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Data Analytics in Quantum Paradigm: An Introduction: April 2017

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Data Analytics in Quantum Paradigm: An Introduction

Chapter · April 2017

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-54840-1_15

0 66

3 authors:

Arpita Maitra Subhamoy Maitra

TCG CREST Kolkata Indian Statistical Institute


Asim Kumar Pal

Indian Institute of Management Calcutta


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Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

Working Paper Series


November 2016

Data Analytics in Quantum Paradigm – An Introduction

Arpita Maitra
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

Subhamoy Maitra
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

Asim K. Pal
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Data Analytics in Quantum Paradigm – An

Arpita Maitra∗ and Subhamoy Maitra† and Asim K. Pal‡

Abstract In this introductory material, we will discuss basics of quantum paradigm

and how the developments in that area may provide useful pointers in the domain
of data analytics. We will discuss about the power of quantum computation with
respect to the classical one and try to present the implications of arrival of sev-
eral quantum technologies in practice. The prime concerns in data analytics are
fast computation, fast communication and security of data. Among these issues, the
main focus is naturally on the computation and then the rest of the issues follow.
The objective of getting better efficiency can be attained by discrete algorithms with
improved (lesser) time complexity and it is now proven that there are quantum al-
gorithms that are indeed much faster than their classical counterparts. However, in
all the domains of computation, such improvements may not be available and also
fabricating a commercial quantum computer is still elusive. We will try to briefly

Arpita Maitra
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, e-mail:
Subhamoy Maitra
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata e-mail:
Asim K. Pal
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, e-mail:
∗ This author is supported by the project “Information Security and Quantum Cryptography:
Study of Secure Multi-Party Computation in Quantum Domain and Applications” at IIM Calcutta.
† This author is supported by the project “Cryptography & Cryptanalysis: How far can we bridge

the gap between Classical and Quantum Paradigm”, awarded by the Scientific Research Council
of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE-SRC), the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences
‡ This author is supported by the projects “Sentiment analysis: An approach with data mining,

computational intelligence and longitudinal analysis with Applications to finance and marketing”
as well as “Information Security and Quantum Cryptography: Study of Secure Multi-Party Com-
putation in Quantum Domain and Applications” at IIM Calcutta.

4 Arpita Maitra and Subhamoy Maitra and Asim K. Pal

describe an outline of quantum paradigm in this material with possible implications

in several aspects in data analytics.

1 Introduction

The basic model of classical computers was initially visualized by Alan Turing, Von
Neumann and several other researchers in 1930’s and the decade after that. However
the model of computers, that Turing or Neumann studied, are limited by classical
physics and thus termed as classical computers. Till the end of nineteenth century,
most scientists believed that Newtonian laws governing the motion of material bod-
ies and Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism are the fundamental areas of physics.
However, the discovery of X-rays and electrons towards the end of that century
finally helped the physicists to understand quantum mechanics around 1925. The
limitation of classical mechanics could be understood clearly after that. In 1982,
Richard Feynman presented the seminal idea of a universal quantum simulator or
more informally, a quantum computer.
Informally speaking, a quantum system of more than one particles can be ex-
plained by a Hilbert space whose dimension is exponentially large in the number of
particles. Thus, one naturally expects that a quantum system can efficiently solve a
problem that may require exponential time on a classical computer. During 1980’s,
the initial works by Deutsch-Jozsa [12] and Grover [17] could explain quantum
algorithms that are exponentially faster than the classical ones. Most importantly,
in 1994, Shor discovered that in quantum paradigm, factorization and discrete log
problems can be efficiently solved [37]. This result had a major impact in classi-
cal cryptography. This is because, there are lot of public key cryptosystems that are
based on these two tools. The internet communication as a whole, including the on-
line banking system, depends on the security of these. Thus, in the field of public
key cryptography, this warranted for cryptographic primitives that can resist attacks
even with the existence of quantum computers. While commercial quantum com-
puters are still elusive, the recent developments in the area of experimental physics
are gaining huge momentum as evident from the award of Nobel prize for Physics
in 2012 to Wineland and Haroche for “ground-breaking experimental methods that
enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems”, a study on the
particle of light, the photon. The Nobel prize in Physics, 2016, is awarded to Thou-
less, Haldane and Kosterlitz for “theoretical discoveries of topological phase tran-
sitions and topological phases of matter”. These results might have importance to-
wards actual implementation of a quantum computer. Thus it shows that this domain
of research is indeed one of the top priorities in international scientific community.
Data analytics is the technology of investigating raw data towards obtaining valid
conclusions regarding relevant information. Such techniques are exploited by orga-
nizations to identify better business decisions towards verifying or disproving the
models they study. As these algorithms, in many cases, require high complexity, it
would always be interesting to investigate whether one can have more efficient so-
Data Analytics in Quantum Paradigm – An Introduction 5

