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Grammar Note For Pri SCH

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Uses Keywords/ Time expressions used with the


Simple 1. Habits 習慣 Every day, once a week, always, usually,

Present 2. Facts 事實 often, frequently, sometimes, seldom,
Tense 3. Scheduled future events 時間表安排 never, frequently, on XXXdays
Present 1. Actions going on at the moment of At present, at the moment, now
Continuous speaking 進行中

Present 1. Actions started in the past and Already, (not)…yet, just, recently, lately,
Perfect continue up to the present 由過去到 ever, never(habits), for 10 years, since
Tense 現在的動作/ 經驗 2001, so far
2. Recent past actions 剛發生/ 完成的

Past 1. compare past actions 比較兩個過去 Before, After

Perfect 動作(較早發生)
Tense earlier past: past perfect
later past: past simple

Simple Past 1. Past actions 過去動作 Last night, 3 years ago, once upon a time,
Tense in ancient times, in the 16th century, in the

Simple 1. Prediction to future actions/ situations Tomorrow, next month, soon, in a few
Future 對將來的預測 days, later, in future
Tense 2. I think/ I am sure/ I hope/ I promises…

Grammar Notes (Primary School)

Present Continuous Past Perfect Future
Verb// Verb + s/es Is/am/are + ing +ed/ Has/have + p.p. Will + verb
special spelling

He/She/It: Is/am/are studying Studied He/She/It: has Will study

studies studied
I/You/They/We: I/You/They/We:
study have studied

He/She/It: Is/am/are NOT Did NOT study Have/ has NOT Will NOT study
Does NOT study studying studied
Do NOT study

Does/ Do… study? Is/Am/Are…studying? Did…study? Have/Has… Will…study?


E.g. It rains a lot in E.g. It is raining. E.g. I baked a cake E.g. Tommy has E.g. I think England
Britain. E.g. My brother is last week. broken his leg. team will win.
E.g. My brother going on holiday in E.g. It tasted good. E.g. I have studied E.g. I will pay you
goes to college in Australia. E.g. I brought it to Japanese for 4 back the money
Australia. my grandpa’s years. soon.

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