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WEF Future of Jobs 2020 PDF

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The Future

of Jobs
Cover: Unsplash/Joel Guerrero
Inside: Unsplash/Christina wocintechchat; Unsplash/Faruq Al Aqib; Unsplash/Rob Lambert

3 Preface

5 Executive Summary

7 Part 1 Tracking the Future of Jobs

8 Chapter 1 The Labour Market Outlook in the Pandemic Economy

8 1.1 Introduction

9 1.2 Short-term shocks and long-term trends

16 1.3 The remote and hybrid workforce

19 1.4 Impact on equality

26 Chapter 2 Forecasts for Labour Market Evolution in 2020-2025

27 2.1 Technological adoption

29 2.2 Emerging and declining jobs

35 2.3 Emerging and declining skills

40 Chapter 3 Public and Private Sector Pathways to Reviving Labour Markets

40 3.1 From temporary public policy relief to long-term solutions

45 3.2 From deploying human resources to leveraging human potential

49 Conclusion

50 Notes

53 References

55 Part 2 Country and Industry Profiles

56 User’s Guide: How to Read the Country and Industry Profiles

66 Country Profiles

119 Industry Profiles

150 Appendix A: Report Methodology

157 Contributors

158 Acknowledgements

160 Survey Partners

© 2020 World Economic Forum. All rights

reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, including photocopying
and recording, or by any information
storage and retrieval system.

The Future of Jobs 2

October 2020 The Future of Jobs


Klaus Schwab Saadia Zahidi

Founder and Member of the
Executive Chairman Managing Board

After years of growing income inequality, future of work. Now in its third edition, the report
concerns about technology-driven displacement maps the jobs and skills of the future, tracking
of jobs, and rising societal discord globally, the the pace of change and direction of travel.
combined health and economic shocks of 2020 This year we find that while technology-driven
have put economies into freefall, disrupted labour job creation is still expected to outpace job
markets and fully revealed the inadequacies destruction over the next five years, the economic
of our social contracts. Millions of individuals contraction is reducing the rate of growth in the
globally have lost their livelihoods and millions jobs of tomorrow. There is a renewed urgency to
more are at risk from the global recession, take proactive measures to ease the transition of
structural change to the economy and further workers into more sustainable job opportunities.
automation. Additionally, the pandemic and There is room for measured optimism in the
the subsequent recession have impacted most data, but supporting workers will require global,
those communities which were already at a regional and national public-private collaboration
disadvantage. at an unprecedented scale and speed.

We find ourselves at a defining moment: the The Platform for the New Economy and
decisions and choices we make today will Society at the World Economic Forum works
determine the course of entire generations’ as a “docking station” for such collaboration on
lives and livelihoods. We have the tools at our economic growth, revival and transformation;
disposal. The bounty of technological innovation work, wages and job creation; education,
which defines our current era can be leveraged skills and learning; and diversity, equity and
to unleash human potential. We have the means inclusion. By leveraging this publication and
to reskill and upskill individuals in unprecedented other insights, the Platform supports a range
numbers, to deploy precision safety nets which of consortia and action coalitions, including
protect displaced workers from destitution, and the Reskilling Revolution Initiative to provide
to create bespoke maps which orient displaced better jobs, skills and education to one billion
workers towards the jobs of tomorrow where they people by 2030. We are deeply grateful to the
will be able to thrive. New Economy and Society Stewardship Board
members for their leadership of this agenda, to
However, the efforts to support those affected the over 100 partners of the Platform, and the
by the current crisis lag behind the speed of expert guidance of Global Future Councils, the
disruption. It is now urgent to enact a Global communities of Chief Economists, Chief Human
Reset towards a socio-economic system that is Resource Officers, Chief Learning Officers and
more fair, sustainable and equitable, one where Chief Diversity Officers, and to a range of national
social mobility is reinvigorated, social cohesion ministries of economy, education and labour.
restored, and economic prosperity is compatible
with a healthy planet. If this opportunity is We are also grateful to the many partners whose
missed, we will face lost generations of adults views created the unique collection of insights
and youth who will be raised into growing in this report. It presents the workforce planning
inequality, discord and lost potential. and quantitative projections of Chief Human
Resource and Strategy officers through to 2025,
The Future of Jobs Report provides the timely while also drawing upon the qualitative expertise
insights needed to orient labour markets and of a wide range of World Economic Forum
workers towards opportunity today and in the executive and expert communities. In addition,

The Future of Jobs 3

the report features unique data from LinkedIn, Human ingenuity is at the root of all shared
Coursera, ADP and FutureFit.AI, which have prosperity. As the frontier between the work
provided innovative new metrics to shed light on tasks performed by humans and those performed
one of the most important challenges of our time. by machines and algorithms shifts, we have a
short window of opportunity to ensure that these
We would like to express our appreciation to transformations lead to a new age of good work,
Vesselina Ratcheva, Insights Lead; Guillaume good jobs and improved quality of life for all. In
Hingel, Insights Lead; and Sophie Brown, Project the midst of the pandemic recession, this window
Specialist for their dedication to this report. We is closing fast. Businesses, governments and
would also like to thank Ida Jeng Christensen, workers must plan to work together to implement
Eoin Ó Cathasaigh, Genesis Elhussein, Till a new vision for the global workforce.
Leopold and SungAh Lee for their support of this
project at the World Economic Forum.

The Future of Jobs 4

October 2020 The Future of Jobs

Executive Summary
The COVID-19 pandemic-induced lockdowns and destruction accelerates. Employers expect
related global recession of 2020 have created a that by 2025, increasingly redundant roles will
highly uncertain outlook for the labour market and decline from being 15.4% of the workforce
accelerated the arrival of the future of work. The to 9% (6.4% decline), and that emerging
Future of Jobs Report 2020 aims to shed light on: 1) professions will grow from 7.8% to 13.5%
the pandemic-related disruptions thus far in 2020, (5.7% growth) of the total employee base
contextualized within a longer history of economic of company respondents. Based on these
cycles, and 2) the expected outlook for technology figures, we estimate that by 2025, 85 million
adoption jobs and skills in the next five years. jobs may be displaced by a shift in the division
Despite the currently high degree of uncertainty, the of labour between humans and machines,
report uses a unique combination of qualitative and while 97 million new roles may emerge that
quantitative intelligence to expand the knowledge are more adapted to the new division of labour
base about the future of jobs and skills. It aggregates between humans, machines and algorithms.
the views of business leaders—chief executives,
chief strategy officers and chief human resources – Skills gaps continue to be high as in-
officers–on the frontlines of decision-making demand skills across jobs change in
regarding human capital with the latest data from the next five years. The top skills and skill
public and private sources to create a clearer picture groups which employers see as rising in
of both the current situation and the future outlook prominence in the lead up to 2025 include
for jobs and skills. The report also provides in-depth groups such as critical thinking and analysis
information for 15 industry sectors and 26 advanced as well as problem-solving, and skills in
and emerging countries. self-management such as active learning,
resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility. On
The report’s key findings include: average, companies estimate that around 40%
of workers will require reskilling of six months
– The pace of technology adoption is expected or less and 94% of business leaders report that
to remain unabated and may accelerate in they expect employees to pick up new skills on
some areas. The adoption of cloud computing, the job, a sharp uptake from 65% in 2018.
big data and e-commerce remain high priorities
for business leaders, following a trend established – The future of work has already arrived for
in previous years. However, there has also been a large majority of the online white-collar
a significant rise in interest for encryption, non- workforce. Eighty-four percent of employers
humanoid robots and artificial intelligence. are set to rapidly digitalize working processes,
including a significant expansion of remote
– Automation, in tandem with the COVID-19 work—with the potential to move 44% of their
recession, is creating a ‘double-disruption’ workforce to operate remotely. To address
scenario for workers. In addition to the concerns about productivity and well-being,
current disruption from the pandemic-induced about one-third of all employers expect to also
lockdowns and economic contraction, take steps to create a sense of community,
technological adoption by companies will connection and belonging among employees
transform tasks, jobs and skills by 2025. Forty- through digital tools, and to tackle the well-being
three percent of businesses surveyed indicate challenges posed by the shift to remote work.
that they are set to reduce their workforce due
to technology integration, 41% plan to expand – In the absence of proactive efforts,
their use of contractors for task-specialized inequality is likely to be exacerbated by
work, and 34% plan to expand their workforce the dual impact of technology and the
due to technology integration. By 2025, the pandemic recession. Jobs held by lower
time spent on current tasks at work by humans wage workers, women and younger workers
and machines will be equal. A significant share were more deeply impacted in the first phase
of companies also expect to make changes of the economic contraction. Comparing the
to locations, their value chains, and the size impact of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008
of their workforce due to factors beyond on individuals with lower education levels to
technology in the next five years. the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, the impact
today is far more significant and more likely to
– Although the number of jobs destroyed will deepen existing inequalities.
be surpassed by the number of ‘jobs of
tomorrow’ created, in contrast to previous – Online learning and training is on the rise
years, job creation is slowing while job but looks different for those in employment

The Future of Jobs 5

and those who are unemployed. There lagging, with only 42% of employees taking up
has been a four-fold increase in the numbers employer-supported reskilling and upskilling
of individuals seeking out opportunities for opportunities.
learning online through their own initiative,
a five-fold increase in employer provision of – Companies need to invest in better metrics
online learning opportunities to their workers of human and social capital through
and a nine-fold enrolment increase for learners adoption of environmental, social and
accessing online learning through government governance (ESG) metrics and matched
programmes. Those in employment are with renewed measures of human capital
placing larger emphasis on personal accounting. A significant number of business
development courses, which have seen 88% leaders understand that reskilling employees,
growth among that population. Those who are particularly in industry coalitions and in public-
unemployed have placed greater emphasis private collaborations, is both cost-effective and
on learning digital skills such as data analysis, has significant mid- to long-term dividends—not
computer science and information technology. only for their enterprise but also for the benefit
of society more broadly. Companies hope
– The window of opportunity to reskill and to internally redeploy nearly 50% of workers
upskill workers has become shorter in displaced by technological automation and
the newly constrained labour market. This augmentation, as opposed to making wider use
applies to workers who are likely to stay in their of layoffs and automation-based labour savings
roles as well as those who risk losing their roles as a core workforce strategy.
due to rising recession-related unemployment
and can no longer expect to retrain at work. – The public sector needs to provide stronger
For those workers set to remain in their roles, support for reskilling and upskilling for
the share of core skills that will change in at-risk or displaced workers. Currently,
the next five years is 40%, and 50% of all only 21% of businesses report being able
employees will need reskilling (up 4%). to make use of public funds to support their
employees through reskilling and upskilling.
– Despite the current economic downturn, The public sector will need to create incentives
the large majority of employers recognize for investments in the markets and jobs
the value of human capital investment. of tomorrow; provide stronger safety nets
An average of 66% of employers surveyed for displaced workers in the midst of job
expect to get a return on investment in transitions; and to decisively tackle long-
upskilling and reskilling within one year. delayed improvements to education and
However, this time horizon risks being too training systems. Additionally, it will be
long for many employers in the context of important for governments to consider the
the current economic shock, and nearly 17% longer-term labour market implications of
remain uncertain on having any return on their maintaining, withdrawing or partly continuing
investment. On average, employers expect the strong COVID-19 crisis support they are
to offer reskilling and upskilling to just over providing to support wages and maintain jobs
70% of their employees by 2025. However, in most advanced economies.
employee engagement into those courses is

The Future of Jobs 6

October 2020 The Future of Jobs

Part 1
the Future
of Jobs

The Future of Jobs 7

October 2020 The Future of Jobs

The Labour
Market Outlook in the
Pandemic Economy
1.1 Introduction
Developing and enhancing human skills and in 2016 and 2018, this 2020 third edition of the
capabilities through education, learning and Future of Jobs Report provides a global overview
meaningful work are key drivers of economic of the ongoing technological augmentation of work,
success, of individual well-being and societal emerging and disrupted jobs and skills, projected
cohesion. The global shift to a future of work expansion of mass reskilling and upskilling across
is defined by an ever-expanding cohort of new industries as well as new strategies for effective
technologies, by new sectors and markets, workforce transitions at scale.
by global economic systems that are more
interconnected than in any other point in history, Over the past decade, a set of ground-breaking,
and by information that travels fast and spreads emerging technologies have signalled the start of
wide. Yet the past decade of technological the Fourth Industrial Revolution. To capture the
advancement has also brought about the looming opportunities created by these technologies, many
possibility of mass job displacement, untenable companies across the private sector have embarked
skills shortages and a competing claim to the on a reorientation of their strategic direction. By
unique nature of human intelligence now challenged 2025, the capabilities of machines and algorithms
by artificial intelligence. The coming decade will will be more broadly employed than in previous
require purposeful leadership to arrive at a future years, and the work hours performed by machines
of work that fulfils human potential and creates will match the time spent working by human
broadly shared prosperity. beings. The augmentation of work will disrupt the
employment prospects of workers across a broad
In 2020, economic globalization is stalling, social range of industries and geographies. New data from
cohesion is being eroded by significant unrest and the Future of Jobs Survey suggests that on average
political polarization, and an unfolding recession is 15% of a company’s workforce is at risk of disruption
threatening the livelihoods of those at the lower end in the horizon up to 2025, and on average 6% of
of the income spectrum. As a new global recession workers are expected to be fully displaced.
brought on by the COVID-19 health pandemic
impacts economies and labour markets, millions This report projects that in the mid-term, job
of workers have experienced changes which have destruction will most likely be offset by job growth
profoundly transformed their lives within and beyond in the 'jobs of tomorrow'—the surging demand
work, their well-being and their productivity. One for workers who can fill green economy jobs, roles
of the defining features of these changes is their at the forefront of the data and AI economy, as
asymmetric nature—impacting already disadvantaged well as new roles in engineering, cloud computing
populations with greater ferocity and velocity. and product development. This set of emerging
professions also reflects the continuing importance
Over the course of half a decade the World of human interaction in the new economy, with
Economic Forum has tracked the labour market increasing demand for care economy jobs; roles in
impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, identifying marketing, sales and content production; as well as
the potential scale of worker displacement alongside roles at the forefront of people and culture.1 Employers
strategies for empowering job transitions from answering the Future of Jobs Survey are motivated
declining to emerging roles. The fundamental rate to support workers who are displaced from their
of progress towards greater technological incursion current roles, and plan to transition as many as 46%
into the world of work has only accelerated over the of those workers from their current jobs into emerging
two years since the 2018 edition of the report. Under opportunities. In addition, companies are looking to
the influence of the current economic recession provide reskilling and upskilling opportunities to the
the underlying trends toward the technological majority of their staff (73%) cognizant of the fact that,
augmentation of work have accelerated. Building by 2025, 44% of the skills that employees will need to
upon the Future of Jobs methodology developed perform their roles effectively will change.

The Future of Jobs 8

The sections that follow in this first chapter structures which can support such adaptation both
of the Future of Jobs Report situate the 2020 across government and across business.
COVID-19 economic recession in the context of
past recessions, and in the context of the Fourth This edition of the Future of Jobs Report takes stock
Industrial Revolution. They review the impact of this of the impact of two twin events—the onset of the
health shock on the labour market, paying particular Fourth Industrial Revolution and of the COVID-19
attention to its asymmetric nature. Chapter 2 recession in the context of broader societal and
outlines the latest evidence from the Future of Jobs economic inequities. It provides new insights into
Survey, taking stock of the path of technological effective practices and policies for supporting worker
adoption, the scale and depth of the job transitions transitions towards a more equitable and prosperous
and the learning provision that is in place and future of work. In economies riddled with inequalities
planned in the horizon up to 2024. Finally, Chapter and sluggish adaptation to the demands of the
3 reviews the public and private sector policies and new world of work, there is an ever-larger need for
practices that can support a proactive adaptation a ‘Great Reset’, which can herald opportunities for
to these unfolding trends. In particular, the chapter economic prosperity and societal progress through
outlines the mechanisms for job transitions, the good jobs.
imperatives of creating a learning organization and

1.2 Short-term shocks and long-term trends

Over centuries, technological, social and political In late 2019, the gradual onset of the future of
transformations have shaped economies and the work—due in large part to automation, technology
capacity of individuals to make a living. The first and and globalization—appeared to pose the greatest
second Industrial Revolutions displaced trades that risk to labour market stability. The first half of
had thrived on older technologies and gave rise to 2020 has seen an additional, significant and
new machines, new ways of work and new demand unexpected disruption to labour markets, with
for skill sets that could harness the power of steam, immediate knock-on effects on the livelihoods of
coal and factory production. The transformation individuals and the household incomes of families.
of production has consequently given rise to new The COVID-19 pandemic appears to be deepening
professions and new ways of working that eventually existing inequalities across labour markets, to have
paved the path to greater prosperity despite initial job reversed the gain in employment made since the
displacement among individuals. Although in 2018 we Global Financial Crisis in 2007–2008, and to have
proposed that the labour market impact of the Fourth accelerated the arrival of the future of work. The
Industrial Revolution can be managed while maintaining changes heralded by the COVID-19 pandemic
stable levels of employment, the current 2020 global have compounded the long-term changes already
recession has created a ‘new normal’ in which short- triggered by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which
term and long-term disruptions are intertwined. has, consequently, increased in velocity and depth.

A significant volume of research has been published In reaction to the risk to life caused by the spread
on the future of work since the World Economic of the COVID-19 virus, governments have legislated
Forum published it first edition. To date, the full or partial closures of business operations,
conclusions drawn from that body of literature causing a sharp shock to economies, societies
appear to offer both hope and caution. The twin and labour markets. Many businesses have closed
forces of technology and globalisation have brought their physical office locations and have faced
profound transformations to labour markets and limitations in doing business face-to-face. Figure 2
in the near term.2 Few analysts propose that shows the trajectory of those closures. Beginning
technological disruption will lead to shrinking in mid-March and by mid-April, nearly 55% of
opportunities in the aggregate,3 and many of the economies (about 100 countries) had enacted
insights gathered point to the emergence of new workplace closures which affected all but essential
job opportunities. Across countries and supply businesses.6 During May and June, economies
chains, research has evidenced rising demand resumed some in-person business operations—yet
for employment in nonroutine analytics jobs limitations to the physical operation of business
accompanied by significant automation of routine continue, geographic mobility between countries
manual jobs.4 Empirically, these changes can be persist and the consumption patterns of individuals
observed in data tracking employment trends in the have been dramatically altered. By late June 2020,
United States between 2007–2018. The evidence about 5% of countries globally still mandated a full
indicates that nearly 2.6 million jobs were displaced closure of in-person business operations, and only
over a span of a decade.5 Figure 1 presents the about 23% of countries were fully back to open.7
types of roles that are being displaced—namely In addition, irrespective of legislated measures,
Computer Operators, Administrative Assistants, individuals have shifted to working remotely and
Filing Clerks, Data Entry Keyers, Payroll Clerks and enacting physical distancing.8
other such roles which depend on technologies and
work processes which are fast becoming obsolete.

The Future of Jobs 9

FIGURE 1 Employment trends for jobs in the United States at high risk of automation, 2007–2018

Computer Operators
Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative Assistants
Word Processors and Typists
Switchboard Operators, Including Answering Service
Machine Feeders and Offbearers
File Clerks
Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators
Brickmasons and Blockmasons
Data Entry Keyers
Bill and Account Collectors
Mail Clerks and Mail Machine Operators, Except Postal Service
Order Clerks
Legal Secretaries
Information and Record Clerks, All Other
Sewing Machine Operators
Helpers–Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers
Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks
Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic
Drywall and Ceiling Tile Installers

-80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0

Employment change 2007-2018 (%)

Ding, et al, 2020.

Collectively, the life-preserving measures to stop the four global recessions which have throughout
spread of the COVID-19 virus have led to a sharp history impacted employment levels in significant
contraction of economic activity, a marked decline ways. The figure shows that during periods of
in capital expenditure among several industries relative labour market stability unemployment
facing decline in demand for their products and stands at near or around 5% while during periods
services, and put new pressures on enterprises of major disruption unemployment peaks at or
and sectors. Not all companies have been equally exceeds 10%. During the financial crisis of 2010,
affected. Some businesses have the resources to unemployment peaked at 8.5% only to drop
weather the uncertainty, but others do not. Among to an average of 5% across OECD economies
those faltering are companies that typically don’t in late 2019.9 According to the International
hold large cash reserves such as SMEs (small- Labour Organization (ILO), during the first half
to-medium enterprises) or businesses in sectors of 2020 real unemployment figures jumped to
such as Restaurants and Hospitality. Some types an average of 6.6% in quarter 2 of 2020. The
of business operations can be resumed remotely, OECD predicts that those figures could peak at
but others, such as those in the Tourism or Retail 12.6% by the end of 2020 and still could stand
sectors that depend on in-person contact or travel, at 8.9% by end 2021.10 This scenarios assumes
have sustained greater damage (Figure 9 on page 17 that the economies analysed experience two
demonstrates some of those effects). waves of infection from the COVID-19 virus
accompanied by an associated slow-down of
The current health pandemic has led to an economic activity. It remains unclear whether
immediate and sudden spike in unemployment current unemployment figures have peaked or
across several key economies—displacing whether job losses will deepen over time. New
workers from their current roles. Since the end analysis conducted by the IMF has estimated
of the Global Financial Crisis in 2007–2008, that 97.3 million individuals, or roughly 15% of
economies across the globe had witnessed the workforce in the 35 countries included in
a steady decrease of unemployment. Figure the analysis, are classified as being at high risk
3 presents the historical time series of of being furloughed or made redundant in the
unemployment across a selection of countries current context.11
and regions. Annotated across the figure are the

The Future of Jobs 10

FIGURE 2 Countries enacting workplace closures, February–September 2020

27 Jan 2020

01 Feb 2020

01 Mar 2020

01 Apr 2020

01 May 2020

01 Jun 2020

01 Jul 2020

01 Aug 2020

01 Sep 2020

Hale, et al, 2020. 28 Sep 2020

0 20 40 60 80 100

Share of countries (%)

Fully open Partial closures All but essential work closed

The Future of Jobs 11

Countries have taken different approaches to tackling estimates such schemes have in recent months
the pandemic, in the established provision of social subsidized the wages of close to 60 million workers.12
protection to displaced workers and in newly enacted While initially more temporary in nature, the persistence
temporary government schemes targeted at job of limits to economic activity caused by COVID-19 has
retention. This has created varied trajectories of led to an extension of several job retention schemes
labour market disruption and recovery. For instance, up to the end of 2021 in an effort to prevent sudden
several economies, such as Germany and Italy, spikes in unemployment.13 While such measures have
have established large-scale temporary job retention meant that unemployment figures in those economies
schemes including wage support measures (commonly have stayed relatively stable, it is yet to be seen if these
called furlough schemes). According to the latest trends hold after they are lifted.

FIGURE 3 Unemployment rate, selected countries and regions, 1960–2020



Uneymployment rate (%)


1975 1982 1991 2009



1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

South Africa USA OECD countries Mexico Korea, Rep. Japan Italy
United Kingdom France EA17 Germany Canada Australia

Source Notes
OECD Economic Outlook: Statistics and Projections, and Kose, Forecasts for Q3 2020 produced by the OECD assuming two waves of
M. Ayhan, et al. 2020. COVID-19, namely a "double hit" scenario. EA17 = Belgium, Germany,
Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Finland.

Comparing figures for quarter 2 of 2020 to the unemployment rate rose from 3.5% in February 2020
same quarter in 2019, unemployment in Australia to peak at 14.7% in April 2020. The unemployment
increased by 1.5 percentage points; in Brazil that rate for the United States has now dropped to stand
same figure was 1.6; in Canada, 6; in Chile, 5.5; closer to 10%. In contrast, during the Global Financial
Columbia, 9; and United States, 8.5. The relevant Crisis in 2009 the unemployment rate in the United
statistics for countries such as the United Kingdom, States rose from 4.7% in December 2007 to nearly
Germany, Japan, France and Italy show greater 10% by June 2009.14 In two months the COVID-19
resilience. The Country Profiles in Part 2 of this report pandemic has destroyed more jobs than the Great
present key labour market indicators showcasing the Recession did in two years. As the United States has
latest annual, monthly and quarterly figures for the lifted restrictions on the physical movement of people,
economies covered in this report, including the figures some workers have been recalled into employment
listed above. It is evident that the United States and while others have seen temporary redundancies
Canada experienced a significant disruption on an become permanent job displacement (some of this
unprecedented scale. Employment figures for the data can be observed in Figure 11 on page 19).
United States illustrated in Figure 4 show that the

The Future of Jobs 12

FIGURE 4 Unemployment rate in the United States, seasonally adjusted, 1967–2020


Uneymployment rate (%)

1967 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020


Source Notes
United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Unemployment Rate - Job Losers (U-2) [U2RATE], retrieved from FRED,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;,
15 September 2020.

