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The Chief Estimator Software

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The Chief Estimator Software

International Project Estimating Limited

The Chief Estimator Software

Table of Contents

Features ……………………………………………………… 3
Tutorials & Help………………………………………………… 4
System Files ………………………………………………….. 4
Toolbars & Menus ……………………………………………. 5
Software Installation ………………………………………….. 6
Register the Software ……………………………………… …. 6
Resource Rates ………………………………………………... 7
Estimate Notes ………………………………………………….. 9
Estimate WBS ………………………………………………… 10
Enter Resource & Production Rates…………………………… 11
Copy & Prorate ……………………………………………….. 13
Apply Margin …………………………………………………. 14
Schedule Export ………………………………………………… 15
Cash Flow ……………………………………………………… 16
Vendor Quotations …………………………………………….. 17
Bid Closing …………………………………………………….. 18
Unbalance Bid …………………………………………………. 19
Reports …………………………………………………………. 20
Utilities ………………………………………………………… 23
Advantages …………………………………………… ……… 24
The Method

• Build Own Transfer (BOT) Projects • Project Management

• Design Build • Construction Tender

The Projects

• Infrastructure • Transit
• Airports • Process and Power
• Toll Roads • Heavy Civil
• Commercial Buildings • Tunnels
• Mines • Bridges

The Technology

• Fully integrated 32 bit technology • Windows 9x/ME/NT/XP/Vista/Windows7

• Fully Internet Aware • VB6 Active X Internet Compatible
• Generate reports direct to Excel • SQL Compatible

The Estimate Breakdown

• Multiple level workbreakdown structures (WBS) • Bid lump sum hard money projects
• Parametric estimating • Bid unit price tenders
• Create composite work assemblies • Bid with detailed crews & production rates
• Bid with conceptual unit rates • Bid utilizing historical man-hour factors
• Award subcontract packages • Generate cash flows
• Award procurement packages • Plot resources over time

The Resource Database

• Setup multi level breakdown • Develop equipment ownership costs

• Customize user defined payroll burden formula • Generate equipment operating costs
• Setup multiple rates for the same resource • Switch between owned or rented equipment
• Bid in hours, shifts, days or months • Apply discounts to materials

The International Features

• Maintain database of currency exchange rates • Automatically convert between metric & imperial
• Bid projects in multiple currencies • Set resource rates in multiple currencies
• Report in any currency • Convert resource database between currencies
• Report cash flows in multiple currencies • Enter quotations in any currency

The Internet and Network Features

• Stand-alone or Multi-user • Operate remotely through the Internet

• Multiple users can work on same project • E-mail reports in Excel format

International Project Estimating Software
The Chief Estimator Software
The Chief Estimator Software is organized to walk you through the
complete estimating process, step by step. The system comes
complete with a comprehensive online help system and an easy to
use windows interface.

Tutorials and Help

Online Tutorials: A complete series of tutorials is available on

our website to walk you through the software.
Project Toolbar
View Estimates & Resources: open or
Help: Click on “Help Content” on the main menu. You can view the create new Estimate or Resource Files.
help content by selecting the appropriate Chapter or by entering a
Keyword under Index. When viewing any form within the system, General Information: enter a description
point to anywhere within the active window and press F1. A detailed of the project, select the resource file to
use and select the currency of the bid.
description of the form you are in will also be displayed.
Resource Libraries: open the resource file
the estimate is linked to, update or enter
System Files new resource rates.

Project Notes: setup pick-lists and enter

Estimate Files: Within the Chief Estimator Software, the general notes about the project.
Estimate file is where you bid the project. Within this single file you
create the work breakdown (WBS) of your bid, estimate the cost, Enter Estimate: create the breakdown for
compare quotations, apply markup, analyze cash flows and close the estimate, setup sections, enter items
the bid. The estimate file will appear in your windows explorer with a and activities, enter unit rates, select or
“.ipe” extension. This stands for “Infrastructure Project Estimating”. enter resources, enter or modify production
rates, copy from other bids, prorate
quantities & productivity.
Resource Files: Within the System, you can enter and store a
library of resource rates that you can draw on when bidding a Margins: apply overhead, profit, insurance
project. When you create an estimate, you have the option of linking and bonding.
the bid to a particular resource file. Resource rates include labour,
equipment, material and subcontracts. The system also allows you Schedules: export work breakdown to
to setup a library of crews with specific production rates, assemblies Microsoft Project. Import schedule from
Microsoft Project. Enter bar chart schedule
of materials and takeoff formula within the resource file itself. The
resource file will also appear in your windows explorer with a “.ipe”
extension. Cash Flow: setup & generate cash flows
based on schedule & revenue unbalancing.

Quotations: enter quotations for single

The User Interface items, resources or packages of items or
resources. Identify currency of quotation.
Estimate Toolbar: To estimate a project you will work your
way from left to right across the Project Toolbar. All selections on Close Bid: compare and award quotations,
the Project Toolbar are also available on the Main Menu modify resource rates and spread and
unbalance unit prices within the bid.

Bid Results: enter & compare bid results.

Reports: select and generate a single or a

When you enter information into an estimate the data is package of reports. Select the currency of
automatically saved. To move to the next step just point to the the reports.
appropriate icon on the toolbar and click.

