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In A Gas Turbine

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In a gas turbine, the gases enter the turbine at the rate of 5 kg/s with a velocity of 50

m/s and the enthalpy of 900 kJ/kg and leaves the turbine with 150 m/s and the enthalpy
of 400 kJ/kg. The loss of heat from the gas to the surroundings is 25 kJ/kg. Assume R =
0.285 kJ/kg K, Cp = 1.004 kJ/kg K and the inlet conditions to be at 100 kPa and 270C.
Determine the work done and diameter of the inlet pipe.

A Piston -cylinder device contains 0.15kg of air initially at 2 MPa and 3500C. The air is
first expanded isothermally to 500KPa, then compressed polytropically with a
polytropic exponent of 1.2 to the initial pressure and finally compressed at the constant
pressure to the initial state .Determine the boundary work for each process and the
network of the cycle.

Air enters the compressor of a gas- turbine plant at ambient conditions of 100KPa and
250C with a low velocity and exits at 1 MPa and 3470 C with a velocity of 90 m/s .The
compressor is cooled at a rate of 1500KJ/min and the power input to the compressor is
250KW. Determine the mass flow rate of air through the compressor. Assume Cp =

Air at 80 kpa, 27 oC and 220 m/s enters a diffuser at a rate of 2.5 kg/s and leaves at
42oC. The exit area of the diffuser is 400cm2. The air is estimated to lose heat at a rate
of 18 kJ/s during this process.
(i) the exit velocity and
(ii) the exit pressure of the air
A mass of air is initially at 2600C and 700kPa, and occupies 0.028m3. The air is
expanded at constant pressure to 0.084m3. A polytropic process with n=1.5 is then
carried out followed by a constant temperature process which completes a cycle. All the
processes are reversible.
i) Sketch the cycle in T-S and P-V planes
ii) Find the heat received and heat rejected in the cycle

A room for four person has 2 fans each consuming 0.18 kW power and three 100 W
lamps. Ventilation air at the rate of 80kg/hr enters with an enthalpy of 84 kJ/kg and
leaves with an enthalpy of 59 kJ/kg. If each person puts out heat at the rate of 630 kJ/hr.
determine the rate at which heat is removed by a room cooler, so that a steady state is
maintained in the room.

Determine the heat transfer and its direction for a system in which a perfect gas having
molecular weight of 16 is compressed form 101.3kPa, 200C to a pressure of 600 kPa
following the law Take
specific heat at constant pressure of gas as 1.7kJ/kgK

Three grams of nitrogen gas at 6 atm and 1000C in a frictionless piston cylinder device
is expanded adiabatically to double its initial volume, then compressed at constant
pressure to its initial volume and then compressed again at constant volume to its initial
state. Calculate the net work done on the gas. Draw the P-V diagram for the processes.

90kJ of heat is supplied to a system at a constant volume. The system rejects 95kJ of
heat at constant pressure and 18 kJ of work is done on it. The system is brought to
original state by adiabatic process. Determine
i) The adiabatic work
ii) The values of internal energy at all states if initial value is 105kJ.
Air flows steadily at the rate of 0.04 kg/s through an air compressor, entering at 6 m/s
with a pressure of bar and a specific volume of 0.85 m3/kg and leaving at 5 m/s with a
pressure of 6.9 bar and a specific volume of 0.16 m3/kg. The internal energy of the air
leaves at 88 kJ/kg greater than that of entering air. Cooling water surrounding the
cylinder absorbs heat from the air at the rate of 59W. Calculate the power required to
drive the compressor and the inlet and outlet cross-sectional areas.

A gas undergoes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of the following process:

(i) Process 1-2 : constant pressure P1 = 1.4 bar, V1 = 0.028m3, W12 = 10.5 kJ.
(ii) Process 2-3 : Compression with PV = constant, U3 = U2
(iii) Process 3-1: Constant volume U1 — U3 = -26.4kJ.
There are no significant changes in KE and PE
1) Sketch the cycle on a PV diagram.
2) Calculate the network for the cycle in kJ.
3) Calculate the heat transfer for process 1-2
4) Show that

12 kg of air per minute is delivered by a centrifugal air compressor. The inlet and outlet
conditions of air are c 1 = 12 m/s, P1= 1 bar, v 1= 0.5 m3/kg and C2= 90 m/s, P2 = 8 bar,
v2= 0.14 m3/kg. The increase in enthalpy of air passing through the compressor is 150
kJ/kg and heat loss to the surroundings is 700 kJ/min. Find :
i) Motor Power required to drive the compressor ;
(ii) Ratio of inlet to outlet pipe diameter.
Assume that inlet discharge lines are at the same level. .
Air at a temperature of 20oc passes through a heat exchanger at a velocity Of 40 m/s
where its temperature is raised to 8200C. It then enters a turbine with game velocity Of
40 m/s and expands till the falls to 620oC. On leaving the turbine. the air is taken at a
velocity of 55 m / s to a nozzle where it expands until the terruxrature has fallen to
5100C. If the air flow rate is 2.5 kg /s, calculate
(i) Rate of heat transfer to the air in the heat exchanger ;
(ü) The power output from the turbine assuming no heat loss ;

During flight, the air speed of a turbojet engine is 250 m/s. Ambient temperature is -
140C Gas temperature at outlet of nozzle is 6100C. Corresponding enthalpy values for
air and gas are respectively 250 and 900 kJ/kg. Fuel air ratio is 0.0180. Chemical
energy of fuel is 4.5 MJ/kg. Owing to incomplete combustion 6% energy is not
released reaction. Heat loss from the engine is 21 kJ/kg of air.