It appears increasingly likely that changes to reluctance to invest in new personnel. This means
business practice brought about by this pandemic that workers displaced from the labour market have
are likely to further entrench wholly new ways of fewer opportunities to return to work as businesses
working, and that the second half of 2020 will not reduce their workforce. This trend can be observed
see a return ‘back to normal’ but will instead see a through data from the professionals on the LinkedIn
return to ‘the new normal’. platform, which allows the LinkedIn Economic Graph
team to track changes in hiring rates for seven key
Early evidence from the World Economic Forum’s economies—Australia, China, France, Italy, Singapore,
Future of Jobs Survey presented in Figure 5 the United Kingdom and the United States. Those
suggests that, in addition to the labour market hiring rates are featured in Figure 6. They show that in
displacement caused by this health shock, China, for instance, hiring contracted to a low of -47%
employers are set to accelerate their job automation year-on-year rate at the end of February. In France
and augmentation agenda, raising the possibility and Italy, the contraction was more pronounced,
of a jobless recovery. Among the business reaching -70% and -64.5%, respectively, in mid-April.
leaders surveyed, just over 80% report that they Those low figures were approached by the United
are accelerating the automation of their work Kingdom and Australia, where contractions reached
processes and expanding their use of remote work. a relatively more robust -40%. Since then, hiring rates
A significant 50% also indicate that they are set to have gradually rebounded, with most of the seven key
accelerate the automation of jobs in their companies. economies tracked by these metrics trending towards
In addition, more than one-quarter of employers a 0% year-on-year change. By 1 July, China, France
expect to temporarily reduce their workforce, and the United States had seen the most recovery in
and one in five expect to permanently do so. The comparative hiring rates, at -6% or -7%. By the end of
International Labour Organization (ILO) projects that September the countries with the strongest recovery
by the second quarter of 2020, the equivalent of 195 in hiring were China (22%), Brazil (13%), Singapore
million workers will have been displaced and as jobs (8%) and France (5%). In those economies it appears
are transformed at a greater speed.15 that hiring is now compensating for the months in
which new personnel were not engaged, indicating
While many workers moved into unemployment some stabilization of the labour market.
during the period of mid-March to the end of July
hiring rates also remained low, reflecting business

The Future of Jobs 13

FIGURE 5 Planned business adaptation in response to COVID-19

Accelerate the digitalization of work processes

(e.g. use of digital tools, video conferencing) 84

Provide more opportunities to work remotely 83

Accelerate automation of tasks 50

Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/reskilling
(e.g. education technology providers) 42

Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/reskilling programmes 35

Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations
(e.g. restructuring)

Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks 30

Temporarily reduce workforce 28

Permanently reduce workforce 13

Temporarily increase workforce 5

No specific measures implemented 4

Permanently increase workforce 1

0 20 40 60 80 100

Share of employers surveyed (%)

Future of Jobs Survey 2020, World Economic Forum.

FIGURE 6 Hiring rate trends in selected countries, February–October 2020, year-on-year changes


Hiring rate, year-on-year (%)



12 Feb 01 Mar 01 Apr 01 May 01 Jun 01 Jul 01 Ago 01 Sep 25 Sep

Australia Brazil China France Italy Singapore United Kingdom United States

LinkedIn Economic Graph.

The Future of Jobs 14

FIGURE 7 Hiring rate trends in selected countries, by industry, April-September 2020, year-on-year changes

25 September
April May June July August
Industry Country/Economy (14-day rolling
(month) (month) (month) (month) (month)

All -41% -39% -13% -11% 4% -4%

Australia -34% -41% -23% -19% -3% -11%
Brazil -51% -46% -21% -8% -2% 3%
China -11% -11% 2% -8% 10% 11%
France -67% -40% 3% -3% 24% 3%
Italy -57% -48% -22% -13% 2% -11%
Singapore -25% -39% 3% -9% 4% -5%
United Kingdom -42% -45% -27% -19% -4% -11%

United States -40% -39% -19% -11% 0% -11%

Consumer Goods -61% -53% -27% -22% -5% -14%

Australia -44% -50% -24% -21% -11% -12%

France -75% -50% -13% -12% 8% -3%

Italy -76% -62% -35% -27% -8% -31%

United Kingdom -56% -55% -40% -31% -11% -8%

United States -53% -48% -21% -16% -2% -14%

Finance -42% -38% -21% -13% 3% -7%

Australia -19% -37% -27% -28% -1% -7%

France -72% -41% 1% -8% 12% 6%

Italy -48% -41% -31% -3% 7% -9%

United Kingdom -39% -37% -34% -23% -13% -18%

United States -33% -34% -14% -3% 9% -6%

Health Care -23% -22% 6% 1% 23% 8%

Australia -12% -26% -1% 6% 19% 14%

France -54% -19% 37% 10% 40% 17%

Italy -29% -27% 2% 0% 26% 1%

United Kingdom 10% -4% 1% -5% 18% 7%

United States -28% -33% -11% -6% 14% 0%

Manufacturing -53% -45% -20% -18% 3% -6%

Australia -34% -31% -18% -12% 3% 5%

France -71% -39% -1% -14% 20% -8%

Italy -61% -54% -34% -18% -4% -16%

United Kingdom -51% -55% -38% -32% -4% -4%

United States -47% -47% -12% -13% 3% -8%

Recreation & Travel -79% -74% -43% -32% -20% -28%

Australia -77% -77% -51% -44% -43% -50%

France -82% -70% -15% -8% 11% -5%

Italy -87% -78% -40% -28% -15% n/a

United Kingdom -73% -77% -63% -50% -23% -26%

United States -75% -69% -44% -32% -28% -31%

Retail -53% -47% -15% -5% 13% 4%

Australia -38% -44% -18% -6% 9% 5%

France -68% -38% 21% 9% 41% 20%

Italy -73% -58% -27% 7% 10% -1%

United Kingdom -42% -48% -28% -22% 1% 2%

United States -46% -48% -24% -13% 6% -8%

Software & IT Services -38% -36% -15% -22% -3% -14%

Australia -27% -37% -24% -23% -4% -12%

France -61% -35% -7% -24% 0% -20%

Italy -43% -44% -24% -16% -2% -10%

United Kingdom -31% -39% -6% -27% -6% -16%

United States -28% -26% -14% -22% -2% -12%

Source Note
LinkedIn Economic Graph. Values in brown indicate where the hiring rate The darker the colour, the lower/higher the rate.
is lower than in 2019, while values in green
indicate where the rate is higher than 2019.

The Future of Jobs 15

This tentative rebound is not equally distributed across In sum, unemployment and hiring rates suggest
industries. Figure 7 shows the year-on-year change in a significant number of individuals were displaced
hiring rates throughout April, May, June, July, August, across labour markets over the month of April 2020.
and most of September for seven key industries and While those figures have stopped trending in a
the seven economies tracked by LinkedIn. Among the negative direction in the period up to July 2020, this
notable findings are those indicating a persistent hiring recovery remains tentative, with unequal geographic
slump in Recreation and Travel, Consumer Goods and industry patterns. Longer persistence of these
and Manufacturing. Also striking is that the Software trends is likely to entrench labour market scarring,
and IT sector, which is not shedding jobs at the same lead to an overall reduction in employment and
rate as other industries, is also not hiring at the same entrench worker displacement.
rate as this time last year. The same observation
also holds for the Finance Industry. It is perhaps not
surprising that the Health and Healthcare industry has
maintained the closest to comparable hiring rates to
this time last year.

1.3 The remote and hybrid workforce

As a result of the twin forces of the Fourth Industrial given economy has been approximated at 38% of
revolution and the COVID-19 recession, day-to-day jobs in high-income countries, 25% in upper-middle
digitalization has leapt forward, with a large-scale income economies, 17% in lower-middle income
shift to remote working and e-commerce, driving a economies and 13% in low-income economies.17 When
surge in work-from-home arrangements and a new adjusted to account for disparities in internet access by
marketplace for remote work. However, it has also economy, the same figures decrease to 33.6% of jobs
brought about significant well-being challenges as in high income economies, 17.8% of jobs in upper-
workers have struggled to adapt to new ways of middle income economies, 10% of jobs in lower-middle
work over a short period of time. income economies, and just 4% of jobs in low income
economies.18 Figure 8 plots the estimated share of
In the COVID-19 context, workers have been workers unable to work remotely against the GDP per
segmented into three categories: 1) ‘essential capita for each country. According to such estimates
workers’ such as delivery personnel, carers and around 60% of workers in high-income countries such
health workers, food shop workers, agricultural as the United States and Switzerland are unable to fully
workers and manufacturers of medical goods; 2) work from home. This figure rises to more than 80-90%
‘remote workers’ who can work remotely and are for economies such as Egypt and Bangladesh.
likely to keep their jobs; and 3) ‘displaced workers’
who have been displaced from their jobs in the Sectoral differences underpin the estimates shared
short term and potentially in the future, and who fall above. A larger share of roles in the Finance
disproportionately into the sectors most negatively and Insurance and Information and Professional
affected by the pandemic—Hospitality, Retail, Services sectors can be performed remotely,
Service work as well as Travel and Tourism. while Accommodation and Food Services,
Agriculture, Retail, Construction, Transportation and
All three types of workers are facing a wholesale shift Warehousing offer fewer opportunities for remote
in working practices, which now require new types of work.19 Figure 9 presents one estimate of the
resilience and entail a reskilling or upskilling agenda. associated risk to employment across different sub-
For essential workers, physical safety remains a industries: 47% of workers in the Accommodation
paramount concern. Displaced workers are facing and Food Services sector, 15% in Wholesale
significant job uncertainty, and a short-term or and Retail Trade and 15% of the workforce in
permanent need to shift roles. Remote workers are Transportation are at risk of unemployment.
faced with potential well-being and mental health
challenges due to extensive changes to working Despite the limitations listed above, demand from
practices as well as new areas of exclusion such as employers for remote-based work is increasing
access to digital connectivity, living circumstances rapidly across economies. Insights from the
and the additional care responsibilities faced by Glassdoor online platform show that access to
parents or those looking after elderly relatives.16 working from home has nearly doubled since 2011,
from 28% to 54% of workers mentioning that they
New evidence from Chief Human Resource Officers had the opportunity to work from home.20 The
completing the Forum’s Future of Jobs 2020 Survey industries with the largest opportunity to work from
indicates that, on average, 44% of workers are able home are the Information Technology and Insurance
to work remotely during the COVID-19 crisis while industries, with 74% of workers in those industries
24% of workers are unable to perform their current reporting having access to remote working. But there
role. This estimate indicates an aspiration to expand are also industries such as Finance, Legal work and
the availability of remote work. The current theoretical Business Services, which could, in theory, perform
share of jobs that can be performed remotely in any more remote work.

The Future of Jobs 16

FIGURE 8 Estimated share of workers unable to work from home, by per capita GDP



80 Brazil

Workers unable to work from home (%)

Egypt United States

60 Argentina
Russian Federation Switzerland



0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000

GDP per capita (USD)

Dingel & Neuman, World Bank Home Based Work (HBW) index,
World Bank's World Development Indicators database.

FIGURE 9 Estimated share of workers at risk of unemployment, by sub-industry

Accommodation and Food Services 47%

Wholesale and Retail Trade 15%
Transportation 15%
Education 15%
Construction 15%
Manufacturing 14%
Health Care and Social Assistance 14%
Professional Services, Administrative and Support 9%
Government and Public Sector 8%
Financial Services and Insurance 7%
Mining 4%
Agriculture 3%
Utilities 2%
0 20 40 60 80 100

Share of workers (%)

At risk Not at risk

Brussevich, et al, 2020.

The Future of Jobs 17

Data shared by the LinkedIn Economic reflect a number of factors: 1) the switch to remote
Graph team demonstrates that, in addition to work is occurring during a period of additional
established patterns of working from home and stress and concern caused by the risk to life and
the theoretical potential for at-home work, there health of the COVID-19 virus; 2) those caring after
is actually an emerging marketplace for remote young children are faced with additional pressures—
work–as evidenced by both strong demand from needing to take on more unpaid care work due to
jobseekers21 as well as an increasing demand the intermittence of school and nursery arrangement;
from employers for jobs that are based remotely.22 3) while companies with established remote work
The index of job searches and job postings practices are accustomed to a range of approaches
displayed in Figure 10 show that the amount of to maintaining a sense of community, of active
workers looking for remote job opportunities has collaboration and ensuring a flow of communication,
nearly doubled, while the number of job postings newly remote companies are still establishing these
(controlling for shifts in hiring rates) has gradually ways of communicating and coordinating in the new,
increased—with peaks of a two-fold increase in post-pandemic world of work.
mid-April and a three-fold increase in mid-June.23
In addition, workers in those industries surveyed for The Future of Jobs Survey indicates that company
the LinkedIn Workforce Confidence Index believe adaptation to the newly remote and hybrid
there is potential to expand the use of remote work workplace is already underway. Ensuring employee
beyond what it has been historically to match the well-being is among the key measures undertaken
theoretical potential of working from home.24 by business leaders looking to effectively shift to
remote work. In particular, 34% of leaders report
The pandemic has shown that a new hybrid way that they are taking steps to create a sense of
of working is possible at greater scale than imaged community among employees online and looking to
in previous years, yet business leaders remain tackle the well-being challenges posed by the shift
uncertain about the productivity outcomes of the to remote work.
shift to remote or hybrid work. Overall, 78% of
business leaders expect some negative impact of the
current way of working on worker productivity, with
22% expecting a strong negative impact and only
15% believing that it will have no impact or a positive
impact on productivity. Such scepticism is likely to

FIGURE 10 The new marketplace for remote work

A. Changes to job-seeking behaviour, February-June 2020 B. Changes to job-posting behaviour, February-June 2020

300 300
Index of job searches, % (relative to 11 Feb)

Index of job postings, % (relative to 11 Feb)

250 250

200 200

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
11 Feb 10 Mar 07 Apr 05 May 02 Jun 30 Jun 11 Feb 08 Mar 05 Apr 03 May 07 Jun 28 Jun

LinkedIn Economic Graph.

The Future of Jobs 18

1.4 Impact on equality
The individuals and communities most affected out of employment and become displaced workers,29
by the unprecedented changes brought about by 14% of workers were initially displaced and then
COVID-19 are likely to be those which are already recalled by their companies, and just 5% made
most disadvantaged—living in neighbourhoods with successful transitions elsewhere in the labour market
poor infrastructure, who have poor employment (Figure 11). The data shows variations by gender,
prospects and whose income does not equip age and wage level. As revealed in Figure 12,
them with a comfortable living standard, healthcare women make up a smaller share of both those who
coverage or savings.25 Furthermore, across several were retained by companies and of those who are
countries, the pandemic is set to broaden. An recalled. Displaced workers are in fact on average
estimated 88 to 115 million people could fall more female, younger and have a lower wage.
back into extreme poverty in 2020 as a result
of this recession.26 The following wide array of The metrics shared by ADPRI also reveal the effect of
characteristics typically pose a risk of social and this disruption by industry and wage level. Figure 13
economic exclusion among these populations: age A details the industries which are most affected by
and generation; gender and gender expression; the current disruption; in particular, workers in Arts,
sexual orientation; mental and physical abilities; level Entertainment, and Recreation, and Accommodation
of health; race, ethnicity and religion; in-country and Food Services. Significant numbers of workers
geographic location, such as rural and urban. These have also been displaced from the Retail sector as
characteristics are typically reflected in outcomes well as from the Real Estate, Rental and Leasing
such as levels of education, employment type, sector. In addition to this measure of attrition, Figure
income level and socio-economic status.27 13 B presents an overview of the workers who
transitioned in and out of jobs during the same
In some countries those affected have been period; in effect, the re-allocation of workers by
disproportionately women, for whom the ILO reports industry sector. The data shows that, on average,
higher unemployment rates. This is the case in the workers who did transition moved towards sectors
United States, Germany and Australia. In the United which provide essential services such as Retail
States between December and April 2020, women’s and Health, as well as sectors which have been
unemployment rose by 11% while the same figure less disrupted, such as Financial Services and
for men was 9%. In Germany those figures were Construction. Across these transitions, workers
1.6% and 0.8%, respectively. New sources of data were also able to increase their wages. By contrast,
can add more granularity to these trends. ADP struggling sectors such as Arts, Entertainment and
Research Institute (ADPRI) has been able to track Recreation as well as Accommodation and Food
the impact of COVID-19 on the United States labour Services gained fewer workers than they lost in
market in near real time.28 The data shows that, the February to May period—and workers who
within the observable shifts of workers’ employment transitioned to those sectors appear to have taken a
over the period of February to May, 25% of workers pay cut, suggesting necessity rather than desirability
left or were asked to leave their current role. Of those dictated the change.
25%, 82% of workers tracked by APDRI dropped

FIGURE 11 Outcomes for workers who lost their jobs in the United States, February–May 2020, by gender

Transitioned Transitioned Transitioned

5% 5% 5%
Recalled Recalled Recalled
workers workers workers
14% 12% 15%

A. Overall B. Women C. Men

Displaced Displaced Displaced

workers workers workers
82% 83% 80%

ADP Research Institute, produced for the World Economic
Forum's New Metrics CoLab.

The Future of Jobs 19

FIGURE 12 Retained, recalled, transitioned and displaced workers in the United States,
by gender and by category of affected worker

Retained workers

Female - age: 42, wage ($): 26 45% 55% Male - age: 43, wage ($): 32

Recalled workers

Female - age: 40, wage ($): 32 44% 56% Male - age: 44, wage ($): 52

Workers transitioned to new company

Female - age: 36, wage ($): 20 50% 50% Male - age: 37, wage ($): 24

Displaced workers

Female - age: 38, wage ($): 18 51% 49% Male - age: 39, wage ($): 22

Share of workers (%)

Female Male

ADP Research Institute, produced for the World Economic
Forum's New Metrics CoLab.

Figures 13 C and 13 D present the wage and age basic education as 7.5%. The latest available figures
dynamics of workers in the United States who were by economy are listed in the Country Profiles in Part
retained, recalled, displaced or transitioned. The 2 of the report. It must be noted that such figures
markers in brown denote displaced workers; in are still too rarely collected and that more timely
gold, those who transitioned to new opportunities; unemployment figures remain unreliable. This trend
in light blue, those who were recalled; and in dark can be further confirmed by focusing on country-
blue, those who were retained. Those recalled into level data with strong availability. Figure 14 presents
the labour market have the highest average wage of unemployment levels among workers in the United
the four cohorts, and those who are displaced have States by education level over time. It shows that
the lowest average wage. In Retail, those who were the unemployment rate among those with less than
displaced earn on average a low $17.80 an hour secondary education peaked at 21.2% in April, and
while those recalled are earning $27.00 an hour. In stills stands at 12.6% as of the end of August. On
Information and Media, those displaced earn $28.70 the other hand, unemployment levels among workers
an hour while those recalled earn $61.20 an hour. who hold at least a tertiary degree spiked at 8.4%
in April and stands at 5.3% as of the end of August.
In addition, retained and recalled workers are, on Comparing the impact of the Global Financial Crisis
average older, aged 40 and above, while displaced of 2008 on individuals with lower education levels to
workers are more typically in their mid-to-late thirties the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, it is clear that the
or have just turned 40. For example, in Education impact today is far more significant and more likely to
Services, those displaced are on average aged 35, deepen existing inequalities.
while those retained at nearing 43. In Retail and in
Accommodation and Food Services these average
ages are distorted by the relative youth of both
sectors. In Retail, the average age for a displaced
worker is 34, while those retained are nearing 40.
Across the board, younger workers (those in their
30s) are more likely to have transitioned to new roles
during these uncertain times.

Across established labour market indicators,

unemployment figures for those with basic education
are typically higher than for those who have
completed a tertiary education degree. Current ILO
figures list unemployment levels among those with
an advanced degree as 6.5% and among those with

The Future of Jobs 20

FIGURE 13 Retained, transitioned, recalled and displaced workers in the United States, 1 / 2
by industry, age and hourly wage

A. Affected workers by sub-industry

Arts, Entertainment and Recreation

Accomodation and Food Services
Other Services
Mining, Quarrying and Oil and Gas Extraction
Real Estate, Rental and Leasing
Office and Facilities Support Services
Management of Companies and Enterprises
Transportation and Warehousing
Education Services
Health and Healthcare
Wholesale Trade
Information and Media
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
Government and Public Sector
Financial Services and Insurance

0 20 40 60 80 100

Share of workers (%)

Retained Recalled Transitioned Displaced

B. Worker transitions into sub-industries, by relative volume of transitions and wage change accepted

Financial Services and Insurance (wage change: 19%) 41%

Retail (wage change: 3%) 26%
Government and Public Sector (wage change: 14%) 26%
Health and Healthcare (wage change: 6%) 15%
Construction (wage change: 16%) 13%
Information and Media (wage change:13%) 3%
Manufacturing (wage change: 10%) 0%
Transportation and Warehousing (wage change: 8%) -4%
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services (wage change: 14%) -5%
Wholesale Trade (wage change: 6%) -5%
Office and Facilities Support Services (wage change: 14%) -7%
Education Services (wage change: 1%) -7%
Real Estate, Rental and Leasing (wage change: 7%) -11%
Other Services (wage change: 4%) -16%
Management of Companies and Enterprises (wage change: 9%) -28%
Accomodation and Food Services (wage change -6%) -31%
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation (wage change: -6%) -39%

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60

Change between those transitioning in and out of industries (%)

The wage change value shows the difference of starting and
ending wage as a share of the starting wage. It is calculated
from data showing transitions from one industry to another as
the unweighted median wage change of transitions from all
other industries into the destination industry.

The Future of Jobs 21

FIGURE 13 Retained, transitioned, recalled and displaced workers in the United States, 2 / 2
by industry, age and hourly wage

C. Affected workers by sub-industry and age

Accomodation and Food Services

Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
Education Services
Financial Services and Insurance
Government and Public Sector
Health and Healthcare
Information and Media
Management of Companies and Enterprises
Mining, Quarrying and Oil and Gas Extraction
Office and Facilities Support Services
Other Services
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
Real Estate, Rental and Leasing
Transportation and Warehousing
Wholesale Trade

30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50

Average age of workers

Retained Recalled Transitioned Displaced

D. Affected workers by industry and wage

Accomodation and Food Services

Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
Education Services
Financial Services and Insurance
Government and Public Sector
Health and Healthcare
Information and Media
Management of Companies and Enterprises
Mining, Quarrying and Oil and Gas Extraction
Office and Facilities Support Services
Other Services
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
Real Estate, Rental and Leasing
Transportation and Warehousing
Wholesale Trade

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Average hourly wage (USD)

Retained Recalled Transitioned Displaced

ADP Research Institute, produced for the World Economic
Forum's New Metrics CoLab.

The Future of Jobs 22

FIGURE 14 Unemployment rate in the United States by educational attainment,
seasonally adjusted, 2000–2020


Unemployment rate (%)



2001 2005 2010 2015 2020

Less than secondary education Secondary non-tertiary education

Short-cycle tertiary education Tertiary education

Source Note
United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Short-cycle tertiary education provides professional
knowledge, skills and competencies. Typically, programmes
are practically based and occupationally-specific.

Finally, such turbulent labour markets provide young professionals have targeted for their job
additional challenges to young professionals transitions after entering the world of work in one of
navigating their entry into working life. The FutureFit the six industries most affected by the COVID-19
AI global data map combines job automation pandemic. Figure 17 illustrates those next-step
and growth forecasts, real-time labour market possible opportunities, which include new roles in
information, learner resumes and the professional the Healthcare, Financial Services, Not-for-Profit and
profiles of individuals. As such, it can track the Information, Technology and Services industries—
historic job trajectories of professionals through roles such as Credit Analysts, Bank Tellers and
different roles and industries,30 and in this instance Public Relations Coordinators in the Not-for-Profit
the transition of young professionals who are sector, Certified Nursing Assistants in Healthcare,
in their first decade of working life in the United and Account Executives in the Information
States observed between 2008 and 2019.31 The Technology and Services sector.
data in Figure 15 A reveals that, historically, the
Retail, Restaurants, Hospitality, and the Food & This willingness to transition to new job
Beverage sectors, as well some parts of Higher opportunities, matched with new reskilling and
Education, have been among the top 20 starter- upskilling capabilities, can help place young
sectors for young people. However, as Figure 15 B professionals back on track, helping them find routes
indicates, these industries maintain a high attrition from affected to new, growing opportunities. While
rate as workers tend to be transient. Thirty-seven the data shared above suggests that businesses
percent of young professionals who work in Retail and individuals have taken on significant initiative
use the industry as a stepping-stone to another to adapt to the current labour market, economic
career and have historically moved onto another scarring and persistent damage to the labour market
industry beyond the six affected sectors. The have the potential to limit the scale of opportunities
same figure is at 32% for those in the Restaurant available to workers. However, governments have at
sector. As roles in these sectors are temporarily their disposal a range of tools that can alleviate the
or permanently displaced, those at the start of impact on workers as economies recover.
their careers will need to re-route and leapfrog into
aspirational opportunities to work in high quality,
well-remunerated jobs.