Form Toolbars: Each form within the system has its own toolbar that
is displayed at the top to assist you in entering or selecting data.
Utilities: The system also includes utilities to assist you in
preparing estimates. Included is a phonebook utility for entering and Utilities
saving a list of contacts such as Clients, Suppliers and
Contact Manager: this is a Phonebook
Subcontractor, a utility for entering and saving currency exchange application where users can enter
rates and a utility for entering and saving measurement conversion phone, fax and e-mail numbers.
Currency Exchange: update, add or
delete currency exchange rates.

Measurement Conversion: maintain

measurement conversion factors for
Currency: When estimating a project the user must select the converting between metric and
base currency of the bid. Lines within the bid, resources or imperial.
quotations can be entered in their currency of origin. The system
can then generate reports based on the current or selected Calculator: a pop-up calculator.
exchange rates.

Menus: All selections on the toolbars are also available on the

drill down menus. The toolbars include most of the common Menus:
functions. The menus also include functions that the user may not
use on a regular basis that are not found on the toolbars. Main Menu: this is the menu located
directly under the title bar. Click on any
selection to display a sub-menu.

Sub- Menus: click on any selection in

the sub-menu will open up a new
window. This is equivalent to clicking on
an icon on a toolbar.

Form- Menus: when you open up a

form, you will notice that an additional
menu selection appears that only applies
to that form

Right Click Menus: when working within

the “Enter Estimate” form you can point
to any line in the bid and right click to
access a convenient menu where you
can perform many functions.

Reports Menu: you can select a report

from the Reports icon on the Project
Toolbar or from the Reports Menu.

View Costs: The total current cost of the project is always

displayed on the status bar on the bottom of the main window. To
display the costs of any line in the bid, open the “Enter Estimate” Preferences:
form and select “View Bid Line Costs” from the Estimate menu.
Overall Settings: set default directories
User Preferences: The system was designed to let the user and desktop images.
prepare the bids the way they want. Different types of projects Resource Settings: option to show
require different styles of estimates. Infrastructure Projects are bid alternate languages, metric or imperial,
differently than unit price Civil Projects or Lump Sum Building base or detailed rates with burdens.
Projects. In addition to customizing the bid breakdown, users can
customize the user interface. Many of the forms allow the user to Estimate Settings: option to view
drag and close fields they do not wish to see. You may also click on codes, man-hours & line increments.
“Tools<Preferences” to setup custom settings.
Get Started Step by Step Step 1: Install the Software

You can install the software directly from a CD or

by downloading the software over the Internet. If
you download over the Internet, just click on “Chief
Estimator Setup” to install the software. If you
select the default directory the software will be
installed under C<Program Files<Chief
Estimator. If a Standard Resource File, Sample
Install the Software: Estimate or Master Work Breakdown is provided
they will also be installed in this directory.
Double click on the “Chief Estimator Setup” file to install the software.
Step 2: Open the Application
Register the Software:
When the software is installed the Chief
Estimator icon will automatically be installed on
You must be connected to the internet.Click on File/License Manager your desktop and a menu selection will
enter your registration number and click “Activate” automatically be added to the “Start<Programs”
Free Trial Period: Step 3: Open or Create an Estimate File
The software will open 20 times before registration is required. When you open the software the “Open
Estimates & Resource Files” form will open
Open or Create Estimate & Resource Files: automatically. You can either open an existing
estimate file or create a new one. To open or
create an estimate file, click on the “Open
Estimates & Resource Files” icon. To open an
existing estimate drill down to the correct directory
displayed in the left window and double click on
the estimate file in the right window. To create a
new estimate, click on the “Create New” icon.
Enter the file name and click “OK”. You will be
prompted to enter a bid number and name. You
will then be prompted to select a Resource File to
link the estimate to. If you have not setup a
resource file yet or you do not have a sample
resource file click “Cancel” to move on.

Step 4: Open or Create a Resource File

To open or create a resource file, within the “Open

Estimates & Resource Files” form click on the
Enter Basis of Estimate: file. To open an existing resource file, drill down to
the correct directory displayed in the left window
and double click on the estimate file in the right
window. To create a new resource file, click on the
“Create New” icon. Enter the file name and click

Step 5: Enter Basis of Estimate

Click on the Basis of Estimate Icon to enter

general information about the project. Fill in the
form and enter Dates by selecting from the
dropdown calendars. Select the Currency for the
project. If a resource file was not selected in step
3, point to the “Select Resource File” icon.
Resource files can have more than one Zone for
each cost type that can be selected.
Setup or Edit Resource Rates:
Step 6: Setup or Edit Resource Rates

Click on the “Resource Data” icon on the

Estimate Toolbar to setup resource rates.

Resource Types: the Labour rates will be

displayed when the form is first opened. You
can also select from Equipment, Crews,
Material, Material Assemblies, Takeoff
Assemblies, Subcontracts and Plug Rates.

Setup, Edit & Delete Resources: icons on the

resource toolbar allow you to enter or delete new
resource rates or add or delete resources from
crews or material assemblies.

Sort Resources: by sequence, code,

description or category.

