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2nd Quarter Exam Grade 8 English

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Second Quarter Examination

Direction: Listen carefully as the teacher reads the selection twice. Choose the best answer.
1. The setting is at the .
a. Church b. hospital c. Mall d. Theater
2. The word screamed as used in the narrative means .
a. Roared b. waited c. cried d. howled
3. The writer feels .
a. nervous b. happy c. lonely d. excited
4. The narrator lives in a .
a. city b. town c. remote place d. subdivision
5. The narrative is classified as .
a. funny b. exciting c. frightening d. surprising
A. STRESS-Which of the following words is stressed differently?
6.a. ceremony b. honorable c. aviation d. committee
7. a. cemetery b. harass c. returnd. destroy
8.a. adolescent b. international c. accessory d. caricature
9.a. enormous b. gargantuan c. accompany d. immediately
10. a. mystify b. embarrass c. depart d. seduce
III- GRAMMAR- Choose the appropriate word to complete the meaning of the idiom. Write a. (ocean), b.( ups and downs), c. (rags), d. (cold) and
e. (piece of cake) in the blanks provided.
11. If you think that doing this math problem is , just try it.
12. The small amount of money donated is just a drop in the compared to the large sum of money needed.
13. He has been successful in life. He went from to riches.
14. They had a dispute yesterday. That‘s why she gave him a _ shoulder.
15. Don’t worry about the problems you have in your business .You know there are always in business.
Direction: Identify the element of a short story being cited out. Choose the best answer.
16. In a plot of the story, the logical arrangement of events is presented .It has five essential parts except,
a. denouement b. exposition c. atmosphere d. climax
17. Setting is one of the elements of a short story. It refers to the time and location in which a story takes place. It may be the following except,
a. mood b. climax c. atmosphere d. social condition
18. Which of the following is considered one of the elements of a short story?
a. character b. denouement c. exposition d. climax
19. What element of the story shows the logical arrangement of events, with a beginning, middle and end?
a. exposition b. character c. plot d. conflict
20. The author may reveal a character in several ways.
a. his/her physical appearance b. what he/she says, thinks and does
c. what he/she does or does not do d. his/her views and opinions
21. Bata makes hay while the sun shines.
22. The wife of Anpu was beaten black and blue.
23. Knowing the wife’s dishonesty, blood pours into his face.
24. After killing the wife, Anpu was blue in the face.
25. Bata had made an easy way out to the mountains.

act while opportunity opens Thoroughly beaten that bruises are visible
Face becomes red due to emotion Exhausted from exertion, anger, or exasperation
an easy solution with sincerety
A feeling of annoyance with humility
Direction: Read the selection then answer the questions that follow.
The Mohammedan Paradise
The Koran has for its subject matter death, resurrection, judgment, paradise, and hell. The joys of paradise are designed to satisfy
fundamental desires in man. All who die for the cause of their religion go to paradise. This Mohammedan paradise is made delightful by black-
eyed maidens not made of common clay. They are free from all blemishes; they are full of eternal virtue and beauty. They await the souls of
believers in rosy bowers set in the hollow of giant pearls. The soil of paradise is perfumed and sprinkled with gold and silver and flowers. The
fruits of the trees are of a taste unknown to mortals. Numerous rivers flow through paradise; some are of wine; others are of milk and honey.
The riverbeds and riverbanks are full of emeralds, diamonds and rubies. The meanest of believers will have 80,000 servants and 72 wives. At
whatever age a Mohammedan dies, at his resurrection in paradise, he will be restored to manly vigor and eternal health. It would take a
journey of a thousand years for a true believer to travel through paradise and see all the wives, servants, gardens, jewelry, robes, houses,
camels, and other things that are exclusively his.
26. What makes the Mohammedan paradise a delightful one?
a. platoon of soldiers c. beautiful black-eyed children
b. pretty black-eyed children d. the Imam
27. Why are the joys of paradise designed?
a. to satisfy the desires of man c. to await the souls of believers
b. to die for a cause d. all of the above
28. “They await the souls of believers.” They -stands for whom?
a. for all the souls c. for black-eyed maidens
b. for the paradise d. none of the above
29. Koran mentioned resurrection of a true believer. What is resurrection?
a. rebirth c. life after death
b. prolonged death d. none of the above
30. Who are considered as free from all blemishes and full of eternal virtue?
a. the beautiful black-eyed maidens c. the Mohammedans
b. the true believers d. none of the above
B.Read the paragraph carefully and identify the figurative language used in each sentence. Write the letter only.