Figure 16 presents FutureFit AI data that documents

past labour market transitions of young professionals
over a decade. It shows the kinds of industries

The Future of Jobs 23

FIGURE 15 Relationship between youth job transitions and affected industries

A. Youth first jobs, by sub-industry

Higher Education
Hospital & Health Care
Financial Services
Non-Profit Organization Management
Education Management
Information Technology and Services
Government Administration
Food & Beverages
Marketing and Advertising

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Share of workers (%)

B. Youth transcience through affected sub-industries

Higher Education 39%

Retail 37%

Entertainment 36%

Food & Beverages 35%

Restaurants 32%

Hospitality 32%

0 20 40 60 80 100

Share of workers (%)

Stay in sub-industry Transition to one of the six affected industries Transition out of the six affected industries

FutureFit AI, produced for the World Economic Forum's New
Metrics CoLab.

In previous recessions, the long-term impact on The early indicators shared in this section signal
earnings among young people resulted in persistent that without adequate intervention, gains towards
earnings declines lasting up to 10 years, as young bridging societal inequalities might be reversed
professionals started to work for lower-paying and wages further polarized. While data for the
employers, then partly recover through a gradual United States cannot be generalized to the world,
process of mobility toward better firms. We have the availability of such granular insights in this one
also seen young professionals start to work in economy serves as a stark reminder of the potential
occupations that do not match their education impact of these disruptions on equality within and
levels.32 As we consider the ways to revive the across all economies.
labour market, such insights can point to ways
in which data-driven re-employment can support
not only re-entry into one’s original industry or to
an adjacent one, but also provide accelerated
transitions to the ultimate career designation
aspired to by young professionals.

The Future of Jobs 24

FIGURE 16 Primary possible transitions for affected young professionals

Destination sub-industry

Source Apparel & Broadcast Education Financial Hospital & Non-Profit Information Marketing and Real
sub-industry Fashion Media Management Services Health Care Organization Technology Advertising Estate
Management and Services

Entertainment - 4% - 4% 5% 4% - 5% -
Food &
- - 4% 5% 6% 5% 3% - -
- - 4% 4% 9% 6% 4% - -
Hospitality - - - 7% 7% 5% - 4% 4%

Restaurants - - 3% 5% 8% 6% 3% - -

Retail 5% - 4% 6% 8% 4% - - -

Source Note
FutureFit AI, produced for the World Economic Forum's New Values refer to share of workers transitioning from source sub-
Metrics CoLab. industry to destination sub-industry.

FIGURE 17 In-focus transitions for affected young workers

Registered Nurse

Bank Teller

Higher Education Software Engineer

Personal Banker Hospital and Health Care

Account Executive
Financial Representative
Financial Analyst
Retail Financial Services
Customer Service Representative
Certified Nursing Assistant
Food & Beverages
Substitute Teacher Information Technology
and Services
Entertainment Consultant
Education Management
Sales Associate
Hospitality Medical Assistant Non-Profit Organization
Pharmacy Technician
Nursing Assistant
Social Worker
Applications Analyst
Web Developer

size = share of transitions

FutureFit AI, produced for the World Economic Forum's New
Metrics CoLab.

The Future of Jobs 25

October 2020 The Future of Jobs

Forecasts for Labour
Market Evolution
in 2020-2025
Over the past five years, the World Economic the following chapter tracks technological adoption
Forum has tracked the arrival of the future of work, among firms alongside changing job requirements
identifying the potential scale of worker displacement and skills demand. These qualitative survey
due to technological automation and augmentation responses are further complemented by granular
alongside effective strategies for empowering job data from new sources derived from privately-held
transitions from declining to emerging jobs. At the data that tracks key jobs and skills trends. Together,
core of the report and its analysis is the Future of these two types of sources provide a comprehensive
Jobs survey, a unique tool which assess the short- overview of the unfolding labour market trends as
and long-term trends and impact of technological well as an opportunity to plan and strategize towards
adoption on labour markets. The data outlined in a better future of work.

The Future of Jobs 26

2.1 Technological adoption
The past two years have seen a clear These new technologies are set to drive future
acceleration in the adoption of new technologies growth across industries, as well as to increase
among the companies surveyed. Figure 18 the demand for new job roles and skill sets.
presents a selection of technologies organized Such positive effects may be counter-balanced
according to companies’ likelihood to adopt by workforce disruptions. A substantial amount
them by 2025. Cloud computing, big data and of literature has indicated that technological
e-commerce remain high priorities, following a adoption will impact workers’ jobs by displacing
trend established in previous years. However, some tasks performed by humans into the realm
there has also been a significant rise in interest of work performed by machines. The extent of
in encryption, reflecting the new vulnerabilities disruption will vary depending on a worker’s
of our digital age, and a significant increase in occupation and skill set.33
the number of firms expecting to adopt non-
humanoid robots and artificial intelligence, with Data from the Forum’s Future of Jobs Survey
both technologies slowly becoming a mainstay of shows that companies expect to re-structure
work across industries. their workforce in response to new technologies
(Figure 20). In particular, the companies surveyed
These patterns of technological adoption vary indicate that they are also looking to transform
according to industry. As demonstrated in Figure the composition of their value chain (55%),
19, Artificial intelligence is finding the most broad introduce further automation, reduce the current
adaptation among the Digital Information and workforce (43%) or expand their workforce as a
Communications, Financial Services, Healthcare, result of deeper technological integration (34%),
and Transportation industries. Big data, the and expand their use of contractors for task-
Internet of Things and Non-Humanoid Robotics specialized work (41%).
are seeing strong adoption in Mining and Metals,
while the Government and the Public Sector
industry shows a distinctive focus on encryption.

FIGURE 18 Technologies likely to be adopted by 2025 (by share of companies surveyed)

Cloud computing (17%)

Big data analytics (2%)
Internet of things and connected devices (9%)
Encryption and cybersecurity (29%)
Artificial intelligence (inc. ML and NLP) (8%)
Text, image and voice processing (-)
E-commerce and digital trade (2%)
Robots, non-humanoid (e.g industrial automation, drones) (10%)
Augmented and virtual reality (1%)
Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) (11%)
3D and 4D printing and modelling (10%)
Power storage and generation (-)
New materials (e.g. nanotubes, graphene) (-12%)
Biotechnology (8%)
Robots, humanoid (11%)
Quantum computing (-5%)

0 20 40 60 80 100

Share of company surveyed (%)

2025 2018 Difference

Future of Jobs Survey 2020, World Economic Forum.

The Future of Jobs 27

The reallocation of current tasks between human machines at work will be at parity based on
and machine is already in motion. Figure 21 today's tasks. Algorithms and machines will be
presents the share of current tasks at work primarily focused on the tasks of information
performed by human vs. machine in 2020 and and data processing and retrieval, administrative
forecasted for 2025 according to the estimates tasks and some aspects of traditional manual
and planning of senior executives today. One labour. The tasks where humans are expected
of the central findings of the Future of Jobs to retain their comparative advantage include
2018 Report continues to hold—by 2025 the managing, advising, decision-making, reasoning,
average estimated time spent by humans and communicating and interacting.

FIGURE 19 Technologies likely to be adopted by 2025, by share of companies surveyed, selected sectors

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

3D and 4D printing
54 67 39 39 69 69 27 45 65 69 48 79 40 60
and modelling

Artificial intelligence
(e.g. machine
62 76 73 95 76 81 90 65 89 71 76 71 76 88
learning, neural
networks, NLP)

Augmented and
17 53 58 73 70 75 62 56 67 54 57 71 57 62
virtual reality

Big data analytics 86 88 91 95 95 76 91 85 89 81 90 86 86 94

Biotechnology 50 18 48 40 46 47 46 38 65 31 16 36 28 23

Cloud computing 75 80 82 95 95 88 98 95 84 92 87 86 88 94

Distributed ledger
technology (e.g. 31 40 41 72 61 50 73 40 72 41 50 46 53 38

E-commerce and
80 75 85 82 72 71 90 67 78 82 62 62 70 87
digital trade

Encryption and cyber

47 88 85 95 86 88 95 95 84 72 83 71 78 75

Internet of things and

88 82 94 92 62 94 88 79 95 84 90 93 74 76
connected devices

New materials
(e.g. nanotubes, 15 46 22 36 67 65 36 33 47 51 37 36 27 27

Power storage and

75 64 59 38 27 88 55 33 31 62 57 69 45 46

Quantum computing 18 21 17 51 25 41 44 36 38 21 29 25 19 38

Robots, humanoid 42 50 38 44 47 24 47 31 47 41 15 17 25 21

Robots, non-
humanoid (industrial
54 60 52 61 59 65 53 50 56 79 90 79 35 69
automation, drones,

Text, image and

50 59 82 90 89 88 88 89 88 64 76 87 79 65
voice processing

Source Note
Future of Jobs Survey 2020, World Economic Forum. AGRI = Agriculture, Food and Beverage; AUTO = Automotive; CON = Consumer;
DIGICIT = Digital Communications and Information Technology; EDU =
Education; ENG = Energy Utilities & Technologies; FS = Financial Services;
GOV = Government and Public Sector; HE = Health and Healthcare; MANF =
Manufacturing; MIM = Mining and Metals; OILG = Oil and Gas; PS = Professional
Services; TRANS = Transportation and Storage.

The Future of Jobs 28

FIGURE 20 Companies' expected changes to the workforce by 2025 (by share of companies surveyed)

Modify the composition of one's value chain 55.1

Reduce current workforce due to technological integration
or automation
Expand use of contractors doing task-specialized work 41.8

Modify the locations where the organization operates 38.3

Expand current workforce due to technological integration
or automation
Expand current workforce 32.4

Reduce current workforce 15

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Share of company surveyed (%)

Future of Jobs Survey 2020, World Economic Forum.

FIGURE 21 Share of tasks performed by humans vs machines, 2020 and 2025 (expected),
by share of companies surveyed

Information and data processing

Looking for and receiving job-related information

Performing complex and technical activities


Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information

All tasks

Performing physical and manual work activities

Communicating and interacting

Reasoning and decision-making

Coordinating, developing, managing and advising

0 20 40 60 80 100

Share of task hours (%)

Machine 2020 Human 2020 Machine 2025 Human 2025

Human-machine frontier 2025
Future of Jobs Survey 2020, World Economic Forum.

2.2 Emerging and declining jobs

Extrapolating from the figures shared in the Future to the new division of labour between humans,
of Jobs Survey 2020, employers expect that by machines and algorithms, across the 15 industries
2025, increasingly redundant roles will decline from and 26 economies covered by the report.
being 15.4% of the workforce to 9% (6.4% decline),
and that emerging professions will grow from 7.8% The 2020 version of the Future of Jobs Survey
to 13.5% (5.7% growth) of the total employee also reveals similarities across industries when
base of company respondents. Based on these looking at increasingly strategic and increasingly
figures, we estimate that by 2025, 85 million jobs redundant job roles. Similar to the 2018 survey,
may be displaced by a shift in the division of labour the leading positions in growing demand are roles
between humans and machines, while 97 million such as Data Analysts and Scientists, AI and
new roles may emerge that are more adapted Machine Learning Specialists, Robotics Engineers,

The Future of Jobs 29

Software and Application developers as well as Accounting and Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks,
Digital Transformation Specialists. However, job Accountant and Auditors, Assembly and Factory
roles such as Process Automation Specialists, Workers, as well as Business Services and
Information Security Analysts and Internet of Things Administrative Managers.
Specialists are newly emerging among a cohort
of roles which are seeing growing demand from Such job disruption is counter-balanced by job
employers. The emergence of these roles reflects the creation in new fields, the ‘jobs of tomorrow’. Over
acceleration of automation as well as the resurgence the coming decade, a non-negligible share of newly
of cybersecurity risks. created jobs will be in wholly new occupations,
or existing occupations undergoing significant
In addition, as presented in the Industry Profiles in transformations in terms of their content and skills
Part 2 of this report, a set of roles are distinctively requirements. The World Economic Forum's Jobs
emerging within specific industries. This includes of Tomorrow report, authored in partnership with
Materials Engineers in the Automotive Sector, data scientists at partner companies LinkedIn and
Ecommerce and Social Media Specialists in the Coursera, presented for the first time a way to
Consumer sector, Renewable Energy Engineers in measure and track the emergence of a set of new
the Energy Sector, FinTech Engineers in Financial jobs across the economy using real-time labour
Services, Biologists and Geneticists in Health and market data.35 The data from this collaboration
Healthcare as well as Remote Sensing Scientists identified 99 jobs that are consistently growing in
and Technicians in Mining and Metals. The nature of demand across 20 economies. Those jobs were
these roles reflects the trajectory towards areas of then organized into distinct professional clusters
innovation and growth across multiple industries. according to their skills similarity.

At the opposite end of the scale, the roles which This resulting set of emerging professions reflects
are set to be increasingly redundant by 2025 remain the adoption of new technologies and increasing
largely consistent with the job roles identified in demand for new products and services, which are
2018 and across a range of research papers on the driving greater demand for green economy jobs,
automation of jobs.34 These include roles which are roles at the forefront of the data and AI economy,
being displaced by new technologies: Data Entry as well as new roles in engineering, cloud computing
Clerks, Administrative and Executive Secretaries, and product development. In addition, the emerging

FIGURE 22 Top 20 job roles in increasing and decreasing demand across industries

Increasing demand Decreasing demand

1 Data Analysts and Scientists 1 Data Entry Clerks

2 AI and Machine Learning Specialists 2 Administrative and Executive Secretaries

3 Big Data Specialists 3 Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks

4 Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists 4 Accountants and Auditors

5 Process Automation Specialists 5 Assembly and Factory Workers

6 Business Development Professionals 6 Business Services and Administration Managers

7 Digital Transformation Specialists 7 Client Information and Customer Service Workers

8 Information Security Analysts 8 General and Operations Managers

9 Software and Applications Developers 9 Mechanics and Machinery Repairers

10 Internet of Things Specialists 10 Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks

11 Project Managers 11 Financial Analysts

12 Business Services and Administration Managers 12 Postal Service Clerks

13 Database and Network Professionals 13 Sales Rep., Wholesale and Manuf., Tech. and Sci.Products

14 Robotics Engineers 14 Relationship Managers

15 Strategic Advisors 15 Bank Tellers and Related Clerks

16 Management and Organization Analysts 16 Door-To-Door Sales, News and Street Vendors

17 FinTech Engineers 17 Electronics and Telecoms Installers and Repairers

18 Mechanics and Machinery Repairers 18 Human Resources Specialists

19 Organizational Development Specialists 19 Training and Development Specialists

20 Risk Management Specialists 20 Construction Laborers

Future of Jobs Survey 2020, World Economic Forum.

The Future of Jobs 30

professions showcase the continuing importance these so-called ‘jobs of tomorrow’ present greater
of human interaction in the new economy through opportunities for workers looking to fully switch their
roles in the care economy; in marketing, sales and job family and therefore present more options to
content production; as well as roles where a facility reimagine one’s professional trajectory, while other
or aptitude for understanding and being comfortable emerging professions remain more fully bounded.
working with different types of people from different As presented in Figure 24 C only 19% and 26%
backgrounds is critical. Figure 23 displays the set of job transitions into Engineering and People and
of roles which correspond to each professional Culture, respectively, come from outside the job
cluster, organized according to the scale of each family in which those roles are today. In contrast,
opportunity.36 Due to constraints related to data 72% of Data and AI bound transitions originate from
availability, the Care and Green Jobs cluster are not a different job family and 68% of transitions into
currently covered by the following analysis. emerging jobs within Sales. As illustrated in Figure
25 emerging job clusters are typically staffed by
In this report we present a unique extension of this workers starting in a set of distinctive job families,
analysis which examines key learnings gleaned from but the diversity of those source job families varies
job transitions into those emerging clusters using by emerging profession. While emerging roles in
LinkedIn data gathered over the past five years. Product Development draw professionals from
For this analysis the LinkedIn data science team a range of job families, emerging roles in People
analysed the job transitions of professionals who and Culture job cluster typically transition from the
moved into emerging jobs over the period of 2015 to Human Resources job family. The emerging Cloud
2020. The researchers analysed when professionals Computing job cluster is primarily populated by
transitioned into any new role as well as when they professionals transitioning from IT and Engineering.
transitioned to a wholly new occupation—here
called ‘pivots’. To understand the skill profile of Finally, a number of jobs of tomorrow present
each occupation, analysts first identified a list of greater opportunities to pivot into professions with
the most representative skills associated with an a significant change in skills profile. In Figure24 B it
occupation, based on LinkedIn’s Skills Genome is possible to observe that transitions into People
Metric which calculates the ‘most representative’ and Culture and into Engineering have typically been
skills across roles, using the TF-IDF method. To ones with high skills similarity while Marketing and
examine the extent to which certain skills groups of Content Development have been more permissive of
interest are associated with a particular occupation, low skills similarity. Among the emerging professions
a ‘skill penetration’ figure is calculated. This indicates outlined in this report, transitions into Data and AI
the share of individual skills associated with that allow for the largest variation in skills profile between
occupation that belong to a given skill group. To source and destination job title.
understand the skill profile of each occupation,
analysts calculated the ‘skill penetration’ score for Figure 25 demonstrates that the newer emerging
each skill associated with an occupation. That is, the professions such as Data and AI, Product
‘skill penetration’ figure indicates the individuals from Development and Cloud Computing present more
that occupation who list the specific skill as a share opportunities to break into these frontier fields, and
of all individuals employed in that occupation. that, in fact, such transitions do not require a full
skills match between the source and destination
The aggregate skills similarity between two occupation. However, some job clusters of tomorrow
occupations is then calculated as the cosine remain more ‘closed’ and tend to recruit staff with
similarity of those two occupations. In addition, for a very specific skill set. It is not possible to observe
each skill group, a skills gap measure is calculated whether those limitations are necessary or simply
by expressing the skill penetration of the established practice. It may be the case that such
destination job as a share of the same indicator in ‘siloed’ professional clusters can be reinvigorated
the source job. by experimentation with relaxing the constraints for
entry into some emerging jobs alongside appropriate
The evidence indicates that some emerging reskilling and upskilling.
job clusters present significant opportunities for
transitions into growing jobs (jobs in increasing
demand) through effective career pivots. As
demonstrated in Figure24 A, among the transitions
into Data and AI professions, 50% of the shifts made
are from non-emerging roles. That figure is much
higher at 75% in Sales, 72% in content roles and
67% of Engineering roles. One could say that such
field are easier to break into, while those such as
Data and AI and People and Culture present more
challenges. These figures suggest that some level of
labour force reallocation is already underway.

By analysing these career pivots—instances

where professionals transition to wholly new
occupations—it becomes apparent that some of

The Future of Jobs 31

FIGURE 23 Emerging roles clustered into the jobs of tomorrow

Care Economy Green Economy

Cloud Computing Marketing

1 Site Reliability Engineer 1 Growth Hacker

2 Platform Engineer 2 Growth Manager
3 Cloud Engineer 3 Digital Marketing Specialist
3 DevOps Engineer 4 Digital Specialist
5 Cloud Consultant 5 Ecommerce Specialist
6 DevOps Manager 6 Commerce Manager
6 Head Of Digital
Content Production 8 Digital Marketing Consultant
9 Digital Marketing Manager
1 Social Media Assistant 10 Chief Marketing Officer
2 Social Media Coordinator
3 Content Specialist People and Culture
4 Content Producer
5 Content Writer 1 Information Technology Recruiter
6 Creative Copywriter 2 Human Resources Partner
3 Talent Acquisition Specialist
Data and AI 4 Business Partner
5 Human Resources Business Partner
1 Artificial Intelligence Specialist
2 Data Scientist Product Development
3 Data Engineer
4 Big Data Developer 1 Product Owner
5 Data Analyst 2 Quality Assurance Tester
6 Analytics Specialist 3 Agile Coach
7 Data Consultant 4 Software Quality Assurance Engineer
8 Insights Analyst 5 Product Analyst
9 Business Intelligence Developer 6 Quality Assurance Engineer
10 Analytics Consultant 6 Scrum Master
8 Digital Product Manager
Engineering 9 Delivery Lead

1 Python Developer Sales

2 Full Stack Engineer
2 Javascript Developer 1 Customer Success Specialist
4 Back End Developer 2 Sales Development Representative
5 Frontend Engineer 3 Commercial Sales Representative
5 Software Developer Dotnet 4 Business Development Representative
7 Development Specialist 5 Customer Specialist
8 Technology Analyst 6 Partnerships Specialist
7 Chief Commercial Officer
8 Head Of Partnerships
9 Enterprise Account Executive
10 Business Development Specialist
11 Chief Strategy Officer
12 Head Of Business Development

# Rank Niche Mass

LinkedIn Economic Graph.

The Future of Jobs 32

FIGURE 24 Transitions and pivots into the jobs of tomorrow, selected countries

A. Transition by occupation and job cluster of source occupation

Data and AI

Cloud Computing

Product Development

People and Culture



Content Production

0 20 40 60 80 100

Share of transitions (%)

Same occupation Same emerging job cluster Any emerging cluster Any occupation outside emerging cluster

B. Job pivots by skills similarity with source occupation

Cloud Computing 2% 76% 22%

Data and AI 7% 43% 50%

Product Development 21% 59% 20%

Sales 22% 57% 21%

Content Production 35% 43% 22%

Marketing 37% 42% 22%

People and Culture 56% 25% 19%

Engineering 60% 27% 12%

0 20 40 60 80 100
Share of transitions (%)

High similarity Medium similarity Low similarity

C. Job pivots by job family of source occupation

Product Development 28% 72%

Data and AI 28% 72%

Sales 32% 68%

Cloud Computing 47% 53%

Content Production 50% 50%

Marketing 55% 45%

People and Culture 74% 26%

Engineering 81% 19%

0 20 40 60 80 100

Share of transitions (%)

No change in job family Change in job family

Source Note Data derived from the following countries

LinkedIn Economic Graph. Job transitions refers to any job transition while job pivots Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India,
refers to individuals moving away from their current occupation. Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Saudi
Job Families are groups of occupations based upon work Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Arab
performed, skills, education, training, and credentials. Emirates, United Kingdom and United States.

The Future of Jobs 33

FIGURE 25 Transitions into the jobs of the future

Source job family


Destination job
of tomorrow

Cloud Computing

Information Technology


Human Resources

Sales People and Culture

Media and Communication

Data and AI

Business Development

Product Development

Program and Project Management

Quality Assurance


Education Content


Product Management

Arts and Design Marketing

Community and Social Services
Real Estate
Healthcare Services
Military and Protective Services

LinkedIn Economic Graph.

The Future of Jobs 34

2.3 Emerging and declining skills
The ability of global companies to harness the Skill shortages are more acute in emerging
growth potential of new technological adoption is professions. Asked to rate the ease of finding skilled
hindered by skills shortages. Figure 26 shows that employees across a range of new, strategic roles,
skills gaps in the local labour market and inability business leaders consistently cite difficulties when
to attract the right talent remain among the leading hiring for Data Analysts and Scientists, AI and
barriers to the adoption of new technologies. This Machine Learning Specialists as well as Software
finding is consistent across 20 of the 26 countries and Application Developers, among other emerging
covered by the Country Profiles presented in Part roles. While an exact skills match is not a prerequisite
2 of the report. In the absence of ready talent, to making a job transition, the long-term productivity
employers surveyed through the Future of Jobs of employees is determined by their mastery of key
Survey report that, on average, they provide access competencies. This section of the report takes stock
to reskilling and upskilling to 62% of their workforce, of the types of skills that are currently in demand
and that by 2025 they will expand that provision to a as well as the efforts underway to fill that demand
further 11% of their workforce. However, employee through appropriate reskilling and upskilling.
engagement into those courses is lagging, with only
42% of employees taking up employer-supported
reskilling and upskilling opportunities.