Copy Crews & Assemblies: when creating

View Resource Types: Enter & Edit Rates: crews or material assemblies, the makeup of a
crew or material assembly can be copied.
Labor Rates Enter New Rate
Display Quick Pick List: tag “Yes” opposite
Equipment Rates Delete Resource resources to view a list of frequently used rates.

Crews Add Labor to Crew Resource Categories: can be setup to

Material Rates Add Equip to Crew organize resources into groups. For example,
labour rates can be grouped by trade,
Material Assemblies Add Mat to Assembly equipment rates can be grouped by class, and
Takeoff Assemblies material rates by work-breakdown.
Copy Crew/Assembly
Subcontract Rates
Find Resources: you can search by code,
Plugged Unit Rates description, category or sequence.
Organize & Find Rates:
Resource Zones: can be setup to create
Advanced Features: Display Quick Picks multiple rates for the same resource. (labour by
Resource Categories union, equipment by ownership type such as
Resource Zones owned or leased) or zones can be used to
Select Category setup the same resource in Multiple
Burden Formula
Find Resource Currencies.

Required Resource Fields: these are the mandatory fields. To get started enter the total rates in the base rate field.



Field Name Description



Code Required alphanumeric code. x x x x x

Sequence Default sort order on screens & in reports. x x x x x
UOT Default unit of time = hours for entering rates and production. x x x
Base Rate Enter total rate here if burden feature not used. x x x
Rental Rate Total equipment rate per hour including operating costs. x
Total Hourly Rate Total calculated rate per hour including burdens or equip oper costs. x x x
MHF Manhours per unit of measure. (enter either MHF of Prod rate) x
Prod Production rate per unit of measure. (enter either MHF of Prod rate) x
UOM Base unit of measure (can be metric or imperial). x x x
Unit Rate Total Rate per unit of measure. x x
Alternate Units of Measure: these are optional fields if you prefer to estimate in a unit of time other than hours (such
as shifts, days, months) or if you commonly bid in both the metric and imperial measurement systems. You have the option
of hiding these fields by going to Tools<Preferences<Resources.


Field Name Description


Quick Pick Click yes for frequently used resources. x x x x x
Alt UOT Alternate unit of time.(shifts, days, months etc.) x x x
Alt Fact Conversion factor for alternate unit of time x x x
Burdens Calculate payroll burdens or equip oper costs or material taxes. x x x x
Alt Total Rate Base Rate x Alternate factor.(rate per shift, day, month) x x x
Alt UOT Prod Production per alternate unit of time. (example;m3 per shift) x
AlT UOM Alternate unit of measure (metric or imperial) x x x
Alt Fact. Conversion factor between metric and imperial x x x
Alt Unit Rate Unit Rate in other measurement system (Unit rate/Alt Fact) x x x
Formula Dispalys burdens included in formula. x x x x
Qty per Lot Quantity per lot, such as per 100. x
Rate per Lot Rate x quantity per lot. x
Category Used to organize resources into groups. x x x x x
Hot Key Used to enter a resource quickly. x x x x x
Quote Tag Tag a resource to automatically include in a resource package. x x x x x
Specific Factors Fields added by the user when creating burden formula. x x x x

Burden Formula: setting up burden formula is optional. You can start using the system by ignoring burdens and
working with total rates only. For more information on setting up burden formula, refer to the help contents or user guide.

Resource Burdens: formula can be setup

to calculate labor payroll burdens,
equipment operating costs and material
taxes & duty.

Specific Factors: user defined factors that

are specific to a certain resource, such as
holiday pay % for labor, fuel consumption
for equipment or material import duty %.

Global Factors: user defined factors that

are global to all resources, like government
vacation pay % for labor, fuel price for
equipment or material sales tax %.

Burden Formula: user defined formula

setup as a function of base rates, specific
factors and global factors to calculate

Plug Unit Rates: The resource files also include the ability to setup a Plug Rates: library of conceptual unit
library of Conceptual (Parametric) Plug Unit Rates. Plug rates are all rates. When setting up unit rates you have
inclusive unit rates. You may wish to setup a library of these rates if you the option of using a single rate or building
do a lot of conceptual estimating. Plug rates can also be entered directly the rate from historical man-hour factors.
into the bid without selecting then from a resource file.
Enter Estimate Notes:

Step 7: Enter Estimate Notes

Note Tabs: the notes are setup under;

Project Description, Bid security, Schedule
Dates, terms & Conditions, Bidders List
and General Notes.

Pick Lists: setup a standard set of note

pick lists that can be used each note tab.
In Tools <Preferences <Estimate you
can set sequence preferences.

Estimate Notes: notes can be entered

directly under any line in the bid. Refer to
Link External Files: Step 9, “Enter Estimate<Detailed Notes”.

The estimate file can be linked to general external files in other formats
such as Excel or Word.
Step 8: Setup Links to External Files
Link Organization Chart: International Project Estimating also
provides a typical Project Organization Chart in Excel Format. This is an optional step to assist the user in
linking their estimate to external files. There
are two methods of linking files.

Link General Files to the Estimate: if the

linked file pertains to the entire estimate go to
Utilties<Links<Modify on the main menu to
add new linked files.

