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A Theory of Volatility Spreads

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Working Paper No.


January 2006

A Theory of Volatility Spreads

Gurdip Bakshi

Dilip Madan

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Social Science Research Network Electronic Paper Collection
A Theory of Volatility Spreads
Gurdip Bakshi and Dilip Madan∗

January 30, 2006


This study formalizes the departure between risk-neutral and physical index re-
turn volatilities, termed volatility spreads. Theoretically, the departure between risk
neutral and physical index volatility is connected to the higher-order physical return
moments and the parameters of the pricing kernel process. This theory predicts pos-
itive volatility spreads when investors are risk averse, and when the physical index
distribution is negatively skewed and leptokurtic. Our empirical evidence is support-
ive of the theoretical implications of risk aversion, exposure to tail events, and fatter
left-tails of the physical index distribution in markets where volatility is traded.

Bakshi and Madan are both at Department of Finance, Robert H. Smith School of Business, Uni-
versity of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. Bakshi can be reached at Tel: 301-405-2261, Email:, and Website:; Madan at Tel: 301-
405-2127, Email:, and Website: The
review process has substantially improved the paper, and we are grateful for the feedback of the referee,
the anonymous associate editor, and David Hsieh (the department editor). The paper has benefited from
discussions with Doron Avramov, Charles Cao, Steve Heston, Nengjiu Ju, Nikunj Kapadia, Inanc Kirgiz,
Mark Loewenstein, Carl Ullrich, Liuren Wu, and Frank Zhang. Any remaining errors are ours. We welcome
comments, including references to related papers we have inadvertently overlooked.
1 Introduction
Earlier empirical work from Canina and Figlewski (1993), Lamoureux and Lastrapes (1993),
Bakshi, Cao, and Chen (2000), and Christoffersen, Heston, and Jacobs (2005) based on im-
plied volatility, and now Bollerslev, Gibson, and Zhou (2005), Britten-Jones and Neuberger
(2000), Carr and Wu (2004) and Jiang and Tian (2005) based on formal measures of risk-
neutral volatility, suggests the finding that risk-neutral index volatility generally exceeds
physical return volatility. Despite the advances in modeling volatility, there appears to be
little theoretical work that connects the two entities within the same underlying economic
equilibrium. The purpose of this article is to formalize the departure between risk-neutral
and physical index return volatilities, termed volatility spreads. What are the theoretical
determinants of volatility spreads? What role does investor behavior play in explaining
dynamic movements in volatility spreads? Our contribution lies in identifying the sufficient
conditions on physical and risk-neutral densities that give rise to positive volatility spreads.
The compelling force behind the theory of volatility spreads is the notion that risk-
neutral probabilities are physical probabilities revised by investor’s risk preference as de-
termined by the pricing kernel (Harrison and Kreps, 1979). Rational risk-averse investors
are sensitive to extreme loss states and are willing to counteract these exposures by buying
protection. The desire to cover these losses typically drives up the risk-neutral probabil-
ity relative to the actual probability of occurrence, and endogenously shifts probability
mass to risk-neutral tails. This mechanism essentially argues that risk aversion introduces
heterogeneity in the risk-neutral distributions and causes non-inverted volatility spreads.
To finesse the above elementary intuition, we first present a four-state example in a
two-date setting. Through a judicious design of physical probabilities and returns, this
model distinctly parameterizes physical skewness and physical kurtosis and accommodates
exposures to both up and down extremes. Using a naive pricing kernel representation
that amplifies both the up and down risk-neutral tail probabilities, we analytically derive
the parametric restrictions on physical skewness and physical kurtosis that guarantee the
existence of positive volatility spreads. This analysis verifies the core intuition that volatility
spreads get bigger when the investor dislike for unpleasant tail events gets progressively more
severe. Theoretically it is shown that the existence of positive volatility spreads warrant
exposure to tail events that generate fat-tailed physical return distributions. Furthermore
the introduction of negative physical skewness, at the margin, tends to magnify the effect

of physical kurtosis on volatility spreads.
The general modeling framework richens the state-space example and provides a deeper
understanding of the issues by (i) relaxing the assumption that the parametric form of the
physical density is known, and by (ii) focusing on a family of theoretically appealing pricing
kernels. Thus, it must be noted that our results hold for a wide class of physical return den-
sities and are derived without imposing any structure on the dynamics of physical volatility
and without assuming the functional form of the volatility risk premium. The main analyt-
ical characterization reveals an equation where volatility spreads are related to the pricing
kernel and to the higher-order moments of the physical return distribution. For a broad set
of pricing kernels that display risk aversion, we obtain approximate theoretical results that
predict positive volatility spreads when the physical index distribution is negatively skewed
and leptokurtic. We also develop extensions to more general marginal utilities and specify
the conditions under which our results on volatility spreads are completely exact.
Based on the theoretical predictions, we empirically examine the determinants of volatil-
ity spreads using S&P 100 index returns and options on the S&P 100 index. Consistent
with the modeling paradigm, the empirical work shows that volatility spreads are substan-
tially positive with risk-neutral volatility exceeding physical volatility for the majority of
the months (see also the contributions in Bollerslev, Gibson, and Zhou, 2005, Carr and Wu,
2004, and Jiang and Tian, 2005). Estimation of the volatility spread equation shows that
the estimated risk aversion parameter is positive and statistically significant and compa-
rable to Aı̈t-Sahalia and Lo (2000) and Bliss and Panigirtzoglou (2004). This estimation
provides a perspective in evaluating risk aversion in markets where volatility is traded.
Such an exercise also confirms our theoretical prediction that positive volatility spreads are
primarily due to the existence of risk aversion, exposure to tail events, and fatter left-tails
of the physical index distribution.
In what follows, Section 2 outlines the framework for analyzing volatility spreads. The
simple state-space example presented in Section 3 is aimed towards providing the intuition
for the general theory of volatility spreads. Section 4 presents theoretical results that hold
for arbitrary physical return distributions. Section 5 describes the empirical characteristics
of volatility spreads. Section 6 presents the generalized method of moments estimation
results from fitting theoretical volatility spreads and the estimates of risk aversion exploiting
the volatility time-series. Conclusions are offered in Section 7.

2 A Framework for Analyzing Volatility Spreads
To fix the notation for the theoretical results, denote the τ -period return on the market
index as R(t, τ ) ≡ ln [S (t + τ ) /S(t)], where S(t) is the time-t level of the market index.
For brevity of equation presentation, write R(t, τ ) as R and denote the physical density of
the market return by p[R]. Assume the existence of a risk-neutral (pricing) density, q[R].
Ruling out extreme counterexamples make the assumption that the physical and risk-
neutral return densities have finite moments up to order four:
Rn p[R] dR

< ∞, (1)
Rn q[R] dR

< ∞, (2)

for n = 1, . . . , 4, and ℜ is the real line.

