. Rotate the dial to WATER BUDGET.
The display shows the program and the 1. Rotate the dial to EVENT DAY OFF.
water budget percentage. The display shows the day of the month
on the left and the ON or OFF setting on
WATER BUDGET PERCENT the right. The day of the month is flash-
A ing, indicating that it is ready to be set.
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
Operating the Controller 2. Press PGM until the program you wish
to operate is displayed.
Once you have programmed the ESP-SAT,
3. Press MAN. START/ADV. to start the
operating the controller is easy. You may
selected program.
choose to operate it completely automatical-
ly or to operate it manually from time to 4. If you want to operate more than one
time. When you operate the ESP-SAT man- program, press PGM to select another
ually, you do not disturb any of the pro- program and press MAN. START/ADV.
grammed instructions. again.
The second program runs when the first
Operating Automatically
is complete. You can stack all four pro-
To operate the controller automatically, grams in this way.
1. Rotate the dial to AUTO. Operating a station or stations manually
The controller runs each of the pro-
You can initiate one-time operation of a sin-
grams as you have specified.
gle station or a combination of stations. If
Operating Manually you run more than one station, they will run
There are a number of functions you can in the order in which they were selected.
perform manually. Each one is described in To operate one station or multiple stations,
this section.
1. Rotate the dial to MANUAL WATER.
Operating a program or programs manually The display shows the program, the sta-
You can select, start, and manually advance tion number, and any watering time
programs for semi-automatic operation. To remaining on that station.
do so,
1. Rotate the dial to AUTO. A
The display shows the day of the week
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
2. Press PGM until the program you want Using the Test Program
is displayed.
The test program allows you to run a test
3. Use the arrow keys to select the station cycle for all the stations on a particular pro-
you want to operate. gram. It also lets you decide how long the
test will last.
4. Press MAN. START/ADV. to start the
To set and then start a test program,
selected station.
1. Rotate the dial to TEST PROGRAM.
5. If you want to operate more than one The display shows the program, TEST,
station, repeat steps 2 through 4. and the length of time to test.
Chapter 3: Programming and Operation (continued)
The ESP-SAT controller allows you to con- The ESP-SAT controller is equipped with a
nect a sensor that can disable watering. circuit overload protection system. This sys-
When a sensor is connected to the ESP-SAT tem causes the controller to skip over a sta-
controller and it suspends watering, the tion that has an electrical short circuit,
sensor light on the front panel illuminates. rather than blow a fuse which would shut
down the entire system.
To enable the sensor,
When the controller tries to start a station
1. Set the sensor switch to ACTIVE. that has a short circuit, the electronic circuit
The controller operates as usual until breaker senses the short circuit and skips
the sensor suspends watering and the that station. The controller skips to the next
controller display shows SUSPENDED station, but flashes the skipped station
BY SENSOR. number and FAULT in the display.
Note: When no sensor is attached, the jumper Once you have corrected the problem, push
cable supplied with each controller must be in the FAULT RESET button to clear the flash-
place, connecting the SENSOR terminals on the ing fault indicator.
controller’s circuit board. If you set the SENSOR
switch to ACTIVE with neither a sensor nor the Note: The diagnostic circuit breaker allows
jumper cable connected, the controller cannot detection on all valves, including the master
operate the valves and no watering will occur. valve.
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
The following pages contain possible problems you may encounter and some solutions.
Before calling Rain Bird, check this list. If you cannot solve the problem yourself, call our
Technical Service Hotline at 1-800-247-3782 and we will be glad to help you.
Problem: The power to the controller is interrupted for an extended period of time.
Solution: The controller has a 9-volt battery to keep data and instructions for up to 24
hours. When there is a power outage, the time of day will be displayed, but no
watering will take place. When power is restored, watering will resume.
Solution: Check the main power source and the plug. Check to see if there is a blown fuse
inside the controller.
Solution: There may be a power outage. Or check the battery; it may be dead or not con-
nected properly.
Solution: Check the circuit breaker; it may have tripped. Also check the cables inside the
controller; they may be improperly connected.
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting (continued)
Solution: Contact the Rain Bird Technical Service Hotline for assistance.
Problem: The controller does not water, but the MAXICOM system reports normal operation.
Solution: The SENSOR switch is in the incorrect position. Move the SENSOR switch to
Appendix A
Before you begin programming, it is a good idea to chart your watering schedule, taking
into account the schedule for all stations and how often you want to repeat the schedule.