FIGURE 26 Perceived barriers to the adoption of new technologies

Skills gaps in the local labour market 55.4

Inability to attract specialized talent 46.7
Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 41.4
Insufficient understanding of opportunities 38.9
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 33

Shortage of investment capital 32.3

Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 26.3

Lack of interest among leadership 17.9

Other 5.3

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Share of companies surveyed (%)

Future of Jobs Survey 2020, World Economic Forum.

Since its 2016 edition, this report has tracked This report reveals in further granular detail the types
the cross-functional skills which are in increasing of insights that can guide job transitions through to
demand. Figure 27 shows the top skills and skill appropriate reskilling and upskilling. Figures 29 and
groups which employers see as rising in prominence 30 demonstrate those metrics. Figure 29 presents the
in the lead up to 2025. These include groups such set of high-growth, emerging roles that are currently
as critical thinking and analysis as well as problem- covered by the Data and AI job cluster, and the typical
solving, which have stayed at the top of the agenda skills gap between source and destination professions
with year-on-year consistency. Newly emerging this when workers have moved into those roles over the
year are skills in self-management such as active past five years. Figure 30 presents the typical learning
learning, resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility. curriculum of Coursera learners who are targeting a
In addition, the data available through metrics transition into Data and AI and the distance from the
partnerships with LinkedIn and Coursera allow us optimal level of mastery in the relevant job cluster,
to track with unprecedented granularity the types of and quantifies the days of learning needed for the
specialized skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow. average worker to gain that level of mastery. Figures
Figure 28 demonstrates the set of skills which are 29 and 30 together demonstrate that it is common
in demand across multiple emerging professions. for individuals moving into Data and AI to lack key
Among these ‘cross-cutting’ skills are specialized data science skills—but that individuals seeking to
skills in Product Marketing, Digital Marketing and transition into such roles will be able to work towards
Human Computer Interaction. the right skill set through mastery of skills such as
statistical programming within a recommended time
frame, in this case, 76 days of learning.

The Future of Jobs 35

FIGURE 27 Perceived skills and skills groups with growing demand by 2025, by share of companies surveyed

A. Relative importance of different skill groups

Critical thinking and analysis

Working with people
Management and communication of activities
Technology use and development
Core literacies
Physical abilities

0 20 40 60 80 100

Share of companies surveyed (%)

Decreasing Stable Increasing

B. Top 15 skills for 2025

1 Analytical thinking and innovation 9 Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility

2 Active learning and learning strategies 10 Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation

3 Complex problem-solving 11 Emotional intelligence

4 Critical thinking and analysis 12 Troubleshooting and user experience

5 Creativity, originality and initiative 13 Service orientation

6 Leadership and social influence 14 Systems analysis and evaluation

7 Technology use, monitoring and control 15 Persuasion and negotiation

8 Technology design and programming

Future of Jobs Survey 2020, World Economic Forum.

In addition to skills that are directly jobs-relevant, such as mindfulness, meditation, gratitude and
during the COVID-19 context of 2020, data from kindness are among the top 10 focus areas of those
the online learning provider Coursera has been in employment in contrast to the more technical
able to identify an increasing emphasis within skills which were in-focus in 2019. In contrast, those
learner reskilling and upskilling efforts on personal who are unemployed have continued to emphasize
development and self-management skills. This skills which are of relevance to emerging jobs in
echoes earlier findings on the importance of well- Engineering, Cloud Computing, Data and AI.37
being when managing in the remote and hybrid
work: demand for new skills acquisition has When it comes to employers providing workers with
bifurcated. Figure 31 A illustrates the changing training opportunities for reskilling and upskilling, in
demand for training by employment status, contrast to previous years, employers are expecting
comparing the April-to-June period this year with the to lean more fully on informal as opposed to formal
same period last year. This data reveals a significant learning. In the Future of Jobs Survey, 94% of
increase in demand for personal development business leaders report that they expect employees
courses, as well as for courses in health, and a to pick up new skills on the job, a sharp uptake from
clear distinction between those who are currently 65% in 2018. An organization’s learning curricula is
in employment and those who are unemployed. expected to blend different approaches—drawing
Those in employment are placing larger emphasis on internal and external expertise, on new education
on personal development courses, which have seen technology tools and using both formal and informal
88% growth among that population. Those who methods of skills acquisition.
are unemployed have placed greater emphasis on
learning digital skills such as data analysis, computer
science and information technology. These trends
can be observed in more granular detail in Figures
31 B and C. In particular, self-management skills

The Future of Jobs 36

FIGURE 28 Top cross-cutting, specialized skills of the future

Specialized skill Emerging job clusters

1. Product Marketing Data and AI, People and Culture, Marketing, Product Development, Sales (5)

2. Digital Marketing Content, Data and AI, Marketing, Product Development, Sales (5)

3. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Cloud Computing, Data and AI, Engineering, Marketing, Product Development (5)

4. Business Management People and Culture, Marketing, Product Development, Sales (4)

5. Advertising Content, Data and AI, Marketing, Sales (4)

6. Human Computer Interaction Content, Engineering, Marketing, Product Development (4)

7. Development Tools Cloud Computing, Data and AI, Engineering, Product Development (4)

8. Data Storage Technologies Cloud Computing, Data and AI, Engineering, Product Development (4)

9. Computer Networking Cloud Computing, Data and AI, Engineering, Sales (4)

10. Web Development Cloud Computing, Content, Engineering, Marketing (4)

11. Management Consulting Data and AI, People and Culture, Product Development (3)

12. Entrepreneurship People and Culture, Marketing, Sales (3)

13. Artificial Intelligence Cloud Computing, Data and AI, Engineering (3)

14. Data Science Data and AI, Marketing, Product Development (3)

15. Retail Sales People and Culture, Marketing, Sales (3)

16. Technical Support Cloud Computing, Product Development, Sales (3)

17. Social Media Content, Marketing, Sales (3)

18. Graphic Design Content, Engineering, Marketing (3)

19. Information Management Content, Data and AI, Marketing (3)

Source Note
LinkedIn Economic Graph. Cross-cutting skills are those skills that are
applicable and easily transferable across many
occupations and roles.

FIGURE 29 Data and AI jobs of tomorrow, top roles and typical skills in past transitions

A. Opportunities within professional cluster B. Typical skills gaps across successful job transitions

Scale of Skill gap of workers

Rank Job
opportunity transitioning into
Rank Skill this job cluster
Artificial Intelligence (0 is full gap,
1 Mass
Specialist 1 is no gap)
2 Mass Data Scientist 1 Data Science 0.19

3 Mass Data Engineer 2 Data Storage Technologies 0.41

4 Niche Big Data Developer 3 Artificial Intelligence 0.10

5 Mass Data Analyst 4 Development Tools 0.73

6 Mass Analytics Specialist 5 Computer Networking 0.78

7 Niche Data Consultant 6 Management Consulting 0.85

8 Niche Insights Analyst 7 Scientific Computing 0.41

Business Intelligence 8 Product Marketing 1.00

9 Niche
9 Natural Language Processing 0.11
10 Mass Analytics Consultant
10 Digital Marketing 1.00

11 Advertising 1.00

12 Cloud Computing 0.27

13 Customer Experience 1.00

Source 14 Signal Processing 0.15

LinkedIn Economic Graph. 15 Information Management 0.93

16 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 1.00

The gap measure has been capped at 1.00.

The Future of Jobs 37

FIGURE 30 Data and AI jobs of tomorrow, typical learning agenda and time to achieve mastery in key skills

A. Typical learning agenda B. Top 10 skills by required level of mastery and time to achieve that mastery

Rank Skill Expected Average

Rank Skill mastery score days to
mastery gap
1 Data Analysis (0 to 6, best) master skill
2 Computer Programming 1 Statistical Programming 5.50 54% 72
3 General Statistics 2 Communication 4.36 34% 80
4 Leadership And Management
3 Leadership and Management 3.61 66% 39
5 Regression
4 Data Management 3.61 45% 84
6 Machine Learning
5 Marketing 3.57 55% 43
7 Big Data
6 Finance 3.56 46% 67
8 Python Programming
7 Sales 3.43 84% 13

8 Computer Programming 3.43 41% 76

9 Business Analysis 3.24 65% 34

10 Machine Learning 3.06 54% 86

Source Note
Coursera. Mastery score is the score attained by those in the top 80% transition to the occupation as a share of the score among
on an assessment for that skill. Mastery gap is measured as those already in the occupation.
a percentage representing the score among those looking to

According to data from the Future of Jobs Survey, of online learning. In fact, there has been a four-fold
formal upskilling appears to be more closely increase in the numbers of individuals seeking out
focused on technology use and design skills, while opportunities for learning online through their own
emotional intelligence skills are less frequently initiative, a five-fold increase in employer provision
targeted in that formal reskilling provision. Data from of online learning opportunities to their workers and
Coursera showing the focus areas of workforce an even more extensive nine-fold enrolment increase
recovery programmes and employer-led reskilling for learners accessing online learning through
and upskilling activities confirms that finding. In- government programmes.
focus courses are primarily those in technical skills
alongside a cohort of managerial skills in strategy Through focused efforts, individuals could acquire
and leadership. one of Coursera’s top 10 mastery skills in emerging
professions across People and Culture, Content
On average, respondents to the Future of Jobs Writing, Sales and Marketing in one to two months.
Survey estimate that around 40% of workers will Learners could expand their skills in Product
require reskilling of six months or less. That figure is Development and Data and AI in two to three
higher for workers in the Consumer industry and in months; and if they wish to fully re-pivot to Cloud
the Health and Healthcare industry, where employers and Engineering, learners could make headway
are likely to expect to lean on short-cycle reskilling. into that key skill set through a 4-5 month learning
The share of workers who can be reskilled within programme.38 Such figures suggest that although
six months is lower in the Financial Services and learning a new skill set is increasingly accessible
the Energy sectors, where employers expect that through new digital technologies, to consolidate
workers will need more time-intensive reskilling. new learning individuals will need access to the time
These patterns are explored more deeply in the and funding to pursue such new career trajectories.
Industry Profiles in Part 2. LinkedIn data presented in section 2.2 indicates that
although many individuals can move into emerging
According to Future of Jobs Survey data, employers roles with low or mid skills similarity, a low-fit initial
expect to lean primarily on internal capacity to transition will still require eventual upskilling and
deliver training: 39% of training will be delivered by reskilling to ensure long term productivity.
an internal department. However, that training will
be supplemented by online learning platforms (16%
of training) and by external consultants (11% of
training). The trend towards the use of digital online
reskilling has accelerated during the restrictions on
in-person learning since the onset of the COVID-19
pandemic. New data from the online learning
platform Coursera for April, May and June of 2020
(quarter 2) signals a substantial expansion in the use

The Future of Jobs 38

FIGURE 31 Distribution of course enrolment and growth of interest,
by course specialism, employment status and year

A. Changes to in-focus course specialism by employment status

Distribution of enrolled, April, May and June (Q2) Year-on-year change, Q2 2019 to 2020

Rank All All Employed Employed Unemployed Unemployed

Course Specialism All Employed Unemployed
2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020

1 Business 18% 19% 21% 22% 16% 19% 5% 7% 17%

2 Computer Science 18% 16% 17% 11% 23% 21% -8% -34% -7%

3 Health 9% 13% 8% 14% 6% 8% 48% 81% 44%

4 Data Science 20% 13% 22% 12% 28% 18% -37% -44% -35%

5 Personal Development 6% 9% 6% 12% 3% 5% 42% 88% 67%

6 Language Learning 5% 7% 4% 6% 4% 6% 46% 55% 45%

7 Arts and Humanities 6% 7% 5% 7% 4% 5% 12% 32% 4%

Physical Science and

8 6% 6% 5% 5% 6% 6% 7% 3% 11%

9 Social Sciences 6% 5% 5% 5% 4% 3% -27% -4% -17%

10 Information Technology 4% 4% 5% 4% 5% 7% 1% -23% 49%

11 Math and Logic 2% 1% 1% 1% 2% 1% -23% -15% -16%

B. Top 10 in-focus skills of those in employment C. Top 10 skills for those who are unemployed

Rank 2019 2020 Rank 2019 2020

1 Python Programming Writing 1 Python Programming Python Programming

2 Artificial Neural Networks Strategy 2 Artificial Neural Networks Algorithms

3 Algorithms Python Programming 3 Algorithms Writing

4 Regression Mindfulness 4 Regression Strategy

5 Strategy Meditation 5 Deep Learning Artificial Neural Networks

6 Deep Learning Gratitude 6 Strategy Regression

7 Writing Kindness 7 Supply Chain Grammar

8 Supply Chain Listening 8 Writing Deep Learning

9 Cloud Computing Algorithms 9 General Statistics General Statistics

10 General Statistics Grammar 10 Tensorflow Problem-Solving

Source Note
Coursera, produced for the World Economic Forum's New Values in brown indicate where the hiring rate is lower than in 2019, while values in
Metrics CoLab. green indicate where the rate is higher than 2019. The darker the colour, the lower/
higher the rate.

The Future of Jobs 39

October 2020 The Future of Jobs

Public and Private Sector
Pathways to Reviving
Labour Markets
The challenges facing labour markets today are effective systems for upgrading individual’s
significant but not insurmountable. To jointly lead skills and capabilities in line with emerging skills
economies and societies to greater prosperity, the demand—in essence, expanding access and
public and private sector will need to tackle the delivery of mid-career reskilling and upskilling
factors that lead to the misallocation and waste through private and public sector investment
of human capabilities and potential. For over half and to ensure that such efforts by workers are
a century, economic thinkers have been able rewarded with adequate job opportunities. To
to track the benefits of expanding human skills realize the value of such investments, businesses
and capabilities to economic prosperity.39 One and governments will need to accompany such
of the most valuable assets of any economy or efforts with policies and practices that ensure
company is its human capital–the skills, capabilities that workers are able to prosper on the basis of
and innovation of its citizens. Distortions that merit rather than the misallocation of talent due
undercut individuals’ skills development and their to social strata or characteristics such as race or
ability to find a job that matches their current and gender, strengthening the connection between
potential capabilities erode the factors of economic personal income and productivity, and expanding
productivity, innovation and growth that are derived safety nets to alleviate economic strain during
from harnessing human skills and capabilities.40 periods of transition.

To harness human potential towards greater

prosperity and inclusion, leaders will need to shift
talent from areas of decline to areas of growth
in the economy. They will be called on to create

3.1 From temporary public policy relief

to long-term solutions
As illustrated throughout this report, the COVID-19 Governments and central banks have implemented
pandemic has laid bare the lack of mechanisms fiscal and monetary packages of unique breadth
to support workers through mid-career transitions and depth to counterbalance the economic impact
and to ensure worker well-being and livelihoods of the pandemic as well as to protect workers
amidst disruptions. What is needed is fundamental and households. According to recent estimates
reform—or, more accurately, a revolution in the by the IMF (International Monetary Fund), close
way education and training systems operate, and to $11 trillion has been deployed through direct
in how they interact with labour market policies and fiscal impulse and liquidity measures aimed at
business approaches to training workers with new supporting households and businesses through
skills. This section reviews the current public policy the crisis.41 As illustrated by Figure 32, the fiscal
ecosystem for ensuring adequate social protection, measures implemented by G20 countries in 2020
including new temporary measures put in place since are larger than those taken during and just after
the onset of COVID-19. Global Financial Criss in 2007–2008.42 However,
the breadth and scale of those policies remain out
Reacting to the current social and economic of reach for most developing economies, which
crisis, countries across the globe have announced have implemented less than half the number of
packages of emergency fiscal and monetary measures implemented in developed economies.
measures of unprecedented scope, and the This continues to be a concern given that many
pandemic has led to the temporary adoption of developing economies still lack well-established
measures enhancing social safety nets for workers health systems in addition to social safety nets.
and households in a number of economies.

The Future of Jobs 40

In the immediate term it is possible to analyse coverage of social protection schemes using this
the types of measures adopted and prioritized by specific mechanism. However, the majority of the
different economies, while a longer-term horizon cash transfer measures implemented are time-bound
will allow a broader analysis of their overall efficacy. and temporary and might not be the appropriate
Data from the ILO presented in Figure 33 shows tool to provide the long-term economic relief
that more than 1,000 different policy measures have necessary to vulnerable households. As illustrated
been implemented in more than 200 countries since in Figure 34, such mechanisms typically lasted one
the onset of the pandemic. They vary in focus and to three months, with only 16% of the programmes
by instrument utilized. The majority of the measures implemented as a result of the pandemic lasting
observed span a range of agile policy solutions longer than three months.43 Going forward, an
which have the capacity to protect the most innovative approach to addressing the uncertain
vulnerable workers directly. While some instruments nature of recessions could be to introduce cash
depend on in-kind services maintaining health, stimulus payments which would be “automatically
nutrition and having access to shelter, others focus triggered” by a deterioration in economic conditions,
on income stability, such as the widespread use of preventing administrative lag and indecision.44
one-off cash transfers and allowances to subsidize
household expenses, as well as a temporary
extension and expansion of benefits to workers such
as unemployment leave.

The timeliness and adaptability of cash transfer

mechanisms have made them a critical tool to
be deployed in the volatile context caused by
COVID-19, which is why a number of governments
across the world have expanded the provision and

FIGURE 32 Comparing the size of selected economies' 2009-2020

fiscal stimulus packages, as share of economy GDP

United States
United Kingdom
South Africa
Saudi Arabia

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Fiscal stimulus as a % of GDP (%)

2020 value Decreased compared to 2009 Increased compared to 2009

Source Note
Policy Tracker 12 June 2020, International Monetary Values include 'above-the-line' measures but exclude 'below-
Fund (IMF); International Institute of Labour Studies; and the-line measures' (equity injections, loans, asset purchase or
Transatlantic Institute. debt assumptions, or guarantees).

The Future of Jobs 41

FIGURE 33 Social protection measures introduced by governments,
by type of instrument and function

A. Function

Special allowance or grant 15.5

Income and job protection 13.3
Several functions 12.5
Unemployment leave 11.3
Health and healthcare 9.8
Housing and access to basic services 9.4
Food and nutrition 9.2
Children and families 7.8
Pension 6.2
Sick leave 3.5
Access to education 0.7
Maternity and parental leave 0.5
Employment injury compensation 0.2

0 5 10 15 20

Share of in-country measures (%)

B. Instrument

Introducing benefits for poor or vulnerable populations 14.9

Introducing benefits for workers or their dependants 14.7
Introducing subsidies to, deferring or reducing the cost of necessities 9.4
Increasing benefit level 7.9
Introducing subsidies to wages 7.2
Extending coverage of existing benefits 6.7
Deferring, reducing or waiving special contribution 5.7
Improving delivery mechanisms and capacity 5.6
Increasing resources or budgetary allocation 5.4
Relaxing or suspending elegibility criteria or conditionality 3.9

0 5 10 15 20

Share of in-country measures (%)

Source Note
International Labour Organization (ILO) Social Protection The values represent the distribution of 1,218 measures
Monitor, July 2020. introduced across 203 countries.

Another set of key policies has been focused on While these temporary measures provide a lifeline to
preserving the retention of staff by businesses workers during this unprecedented crisis and ahead
through wage compensation schemes as well as of a future recovery, the need for an urgent response
tax or payment deferrals. Figure 35 presents the should be transformed into an impulse to enhance
unprecedented use of job-retention schemes across permanent social protection mechanisms. New data
several countries—notably New Zealand, France, from the OECD shows the projected employment
Switzerland and the United Kingdom—affecting growth of a number of economies in 2019–2020
close to 60 million workers across OECD countries.45 if countries experience a potential second wave of
While these measures have been broadly welcomed COVID-19 infections. Figure 36 plots that possible
and have been effective at buffering unemployment, new reality against the Social Resilience pillar of
such schemes obscure the possible true impact of the World Economic Forum’s Global Social Mobility
COVID-19 on the labour market. It is only as wage Index. The pillar score summarizes in one measure
support and replacement mechanisms begin to the level of social protection available in an economy
expire that some of the damage to the labour market alongside the presence of inclusive institutions.
will be revealed.

The Future of Jobs 42

FIGURE 34 Duration of cash-transfer programmes in months

3 months 1 month 1-2 months

52% 20% 14%

3-6 months 12 months

14% 2%


Gentilini, et al, 2020.

FIGURE 35 Participation in job-retention schemes

New Zealand
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
United States

0 20 40 60 80

Share of dependent employees (%)

OECD Economic Outlook June 2020, based
on national sources.

The Future of Jobs 43

Countries that score high have well-developed score. They include Ireland, the United Kingdom and
social safety nets and protection as well as high Spain. Countries in the bottom-right quadrant can
levels of public service efficiency. Countries in the expect to see high labour market disruption and also
bottom-left quadrant of Figure 36 have low social have a low social resilience score. Those countries
resilience scores and at the same time are projected include Colombia, Turkey and the United States.
to experience lower economic disruption under this In summary, scenarios such as these suggest that
scenario. Countries in that quadrant include Mexico some economies will experience a ‘double-hit’
and the Republic of Korea. Those in the top-right scenario—relatively low coverage of social protection
quadrant can expect to see high disruption to mechanisms in place to protect workers heavily
employment but also have a high social resilience displaced from the labour market.

FIGURE 36 Projected impact of COVID-19 on employment growth against an index

of social resiliance, OECD countries
Social Resilience score from the Global Social Mobility Index 2020

90 Sweden
France Netherlands
Germany United Kingdom
80 Japan Ireland
Norway Spain
Switzerland Australia Canada
70 Czech Republic Iceland Portugal
New Zealand Latvia Estonia
Lithuania Slovak Republic United States
Korea, Rep. Israel
50 Hungary Colombia



0 -3 -6 -9 -12 -15

Employment growth (2019-2020 % change based on COVID-19 “double-hit” forecasts)

Source Note
OECD Economic Outlook 2020, OECD, and Social Mobility Forecasts for Q4 2020 produced by the OECD assuming two
Index, World Economic Forum. waves of COVID-19, namely a "double hit" scenario.

The political will to expand social protection has wage. The economic strain on families subsisting
often been deadlocked, driven by concerns about on low wages is not conducive to maximizing long-
the long-term impact on labour market participation, term human potential and leaves workers vulnerable
the efficiency of current tools and the capacity of to disruptions. Legislating against bias on the basis
government to deliver these public services with the of gender, race or other characteristics protects the
adequate efficiency at scale. Given the large-scale connection between employment, wages and the
disruption to workers from both the pandemic-driven skills and capabilities of workers—guaranteeing
recession and the accelerated pace of technology that the talents of all parts of the population are
adoption, the question cannot be ‘if’ but should be used and can drive further growth and prosperity
‘how’ to expand some of these essential protections. in the economy.

Research shows that wages have, for some time, Past research has shown that long-term
been misaligned from productivity and that wage displacement from the labour market has a
level can be as much determined by the structure persistent, negative effect on workers.47 When social
of local labour markets or disadvantaged by race protection mechanisms are lacking, individuals
or gender as they are by workers receiving a in the midst of a career transition are forced to
reasonable return on their skills and productivity.46 maintain a dual focus—on the one hand trying to
When it comes to preserving worker’s ability to preserve their quality of life and keep poverty and
save, governments can cap the erosion of wages, potential destitution at bay, and on the other hand
ensuring that all workers are able to gain a living attempting to successfully transition to a new role.