lutions in the quantum domain. Consider the example of a share market. There we
require huge computation in short time, need to communicate those data quickly
among different parties and at the same time the data security has to be considered
with priority. While the data communication and security issues may be handled as
a part where much competition might not be involved, each of the companies will be
interested to have a better forecast than the other. Towards a better forecast, which is
the main purpose of data analytics, one requires to have huge statistical calculations,
which finally boils down to arithmetic, algebraic, combinatorial and symbolic com-
putations. Thus, the main question here is whether we can have better computational
facilities in quantum paradigm. This is the focus of this material. At the same time,
we also touch a few issues in communication and security domain that are relevant
in data analytics and where the quantum paradigm has efficient tools to offer.
Before proceeding further, let us present brief introductory materials. For detailed
technical understanding, one may refer to [29].

1.1 Basics of a qubit and the algebra

As a bit (0 or 1) is the basic element of a classical computer, the quantum bit (called
the qubit) is the fundamental element in the quantum paradigm, whose physical
counterpart is a photon. A qubit is represented as

α|0i + β |1i,

where α, β ∈ C (i.e., complex numbers), and |α|2 + |β |2 = 1. If one measures the

qubit in {|0i, |1i} basis, then |0i is observed with probability |α|2 , and |1i with |β |2 .
The original state gets destroyed after the observation and collapse to the observed
That is, the qubits |0i, |1i are the quantum
  counterparts of the classical bits
 0, 1.
1 0
The qubit |0i can be represented as and |1i can be represented as . The
0    1  
1 0 α
superposition of |0i, |1i, i.e., α|0i + β |1i can be written as α +β = ,
0 1 β
where α, β ∈ C, |α|2 + |β |2 = 1.
Based on this definition, one may theoretically pack infinite amount of infor-
mation in a single qubit. However, it is not clear how to extract such information.
Further in actual implementation of quantum circuits, it might not be possible to
perfectly create a qubit for any α, β . Nevertheless, it is clear that a single qubit may
contain huge information compared to a bit.
The basic algebra relating to more than one qubits can be interpreted as tensor
products. Thus, consider tensor product of two qubits as
6 Arpita Maitra and Subhamoy Maitra and Asim K. Pal
    
α2 α1 α2
α1 α  β2   =  α1 β2 
⊗ 2 =
   
(α1 |0i + β1 |1i) ⊗ (α2 |0i + β2 |1i) =
β1 β2 α β1 α2 
β1 2
  
β2 β1 β2
       
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
= α1 α2  0  + α1 β2  0  + β1 α2  1  + β1 β2  0 
      

0 0 0 1
= α1 α2 |00i + α1 β2 |01i + β1 α2 |10i + β1 β2 |11i. That is,
(α1 |0i+β1 |1i)⊗(α2 |0i+β2 |1i) = α1 α2 |00i+α1 β2 |01i+β1 α2 |10i+β1 β2 |11i.
However, any 2-qubit state may not always be decomposed as above. Con-
sider the state γ1 |00i + γ2 |11i with γ1 6= 0, γ2 6= 0. This can never be written as
(α1 |0i + β1 |1i) ⊗ (α2 |0i + β2 |1i). This phenomenon is described as entanglement.
An example of maximally entangled state is |00i+|11i√
, which is an example of Bell
states or EPR pairs. We will later explain how to produce such entangled states and
why they are important in quantum information.

1.2 Quantum gates

Now let us briefly describe the quantum gates. Such gates are basic primitives in
building a quantum computer. A quantum gate can be considered as a reversible
circuit having n qubits as inputs and n qubits as outputs. Mathematically, they can
be seen as 2n × 2n unitary matrices where the elements are complex numbers. Let
us first present a few examples of single input single output quantum gates.
Quantum input Quantum gate Quantum Output
α|0i + β |1i X β |0i + α|1i
α|0i + β |1i Z α|0i − β |1i
α|0i + β |1i H α √2 + β |0i−|1i
|0i+|1i √

In matrix form, the gate operations are as follows.

