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Unit1 Intro and Prescriptive Model

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Introduction to Software

Process Engineering

A software process is a goal-oriented activity in the context of
engineering-style software development.

Typical characteristics of software processes are:

– They are enacted in the real world
– They usually transform one or more input products into one or more
output products by consuming further products (e.g., guidelines)
– They can be performed by humans (“enactment“) or machines
(“execution“) or both together
– They can be refined by subprocesses, each of which can also be refined

Recap (contd.)
A project is a unique endeavor, which is limited by a start date and an end date
and should achieve a goal.
A project phase (short: phase) is a collection of logically separated project
activities, usually culminating in the completion of a major deliverable or the
achievement of a major milestone
Typical characteristics of project phases are:
– Phases are mainly completed sequentially, but can overlap in some project
– Phases can be subdivided into sub phases
– Unlike a process, a phase is always defined by a start date and an end date. If this
period is finished, the phase is finished. Typically, processes can be activated
multiple times
– Typical examples of phases are the elaboration phase, the construction phase, or
the transition phase. Phases are usually used when looking at a project from a
management perspective
Recap (contd.)

Software Model with Product flow

• A process agent (synonym: process performer ) is a person or machine that
enacts/executes the process in order to reach the process goal(s). Humans interpret
process scripts, machines interpret process programs.

• A process owner is a human or organizational entity that sets the goals of a

process and is responsible for their achievement.

• A process engineer is a person who pursues one or several goals of process modeling
(e.g., defining, extending, maintaining, improving process models).

• A principle is a policy or mode of action that describes important characteristics

of a process model.

• A role is a set of processes belonging together that are assigned to one or several
agents. A role combines the functional responsibility for the enactment of a process.

Example for a ROLE

Software Process Modeling and Improvement

Process models can be seen as generalized solution specifications that can be

instantiated to perform concrete activities: While a process is a vehicle for solving
problems and achieving development goals, a process model is a specification on
how this is done

Process models can be used for different purposes, e.g., for coordinating,
synchronizing, monitoring, and improving software development, maintenance, and
operation activities

Choosing appropriate process models and tailoring them for a specific project and
development environment, is important and requires sufficient understanding of
the effects of the processes in this very environment

The need for Software Process Improvement (SPI) is being widely recognized
nowadays. Due to the fact that software development processes are usually human
based and depend on the development 8 context, changes to these processes
typically cause significant costs and should be considered carefully.
The field of software process modeling, analysis, and evolution is also an important
research area
• Software engineering methods, techniques, and tools are being used in
processes. Hence, research on methods, techniques, and tools requires an
understanding of how they are being used. Researchers who are not familiar with
processes in which their research results are being used will likely fail to produce
beneficial results.
• Processes need to be investigated in order to identify and assess strengths and
weaknesses and to identify and evaluate improvements. Due to the fact that
many processes are human-based activities, their behavior is nondeterministic,
and the effects of processes need to be studied empirically for specific contexts.

• There are still many problems and challenges related to process management
that lead to fundamental research questions (e.g., how to support the re-planning
of human-based processes, how to provide process models for reuse, how to
define the degree of allowed flexibility).
Process Modeling Goals

1. Facilitate human understanding and communication

2. Support process improvement

3. Support process management

4. Provide automated guidance in performing process

5. Provide automated execution support

Process Modeling Benefits
– Better transparency of software engineering activities.

– Reduced complexity of large development efforts.

– The ability to perform process measurement (i.e., process models that are used in
practice are a prerequisite for process measurement and, in consequence, for
process improvement).

– The ability to undergo process assessments (i.e., explicitly defined process

models are a prerequisite for demonstrating process maturity).

– Predictability with respect to the process characteristics and the characteristics

of the results is only achievable with explicit models (i.e., enabling predictability
for characteristics such as consumed effort, completion date, or reliability of a
produced software component requires the existence of explicit process models,
although this is not enough and other models are needed, too).

Prescriptive vs. Descriptive Models

Pre requisites to opt for Prescriptive Models

• The scope of validity should be known

• The impact of a process should be known

• The degree of confidence should be known

• The process should be tailorable

• The scope of validity should be known

It should be known which context(s) and goal(s) the process model is

valid for. Context comprises factors such as domain characteristics,
Organizational characteristics, project characteristics and others.

• The impact of a process should be known

The impact of a process should be known. It should also be known what

the effects of the process described by the prescriptive process model are
for a specific context. Effects may be, for example, the reduction of cycle
time by 30% or the reduction of design defects by 20%.