The Future of Jobs 44

For those with historically low wages, it is much A number of countries have in recent years
more likely that basic needs such as health, developed innovative funding mechanisms to
nutrition and access to shelter become paramount finance reskilling of workers. Singapore recently
and overwhelming concerns during such complemented its pioneering Skills Future Initiative
periods detract from productive and successful through the deployment of Enhanced Training
transitions to new roles. An individual’s capacity Support Package (ETSP)48 to support workers
to manage this labour market transition can thus and organizations in sustaining investment in
be undermined, leading to rushed and potentially reskilling and upskilling during COVID-19. The
sub-par redeployment and re-employment. package includes a significant increase in funding
for Absentee Payroll Support and Course Fee
While some social protection policies are remedial Support among industries severely hit by the
and short term, not all support can be temporary pandemic. At the end of 2019, France created an
in nature. When it comes to long-term sick leave, individual skills account with an integrated mobile
disability leave or long-term unemployment, social application dedicated to vocational training and
protection becomes a fundamental pillar of the lifelong learning. Under the “moncompteformation.
support for its citizens on an ongoing basis. For” (“MySkillsAccount”) scheme, 28 million
the purposes of this report we have focused on eligible full- and part-time workers will receive €500
supporting the bounceback of those who are or annually directly into their skills account to spend on
will be unemployed in the short term due to the upskilling and continuous learning, with low-skilled
recession and technological change. To expand workers and those with special needs receiving
safety nets in the medium to long term, societies up to €800 annually, capped at a total of €5,000
will need to rebalance current public spending and and €8,000, respectively. The Danish Ministry of
consider expanding fiscal room through effective and Employment has introduced a number of measures
appropriate taxation. aimed at providing additional opportunities for
upskilling and job-focused education aimed at
Governments can proactively shape the workers furloughed following as a consequence
preconditions for effective labour market transitions of the economic impact of the pandemic. First,
and worker productivity by strengthening the link both skilled and unskilled workers who pursue a
between skills, wages and employment. This can vocational education are being provided with 110%
be achieved through policies that fund reskilling of their usual unemployment benefits. Additionally,
and upskilling of workers who are mid-way through the Danish government expanded the scope of its
their career and will need further skills to secure current apprenticeship scheme, at the same time
employment in the future of work, policies which as prolonging its job rotation scheme, making it
ensure that workers are able to create cash reserves possible for more unskilled workers to have access
during periods of employment, and policies which to upskilling and reskilling opportunities.
legislate against bias in hiring, firing and setting
wages. Reskilling and upskilling policies that have
been utilized to date span the conditionality of
unemployment benefits on taking up new re-
skilling and up-skilling, providing wage subsidies
to companies which extend reskilling and
upskilling to workers, providing online learning
accounts to citizens, and starting to fund online
learning in addition to university degrees, TVET
and school tuition.

3.2 From deploying human resources

to leveraging human potential
As changes to work accelerate, employers are of workers. Without such pivots skills shortages
bearing witness to a fundamental shift away will remain endemic and a scarcity of adequately
from the linear transitions made by workers skilled individuals to fill the jobs of tomorrow will
in previous points of history from school, into lead to a persistent productivity lag.
specialized training, into work and then along a
progressive career ladder, defined by increasing The route to unlocking the value of human
responsibility within an established occupation potential in tandem with profitability is to employ
structure. In today’s labour market, workers a ‘good jobs strategy', halting the erosion of
pivot between professions with significantly wages, making work meaningful and purposeful,
different skill sets, and navigate mid-career job expanding employees’ sense of growth and
transitions accompanied by substantial reskilling achievement, promoting and developing talent
and upskilling. Those pivots are as important to on the basis of merit and proactively designing
the success of firms as they are to the prosperity against racial, gender or other biases.49

The Future of Jobs 45

Fundamental to this strategy are two inter- Companies without the tools to account for the
connected, ambitious priorities which, between value of skills and capabilities lack oversight of
them, have the power to pave the way to a better, the depreciation or appreciation of one of their
more productive and more rewarding future of key intangible assets—the capabilities of their
work: 1) increasing company oversight of strategic workforce. Without that oversight, setting the right
people metrics; 2) effective job transitions from investment strategy for reskilling and upskilling
declining to emerging roles through well-funded becomes a challenging feat. A recent World
reskilling and upskilling mechanisms. Economic Forum report, authored in collaboration
with Willis Towers Watson, Human Capital as
There is an emerging consensus among an Asset: An accounting framework for the
companies that long-term value is most new world of work, identifies additional areas of
effectively created by serving the interests of all measurement that can start to quantify the value
stakeholders. Companies that hold themselves of human capital within an organization.52 In the
accountable will be both more viable and outlined framework are the labour market value of
valuable in the long-term. To do so, companies the aggregate talent in an organization, the value
need a series of new metrics which can, at the added through additional reskilling and upskilling
Board and C-suite level, make visible the impact into job-relevant skills and the depreciation of
companies have on key desirable outcomes to those assets through gradual skills redundancy
governance, planet, people and prosperity.50 and a decrease in workforce engagement. The
approaches to undertaking this quantification are
In collaboration with the International Business in their infancy and there is need for further efforts
Council (IBC) the World Economic Forum has to expand such efforts.
defined a set of key metrics which can track
how businesses are creating broader, long-term Frameworks to track the value of human capital
value through an investment in human and social in company balance sheets, to determine a re-
capital. People are at the heart of all organizations investment strategy for human capital through
as investors, workers, customers, suppliers, redeployment, reskilling and upskilling, as well
distributors and contractors. The well-being, as to account for return on investment remain
productivity and prosperity of individuals is at the nascent. It is therefore not surprising that few
core of all successful economies and firms. Human Future of Jobs Survey respondents expected a
ingenuity is at the core of companies’ competitive return on investment from reskilling and upskilling
advantage and no firm can prosper for long if it workers within the first three months after
proves damaging to the social fabric around it. In employees complete reskilling, and that 17% of
the framework outlined within the paper Measuring businesses remain unsure about the return on
Stakeholder Capitalism, the Forum in collaboration investment from reskilling. Survey responses also
with the IBC have identified a set of key measures indicate that companies continue to struggle
that track: the representation of employees by to quantify the scale of reskilling and upskilling
age group, gender, ethnic and racial category and investment that their companies currently make.
other markers of diversity; the pay equity between
those different groups; the wage levels paid within The Future of Jobs Survey signals that companies
the organization as a ratio to local minimum wage hope to internally redeploy 50% of workers
and the ratio of CEO pay to median employee displaced by technological automation and
pay; hours of training undertaken by employees; augmentation, but cross-cutting solutions and
and average training investment by company. efficiencies for funding job transitions remain
In addition to these core measures the report under-explored. Amidst the accelerated arrival
outlines basic standards of good work such as of the automation and augmentation of work,
ensuring health and safety, as well as eliminating as well as the job destruction brought about
child and forced labour.51 by COVID-19, businesses require a fast, agile
and coherent workforce investment strategy. In
To complement such key oversight metrics, collaboration with the leaders engaged with the
businesses can benefit from more granular New Economy and Society work at the World
operational metrics which quantify the human Economic Forum we have been able to identify
capital—the skills and capabilities of employees— a set of key elements of a successful workforce
within an organization. Currently, business investment strategy. They include identifying
leaders lack the tools to adequately illustrate, workers who are being displaced from their roles;
diagnose and strategize for talent capacity. establishing appropriate internal committees to
While businesses and economies have extensive manage the displacement; funding reskilling and
systems to account for monetary assets at their upskilling either wholly out of company budgets
disposals, there is a lag in establishing the value of or by tapping into government funding; motivating
human skills and capabilities. The losses incurred employee engagement in this process; and
by talent attrition as well as the gains of acquiring tracking the long-term success of such transitions.
individuals with exceptional skills or of developing
talent pools through strong reskilling and upskilling
programmes remain unrecorded and unobserved.

The Future of Jobs 46

FIGURE 37 Investment into employee reskilling and upskilling

A. Perceived time period to receive return on investment

Within 1 Within 3–6 months More than 1 year

month 24% 17.6%

Within 1–3

Within 6–12 months

28.7% Difficult to assess

B. Source of funding

Centralized budget
Budget per department
Use free learning to minimize cost
Budget per worker
Tap into government funding
Share costs with other companies in your industry
Share costs with other companies outside your industry

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Share of companies surveyed (%)

Future of Jobs Survey 2020, World Economic Forum.

Company leaders can ensure the success of report has shown that a number of emerging
workforce strategies by directing the transition of roles are already staffed by individuals who first
employees with empathy, within the rule of law, in transition into those positions and then ‘grow
line with company values and culture, by ensuring into’ the full skill set required. As an overarching
outcomes are equitable, and by directing learning principle, business leaders need to place equity
to effective resources and meaningful curricula. and diversity at the heart of their talent ecosystem,
A range of motivating factors can fuel reskilling ensuring that employees believe in their capacity
and upskilling uptake—connected broadly to to prosper based on merit.
employees’ sense of purpose, meaning, growth
and achievement. Employers can signal the Expanding effective workforce strategies requires
market value of new online-first credentials by strong capabilities in real time, as well as
opening up role opportunities to new cohorts of dynamic mapping of the types of opportunities
workers who have completed mid-career reskilling that remain available to workers displaced by
and upskilling. Employers can make broader the COVID-19 pandemic and the fast pace of
use of hiring on the basis of potential rather than automation. A set of technology companies
current skill sets and match potential-based hiring which are broadly classed as EdTech and
with relevant training. The data featured in this reskilling services companies can support the

The Future of Jobs 47

process of redeploying workers into the jobs of credentials. In one example, Telecommunication
tomorrow.53 Such companies utilize advanced company AT&T has worked with Udacity to
data and AI capabilities matched with user create 50 training programmes designed to
interfaces that guide workers and managers prepare individuals for the technical careers
through to discovering possible pathways into of the future which are distinctively relevant to
new job roles. The data featured in sections AT&Ts future workforce and digital strategies.55
2.2 and 2.3 already indicates the types of In particular, these strategies include courses
insights that can be accessed through such focused on skills in web and mobile development,
services—dynamically matching opportunities data science and machine learning. To date
to workers, identifying possible job destinations AT&T has spent over $200 million per year to
and singling out bridging skill sets. Companies design this internal training curriculum, known
with such capabilities can become part of a as T University, and has already achieved over
new infrastructure for the future of work which 4,200 career pivots with 70% of jobs filled
powers worker transitions from displaced to internally by those that were reskilled. In a similar
emerging roles. The efforts of matching workers effort, Shell launched an online education effort
to possible opportunities can be complemented titled the Development Program, which
by the delivery of reskilling and upskilling at scale focuses on teaching artificial intelligence skills to
through educational technology services. its employees.56 Both programmes have created
customized versions of Udacity’s Nanodegree
Finally, the necessary reskilling and upskilling programs to reskill and upskill employees with
demands substantial attention and broad-base hard-to-source, in-demand skill sets.
systemic solutions to funding the job transitions
which the current labour market context requires An additional example is provided by Coursera
at an unprecedented pace and scale. As for Government.57 At the start of the COVID-19
demonstrated in Figure 37, the Future of Jobs pandemic, a number of countries experienced
survey shows that 66% of businesses believe a surge in unemployment. Governments in over
they can see return on investment within a year 100 countries provided access to the platform to
of funding reskilling for the average employee. It citizens looking to gain new skills and credentials
remains concerning, however, that the survey also to re-enter the workforce. The programmes
reveals that only 21% of businesses report being connected graduates directly with local companies
able to make use of public funds, and merely who agreed to accept those credentials as
12% and 8% collaborate across companies and the basis of hiring decisions. Since April, this
within industries, respectively. Previous estimates programme has reached 650,000 unemployed
have shown that businesses can independently workers who enrolled in over 2.5 million courses
reskill some employees with positive return on that provide the skills needed for fast-growing jobs
investment; however, the employees who are most in IT, healthcare and business. In one example,
disrupted and with the largest need of reskilling Costa Rica’s government has worked with local
are likely to need a larger investment.54 employers across the country to identify current
job openings and skill demand and tailored the
This report calls for renewed efforts to understand programme offering to that local demand. Similar
the division of spend on reskilling and upskilling structures of collaboration have been established
workers between business and the public sector. A across local government in the United States,
typical return on investment framework considers specifically across a network of job centres.
the costs on the side of both businesses and
governments under various scenarios—such as
the extent of training costs, the cost of employees
taking time out of work, and the need to pay
unemployment benefits. On the benefits of reskilling
and upskilling workers, a calculation takes into
account avoided severance and hiring costs borne
by business, the avoided lag in productivity when
onboarding new employees and the additional
productivity of employees who feel supported and
are thriving. Additional benefits to governments
include the income tax dividends of citizens who
are employed as opposed to out of work.

A number of companies have in recent years

experimented with a range of approaches to
reskilling and upskilling. The role of business in
such a programme can be to directly drive such
efforts and define the approach to reskilling
and upskilling. In other cases, businesses can
be in a supporting role, agreeing to redefine
their approach to hiring and accept candidates
who have been reskilled through new types of

The Future of Jobs 48

October 2020 The Future of Jobs

The ongoing disruption to labour markets from To address the substantial challenges facing the
the Fourth Industrial Revolution has been further labour market today, governments must pursue
complicated—and in some cases accelerated—by a holistic approach, creating active linkages and
the onset of the pandemic-related recession of 2020. coordination between education providers, skills,
workers and employers, and ensuring effective
The most relevant question to businesses, collaboration between employment agencies, regional
governments and individuals is not to what extent governments and national governments.
automation and augmentation of human labour
will affect current employment numbers, but under Such efforts can be strengthened by
what conditions the global labour market can be multistakeholder collaboration between companies
supported towards a new equilibrium in the division looking to support their workforce; governments
of labour between human workers, robots and willing to fund reskilling and the localization of
algorithms. The technological disruptions which were mid-career education programmes; professional
in their infancy in previous editions of the Future of services firms and technology firms that can
Jobs Report are currently accelerated and amplified map potential job transitions or provide reskilling
alongside the COVID-19 recession as evidenced services; labour unions aware of the impact of
by findings from the 2020 Future of Jobs Survey. those transitions on the well-being of workers; and
While it remains difficult to establish the long-term community organizations that can give visibility to
consequences of the pandemic on the demand for the efficacy of new legislation and provide early
products and services in severely affected industries, feedback on its design.
supporting workers during this transition will protect
one of the key assets of any company and country—
its human capital.

In this new context, for the first time in recent

years, job creation is starting to lag behind job
destruction—and this factor is poised to affect
disadvantaged workers with particular ferocity.
Businesses are set to accelerate the digitalization
of work processes, learning, expansion of remote
work, as well as the automation of tasks within an
organization. This report identifies one result of the
pandemic as an increasing urgency to address the
disruption underway both by supporting and retraining
displaced workers and by monitoring the emergence
of new opportunities in the labour market.

As unemployment figures rise, it is of increasing

urgency to expand social protection, including
support for retraining to displaced and at-risk
workers as they navigate the paths towards new
opportunities in the labour market and towards
the ‘jobs of tomorrow’. Addressing the current
challenges posed by COVID-19, in tandem with the
disruption posed by technological change, requires
renewed public service innovation for the benefit of
affected workers everywhere. It also demands that
leaders embrace stakeholder capitalism and pay
closer attention to the long-dividends of investing
in human and social capital. The current moment
provides an opportunity for leaders in business,
government, and public policy to focus common
efforts on improving the access and delivery of
reskilling and upskilling, motivating redeployment and
reemployment, as well as signalling the market value
of learning that can be delivered through education
technology at scale.

The Future of Jobs 49

1. World Economic Forum, 2020a.

2. Baldwin, 2019.

3. Acemoglu, et al, 2020.

4. World Economic Forum, 2018, DeVries, et al, 2020, and Frey and Osborne, 2013.

5. Ding and Saenz Molina, 2020.

6. Hale, et al, 2020.

7. Ibid.

8. YouGov, 2020.

9. OECD, 2020a.

10. OECD, 2020a.

11. Ibid.

12. OECD, 2020b.

13. Delfs and Colitt, 2020, and Migliaccio, et al, 2020.

14. Ravn and Sterk, 2017, and Farber, 2011.

15. ILO, 2020.

16. COVID Inequality Project,

17. Author’s calculations based on data in Dingel, et al, 2020.

18. De Vries, et al, 2020.

19. Author’s calculations based on data in Dingel, et al, 2020.

20. Zhao, 2020.

21. Job-seekers searching for roles on the LinkedIn platform using built-in remote job
filters, normalized against changes to all job searches.

22. The share of job postings, which use number of keywords (i.e. ‘remote work’,
‘work from home’, home office’) in 10 different languages, as well as built-in
remote job filters.

23. LinkedIn analysed data from job search behaviour and job postings of full-time
roles and its changes due to COVID-19 during the period of 11 February to 1
July. Analysts utilized the ‘remote work’ filter and a set of searchable key words
such as ‘remote work’, ‘work from home’, ‘homeoffice’ in 10 different languages.
The index is the start of the analysis period, 11 July. Results are normalized for
platform growth as well as in the case of job searchers against the volume of job
searches. The daily figures represent a seven-day smoothed proportion.

24. Kimbrough, 2020.

25. Mongey, et al, 2020.

26. World Bank, 2020.

The Future of Jobs 50

27. Cook, et al, 2019.

28. ADP provides human capital management services to significant numbers of

US companies. Its data can therefore act as a reliable proxy for changes to the
American labour market.

29. Workers are considered to have dropped out of employment if they disappear
from the ADP database. While some of those variations can reflect worker
movements to companies which do not use ADP’s services, the scale of that
effect is not typically as large; therefore, on the basis of past trends we can
deduce that what we are reporting are reach changes to employment.

30. Data from FutureFit AI combines over 50 data sources on workforce demand and
supply, translating a range of taxonomies of jobs and skills. Supply-side sources
include over 350 million talent profiles listing 30,000 skills clusters, 80,000 job
titles, hundreds of industries, thousands of learning opportunities and millions of
companies worldwide. The data set used comes from worker profile information
sourced from resumes and online professional profiles. It also includes key
data points for the analysis—such as employers, start and end dates, job role,
industries and employment sequence, among others.

31. This metric covers approximately 300,000 young professionals in the United
States, defined here as those who have graduated with an upper secondary
or tertiary (undergraduate) degree no earlier than 2008, and have held 15 or
less positions and have not been in the labour market for longer than 20 years.
These professionals have, on average, eight years of work experience after or
during a student’s first degree. The average work experience tenure following
graduation is 6.7 years. The overwhelming majority of this sample are in their
first working decade.

32. Agopsowicz, 2019.

33. See, for example: Arntz, Melanie, Terry Gregory and Ulrich Zierahn, The risk of
automation for jobs in OECD countries: a comparative analysis, OECD Social,
Employment and Migration Working Papers No 189, Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD), 2016; McKinsey Global Institute, A
Future That Works: Automation, Employment, and Productivity, McKinsey Global
Institute (MGI), 2017; PwC, Will robots really steal our jobs? An international
analysis of the potential long term impact of automation, 2018. For a range
of relevant additional considerations, see: van der Zande, Jochem, et al., The
Substitution of Labor: From technological feasibility to other factors influencing
job automation, Innovative Internet: Report 5, Stockholm School of Economics
Institute for Research, 2018.

34. Ding and Saenz Molina, 2020.

35. World Economic Forum, 2020a.

36. For more details on how the clusters are computed please refer to World
Economic Forum, 2020a.

37. For an in-depth analysis of emerging jobs please see World Economic
Forum, 2020a.

38. According to Coursera data from individuals completing reskilling and upskilling
on its platform, working towards a new skill in Cloud Computing could take on
average 106 full calendrical days; in Content, 24 days; in Data and AI professions,
60; in Engineering, 77 days; in Marketing, 39; People and Culture, 36; Sales. 37;
and in Product Development professions, 44. We take the average month to have
21 working days.

39. Sweetland, 1996.

40. Hsieh, et al., 2019.

41. IMF, 2020.

The Future of Jobs 51

42. Atlantic Council, 2020.

43. Gentilini, et al, 2020.

44. Economic Security Project, 2020.

45. OECD, 2020b.

46. Cahuc, et al, 2006, and Carroll, et al, 2016.

47. Deelen, 2018.

48. “Skills Future Enhanced Training Support Package”, https://www.

49. Ton, 2014, and

50. For more details on the overall framework please see Word Economic
Forum, 2020b.

51. For the complete report, see


52. For the complete report, see


53. World Economic Forum, 2020c.

54. World Economic Forum, 2019.

55. For details, see


56. For details, see


57. For details, see

The Future of Jobs 52

Acemoglu, D. and P. Restrepo, Robots Deelen, A., M. de Graaf-Zijl and W.
and Jobs: Evidence from US Labor van den Berge, “Labour market
Markets, NBER Working Paper effects of job displacement for
No. 23285, National Bureau of prime-age and older workers”,
Economic Research, 2017. IZA Journal of Labour Economics,
vol. 7, no. 1, 2018, pp. 1-30.
Adams-Prassl, A., T. Boneva, C. Rauh
and M. Golin, Inequality in the Delfs, A. and R. Colitt, Germany Earmarks
Impact of the Coronavirus Shock: $12 Billion More to Extend Crisis
Evidence from Real Time Surveys, Job Support, Bloomberg, 25 August,
IZA DP No. 13183, IZA Institute 2020,
of Labor Economics, 2020. com/news/articles/2020-08-25/
Agopsowicz, A., “The Recession
Roadblock: The Long-term Career
Consequences of Graduating De Vries, G., et al, The Rise of Robots
into a Downturn”, RBC Thought and the Fall of Routines Jobs, ADB
Leadership Blog, 20 November Working Paper Series no. 619,
2019, https://thoughtleadership.rbc. Asia Development Bank, 2020.
Ding, L. and J. Saenz Molina, Forced
Automation by COVID-19? Early
Trends from Current Population
Alberola, E., Y. Arslan, G. Cheng and R. Survey Data, Federal Reserve Bank
Moessner, The fiscal response to of Philadelphia, September 2020.
the Covid-19 crisis in advanced
Dingel, J.I. and B. Neiman, How Many
and emerging market economies,
Jobs Can Be Done at Home?, NBER
BIS Bulletin No 23, Bank for
Working Paper No. 26948, National
International Settlements, 2020.
Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.
Atlantic Council, How does the G20
Farber, H., Job Loss in the Great Recession:
COVID-19 fiscal response
Historical Perspective from the
compare to the Global Financial
displaced workers Survey (1984-
Crisis?, 26 April 2020.
2010), NBER Working Paper no.
Baldwin, R., The Globotics Upheaval: 17040, National Bureau of Economic
Globalisation, Robotics and Research, 2011, https://www.
the Future of Work, Oxford
University Press, 2019.
Frey, C. and M. Osborne, The Future of
Brussevich, M., E. Dabla-Norris, and S. Employment: How Susceptible
Khalid, Who will Bear the Brunt Are Jobs to Computerisation,
of Lockdown Policies? Evidence Oxford University Press, 2013.
from Tele-workability Measures
Garrote Sanchez, D., N. Gomez Parra,
Across Countries, IMF Working
C. Ozden, B. Rijkers, M. Viollaz
Paper, June 2020 (https://www.
and H. Winkler, Who on Earth Can
Work from Home?, World Bank
Policy Research Working Paper
No. 9347, World Bank, 2020.
Measures-Across-49479). Gentilini, U., M. Almenfi, I. Orton and P.
Dale, Social Protection and Jobs
Cahuc, P., et al, “Wage Bargaining with
Responses to COVID-19 : A Real-
On-The Job Search: Theory and
Time Review of Country Measures, 10
Evidence”, Econometrica, vol.
July 2020 Update, Open Knowledge
24, no. 2, 2006, pp. 323–364.
Repository, World Bank, 2020.
Cook, K., D. Pinder, S. Stewart, A. Uchegbu
Hale, T., S. Webster, A. Petherick, T. Phillips
and J. Wright, The Future of Work
and B. Kira, Oxford COVID-19
in Black America, McKinsey &
Government Response Tracker,
Company, 4 October 2019.
Blavatnik School of Government,
COVID Inequality Project, https://sites. University of Oxford, 2020.
Henrekson, M., How Labor Market
“Covid-19 Public Monitor”, YouGov, https:// Institutions Affect Job Creation and Productivity Growth, IZA
articles-reports/2020/03/17/ World of Labor, 2020.
tracker, retrieved July 2020.

The Future of Jobs 53

Hsieh, Chang-Tai, et al, “The Allocation of Talent Reproduction of Sex Segregation”,
and Us Economic Growth”, Econometrica, Work and Occupations, vol. 43,
vol. 87, no. 5, 2019, pp. 1439–1474. no. 2, 2016, pp. 178–214.
International Labour Organization (ILO), ILO Sweetland, S.R., “Human Capital Theory:
Monitor: COVID-19 and the World of Foundations of a Field of Inquiry”,
Work, Second Edition, Updated estimates Review of Educational Research,
and analysis, 7 April 2020, https:// vol. 66, no. 3, 1996, pp. 341–59.
Ton, Z., The Good Jobs Strategy: How the
Smartest Companies Invest in Employees
to Lower Costs and Boost Profits,
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Fiscal Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014.
Monitor Database of Country Fiscal
World Bank, Poverty and Shared Prosperity
Measures in Response to the COVID-19
2020: Reversals of Fortune, 2020, http://
Pandemic, June 2020 Update, 2020.
Kimbrough, K., “Global hiring update: hiring en/225881596202941026/pdf/Who-
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is mixed”, LinkedIn, 18 May 2020,
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articles/2020-08-07/italy-extends-worker- ————, Jobs of Tomorrow: Mapping
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Seron, C., et al, “Persistence Is Cultural:
Professional Socialization and the

The Future of Jobs 54

October 2020 The Future of Jobs

Part 2
and Industry
Part 2 of the report presents data findings through both an industry and country lens,
with the aim of providing specific practical information to decision-makers and experts
from academia, business, government and civil society. Complementing the cross-
industry and cross-country analysis of results in Part 1, this section provides deeper
granularity for a given industry and country through dedicated Industry Profiles and
Country Profiles. Profiles are intended to provide interested companies and policy-
makers with the opportunity to benchmark their organization against the range of
expectations prevalent in their industry and/or country. This User’s Guide provides
an overview of the information contained in the various Industry Profiles and Country
Profiles and its appropriate interpretation.

