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Question Bank

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1. Which one of the following is a destructive test?

a) Impact test b) Tensile test c) Nick-break test d) All of the above

2. In MIC/MAG welding filler wire is used, why the filler wire is copper coated?
a) To prevent base Metal reaction b) To prevent contamination by atmosphere
c) To prevent gas shield d) To prevent rust

3. Cast iron contains two elements, which make it difficult to cut it by gas cutting. What are these
a) Sulphur and phosphorous b) Silicon and graphite
c) Graphite and phosphorous d) Silicon and sulphur

4. The correct flame for preheating before cutting

a) Oxidizing flame b) neutral flame c) Carburizing flame d) slightly carburizing flame

5. Which one is best method of metal joining process?

a) Bolting b) Riveting c) Soldering d) Welding

6. The gas nozzle of the torch used for gas tungsten arc welding is made of
a) Plastic b) Copper c) Glass d) Ceramic

7. Foam type extinguisher is used for putting of…..?

a) Wooden fires b) Electrical fires c) Chemical fires d) Flammable liquid fires

8. Gas cylinders are painted with different colours for identification oxygen is supplied in cylinders which
are painted
a) Red b) Blue c) Black d) Maroon

9. D.A. stands for

a) Diluted acetylene b) Dissolved acetylene
c) Dye acetylene d) Delayed acetylene

10. The maximum percentage of gas in air is that of

a) Oxygen b) Nitrogen c) Carbon di oxide d) Argon

11. In an acetylene cylinder the acetylene is dissolved in

a) Water b) Carbon di oxide c) Acetone d) Mercury

12. Which one of the following gases is supporter of combustion?

a) Oxygen b) Acetylene c) Nitrogen d) Co2

13. A depression formed at the end of the weld is called

a) Pinhole b) Blowhole c) Crater d) Crack

14. Lack of penetration is due to

a) High current b) Low current c) Short arc length d) Too slow welding speed

15. Which one of the following is the type of transformer used in arc welding?
a) Step down b) Step up
c) One to one d) Capable of increasing supply voltage

16. A device in a welding machine for converting alternating current to direct is called
a) Rectifier b) Converter c) Amplifier d) Corrector

17. A device designed for checking the shape and size of weld is called
a) Weld dial b) Weld gauge c) Weld indicator d) Weld template

18. Which of the following is not an insulator?

a) Gold b) Glass c) Mica d) Wood

19. The type of radiation which penetrates the interior of the eye and can cause burns of the
retina is
a) Infrared b) Ultraviolet c) Variable light d) None

20. Which one of the following is a non-destructive test?

a) Impact test b) Tensile test c) Nick break test d) Dye penetration test

21. Which one of the flowing is used in the oxy-arc cutting process?
a) Flux coated solid electrode b) Base wire tubular electrode
c) Flux coated tubular electrode d) Base tungsten arc cutting electrode

22. A non-consumable electrode welding process is used Gas in?

a) Argon b) Helium c) Co2 d) A and B

23. OCV for an arc welding is of the order of?

a) 18 – 40 V b) 40 – 95 V c) 100 – 125 V d) 130 – 170 V

24. Try squares are specified according to

a) Angle checked b) Length of blade
c) Length of stock d) Material of the blade and stock

25. In gas welding back fire is caused when the gas pressure is
a) Low b) High c) Medium d) At all levels

26. What is the Ohm’s Law are character formulae?

a) I=R/V b) R=V/I c) V=R/I d) R=V/Volt

27. The weld symbol ‘O’ is denoted

a) Seam weld b) Spot weld c) Projection weld d) Flash Butt weld

28. What Gases are employed for Aluminum and Stainless steel in the MIG welding?
a) Carbon di oxide b) Argon c) Argon and Oxygen d) B and C

29. Depth of Fusion from the surface of the weld metal is known as
a) Fusion zone b) Heat affected zone c) Penetration d) Leg length