Link Specific Files to Estimate Lines: if you

wish to link a specific files (such as a Quantity
Takeoff Spreadsheet or a Site Photo) to any
line in your estimate, point to any line in the
bid (refer to step 9), then go to
Estimate<Link on the main menu to link the
file to the estimate line. To view the file at
anytime from within the estimate, double click
on the file path displayed in the estimate
detail (refer to step 9)

Standardized Estimate Directory: it is good

Link Takeoff Spreadsheet: International Project Estimating also practice, particularly when linking to external
provides a typical Takeoff Spreadsheet in Excel Format. files to maintain a standard breakdown format
in Windows Explorer.
Enter Estimate Detail: Step 9: Enter the Estimate Breakdown

This is the main screen where the Work

Enter Estimate Sections: Breakdown of the bid is created and the costs,
resources and production rate are entered.

Create the Bid Work Breakdown (WBS):

Enter Sections (S): the estimate and the

resulting bill of quantities can be grouped into
main sections. To create a section, point to
“Current Bid” in the bid breakdown window and
click on the “Create New Section Icon”. Enter
the description of the section in the Details
window on the right side of the screen. You can
also setup sub-sections by pointing to the
section and following the same procedure. You
can setup up to 9 levels of sub-sections.

Enter Items (I): point to the appropriate section

and click on the “Insert New Bid Line” icon.
Enter Estimate Items: Under Detail in the right window enter the Item
Number, Type, Description, Quantity, Unit of
Measure and Status.

Select Item Type: by default an item is

assumed to be a “Direct” cost item, also
referred to as a bid item. Items can also be
tagged as “Indirect”, “Alternate”, “Plant” or
“Engineering”. “Indirect” items are normally site
overhead items that are automatically spread
over all direct items when calculating the final
bid prices. “Alternate” items are setup for
comparison only and are not included in the
total. “Plant” includes stationary items like
Batch Plants where the costs can be spread
separately over a range of direct cost items.
“Engineering” can be kept separate from
construction costs on design build projects and
are also spread over all items.
Breakdown an Item into Activities:
Select Line Status: by default any line in the
bid, including items, are initially assumed to be
“Plug” rates. The unit rate or total plugged cost
can be entered directly here. If resources are
entered into the line, the status automatically
switches to “Bid”. If a quote is awarded, the
status changes to “Quote”. To enter a cash
allowance, switch the status to “Allow”.

Enter Activities (A): point to the appropriate

item and click on the “Insert New Bid Line”
icon. The system will allow the user to add up to
19 levels of activities below an item. Resources
can only be entered at the lowest activity level.
A quotation can be awarded at any level and will
override all cost below that level. Under detail
enter the Line Number, Description, Quantity,
Unit of Measure and Status.

Suspend Costs: the cost in any line can be

suspended. The detail will be displayed but the
costs will not rollup into the estimate.
Enter Plug Unit Rates:
Step 10: Enter Plug Unit Rates:

Enter Items in List View: to view or enter items

into the bid in list view, point to “Current Bid” in
the Bid Breakdown window, then select “List”
under “View Type”, and pick “View Bid Lines”.
In the list view enter the Line Number,
Description, Quantity, Unit of Measure and

To view or enter any other line under an item in

Enter General Unit Rates: the bid in list view, point to the appropriate line
in the Bid Breakdown window, then select “List”
under “View Type”.

Enter Plug Unit Rates: to enter plug unit rates

in any line in the bid, just enter the Quantity,
Unit of Measure and the Unit Cost or Total Cost.
A plugged unit rate is an initial rate or first guess
at the cost. These rates can be replaced at
anytime with a detailed bid or a quotation from a
subcontractor. You may also select plug rates
from an historical library of rates saved in a
resource file. Click on “Estimate<Select Plug
Unit Rate”.

Enter General Costs: General costs can be

entered when the user wishes to enter costs not
available from the resource file. These costs
can be broken down further by cost type
Select Resource Rates: including labour, equipment, job material,
permanent material and subcontracts.

Point just to the right of the appropriate line in

the bid and “Right Click”. You can enter unit
rates for cost types individually or all together by
selecting “Combined”.

Step 11: Enter Resources& Production


Find Resource Rates Quickly: Select Resources from a Resource File: you
must ensure that the appropriate resource file is
linked to the bid. To view the resource file within
the Enter Estimate form, click on “Resources”
under “Select View Type”. Point to the
appropriate resource type icon (labor,
equipment, crews, material, material assembly
or subcontract). If you know the first letters of
the code point to the resource window and enter
them. The cursor will go to the resources
starting with that letter. Enter the next letter and
so on until the resource is displayed. Click
“Enter” to select the resource. If you don’t know
the code, click on the “Select Category” icon,
drill down and find the appropriate category.
Point to the resource and double click. If you
select more than one resource at a time you can
highlight the resources and then point to the line
in the bid, drag and drop.
Setup Quick Resources on the Fly: if the
Setup Resources directly in the Bid:
resource has not been setup in the resource
file you may find it quicker to setup the
resource directly in the bid. Point the mouse
just to the right of the appropriate line in the
bid, right click and select “Enter Quick
Resources”. Pick the appropriate resource
type. A default code and description will be
provided that you can change if you wish.
Enter the quantity and unit rate. You can also
click on Quick Material on the estimate menu.