To streamline notation, define the higher-order return central moments under the phys-
ical measure as:
σp2 (t, τ ) ≡ (R − µp )2 p[R] dR, (3)
ℜ (R − µp )3 p[R] dR
θp (t, τ ) ≡ , (4)
σp2 (t, τ )3/2
− µp )4 p[R] dR
ℜ (R
κp (t, τ ) ≡ , (5)
σp2 (t, τ )2

where the mean return under the physical probability measure is

µp ≡ R p[R] dR. (6)

Following a standard practice, define the risk-neutral market volatility as:

σrn (t, τ ) ≡ (R − µrn )2 q[R] dR, (7)

where µrn represents the mean of the risk-neutral return distribution.

The focus of this article is on characterizing volatility spreads, defined as:

σrn (t, τ ) − σp2 (t, τ )
. (8)
σp2 (t, τ )

We ask two questions. First, what are the theoretical determinants of volatility spreads?
Second, what are the relative roles of risk preferences of the investors and return distribu-
tional properties in explaining movements in risk-neutral volatility and volatility spreads? In
our theoretical exposition, we confine attention to a frugal description of p[R] and q[R] and
then identify sufficient conditions that support the existence of positive volatility spreads.
To complete the description of the economic environment, consider any generic pricing
kernel represented by m[R]. When the physical density (or the physical probability) is
suitably adjusted, then assets can be priced in a risk-neutral manner (Harrison and Kreps,
1979). For any risk-neutral density, q [R], and the physical density of the market index, p [R],
the pricing kernel, m[R], is classically defined as (for a formal treatment, see Constantinides,
2002, Halmos, 1970, Harrison and Kreps, 1979, and Bakshi, Kapadia, and Madan, 2003):

m [R] = (9)
p [R]
and note, in particular, that ℜ q [R] dR = 1. Alternatively one may state that the unnor-
malized risk-neutral density is of the form m[R]p[R] for an arbitrary positive function m[R],
whereby on normalization we get:

m[R] p [R]
q [R] = R , (10)
ℜ m[R] p [R] dR

where the pricing kernel, m[R] - that prices all future payoffs - is some function of the
market return R.
According to (10), the risk-neutral probabilities are physical probabilities revised by
investor’s risk preference reflecting the price that an investor would pay for receiving one
unit of payoff in a particular state of the world. Finance theory suggests that risk-averse
investors pay more attention to unpleasant extreme states relative to their actual probabil-
ity of occurrence, and thus exaggerate the risk-neutral probability of unpleasant states in
comparison to the physical counterpart. Intuitively, risk aversion - that induces a risk pre-
mium - can introduce a wedge between the moments of the risk-neutral and physical return
distributions. When m[R] = m̂ > 0, for constant m̂, equation (10) results in q[R] = p[R],
and implies the absence of risk premium on all claims contingent on the market return.
When it comes to claims written on the market return for which we have potential
data, it does not matter how general the pricing kernel is and whether m[R] admits state

dependencies. To see this, the price at time t of a claim paying c[R] at t + τ is,

Πc (t) = B(t, τ ) E P (Λ c[R]) , (11)

= B(t, τ ) E P E P (Λ c[R] | R) = B(t, τ ) E P (Λ∗ [R] c[R]) , (12)

where B(t, τ ) is the discount bond price at t paying unit at t + τ and E P (.) is expectation
under the physical probability measure P . Moreover, Λ represents the change of probability
with the bond price as numeraire, and Λ∗ [R] ≡ E P (Λ | R). Thus, we need only model
E P (Λ | R) and need not concern ourselves with any state dependent specifications of the
pricing kernel.

3 Volatility Spreads in a Simple Model

To provide the basic intuition for positive volatility spreads, consider a state-space example
in a two-date world. Through this static model, we can more directly understand how
exaggerating the risk-neutral tails enables positive volatility spreads by making the risk-
neutral return distribution less homogeneous. Albeit specialized to maintain parsimony,
this framework is sufficiently flexible to study the impact of physical skewness and physical
kurtosis on volatility spreads.
Consider a four state-space economy indexed by ω = (ω1 , ω2 , ω3 , ω4 ). The associated
physical probabilities and market return in the four states are shown below:
 
 
 2
 −ρ R̂
 
 (1−υ)β 
−R̂ 
   

p[ω] = , R[ω] = , (13)
   

β R̂ 
  
  
 (1−υ)(1+β)   
1− 2 ρ R̂

where 0 ≤ υ ≤ 1 and R̂ is a strictly positive scaling constant. Because results are indepen-
dent of scaling we henceforth set R̂ = 1. It is clear that p[ωj ] = 1. The construction of

probabilities and returns outlined in (13) can be motivated as follows. First, the parameter
υ calibrates the exposure to the extremes (and equals the probability of extremes in the
symmetric case of β = 1) and ρ > 1 controls the kurtosis of the physical return distribution.
Second, as verified in (16), the parameter β ≤ 1 captures the negative asymmetry of the

physical return distribution. Third, ω1 (ω4 ) represents the most unpleasant extreme state
from the perspective of long (short) market position with exogenously specified return −ρ
(ρ). With small υ, both the large downward movement and the large upward movement are
rare and share the same event probability. Finally, when υ → 0 and β ≈ 1, the probability
mass in the extremes shrinks to zero and the modeling structure collapses to the two-state
classical binomial model.
Based on the assumed probabilities and returns,

µp = p[ωj ] R[ωj ] = 0, (14)
2 (1 − υ)(1 + β) β(1 + β)(1 − υ)
σp2 2
= p[ωj ] (R[ωj ] − µp ) = ρ 1 − + , (15)
ω 2 2
1 X 3 (1 − υ) β (1 − β 2 )
θp = p[ω j ] (R[ω j ] − µ p ) = − < 0, (16)
(σp2 )3/2 ω 2(σp2 )3/2
β(1+β 3 )(1−υ)
1 X 4
ρ4 1 − 2
+ 2
κp = p[ωj ] (R[ωj ] − µp ) = . (17)
(σp2 )2 ω σp4

Although the four-state framework is chosen to provide the intuition for the general the-
oretical results on volatility spreads, the model nonetheless illustrates a number of eco-
nomically sensible properties. Equation (15) shows that the presence of extremes adds to
the dispersion of the return distribution and this dependence dominates at large ρ. Con-
sider the symmetric case of β = 1, that makes θp = 0 in (16), which leads to kurtosis:
1+(ρ4 −1)υ
κp = .
Under the further consideration of small exposure to the extremes
1+(ρ2 −1)2 υ2 +2(ρ2 −1)υ