01 α β
• X gate: = ;
 1 0 β
1 0 α α
• Z gate: = ;
0 −1 β −β
" 1 # " #
√ √1 α+β

2 2 α 2
• H gate: 1 = α−β .
√ − √1 β √
2 2 2

Note that α+β √ |1i = α |0i+|1i

√ |0i + α−β √ + β |0i−|1i
√ .
2 2 2 2
Data Analytics in Quantum Paradigm – An Introduction 7

The 2-input 2-output quantum gates can be seen as 4 × 4 unitary matrices. An

example is the CNOT gate which works as follows:  |00i
 → |00i, |01i → |01i,
0 1 0 0
|10i → |11i, |11i → |10i. The related matrix is  0 0 0 1 .

As an application of these gates, let us describe the circuit in Figure 1 to cre-
ate certain entangled states as follows: |β00 i = |00i+|11i

, |β01 i = |01i+|10i

, |β10 i =
|00i−|11i |01i−|10i

, and |β11 i = √

|βxy i

Fig. 1 Quantum circuit for creating entangled state

1.3 No cloning

While it is very easy to copy an unknown classical bit (i.e., either 0 or 1), it is
now well known that it is not possible to copy an unknown qubit. This result is
known as the “no cloning theorem” and was initially noted in [13, 43]. It has a huge
implications in quantum computing, quantum information, quantum cryptography
and related fields.
The basic outline of the proof is as follows. Consider a quantum slot machine
with two slots labeled A and B. Here A is the data slot set in a pure unknown quantum
state |ψi whereas B is target slot set in a pure state |si where A will be copied. Let
there exist a unitary operator which does the copying procedure. Mathematically, it
is written as U(|ψi|si) = |ψi|ψi. Note that, U being a unitary operator, UU † = I,
where (U † )i j = U ji , transpose of the matrix and scalar complex conjugate for each
element. Let this copying procedure works for two particular pure states, |ψi and
|φ i. Then we have

U(|ψi|si) = |ψi|ψi,U(|φ i|si) = |φ i|φ i.

8 Arpita Maitra and Subhamoy Maitra and Asim K. Pal

From the inner product: hs|hψ|U †U|φ i|si = hψ|hψ||φ i|φ i. This implies hψ|φ i =
(hψ|φ i)2 .
Note that x = x2 has only two solutions: x = 0 and x = 1. Thus we get either
|ψi = |φ i or inner product of them equals to zero, i.e., |ψi and |φ i are orthogonal
to each other. This implies that a cloning device can only clone orthogonal states.
Therefore a general quantum cloning device is impossible. For example, given that
the unknown state is one of |0i, |0i+|1i

, two nonorthogonal states, it is not possible
to clone the state without knowing which one it is.
This provides certain advantages as well as disadvantages. The advantages are
in the domain of quantum cryptography, where by the laws of physics copying an
unknown qubit is not possible. However, in terms of copying or saving unknown
quantum data, this is actually a potential disadvantage. At the same time, it should
be clearly explained that given a known quantum state, it is always possible to copy
it. This is because, for a known quantum state, we know how to create it determin-
istically and thus it is possible to reproduce it with the same circuit.

|µi: control qubit

L } may be entangled
|0i: target qubit

Fig. 2 Explanation of No Cloning with a simple circuit.

For explaining with an example, one may refer to Figure 2. If an unknown qubit
|µi is either |0i or |1i, then it will be copied perfectly without creating any distur-
bance to |µi. However, if |µi = |0i+|1i

, say, then at the output we will get entangled
state |00i+|11i

. Thus copying is not successful here.
This concept can also be applied towards distinguishing quantum states. Given
two orthogonal states {|ψi, |ψ⊥ i}, it is possible to distinguish them with certainty.
For example, the pair of states
{|0i, |1i};
1 1
{ √ (|0i + |1i), √ (|0i − |1i)};
2 2
1 1
{ √ (|0i + i|1i), √ (|0i − i|1i)}
2 2
are orthogonal and can be certainly distinguished.
However, two non-orthogonal quantum states, this is not possible. For example,
given the two states are |0i, |0i+|1i

, which are nonorthogonal, it is not possible to
exactly identify each one with certainty. These ideas are back-bone to the famous
BB84 Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocol [5] protocol.
Data Analytics in Quantum Paradigm – An Introduction 9

2 A brief overview of advantages in Quantum Paradigm

Next we like to briefly mention a couple of areas where the frameworks based on
quantum physics provide advantageous situations over the classical domain. We will
consider one example each in the domain of communication as well as computation.