Setup Quick Crews on the Fly: if the crew

has not been setup follow the procedure
above. You can also click on Quick Material on
the estimate menu. To add labor and
equipment to the crew, click on the “Add
Labor” to crew or “Add Equipment” to crew
icon on the “Estimate Toolbar”. Follow the
instructions below to enter or modify the
production rate.

Enter or Edit Crew Production Rates: to

Enter or Edit Production Rates: enter or edit a production rate, drill down and
point to the appropriate crew in the Bid
Breakdown window. Click on “Detail” under
Select View Type. Enter the production rate
per unit of time and the resulting time
(duration) will be displayed.

Modify Man-hour Factors or Time: you may

wish to enter a man-hour factor (MHF) or the
duration (Time) directly. The resulting
production rate will be changed accordingly.

Enter Notes under any Line or Resource: in

the Bid Breakdown view, point to any line or
resource in the bid, then enter notes in the
Work in Alternate Units of Time: “Notes” box located on the lower right portion
of the form

Work in Alternate Units of Measure:

When preparing a detailed estimate, users

have the option of working in alternate units of

Select an Alternate Unit of Time: the default

unit of time in the system is “Hours”. Alternate
units of time such as Shifts, Days, Weeks or
Months can be setup in the resource file. To
Work in Alternate Units of Measure: use the alternate unit of time, before selecting
a resource from the resource file, click on the
“Use Alternate UOT” icon.

Select an Alternate Unit of Measure: the

system allows users to bid in either the Metric
or Imperial measurement system. When
setting up resources in a resource file, users
can use either the metric or imperial
measurement system. When a resource is
entered an alternate unit of measure is setup
can be setup at the same time. To use the
alternate unit of measure, before selecting a
resource from the resource file, click on the
Copy a Single Line:

Step 12: Copy Estimate Lines

The system allows users to copy single

lines or a range of lines from either the
“Current Bid” or an “External (previous)

To Copy a Single Line: in the Bid

Breakdown window, point just to the right of
the appropriate line to copy in the Current
or External Bid and “Right Click”. Select
“Copy Line”, “Copy Line Makeup” or “Copy
Line Description”. Point to the line to copy
Copy a Range of Lines: to, right click and select paste.

Copy Line: when you select this option the

line (and all lines below it) will be pasted
underneath the line you are copying to.

Copy Line Makeup: if you select this

option only the lines underneath the one
you have selected will be copied.

Copy Line Descriptions: if you select this

option only the line descriptions will be

To Copy a Range of Lines: point to the

Open an External Bid to Copy from: appropriate line in the Bid Breakdown.
Under Select View Type, select “List<View
Bid Listing”. Using the Shift or Ctrl keys
highlight the lines to copy. Point and right
click then select “Copy Lines”.

To Copy from an External Bid: on the

Estimate toolbar click on the “Open
Existing Estimate” icon. Drill down
through the window’s explorer to open a
previous bid to copy from. This External Bid
will be displayed below the Current Bid in
the Bid Breakdown window.
Prorate Quantities:
Step 13: Prorate Estimate Lines

Prorate Quantities: when you copy a line

the system automatically prompts the user
to prorate the quantities based on the ratio
of the target line over the copied line. Users
can also prorate any line by pointing to the
appropriate line in the Bid Breakdown,
clicking on the “Prorate Quantity” icon on
the estimate toolbar and entering the new

Prorate Production Rates: when you

copy a line the system automatically also
prompts the user to prorate the production
rate of the line being copied.
Review the Bid:

Step 14: Enter Bid Review Notes

To enter notes when reviewing the bid,

point to the line in the bid, then click on
“Enter Bid Review Notes”, on the
estimate toolbar. A report will be created
summarizing the notes under each line in
the estimate breakdown.

Step 15: Apply Margins

Margins include Overhead, Escalation,

Apply Margin: Markup (Profit), Bonding, Insurance and
Value Added Tax. Overhead, Escalation &
Profit is applied as a % of cost and
Overhead & Profit: Bonding & Insurance is applied as rates
per thousand of contract price (cost +
overhead + escalation + profit).

View Pick Lists: a standard set of factors

can be setup for each margin type.

Overheads: include such things as head

office overhead, small tool allowances,
material sales taxes, contingencies etc.
Overheads can be applied as a % of total
cost, direct cost or indirect costs.
Overheads can also be applied separately
to cost types such as labor, equipment,
material & subcontracts.

Markup: this is the profit and is applied as

a % of total cost, direct cost or indirect
costs. Markup can also be applied as a
percentage of cost types such as labor,
equipment, material & subcontracts.

Add Bonding and Insurance: Bonding: applied as a rate per thousand of

total contract value.

Insurance: applied as a rate per thousand

of total contract value.

Value Added Tax: applied as a percentage

of the total price.

Step 16: Apply Escalation

Escalation: to utilize the escalation feature

you must enter a schedule first, then apply a
% to labor, equipment, material or
subcontracts. To apply escalation, select the
schedule, enter a start date and end date, the
escalation rate, a description of what is to be
escalated, direct or indirect cost and select
the cost type from labor, equipment, material
and subcontracts.
Export Estimate Breakdown (WBS) to Excel:
Step 17: Prepare Schedule

Export Work Breakdown to Excel:

Create a multi-level work breakdown in the

estimating software and automatically export
the WBS, preformatted to excel.