(i.e., υ ≈ 0), the kurtosis is of the order (ρ4 − 1)/(ρ2 − 1) and kurtosis exceeds 3 for ρ > 2.
Otherwise this model produces rich combinations of negative skewness and kurtosis, as
respectively controlled by β and ρ.
With the structure of probabilities and returns as in (13), consider the following speci-
fication for the pricing kernel m[ω]:
 
 
1 
 

m[ω] =  
, (18)
1 

 

with α > 1. This particularly parameterized choice of m[ω] reflects the idea that investor

long (short) the market index are willing to pay a higher charge to hedge the payoff in
ω1 (ω4 ). The bowl-shaped choice of m[ω] in ω-m[ω] space approximates a heterogeneous
agent economy populated by agents with long and short positions in the market index (see
Case 1 to come). Specifically the same weighting of α in state ω1 and ω4 inflates the un-
normalized risk-neutral tail probabilities leaving the neck of the distribution unchanged.
This assumption simplifies computation by keeping the risk-neutral mean at zero and iso-
lating attention on the volatility effect. More realistically one would differentially inflate the
downside with respect to the upside, as in the power utility m[ω] = [eγρ , eγ , e−γβ , e−γρ ]′ with
risk aversion γ. Such a pricing kernel complicates the variance calculations by introducing a
shift in the risk-neutral mean without changing the qualitative results on volatility spreads.
To derive the risk-neutral probabilities we appeal to the relation q[ω] = Pm[ω] p[ω]
m[ω] p[ω]
which is the state-space counterpart of (10), and arrive at the expression below:

α(1− )
 
 2Ψ 

 (1−υ)β 

q[ω] = , (19)
 

 
 2Ψ 
α(1− )
 

(1−υ)(1+β) (1−υ)(1+β)
where the normalization factor Ψ ≡ m[ω] p[ω] = α 1 − + > 0.
ω 2 2
Comparing (13) and (19), the risk-neutral probability in state ω1 and ω4 is higher than the
physical counterpart provided α > Ψ, which is satisfied when α > 1. The price of Arrow-
α 1−
Debreu security paying unit in state ω1 (or ω4 ) is Ψ 2
. Hence for all α > 1 the
Arrow-Debreu price of the tail event is greater than its physical probability.
Due to our distinct parameterization of higher-order physical moments, the risk-neutral
volatility, σrn , will be driven by the skewness parameter β, the kurtosis parameter ρ, and the
risk-neutral tail inflation factor α. Write σrn [α; β, ρ] to reflect this theoretical dependence.
We wish to demonstrate analytically that volatility spreads will widen when investors care
about avoiding unpleasant tail events. Since σp2 is independent of α, this result amounts to
2 [α;β,ρ]

showing that ∂α
> 0. The rationale behind this restriction is that when α = 1,
m[ω] is unity in every state making risk-neutral and physical probabilities identical. It can

be shown that the risk-neutral volatility is,
(1−υ)(1+β) β(1+β)(1−υ)
X 2
α ρ2 1 − 2
+ 2
σrn [α; β, ρ] = q[ωj ] (R[ωj ] − µq ) = 

. (20)
ω α 1− 2
+ 2

Observe from (15) and (20) that for skewed return distributions, the difference between
risk-neutral and physical volatilities is,
! 
2 (1 − υ)(1 + β)  (α − 1)(1 − υ)(1 + β)/2   2 
σrn − σp2 = 1 −   ρ − β . (21)
2 α 1 − (1−υ)(1+β)
+ (1−υ)(1+β)

For fat-tailed distributions with kurtosis in excess of the stated benchmark level of unity,
the right hand side of (21) is positive, and convex in ρ.
The derivative of risk-neutral volatility with respect to α evaluated at α = 1 is,

! !
∂σrn [α; β, ρ] (1 − υ)(1 + β) (1 − υ)(1 + β)  2 
= 1− ρ − β > 0, (22)

∂α 2 2


since ρ2 > 1 and β < 1. Ceteris paribus, a higher α magnifies the tilt in the tails and causes
more pronounced volatility spreads. The impact of return asymmetry can be addressed
2 [α;β,ρ])
by computing the derivative of ∂α
with respect to β evaluated at β = 1. This
calculation yields,

∂ 2 σrn

[α; β, ρ] 1
= −υ(1 − υ) − (ρ − 1)(1 − υ) −υ . (23)
∂α ∂β 2


Introducing negative skewness by decreasing β does increase risk-neutral volatility, but

for leptokurtic cases this cross-partial derivative is negative (provided υ < 2
) with the
consequence that the introduction of negative skewness at the margin inflates the effect of
kurtosis on risk neutral volatilities.

4 Structure of Volatility Spreads in Dynamic Economies

This section provides general theoretical results on volatility spreads by imposing a plau-
sible economic environment on the pricing kernel m[R]. The generality is related to the
parametric form of the physical return density, p[R], being unspecified. Our objective is

to connect volatility spreads to higher-order moments of the physical density and the risk
preference of investors. Specifically we expand on the state-space example in Section 3
and provide interpretations for the main drivers of volatility spreads in a broader economic

Theorem 1 Suppose the aggregate investor behavior is modeled through a class of pricing
kernels m[R]. For pricing kernels satisfying the Taylor series expansion of m[R], around
zero, m[R] ≈ 1 − A1 R + 21 A2 R2 + O [R3 ], where m[0] = 1, A1 ≡ − ∂m | , and A2 ≡
∂R R=0
| ,
∂R2 R=0
the τ -period volatility spreads are theoretically determined as,

σrn (t, τ ) − σp2 (t, τ ) 
≈ −A 1 σp (t, τ ) × θp (t, τ )
σp2 (t, τ )
2 A21
A2  2 
+ σp (t, τ ) × κp (t, τ ) − 1 − , (24)
2 A2

where the terms related to risk aversion, A1 ≡ − ∂m |
∂R R=0
and A2 ≡ | ,
∂R2 R=0
are constants.
∂m ∂2m
The decreasing risk aversion assumption implies ∂R
< 0 and ∂R2
> 0. The skewness of
the physical distribution, θp (t, τ ), and the kurtosis of the physical distribution, κp (t, τ ), are
respectively defined in (4) and (5). Furthermore, (24) is exact for quadratic pricing kernels.
Under the power utility class with m[R] = e−γ R for coefficient of relative risk aversion γ,
up to a second-order of γ, we have A1 = γ, A2 = γ 2 and A2
= 1, and thus the approximate
volatility spreads are governed by the relationship,

σrn (t, τ ) − σp2 (t, τ ) 
1/2 γ2  2 
≈ −γ σp (t, τ ) × θp (t, τ ) + σp (t, τ ) × (κp (t, τ ) − 3) .(25)
σp2 (t, τ ) 2

The divergence between risk-neutral volatility and physical volatility can be attributed to (i)
exposure to tail events, (ii) fatter left-tails of the physical distribution, and (iii) the risk
averse behavior of the investors.