2.1 Teleportation

Teleportation is one of the important ideas that shows the strength of quantum model
over the classical model [3]. Given a sharing of a pair of entangled states by the two
parties at distant locations, one just needs to send two classical bits of information
to send an unknown quantum state (this may contain information corresponding to
infinitely many bits) from one side to another side.

|ψi M1

|βxy i { Bob ⇓
Alice ⇑

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
|ψ0 i |ψ1 i |ψ2 i |ψ3 i |ψ4 i

Fig. 3 Quantum circuit for Teleporting a qubit

As an example take |βxy i = |β00 i, G the CNOT gate, i.e., |00i → |00i, |01i →
|01i, |10i → |11i, |11i → |10i. Further consider A = H, B = X M2 ,C = Z M1 . This
will provide the basic teleportation circuit. As a simple extension, one can use any
|βxy i, G as CNOT and A = H, B = X M2 ⊕x ,C = Z M1 ⊕y . The step by step explanation
for teleportation is as follows.
• |ψ0 i = |ψi|β00 i = (α|0i + β |1i) (|00i+|11i)

• |ψ1 i = α|0i (|00i+|11i)

+ β |1i (|10i+|01i)

• |ψ2 i = α |0i+|1i


+β |0i−|1i


= 12 (|00i(α|0i+β |1i)+|01i(β |0i+
α|1i)+ |10i(α|0i − β |1i) − |11i(β |0i − α|1i))
• Observe 00, nothing to do. Observe 01, apply X. Observe 10, apply Z. Observe
11, apply both X, Z.
10 Arpita Maitra and Subhamoy Maitra and Asim K. Pal

The importance of this technique in data analytics is that if two different places may
share entangled particles, then it is possible to send a huge amount of information
(in fact theoretically infinite) by just communicating two classical bits. Again, one
important issue to be noted is that, even if we manage to trasport a qubit, in case it
is unknown, it might not be possible to extract the relevant information from that.

2.2 Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm

Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm [12] is possibly the first clear example that demonstrates
quantum parallelism over the standard classical model. Take a Boolean function
f : {0, 1}n → {0, 1}. A function f is constant if f (x) = c for all x ∈ {0, 1}n , c ∈
{0, 1}. Further f is called balanced if f (x) = 0 for 2n−1 inputs and f (x) = 1 for the
rest of 2n−1 inputs. Given the function f as a black box, which is either constant
or balanced, we need an algorithm, that can answer which one this is. It is clear
that a classical algorithm needs to check the function for at least 2n−1 + 1 inputs in
worst case to come to a decision. Quantum algorithm can solve this with only one
input. Note that given a classical circuit f , there is a quantum circuit of comparable
efficiency which computes the transformation U f that takes input like |x, yi and
produces output like |x, y ⊕ f (x)i.

|0i H ⊗n x x H ⊗n M
|1i y y ⊕ f (x)

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
|ψ0 i |ψ1 i |ψ2 i |ψ3 i

Fig. 4 Quantum circuit to implement Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm

The step by step operations of the technique can be described as follows.

• |ψ0 i = |0i⊗n |1i h i
• |ψ1 i = ∑x∈{0,1}n √|xi |0i−|1i√
2n 2h
f (x)
(−1) |xi |0i−|1i
• |ψ2 i = ∑x∈{0,1}n √2n √
(−1)x·z⊕ f (x) |zi
h i
• |ψ3 i = ∑z∈{0,1}n ∑x∈{0,1}n 2n

Data Analytics in Quantum Paradigm – An Introduction 11

• Measurement: all zero state implies that the function is constant, otherwise it is
The importance of explaining this algorithm in the context of data analytics is
that, it is often important to distinguish between two objects very efficiently. The
example of Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm [12] demonstrates that it is significantly effi-
cient compared to the classical domain.
At this point we like to present two important aspects of Deutsch-Jozsa algo-
rithm [12] in terms of data analytics and machine learning. First of all, one must note
that we can obtain the equal superposition of all 2n many n-bit states just by using
n many Hadamard gates. For this, note the first part of |ψ1 i which is ∑x∈{0,1}n √|xi2n .
This provides an exponential advantage in quantum domain as in the classical do-
main we cannot access all the 2n many n-bit patterns efficiently. The second point
is related to machine learning. As we have discussed, we may have the circuit of
f available as a black-box and we like to learn several properties of the function
efficiently. In this direction, Walsh transform is an important tool. What we obtain
as the output of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm just before measurement is |ψ3 i and
x·z⊕ f (x)
the first part of this is ∑z∈{0,1}n ∑x∈{0,1}n (−1) 2n |zi . Note that, the Walsh spectrum
of the Boolean function f at a point z is defined as W f (z) = ∑x∈{0,1}n (−1)x·z⊕ f (x) .
x·z⊕ f (x) W (z)
That is, ∑z∈{0,1}n ∑x∈{0,1}n (−1) 2n |zi = ∑z∈{0,1}n 2f n |zi. This means that using
such an algorithm, we can efficiently obtain a transform domain spectrum of the
function, which is not achievable in classical domain.
Testing several properties of Boolean functions in classical as well as quantum
paradigm is an interesting area of research in property testing [6], which are in
turn useful in learning theory. There are several interesting properties of Boolean
functions, mostly in the area of coding theory and cryptology, that need to be tested
efficiently. However, in many of the cases, the efficient algorithms are elusive. The
Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm [12] is the first step in this area in quantum computational
model. In a larger view, the details of various quantum algorithms can be obtained
from [32].

