B037 Shalini Lodha - XSLX
B037 Shalini Lodha - XSLX
B037 Shalini Lodha - XSLX
Management : 2019-2020
Learning Diary
Session Number Date Topic of the Session
1 6/22/2019 Introduction to Ethics
5 7/20/2019 Utiliarianism,Kantian
Ethics,Virtue Ethics
6 7/27/2019
To align my behavior ethically while taking daily choices .Never hide facts
deliberately in any professional environment.
Learn the ability to balance enjoyment and pain and generate higher good
by acting correctly.
Clearly our ideas influence our words and actions, and in a group context,
ethics in decision-making can be assessed through concrete proof and
results from words and actions. Once again, the private realm is left with
ideas and motivation. As a result, there will be constraints in evaluating
suitable ethical behaviour. Right motivation with right action-Right
motivation with incorrect action-False motivation with right action-False
motivation with right action-False motivation with incorrect action