30. The following method of welding is control distortion

a) Back-step welding b) Skip welding c) Intermittent welding d) All the above

1. Second cut in a file is the type of
(a) Section b) Grade (c) Cut (d) Design
2. Size of Taping drill for M l0 x I .5 Thread is
(a) 8.l7 mm (b) 8.37 mm (c) 9.17 mm ( d) 7.87 mm
3. Least count of Micrometer is
(a) 0.001 mm (b) 0.1 mm (c) 0.002 mm (d) None of these
4. Which one contains higher percentage of carbon?
(a) High carbon steel (b) Low carbon steel (c) Tool steel (d) Cast iron
5. Angle of Point of Scriber is
(a) 8 to 10" (b) 12 to 15" [c) 60" (d) 30"
6. The main Purpose of annealing is
(a) To improve machinability (b) To improve magnetism (c) To increase hardness
(d) To increase toughness
7. Chisel used to cut KEYWAY
(a) Flat Chisel (b) Cap Chisel (c) Round Nose Chisel (d) Diamond Point Chisel
8. Try Square is meant to
(a) Check the round surface (b) check the groove surface (c) Check the flat surface
(d) Check the irregular surface
9. Galvanizing of metal is a process of
(a) Coating the metal with chromium (b) Coating the metal with zinc (c) Coating the metal
with tin (d) Coating the metal with copper
10. Basic Unit of Length in SI System is
(a) Centimeter (b) Metre (c) Millimeter (d) Micrometer
11. Least Count of Steel Rule is
(a) 0.1 mm (b) 0.05 mm (c) 0.01 mm (d) 0.5 mm
12. Calipers are made up of
(a) Tool Steel (b) Carbon (c) Mild Steel (d) Brass
13. BIS is known as
(a) Bureau of International Standard (b) Bureau of industrial Standard (c) Bureau of
Indian Standard (d) None of these
14. Another name of hand file is
(a) Square file (b) Parallel file (c) Flat file (d) Safe edge file
15. Clearance between the mating parts is measured by
(a) Feeler Gauge (b) Caliper gauge (c) Dial Gauge (d) No Go Gauge
16. Cutting tool, is affected by
(a) Job metal (b) Tool metal (c) Depth of cut (d) All of these
17. File has circular teeth on both edges
(a) Warding File (b) Mill Files (c) Pillar Files (d) Crossing Files
18. According to Size. 80 number drill is
(a) Smaller one (b) Middle one (c) Bigger one (d) None of these
19. Gun metal is an alloy of
(a) Brass, Zinc and Lead (b) Copper, Lead and Zinc (c) Copper, Tin and Zinc
(d) Copper, Tin and White Metal
20. The fire triangle in fire hazards is identified
(a) fuel, oxygen & heat (b) fuel, liquid and vapor (c) fuel, burning and solid
(d) fuel, oil and waste
21. A jig is a device used for
(a) holding the workpiece (b) guiding the tool (c) loosening the workpiece
(d) holding the workpiece and guide the tool
22. Brass is an alloy of
(a) copper and tin (b) lead and tin (c) copper and zinc (d) copper and lead
23. Difference between 1 MSD and I1VSD in vemier caliper is
(a) 0.02 mm (b) 0.001 mm (c) 0.2 m (d) 0.002 mm
24. Hammer made from wood is known as
(a) Ball Peen Hammer (b) Mallet (c) Straight Peen Hammer
(d) Sledge Hammer
25. The best way to avoid accident is by
(a) Doing work in ancient way (b) Doing work in own's way (c) Observing
safety rules related to job & machined work place (d) Using safety equipment
26. Shape of barrette file is
(a) Rectangular (b) Circular (c) triangular (d) Square

Following terms stands for:


1. Match the following:

Sandal Sports equipments, hockey sticks, wickets, handles of tools etc.
Teak Interior and exterior furniture items, windows, doors, tables, chair, railway
sleepers and cabinets.
Bamboo To use for putting tilak on forehead, worship items and god idols.
Deodar Moldings, windows, chairs, sofa set, dressing table, dining table.
Mulberry Structures, Scaffoldings, folding beds, bed boxes etc.

2. A timber with Moderate Durability has an average life

(a) Of more than 10 years (b) Between 5 to 10 years (c) Less than 5 years

3. --------------------------- is commonly known as drying of timber

4. A-----------------------------is a quadrilateral with one pair of sides parallel to each other.

5. Which of these is not a quadrilateral? Square or Triangle

6. It is very important to keep checking for-------------------- date of all the medicines kept in the first aid

7. ------------------------------- means possibilities of tragedies or accidents at workplace.

8. The center layer of the plywood is called the--------------------------------.

9. Sunmica is also called by names such as------------------------------.

10. ------------------------ plane is more suitable for further smoothing a planed surface.