The Future of Jobs 55

October 2020 The Future of Jobs

User’s Guide
How to Read the Country
and Industry Profiles

Country Profiles

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

United Arab Emirates 8,112,786

1 Education & skills
Digital skills among active population*
W EI G HT ED AVE R AG E 2 01 9- 20 2 0

best Jobs & work
Labour force participation
2 01 9


Attainment of basic education 82.9% Vulnerable employment 0.9%

20 18 2 02 0

Business relevance of basic education* 65.3% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 32.5%
W EI G HT ED AVE R AG E 2 01 9- 20 2 0 2 02 0

Attainment of advanced education 51.8% Unemployment rate 1.8%

20 18 2 01 9

Business relevance of tertiary education* 71% Unemployment rate

W EI G HT ED AVE R AG E 2 01 9- 20 2 0 —

Supply of business-relevant skills* 70.5% Unemployment, monthly

W EI G HT ED AVE R AG E 2 01 9- 20 2 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 3.3% Unemployment rate change
20 17 —

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 0.8% Unemployment rate change, women
20 17 —

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 11.4% Unemployment rate change, men
20 20 —

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of COVID- Share of companies surveyed

Provide more opportunities to work remotely

Big data analytics 89%
2 3
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Internet of things and connected devices 84%
Encryption and cyber security 84%
Accelerate automation of tasks
Cloud computing 84%
Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks
45.8% E-commerce and digital trade 81%
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes
39.6% Text, image and voice processing 77%

Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,

neural networks, NLP) 76%

Emerging and redundant jobs roles Power storage and generation 65%
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within their
organization, ordered by frequency Augmented and virtual reality 57%

Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 56%
1. Data Analysts and Scientists
2. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists
3. Business Development Professionals
4. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
Emerging skills
5. Digital Transformation Specialists
Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered by
6. Process Automation Specialists frequency
7. Organisational Development Specialists
General and Operations Managers
Database and Network Professionals
Analytical thinking and innovation
Complex problem-solving
3. Critical thinking and analysis
10. Big Data Specialists
4. Active learning and learning strategies
5. Leadership and social influence
1. Administrative and Executive Secretaries
6. Technology use, monitoring and control
2. Data Entry Clerks
7. Creativity, originality and initiative
3. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
8. Service orientation
4. Postal Service Clerks
9. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
5. Business Services and Administration Managers
10. Emotional intelligence
6. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers
11. Technology design and programming
7. Accountants and Auditors
12. Troubleshooting and user experience
8. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks
13. Quality control and safety awareness
9. Client Information and Customer Service Workers
14. Systems analysis and evaluation
10. Cashiers and Ticket Clerks
15. Persuasion and negotiation

The Future of Jobs 56

Country Profiles


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

6 7
Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus across their
reskilling or upskilling programs DURATION OF RESKILLING

1. Active learning and learning strategies Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months

30.6% 18.6%
2. Leadership and social influence
3. Analytical thinking and innovation
4. Quality control and safety awareness
5. Complex problem-solving
6. Critical thinking and analysis
7. Management of personnel
8. Creativity, originality and initiative 6 to 12 months
9. Technology use, monitoring and control 13.1%
10. Service orientation

1 to 3 months
Responses to shifting skill needs Over 1 year
Share of companies surveyed

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job

Retrain existing employees 86%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

new technologies

8 Look to automate the work 78% Projected use of training providers

Share of companies surveyed
Outsource some business functions to external

Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies 44.3% Internal learning and development

Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills

to use new technologies
20.4% External online training

15.5% Private training providers

8.2% Public training providers

6.5% Private educational institutions

5.1% Public educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 57

1. Hard data contextual a 0-100 score called ‘progress score’, where 100
corresponds to the best possible frontier and 0 to
indicators: Education & skills/ the worst possible frontier.
Jobs & work
Period: 2019–2020 weighted average or most
This section aims to provide the reader with the recent period available.
latest available data from contextual indicators on Source: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion
education, skills, jobs and work. To allow for an Survey 2020.
understanding of the indicators of different nature
and magnitude, the contextual indicators not
expressed as a percentage have been normalized
on a 0 to 100 scale, providing a ‘progress score’ for Attainment of advanced education:
each indicator. Percentage of the population aged 25 and over with
a tertiary education (includes ISCED 5-8).
The total working age population is displayed in
the top right corner of the page. The working-age Period: 2018 or latest available data (accessed
population is the number of people aged 25 and September 2020).
over. In addition to using a minimum age threshold, Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Education
certain countries also apply a maximum age limit. Indicators.

Period: 2019 or latest available data (accessed

September 2020).
Source:ILOstat, International Labour Organization. Business relevance of tertiary education:
Score computed based on the average response of
companies operating in this country to the Executive
Education & skills Opinion Survey question “In your country, to what
extent do university graduates possess the skills
needed by businesses?” [1 = not all; 7 = to a great
Digital skills among active population: extent]. Results converted to a 0-100 score called
Score computed based on the average response of ‘progress score, where 100 corresponds to the best
companies operating in this country to the Executive possible frontier and 0 to the worst possible frontier.
Opinion Survey question “In your country, to what
extent does the active population possess sufficient Period: 2019–2020 weighted average or most
digital skills (e.g. computer skills, basic coding, digital recent period available.
reading)?” [1 = not all; 7 = to a great extent]. Results Source: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion
converted to a 0-100 score called ‘progress score’, Survey 2020.
where 100 corresponds to the best possible frontier
and 0 to the worst possible frontier.

Period: 2019–2020 weighted average or most Supply of business relevant skills:

recent period available. Score computed based on the average response
Source: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion of companies operating in this country to the
Survey 2020. Executive Opinion Survey question “In your country,
to what extent can companies find people with
the skills required to fill their vacancies?” [1 = not
at all; 7 = to a great extent]. Results converted to
Attainment of basic education: a 0-100 score called ‘progress score’, where 100
Percentage of the population aged 25 and over with corresponds to the best possible frontier and 0 to
at least a secondary education (includes ISCED 2-4). the worst possible frontier.
This data is cumulative, which means that those with
tertiary education are counted in the figures. Period: 2019–2020 weighted average or most
recent period available.
Period: 2018 or latest available data (accessed Source: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion
September 2020). Survey 2020.
Source: UNESCO, Institute for Statistics, Education

Unemployment rate among workers with basic

Business relevance of basic education: The unemployment rate among workers with
Score computed based on the average response basic education is the number of persons who
of companies operating in this country to the are unemployed as a percentage of the total
Executive Opinion Survey question “In your country, number of employed and unemployed persons
to what extent do secondary-education graduates (i.e. the labour force). Data by level of education
possess the skills needed by businesses?" [1 = is provided on the highest level of education
not all; 7 = to a great extent]. Results converted to completed (includes ISCED 2-4).

The Future of Jobs 58

Period: 2019 or latest available data (accessed September 2020).
September 2020). Source: ILOstat, International Labour Organization.
Source: ILOstat, International Labour Organization.

Erosion of working conditions impacted by gig

Unemployment rate among workers with economy:
advanced education: Score computed based on the average response
The unemployment rate among workers with of companies operating in this country to the
advanced education is the number of persons who Executive Opinion Survey question “In your
are unemployed as a percentage of the total number country, what is the impact of the online gig
of employed and unemployed persons (i.e. the economy on working conditions (e.g., working
labour force). Data by level of education is provided time, remuneration, stability)?” [1= Significantly
on the highest level of education completed. worsen working conditions; 7= Significantly
(includes ISCED 5-8). improves working conditions]. Results converted to
a 0-100 score called ‘progress score’, where 100
Period: 2019 or latest available data (accessed corresponds to the best possible frontier and 0 to
September 2020). the worst possible frontier.
Source: ILOstat, International Labour Organization.
Period: 2019–2020 weighted average or most
recent period available.
Source: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion
Share of youth not in employment, education or Survey 2020.
This is the share of youth not in employment,
education or training (NEET). Values represented are
ILO modelled estimates. Unemployment rate (latest annual), latest
available quarterly), (latest monthly) :
Please note that imputed observations are not based The latest annual unemployment rate is calculated
on national data, are subject to high uncertainty by expressing the number of unemployed persons
and should not be used for country comparisons as a percentage of the total number of persons in
or rankings. This indicator refers to the proportion the labour force. The labour force (formerly known
of youth who are not in employment and not in as the economically active population) is the sum of
education or training. For statistical purposes, youth the number of persons employed and the number
are defined as persons between the ages of 15 and of persons unemployed. Thus, the measurement of
24 years. For more information, refer to the indicator the unemployment rate requires the measurement
description and the ILO estimates and projections of both employment and unemployment. The
methodological note. unemployed comprise all persons of working age
who were: a) without work during the reference
Period: November 2019. period, i.e. were not in paid employment or self-
Source: ILOstat, International Labour Organization. employment; b) currently available for work, i.e. were
available for paid employment or self-employment
during the reference period; and c) seeking work,
i.e. had taken specific steps in a specified recent
period to seek paid employment or self-employment.
Jobs & work Future starters, that is, persons who did not look for
work but have a future labour market stake (made
arrangements for a future job start) are also counted
Labour force participation: as unemployed, as well as participants in skills
The labour force participation rate is the proportion training or retraining schemes within employment
of the working-age population actively engaged promotion programmes, who on that basis, were
in the labour market. The share of the population “not in employment”, not “currently available” and did
either in employment or looking for employment as a not “seek employment” because they had a job offer
percentage of the total working age population. to start within a short subsequent period generally
not greater than three months and persons “not in
Period: 2019 or latest available data (accessed employment” who carried out activities to migrate
September 2020). abroad in order to work for pay or profit but who
Source: ILOstat, International Labour Organization. were still waiting for the opportunity to leave.

Vulnerable employment: Period: Latest available data for each period

Vulnerable employment is defined as contributing (accessed September 2020).
family workers and own-account workers as a Source: ILOstat, International Labour Organization.
percentage of total employment.

Period: 2020 or latest available data (accessed

The Future of Jobs 59

Unemployment rate (2019-2020 Q2 change, the O*NET labour market information system (see
(2019-2020 Q2 change by gender) Appendix A: Report Methodology for details).
These values represent the change in unemployment
rate from 2019 year-end to Q2 2020, using the Period: 2020.
figures sourced above. We also featured these Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs
figures above broken down by gender. Survey 2020.

Period: Latest available data for each period

(accessed September 2020).
Source: ILOstat, International Labour Organization.
5. Emerging skills:

The table provides the list of skills the country

2. Impact of COVID-19 on respondents have selected as being increasingly
important within their organization. It is based on the
companies strategies: responses to the following question “Keeping in mind
the tasks that will be performed by the key roles in
This bar chart shows the top five measures your organization, in the next four years would you
organizations are planning on implementing in expect an increase or decrease in the use of the
response to the current COVID-19 outbreak as following skills by individuals?” from the Future of
a share of survey respondents from companies Jobs Survey. The skills are ranked by frequency and
operating in the country. It is based on the ranked from 1 to 15. The full list of skills is based
responses to the following question “In response on the O*NET classification and available in the
to the current outbreak, which of the following appendix section of this report.
measures has your company implemented or is
planning to implement across the Organization?” Period: 2020.
from the Future of Jobs Survey. Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs
Survey 2020.
Period: 2020.
Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs
Survey 2020.

6. Current skills in focus of

existing reskilling/upskilling
3. Technology adoption: programmes:
The table provides the list of skills that are the focus
This bar chart represents the share of survey of existing company reskilling/upskilling programmes
respondents from companies operating in the for companies based in the country. It is based on the
country who indicated that, by 2025, their company responses to the following question “Keeping in mind
was “likely” or “very likely” (on a 5-point scale) to your current strategic direction, select the top 10 skill
have adopted the stated technology as part of its clusters that you are currently focusing your reskilling/
growth strategy. For a more detailed discussion of upskilling efforts on?” from the Future of Jobs Survey.
each technology, please refer to the “Technological The skills are ranked from 1 to 15, with 1 being the
adoption” section in chapter 2 of the report. skill for which most organizations offer training. The full
list of skills is based on the O*NET classification and
Period: 2020. available in the appendix section of this report.
Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs
Survey 2020. Period: 2020.
Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs
Survey 2020.

4. Emerging and redundant job

7. Average reskilling needs:
This table provides an overview of job roles expected
to see an increase and decrease in demand across The treemap shows the estimated time needed
the country over the 2020–2025 period. The to reskill each share of the workforce that needs
individual job roles listed are for illustrative purposes reskilling within the country. It is based on the
and report the job roles most frequently cited by responses to the following question “Bearing in mind
survey respondents from companies operating in the the evolving skill demand, how long do you expect
country. Categorization of job roles is adapted from the reskilling/upskilling of your employees to take?”

The Future of Jobs 60

October 2020 The Future of Jobs

from the Future of Jobs Survey. Respondents were

asked to provide as share of their workforce for each 9. Projected use of training
duration of reskilling/upskilling.
Period: 2020.
Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs The chart shows the projected proportion of the use
Survey 2020. of different training providers for the future training
programmes of companies based in the country. It is
based on the responses to the following question “In
your future retraining programme, what proportion
of training provision will come from the options
8. Response to shifting skill needs: mentioned below?” from the Future of Jobs Survey.

Period: 2020.
The bar chart shows the top strategies organizations Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs
will undertake to address the shifting skills demand Survey 2020.
as a share of survey responses from companies
operating in the country. It is based on the
responses to the following multiple-choice question
“How likely is your organization to undertake the
following strategies to address the shifting skills
demand?” from the Future of Jobs Survey.

Period: 2020.
Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs
Survey 2020.

The Future of Jobs 61

Industry Profiles

Industry Profile 1/2

Advanced Manufacturing
1 Expected redeployment
success rate of displaced
Average skills instability
among workforce


Average share of workers at risk of

41.3% 43.6%

Technology adoption in industry
Share of companies surveyed
Emerging skills
Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered by 3
1. Technology use, monitoring and control
Cloud computing 89%
2. Critical thinking and analysis
Internet of things and connected devices 87% 3. Active learning and learning strategies
4. Leadership and social influence
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation, 85%
drones, etc.) 5. Analytical thinking and innovation
6. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
E-commerce and digital trade 83%
7. Complex problem-solving
Big data analytics 76% 8. Service orientation
9. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
Encryption and cyber security 74%
10. Technology design and programming

74% 11. Troubleshooting and user experience

3D and 4D printing and modelling
12. Systems analysis and evaluation
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural 68% 13. Coordination and time management
networks, NLP)
14. Quality control and safety awareness
Text, image and voice processing 62% 15. Attention to detail, trustworthiness

Power storage and generation 58%

Emerging and redundant jobs roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within their
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy organization, ordered by frequency

4 Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of COVID-


1. Business Development Professionals

Provide more opportunities to work remotely 2. Software and Applications Developers
3. Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technic…
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
4. Robotics Engineers
73.1% 5. Internet of Things Specialists
Accelerate automation of tasks 6. Data Analysts and Scientists
57.7% 7. Project Managers
Temporarily reduce workforce 8. Power Production Plant Operators
9. Assembly and Factory Workers
Accelerate ongoing organisational transformations (e.g. restructuring)
10. AI and Machine Learning Specialists

1. Assembly and Factory Workers

2. Relationship Managers
3. Business Services and Administration Managers
4. Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technic…
5. Administrative and Executive Secretaries
6. General and Operations Managers
7. Door-To-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and R…
8. Data Entry Clerks
9. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
10. Accountants and Auditors

The Future of Jobs 62

Industry Profiles


6 Barriers to adoption of new technologies

Share of companies surveyed
Expected impact on workforce
Share of companies surveyed 7
Modify the composition of the value chain
Skills gaps in the local labour market 67.7% 67.7%

Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 54.8% Expand its use of contractors doing task-specialized work
Inability to attract specialized talent 45.2% Reduce its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Shortage of investment capital 41.9% Modify the locations where the organization operates
Insufficient understanding of opportunities 38.7% Expand its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 25.8%

Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 19.4%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Lack of interest among leadership 9.7% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus across their
Other 6.5% reskilling or upskilling programs
1. Technology use, monitoring and control
2. Analytical thinking and innovation
3. Complex problem-solving
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024
Technology installation and maintenance
Critical thinking and analysis
Machine share Human share

8 6.
Technology design and programming
Quality control and safety awareness
Information and data processing 8. Service orientation
38.3% 9. Management of financial, material resources

Performing physical and manual work activities 10. Leadership and social influence


Looking for and receiving job-related information

Average reskilling needs
Share of workforce within this industry
All tasks

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months
26.8% 16.6%
Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information

52.2% 10
Performing complex and technical activities 6 to 12 months

Communicating and interacting

1 to 3 months
Coordinating, developing, managing and advising 22.4%


Reasoning and decision-making Over 1 year


The Future of Jobs 63

1. Average share of displaced important within their organization. It is based on the
responses to the following question “Keeping in mind
workers / Expected redeployment the tasks that will be performed by the key roles in
success rate of displaced workers your organization, in the next four years would you
/ Average skills instability among expect an increase or decrease in the use of the
following skills by individuals?” from the Future of
workforce Jobs Survey. The skills are ranked by frequency and
ranked from 1 to 15. The full list of skills is based
The share of workers at risk of displacement was on the O*NET classification and available in the
calculated by computing the mean response of appendix section of this report.
surveyed employers operating in this industry to the
Future of Jobs Survey question: “What proportion Period: 2020.
of your global workforce do these employees which Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs
are likely to become increasingly redundant in your Survey 2020.
organization represent in the next four years?”

The expected redeployment success rate was

calculated by computing the mean response
from surveyed employers from this industry to the 4. Impact of Covid-19 on
Future of Jobs Survey question “What percentage
of employees with increasingly redundant skillsets
companies’ strategy:
do you expect to successfully redeploy within your
organization after they have completed their reskilling This bar chart shows the top 5 measures
programme?” organizations are planning on implementing in
response to the current COVID-19 outbreak as
The average skills instability among the workforce a share of survey respondents from the industry.
was calculated by computing the mean response It is based on the responses to the following
from surveyed employers from this industry to the question “In response to the current outbreak,
Future of Jobs Survey question “Keeping in mind the which of the following measures has your company
tasks that will be performed by your employees, in implemented or is planning to implement across the
the next four years what proportion of the core skills Organization?” from the Future of Jobs Survey.
required to perform their roles well will be different”.
Period: 2020.
Period: 2020. Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs
Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs Survey 2020.
Survey 2020.

5. Emerging and redundant job

2. Technology adoption in roles:
This table provides an overview of job roles expected
This bar chart represents the share of survey to experience an increase and decrease in demand
respondents from companies operating in the within this industry over the 2020–2025 period. The
industry who indicated that, by 2025, their individual job roles listed are for illustrative purposes
company was “likely” or “very likely” (on a 5-point and report the job roles most frequently cited by
scale) to have adopted the stated technology as survey respondents from companies operating in the
part of its growth strategy by 2025. For a more industry. Categorization of job roles is adapted from
detailed discussion of each technology, please the O*NET labour market information system (please
refer to the “Technology adoption” section in see Appendix A: Report Methodology for details).
chapter 2 of the report.
Period: 2020.
Period: 2020. Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs
Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs Survey 2020.
Survey 2020.

6. Barriers to adoption of new

3. Emerging skills: technologies:

The table provides the list of skills the industry This bar chart shows the most common barriers
respondents have selected as being increasingly companies face when adopting new technologies.

The Future of Jobs 64

It is based on the responses to the following upskilling efforts on?” from the Future of Jobs
multiple-choice question “What are the top Survey. The skills are ranked from 1 to 10 by
economic and social barriers your organization frequency of responses by companies surveyed
experiences when introducing new technologies?” from this industry, with 1 being the skill for which
from the Future of Jobs Survey. This bar is ranked most organzations offer training. The full list of skills
by frequency of responses by companies surveyed is based on the O*NET classification and available in
from this industry. the appendix section of this report.

Period: 2020. Period: 2020.

Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs
Survey 2020. Survey 2020.

7. Expected impact on workforce: 10. Average reskilling needs:

This bar chart shows the expected impact of the The treemap shows the estimated time needed
current growth strategy of companies operating to reskill each share of the workforce that needs
in this industry on their workforce in the next four reskilling within the industry. It is based on the
years. It is based on the responses to the following responses to the following question “Bearing in mind
multiple-choice question “To deliver on your the evolving skill demand, how long do you expect
organization’s current growth strategy in the next the reskilling/upskilling of your employees to take?”
four years, your organization would need to?” from from the Future of Jobs Survey. Respondents were
the Future of Jobs Survey. asked to provide as share of their workforce for each
duration of reskilling/upskilling.
Period: 2020.
Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs Period: 2020.
Survey 2020. Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs
Survey 2020.

8. Augmentation of key job tasks

by 2024:

The bar chart depicts the share of time that will

be performed by humans compared to machines
by 2024 for each task. It is based on the
responses to the following question “Currently,
what proportion of time spent doing tasks in
your organization is spent by your employees
performing the work?” from the Future of Jobs
Survey. This stacked bar chart is ranked by share
of time spent doing tasks by machines.

Period: 2020.
Source: World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs
Survey 2020.

