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Semana 20 Ingles A1

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Let’s help endangered animals LEVEL A1

NAME OF THE Big or small, save them all DATE October 27th (WEEK 30 - 20)
LEVEL / GRADE A1 PURPOSE: -Lees dos folletos con descripciones en inglés de
diferentes animales, donde identificas vocabulario y
SCHOOL I.E. “LUCYANA” frases que permitan describir características físicas y
TEACHER Mary Carmen Chávez Espinoza habilidades de animales.
- creas un folleto para la página web del centro de
rescate de dos animales en peligro de extinción

COMPETENCIAS -Lee y escribe diversos tipos de textos escritos en inglés como lengua extranjera.

LEAD IN: Look at the pictures of endangered animals and

circle TRUE or FALSE. Follow the examples.

Titicaca water
Giant river otter Andean cat

What are endangered animals?

1. Small animals with no family. Melissa is a

TRUE / FALSE volunteer at the
Cusco Wildlife These are the
2. Big animals. This is Naga, the
Rescue Centre. condors. They
TRUE / FALSE puma. She can can fly in circles.
The animals at
3. Animals in danger of extinction. the centre can
hunt other They can also
TRUE / FALSE animals. She can hunt small
do many things.
jump very high animals and they
Here are some
and she likes love flying in the
LISTEN AND READ: Listen to and read the of their abilities
eating meat sun light.
brochures about five endangered animals:
All of these animals are amazing!

Ricardo is a veterinarian at the Ucayali UNDERSTAND: EXERCISE 1: Answer the question
Wildlife Rescue Centre. The animals at with the correct option. Follow the example:
the centre can do many things. Here
are some of their abilities.

Which animals can fly? Macaws and condors .

1. Which animal screams loudly?

2. Which animal hunts other animals? and

3. Which animal can swim and walk on land?

The spider The Taricaya The macaws can
monkeys or turtle can swim fly. They can 4. Which animal loves the sun light?
maquisapas can in the water and break nuts with
climb trees. They walk on land. It their beaks and 5. Which animal can break nuts with its beak?
can jump very can hide in its they can scream
high and they shell and it likes
6. Which animal likes meat?
very loudly. They
love eating fruit. hunting for food. like playing.

All of these animals are very intelligent!

PRACTISE – EXERCISE 1: Complete the sentences with two abilities from the box. Follow the

Example: Eagles can fly and hunt fish .

a. climb trees
b. swim fast
1 Fish can and .
c. hunt fish
d. run fast
e. hunt a mouse
2 Monkeys can and .
f. swing from tree to tree
g.jump out of water
h. fly
3 Andean cats can and .

PRACTISE – EXERCISE 2: Unscramble the sentences. Follow the example:

Example: can / Giant otters / swim fast. They are amazing!

Giant otters can swim fast. They are amazing!
1. climb trees. / Monkeys / can
.They are incredible!
2. Frogs / jump high. / can
. They are very quick.
3. jump out of water. / A river dolphin / can
. It is very beautiful.
4. can / A puma / hunt other animals.
. It is strong
5. break things with their beaks. / Parrots / can
. They are smart!

PRACTISE – EXERCISE 3: Listen to three conversations about animals. Choose the best answer: a, b
or c. You will hear the conversation twice. Follow the example.

Example: Which animal are they talking about?

a. A giraffe. b. An elephant. c. A monkey.

1. What animal are they talking about in conversation 1?

a. Parrots. b. Pumas. c. Condors.

2. What animal are they talking about in conversation 2?

a. A giant otter. b. A monkey. c. A puma.

3. What animal are they talking about in conversation 3?

a. A frog. b. A trutle. c. A dolphin.


Brochure about endangered animals

Elabora un brochure para la página web del centro de rescate para el que eres voluntaria/o que contenga las descripciones de dos
animales. Para realizar tu desafío puedes escoger entre dos opciones:

Create a brochure about the jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin. Create a brochure about two endangered animals from your region

Step 1: Remember the information about animals you learned about last week. You can check your


Step 2: Complete the chart with the animals’ characteristics and abilities. Follow the
Animals Body parts Abilities characteristics
Example: longtail. Example: jump very Example: They arevery
high. quick and smart.
- -
- -

FELIPE, - big beak - swim - He is smart and friendly


Step 3: Write sentences about the animals’ characteristics, abilities and some extra information if you want to:

Suggested template:
“ “

JAGUARS Ejemplo: It is quick/

smart/ strong/ beautiful/
amazing/ incredible/
These are jaguars. They can This is Felipe the dolphin. He can
friendly/ cute/ etc.

They are quick/ smart/

They have He has strong/ beautiful/
They amazing/ incredible/
friendly/ cute/ etc.
They are very and He is and
Mientras elaboras tu brochure es importante que tomes en cuenta estas características:

Características o criterios SÍ NO

1. El brochure tiene como título el nombre del nuevo centro de rescate de animales salvajes y como
subtítulos los nombres de los animales que se presentan.
2. El folleto (brochure) contiene al menos una oración sobre las partes del cuerpo, una
oración sobre las habilidades y una oración con otras características de cada animal
3. Las oraciones sobre las habilidades de los animales contienen el verbo “can” utilizado correctamente.
4. Las oraciones sobre las partes del cuerpo de los animales contienen el verbo “have” o
“has” utilizado correctamente.
5. El brochure enfatiza palabras o frases para transmitir mejor el mensaje.
. Esboza el primer borrador de tu brochure. Verifica si cumple con todas las características del cuadro..

Luego de haber realizado las actividades 1 y 2 puedo concluir que:

1. Para indicar habilidades uso el .

a. is b. do c. can

2. La acción o el verbo después de can .

a. lleva una “s” al final b. va en su forma original

c. solo cambia con he, she o it.
3. El cuadro completo se ve así:verbo

Ahora Reflexionemos

 ¿Qué has aprendido esta semana?

 ¿Qué dificultades has tenido al realizar tus
 ¿Te fué fácil realizar tu reto?

Dale check a una de las 4 opciones.

If you have any questions ask your teacher:

Miss Mary Carmen Chávez Espinoza ( WhatsApp – 997850667 / )

Al finalizar archiva los trabajos en tu portafolio, envía evidencias (fotos) al WhatsApp o al correo para su evaluación
hasta el día viernes 30 de octubre, para el respectivo informe a la subdirección y dirección.

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