11. What is the length of a standard steel rule.

(a) 1 foot (b) 2 Feet (c) 100 cm (d) 200 cm

12. ---------------------- part of the tree is mostly useful for carpentry work.

The ------------------------ part of the tree indicates the ages of a tree.

13. It is a thin internal wall which is constructed inside the closed building to divide the space into rooms
and areas is.

(a) Floor (b) Stair (c) Partition (d) Roof

14. “Circular Saw” is used for metal cutting in RCF. True/False

15. “Scriber” is a marking tool. True/False

16. Chequered sheet is used at ---------------------- stage in furnishing shop.

17. In LHB coach, partition frames are of ------------------- type.

Following terms stands for:


Workshop Calculation


17a - 4b - 7a + 3b

17xy - 4xy + 13 - xy - 6

5p + 3r - r - 2p

230m + 420s + 370y + 225m - 510y - 110s

Subtract 38xy - 25xy

Subtract 2a - 3b - c from 3a - 2b + 4c

Subtract 3x – 4x2 + 2y2 from 4y2 - 2x + 8x2


-3ax -6x

15xy -5


15d - (4d + 3d - 5d)

2a - 3(a - (a - b))

(a2 – b2) =

(a – b)2

(a – b)2

Employability Skills
1. Helps in playing games on computer:

(a) Key-board (b) Mouse (c) Joy-stick (d) All above

2. ---------------- is called the brain of computer:

(a) CPU (b) CU (c) MU (d) ALU

3. The longest key on the Key-board is:

(a) Space Bar (b) Enter Key (c) Number key (d) Function key

4. Group of Commands which disturbs the computer is called?

(a) Bacteria (b) Virus (c) Insect (d) Worm

5. Microsoft is:

(a) Micro-chip Manufacturing Company (b) Software Developing Company

(c) Micro-engineering Company (d) Computer, Hardware Developing Company

6. The sign blinking on computer screen is called:

(a) Logo (b) Hand (c) Palm (d) Cursor

7. On which button is available Help-menu?

(a) End (b) Start (c) Turn off (d) Restart

8. You can keep your personal file/ folder in:

(a) My folder (b) My document (c) My files (d) My text

9. Which menu is selected to Print?

(a) Edit (b) Special (c) File (d) Tools

10. Extension of excel spreadsheet is:

(a) .doc (b).xls (c) .ppt (d) .exe

11. Who displays the contents of Active Cell in excel?

(a) Name Box (b) Row headings (c) Formula Bar (d) Task Pen

12. The group of collected files in computer is known as:

(a) Dictionary (b) Index (c) List (d) Directory

13. What is keyboard shortcut for New slide?

(a) Crtl + M (b) Crtl + N (c) Crtl + Shift + N (d) Crtl + S

14. LAN is the short form of

15. ‘.com’ domain is related to.

16. What does E-mail stand for?

17. Hard Disk is?

(a) Volatile medium (b) Non- volatile & Erasable medium (c) Erasable medium
(d) All of the above

18. USB stands for:

19. A small computer circuit is known as:

(a) Chip (b) Motherboard (c) Keyboard (d) Memory card

20. I keep the computer on when the electricity goes off:

(a) Battery (b) UPS (c) Generator (d) None of the above

21. The exchange of ideas and emotions with others is known as ------------------

22. ------------------------- type of language should be used during communication.

23. ----------------------- improves the relations between management and working class.

24. In ----------------------------------------------- process messages are exchanged face to face.

25. In -------------------------------------------------- process messages can’t be kept secret.

26. When production is more, cost become

(a) More (b) less (c) average (d) all above

27. The process which makes the items or product available is called ………………

(a) Satisfaction (b) wealth (c) time economy (d) production

28. Law of ………………..explains the link between inputs and production.

(a) Production (b) customer (c) money (d) all above

29. …………………… is the period of time in which at least one or more factor or input of production is
(a) Long period (run) (b) Short period (run) (c) average (d) all above

30. …………. Is the period of time in which all production factored or inputs are variable.

