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Assignment 6 - Somesh Siddharth - A1988520002

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Under the Supervision of

Ar. Rajeev Sinha

Lecturer of



The Need for Engineered Ground Improvement:
As more and more land become subject to urban or industrial development, good construction sites and
borrow areas are difficult to find and the soil improvement alternatives becomes the best option,
technically and economically.
Where a project encounters difficult foundation conditions, possible alternative solutions are:
1) Avoid the particular site. Relocate a planned highway or development site.
2) Design the planned structure accordingly. Some of the many possible approaches are to:
- Use a raft foundation supported by piles,
- Design a very stiff structure which is not damaged by settlement,
- Or choose a very flexible construction which accommodates differential movement or
allows for compensation.
3) Remove and replace unsuitable soils. Removing organic topsoil, which is soft, compressible, and
volumetrically unstable. This is a standard precaution in road or foundation construction.
4) Attempt to modify the existing ground

Objective of Ground Improvement Techniques

The most common traditional objectives include improvement of the soil and ground for use as a
foundation or construction material.
The typical Engineering objectives have been:
1) Increasing shear strength, durability, stiffness. And stability:
2) Mitigating undesirable properties (e.g. Shrink/ swell potential, compressibility ,liquefiable
3) Modifying permeability, the rate of fluid to flow through a medium; and
4) Improving efficiency and productivity by using methods that save time and expense, the engineer
must take a determination on how best to achieve the desired goals required by providing a
workable solution for each project encountered. Ground improvement methods have provided
adverse choice of approaches to solving these challenges.

Factors affecting choice of improvement method

1) Soil type : this is one of the most important parameters that will control what approach or
materials will be applicable to only certain types of soil types and grain sizes
2) Area , depth and location of treatment required- many ground improvement methods have depth
limitations that render them unsuitable for applications for deeper soil horizons.
3) Desired/required soil properties- obviously, different methods are use to achieve different
engineering properties, and certain methods will provide various levels of uniformity to improved
4) Availability of materials- Depending on the location of the project and materials required for each
feasible ground improvements approach.
5) Availability of skills, local experience, and local preferences- While the engineer may possess the
knowledge and understanding of a preferred method.
6) Environmental concerns- With a better understanding and a greater awareness of effects on the
natural environment, more attention have been placed on methods that assure less environmental
7) Economics- when all else has been considered, the final decision on choice of improvement method
will often come down to the ultimate cost of a proposed method, or cost will be the deciding factor
in choosing between two or more otherwise suitable methods.

Classification of Ground Modification Techniques
Four groups of ground improvement Techniques are distinguished:
1) Mechanical modification
2) Hydraulic modification
3) Physical and chemical modification
4) Modification by inclusion and Confinement.

Mechanical modification:
Soil density is increased by the application of Short-term external mechanical forces, including Compaction
of surface layers by:
• Static,
• Vibratory,
• Impact rollers,
• Plate vibrators.
Deep compaction by heavy tamping at the surface or vibration at depth. Rollers are the construction
equipment used for the compaction of soil, gravel, sand, crushed stone layers, etc. Roller working principle
is based on vibrate on, impact loading, kneading and by applying direct pressure on the respective layer.
Rollers are the construction equipment used for the compaction of soil, gravel, sand, crushed stone layers,
etc. Roller working principle is based on vibration, impact loading, kneading and by applying direct
pressure on the respective layer. The four most commonly used rollers are
1) Vibratory Roller
2) Tamping roller/ sheep foot roller
3) Smooth wheel rollers
4) Pneumatic tired roller
Vibratory type rollers have two smooth wheels/ drums plus the vibrators. One is fixed at the front and the
other one is on the rear side of vibratory roller. Both wheels/drums are of the same diameter, length and
also of same weight. Vibratory roller covers the full area under wheel. To make vibratory roller more
efficient, vibrators are also fixed with smooth wheel rollers. Vibration of vibrators arranges the particles by
first disturbing even the arranged ones. On the other hand, weight of wheels exerts direct pressure on the
layer. Vibrators are turned off during the reversed motion of roller. In that time only static weight directly
acts on the soil layer.
Vibration is to reduce the air voids and to cause densification of granular soils. During vibration of soil
layer, rearrangement of particles occurs due to deformation of the granular soil because of oscillation of
the roller in a cycle.
Sheep foot roller also named tamping roller. Front steel drum of sheep foot roller consists of many
rectangular shaped boots of equal sizes fixed in a hexagonal pattern. Coverage area of sheep foot roller is
less i.e., about 8- 12% because of the boots on drums. Sheep foot roller done compaction by static weight
and kneading of respective layer. This makes tamping roller better suited for clay soils. Contact pressure of
sheep foot roller varies from 1200- 7000Kpa.
Smooth wheel roller and vibratory rollers are the same. Both have the same characteristics. Only the
difference in both is vibratory equipment. Smooth wheel roller has no vibrator attached with the drum.
This makes smooth wheel roller best suited for rolling of weaker aggregates, proof rolling of subgrades and
in compacting asphalt pavements. Compaction of clay or sand is not a good choice to done with smooth
wheel roller. This is so, because there are many empty voids in clay soil and sand, which cannot be
minimized without vibrators.