• The degree of confidence should be known

Furthermore, it should be known to what degree of confidence the

process described by the prescriptive process model has been evaluated
in a specific context.

• The process should be tailorable

Finally, it should be possible to adapt the process described by the

prescriptive process model to specific project goals and contexts.

Since the context for which a process model has been developed rarely
presents a perfect match for the context it is supposed to be applied in next,
and since goals may also differ, it should be possible to adapt the process
and its corresponding model to the new context.

Prescriptive Process Model Classes

Process Model can

be categorized to
Life Cycle Models
and Engineering

Waterfall Model
Advantages. Typically, waterfall-like projects face only few
problems during integration. Version and configuration
management is also simplified.

Challenges. Unexpected requirements or context changes pose

high risks. Gaining experience and learning during a project is
difficult. Fixed delivery deadlines are risky for waterfall projects.

The documentation created is often voluminous and


The waterfall approach does not scale very well for large projects
and long cycle times. The waterfall process model is often
referenced, but rarely applied in its strict form.
Iterative enhancement model (three iterations)
Advantages. Iterative projects support efficient learning. With iterations
designed properly, the core of the final product is available very early,
thus featuring essential properties of the complete product
• Integration testing is supported due to relatively small increments being
added at a time. In case of fixed delivery dates, incremental
development helps to ensure that the most important functionality can
actually be delivered—and the customer can decide what is most
important to him
Challenges. Since the product design is based on the current set of
requirements, there is a risk that requirements showing up later may be
expensive to fulfill, due to design decisions made earlier
• Integration may become increasingly difficult with the number of
iterations, depending on how well requirements may be partitioned and
on the system architecture.
• Many modern software process models, such as the Unified
Process, Extreme Programming, or Scrum follow an iterative
Prototyping Model
Advantages. A prototype can be developed when the final properties
are not entirely clear. The direct contact between customer and
developer reduces misunderstandings.
• In some cases, prototypes may even be used for evaluating business
models, before a lot of money is spent on developing the real software.
• Inconsistent requirements are discovered earlier, either by the
developer or by the customer who evaluates the prototype
Challenges. There is an inherent risk that side effects are not sufficiently
considered, especially nonfunctional requirements such as reliability or
• A prototype is a great way to clarify ambiguous or unknown
requirements; however, don’t ever confuse it with the first version of the
actual system

• Another risk is that the customer (or the developer) considers the
prototype as the first version of the system, and that the system will be
evolved from the prototype, potentially leading to poorly documented,
badly architected systems.
Boehm’s Spiral Model
Advantages. The third step accommodates features of other lifecycle
process models as needed.The spiral model is therefore very flexible
• The spiral model forms a single approach for software development and
maintenance, whereas other models often concentrate on one or the other.
• The explicit consideration of risks avoids many of the difficulties of other
process models.

Challenges. For contract software, the spiral model is difficult to apply

because individual project phases are not fully determined during project
• Spiral model embraces risk as its central aspect, and chooses the best
approach for every iteration
The Incremental Commitment Spiral Model
Risk-based decisions
Advantages. The ICSM prevents premature total commitments, which can
lead to a situation where there is no way back. The early identification of
project risks and either their mitigation or the adjustment of the project
scope facilitates the congruence of expected and actual project result.
• Additionally, the ICSM opens an exit strategy to stop a project before
burning away lots of money, without the need for anyone to lose their
face—which can be highly beneficial in projects where politics play an
important role.

Challenges. Honestly assessing risks requires great openness within an

organization. This may be difficult for certain employee evaluation models

• The ICSM was developed for very large, very risky projects where one
does not know at the beginning whether and to what extent the goal can
be reached.
Unified Process

Engineering Models
Model-based statistical testing process overview

Various Phases: Usage modeling , Test case generation,

Test execution, Test evaluation, Test analysis

Example system usage model of a telephone
Process for Hybrid Cost Estimation( CoBRA)
The method involves four major steps: develop causal model, quanti
causal model, determine nominal project costs, and generate cost
overhead model
An example CoBRA causal model
Past project details will be used to Determine the nominal project cost
Extreme Programming (XP)
XP features these practices that should be obeyed in daily work

• Sit together
• Whole team
• Informative workspace
• Energized work
• Pair programming
• Slack
• Ten-minute build
• Continuous integration
• Test-first programming
• Incremental design
Interaction of XP’s weekly and quarterly cycles
Process Standards
Standard Software Life Cycle – ISO/IEC 12207:2008
Overall Safety Lifecycle of IEC-61508 for E/E/PESs
Software Safety Life Cycle – IEC 61508