Import Work Breakdown into Microsoft Project:

Import WBS into MS Project:

Save the preformatted excel file as a

Microsoft Project Schedule with all
preformatted groups, activities including
durations already setup.

Import & Export between Microsoft Project and Primavera:

Exchange Data between MS Project and


Import and export data, back and forth

between Microsoft Project and Primavera.

Import Schedule Dates back into Estimate:

Import Schedule Start & End Dates back
into Estimate:

Import the start and end dates for all levels of

the WBS back into the estimate for generation
of cash flows and resource histograms.
Cash Flow

Enter Cash Flow Details:

Step 18: Generate Cash Flow

The system will allow the user to setup

multiple cash flows. Click on “New Cash
Flow” and give the cash flow a name.

Enter Cash Flow Details: Enter Cost Lag

Details on labor, equipment, material and
subcontract costs. The remittance % is the
portion of labor that can be submitted to
unions or government later than the normal
pay period. Enter Holdback retention on
progress payments and subcontractor costs.
Enter Payment details including billing period
and Advance payment details along with
Interest earned and interest paid

Generate a Cash Flow: Generate a Cash Flow: The system will

allow the user to setup multiple cash flows.
Before generating a cash flow, first go to the
“Close Bid” form and “Spread” the bid.

Select the appropriate “Schedule” and click

“Generate” to produce a cash flow report.
On the report click on “View Graph” to print
out the cash flow chart.

Chart Resources over Time: In order to use

this feature you must enter a “Schedule”
first. Go to “Close Bid Reports” and select
“Resource Histogram”. You must select a
type of resource, from labor, equipment,
material and subcontracts. Select the unit of
time, highlight the resources to be included in
the chart. Click “Generate” to view the report
and “View Graph” to print a chart.
Chart Resources over Time: Manpower Loading:

Procurement Schedules:

Enter a Quotation for an Individual Resource:

Step 19: Enter Quotations

When entering quotations you will be

prompted to enter the sub or supplier’s
name, address, phone and fax along with
the unit price, taxes and any qualifications.
The quantity is generated automatically by
the software.

Bid Line Quotation: this is a single

quotation from a Subcontractor for any line
in the bid breakdown. Usually
Subcontractors will quote on Bid Items.

Subcontract Package: this is a price from

a Subcontractor on a package of items. Click
on “Add Item Line” to select the lines to be
Enter a Quotation for a Subcontract Package:
Bid Resource Quotation: this is normally
a quotation from a supplier for material.

Supplier Package: this is a quotation from a

supplier on a package of material. For
example a pipe supplier may quote on a
package of pipe sizes and fittings.

Enter Quick Quotations:

Within the Close Bid form you can also enter

last minute quotations without leaving the
window. Click on “View Bid Closing”, then
point to any line in the bid and select
Enter a Quotation for a Supplier Package: “Enter Quick Quote”. Enter the name,
price and select the currency.
Bid Closing:

Step 20: Award Quotations

Award Subcontract Quotations:
Award Subcontract Quotations:

To view, compare and select subcontract

quotations for individual lines in the bid
click on “View Bid Closing”. Point to any
line in the bid a select “Show Quotations”.
The quotations will be displayed in a
window at the bottom of the form, along
with your bid. If a plug unit rate had been
entered first it will also be displayed. To
“Award” the item, point to the line and
“Double Click”.

Award Subcontract Packages:

To award a Subcontract (Bid Line)

package, click on “View Bid Packages”
and select “Bid Line”. Select the
appropriate package from the drilldown list.
Award Subcontract Packages: The various subcontractors who have
quoted on the package will be displayed in
a spreadsheet view. If a certain
subcontractor has excluded an item, this
item will be shaded in blue and the current
price carried for that item will be included in
this subcontractor’s package. Click on
“Apply Bid Package” to award.

Award Resource Packages:

To award a Resource package, click on

“View Bid Packages” and select “Bid
Resource”. Select the appropriate package
and follow the same steps as above. Click
on “Apply Bid Package” to make the

Step 21: Update Resources

Summarize & Edit Resources:

Summarize & Globally Edit Resources:
Click on “Resource Summary” to view
complete summaries of all resources in the
bid. Included with the unit rates are Labor
hours, Equipment hours, Material quantities
and Subcontract quantities. When you
point to any resource in the list, the
“Quotations” for that resource are also
displayed in the bottom window. Within
this form you can “Input a New Value” for
a resource, “Apply a Quotation” for a
resource or “Globally Replace” a resource
with any other resource in the system. You
can also enter a “Quick Quote” on a
resource directly without leaving this form.
Spread & Unbalance the Bid:

Step 22: Spread & Unbalance the Bid

Click on “View Spread” to spread indirect

costs and margin over the direct costs.

Balanced Bid: to create a balanced bid

click on “Apply Spread Evenly”.

Spread Across Cost Types: to spread

based on the content of labor, equipment,
material and subcontracts, click on “Spread
Used Defined”.

Unbalance Bid: to unbalance the bid point

to any item, and edit the price. The
difference will be displayed on the top of
the screen.

Create Alternate Cost Groups: Freeze Items: if you do not want to alter the
price of any item or range of items, highlight
the items and select “Freeze Selected
Items”. You can generate a Bid Summary that
will display the remaining open items.

