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Ground-Based Navigation (Week 9)

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Ground-based Navigation

ATRN 214
Ground-based navigation

Advances in navigational radio receivers installed in aircraft, the development of aeronautical

charts that show the exact location of ground transmitting stations and their frequencies,
along with refined flight deck instrumentation make it possible for pilots to navigate with
precision to almost any point desired.

All radio beacons, except compass locators, transmit a continuous three-letter

identification in code, except during voice transmissions. A compass locator, which is
associated with an instrument landing system, transmits a two-letter identification.
Radio navigation systems available for VFR navigation

• Nondirectional Radio Beacon (NDB)

• VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR)
• Global Positioning System (GPS)
Nondirectional Beacon and
Automatic Direction Finder
Nondirectional Beacon (NDB)

• Is the simplest NAVAID used by aircraft.

• It is a ground-based transmitter which transmits radio energy in all directions, hence its
name – the nondirectional beacon
• The NDB stations normally operate in a low or medium frequency band
• The radio frequencies assigned to NDBs shall be selected from those available in that portion of the
spectrum between 190 kHz and 1750 kHz (based on ICAO Annex 10 Vol 1 3-34)
• The NDB frequency can sometimes bleed over to the AM Radio frequency band and likewise
radios can bleed over onto the NDB frequency
NDB in Charts
NDB Range

• The range of NDB depends on:

• The power of transmission (10-2000 watts)
• The frequency of transmission
• Atmospheric conditions at the time
• The nature of the earth’s surface over which the signal travels
Automatic Direction Finder (ADF)

• Installed in an airplane, has a needle that

indicates the direction from which the
signals of the selected NDB ground station
are being received.
• In the past days, the ADF was referred to
as radio compass
ADF Antennas

An ADF requires two antennas.

1. Directional antenna
• is a flat device about the size of your hand, containing loops of wire that receive radio signals more
efficiently in one direction than in others.
2. Sense antenna
• receives signals with equal efficiency in all directions.
The ADF will point to the
NDB it is tuned to.

A bearing is the horizontal direction from one point to another. It can be measured
clockwise in degrees from any reference point.

• Relative bearing (RB) - is the clockwise angle from the heading of the vessel to a straight
line drawn from the observation station on the vessel to the object.
• Magnetic bearing (MB) - refers to the angle between the magnetic north and an object.
• True bearing (TB) - refers to the angle between the true north and an object.

Relative Bearing + Magnetic Heading = Magnetic Bearing

ADF Bearing Indicators

• Fixed-card bearing indicator

• the number zero always appears at the top, and the numbers around the 360° azimuth card
correspond to a station’s bearing relative to the nose of the airplane (relative bearing).
• Movable-card bearing indicator
• Pilot can rotate the face of the card.
• The ADF needle will directly indicate the magnetic bearing to the NDB when the aircraft heading is
shown at the top.
• Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI)
• Is similar to the movable-card indicator except that it automatically adjusts itself to the present
aircraft heading.
A view of fixed-
card bearing
A view of movable-
card bearing
Advantages of NDB/ADF

• Low or medium frequencies are not affected by line-of-sight. The signals follow the
curvature of the Earth; therefore, if the aircraft is within the range of the station, the
signals can be received regardless of altitude.
• Accuracy is suitable for navigation but subject to numerous limitations
• Relatively simple and low cost

• Radio beacons are subject to disturbances that may result in erroneous bearing
information. Such disturbances result from factors such as lightning, precipitation static,
• Nearly all disturbances which affect the Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) bearing also
affect the facility's identification
• Noisy identification usually occurs when the ADF needle is erratic
• Voice, music or erroneous identification may be heard when a steady false bearing is being
• Since ADF receivers do not have a "flag" to warn the pilot when erroneous bearing
information is being displayed, the pilot should continuously monitor the NDB's
• Twilight Error (Night Effect)
• Radio waves can be reflected back by the ionosphere and can cause fluctuations 30 to 60 NM
(approx. 54 to 108 KM) from the transmitter, especially just before sunrise and just after sunset
• Terrain Error:
• High terrain like hills and mountains can reflect radio waves, giving erroneous readings especially if
they contain magnetic deposits
• Electrical Error:
• Electrical storms, and sometimes also electrical interference can cause the ADF needle to deflect
toward the electrical source
• Shoreline Error
• Low-frequency radio waves will refract or bend near a shoreline, especially if they are close to parallel
to the shore
• Bank Error
• When the aircraft is banked, the needle reading will be offset

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