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Iii - Iv Клас: The Jungle Book is the story of a boy, Mowgli, who grows up with the Wolf Family in the jungle. His

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Книга за джунглата
по Ръдиард Киплинг

The Jungle Book is the story of a boy, Mowgli, who grows up with the Wolf Family in the jungle. His
Mother Wolf and Father Wolf protect him and he likes to play all day long with his brothers and sisters.
1. The jungle is a very dense ...... .
A) forest B) green C) tree D) wolf E) cave

2. Look at the picture! Where is Mowgli playing?

A) inside B) outside C) indoors D) in the house E) in the cave

3. Mowgli has ...... brothers and sisters.

A) seven B) six C) five D) eight E) nine

4. What is the color of Mowgli’s hair?

A) Red B) Yellow C) Black D) Green E) Grey

5. Let’s count the animals.

A) There are seven wolves in the picture. B) There are seven dogs in the picture.
C) There are eight bears in the picture. D) There are eight dogs in the picture.
E) There are nine wolves in the picture.


after Washington Irving

Rip Van Winkle lives near the Kaatskill Mountains in the village of Sleepy Hollow. The people there
come from Holland.
6. The village Rip lives in is …………… the Kaatskill Mountains.
A) far from B) not far from C) next to
D) on the right of E) on the left of
7. The name of the village is:
A) Sleepy Village B) Sleep Village C) Sleepy Hollow
D) Sleepy Holland E) Sleepy Mountain
Rip is a good and kind man. He is a nice neighbor and a favourite of the village children. He plays
with them and makes them toys. He teaches them to fly kites and tells them stories.
8. Rip Van Winkle is a favourite of the village ……………
A) boys and girls B) women C) men
D) postman E) baker
Rip goes fishing all day. He hunts for squirrels and wild rabbits, too.
9. The squirrel is a kind of …………… living in trees.
A) bird B) fish C) insect
D) small animal E) big animal
10. But Rip ............... not help in the house. He never works on his farm. His wife does all the work on
the farm. She also cooks for the family.
A) do B) is
C) does D) be
E) likes


1. My father and his friend ..... tennis whenever they have some free time.
A) play B) is playing C) plays
D) are playing E) to play

2. When do people decorate their homes with holly and mistletoe?

A) At Easter. B) On Valentine’s Day.
C) On Guy Fawkes’Night. D) At Christmas. E) At Halloween.

3. This house needs cleaning. We haven't cleaned it…………months.

A) for B) since C) ago
D) about E) from

4. She has her train ticket and she’s ..... tomorrow morning.
A) leaving B) leave
C) left D) will leave
E) can leave

5. Look at the picture and choose the missing letters: CH_ _ _ NU _ _

A) E, S, S, T, S B) U, S, T, T, Y
C) E, S, T, T, S D) E, S, T, D, S
E) E, S, S, T, E

6. We start school at …………….

A) 8 a.m. B) 8 p.m. C) 8 p.s.
D) 8 m.a. E) 8 a.n.

7. He is a teacher. He …..… pupils.

A) learns B) teach C) say to
D) is teaching E) teaches

8. Choose the right sentence of the following:

A) I have a brother who is marry. B) I had a brother who is married.
C) I having a marry brother. D) I am having a brother who was married.
E) I have a married brother.
9. When someone says:” I’m going to take my coat off” means:
A) warm B) cold C) chilly
D) wet E) snow

10. Choose the right option for the gaps: ”Yesterday I ................ a moustache but I ................. it. I do
not have a moustache now.
A) have/shaved B) had/shave C) haved/shaved
D) had/shaved E) had/shave
1. When can we meet again?
A) When are you free. B) It was two days ago. C) Can you help me?
D) Tomorrow at 4. E) How long?

2. Would you like lemonade or orange juice?

A) Have you got coke? B) If you like. C) Do you like?
D) I think so. E) I do, too.

3. My grandfather _____ use to sit on the bench in the garden, but now that it’s warmer, he sits there
for hours.
A) did B) wasn’t C) didn’t
D) is E) doesn’t

4. In Victorian England the drawing room was actually the living room. Usually there was a piano and
the girls in the family were expected to _______ to sing and play the piano beautifully. They often
played at gatherings to entertain their family and guests.
A) be B) could C) be able
D) can E) teach

5. Connect the colours to the flags:

1. blue, white and red – vertical stripes a) France
2. white, green and red – horizontal stripes b) Japan
3. black, red and yellow – horizontal stripes c) Germany
4. large red dot, white background d) Bulgaria
5. red, yellow, red – horizontal stripes e) Spain
A) 1a; 2b; 3c; 4d; 5e B) 1b; 2c; 3a; 4e; 5d
C) 1a; 2d; 3c; 4e; 5b D) 1a; 2d; 3c; 4b; 5e E) 1d; 2b; 3c; 4a; 5e

6. About 10% of all humans beings ever born are alive at this very moment.
Which word is not correct in this sentence?
A) humans B) beings C) ever D) alive E) very

7. Choose the statement which best expresses the meaning of the sentence: Nobody knows her secret,
but Mike’s.
A) Nobody knows Mike’s secret B) Mike knows her secret.
C) Everybody knows her secret. D) Everybody knows Mike’s secret
E) Nobody knows her secret and Mike’s.