A centrifugal pump delivers 50 kg of water per second. The inlet and outlet pressure
are 1 bar and 4.2 bar respectively. The suction is 2.2 m below the centre of the pump
and delivery is 8.5 m above the centre of the pump. The suction and delivery pipe
diameters are 20cmand 10 cm respectively. Determine the capacity of the electric motor
to run the pump .

At the inlet to a certain nozzle the enthalpy of passing is 2800 kJ/kg, and the velocity is
50 m/s. At the discharge end the enthalpy is 2600 kJ/kg. The nozzle is horizontal and
there is negligible heat loss from it.
(i) Find the velocity at exit of the nozzle.
(ii) the inlet area is 900 cm2 and the specific volume at inlet is 0. 187 m3/kg, find the
mass flow rate.
(iii)the specific volume at the nozzle exit is 0.498 m3/kg, find the exit area of nozzle.
Steam at a 6.87 bar, 2050C, enters in an insulated nozzle with a velocity of 50 m/s. It
leaves at a pressure of 1.37 bar and a velocity Of 500 m/s. Determine the final enthalpy
of steam.

1.5 kg of certain gas at a pressure of 8 bar and 20o occupies the volume of as m3. It
expands adiabatically to a pressure of 0.9 bar and volume 0.73 m3. Determine the work
done during the process, gas constant, ratio of the specific heats, values of two specific
heats, change in internal energy and change in enthalpy.

0.44 kg of air at 1800C expands adiabatically to three times its original volume and
during the process, there is a fall in temperature to 150C. The work done during the
process is 52.5 kJ. Calculate CP and CV .

A cylinder contains 0.45 m3of a gas at 1 x 105 N/m2 and 800C. The gas
is compressed to a volume of 0.13 m3, the final pressure being 5 x 105 N/m2. Determine
(i) The mass of gas ,
(ii) The value of index 'n for compression ;
(iii) The increase in internal energy of the gas ;
(iv) The heat received or rejected by the gas during compression.
Take 1.4, R = 294.2 J/kgOC.
A fluid is contained in a cylinder by a spring-loaded, frictionless piston so that the
pressure in the fluid is a linear function of the volume (p = a + bV). The internal energy
of the fluid is given by the following equation
U = 42 + 3.6 pV,
where U is in kJ, p in kPa, and V in cubic meter. If the fluid changes from an initial
state of 190 kPa, 0.035 m3 to a final state of 420 kPa, 0.07 m3, with no work other than
that done on the Piston, find the direction and magnitude of the work and heat transfer.

An ideal gas is heated at constant volume until its temperature is doubled. Then it is
Expanded isothermally till it reaches its original pressure. Finally, the gas is cooled at
constant pressure till it is restored to the original state. Determine the net work done per
kg of gas.

In a vertical cylinder, air below a frictionless piston occupies a volume of 0.09 m3 at a

pressure of 10 bar. The diameter of the cylinder is 0.6 m. The mass of the piston is 90
kg. A stopper which keeps the piston in position is suddenly removed. The piston
moves upward through a distance of 1.5 m. The pressure of air above the piston is 1 bar.
The air expands according to PV1.3= C. Neglect the velocity of air and calculate the
velocity of the piston when it has risen 1.5 m.

A mass of 0.8 kg of air at 1 bar anti 250C is contained in a gas-tight frictionless piston—
cylinder device. The air is now compressed to a final pressure of 5 bar. During the
process, the heat is transferred from air such that the temperature inside the cylinder
remains constant. Calculate the heat transferred and work done during the process and
direction of each in the process.
A rigid tank of 0.2 m capacity contains nitrogen at 350 kPa and 150C. The tank is
exposed to a constant temperature source at 1700C, which results in 50 kJ of heat being
tranferred to nitrogen. Determine
(a) Final state of the gas.
(b) Change in internal energy,
(c) Change in entropy,
Take CV = .743 KJ/Kg. K for Nitrogen

A certain gas occupies a volume of 0.3m3 atapressureof2 bar. The temperature of the
gas at this state is 350 K. The gas undergoes a thermodynamic constant-volume process
until the pressure raises to 7 bar. Determine the temperature at the end of the process,
change in internal energy, change in enthalpy and change in entropy during this process.
Take CV = 0.712 kJ/kg• K
and R = 0.287 kJ/kg k.

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