Proof: See the Appendix.

At a basic level Theorem 1 argues that the departure of risk-neutral index volatility
from physical index volatility is related to non-zero risk aversion. Pricing kernels display-
ing m[R] = 1 (i.e., A1 = 0 and A2 = 0) will have σrn (t, τ ) = σp2 (t, τ ) regardless of the
distributional properties of the market index. The fact that option volatilities and realized
volatilities are at odds is indicative of economies that display aversion to downside risk.

The analytical expressions developed in Theorem 1 rely on approximate results that are
based on ignoring all expansion terms of order higher than O [γ 3 ]. These expansion terms
arise as we have restricted the shape of m[R] but not p[R]. To clarify this feature of (24) and
1 (R−µp )2
(25) suppose the market return is distributed Gaussian with p[R] = √ 2
exp − 2σ2 ,
2υσp p
and the pricing kernel is m[R] = e . The risk-neutral density can be accordingly derived
in exact form as:
exp(−γR) × exp − (R−µ
(R − (µp − γ σp2 ))2
q[R] = R   = q exp − , (26)
exp(−γR) × exp − (R−µp )2
dR 2υσp2 2 σp2
−∞ 2σ 2

which, for some normalization constant ĉ0 , implies that the risk-neutral return distribution
is mean-shifted version of the Gaussian physical distribution with the same volatility. The
lack of exaggeration of risk-neutral volatility with Gaussian physical distribution agrees
with the approximate results in Theorem 1 as θp = 0 and κp = 3. Thus, Gaussian physical
distributions have counterfactual implications for volatility spreads with power utility pric-
ing kernels. An economic interpretation is that unpleasant extremes in a Gaussian world
are sufficiently rare to counteract exponential risk aversion in investors.
2 (t,τ )−σ 2 (t,τ )
Equations (24) and (25) both show that p
σp2 (t,τ )
can be decomposed into parts
related to tail asymmetry and tail size of the physical index distribution. Specifically
2 (t,τ )−σ 2 (t,τ )
the volatility spread p
σp2 (t,τ )
is greatest when p[R] is negatively-skewed and fat-tailed.
More precisely according to our characterizations under power marginal utility, the physical
skewness receives a weight equal to -γ σp2 (t, τ ) while the physical excess kurtosis receives
the weight 2
σp2 (t, τ ) . These results are qualitatively consistent with the elementary but
exact state-space model of Section 3. Since the U.S. post-war p[R] are mildly left-skewed and
substantially fat-tailed, risk aversion and excess kurtosis are the likely driving force behind
the variations in volatility spreads in power utility economies. For example, Engle (2004)
reports a value of -1.44 (-0.10) over the daily sample of 1963-2003 (1990-2003) for the S&P
500 index, and concludes that the sample skewness is small (page 411). The estimates of
statistical skewness summarized in Table I, from Andersen, Bollerslev, Diebold, and Ebens
(2001), Bollerslev and Zhou (2005), Brandt and Kang (2004), and Brock, Lakonishok, and
Lebaron (1992), all point to physical distributions that are essentially symmetric.

The following cases consider some richer parameterizations of investor behavior and
show the robustness of Theorem 1. Overall, the analytical results are geared towards
understanding the combinations of physical skewness, physical kurtosis, and risk aversion
that give rise to non-inverted volatility spreads. A particular observation to be made is that
when risk aversion is balanced with respect to both extremes, the effects of physical skewness
are mitigated and physical kurtosis remains the predominant force behind volatility spreads.
The decomposition of volatility spreads into contributions of physical skewness and kurtosis
remains an empirical issue, a topic to be addressed in the ensuing discussions.

CASE 1 Consider m[R] = e−γ R + eγ R , which can be thought as a hyperbolic cosine pricing
kernel representation. This type of m[R] = wj Uj′ [R] captures the idea that the marginal

utility of the representative agent consists of equally weighted marginal utilities of the in-
vestor long and short the market index (e.g., Wang, 1996). Both class of investors share
the same risk aversion γ. Application of Theorem 1 implies A1 ≡ − ∂m | = 0 and
∂R R=0
A2 ≡ ∂R2
|R=0 = 2γ 2 . Inserting these conditions into equation (24) will lead to physical
kurtosis being the only determinant of volatility spreads, as in:

σrn (t, τ ) − σp2 (t, τ ) 2


≈ γ σp (t, τ ) × (κp (t, τ ) − 1) , (27)
σp2 (t, τ )

since the weight on physical skewness becomes zero. Equation (27) offers the interpretation
that volatility spreads are endogenously determined from physical kurtosis with the effect of
skewness vanishing in the aggregate. We can make two further observations:

• For this class of m[R], the divergence between risk-neutral and physical volatility is
positive even under Gaussian physical density. In this case the result may be computed
exactly, as q[R] is a mixture of two Gaussian and is consistent with (27).

• If long and short positions in the market index are weighted asymmetrically or if their
risk aversions are unequal as in m[R] = wl exp (−γl R) + ws exp (γs R), then the
asymmetry of the physical distribution will impact the evolution of volatility spreads.
The results of this case mirror the predictions of the model in Section 3.