“Mother Africa” is a dark continent which land flushing with sunshine and vivid light. It is
also a land of huge mountains, dark jungles and vast deserts. She has a river which looks like a
creeping anaconda. In her jungles and in her grasslands lurk creatures that are enemies of man: the
leopard and the lion, the snake and the crocodile….
Her people’s complexion is as dark as the night….

a. simile b. metaphor c. personification d.irony

31. Mother Africa is land of huge mountains.
32. In her grasslands lurk the enemies of men.
33. Africa’s river is like a creeping anaconda.
34. Africa is a dark continent which land flushing with sunshine and vivid light.
35. African complexion is as dark as the night
Read each sentence carefully and choose from the word pool the character traits which are inferred in the following lines.
36. Makato had neither brother nor sister to take care of him. His father and mother died.
37. He never idled, fed the pigs, and cleaned the forests.
38. He never complained and was satisfied. A. good-natUredB. orphan
39. Makato thought about what he liked to do in the future. C. proactiveD. IndUSTrioUS
40. He tried his luck in a far-off land
41. What is written first if the author of a book is only one?
a. start with family name b. start with first name c. start with the title of the book d. start with
the publisher
42. For two authors, how would you write the bibliography?
a. 2nd author’s first name is written first not with the family namec. write et al after
the 1 author’s name

b. write ‘and’ to connect the 2nd author’s name to the first d. none
of the above
43. What words are used to mean several authors?
a. et cetera b. et al c. et seqq. d. none of the above
44. All titles of the books, magazines, encyclopedia and
newspaper articles should be ?
a. enclosed in quotation marks b. underlined c. capitalized d. enclosed in
45. Titles of topics of magazines, newspaper articles and encyclopedia must be-
a. enclosed in quotation marks b. underlined c. capitalized d. enclosed in
Direction: Complete this paragraph with the correct transition word to achieve unity and coherence. Choose from the box below.
The Filipino family is (46) _ it is quiet large. The Filipino family has an (47) _ those of other countries are
unique extended Family nuclear. A
typical Filipino family includes not only the father, mother and children, but also the grandparents and other relatives._(48),despite this, the family
live in harmony. Everyone looks forward to the evening meal when everyone is at (49) it is the venue for an exchange of ideas._(50)_ , in
home modern times, family unity is on the wane. these
A. Yet B.However C. for
D. Moreover E.while F. because
Give your best… be honest… so you will be

Prepared by:
Second Periodical Examination
English 8-Answer Key


The first time I went to the show, I was very much excited. There were so many people, so many bright lights. When we entered the
show, I was frightened by the darkness and large figures on the screen. It seems to me that I saw a train. It was coming right at me. I
thought it would
surely run over me. I remember having screamed. I don’t remember anything else.

1) d
2) c
3) a
4) c
5) c
6) d
7) a
8) b
9) b
10) a
11) e
12) a
13) c
14) d
15) b
16) c
17) b
18) a
19) c
20) b
21) d
22) c
23) c
24) b
25) d
26) c
27) a
28) c
29) c
30) a
31) b
32) c
33) a
34) b
35) a
36) b
37) d
38) a
39) c
40) e
41) a
42) a
43) b
44) b
45) a
46) f
47) e
48) a
49) c
50) b

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