9. Current skills in focus of

existing reskilling/upskilling
The table provides the list of skills that are the focus
of existing industry company reskilling/upskilling
programmes. It is based on the responses to the
following question “Keeping in mind your current
strategic direction, select the top 10 skill clusters
that you are currently focusing your reskilling/

The Future of Jobs 65

October 2020 The Future of Jobs


The Future of Jobs 66

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Argentina 17,640,048
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 50.1% Labour force participation 65.7%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 57.2% Vulnerable employment 21.9%

20 1 8 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 45.9% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 48.7%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 20% Unemployment rate 7.4%

20 1 8 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 66.2% Unemployment rate

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Supply of business-relevant skills* 54% Unemployment, monthly

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 3.4% Unemployment rate change
20 1 9 —

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 9.6% Unemployment rate change, women
20 1 9 —

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 19.9% Unemployment rate change, men
20 2 0 —

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
87.5% Text, image and voice processing 95%

Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Cloud computing 90%
87.5% Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
neural networks, NLP) 89%
Accelerate automation of tasks
Big data analytics 80%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
50% Internet of things and connected devices 75%

Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes E-commerce and digital trade 72%
Encryption and cyber security 70%

Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,

Emerging and redundant job roles drones, etc.)
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency Augmented and virtual reality 67%

3D and 4D printing and modelling 65%
1. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
2. Robotics Engineers
3. Digital Transformation Specialists
4. Software and Applications Developers Emerging skills
5. Internet of Things Specialists Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. FinTech Engineers
7. Data Analysts and Scientists 1. Creativity, originality and initiative
8. Business Services and Administration Managers 2. Complex problem-solving
9. Renewable Energy Engineers 3. Analytical thinking and innovation
10. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists 4. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
REDUNDANT 5. Active learning and learning strategies
1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Technology use, monitoring and control
2. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 7. Quality control and safety awareness
3. Electronics and Telecommunications Installers and Repairers 8. Emotional intelligence
4. Assembly and Factory Workers 9. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
5. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 10. Persuasion and negotiation
6. Shop Salespersons 11. Critical thinking and analysis
7. Sales and Marketing Professionals 12. Coordination and time management
8. Relationship Managers 13. Technology installation and maintenance
9. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks 14. Technology design and programming
10. Bank Tellers and Related Clerks 15. Troubleshooting and user experience

The Future of Jobs 67


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months

1. Active learning and learning strategies 33.3% 18.4%
2. Creativity, originality and initiative
3. Critical thinking and analysis
4. Troubleshooting and user experience
5. Analytical thinking and innovation
6. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
7. Quality control and safety awareness
6 to 12 months
8. Persuasion and negotiation 14%
9. Management of personnel
10. Leadership and social influence

Over 1 year
Responses to shifting skill needs 1 to 3 months 18.4%
Share of companies surveyed

Retrain existing employees 88%

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job
Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
Projected use of training providers
Look to automate the work 69%
Share of companies surveyed
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new
technologies 26.1% Internal learning and development
Outsource some business functions to external

23.1% Private training providers

17.5% Public educational institutions

15.9% Private educational institutions

14% External online training

3.4% Public training providers

The Future of Jobs 68

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Australia 17,332,023
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 65.5% Labour force participation 65.6%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 93.4% Vulnerable employment 10.6%

20 1 8 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 59.7% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 46.8%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 43.3% Unemployment rate 3.9%

20 1 8 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 68.4% Unemployment rate 5.4%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 Q2 2020

Supply of business-relevant skills* 59.7% Unemployment, monthly 5.6%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 AU G U ST 20 2 0

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. Unemployment rate change 1.5%
— 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. Unemployment rate change, women 1.3%
— 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 8.6% Unemployment rate change, men 1.7%
20 2 0 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
conferencing) neural networks, NLP) 97%
Provide more opportunities to work remotely Internet of things and connected devices 94%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology Cloud computing 91%
65.4% Big data analytics 91%
Accelerate automation of tasks Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
61.5% drones, etc.) 81%
Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring)
53.8% Text, image and voice processing 79%

Encryption and cyber security 79%

Emerging and redundant job roles Augmented and virtual reality 69%
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency E-commerce and digital trade 68%

3D and 4D printing and modelling 58%
1. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
2. Data Analysts and Scientists
3. Information Security Analysts
4. Big Data Specialists Emerging skills
5. Process Automation Specialists Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Digital Transformation Specialists
7. Remote Sensing Scientists and Technologists 1. Analytical thinking and innovation
8. Organizational Development Specialists 2. Active learning and learning strategies
9. Mechanical Engineers 3. Critical thinking and analysis
10. Internet of Things Specialists 4. Leadership and social influence
REDUNDANT 5. Technology use, monitoring and control
1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Emotional intelligence
2. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 7. Complex problem-solving
3. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 8. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
4. Business Services and Administration Managers 9. Creativity, originality and initiative
5. General and Operations Managers 10. Technology design and programming
6. Assembly and Factory Workers 11. Systems analysis and evaluation
7. Credit and Loans Officers 12. Service orientation
8. Client Information and Customer Service Workers 13. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
9. Accountants and Auditors 14. Quality control and safety awareness
10. Cashiers and Ticket Clerks 15. Troubleshooting and user experience

The Future of Jobs 69


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 27.7% 15.6%
2. Critical thinking and analysis
3. Technology use, monitoring and control
4. Leadership and social influence
5. Active learning and learning strategies
6. Technology design and programming
7. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation 6 to 12 months
8. Complex problem-solving
9. Quality control and safety awareness
10. Emotional intelligence
1 to 3 months
Over 1 year
Responses to shifting skill needs
Share of companies surveyed

Retrain existing employees 97%

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job

Look to automate the work 86%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

Projected use of training providers
new technologies
Share of companies surveyed
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new
Outsource some business functions to external 44.6% Internal learning and development

15.3% Private training providers

15% Public educational institutions

14% External online training

7.8% Public training providers

3.4% Private educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 70

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Brazil 136,154,622
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 36.9% Labour force participation 64.2%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 60% Vulnerable employment 27.9%

20 1 8 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 32.1% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 44.7%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 16.5% Unemployment rate 8.7%

20 1 8 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 45.1% Unemployment rate 11.9%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 Q2 2020

Supply of business-relevant skills* 42.2% Unemployment, monthly

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 6% Unemployment rate change 1.6%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 9.3% Unemployment rate change, women 1.4%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 23.6% Unemployment rate change, men 1.8%
20 2 0 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Cloud computing 97%
Big data analytics 97%
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
Encryption and cyber security 94%
Accelerate automation of tasks
68% Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
neural networks, NLP) 94%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
52% Internet of things and connected devices 91%

Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks Text, image and voice processing 84%
E-commerce and digital trade 84%

Augmented and virtual reality 78%

Emerging and redundant job roles
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.) 74%
their organization, ordered by frequency
Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 71%
1. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
2. Data Analysts and Scientists
3. Internet of Things Specialists
4. Digital Transformation Specialists Emerging skills
5. Big Data Specialists Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Management and Organisation Analysts
7. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists 1. Active learning and learning strategies
8. Project Managers 2. Analytical thinking and innovation
9. Process Automation Specialists 3. Creativity, originality and initiative
10. Business Services and Administration Managers 4. Leadership and social influence
REDUNDANT 5. Emotional intelligence
1. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 6. Critical thinking and analysis
2. Data Entry Clerks 7. Complex problem-solving
3. Assembly and Factory Workers 8. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
4. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 9. Technology design and programming
5. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers 10. Service orientation
6. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks 11. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
7. Client Information and Customer Service Workers 12. Troubleshooting and user experience
8. Bank Tellers and Related Clerks 13. Technology use, monitoring and control
9. Accountants and Auditors 14. Systems analysis and evaluation
10. Business Services and Administration Managers 15. Persuasion and negotiation

The Future of Jobs 71


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months

1. Leadership and social influence 21.4% 20.9%
2. Analytical thinking and innovation
3. Active learning and learning strategies
4. Critical thinking and analysis
5. Technology design and programming
6. Service orientation
7. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation 6 to 12 months
8. Management of personnel 17.1%
9. Creativity, originality and initiative
10. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
1 to 3 months

Over 1 year
Responses to shifting skill needs 21%
Share of companies surveyed

Look to automate the work 97%

Retrain existing employees 93%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

new technologies
Expect existing employees to pick up skills on
Projected use of training providers
the job
Share of companies surveyed
Outsource some business functions to external
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
36.9% Internal learning and development
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new

22.6% External online training

19.9% Private training providers

8.6% Private educational institutions

6.7% Public educational institutions

5.3% Public training providers

The Future of Jobs 72

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Canada 26,359,853
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 67.9% Labour force participation 65.9%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education Vulnerable employment 10.7%

— 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 61.2% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 36.1%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 49.7% Unemployment rate 4.8%

20 1 6 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 71.1% Unemployment rate 10.5%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 Q2 2020

Supply of business-relevant skills* 68.4% Unemployment, monthly 8.9%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 AU G U ST 20 2 0

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 4.2% Unemployment rate change 6%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 8% Unemployment rate change, women 6.4%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 12.8% Unemployment rate change, men 5.5%
20 2 0 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Encryption and cyber security 91%
Cloud computing 91%
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
Internet of things and connected devices 88%
Accelerate automation of tasks
63.2% Big data analytics 84%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
providers) Text, image and voice processing 81%
Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring) E-commerce and digital trade 79%
Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 72%

Augmented and virtual reality 72%

Emerging and redundant job roles
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within drones, etc.) 68%
their organization, ordered by frequency
EMERGING 3D and 4D printing and modelling 60%
1. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
2. Data Analysts and Scientists
3. Process Automation Specialists
4. Information Security Analysts
Emerging skills
5. Software and Applications Developers Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Internet of Things Specialists
7. Big Data Specialists 1. Analytical thinking and innovation
8. Mathematicians, Actuaries and Statisticians 2. Active learning and learning strategies
9. FinTech Engineers 3. Technology design and programming
10. Digital Transformation Specialists 4. Critical thinking and analysis

5. Complex problem-solving

1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Leadership and social influence

2. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 7. Emotional intelligence

3. Business Services and Administration Managers 8. Technology use, monitoring and control

4. Accountants and Auditors 9. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility

5. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 10. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation

6. Mining and Petroleum Extraction Workers 11. Creativity, originality and initiative

7. Assembly and Factory Workers 12. Systems analysis and evaluation

8. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers 13. Troubleshooting and user experience

9. Human Resources Specialists 14. Service orientation

10. Financial Analysts 15. Quality control and safety awareness

The Future of Jobs 73


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months 6 to 12 months

1. Leadership and social influence 22.3% 18.8% 13.9%
2. Analytical thinking and innovation
3. Critical thinking and analysis
4. Technology design and programming
5. Active learning and learning strategies
6. Technology use, monitoring and control
7. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
8. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
9. Quality control and safety awareness
10. Management of personnel
1 to 3 months
19.4% Over 1 year

Responses to shifting skill needs

Share of companies surveyed

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

new technologies

Retrain existing employees 93%

Look to automate the work 79%

Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to

Projected use of training providers
new technologies
Share of companies surveyed
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new
Outsource some business functions to external
42% Internal learning and development
Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills
to use new technologies

20% Private training providers

17.6% External online training

8.2% Public educational institutions

6.2% Public training providers

6% Private educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 74

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

China -
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 71.7% Labour force participation 74%
20 2 0 2 0 10

Attainment of basic education Vulnerable employment 45.1%

— 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 66.9% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 28.2%
20 2 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education Unemployment rate

— —

Business relevance of tertiary education* 73.6% Unemployment rate

20 2 0 —

Supply of business-relevant skills* 71.1% Unemployment, monthly

20 2 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. Unemployment rate change
— —

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. Unemployment rate change, women
— —

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 18% Unemployment rate change, men
20 2 0 —

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
conferencing) neural networks, NLP) 96%
Provide more opportunities to work remotely Encryption and cyber security 94%
Accelerate automation of tasks Internet of things and connected devices 90%
Big data analytics 88%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
53.8% E-commerce and digital trade 86%

Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
41% drones, etc.) 84%

Text, image and voice processing 78%

Emerging and redundant job roles Augmented and virtual reality 73%
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 69%

3D and 4D printing and modelling 66%
1. Data Analysts and Scientists
2. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
3. Big Data Specialists
4. Information Security Analysts Emerging skills
5. Digital Transformation Specialists Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Internet of Things Specialists
7. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists 1. Analytical thinking and innovation
8. Supply Chain and Logistics Specialists 2. Active learning and learning strategies
9. FinTech Engineers 3. Complex problem-solving
10. Assembly and Factory Workers 4. Technology design and programming
REDUNDANT 5. Creativity, originality and initiative
1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
2. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 7. Critical thinking and analysis
3. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 8. Emotional intelligence
4. Business Services and Administration Managers 9. Technology use, monitoring and control
5. Assembly and Factory Workers 10. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
6. Accountants and Auditors 11. Leadership and social influence
7. General and Operations Managers 12. Troubleshooting and user experience
8. Client Information and Customer Service Workers 13. Service orientation
9. Human Resources Specialists 14. Systems analysis and evaluation
10. Financial and Investment Advisers 15. Quality control and safety awareness

The Future of Jobs 75


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 6 to 12 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 18.7% 19.9%
2. Leadership and social influence
3. Active learning and learning strategies
4. Technology design and programming
5. Critical thinking and analysis
6. Complex problem-solving
1 to 3 months
7. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
8. Creativity, originality and initiative
9. Service orientation
Over 1 year
10. Technology use, monitoring and control

3 to 6 months
Responses to shifting skill needs 20.9%
Share of companies surveyed

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job

Retrain existing employees 89%

Look to automate the work 85%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

Projected use of training providers
new technologies
Share of companies surveyed
Outsource some business functions to external
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
40.7% Internal learning and development
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new

20.4% External online training

17.5% Private training providers

7.2% Private educational institutions

7.2% Public training providers

6.9% Public educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 76

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

France 45,968,569
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 57.1% Labour force participation 58.4%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 84.2% Vulnerable employment 7.4%

20 1 7 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 55.7% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 49.7%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 30.1% Unemployment rate 7.3%

20 1 7 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 67.2% Unemployment rate 5.2%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 Q2 2020

Supply of business-relevant skills* 55.9% Unemployment, monthly 5.4%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 J U LY 2 0 2 0

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 4.6% Unemployment rate change -1.6%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 13.2% Unemployment rate change, women -2%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 10.3% Unemployment rate change, men -1.2%
20 2 0 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Internet of things and connected devices 94%
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
Provide more opportunities to work remotely neural networks, NLP) 91%
Accelerate automation of tasks Encryption and cyber security 89%
Cloud computing 89%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
45.8% Big data analytics 89%

Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes Augmented and virtual reality 78%
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.) 77%

Emerging and redundant job roles E-commerce and digital trade 74%
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 74%

Text, image and voice processing 72%
1. Data Analysts and Scientists
2. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
3. Big Data Specialists
4. Internet of Things Specialists Emerging skills
5. Software and Applications Developers Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Assembly and Factory Workers
7. General and Operations Managers 1. Active learning and learning strategies
8. FinTech Engineers 2. Critical thinking and analysis
9. Digital Transformation Specialists 3. Analytical thinking and innovation
10. Business Services and Administration Managers 4. Technology design and programming
REDUNDANT 5. Complex problem-solving
1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Creativity, originality and initiative
2. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 7. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
3. Accountants and Auditors 8. Emotional intelligence
4. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 9. Service orientation
5. Assembly and Factory Workers 10. Leadership and social influence
6. Financial Analysts 11. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
7. Human Resources Specialists 12. Systems analysis and evaluation
8. General and Operations Managers 13. Technology use, monitoring and control
9. Client Information and Customer Service Workers 14. Persuasion and negotiation
10. Claims Adjusters, Examiners, and Investigators 15. Troubleshooting and user experience

The Future of Jobs 77


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 6 to 12 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 16.2% 19.8%
2. Active learning and learning strategies
3. Leadership and social influence
4. Emotional intelligence
5. Critical thinking and analysis
6. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
7. Management of personnel 1 to 3 months
13.5% Over 1 year
8. Complex problem-solving
9. Technology use, monitoring and control
10. Technology design and programming

3 to 6 months
Responses to shifting skill needs
Share of companies surveyed

Retrain existing employees 93%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

new technologies

Look to automate the work 81%

Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to

Projected use of training providers
new technologies
Share of companies surveyed
Outsource some business functions to external
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new
37.8% Internal learning and development
Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills
to use new technologies

25.8% External online training

16% Private training providers

7.9% Public training providers

7.6% Public educational institutions

4.9% Private educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 78

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Germany 62,281,725
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 62.5% Labour force participation 63.3%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 96.3% Vulnerable employment 5.6%

20 1 8 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 64.7% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 41.6%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 25.7% Unemployment rate 2.9%

20 1 8 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 69.6% Unemployment rate

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Supply of business-relevant skills* 60.8% Unemployment, monthly 4.2%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 J U LY 2 0 2 0

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 1.8% Unemployment rate change
20 1 9 —

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 7.5% Unemployment rate change, women
20 1 9 —

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 5.4% Unemployment rate change, men
20 2 0 —

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Cloud computing 92%
Big data analytics 90%
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
Internet of things and connected devices 90%
Accelerate automation of tasks
51.4% Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
neural networks, NLP) 90%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
42.9% E-commerce and digital trade 83%

Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes Encryption and cyber security 81%
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.) 76%

Emerging and redundant job roles Augmented and virtual reality 73%
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency Text, image and voice processing 71%

Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 60%
1. Data Analysts and Scientists
2. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
3. Digital Transformation Specialists
4. Big Data Specialists Emerging skills
5. Internet of Things Specialists Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Information Security Analysts
7. Project Managers 1. Active learning and learning strategies
8. Software and Applications Developers 2. Analytical thinking and innovation
9. Database and Network Professionals 3. Complex problem-solving
10. Process Automation Specialists 4. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
REDUNDANT 5. Leadership and social influence
1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Critical thinking and analysis
2. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 7. Creativity, originality and initiative
3. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 8. Technology design and programming
4. Accountants and Auditors 9. Emotional intelligence
5. Business Services and Administration Managers 10. Service orientation
6. General and Operations Managers 11. Systems analysis and evaluation
7. Client Information and Customer Service Workers 12. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
8. Financial and Investment Advisers 13. Technology use, monitoring and control
9. Assembly and Factory Workers 14. Instruction, mentoring and teaching
10. Human Resources Specialists 15. Troubleshooting and user experience

The Future of Jobs 79


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 6 to 12 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 23.7% 19.7%
2. Leadership and social influence
3. Active learning and learning strategies
4. Critical thinking and analysis
5. Technology design and programming
6. Creativity, originality and initiative
7. Emotional intelligence
8. Complex problem-solving 1 to 3 months
9. Service orientation 18%
Over 1 year
10. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility 22.1%

Responses to shifting skill needs

3 to 6 months
Share of companies surveyed

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job
Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to
new technologies

Retrain existing employees 85%

Projected use of training providers
Look to automate the work 81%
Share of companies surveyed
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new
Outsource some business functions to external 42.5% Internal learning and development

19.4% External online training

19.1% Private training providers

7.2% Private educational institutions

6.7% Public training providers

5% Public educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 80

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

India 588,373,756
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 49.2% Labour force participation 55.5%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 18

Attainment of basic education Vulnerable employment 74%

— 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 37.2% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 38.5%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education Unemployment rate 2.5%

— 2 0 18

Business relevance of tertiary education* 38.9% Unemployment rate

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Supply of business-relevant skills* 42.3% Unemployment, monthly

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 9.2% Unemployment rate change
20 1 8 —

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 1.6% Unemployment rate change, women
20 1 8 —

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 31.1% Unemployment rate change, men
20 2 0 —

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
90.3% Cloud computing 98%

Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Encryption and cyber security 95%
Internet of things and connected devices 90%
Accelerate automation of tasks
58.1% Big data analytics 88%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
providers) Text, image and voice processing 86%
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
neural networks, NLP) 81%
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.) 77%

Emerging and redundant job roles Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 75%
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency E-commerce and digital trade 73%

Power storage and generation 64%
1. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
2. Data Analysts and Scientists
3. Information Security Analysts
4. Internet of Things Specialists Emerging skills
5. Big Data Specialists Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Project Managers
7. FinTech Engineers 1. Analytical thinking and innovation
8. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists 2. Complex problem-solving
9. Software and Applications Developers 3. Active learning and learning strategies
10. Business Development Professionals 4. Critical thinking and analysis
REDUNDANT 5. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
1. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 6. Technology design and programming
2. General and Operations Managers 7. Emotional intelligence
3. Assembly and Factory Workers 8. Creativity, originality and initiative
4. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 9. Leadership and social influence
5. Data Entry Clerks 10. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
6. Accountants and Auditors 11. Technology use, monitoring and control
7. Architects and Surveyors 12. Service orientation
8. Human Resources Specialists 13. Troubleshooting and user experience
9. Client Information and Customer Service Workers 14. Systems analysis and evaluation
10. Business Services and Administration Managers 15. Persuasion and negotiation

The Future of Jobs 81


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 24.2% 18.9%
2. Active learning and learning strategies
3. Leadership and social influence
4. Critical thinking and analysis
5. Technology design and programming
6. Creativity, originality and initiative
7. Complex problem-solving 6 to 12 months
8. Technology use, monitoring and control
9. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
10. Quality control and safety awareness
1 to 3 months
Over 1 year
Responses to shifting skill needs
Share of companies surveyed

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job

Retrain existing employees 92%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

new technologies
Projected use of training providers
Look to automate the work 82%
Share of companies surveyed
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
Outsource some business functions to external
41.5% Internal learning and development
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new

21.1% External online training

17.7% Private training providers

8.4% Public educational institutions

5.9% Public training providers

5.4% Private educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 82

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Indonesia 153,009,507
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 60.6% Labour force participation 74%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 50.9% Vulnerable employment 47.5%

20 1 8 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 55.3% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 30.5%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 10% Unemployment rate 1.8%

20 1 8 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 64% Unemployment rate

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Supply of business-relevant skills* 61% Unemployment, monthly

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 2.5% Unemployment rate change
20 1 9 —

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 1.4% Unemployment rate change, women
20 1 9 —

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 22.2% Unemployment rate change, men
20 2 0 —

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
91.7% Internet of things and connected devices 95%

Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Encryption and cyber security 95%
Cloud computing 95%
Accelerate automation of tasks
58.3% Big data analytics 89%
Temporarily reduce workforce
41.7% Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
neural networks, NLP) 89%
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes
41.7% Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.) 84%

E-commerce and digital trade 78%

Emerging and redundant job roles
Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 72%
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency
Text, image and voice processing 68%

1. Data Analysts and Scientists 3D and 4D printing and modelling 68%

2. Big Data Specialists
3. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
4. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists
5. Renewable Energy Engineers Emerging skills
6. Process Automation Specialists Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
7. Internet of Things Specialists
8. Digital Transformation Specialists 1. Creativity, originality and initiative
9. Business Services and Administration Managers 2. Complex problem-solving
10. Business Development Professionals 3. Active learning and learning strategies
REDUNDANT 4. Emotional intelligence
1. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 5. Analytical thinking and innovation
2. Data Entry Clerks 6. Troubleshooting and user experience
3. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks 7. Leadership and social influence
4. Assembly and Factory Workers 8. Critical thinking and analysis
5. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 9. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
6. Mining and Petroleum Extraction Workers 10. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
7. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers 11. Service orientation
8. Human Resources Specialists 12. Technology design and programming
9. Business Services and Administration Managers 13. Technology use, monitoring and control
10. Accountants and Auditors 14. Systems analysis and evaluation
15. Instruction, mentoring and teaching

The Future of Jobs 83


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 6 to 12 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 17.1% 16.5%
2. Technology design and programming
3. Leadership and social influence
4. Active learning and learning strategies
5. Creativity, originality and initiative
6. Critical thinking and analysis
1 to 3 months
7. Service orientation 18.7% Over 1 year
8. Emotional intelligence 28.5%
9. Quality control and safety awareness
10. Management of personnel

3 to 6 months
Responses to shifting skill needs 19.2%
Share of companies surveyed

Look to automate the work 94%

Retrain existing employees 82%

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
Projected use of training providers
new technologies
Share of companies surveyed
Outsource some business functions to external
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new
41.3% Internal learning and development
Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills
to use new technologies

22.1% External online training

19.6% Private training providers

6.7% Private educational institutions

5.4% Public training providers

4.9% Public educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 84

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Italy 46,122,130
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 50.7% Labour force participation 52.9%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 78.5% Vulnerable employment 16.9%

20 1 5 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 51.8% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 43.3%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 14.4% Unemployment rate 8.7%

20 1 5 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 61.6% Unemployment rate 7.5%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 Q2 2020

Supply of business-relevant skills* 52.3% Unemployment, monthly

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 5.5% Unemployment rate change -1.8%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 12.3% Unemployment rate change, women -2%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 19.1% Unemployment rate change, men -1.7%
20 2 0 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
E-commerce and digital trade 94%
Cloud computing 88%
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
Big data analytics 88%
Accelerate automation of tasks
80% Encryption and cyber security 82%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
providers) Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.) 80%
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes Augmented and virtual reality 80%
Text, image and voice processing 76%

Power storage and generation 71%

Emerging and redundant job roles
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within 3D and 4D printing and modelling 71%
their organization, ordered by frequency
EMERGING New materials (e.g. nanotubes, graphene) 69%
1. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
2. Internet of Things Specialists
3. Data Analysts and Scientists
4. Digital Transformation Specialists
Emerging skills
5. Assembly and Factory Workers Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Project Managers
7. Process Automation Specialists 1. Creativity, originality and initiative
8. General and Operations Managers 2. Analytical thinking and innovation
9. Big Data Specialists 3. Critical thinking and analysis
10. Application engineers 4. Active learning and learning strategies

5. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility

1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Emotional intelligence

2. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 7. Leadership and social influence

3. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 8. Complex problem-solving

4. Business Services and Administration Managers 9. Technology use, monitoring and control
5. Assembly and Factory Workers 10. Service orientation

6. Accountants and Auditors 11. Technology design and programming

7. Human Resources Specialists 12. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation

8. Financial and Investment Advisers 13. Persuasion and negotiation

9. Electronics and Telecommunications Installers and Repairers 14. Quality control and safety awareness

10. Credit and Loans Officers 15. Coordination and time management

The Future of Jobs 85


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 24.1% 20.6%
2. Emotional intelligence
3. Technology design and programming
4. Management of personnel
5. Active learning and learning strategies
6. Leadership and social influence
7. Critical thinking and analysis 6 to 12 months
8. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility 20.7%

9. Service orientation
10. Quality control and safety awareness

1 to 3 months
Responses to shifting skill needs Over 1 year
Share of companies surveyed 18.6%

Look to automate the work 86%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

new technologies
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
Outsource some business functions to external Projected use of training providers
contractors Share of companies surveyed
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new

Other, please specify 33%

41.5% Internal learning and development
Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills
to use new technologies

20.9% External online training

16.9% Private training providers

7.4% Public educational institutions

6.6% Private educational institutions

6.6% Public training providers

The Future of Jobs 86

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Japan 98,710,000
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 50.8% Labour force participation 63.7%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education Vulnerable employment 8.3%

— 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 56.3% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 45.6%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education Unemployment rate 2.2%