CASE 2 Focus now on the implications of translog pricing kernels, that lead to the follow-

ing relationship between the risk-neutral and physical densities:
q[R] = 00 ∆a + ∆b R + ∆c R2 p[R], (28)
∆c > 0, and 4 ∆a ∆c > ∆2b , (29)

where the inequalities on the coefficients ensure the positivity of the likelihood ratio, and 00
is a normalizing constant. Economically the U-shaped measure change argues for a positive
weighting to be given to the short side of the market. One may view ∆b as a compensation
for risk as seen as variance, while ∆c is the compensation demanded for negative skewness
when it is present. Suppose we mean-shift and set the risk-neutral mean to zero.
 3/2  2
σrn (t, τ ) = 00 ∆a σp2 (t, τ ) + 00 ∆b σp2 (t, τ ) θp (t, τ ) + 00 ∆c σp2 (t, τ ) κp (t, τ ),(30)

or, the ratio of the standard deviation can be written as,

σrn (t, τ ) q
= 00 ∆a + 00 ∆b σp (t, τ ) θp (t, τ ) + 00 ∆c σp2 (t, τ ) κp (t, τ ). (31)
σp (t, τ )

When ∆b = 0 and the statistical process is not skewed then 00 ≡ 1/(∆a + ∆c σp2 (t, τ )) and
σrn (t,τ ) ∆a ∆c σp2 (t,τ )
hence σp (t,τ )
= ∆a +∆c σp2 (t,τ )
+ ∆a +∆c σp2 (t,τ )
κp (t, τ ). The volatility spreads are consistently
positive in our generalization involving U-shaped measure changes.
CASE 3 Alter the pricing kernel, m[R], to 0 e−z R ν[dz] for some measure ν on ℜ+ .
The pricing kernel of this case encompasses HARA marginal utility class and loss aversion
utilities (Kahneman, and Tversky, 1979). For example, using the Gamma density with
ν[dz] = Γ[γ]bγ
z γ−1 e−z/b dz and its Fourier transform, we get m[R] = (1 + b R)−γ which rep-
resents HARA marginal utility. Define a φ-approximation as 0 e−φz R ν[dz] which implies
that the risk aversion is proportional to φ 0 z ν[dz]. For a general p[R], we arrive at the
expression for volatility spreads below:

σrn (t, τ ) − σp2 (t, τ )  Z ∞ 
≈ − φ z ν[dz] σp (t, τ ) × θp (t, τ )
σp2 (t, τ ) 0
 Z ∞  
+ φ z ν[dz] σp2 (t, τ ) × (κp (t, τ ) − 3) .
2 0

Except for the weighting on physical skewness and kurtosis the relation (32) inherits a

structure similar to that in Theorem 1. The spread between σrn (t, τ ) and σp2 (t, τ ) is again a
consequence of negative physical skewness and fatter physical tails.

If the physical moments are stationary through time, then variations in the volatility
spread can only be explained by variations in risk aversion. Cases 1 through 3 all imply that
negative skewness and excess kurtosis translate into higher risk-neutral volatility relative to
physical volatility in the presence of time-varying risk aversion. In Case 1 the absolute risk
e−γ µp −eγ µp
aversion evaluated at mean return is γ e−γ µp +eγ µp
and in the HARA version of Case 3 it
is γ/(1 + b µp ).
Drawing from the research of Bollerslev, Gibson, and Zhou (2005), Carr and Wu (2004),
and Jiang and Tian (2005), we can similarly shed light on the empirical determinants of
volatility spreads without imposing parametric assumptions on the dynamics of market
volatility and the volatility risk premium. The representation (24) indicates that when
physical index distributions are left-skewed and fat-tailed, the volatility spread is positive
provided the risk aversion coefficient is non-zero. In fact, the volatility characterization (25)
relying on power utility assumption can be thought as an orthogonality condition which is
potentially testable. The novelty of this estimation strategy is that it permits statistical
inference on risk aversion solely based on the time-series of risk-neutral volatility, physical
volatility, and physical skewness and kurtosis.

5 Empirical Characteristics of Volatility Spreads

For the remainder of this article, S&P 100 index options and returns are employed in our
empirical study of volatility spreads. S&P 100 index option (ticker OEX) data is taken
from the Wall Street Journal over the period January 1984 through December 1999. The
S&P 100 index prices are available daily and obtained from Dow Jones Interactive.
To maintain the scope of the investigation, a monthly sampling procedure is followed
to construct volatility spreads. Specifically, we select sampling days for OEX by moving
backward 28 calendar days from each expiration date. This procedure provides calls and
puts with maturity of roughly 28 days. Monthly sampled option observations result in
nonoverlapping time periods for successive expiration cycles and mitigates autocorrelation
problem. The monthly sample facilitates comparison with the related findings in Bollerslev
and Zhou (2005), Bollerslev, Gibson, and Zhou (2005), Canina and Figlewski (1993), Carr

and Wu (2004), Lamoureux and Lastrapes (1993), and Jiang and Tian (2005).
Recent literature has shown that the risk-neutral volatility, σrn (t, τ ), can be inferred
from the prices of out-of-money calls and puts observed in options market. Tapping the
model-free approach formalized in Bakshi and Madan (2000), Britten-Jones and Neuberger
(2000), Carr and Madan (2001), Carr and Wu (2004), and Jiang and Tian (2005), we write:
Z Z 2
σrn (t, τ ) = R2 q[R] dR − R q[R] dR , (33)

K S(t)
Z Z ∞ 2 1 − ln S(t)
Z S(t) 2 1 + ln K
R2 q[R]dR = erτ C[K] dK + erτ P [K] dK,
ℜ S(t) K2 0 K2
and !
S(t) 1 ∞ 1
rτ rτ
R q[R] dR = e −1−e P [K] dK + C [K] dK . (35)
ℜ 0 K2 S(t) K2
In (34) and (35), C[K] and P [K] respectively represent the price of the call option and
the put option with strike price K and τ -periods to expiration, and r is the interest rate.
Equation (34) is a consequence of spanning and pricing the payoff (ln (S (t + τ ) /S(t)))2 .
The computation of risk-neutral volatility requires options with constant maturity. Fix-
R2 q[R] dR in (34).
ing τ as 28 days, consider the Riemann integral approximation of ℜ
First, discretize the integral for the long position in calls as:

(N [j − 1] + N [j]) , (36)
j=1 2

where N[j] ≡ z[Kmax − j∆K] × C[Kmax − j∆K], Kmax is the maximum level of the strike
2 K
price, J is the number of call/put options, and z[K] ≡ K2
1 − ln S(t)
. Second, the
integral for the long position in puts can be discretized as:

(M [j − 1] + M [j]) , (37)
j=1 2

where M[j] ≡ z[Kmin + j∆K] × P [Kmin + j∆K] and Kmin represents the minimum level
of the strike price. According to Table 1 in Jiang and Tian (2005), the implementation
with finite number of options works reasonably well in practice with small approximation

errors. The risk-neutral volatility calculation uses an input for r that is proxied by the
three-month treasury bill rate. The resulting σrn (t, τ ) is annualized by scaling the 28-day
volatility estimate by a factor of 360/28.
Relying on Merton (1980) and Andersen, Bollerslev, Diebold, and Labys (2003), the
realized physical (annualized) volatility is also computed in a model-free manner, using
daily OEX index returns, as:
u 28 
u 360 X 2
σp (t) ≡ t R(t + ℓ) − R (38)
28 ℓ=1

where R(t + ℓ) is the daily return and R represents the rolling mean during this period.
Table 2 presents four statistics: (i) the risk-neutral volatility, (ii) the realized physical
σrn (t)−σp (t)
volatility, (iii) the percentage volatility spread as σp (t)
, and (iv) the fraction of months
in which risk-neutral volatility exceeds realized volatility, labeled ZT .
The results support our fundamental claim that volatility spreads are systematically
and substantially positive. When averaged over the entire sample, the risk-neutral index
volatility is 16.29% and the realized physical index volatility is 13.98%. The average relative
volatility spread is 23.45%, with risk-neutral volatility higher than physical volatility in 74%
of the months. The volatility spread is statistically significant with a t-statistic of 9.41.
The 84:01-91:12 and 92:01-99:12 sub-samples reveals a similar picture of positive volatility
spreads. The reported volatility spread estimates are roughly in line with the corresponding
estimates in Bollerslev, Gibson, and Zhou (2005), Carr and Wu (2004), and Jiang and Tian
(2005). For instance, over the sample of January 1990 to May 2004, Bollerslev, Gibson, and
Zhou (2005) state that the average risk-neutral volatility for S&P 500 index is 20.08% and
the realized volatility is 12.68%, implying large volatility spreads. Jiang and Tian (2005)
present evidence on positive volatility spreads for maturities up to 180 days.
Analyzing Table 2 further, we can see that positive volatility spreads are mostly a post-
σrn (t)−σp (t)
crash phenomenon. During the pre-crash period of 84:01-87:09, σp (t)
is 0.47% with
a t-statistic of 0.13, while over the post-crash period the corresponding average volatility
spread is 30.49% with a t-statistic of 10.85. Our theory of volatility spreads provides an
explanation for the findings in Jackwerth and Rubinstein (1996) who argue that the shape
of the risk-neutral index distribution has changed after the stock market crash of 1987. In
terms of the example of Section 3, the change in the risk-neutral index density noted in

Jackwerth and Rubinstein (1996) is likely related to higher exposure to tail events (i.e., υ
and ρ), risk aversion (i.e., α), and fatter left-tails of the physical index distribution (i.e., β).

6 Reconciling the Time-Series of Volatility Spreads

Suggestive from Bollerslev, Gibson, and Zhou (2005), and Jiang and Tian (2005), we can
examine the theoretical restrictions on volatility spreads emerging from (25) of Theorem 1.
This equation provides a different perspective in evaluating risk aversion in financial mar-
kets. Provisionally treating (25) as exact, define, the error term, ǫ(t + 1), from Theorem 1,
σrn (t + 1) − σp2 (t + 1) 
ǫ(t + 1) ≡ + γ σp (t + 1) × θp (t + 1)
σp2 (t + 1)
γ2  2 
− σp (t + 1) × (κp (t + 1) − 3) , (39)

where θp (t + 1) and κp (t + 1) are respectively the t+1-conditional skewness and kurtosis of

the physical index distribution. This characterization suggests that volatility spreads are
due to the existence of risk aversion and fatter left-tails of the physical index distribution.
The restriction that this theory imposes on the evolution of the risk-neutral volatility and
risk aversion γ is testable using generalized method of moments (Hansen (1982)).
Relying on the orthogonality of ǫ(t+1) with respect to time-t information variables Z(t),
we have E{ǫ(t + 1)|Z(t)} = 0, where E{.} denotes the unconditional expectation operator.
That is, by a standard argument, E{ǫ(t+ 1)⊗Z(t)} = 0. If the theoretical linkages between
physical and risk-neutral densities are correct, then

gT [γ] ≡ ǫ(t + 1) ⊗ Z(t) (40)
T t=1

should be sufficiently close to zero as the sample size, T , increases. The GMM estimator of
γ is based on minimizing the criterion function:

JT ≡ arg min gT′ WT gT (41)


where WT is a symmetric, weighting matrix. Hansen has shown that T ×JT is asymptotically

χ2 -distributed, with degrees of freedom equal to the difference between the number of
orthogonality conditions, L, and the number of parameters to be estimated.
A high value of JT implies that the risk-neutral volatility representation (25) may be
misspecified and, in particular, may contain a constant term representing a summary of
other effects. The source of misspecification can be alternative class of pricing kernels or
the relevance of physical moments beyond four for volatility spreads. A related approach
in Bliss and Panigirtzoglou (2004) relies on constructing the risk-neutral density from the
cross-section of options and then selecting the risk aversion coefficient to maximize the
forecasting ability of the resulting physical density, which can be computationally intensive.
The virtue of the GMM procedure, in the present context of estimating γ, is that it requires
simple inputs of risk-neutral volatility, physical volatility, skewness, and kurtosis.
Realize that although physical volatility can be estimated with a reasonable degree of
confidence, the estimate of physical skewness and kurtosis warrants a reasonably long return-
series. If a relatively short window (i.e., 28 days) is selected to estimate higher moments, the
skewness and kurtosis are likely to be underestimated (Jackwerth and Rubinstein, 1996).
Failing to properly account for the length of the window can result in the rejection of
(39) even when Theorem 1 provides a reasonable characterization of volatility spreads. To
minimize the biases associated with the underestimation of skewness and kurtosis in the
GMM estimation, the physical skewness and kurtosis are estimated using OEX returns
trailed by 90 days and 200 days, respectively. The skewness and kurtosis are updated every
90 days and matched with the corresponding estimate of risk-neutral and physical volatility.
Three sets of instrumental variables are adopted for robustness: SET 1 contains a con-
2 2 2
stant and σrn (t); SET 2 contains a constant, σrn (t), and σrn (t − 1); Finally, SET 3 contains
2 2 2
a constant, σrn (t), σrn (t − 1), and σrn (t − 2). Each choice of instrumental variables ensures
that the number of orthogonality conditions do not get too large relative to the sample size.
Parameter estimates for γ reported in Table 3 are based on a covariance matrix that
accommodates conditional heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. The lag in the moving
average is set to 4, which is roughly the cube root of the number of observations.
Not at odds with the theoretical predictions, the overidentifying restrictions afforded
by the modeling structure are not rejected. In addition, as theory suggests, the estimate
of γ are positive and statistically significant and stable across instrumental variables. The
minimum t-statistic on γ is 4.12. Taken all together, the estimates of risk aversion are