Step 23: Create Alternate Breakdowns

All estimate lines can also be tagged to

create alternate breakdown reports. In list
Enter & Compare the Bid Results: view under estimate detail estimate lines
can be tagged according to “Bid
Packages, Work Groups, Joint Venture
Comparison Groups and by Locations.
To setup group tags go to Utilities<Groups
under the main menu.

Step 24: Enter Bid Results

To compare the estimate against

competitive bids click on the Bid Results
icon on the Project Toolbar. Enter the bid
results. The form will display the bids from
low to high and display the variance from
the low bid.
Generate Reports:
Step 25: Print Reports

There are over 80 reports within the EBC

system covering Bid Preparation, Bid
Closing, Resources in the Bid, Resource
Rates, Currency Exchange Rates &
Measurement Conversion Factors.

Generate Reports: to select and print a

report click on the “Reports” Icon, select the
category of report and click “Generate”.

Preview, Edit and Print Reports: if you

select to view the report you have the option
of editing text and deleting rows and
columns before you print the report

Reports Package: to setup a standard set of

reports, tag the reports to be included and
click on “Save as Package”. To print a
package of reports click on “Open Package”,
select the appropriate package from the list
Preview, Edit and Print Reports: and click on “Generate”.

Generate Directly to Excel: if you wish to

print out a report directly into Excel format, click
“Generate”, and then from the report preview
toolbar, click on “Excel”. You must have Excel
installed for this feature to work.

Generate Directly to Adobe: if you wish to

print out a report directly into pdf format, you
must have Adobe installed on your computer.
Select Adobe as the default when you generate
the report. If the report does not generate, print
to Excel, then print to Adobe from Excel.

Customize Report Setup: to customize

report fonts and background colours click on
Setup from the main report menu.

Generate Reports Direct to Excel:

Bid Reports:
List of Reports

Bid Reports:

Bid Summary: this report displays the

quantity, unit cost and total cost of all direct
and indirect cost items.

Item Cost Summary: this report displays

the quantity, unit cost and total cost of all
direct and indirect cost items broken down
by cost types including man-hours, labor,
equipment, job material (expenses),
permanent material and subcontracts.

Estimate Line Detail: this is the detailed

estimate for the bid that displays all costs,
crews, resources and production rates.

Estimate Writeup: this report is similar to

the Estimate Line Detail with the option to
exclude resources. Users can also define
the range of items to be included.

Joint Venture Comparison: summarizes

the bid according to the Joint Venture
Groups. This report is used to reconcile
bids with Joint Venture Partners.

Proposal Reports (Tenders):

Bill of Quantities: this report details the

selling prices to the client. The report
includes quantities, unit prices and total
prices subtotaled by section. This report is
intended for external distribution to a client.

Proposal Reports: Bid Form: this is a condensed version of

the Bill of Quantities intended for internal
use. An option to shade “Open” items when
closing a bid is included.

Analysis Reports:

Work Schedule: this is a bar chart

schedule for the project.

Cash Flow Chart: this report charts

revenue and cost over time and shows the
net cash penetration required to finance the
project. See step 12 for sample charts.

Resource Histogram: the user can select

any range of resources to be charted over
time. Used to create Manpower Loading
and Material Procurement schedules.
Markup Reports:
Markup Reports:

Markup Summary: this report summarizes

Overhead & Profit as % of costs.

Unbalancing Summary: this report

illustrates the extent to which the margin
has been unevenly distributed.

Bid Closing Reports:

Item Quotation Summaries: this displays

the price and variance, sorted from low to
high of quotations received for an item.

Quotation Package Summaries: this

report compares quotations on multiple
items in spreadsheet form.
Bid Closing Reports:
Resource in Bid Reports:

Labor Summaries: these reports show

labor hours, rates and total labor costs.

Equipment Summaries: these reports

display equipment hours, ownership costs
and operating costs in the bid.

Material Summaries: these reports

summarize material quantities and rates.

Resource Rate Reports:

Resource Reports:
Labor Rates: these reports summarize all
labor rates and payroll burdens in a
resource file.

Equipment Rates: these reports show the

equipment rate breakdown.

Material & Sub Rates: this report shows

all material and subcontract rates in a
resource file.

Crews: shows the makeup and production

rates for crews in the resource file.

Material Assemblies: this report displays

the makeup of material assemblies.

Plug (Conceptual) Unit Rates: this report

summarizes a library of unit rates.

General Reports:

Currency Exchange Rates: report rates

relative to a specified currency.

Measurement Conversion Table: shows

metric-imperial conversions factors.
Maintain List of Contacts:
Step 26: Maintain Contact List

Select “Phonebook” from the “Information

Toolbar”. To view the information toolbar
select “Tools” from the main menu.

Setup Categories: click on the “Create New

Category” icon on the phonebook toolbar.
Setup categories according to your standard
work breakdown structure.

Add a New Contact: click on “New Listing”

to add a new contact. Select the
appropriate category, then enter the name,
address, phone, fax and e-mail information.

Insert Image: if you wish to attach a photo or

scanned business click on “Insert Image”.

Step 27: Update Exchange Rates

Update Currency Exchange Rates: Click on “Currency Exchange” on the
“Information Toolbar”. All rates are
displayed relative to the “US Dollar”.