Requirements on Organizational and Supporting

Overall Safety Lifecycle
Software Safety Lifecycle
Certification: Assessment of Functional Safety
Software safety lifecycle model of IEC 61508
Minimum levels of independence
ISO 26262 – Functional Safety of Road Vehicles
ISO 26262 – Functional Safety of Road Vehicles

Part 1: Glossary
Part 2: Management of functional safety
Part 3: Concept phase.
Part 4: Product development: system level.
Part 5: Product development: hardware level.
Part 6: Product development: software level.
Part 7: Production and operation
Part 8: Supporting processes.
Part 9: ASIL-oriented and safety-oriented analyses.
Part 10: Guideline.
ISO 26262 – Functional Safety of Road Vehicles
Split ups
ISO 26262 – Functional Safety of Road Vehicles
Split ups
ISO 26262 – Functional Safety of Road Vehicles - Split ups
Software Lifecycle for Medical Device – IEC 62304

IEC 62304 is a standard describing the software lifecycle for the

development of medical devices

Difference to IEC 61508 is that IEC 62304 specifically describes the

software development process and the implications for risk management

In addition to the engineering processes described in IEC 62304 and

ISO 60601, ISO 13485 describes a comprehensive quality
management system for organizations developing medical devices,
similar to the DIN EN ISO 9000 and 9001 standards for traditional
organizations. ISO 13485 is complemented by ISO 14971, which
focuses on risk management for medical devices.
Coverage of IEC 62304 and ISO 60601
Process Representations in Organizations

Two major alternatives of making process information

publicly known in an organization: process handbooks
and Electronic Process Guide(EPG)s
Process Handbooks
 Process handbooks are generally thought of as information that helps process
performers do the right thing at the right time.
 Process handbooks are usually organized according to a logical decomposition of
the work that must be done, with chapters for major subprocesses, sections for
major activities within each subprocess, and subsections for specific tasks.
The content and organization of a process handbook should reflect task-
related questions posed by process performers , i.e., agents who are
assigned to a project and responsible for carrying out the process. Some
typical questions are

 What do I have to do to perform an activity?

 What are the prerequisites for performing a task?
 What do I have to produce during the course of my work?
 Why do I have to perform a task in a specific way (rationale)?
 Which tasks am I responsible for?
 How can I determine whether or not I have successfully completed a task?
 Where can I find a particular template?
The content of process handbooks (and their underlying process models) usually
comprises at least the following information:
 A description of the activities a process performer has to execute,
 A description of the work products that are produced by each activity, and thus
have to be created by the process performer, and
 A description of the roles associated with the activities.
 A description of resources or tools to be used during the activities,
 Document templates for the work products,
 Examples of the work products, i.e., an exemplary, “perfect” instance of a particular
work product,
 How-tos for specific tasks, e.g., detailed instructions on how to complete the task
using a specific tool, and
 Tips and tricks, e.g., workarounds for a bug in a tool.
Process handbooks always address a specific audience and try to convey specific
Exemplary Outline and Structure
So far, there exists no common standard for process handbooks, i.e., no specification
on where to find which information. Typically, an organization’s process handbooks
also follow the respective organization’s corporate design, which may make the same
content look very different across different organizations. Following is the generic
1. Introduction
Purpose 3. Process Views
Target audience Major entities
History Control flow
Process specifics Product flow
Applicability Role-specific views
Relationships to other models Hierarchical decomposition
Structure 4. List of Figures and Tables, Index
2. Definitions 5. List of References
Terminology 6. Appendices
Usability of Process Handbooks

1. Consistency
2. Up-to-date-ness
3. Design
4. Accessibility

Remember: The best process handbook is worthless if it is difficult

to use and thus ignored!

Electronic Process Guides(EPG)
An EPG is typically generated by a process modeling environment, i.e., it uses the process
model as input and generates a Web-based representation, i.e., a set of interlinked Web
pages – Static Web Guide

Some EPG Example are here:

Static EPG generated through SPEARMINT Tool
Static EPG with different view
Wiki based EPG – MediaWiki with Wiki Functionality
Graphic based EPG – automatic update
Deploying Prescriptive Process Models
Process deployment deals with getting a prescriptive process into daily
practice, i.e., getting people to follow the new or changed process

 Big-Bang – Complete switch over

 Phased – new process in selective manner
Deployment Strategies

The complete organization is switched from the old to the new
process at the same time. In this case, there will be no confusion resulting
from people working in different projects/departments using different
processes. However, this strategy requires a large amount of support
capability for educating and coaching the employees. An intensified
version of the big-bang strategy also switches running projects to the new
process. However, this creates a lot of overhead; therefore, this is rarely