comparable to that in Aı̈t-Sahalia and Lo (2000) who find that the weighted average of
relative risk aversion is 12.70 using S&P 500 index options. With S&P 500 futures options
and power utility, Bliss and Panigirtzoglou (2004) report γ of 9.52 (5.38) for one (two) week
forecasting horizon. Finally, the Euler equation approach in Aı̈t-Sahalia, Parker, and Yogo
(2004) yields a point estimate of γ = 7 when luxury retail series is adopted to surrogate
aggregate consumption.
When the window used in the estimation of skewness and kurtosis is altered from 90
days to 200 days, both the goodness-of-fit measure JT and the estimate of risk aversion
fall. More exactly, the estimate of γ decreases from about 17 to about 12.8. This is to be
expected since the use of longer time-series will make the estimate of higher moments closer
to their theoretical counterparts. For instance, with 90 days, the (annualized) sample θp
is -0.0142 and κp is 3.0065. On the other hand, with 200 days history, the θp and κp are
respectively -0.0267 and 3.0144. Our results are consistent with the view that volatility
spreads are a consequence of risk aversion and fatter left-tails.
Specialized GMM estimations can be performed to study the relative importance of
skewness and kurtosis in fitting the evolution of volatility spreads. In the first estimation,
we omit a role for fat-tailed physical distributions by setting κp (t + 1) = 3 in (39). When
physical skewness is the only source of volatility spreads, we obtain:

σrn (t + 1) − σp2 (t + 1) 
ǫθ (t + 1) ≡ + γ σp (t + 1) × θp (t + 1). (42)
σp2 (t + 1)

The second estimation considers the impact of symmetric physical distributions on volatility
spreads by setting θp (t + 1) = 0 in (39). When excess kurtosis is the only source of volatility
spreads, the volatility equation specializes to:

σrn (t + 1) − σp2 (t + 1) γ2  2 
ǫκ (t + 1) ≡ − σp (t + 1) × (κp (t + 1) − 3) . (43)
σp2 (t + 1) 2

Two points can be made based on the evidence presented in Table 3. First observe
that the overidentifying restrictions imposed by the theory are not rejected in either of the
specialized estimations. This evidence can be interpreted as stating that the presence of
excess kurtosis does not swamp out the effect of skewness and vice versa. Therefore, both
physical skewness and kurtosis can be regarded as equally important sources of volatility

spreads. The second point concerns the estimated level of risk aversion: the estimate of
γ when physical skewness is constrained to zero is 50% of the corresponding value when
kurtosis is constrained to 3. A possible economic interpretation is that the zero excess
kurtosis restriction is too stringent, meaning that implausible levels of γ are needed to
reconcile volatility spread dynamics when only physical skewness is allowed to impact risk-
neutral volatility. Viewed from this angle, the fat-tailed feature may be instrumental to
producing more realistic volatility spread levels.

7 Conclusions
This paper theoretically links risk-neutral index volatility to the higher-order moments
of the physical index distribution and to the parameters of the pricing kernel process.
Specifically we establish that the spread between risk-neutral and physical volatility is
more pronounced when the physical index distribution is leptokurtic and left-skewed. Our
framework is sufficiently general and encompasses a broad class of pricing kernels and market
return dynamics.
Consistent with our theory, the empirical investigation finds that the risk-neutral distri-
bution embedded in S&P 100 index options is more volatile than its physical counterpart.
Overall, the estimation approach supports the view that the observed divergence between
the risk-neutral index volatility and the physical volatility is systematically related to the
higher-order moments of the physical index density, and to risk aversion.
Among the various possible extensions, the theoretical and empirical framework can
refined to pin down the sources of the volatility risk premium (e.g., Bakshi and Kapadia,
2003, Bollerslev, Gibson, and Zhou, 2005, and Carr and Wu, 2004) and for devising methods
to hedge volatility risks (e.g., Brenner, Ou, and Zhang, 2005) in not only equity markets,
but other markets.

Proof of Theorem 1: Suppress time-dependence and set the physical first-moment µp = 0.
Consider the moment generating function of the physical return distribution:

∞ λ2 2 λ3 λ4
C[λ] ≡ eλR p[R] dR = 1 + σp + θp (σp2 )3/2 + κp (σp2 )2 + o[λ4 ]. (44)
−∞ 2 6 24

Based on (10) and assumed m[R] = e−γR , the moment generating function of the risk-
neutral distribution is,
R∞ λR −γ R
−∞ e e p[R] dR C[λ − γ]
Z ∞
C[λ] ≡ e q[R] dR = R∞
−γ R
= , (45)
−∞ −∞ e p[R] dR C[−γ]


(λ − γ)2 2 (λ − γ)3 (λ − γ)4

C[λ − γ] = 1 + σp + θp (σp2 )3/2 + κp (σp2 )2 + o[λ4 ], (46)
2 6 24
(−γ)2 2 (−γ)3 (−γ) 4
C[−γ] = 1 + σp + θp (σp2 )3/2 + κp (σp2 )2 + o[λ4 ]. (47)
2 6 24

Therefore, the first risk-neutral moment is,

∞ C [λ − γ] |λ=0
R q[R] dR = , (48)
−∞ C[−γ]
γ2 γ2 γ3
= 1 + σp2 + . . . −γ σp2 + θp (σp2 )3/2 − κp (σp2 )2 + . . . ,(49)
2 2 6
γ2 h i
= −γ σp2 + θp (σp2 )3/2 + O γ 3 , (50)

and the second uncentered risk-neutral moment satisfies,

∞ C [λ − γ] |λ=0
R2 q[R] dR = , (51)
−∞ C[−γ]
γ2 γ2
= 1 + σp2 + . . . σp2 −γ θp (σp2 )3/2 + κp (σp2 )2 + . . . , (52)
2 2
γ2 2 2 h i
= σp2 − γ θp (σp2 )3/2 + (σp ) (κp − 1) + O γ 3 . (53)

Thus, we arrive at the second-order approximation in γ for risk-neutral volatility as,
Z ∞ Z ∞ 2
σrn = R2 q[R] dR − R q[R] dR
−∞ −∞
≈ σp2 − γ θp (σp2 )3/2 + (σp2 )2 (κp − 1) − γ 2 (σp2 )2 . (54)

Finally, we may write (25) of Theorem 1 as below:

σrn − σp2 2 1/2 γ2 2
≈ −γ θp (σp ) + σ (κp − 3) . (55)
σp2 2 p

The first part of Theorem 1 is a modification of the above steps. Taking a Taylor series
expansion of m[R] around zero, we get: m[R] ≈ 1 − A1 R + 21 A2 R2 + . . ., where m[0] = 1,
A1 ≡ − ∂m | , A2 ≡
∂R R=0
| ,
∂R2 R=0
and so on. Therefore, the risk-neutral density is,