3 Preliminaries of quantum cryptography

In any commercial environment, confidentiality of data is one of the most important

issues. Due to Shor’s result [37] on efficient factorization as well as solving discrete
logarithm in quantum domain, classical public key cryptography will be completely
broken in case a quantum computer can actually be built. One must note that many
of the commercial security systems, including banking, are based on algorithms
whose security are promised by hardness of factorization or discrete log problems.
In this regard, we present a few basic issues in classical and quantum cryptography
that must be explained in any data centric environment.
12 Arpita Maitra and Subhamoy Maitra and Asim K. Pal

The main challenge in cryptology in early seventies was how to decide on a secret
information between two parties over a public channel. The solution to this has been
proposed by Diffie and Hellman in 1976 [14]. The protocol is as follows.
• In public domain, the information about a suitable group G is made available.
For example, one can consider G = (Z∗p , ·) where the elements are {1, . . . , p − 1}
and the multiplication is modulo p. The prime p should be very large, say of the
order of 1024 bits.
• Given the generator g (which is again known in public domain) and another ele-
ment h, it is hard (using a classical computer) to obtain i such that h = gi . This is
the well known as Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP).
• Thus, it is believed that in the classical paradigm, it is not easy to obtain gab using
ga , gb only (which are available to the adversary from the public channel) without
any knowledge of a, b. Here gab is used as the secret key for further secured com-
munication. That is, this secret key is the output of the key distribution algorithm
which will be secretly shared by the participating parties after communication
over a public channel.
Now let us describe the famous RSA cryptosystem [35]. The RSA cryptosystem has
been invented by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman in 1977 and this is undoubtedly the
most popular public key cryptosystem which is used in various electronic commerce
protocols. The security of this cryptosystem relies on the difficulty of factoring a
number into its two constituent primes. In practice, the prime factors of interest will
be several hundred bits long. A modulus N = p × q of 1024 bits for example would
be common. Let us now briefly describe the scheme.

Key Generation Algorithm

• Choose primes p, q (generally same bit size, q < p < 2q)
• Construct modulus N = pq, and φ (N) = (p − 1)(q − 1)
• Set e, d such that d = e−1 mod φ (N)
• Public key: (N, e) and Private key: d
Encryption Algorithm: C = M e mod N
Decryption Algorithm: M = Cd mod N
The RSA cryptosystem relies on the efficiency of the following:
• finding two large primes p, q, and computing N = pq;
• computing d = e−1 mod φ (N) given N = pq and e;
• computing modular exponentiations M e mod N and Cd mod N.
While it is very clear that if one can factor the modulus N, then RSA can be imme-
diately broken, the other two security problems are the following.
• To compute d = e−1 mod φ (N) given N, e.
• To compute M = C1/e mod N given N, e,C [RSA Problem].
Naturally, in classical domain, there is no efficient algorithm to solve the above two
Data Analytics in Quantum Paradigm – An Introduction 13

Till date, there is no efficient algorithm to solve DLP or RSA in classical domain.
However, in the famous work by Shor [37], it has been shown that both these prob-
lems can be solved efficiently in quantum paradigm. This opens a new area called
post-quantum cryptography [31], where the cryptosystems are studied considering
that the adversary can attack the systems using quantum computers. There are cer-
tain classical public key cryptosystems, for example, lattice based and code based
schemes for which no efficient quantum attack is known. However, understanding
these algorithms requires advanced background in mathematics and computer sci-
ence. Further, the commercial implementation of these schemes are not as efficient
as RSA.
On the other hand, Bennett and Brassard provided the idea of Quantum Key
Distribution [5] (QKD) where the physical laws are exploited towards the security
proof. This idea is quite elegant and easy to understand. More interestingly, while
the commercial quantum computers are still elusive, several QKD schemes have
already been implemented for commercial purposes [33, 34]. We now describe this
idea in more detail.