8. What is the answer to this riddle?

A time when they're green, a time when they're brown,
But both of these times, cause me to frown.
But just in between, for a very short while,
They're sweet and yellow, and cause me to smile!
A) leaves B) colours C) bananas D) the sky E) the rainbows

9. What’s a blind date?

A) a date between people who have never met B) a date between blind people
C) a date in which people can’t see their faces D) an imaginary date
E) a date between animals

10. I lent your brother some money. He ………… me $ 300.

A) gives B) owns C) owes D) borrows E) lends

1. Horses are animals that have:

A) horns B) hooves C) trunks
D) flippers E) scales

2. What is retail therapy?

A) shopping with the primary purpose of improving the buyer's mood or disposition
B) a dangerous or problematic illness
C) a way of learning
D) therapy that includes reading magazines
E) a way of treating people’s eating disorder

3. Match the words which refer to anti-social behaviour with their definitions and then identify the
correct answers:
1. litter a. stealing from a shop
2. shoplifting b. attacking and robbing in the street
3. mugging c. dropping waste carelessly in public
4. vandalism d. writing on walls in public places
5. graffitti e. deliberately damaging personal or private property
A) 1c/2a/3b/4e/5d B) 1b/2e/3c/4a/5d C) 1c/2a/3e/4b/5d
D) 1b/2d/3c/4a/5e E) 1e/2d/3c/4b/5a

4. Bath is the city where the famous writer ……………………lived the last years of her life.
A) Jane Austen B) Emily Bbronte C) Agatha Christie
D) Lucy Hastings E) Sylvia Brett

5. Which of the British saints is celebrated on the 17th March?

A) St John B) St Patrick C) St David
D) St. George E) St. Andrew

6. Cardiff Castle was given to the people by the …………… .

A) Normands B) Butes C) Saxons
D) Romans E) Irish

Read the text below and answer the questions no. 1-5:

Once a Lion was asleep and a little Mouse began running up and down him. This soon woke the
Lion, who placed his huge paw on the Mouse, and opened his big jaws ready to swallow him.
"Pardon, O King," cried the little Mouse, "forgive me this time and I shall never forget it. Who
knows what I may be able to do for you one of these days?" The Lion was so tickled at the idea
of the Mouse being able to help him that he lifted up his paw and let him go.
Some time later, the Lion was caught in a trap. The hunters, who desired to carry him alive to
the King, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry
him on. Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by. Seeing the
unpleasant condition in which the Lion was, he went up to him
and gnawed away the ropes that bound the King of the Beasts.
"Was I not right?" said the little Mouse.
Little friends may prove great friends.

7. What did the Mouse do when the Lion was about to eat him?
A) The Mouse spat in the Lion's face. B) The Mouse fainted.
C) The Mouse started crying. D) The Mouse begged for his life.
E) The Mouse ran away.
8. Why did the Lion need help from someone? Because…….
A) he was trapped in a snake pit. B) the hunters wanted to take him to the zoo.
C) he was trapped in a big hole. D) the ropes prevented him from running away.
E) he wanted to get attention.

9. How did the Lion escape from the trap?

A) The Lion set himself free by chewing the ropes.
B) The Lion set himself free by pulling the ropes and breaking them.
C) The Lion untied the ropes and freed himself from the trap.
D) One of the hunters felt guilty and set him free.
E) The Mouse chewed the ropes to set him free.

10. What was the relationship between the Lion and the Mouse after the Lion was set free?
A) The Lion ate the Mouse and got a stomach ache.
B) They became the worst enemies ever.
C) The Lion and the Mouse got together every Christmas.
D) The Lion and the Mouse became friends.
E) The Lion and the Mouse each went their separate ways.

1. She worked as a(n) ............... in America.
A) out pair B) in pair C) au pair
D) pear E) pair

2. The Queen of Hearts,

She made some tarts
All on a summer day.
The …........ of Hearts,
He stole the tarts
And took them clean away
(Lewis Carroll- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
A) Diamond B) Knave C) Boy
D) King E) Emperor

3. No sooner ……. working ……. his sister asked him to join her for a walk.
A) he had finished / than B) had he finish / when C) had he finished / than
D) he finished had / when E) has he finished / when

4. Bark is to dog as whinny is to …......... .

A) chicken B) pig
C) cat D) duck
E) horse

5. What is the difference between the United Kingdom and Great Britain?
A) There is no difference
B) There is a difference of formal and informal language
C) Great Britain refers to the island comprising only England, Scotland and Wales
D) Great Britain is larger than the UK, and comprises all the British colonies
E) None of the above

6. Complete the conversation:

“Where do you go swimming, little girl?”
“In the ..... .”
“I didn’t say when – I said where.”
“Yes, that’s where.”
A) spring B) water C) summer
D) river E) bathroom

7. What letters form a synonym of “curiosity”?

A) i/ a/ r/ p/ e/ c/ l/ u/ t/ i/ y B) a/ t/ i/p/ e/ l/ u/ c/ i/ r C) y/ t/ i/ a/ r/ e/ c/ p/ u
D) y/ t/ i/ a/ r/ p/ c/ u/ l E) i/ r/ c/ p/ n/ u/ a/ l/ t/ i/ y

8. When my parents got married, they ..... each other for two months. But today is their fiftieth
wedding anniversary.
A) had only been knowing B) would have known C) had only known
D) have only known E) only knew

9. Which word derived from Greek means “the power of the people”?
A) freedom B) liberty C) justice
D) narcissism E) democracy

10. What was William Shakespeare’s theatre in London called?

A) The Stratford Theatre B) The Swan Theatre C) The Globe Theatre
D) The Theatre of London E) The New Place Theatre

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