Go to Important Rates: click on the

appropriate “Flag” on the currency toolbar or
use the scroll bar to go to a particular
exchange rate.

Edit an Exchange Rate: highlight the row

and edit the exchange rate column.

Add a New an Exchange Rate: scroll to

the bottom of the form and add the
currency name, description, country and
exchange rate relative to the “US dollar”.

Step 28: Measurement Conversion

Click on “Measurement Conversion” on

Measurement Conversion Factors: the “Information Toolbar”.

Default List: this is a “User Defined” list of

commonly used measurement conversion
factors. This list is used to convert between
metric and material when using “Alternate
Units of Measure” in the resource files. This
list also becomes the “Pick-list” that is
displayed in the “Enter Estimate” form.

Measurement Conversion Chart: a

convenient measurement conversion chart
is also available. Select between Metric &
Imperial, then select the type such as Area,
Volume and Weight.

Step 29: Close the Application

To close the application select “File<Exit”

from the main toolbar,
Advantages of the IPE Chief Estimator Software over the Competition

The following document describes some of the advantages of the IPE Chief Estimator
Software over competitive software products. The advantages become immediately
obvious the minute you start using their software.

IPE is an up to date, comprehensive Windows database application designed for use by

professional estimators on comprehensive construction projects.

Listed below are the features which make the IPE Chief Estimator standout over the

1. IPE is designed as a true Microsoft Windows application.

2. IPE was originally developed as a Visual Basic 32 bit Windows application which
enables us to port the software easily to VBNet and Sequel server with enhanced
multi-language capability.
3. IPE has separate Estimate & Resource files and can have multiple resource
databases in multiple currencies. In the other systems the resources are included
within the estimate only
4. IPE comes complete with a 10,000 line Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) as an
estimate template. The other applications do not provide a WBS and do not have
the drill down capability to create one.
5. In an IPE estimate, users can have up 9 levels of Sections above the BOQ item
level and 19 levels of activities below the BOQ. Other applications only have 1
level of activities below the BOQ item level.
6. IPE comes complete with a Resource file including over 1000 ea pieces of
construction equipment and over 3000 crews (complete with production rates)
already setup. In all other applications the user has to enter resource rates from
scratch. (it takes 2-3 months to properly setup resource data before you can start
estimating with the other applications).
7. In IPEL users can sort resources by sequence number rather than code, allowing
better control and organization of resource data.
8. IPE is the only system that allows the user to have a library of Crews setup in a
separate resource file.(IPE provides a library of over 3000 crews already setup)
In the other systems you have to setup crews each time within each estimate.
(this saves days of setup for each estimate)
9. In IPE you can copy a single line or a complete work assembly from any other
estimate and automatically update the resource rates. The other systems only
allow the user to copy one line at a time.
10. IPE is object oriented and allows the user to copy the same WBS under multiple
sections within the same estimate. (ie: estimate one bridge or building and copy
the same WBS under other bridges or buildings within the same estimate). Other
systems are number based and will not allow the user to copy the same WBS
into different areas of the same estimate. Again this saves days of setup time
with each estimate.
11. In IPE users can change the quantity of any line and automatically prorate the
complete Work Breakdown Structure below that line. No other system allows this.
12. IPE allows the user to setup multiple rates for the same resource in the same
resource file. In other words the user only has to setup crews once and they can
be used with multiple resource rates.
13. IPE is the only system that allows a company to customize their own formula for
calculating equipment ownership and operating costs and then summarize these
costs accordingly within each estimate.
14. IPE allows users to automatically re-number any level within the BOQ. Other
systems are number based only and each item must have a unique number.
15. IPEL allows users to import blocks of text and specifications from the client’s
BOQ into the estimate.
16. A line within an IPE estimate can switch between a Plug Unit Rate, a Bid
developed from Resource or Production Rates, a Quote received from a
Subcontractor, a Carried Price or a Cash allowance.
17. Within IPE, costs within any line can be suspended at any time, allowing the user
to quickly create alternate bids and comparisons.
18. The IPE system comes complete with a bid closing module to automatically
compare supplier and subcontractor quotations.
19. An Item can be either Direct (BOQ Item), Indirect, Alternate, Plant or
20. All IPE reports dump directly to Excel, already pre-formatted and ready to be e-
21. IPE gives users the option to either setup resource burdens, such as taxes,
ahead of time in the resource file or make any adjustments to any resource after
in the estimate itself. IPEL is the only system that gives both options.
22. IPE allows users to adjust resources either per unit of time, per unit of measure
or with a fixed amount.
23. IPE allows users to bid using the metric or imperial unit of measure at the same
time. (the production rates are entered once and the user can decide to use
either metric or imperial)
24. IPE allows users to bid using alternate units of time such as hours, days, weeks
and months.
25. IPE allows the user to define the levels of the Work Breakdown Structure that get
exported to the project schedule.
26. Within IPE, users can plot resource histograms for any selected resource or a
group of resources. Other systems only allow all resources to get charted.
27. IPE software can be used standalone or through a network.
28. Within IPE, estimates are saved automatically. There is never an issue with
power failures.
29. Within IPE backups are created as simply as clicking Save As.

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