3.1 Quantum Key Distribution and the BB84 Protocol

Based on the above discussion, it is clear that the community needs a key distri-
bution scheme that can resist a quantum adversary. The famous BB84 [5] protocol
provides a secure quantum key distribution scheme which is secure under certain
assumptions. The scheme has received huge attention in the research community
as evident from its citation; it has also been implemented in commercial domain as
Bennett and Brassard (the BB of BB84) initiated the seminal idea of QKD in
1979 based on the pioneering concept proposed by Wiesner in 1970. Both these
ideas have been published much later, i.e., the idea of Wiesner in 1983 [41] and that
of Bennet and Brassard in [4, 5]. The work published in 1984 [5] received more
prominence and that is why the 84 of BB84 comes. Interested readers may have
a look at [9] for a detailed history in this area. Informally speaking, the security
of BB84 protocol comes from no-cloning theorem and indistinguishability of non-
orthogonal quantum states. The basic steps of BB84 QKD may be described as
• One needs to transmit 0 or 1 securely.
• For this, one may consider the bases

{|0i, |1i};

1 1
{ √ (|0i + |1i), √ (|0i − |1i)}.
2 2
• Choosing any one of the above bases, one may encode 0 to one qubit and 1 to the
other qubit in that basis.
14 Arpita Maitra and Subhamoy Maitra and Asim K. Pal

• If only a single basis is used, then the attacker can measure in that basis to obtain
the information and reproduce.
• Thus Alice needs to encode randomly with more than one bases.
• Bob will also measure in random basis.
• Basis will match in a proportion of cases and from that the secret key will be
This is the brief idea to obtain a secret key between two parties over an insecure
public channel using the BB84 [5] protocol. After obtaining the secret key, one may
use a symmetric key cryptosystem (for example, a stream cipher or a block cipher,
see [38] for details) for further communication in encrypted mode. One may refer
to [21] for state of the art results of quantum cryptanalysis on symmetric ciphers,
though it is still not as havoc as it had been on classical public key schemes.

3.2 Secure Multi-Party Computation

Let us now consider another important aspect of cryptology that might be relevant in
data analytics. Take the example of an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) for money
transaction. This is a classic example of secure two or multi-party computation.
Due to such transactions and several other application domains which are related to
secure data handling, Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMC) has become a very
important research topic in data intensive areas. In a standard model of SMC, n
number of parties wish to compute a function f (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ) of their respective
inputs x1 , x2 , · · · , xn , keeping the inputs secret from each other. Such computations
have wide applications in online auction, negotiation, electronic voting etc. Yao’s
millionaire’s problem [44] is considered as one of the initial attempts in the domain
of SMC. Later, this has been studied extensively in classical domain (see [18] and
the references therein). The security of classical SMC usually comes from some
computational assumptions such as hardness of factorization of a large number.
In quantum domain, Lo [24] showed the impossibility for secure computation in
certain two-party scenario. For example, “one out of two parties secure computa-
tion” means that only one out of two parties is allowed to know the output. As a
corollary to this result [24], it had been shown that one out of two oblivious trans-
fer is impossible in quantum paradigm. It has been claimed in [22] that given an
implementation of oblivious transfer, it is possible to securely evaluate any polyno-
mial time computable function without any additional primitive in classical domain.
However, it seems that such a secure two party computation might not work in
quantum domain. Hence, in case of two-party quantum computation, some addi-
tional assumptions, such as the semi-honest third party etc., have been introduced to
obtain the secure private comparison [40].
In [45], Yao had shown that any secure quantum bit commitment scheme can be
used to implement secure quantum oblivious transfer. However, Mayers [27] and
Lo et al [25] independently proved the insecurity of quantum bit commitment. Very
recently some relativistic protocols [26] have been proposed in the domain of quan-
Data Analytics in Quantum Paradigm – An Introduction 15

tum SMC. Unfortunately, these techniques are still not very promising for practical
implementations. Thus, considering quantum adversaries, it might not be possible
to achieve SMC and in turn collaborative multi-party computation in distributed
environments without compromising the security.