For specific programming instructions, see page 33. A sample schedule appears below. A
blank schedule that you can copy and fill in appears on the following two pages.
ESP-SAT Programming Chart
Program “A” Program “B” Program “C” Program “D”
Start 1
Start 2
Start 3
Start 4
Start 5
Start 6
Start 7
Start 8
Water Bgt.
Cycle Soak MV Off
Station 1
Station 2
Station 3
Station 4
Station 5
Station 6
Station 7
Station 8
Station 9
Station 10
Station 11
Station 12
Station 13
Station 14
Station 15
Station 16
Station 17
Station 18
Station 19
Station 20
Station 21
Station 22
Station 23
Station 24
Station 25
Station 26
Station 27
Station 28
Station 29
Station 30
Station 31
Station 32
Station 33
Station 34
Station 35
Station 36
Station 37
Station 38
Station 39
Station 40
Appendix B: Installing a MAXICOM Interface Board
Important: Before installing the MIB, make sure that the area around you is free from dirt and
dust and that your hands and arms are clean. This will avoid contamination of the ESP-MC
controller’s internal parts.
Warning! Don’t let water or other liquids come in contact with any part inside the con-
troller cabinet.
Before you install the MIB, you must determine how your controller will communicate with
the cluster control unit (CCU): two-wire path or wireless radio path. If your controller will
communicate with the CCU via two-wire path, follow the instructions on page 57,
Installing the MIB (TW). If you controller will communicate with the CCU via wireless
radio path, follow the instructions, "Installing the MIB (LINK)," on page 61.
The two installation types require different MIB kits. The MIB kit for the two-wire
connection is ESP-MIB-TW; the MIB kit for the wireless radio is ESP-MIB-LINK. Be certain
that you have received the correct MIB kit before you begin the installation.
Appendix B: Installing a MIB (continued)
6 Plastic Standoffs
1 6-wire Cable
Appendix B: Installing a MIB (continued)
Appendix B: Installing a MIB (continued)
Mounting the MIB on the terminal board 4. Remove the MIB from its protective
The MIB is held in place by the supplied packaging. Orient the board so that the
plastic standoffs. To install the plastic back of the board (the flat side) is down
standoffs and mount the MIB, and the printing on the top side of the
1. Locate the six holes on the floor of the board is facing you.
terminal board. Three of the holes run
across the top of the board, the remain- When the MIB is in the correct orienta-
ing holes run across the center. tion, the MIB's green terminal board
connectors will be in the lower right
2. Place the smaller end of a plastic stand- corner.
off into each of the holes. For the top
three holes, turn the standoff until the 5. Align the top row of holes on the MIB
appendage on the top of the standoff is with the top row of plastic standoffs on
away from you. For the lower three the terminal board. Tilt the MIB forward
holes, turn the standoff until the until the top edge of it catches under
appendage on the top of the standoff is the standoffs' appendages.
closest to you. 6. Gently lower the bottom edge of the
3. Before removing the MIB from its pack- MIB until it rests on the lower standoffs.
aging, make sure to use the disposable Press the bottom edge of the MIB until
wrist strap included in the kit and to it snaps into place on all of the lower
follow the instructions on the wrist standoffs.
strap packaging.
Insert plastic standoffs into the terminal board Tilt the top edge of the MIB forward
Appendix B: Installing a MIB (continued)
2. Take the other end of the cable and turn 2. Connect the transformer's five-wire
the clip so that the two small ridges are cable to the terminal board.
facing down. Insert this clip into the J1
connector on the lower left corner of the 3. Insert the 9V battery into the battery
MIB. holder on the back of the faceplate and
attach the recharging clip to the battery.
Appendix B: Installing a MIB (continued)
6 Plastic Standoffs
1 6-wire Cable
1 Power Transformer
Appendix B: Installing a MIB (continued)
Chapter X:B:Title
Appendix of Chapter
Installing a MIB (continued)
Mounting the MIB on the terminal board 4. Remove the MIB from its protective
The MIB is held in place by the supplied packaging. Orient the board so that the
plastic standoffs. To install the plastic back of the board (the flat side) is down
standoffs and mount the MIB, and the printing on the top side of the
1. Locate the six holes on the floor of the board is facing you.
terminal board. Three of the holes run
across the top of the board, the remain- When the MIB is in the correct orienta-
ing three holes run across the center of tion, the MIB's green terminal board
the board. connectors will be in the lower right
2. Place the smaller end of a plastic stand-
off into each of the holes. For the top 5. Align the top row of holes on the MIB
three holes, turn the standoff until the with the top row of plastic standoffs on
appendage on the top of the standoff is the terminal board. Tilt the MIB forward
away from you. For the lower three until the top edge of it catches under
holes, turn the standoff until the the standoffs' appendages.
appendage on the top of the standoff is 6. Gently lower the bottom edge of the
closest to you. MIB until it rests on the lower standoffs.