(a) Long period (run) (b) short period (run) (c) average (d) all above

31. With what storage is bio-launching associated

(a) Bio-non-perishable element (b) non-bio-non-perishable element (c) chemical

element (d) mineral

32. Petroleum is:

(a) Renewable resource (b) non-renewable resource (c) permanent resource (d)
pollution free resource

33. A forestation and its care is called:

(a) Silvi-culture (b) agriculture (c) horticulture (d) flori culture

34. For whose protection was started (chipko andolan)

(a) Forest (b) grassy fields (c) deserts (d) river Ganga

35. In which field is pure water used maximum

(a) Domestic (b) industry (c) agriculture (d) cooler

36. Which of the following projects was postponed (dropped ) due to the environmental opposition?

(a) Sardar sarover (b) silent valley project (c) hirakund dam (d) bhakhra nangal dam

37. Which can be environmental education part of

(a) Primary education level (b) secondary education level (c) college education
level (d) all above

38. Which of the following trees are treated pious (sacred) in India

(a) Neem (margosa) (b) mango (c) peepal (d) all above

39. In which state was silent valley project started

(a) Punjab (b) Uttar Pradesh (c) Karnataka (d) Kerala

40. Noise becomes a dangerous noise (sound) pollution when its level is

(a) 30 db (b) 80db (c) 120db (d) 150db

41. Ozone non-perishable cause is:

(a) Increase in case of skin cancer (b) forest fire (c) global warming (d) none of

42. Bhopal gas tragedy is a matter of

(a) Thermal pollution (b) soil pollution (c) air pollution (d) atomic pollution

43. Cause of water pollution is:

(a) Industrial wastes (b) sewerage (c) agriculture wastes (d) all above

44. Noise (sound) pollution is the cause of

(a) High blood pressure (b) heart attack (c) loss of hearing (d) all above

45. Where was found the first ozone hole

(a) North pole (b) Antarctica (c) warm pole (d) Africa

46. Acid rain is :

(a) State problem (b) national problem (c) international problem (d) all above

47. Unconventional source of energy is:

(a) Coal (b) wood (c) petroleum (d) biogas

48. World environment day is:

(a) 01may (b) 05june (c) 25december (d) 10march:

Match the following


Class A Extinguishers with special dry powder for metal tires.
Class B Dry powder, clean agent and carbon dioxide extinguishers.
Class C Water, foam, ABC dry power and halocarbons.
Class D Foam, dry powder, clean agent and carbon dioxide

Class B fires involving

i) solid combustible materials of organic nature

ii) flammable liquids or liquefiable solids
iii) flammable gases under pressure
iv) combustible metals

Class A fires involving

i) solid combustible materials of organic nature

ii) flammable liquids or liquefiable solids
iii) flammable gases under pressure
iv) combustible metals

Class C fires involving

i) solid combustible materials of organic nature

ii) flammable liquids or liquefiable solids
iii) flammable gases under pressure
iv) combustible metals

Class D fires involving

i) solid combustible materials of organic nature

ii) flammable liquids or liquefiable solids
iii) flammable gases under pressure
iv) combustible metals


Once the electrical equipment is de-energized, extinguishers suitable for the class of the fire risk
involved can be used safely. True
“The degree to which a set of inherent characteristics of an object fulfils requirements” is known as:

I. Conformity
II. Quality
III. Grade
IV. Capability

ISO 9001: 2015 requires that the quality policy:

I. Must be reviewed for continuing suitability

II. Must be communicated and understood within the organization
III. Must provide a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives
IV. All of the above.

Match the following

ISO 9001 Energy Management System
ISO 14001 Occupational Health Safety Management System
ISO 45001 Quality Management System
ISO 50001 Environment Management System


Work-related event(s) in which an injury or ill health (regardless of severity) or fatality occurred, or could
have occurred are known as incident. True

Recurring activity to enhance performance is known as continual improvement. True

An Internal Audit sometimes called first-party audits. True

Competence is the ability to apply knowledge and ---------------to achieve intended results.


कु टीर उधोगो में श्रमिको की अधिकतम संख्या 9 होती है।

उद्यमी का व्यक्तित्व आकर्षक होना चाहिए।

एक सफल उद्यमी में कौन सा विशिष्ट गुण अवश्य होना चाहिए।

प्रत्येक कार्य की धुरी वित्त होता है।

वह पूंजी जो उद्यम अथवा व्यापार में खर्च हुई है स्थाई पूंजी कहलाती है।

स्वॉट में डब्लू का क्या अर्थ है।

जब उत्पादन अधिक हो तो तब लागते कम होती है।

दीर्घकाल समय की वह अवधि है जिसमे उत्पादन के सभी साधन या आगत परिवर्तन होते है।

नाबार्ड क्या है।

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