4 Data Analytics: A Critical View of Quantum Paradigm

Given the background of certain developments in quantum paradigm over the clas-
sical world, now let us get into some specific issues of data analytics. The first point
is, if we consider use of one qubit just as storing one bit of data, then that would
be a significant loss in terms of exploiting the much larger (theoretically infinite)
space of a qubit. On the other hand, for analysis of classical data, we may require to
consider new implementation of data storage that might add additional overhead as
data need to be presented in quantum platform. For example, consider the Deutsch-
Jozsa [12] algorithm. To apply this algorithm, we cannot use an n-input 1-output
Boolean function, but we require a form where the same function can be realized
as a function with equal number of input and output bits. Further the same circuit
must be implemented with quantum circuits so that the superposition of qubits can
be handled. These are the overheads that need to be considered.
Next let us come to the issue of structured and unstructured data. In classical
domain, if a data set with N elements are not sorted, then in worst case, we require
O(N) search complexity to find a specific data. In quantum domain, √ the seminal
Grover’s algorithm [17] shows that this is possible in only O( N) effort. For a
huge unsorted data set, this is indeed a significant gain. However, in any efficient
database, the individual data elements are stored in a well-structured manner so that
one can identify a specific record in O(log
√ N) time. This is exponentially small in
comparison with both O(N) as well as O( N) and thus, in such a scenario, quantum
computers may not be of significant advantage.

4.1 Related quantum algorithms

To achieve any kind of data analysis, we require several small primitives. Let us
first consider finding minimum or maximum from an unsorted list. Similar ideas as
in [17] can be applied
√ to obtain minimum or maximum value from an unsorted list
of size N in O( N) time as explained in [15] and [2] respectively. The work [20]
considers in detail quantum searching in ordered list and sorting. However, in such
a scenario where ordered lists are maintained, quantum algorithms do not provide
very significant improvements. Matrix related operations are necessary elements in
any kind of data analytics. Given n × n matrices, A, B,C, the matrix product verifica-
tion problem is to decide whether A × B = C. While the classical domain algorithms
must require Ω (n2 ) time, we have O(n 3 ) algorithm in quantum domain [10]. Such
16 Arpita Maitra and Subhamoy Maitra and Asim K. Pal

algorithms heavily use results related to quantum walks [39]. In a related direc-
tion, solution of a system of linear equations had naturally received serious atten-
tion in quantum domain and there are interesting speed-up in several cases. Further
these results [19] have applications towards solving linear differential equations,
least square techniques and in general, in the domain of machine learning. One may
refer to [32] for a detailed description of quantum algorithms and then compare their
complexities with the classical counterparts.
While there are certain improvements in specific areas, the situation is not always
hopeful and a nice reference in this regard is [1], where Aaronson says
“Having spent half my life in quantum computing research, I still find it miraculous that the
laws of quantum physics let us solve any classical problems exponentially faster than to-
day’s computers seem able to solve them. So maybe it shouldn’t surprise us that, in machine
learning like anywhere else, Nature will still make us work for those speedups.”

One may also have a look at [8, 23] for very recent state of the art discussions on
quantum supremacy. While most of the explanations do not provide a great rec-
ommendation towards advantages of quantum machine learning, for some initial
understanding of this area from a positive viewpoint, one may refer to [42].

4.2 Database

The next relevant question is if we have significant development in the area of quan-
tum database. In this direction there are some initial concept papers such as [36].
This work presents a novel database abstraction that allows to defer the finaliza-
tion of choices in transactions until an entity forces the choices by observation in
quantum terminology. Following the quantum mechanical idea, here a transaction
is in a quantum state, i.e., it could be one of many possible states or might be a
superposition. This is naturally undecided and unknown until observed by some
kind of measurement. Such an abstraction enables late binding of values read from
the database. The authors claimed that this helps in obtaining more transactions to
succeed in a situation with high contention. This scenario might be useful for appli-
cations where the transactions compete for physical resources represented by data
items in the database, such as booking seats in an airline or buying shares. However,
these are more at the conceptual level, where actual implementation related details
can not be exactly estimated.
Let us now look at what happens when we are interested in a series of compu-
tations which are possibly the most occurring phenomenon in practice. Consider
two scenarios, one from a static data set (structured) and another from a dynamic
data set where arbitrary search, addition, modification and alteration are allowed. In
static case, the database is generally maintained in such a manner so that the search
efforts are always logarithmic. Now consider a little more complex scenario, where
the database grows or shrinks arbitrarily and the search as well as other write oper-
ations are allowed in arbitrary sequence. Even in case of such dynamic updations,
Data Analytics in Quantum Paradigm – An Introduction 17

we always try to maintain some well known balanced tree structures. Hence, in both
the scenarios, we do not have any clear advantage in quantum domain.