(1 − A1 R + 21 A2 R2 + . . .) p[R]
q[R] = , (56)
1 + 21 A2 σp2 + . . .

m[R] p[R] dR = 1 + 12 A2 σp2 + . . ., and thus,

since ℜ

∞ 1 1
R q[R] dR ≈ 1 − A2 σp2 −A1 σp2 + A2 θp (σp2 )3/2 , (57)
−∞ 2 2
Z ∞
1 1
2 2 2 2 3/2 2 2
R q[R] dR ≈ 1 − A2 σp σp − A1 θp (σp ) + A2 κp (σp ) . (58)
−∞ 2 2

Ignoring expansion terms higher than A2 in our calculation, we obtain the volatility char-
acterization in (24). 2

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Table 1: Estimates of Physical Return Skewness from Previous Studies

This table summarizes sample return skewness estimates from previous studies. The DJIA
refers to the Dow Jones Industrial Average and 30 DJIA refers to the average skewness
across the 30 stocks in the DJIA. The CRSP VWI series represents value-weighted index
returns in excess of the one-month Treasury bill rate. The daily skewness number reported
in the row “Present Study” is obtained by first calculating the sample skewness based on
all daily observations in each year, and then averaging them over 1984-1999. Under the
hypothesis of i.i.d. market returns, the daily (monthly) skewness can be annualized by
√ √
dividing them by a factor of 252 ( 12).

Study Sample Frequency Underlying Skewness

Period Index Level

Engle (2004) 1963-2003 Daily S&P 500 -1.440

Engle (2004) 1990-2003 Daily S&P 500 -0.100
Brock et. el. (1992) 1897-1986 Daily DJIA -0.104
Andersen et. el. (2001) 1993-1998 Daily 30 DJIA 0.172
Present Study 1984-1999 Daily S&P 100 -0.558

Brandt and Kang (2004) 1946-1998 Monthly CRSP VWI -0.625

Bollerslev and Zhou (2005) 1990-2002 Monthly S&P 500 -0.621

Table 2: Empirical Estimates of Volatility Spreads

Reported in this table are (i) the average risk-neutral standard deviations (σrn ), (ii) the average physical
standard deviations (σp ), and (iii) the percentage volatility spreads as (σrn /σp −1). The reported t-statistics
are computed as the average estimate divided by its standard error. ZT is an indicator function that is
assigned a value of 1 if σrn > σp , and is zero otherwise. The risk-neutral volatility and physical realized
volatility are as respectively computed in equations (33) and (38). To calculate the risk-neutral volatility,
the option sampling days are selected by moving back 28 calendar days from the maturity date. This is to
maintain a nonoverlapping risk-neutral volatility series. All numbers are annualized. The sample period is
January 1984 through December 1999 (192 observations).

σrn σp σrn /σp − 1 ZT

Year Avg. Avg. Avg. t-stat
(%) (%) (%) (%)
1984 12.74 13.85 -5.61 -0.87 50
1985 10.10 10.98 -5.34 -0.84 25
1986 14.76 14.71 3.07 0.51 67
1987 26.03 22.24 17.74 1.69 58
1988 19.82 15.48 31.44 3.77 75
1989 14.23 13.73 11.67 1.33 75
1990 19.19 16.16 27.05 2.78 75
1991 15.15 14.13 13.57 1.69 58
1992 12.65 9.63 35.44 4.61 92
1993 11.25 8.56 39.45 3.47 92
1994 11.87 9.77 26.27 3.36 83
1995 11.19 8.17 44.98 4.35 92
1996 14.87 11.75 33.41 3.55 83
1997 21.30 17.77 31.18 2.94 83
1998 22.97 18.73 43.43 2.71 75
1999 22.59 17.97 27.52 5.48 100

84:01-99:12 16.29 13.98 23.45 9.41 74

84:01-91:12 16.50 15.16 11.70 3.80 60
92:01-99:12 16.09 12.79 35.21 9.92 88

84:01-87:09 13.44 13.88 0.47 0.13 49

87:10-99:12 17.17 14.01 30.49 10.85 82

Table 3: Estimates of Risk Aversion from Volatility Spreads

When θp (t + 1) and κp (t + 1) are respectively the t+1-conditional skewness and kurtosis of the physical
index distribution, equation (25) of Theorem 1 implies:

σrn (t + 1) − σp2 (t + 1) 2
1/2 γ2
σp2 (t + 1) × (κp (t + 1) − 3)

ǫ(t + 1) ≡ + γ σp (t + 1) × θ p (t + 1) −
σp2 (t + 1) 2

with E{ǫ(t + 1) ⊗ Z(t)} = 0, for a set of information variables Z(t). The risk aversion parameter, γ,
is estimated by generalized method of moments (GMM). The degrees of freedom, df, is the number of
instruments minus one. The reported p-value is based on the minimized value (multiplied by T ) of the
GMM criterion function, JT , and is χ2 -distributed with degrees of freedom, df. Three sets of instrumental
2 2
variables are considered: SET 1 contains a constant plus σrn (t); SET 2 contains a constant, σrn (t), and
2 2 2 2
σrn (t − 1); SET 3 contains a constant, σrn (t), σrn (t − 1), and σrn (t − 2). In Panel A and Panel B the
skewness and kurtosis are calculated from returns lagged by 90 days and 200 days, respectively. The inputs
σrn , σp2 , θp and κp are annualized.

Unrestricted Estimation Restricted κp = 3 Restricted θp = 0

Z(t) df γ t(γ) JT p-value γ t(γ) JT p-value γ t(γ) JT p-value

Panel A: Skewness and Kurtosis Calculated from 90 Day Returns

SET 1 1 17.22 4.12 1.22 0.27 46.93 2.98 1.08 0.30 21.71 4.89 1.24 0.27
SET 2 2 17.26 4.17 1.22 0.54 46.96 3.04 1.09 0.58 21.76 4.93 1.24 0.54
SET 3 3 17.33 4.36 1.39 0.71 46.20 3.34 1.36 0.72 21.95 5.08 1.38 0.71

Panel B: Skewness and Kurtosis Calculated from 200 Day Returns

SET 1 1 12.71 4.63 1.16 0.28 32.95 3.72 0.99 0.32 16.27 5.19 1.21 0.27
SET 2 2 12.71 4.65 1.16 0.56 31.83 4.32 1.12 0.57 16.31 5.19 1.21 0.55
SET 3 3 12.94 4.71 1.43 0.70 29.04 5.48 2.30 0.51 16.64 5.07 1.23 0.75


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