Hydraulic modification
Free –pore water is forced out of the soil via (by means of) drains of wells.
- In coarse grained soils, this is achieved by lowering the ground water level through pumping from
boreholes or trenches.
- In fine-grained soils, The long term application of external loads (preloading) or electrical forces
(electrokinetic stabilization) is required.

Physical and chemical modification

Additives include: - natural soils - industrial by-products or waste materials (fly ash, slag), - Cementations
and other chemicals (lime, cement) which react with each other and the ground. When additives are
injected via boreholes under pressure into the voids within the ground or between it and a structure, the
process is called GROUTING. Rigs with multiple injectors deliver the stabilizing fluid into the soil. The fluid
will prefer to travel into cracks and fissures. Soil stabilization by heating the ground and by freezing the
• Heating evaporates water and causes permanent changes in the mineral structure
of soils.
• Freezing solidifies part or all of the water and bonds individual particles together.

Modification by inclusion and Confinement Reinforcement by:

• Fibers,
• Strips
• Bars,
• Meshes and
• Fabrics.
In-situ reinforcement is achieved by nails and anchors.

Ground improvement techniques for soil Stabilization

 Ground Improvement or Ground treatment is defined as “controlled alteration of the state, nature
or mass behavior of ground materials to achieve an intended satisfactory response to existing or
projected environmental and engineering actions” It refers to the improvement in or modification
to the engineering properties of soil where its unable to withstand the load of the structure.
 The improvement may be accomplished by drainage, compaction, preloading, reinforcement, and
grouting, electrical, chemical or thermal methods.
 Among the various soil stabilization procedures, the most suitable one is selected depending upon
the type of soil available, time, cost involved
Ground Improvement by Vibration
 Vibration can be used to compact soils and fills.
 Similar to Vibrating rollers used to compact relatively thin layers of earth fill
 It involves using vibration to densify the ground in place and to depth either by penetrating the
ground with a vibrator or inducing very high level of energy at the ground surface or at defined
points within the ground


Vibro-Compaction: Vibro-compaction, sometimes referred to as Vibrotational, is the rearrangement of soil
particles into a denser configuration by the use of powerful depth vibration. Vibro Compaction is a ground
improvement process for densifying loose sands to create stable foundation soils.
The principle behind vibro compaction is simple. The combined action of vibration and water saturation by
jetting rearranges loose sand grains into a more compact state.  Vibro Compaction is performed with

specially-designed vibrating probes. Both horizontal and vertical modes of vibration have been used in the
The vibrators used by Terra Systems consist of torpedo-shaped probes 12 to 16 inches in diameter which
vibrates at frequencies typically in the range of 30 to 50 Hz. The probe is inserted into the ground by both
jetting and vibration. After the probe reaches the required depth of compaction, granular material, usually
sand, is added from the ground surface to the void space created by the vibrator. A compacted radial zone
of granular material is created.

Advantages of Vibro Compaction Method:

1) Reduction of foundation settlements.
2) Reduction of risk of liquefaction due to seismic activity.
3) Permit construction on granular fills

Vibro stone columns

Vibro-Replacement extends the range of soils that can be improved by vibratory techniques to include
cohesive soils. Reinforcement of
the soil with compacted granular columns or “stone columns” is accomplished by the top-feed method.
The important Vibro replacement stone columns are Ground conditions, Relative density, Degree of
saturation, Permeation.

Dynamic compaction
Technique involves repeatedly dropping a large weight from a crane
 Weight may range from 6 to 172 tons
 Drop height typically varies from 10 m to 40 m
Degree of densification achieved is a function of the energy input (weight and drop height) as well as the
saturation level, fines content and permeability of the material
 6 – 30 ton weight can densify the loose sands to a depth of 3 m to 12 m
Done systematically in a rectangular or triangular pattern in phases
 Each phase can have no of passes; primary, secondary, tertiary, etc.
 Spacing between impact points depend upon:
o Depth of compressible layer
o Permeability of soil
o Location of ground water level
 Deeper layers are compacted at wider grid spacing, upper layers are compacted with closer grid
 Deep craters are formed by tamping
 Craters may be filled with sand after each pass
 Heave around craters is generally small

 Capable of compacting a wide variety of weak soils 
 Treated granular soils and fills have increased density, friction angle, and
 Can improve soil conditions on marginal sites to extent that shallow
foundations can be used without deep excavation or piling 
 Removal of compressible, contaminated fills can sometimes be avoided 
 Quality assurance 