3. Before removing the MIB from its pack- Press the bottom edge of the MIB until
aging, make sure to use the disposable it snaps into place on all of the lower
wrist strap included in the kit and to stand offs.
follow the instructions on the wrist
strap packaging.
Insert plastic standoffs into the terminal board Tilt the top edge of the MIB forward
Appendix B: Installing a MIB (continued)
Connecting the MIB to the faceplate Removing the existing power transformer
1. Examine either one of the clips at the You must replace the existing power trans-
end of the supplied cable. Turn the clip former with the new power transformer.
so that the side with the two small First you will remove the existing trans-
ridges is facing up and insert it into the former:
jack on the back of the face plate, direct-
ly beneath the grey flat ribbon cable. 1. Locate the nut and washer that secure
the existing transformer to the base of
2. Take the other end of the cable and turn the controller cabinet.
the clip so that the two small ridges are
facing down. Insert this clip into the J1 2. Use a wrench to remove the nut and
connector on the lower left corner of the washer from the power transformer's
MIB. nipple. Retain the nut and washer.
Appendix B: Installing a MIB (continued)
4. Plug the power transformer's 5-wire Note: In order for your controller to communi-
cable into the J7 connector on the lower cate with the CCU via wireless radio path
left edge of the terminal board. (LINK), you must install the radio/modem and
antenna. Please see page 22 for installation
Plug 2-wire cable into J3 connector on the MIB Plug 5-wire cable into J7 connector on the terminal board
Appendix C: Notices for a Radio Device
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires certain notifications to the user of any digital
device which can radiate radio frequency energy.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interfer-
ence in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, it can cause harmful interference to radio communica-
tions. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
Determine if the equipment does cause interference to radio or television by turning the equipment off and on.
The user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
1. Where it can be done safely, reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Rain Bird Sales, Inc., could void the user’s authority to
operate the equipment.
Glossary of Terms
• circuit board
one of the etched, copper clad sheets of insulating material onto which electronic components
and terminals are assembled. Controllers contain circuit boards.
• controller
a device that sends a 24 VAC power signal to the field solenoid valves.
• CPU board
the central processing unit circuit board inside the controller.
• default setting
the start-up settings for the controller. The default settings cannot be changed.
Extra Simple Programming-MAXICOM Compatible Satellite series, a controller that can operate
as a stand-alone unit, or a satellite controller linked to MAXICOM.
gallons per minute.
• hardwire
communication cable used to transmit data between devices.
• manual
requires user input, rather than being automatically performed by the PC program.
Glossary of Terms (continued)
MAXICOM Interface Board. Allows for satellite controller operation. The MIB is preinstalled in
ESP-SAT controller models, but can also be installed in ESP-MC controller models to add
satellite capability.
• monitor
to observe conditions in and around the irrigation system and send the information to the
different components in the system for appropriate action.
• satellite
a controller in the field capable of communicating with the Cluster Control Unit (CCU).
• satellite controller
same as satellite.
• sensor
an optional addition to the controller that disables watering. Examples are the Rain Bird
Aquamiser, Intellisense, Rain Check, and Rain/Freeze Switch.
• site
a single, remote irrigated area controlled by a CCU. For example, one park is a site in a city-wide
park system.
Glossary of Terms (continued)
• solenoid
a portion of a field valve that receives a 24 VAC electrical current from the controller.
• station schedule
the watering schedule for one of the stations controlled by the controller.
• valve
a manual or electrically operated device used to control flow of water in an irrigation system.
• water budget
a feature available in some controllers and central control systems allowing adjustment of water
application times without reprogramming each station or irrigation schedule.
• watering cycle
the complete cycle of watering for all stations controlled by the controller.
Service Information
In the unlikely event this equipment should malfunction, all repairs should be performed by
an authorized Rain Bird MAXICOM Authorized Service Center.
For information on MAXICOM Authorized Service Centers, contact Rain Bird at:
Warranty Information
This product is covered by Rain Bird’s Three-year Trade Warranty. For details, see the Rain
Bird Landscape Irrigation Products Catalog.
PN 633686