A phased process deployment approach
An Exemplary Deployment Approach - Phases

1. Process Development
2. Quality Gate 1: Piloting Maturity
3. Infrastructure
4. Process Performer Education and Support
5. Piloting
6. Quality Gate 2: Rollout Maturity
7. Rollout
8. Operation
1. Process Development

During this phase, the changed process is developed, i.e., its model
is created and the necessary documentation (handbooks, EPGs, etc.)
is prepared. A typical approach is to create a descriptive model of the
current process, analyze it for weaknesses, and modify the model to
remove these weaknesses. However, this activity is not considered
part of process deployment, and therefore is not detailed here.
2 - Quality Gate 1: Piloting Maturity
Goal achievement
• Are the goals of the changed process documented in a verifiable form?
• Which problems are addressed?
• Does a cost/benefit analysis justify changing the process?
Process handbook (presentation and contents)
• Are the essential elements included (cf. Sect.
• Are the presentation and contents okay for the target audience?
• Is the process handbook complete and correct?
Quality assurance
• Was the changed process reviewed? By whom? Was the review documented?
• Was the process reworked according to the review results?
• Were all stakeholders identified and involved?
Context factors
• What is the environment (technical/social) of the target audience?
• Are document templates available?
• Is there a definition of when the process is “successful”? What are the success
• Has a deployment strategy been defined?
3. Infrastructure

The infrastructure necessary to adequately support the new

process must be supplied before the piloting starts, in order to
provide realistic circumstances ( requirements management tool,
workplaces, hardware resources, education resources such as
classrooms, personnel for helpdesk services)
4. Process Performer Education and Support
 Process performer empowerment
• Create trust and acceptance
• Enable participation of process performers: include their input, let them take

 Education before project start

• Common introductory courses
• Role-specific courses
• Tool-specific courses

 Process performer support before project start, during project runtime, and after
the project finishes.
• Provision of education materials
• Electronic newsletters
• Community building: forum, wiki, blog
• Coaching of process performers during the project
• Provision of helpdesk service
4. Process Performer Education and Support
 Feedback mechanisms before project start, during project runtime, and after the
project finishes
• To decrease the process performers’ fear
• To identify process problems (“you missed a step here”)
• To identify potentially problematic areas (“this is never going to work”)
• To check when the project is over: Was the education adequate? Tool
• support? Process handbook?
• To create a “Wishlist” for future changes to the process
5. Piloting
During a pilot project, the changed process is tested, i.e., it is applied in a realistic
setting and the effects of its application are recorded. The goal of such a pilot project is
to evaluate whether the changed process is fit for organization-wide deployment
Pilot project selection
• Project type (representative for the organization?)
• What is the influence of the changed process? Parallelization/elimination/
acceleration/. . .
• Are fallback scenarios necessary? If yes, are they defined and realistic?
• Are context factors considered (e.g., higher-level management attention, or
an expected new standard, or new technologies)?
Identification of stakeholder classes within the organization
• Promoters
• Supporters
• Hoppers
• Opponents
Success evaluation
• Along the previously defined success criteria
• Organization-wide rollout only if successful as defined by the criteria!
5. Piloting

Typical performance development over time when

deploying a changed process
6. Quality Gate 2: Rollout Maturity

If piloting of the changed process was successful, it should be evaluated whether

the new process has actually been applied. It should also be evaluated whether
it is plausible that the changed process can also reach its goals outside the pilot
7. Rollout
There is no common “best practice” rollout strategy. It should also be
considered in which order the organizational structure (departments,
groups, etc.) and the process organization (workflows) are changed. It is
possible to do either one first and then the other, or to change both at the
same time.
• First change the process organization, then the organizational structure or
First change the organizational structure, then the process organization
• Concurrent introduction of new organizational structure and process
8. Operation
When the changed process has been rolled out to the entire organization, the
operational phase starts. During this phase, the process should be closely
monitored and evaluated with respect to its effects.

Experience from Industrial Practice

– Process handbooks do not fulfill their purpose, e.g., important information is
missing or they are too detailed to read.
– Process definitions are vague and incomplete, i.e., the actual problems are not
addressed, but hidden underneath soft, meaningless statements.
– Interteam interfaces are poorly defined.
– Nonapplication of the changed process is not sanctioned, i.e., people are not
forced to use the changed process and thus do not use it.
– The process engineers are not seen as service providers who assist the
developers in their daily work, but rather as enemies of success, i.e., only keeping
developers from “doing the real work.”

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