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Assignment-03: Sabakun Naher Shetu

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Course Name: Psychology (Course Code ALD 2204)

Prepared For
Sabakun Naher Shetu
Department of Business Administration in Marketing
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Prepared By
Md. Tahmidur Rahman Kadery
Section: A
Roll: 19251031
Department of Business Administration in Marketing

Date of Submission:
11th October 2020
Question: Based on the research, how employers can apply motivation theories in the
health care system for the betterment of employee’s satisfaction? Justify your opinion.

Ans: It is very important to motivate our life saviors. We depend on them when our lives are at
stake and healthcare system needs to be renovated overall. To implement that, there are several
motivational theories that can strike motivation to doctors, nurses and other health care
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory of motivation which
states five categories of human needs are physiological needs, safety needs, and love and
belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.
Physiological needs are those needs required for human survival such as air, food, water, shelter,
clothing, and sleep. In healthcare, employers pay attention for the physiological needs of
employees by providing comfortable working conditions, reasonable work hours. Nurses who
reports emotional involvement in their work activities are more satisfied and less inclined to
leave their current job. Safety needs include those needs that provide a person with a sense of
security and well-being. Personal security, financial security, good health and protection from
accidents, harm and their adverse effects are all included in safety needs. We can account for the
safety needs of employees by providing safe working conditions, secure compensation such as a
salary and job security. In Social needs, we need to make sure each of employees know one
another, encouraging cooperative teamwork and promoting a good work-life balance. For
nursing professionals, the factors that cause satisfaction in the work environment involve
enjoying the work, recognition, possibility of helping others and relationships in the workplace.
Esteem needs refer to the need for self-esteem and respect. We can account for the esteem needs
of employees by offering praise and recognition when the employee does well and offering
promotions and additional responsibility to make him valued. Self-actualization needs describe
a person's need to reach his or her full potential. We can motivate them by providing challenging
work, inviting employees to participate in decision-making and giving them flexibility and
autonomy in their jobs. For doctors, freedom to decide and have authority is identified as a key
factor that generates satisfaction. For nurses, the work itself as well as duties content and
responsibilities and the use of own knowledge and skills are identified as factors that cause
satisfaction. So, we have to tradeoff between them articulately.

Let’s take another motivational theory into account and that is Herzberg’s two factor theory. It
has Hygiene and Motivation. Hygiene includes Remuneration and Coworkers whereas
Motivation theory consists of Job attributes and Achievement.
Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory:
Hygiene Factor: They consist of physical conditions/work environment, remuneration
(salaries/benefits), interpersonal relations at different hierarchical levels, job security and
Motivational Factor: They meet the inner needs of the workers, include the work itself,
challenging and stimulating tasks, duties, contents and responsibilities of the job, achievement
and recognition for these achievements, possibility of assigning responsibilities to others,
professional growth/development, freedom to decide and act (autonomy), creativity.
For healthcare professionals, these strategies are needed to increase job satisfaction. For nurses it
is important to have good relationship with patient and patient’s families. According to the
nurses, satisfaction also consists of interpersonal relationships between the nursing staff, the
multi-professional team, supervision which leads to a harmonious relationship with peer
interaction and cooperation. Also, it is proven that if one individual stay longer in an institution
he/she is less inclined to leave the job. So, it is very important to retain professionals as long as
possible to increase job satisfaction. If we want to motivate healthcare professionals, we need to
make sure it has good work conditions, an infrastructure that supports its employees and material
and human resource conditions in a pleasant environment.
Let us take into account another brilliant motivational theory which is McClelland’s Theory of
It consists of three levels.
Need for Power: McClelland found that the need for power is important because it indicates the
desire of an individual to influence other people. It consists of employees need for more power
are the opportunity to be in charge of the clinic, being acknowledged by the supervisor for
outstanding competencies and ensuring that their ideas are part of the decision making process at
the clinic. So, in order to make them feel motivated giving the opportunity to be in charge of the
clinic to show their competencies and leadership style is a great strategy.

Need for Affiliation: Managers should ensure expansion and enrichment of tasks by arranging
training opportunities and giving employees more creative responsibilities along with authority.
Nurses/Doctors/Healthcare professionals need to be involved in strategic planning in the
Need for Achievement: It involves creating a positive work environment, communicating
positively and openly during clinic meetings, and creating positive emotional states which will
positively contribute to the results of performance. Also, appraisal feedback should be given to
healthcare professionals about their performance.
Skinners Reinforcement Theory: Reinforcement theory of motivation looks out on the
perception of individuals. This theory focuses totally on what happens to an individual when he
takes some action. According to Skinner, the external environment of the organization must be
designed effectively and positively so as to motivate the employee.
Positive reinforcement can be achieved by observing and caring about an employee, it has a
major impact on employee motivation, satisfaction, productivity, and loyalty in success. Praising
the employee if he has achieved his target and giving incentives if the employee has completed
the project for the month and taking the team out for a dinner and appreciate their effort.
Monetary bonus or raise Performance bonuses, Education reimbursement, Employee discounts,
added vacation days, Quality health insurance/benefits, paid sick leave are some of the positive
reinforcement ways to reimburse motivation. If these strategies are applied, employees tend to
repeat this behavior and they will feel sense of belonging.
It is high time that we pay attention to heath care system and its employees. During this
Epidemic Covid-19 healthcare professionals are in the frontlines and they are fighting day and
night. They should be provided with more privileges and benefits so that they feel dignified like
other professionals. Theories can shape up an outline and eventually helps to increase
productivity, job satisfaction and motivation.

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