4.3 Text Mining

Text mining is an integral part of data analytics given the popularity of social media.
Consider a scenario involving text mining problem, which uses a bag of words and
unsupervised or semi-supervised clustering technique. In the simplest situation, let
there be N words in a given corpus (dictionary). Say, the topics are to be extracted in
an unsupervised manner from a set of n stories or documents. Each document con-
tains a set of words. Each topic can be seen as a distribution over the set of words in
the corpus and also a document can be considered to be a distribution over the set of
(unknown) k topics, where the value of k is determined at the beginning depending
on the granularity of the topics required. A simple (or innermost iteration) requires
going through the documents one by one, allocating the words in the document to
topics, while simultaneously modifying the probability distributions of topics in the
documents and words in the topics. Now consider just one iteration only. There
are two main steps: (i) to create the dictionary (in this case, say the dictionary is
fixed, can not be modified), and (ii) we can study one document at a time. For each
document, we can allocate each word to a topic and topics to stories following the
distributions. It is obvious to see that in classical computation the fixed dictionary
is best to be organized as a sorted array. Once this is done, the search efforts are
logarithmic in classical domain and we should not get any immediate improvement
in the quantum counterpart. In this regard, we also need to refer to topic modelling.
Given a corpus of words, topic modelling is more static in nature. However, with
time the database of the corpus has to go through changes due to both additions and
deletions. The corpus size will generally increase, along with rapid increase in num-
ber of stories to be analyzed. Further, with more and more computing capabilities,
finer topics and sub-topics will have to be retrieved. Here big data analysis may play
an important role and related algorithms should be evaluated in quantum paradigm.
Let us now refer to certain statistical analysis [7] in this domain on a classical
model. The idea of Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is described here. This is based
on a generative probabilistic model for collections of discrete data, for example, text.
LDA is a three-level hierarchical Bayesian model. Each item of a collection is con-
sidered as a finite mixture over an underlying set of topics. These techniques can
be used in text classification. However, it is not very clear how these complex ideas
can be lifted in quantum domain. In a follow-up work [16], this has been extended
where the authors present a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for inference (for
quantum speed-up for Monte Carlo methods, one may refer to [28]). This algorithm
is applied to analyze abstracts from scientific journals using Bayesian model se-
lection to identify the number of topics. Text mining is one of the most important
topics in the domain of analytics and thus this kind of scenarios need to be explored
in quantum domain. One may refer to [11] where several ideas of quantum Markov
18 Arpita Maitra and Subhamoy Maitra and Asim K. Pal

chains are discussed from a different information-theoretic viewpoint and it is not

very clear how long it will take to connect ideas from machine learning domain and
the paradigm of quantum information to obtain meaningful commercial results.

5 Conclusion: Google, PageRank and Quantum Advantage

In this review, we have taken an approach to present certain introductory issues in

quantum paradigm and then explained how they relate to basics of data analytics.
We described several aspects in the domain of computation, communication and se-
curity and pointed out why the computational part should receive prime attention.
In the quantum computational model, we have enumerated several significant im-
provements over the classical counterpart, but the two main concerns that remain
are as follows.
• Can we fabricate a commercially viable quantum computer?
• (Even if we have a quantum computer) Can we have significant improvements in
computational complexity for algorithms related to data analytics?
Let us now conclude with a very practical and well known problem in the domain
of data analytics that received a significant attention. This should help the reader
to form his/her own opinion regarding the impact of quantum computation on a
significant problem. The problem is related to PageRank. PageRank is an algorithm
used by Google Search to rank the websites through their search engine results. It
is a method of quantifying the importance of the web pages, i.e., PageRank may
be viewed as a metric proposed by Google’s owners Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
According to Google:
“PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a
rough estimate of how important the website is. The underlying assumption is that more
important websites are likely to receive more links from other websites.”

Informally speaking, the PageRank algorithm heuristically provides a probability

distribution. This is used to represent the likelihood that an entity, randomly click-
ing on web links, will arrive at any particular page. It is very natural that this kind
of technique will require huge amount of computational resources and further there
will be continuous efforts in upgrading such strategies. Some parts of such effort
might involve a lot of “rough” heuristics where exact quantification in such a com-
plex environment might be very hard. In [30], it has been outlined that a quantum
version of Google’s famous search algorithm may be significantly faster. However,
till date it is not clearly understood how such quantum algorithms may behave on
a huge network. We have to wait and watch to experience how the quantum algo-
rithms will evolve to solve the complex problems of data analytics in the coming
Data Analytics in Quantum Paradigm – An Introduction 19


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