Rapid impact compaction

Vibratory probing

Compaction piles
Sand compaction piling (SCP) is a cost-effective method of ground improvement which is commonly used
to improve soft seabed soils prior to land reclamation works. This method involves driving closely-spaced
sand columns into the soft seabed to form a grid of sand columns, which imparts higher strength and
stiffness to the improved ground. The installation of these sand compaction piles often involves a large
amount of cavity expansion displacement of the soft clay around the sand piles, which in turn, leads to
significant changes in the strength and stiffness of the soft clay around the sand piles. In practice and
research, the properties of the soft clay are taken to be those of the in-situ soil.
The improvement in the strength of the softy clay is around 25% to 50%.
The results of these experiments allow the changes in total stress and pore pressure due to the installation
of sand compaction piles to be quantified. Comparison of the measured changes in lateral stress and pore
pressure with conventional plane strain cavity expansion theory shows that the latter gives a reasonably
good estimate at large depth for the entire installation process. However, deviation from plane strain
cavity expansion theory was noted at shallow depths. To account for the effect of the ground surface, a
semi-empirical plane stress cavity expansion theory was proposed for the shallow zones. The
establishment of the two limits formed by the plane strain and plane stress theories allows semi-empirical
relations to be fitted to the data. These findings also indicated that, in order to mobilize significant set-up
of stress in the improved ground, there must be substantial further cavity expansion during the sand

injection stage of SCP. The cumulative total stress and pore pressure increment at a given location due to
the installation of multiple piles in a grid is also reasonably estimated by superimposing the increments due
to the installation of each pile. The measured and computed undrained shear strength after the dissipation
of the excess pore pressure is also higher in the clays enclosed within the SCPs. The quantum of
improvement in the strength of the soft clay due to the cavity expansion displacement is typically of the
order of 25% to 50%.

Tests were also conducted to quantify the relative performance of different methods of installing sand
piles. The results of this comparative study show that the effects of cavity expansion displacement in the
soft clay do lead to a significant improvement in the strength and stiffness of the soft clay. The sequence of
installation also affects the resulting properties of the soft clay, although this is second-order compared to
the effect of installation method. Some of the results of this study have been published in international
journals and conferences. The significance of the published results was recently highlighted by a detailed
citation of the team’s research by Professor Osamu Kusakabe in a keynote address in the International
Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, in Newfoundland, Canada.

Blasting. : In this technique a certain amount of explosive charge is buried at a certain depth of a cohesion
less soil required to be compacted and is then detonated. A pipe of 7.5 to 10 cm is driven to the required
depth in the soil strata. The sticks of dynamite and an electric detonator are wrapped in the water proof
bundles and, lowered through the casing .

 The casing is withdrawn and a wad of paper or wood is placed against the charge of explosives to
protect it from misfire.
 The hole is backfilled with sand in order to obtain the full force of the blast.
 The electrical circuit is closed to fire the charge.
 A series of holes are thus made ready.
 Each hole is detonated in succession and the resulting large diameter holes formed by lateral
displacement are backfilled.

 The surface settlements, are measured by taking levels or from screw plates embedded at certain
depth below the ground surface.
Disadvantages of Blasting Technique
 Although blasting is one of the most economical ground improvement techniques, it suffers the
disadvantages of non-uniformity, potential adverse effects on adjacent structures and the danger
associated with the use of explosives in populated areas.
 Very fine-grained soils which have high cohesive forces cannot be compacted by this method.
 Maximum compaction is obtained only when the soil is dry or completely saturated.


1) Pre-compression
2) Vertical drains
 The process may be speed up by vertical sand drains.
 Vertical drains are installed in order to accelerate settlement and gain in strength of soft
cohesive soil.
 Vertical drains accelerate primary consolidation only.
 As significant water movement is associated with it. Secondary consolidation causes only
very small amount of water to drain from soil;
 Secondary settlement is not speeded up by vertical drains.
 Only relatively impermeable soil with benefit from vertical drains.
 Soils which are more permeable will consolidate under surcharge.
 Vertical drains are effective where a clay deposit contain many horizontal sand or silt lenses.
3) Inundation
4) Vacuum pre-loading
5) Preloading
 Increases the bearing capacity
 Reduces the compressibility of weak ground
Achieved by placing temporary surcharge on the ground. Surcharge generally more than the
expected bearing capacity.
 In cohesion less soil and gravel - lowering water table
 Most effective - soft cohesive ground.

6) Dewatering fine-grained soils

7) Pressure berms
Major ground treatment methods include;
1) Lime columns (Swedish method)
2) Lime and cement columns (Japanese method)
3) Mix-in-place by single auger or Deep Soil Mixing
4) Lime stabilization of slopes
5) Lime stabilization of pavements
6) Cement stabilization of pavement
Ground Improvement by Admixtures
 Use of additives and admixtures, such as lime, cement, oils and bitumen and chemicals like Sulphur,
is one of the oldest and most widespread methods of improving a soil.
 Purpose of this method is to strengthen a locally available soil fill to construct a low-cost road base.
 Cement stabilized soil or soil-cement, or to mix lime into highly plastic clays is a typical example
Ground Improvement by Structural Reinforcement
Many ground improvement methods could be considered as form
of reinforcement.
Stone columns are introduced materials that stiffen the ground.
Major ground treatment methods include;
1) Reinforced soil
2) Soil nailing
3) Root or micro-piles
4) Slope dowels
5) Embankment piles

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