— 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 58.6% Unemployment rate 2.3%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 Q2 2020

Supply of business-relevant skills* 52.9% Unemployment, monthly 2.7%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 J U LY 2 0 2 0

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 1.9% Unemployment rate change 0.3%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. Unemployment rate change, women 0.2%
— 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 3.1% Unemployment rate change, men 0.4%
20 2 0 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
conferencing) neural networks, NLP) 97%
Provide more opportunities to work remotely Internet of things and connected devices 97%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology Big data analytics 95%
61.3% Encryption and cyber security 92%
Accelerate automation of tasks
48.4% Augmented and virtual reality 83%

Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes E-commerce and digital trade 81%
Text, image and voice processing 78%

Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,

Emerging and redundant job roles drones, etc.)
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 60%

Robots, humanoid 59%
1. Data Analysts and Scientists
2. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
3. Internet of Things Specialists
4. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists Emerging skills
5. Big Data Specialists Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Information Security Analysts
7. FinTech Engineers 1. Analytical thinking and innovation
8. Digital Transformation Specialists 2. Active learning and learning strategies
9. Project Managers 3. Creativity, originality and initiative
10. Management and Organisation Analysts 4. Complex problem-solving
REDUNDANT 5. Technology use, monitoring and control
1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Technology design and programming
2. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 7. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
3. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 8. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
4. Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technic… 9. Technology installation and maintenance
5. General and Operations Managers 10. Critical thinking and analysis
6. Business Services and Administration Managers 11. Emotional intelligence
7. Assembly and Factory Workers 12. Troubleshooting and user experience
8. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers 13. Systems analysis and evaluation
9. Legal Secretaries 14. Leadership and social influence
10. Statistical, Finance and Insurance Clerks 15. Service orientation

The Future of Jobs 87


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months 6 to 12 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 22.2% 19.5% 12.6%
2. Leadership and social influence
3. Active learning and learning strategies
4. Critical thinking and analysis
5. Creativity, originality and initiative
6. Complex problem-solving
7. Technology design and programming
8. Systems analysis and evaluation
9. Technology use, monitoring and control
10. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
1 to 3 months Over 1 year
19% 26.8%

Responses to shifting skill needs

Share of companies surveyed

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job

Retrain existing employees 91%

Look to automate the work 88%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

Projected use of training providers
new technologies
Share of companies surveyed
Outsource some business functions to external
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
40.4% Internal learning and development
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new

20.3% External online training

18.5% Private training providers

7.1% Private educational institutions

7.1% Public training providers

6.6% Public educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 88

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Malaysia 16,231,000
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 66.3% Labour force participation 77.6%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 18

Attainment of basic education 74.2% Vulnerable employment 21.7%

20 1 6 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 58.4% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 32.7%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 18.8% Unemployment rate 1.7%

20 1 6 2 0 18

Business relevance of tertiary education* 65.2% Unemployment rate

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Supply of business-relevant skills* 64.4% Unemployment, monthly

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. Unemployment rate change
— —

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. Unemployment rate change, women
— —

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 12.2% Unemployment rate change, men
20 2 0 —

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Internet of things and connected devices 94%
Big data analytics 94%
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
Encryption and cyber security 88%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
providers) Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
58.3% neural networks, NLP) 88%

Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks

33.3% Text, image and voice processing 75%

Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
33.3% drones, etc.) 73%

Augmented and virtual reality 73%

Emerging and redundant job roles E-commerce and digital trade 69%
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 56%

3D and 4D printing and modelling 56%
1. Data Analysts and Scientists
2. Strategic Advisors
3. Internet of Things Specialists
4. Digital Transformation Specialists Emerging skills
5. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Big Data Specialists
7. AI and Machine Learning Specialists 1. Emotional intelligence
8. Cyber Security Specialists 2. Creativity, originality and initiative
9. Software and Applications Developers 3. Analytical thinking and innovation
10. Renewable Energy Engineers 4. Technology design and programming
REDUNDANT 5. Complex problem-solving
1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Active learning and learning strategies
2. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 7. Troubleshooting and user experience
3. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 8. Systems analysis and evaluation
4. Human Resources Specialists 9. Leadership and social influence
5. Mining and Petroleum Extraction Workers 10. Critical thinking and analysis
6. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers 11. Technology use, monitoring and control
7. Environmental and Occupational Health and Hygiene Professio… 12. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
8. Assembly and Factory Workers 13. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
9. Accountants and Auditors 14. Service orientation
10. Business Services and Administration Managers 15. Instruction, mentoring and teaching

The Future of Jobs 89


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 33.4% 16.2%
2. Active learning and learning strategies
3. Critical thinking and analysis
4. Technology use, monitoring and control
5. Leadership and social influence
6. Emotional intelligence
7. Quality control and safety awareness
6 to 12 months
8. Service orientation 11.6%
9. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
10. Management of personnel

1 to 3 months Over 1 year

21.7% 17%
Responses to shifting skill needs
Share of companies surveyed

Look to automate the work 86%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

new technologies
Expect existing employees to pick up skills on
the job
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to Projected use of training providers
new technologies Share of companies surveyed
Outsource some business functions to external
Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills
to use new technologies
36.1% Internal learning and development
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new

22.9% External online training

22.1% Private training providers

8.2% Public educational institutions

5.9% Public training providers

4.8% Private educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 90

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Mexico 73,069,000
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 42.9% Labour force participation 64.6%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 63.2% Vulnerable employment 26.9%

20 1 8 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 42.5% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 45.6%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 16.4% Unemployment rate 2.7%

20 1 8 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 57.6% Unemployment rate 3.3%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 Q2 2020

Supply of business-relevant skills* 50.5% Unemployment, monthly

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 3.9% Unemployment rate change 1.4%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 2.4% Unemployment rate change, women 0.7%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 18.9% Unemployment rate change, men 1.9%
20 2 0 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
94.4% Text, image and voice processing 91%

Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Internet of things and connected devices 91%
Cloud computing 91%
Accelerate automation of tasks
83.3% Big data analytics 91%
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes
55.6% E-commerce and digital trade 86%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
providers) Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
neural networks, NLP) 82%
Encryption and cyber security 78%

Augmented and virtual reality 64%

Emerging and redundant job roles
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within 3D and 4D printing and modelling 62%
their organization, ordered by frequency
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.) 60%
1. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
2. Data Analysts and Scientists
3. Big Data Specialists
4. Information Security Analysts Emerging skills
5. Project Managers Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Process Automation Specialists
7. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists 1. Complex problem-solving
8. Architects and Surveyors 2. Active learning and learning strategies
9. FinTech engineers 3. Analytical thinking and innovation
10. University and Higher Education Teachers 4. Critical thinking and analysis
REDUNDANT 5. Technology design and programming
1. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 6. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
2. Data Entry Clerks 7. Creativity, originality and initiative
3. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 8. Emotional intelligence
4. General and Operations Managers 9. Troubleshooting and user experience
5. Architects and Surveyors 10. Service orientation
6. Bank Tellers and Related Clerks 11. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
7. Assembly and Factory Workers 12. Technology use, monitoring and control
8. Statistical, Finance and Insurance Clerks 13. Leadership and social influence
9. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks 14. Persuasion and negotiation
10. Accountants and Auditors 15. Coordination and time management

The Future of Jobs 91


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 6 to 12 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 16.4% 18.2%
2. Leadership and social influence
3. Critical thinking and analysis
4. Technology design and programming
5. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
6. Active learning and learning strategies 1 to 3 months
7. Creativity, originality and initiative
8. Troubleshooting and user experience
9. Technology use, monitoring and control Over 1 year
10. Persuasion and negotiation

Responses to shifting skill needs 3 to 6 months

Share of companies surveyed 18.6%

Retrain existing employees 95%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

new technologies

Look to automate the work 85%

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

Projected use of training providers
the job
Share of companies surveyed
Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills
to use new technologies
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new 43.2% Internal learning and development

19.4% External online training

16.6% Private training providers

9.7% Private educational institutions

6.5% Public educational institutions

4.7% Public training providers

The Future of Jobs 92

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Netherlands 12,236,238
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 77.4% Labour force participation 63.9%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 90.4% Vulnerable employment 12.6%

20 1 8 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 71.6% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 38.7%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 33% Unemployment rate 2.7%

20 1 8 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 77.9% Unemployment rate 2.8%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 Q2 2020

Supply of business-relevant skills* 63.7% Unemployment, monthly 3%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 AU G U ST 20 2 0

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 2.2% Unemployment rate change 0%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 4% Unemployment rate change, women 0%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 2.8% Unemployment rate change, men 0%
20 2 0 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Big data analytics 91%
Internet of things and connected devices 91%
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
88% Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
neural networks, NLP) 88%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
64% E-commerce and digital trade 86%
Accelerate automation of tasks
44% Cloud computing 86%

Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring) Encryption and cyber security 83%
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.) 72%

Emerging and redundant job roles Text, image and voice processing 68%
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency Augmented and virtual reality 65%

3D and 4D printing and modelling 58%
1. Data Analysts and Scientists
2. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
3. Big Data Specialists
4. Information Security Analysts Emerging skills
5. Food Scientists and Technologists Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Organizational Development Specialists
7. Internet of Things Specialists 1. Analytical thinking and innovation
8. FinTech Engineers 2. Active learning and learning strategies
9. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists 3. Leadership and social influence
10. Business Development Professionals 4. Critical thinking and analysis
REDUNDANT 5. Creativity, originality and initiative
1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Complex problem-solving
2. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 7. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
3. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 8. Technology use, monitoring and control
4. Assembly and Factory Workers 9. Service orientation
5. Client Information and Customer Service Workers 10. Technology design and programming
6. Business Services and Administration Managers 11. Emotional intelligence
7. Credit and Loans Officers 12. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
8. Bank Tellers and Related Clerks 13. Systems analysis and evaluation
9. Cashiers and Ticket Clerks 14. Troubleshooting and user experience
10. Insurance Underwriters 15. Instruction, mentoring and teaching

The Future of Jobs 93


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 22.5% 16.2%
2. Active learning and learning strategies
3. Leadership and social influence
4. Critical thinking and analysis
5. Creativity, originality and initiative
6. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility 6 to 12 months
7. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
8. Complex problem-solving
9. Service orientation
10. Technology design and programming
1 to 3 months
19.7% Over 1 year
Responses to shifting skill needs
Share of companies surveyed

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job

Look to automate the work 87%

Retrain existing employees 83%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

Projected use of training providers
new technologies
Share of companies surveyed
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new
Outsource some business functions to external
38.7% Internal learning and development
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies

20.8% External online training

16.6% Private training providers

8.9% Public educational institutions

8.6% Public training providers

6.3% Private educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 94

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Pakistan 82,345,263
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 50.7% Labour force participation 56.3%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 18

Attainment of basic education 36.4% Vulnerable employment 55.3%

20 1 7 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 45.8% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 47.3%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 8.7% Unemployment rate 2.8%

20 1 7 2 0 18

Business relevance of tertiary education* 54.9% Unemployment rate

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Supply of business-relevant skills* 51.1% Unemployment, monthly

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 4.5% Unemployment rate change
20 1 8 —

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 2.3% Unemployment rate change, women
20 1 8 —

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 31.1% Unemployment rate change, men
20 2 0 —

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
71.4% E-commerce and digital trade 91%

Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Big data analytics 91%
Cloud computing 91%
Accelerate automation of tasks
57.1% Encryption and cyber security 86%
Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks
42.9% Text, image and voice processing 83%
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes
38.1% Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
neural networks, NLP) 70%

Power storage and generation 65%

Emerging and redundant job roles Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 56%
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency Augmented and virtual reality 55%

1. Business Development Professionals

3D and 4D printing and modelling 47%

2. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists

3. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers
4. Digital Transformation Specialists
Emerging skills
5. Software and Applications Developers
Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
6. Sales and Marketing Professionals by frequency
7. Data Analysts and Scientists
1. Active learning and learning strategies
8. Business Services and Administration Managers
2. Leadership and social influence
9. Big Data Specialists
3. Critical thinking and analysis
10. Advertising and Public Relations Professionals
4. Creativity, originality and initiative
5. Analytical thinking and innovation
1. Data Entry Clerks
6. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
2. Administrative and Executive Secretaries
7. Complex problem-solving
3. Management and Organisation Analysts
8. Technology use, monitoring and control
4. General and Operations Managers
9. Troubleshooting and user experience
5. Door-To-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and R…
10. Systems analysis and evaluation
6. Assembly and Factory Workers
11. Attention to detail, trustworthiness
7. Accountants and Auditors
12. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
8. Legal Secretaries
13. Coordination and time management
9. Business Services and Administration Managers
14. Technology design and programming
10. Postal Service Clerks
15. Quality control and safety awareness

The Future of Jobs 95


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 27.3% 20.1%
2. Critical thinking and analysis
3. Leadership and social influence
4. Active learning and learning strategies
5. Coordination and time management
6. Management of personnel
7. Creativity, originality and initiative
8. Technology use, monitoring and control 6 to 12 months
9. Technology design and programming 14.7%
10. Quality control and safety awareness
1 to 3 months

Responses to shifting skill needs

Over 1 year
Share of companies surveyed 14.6%

Retrain existing employees 96%

Look to automate the work 87%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

new technologies
Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills
Projected use of training providers
to use new technologies
Share of companies surveyed
Outsource some business functions to external
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies

Other, please specify 36% 51% Internal learning and development

18.3% Private training providers

16.5% External online training

6.9% Public training providers

4.2% Private educational institutions

3.1% Public educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 96

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Poland 26,745,715
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 55.6% Labour force participation 59%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 85.3% Vulnerable employment 15.9%

20 1 6 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 40.7% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 42.1%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 25% Unemployment rate 2.8%

20 1 6 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 50.6% Unemployment rate

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Supply of business-relevant skills* 52.7% Unemployment, monthly 2.7%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 J U LY 2 0 2 0

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 1.8% Unemployment rate change
20 1 9 —

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 7.9% Unemployment rate change, women
20 1 9 —

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 8.6% Unemployment rate change, men
20 2 0 —

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Encryption and cyber security 87%
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
Provide more opportunities to work remotely neural networks, NLP) 86%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology Cloud computing 80%
57.1% Big data analytics 73%
Accelerate automation of tasks
42.9% E-commerce and digital trade 71%

Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
28.6% drones, etc.) 69%

Power storage and generation 69%

Emerging and redundant job roles Text, image and voice processing 67%
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency New materials (e.g. nanotubes, graphene) 60%

Augmented and virtual reality 46%
1. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
2. Big Data Specialists
3. Internet of Things Specialists
4. Database and Network Professionals Emerging skills
5. Software and Applications Developers Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Social Media Strategist
7. Materials Engineers 1. Creativity, originality and initiative
8. Business Development Professionals 2. Active learning and learning strategies
9. Process Automation Specialists 3. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
10. Robotics Engineers 4. Complex problem-solving
REDUNDANT 5. Analytical thinking and innovation
1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Technology use, monitoring and control
2. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 7. Service orientation
3. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 8. Critical thinking and analysis
4. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks 9. Technology design and programming
5. Financial Analysts 10. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
6. Assembly and Factory Workers 11. Management of personnel
7. Accountants and Auditors 12. Emotional intelligence
8. Car, Van and Motorcycle Drivers 13. Management of financial, material resources
9. Business Services and Administration Managers 14. Leadership and social influence
10. Architects and Surveyors 15. Instruction, mentoring and teaching

The Future of Jobs 97


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 6 to 12 months

1. Active learning and learning strategies 27.2% 20.6%
2. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
3. Management of personnel
4. Analytical thinking and innovation
5. Leadership and social influence
6. Technology use, monitoring and control
7. Quality control and safety awareness
8. Complex problem-solving
9. Technology design and programming Over 1 year
10. Service orientation 1 to 3 months 3 to 6 months 25%
13.2% 14%

Responses to shifting skill needs

Share of companies surveyed

Retrain existing employees 89%

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
Outsource some business functions to external Projected use of training providers
contractors Share of companies surveyed

Look to automate the work 67%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

new technologies
39.8% Internal learning and development
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new

22.1% External online training

14.3% Private training providers

11.4% Public educational institutions

8.2% Public training providers

4.1% Private educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 98

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Russian Federation 106,913,416

Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 66% Labour force participation 66.1%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education Vulnerable employment 5.3%

— 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 48% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 42.4%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education Unemployment rate 3.8%

— 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 53.1% Unemployment rate

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Supply of business-relevant skills* 59.2% Unemployment, monthly

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 3.6% Unemployment rate change
20 1 9 —

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 9.2% Unemployment rate change, women
20 1 9 —

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 15.9% Unemployment rate change, men
20 2 0 —

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
80.6% Cloud computing 80%

Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Big data analytics 76%
Encryption and cyber security 73%
Accelerate automation of tasks
47.2% Text, image and voice processing 72%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
providers) Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
neural networks, NLP) 71%
Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring) E-commerce and digital trade 67%
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.) 66%

Emerging and redundant job roles Internet of things and connected devices 65%
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency Augmented and virtual reality 50%

Power storage and generation 48%
1. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
2. Data Analysts and Scientists
3. Big Data Specialists
4. Software and Applications Developers Emerging skills
5. Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technic… Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Process Automation Specialists
7. Management and Organisation Analysts 1. Complex problem-solving
8. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists 2. Analytical thinking and innovation
9. Database and Network Professionals 3. Active learning and learning strategies
10. Business Services and Administration Managers 4. Emotional intelligence
REDUNDANT 5. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
1. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 6. Critical thinking and analysis
2. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 7. Technology use, monitoring and control
3. Data Entry Clerks 8. Creativity, originality and initiative
4. Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technic… 9. Troubleshooting and user experience
5. Accountants and Auditors 10. Technology design and programming
6. Lawyers 11. Service orientation
7. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers 12. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
8. Legal Secretaries 13. Leadership and social influence
9. Door-To-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and R… 14. Persuasion and negotiation
10. Assembly and Factory Workers 15. Attention to detail, trustworthiness

The Future of Jobs 99


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months

1. Creativity, originality and initiative 22.6% 16.1%
2. Complex problem-solving
3. Analytical thinking and innovation
4. Management of personnel
5. Active learning and learning strategies
6. Emotional intelligence 6 to 12 months
7. Leadership and social influence 16.8%

8. Critical thinking and analysis

9. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
10. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
1 to 3 months
Over 1 year
Responses to shifting skill needs
Share of companies surveyed

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job

Retrain existing employees 77%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

new technologies
Projected use of training providers
Look to automate the work 69%
Share of companies surveyed
Outsource some business functions to external
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
38.6% Internal learning and development
Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills
to use new technologies

18.3% External online training

15.9% Private training providers

9.9% Public educational institutions

9.6% Public training providers

7.8% Private educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 100

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Saudi Arabia 20,518,278

Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 73.9% Labour force participation 64.4%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 18

Attainment of basic education 68.8% Vulnerable employment 3%

20 1 7 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 51.1% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 30.3%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 31.5% Unemployment rate 4.5%

20 1 7 2 0 18

Business relevance of tertiary education* 71.3% Unemployment rate

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Supply of business-relevant skills* 71% Unemployment, monthly

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 7.6% Unemployment rate change
20 1 4 —

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 0.8% Unemployment rate change, women
20 1 4 —

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 16.1% Unemployment rate change, men
20 2 0 —

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
100% Big data analytics 94%

Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks

Internet of things and connected devices 93%
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video E-commerce and digital trade 93%
78.6% Cloud computing 88%
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes
71.4% Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
neural networks, NLP) 86%
Accelerate automation of tasks
Text, image and voice processing 81%

Encryption and cyber security 81%

Emerging and redundant job roles Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,

drones, etc.) 64%
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency
Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 64%

1. AI and Machine Learning Specialists Augmented and virtual reality 64%

2. Software and Applications Developers
3. Data Analysts and Scientists
4. Digital Transformation Specialists
5. Organizational Development Specialists Emerging skills
6. Industrial and Production Engineers Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
7. Mathematicians, Actuaries and Statisticians
8. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists 1. Complex problem-solving
9. Process Automation Specialists 2. Leadership and social influence
10. Advertising and Public Relations Professionals 3. Analytical thinking and innovation
REDUNDANT 4. Active learning and learning strategies
1. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 5. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
2. Data Entry Clerks 6. Critical thinking and analysis
3. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers 7. Technology use, monitoring and control
4. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks 8. Troubleshooting and user experience
5. Business Services and Administration Managers 9. Creativity, originality and initiative
6. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 10. Technology design and programming
7. Accountants and Auditors 11. Systems analysis and evaluation
8. Assembly and Factory Workers 12. Service orientation
9. Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technic… 13. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
10. Strategic Advisors 14. Emotional intelligence
15. Attention to detail, trustworthiness

The Future of Jobs 101


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months

1. Leadership and social influence 25.3% 20.3%
2. Active learning and learning strategies
3. Analytical thinking and innovation
4. Quality control and safety awareness
5. Emotional intelligence
6. Technology use, monitoring and control
7. Management of personnel
8. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
6 to 12 months
9. Persuasion and negotiation 12.2%
10. Management of financial, material resources 1 to 3 months

Responses to shifting skill needs Over 1 year

Share of companies surveyed

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job
Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to
new technologies

Look to automate the work 87%

Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills Projected use of training providers
to use new technologies Share of companies surveyed
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new
49.3% Internal learning and development
Outsource some business functions to external

25.9% External online training

9.4% Private training providers

7% Public training providers

4.5% Private educational institutions

3.9% Public educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 102

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Singapore 2,938,300
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 77% Labour force participation 73%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 81.4% Vulnerable employment 9.7%

20 1 8 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 67.6% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 32.6%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 46.7% Unemployment rate 3.6%

20 1 8 2 0 16

Business relevance of tertiary education* 79% Unemployment rate

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Supply of business-relevant skills* 69.1% Unemployment, monthly

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 2.6% Unemployment rate change
20 1 7 —

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 3.4% Unemployment rate change, women
20 1 7 —

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 4.6% Unemployment rate change, men
20 2 0 —

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Encryption and cyber security 97%
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
Provide more opportunities to work remotely neural networks, NLP) 93%
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes Internet of things and connected devices 90%
Text, image and voice processing 86%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
59.1% Big data analytics 86%

Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks E-commerce and digital trade 83%
Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 76%

Augmented and virtual reality 75%

Emerging and redundant job roles
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.) 69%
their organization, ordered by frequency
Power storage and generation 61%
1. Data Analysts and Scientists
2. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
3. Digital Transformation Specialists
4. Big Data Specialists Emerging skills
5. Information Security Analysts Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists
7. Internet of Things Specialists 1. Analytical thinking and innovation
8. FinTech Engineers 2. Active learning and learning strategies
9. Devops Engineer 3. Leadership and social influence
10. Database and Network Professionals 4. Emotional intelligence
REDUNDANT 5. Creativity, originality and initiative
1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Technology design and programming
2. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 7. Complex problem-solving
3. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 8. Troubleshooting and user experience
4. Accountants and Auditors 9. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
5. General and Operations Managers 10. Technology use, monitoring and control
6. Business Services and Administration Managers 11. Instruction, mentoring and teaching
7. Human Resources Specialists 12. Critical thinking and analysis
8. Client Information and Customer Service Workers 13. Technology installation and maintenance
9. Assembly and Factory Workers 14. Service orientation
10. Bank Tellers and Related Clerks 15. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation

The Future of Jobs 103


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 27.4% 17.7%
2. Critical thinking and analysis
3. Leadership and social influence
4. Active learning and learning strategies
5. Creativity, originality and initiative
6. Emotional intelligence
6 to 12 months
7. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility 16.9%
8. Complex problem-solving
9. Technology design and programming
10. Technology use, monitoring and control

Over 1 year
1 to 3 months 22.1%
Responses to shifting skill needs 15.8%
Share of companies surveyed

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

new technologies
Expect existing employees to pick up skills on
the job

Look to automate the work 84%

Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to Projected use of training providers
new technologies Share of companies surveyed
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new
Outsource some business functions to external
42.4% Internal learning and development
Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills
to use new technologies

24% External online training

15% Private training providers

7.2% Private educational institutions

7.2% Public training providers

4.2% Public educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 104

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

South Africa 31,627,389

Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 29.9% Labour force participation 64.9%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education Vulnerable employment 10.3%

— 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 29.9% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 46.2%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education Unemployment rate 24.8%

— 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 49.7% Unemployment rate

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Supply of business-relevant skills* 44.4% Unemployment, monthly

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 11.8% Unemployment rate change
20 1 9 —

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 31.6% Unemployment rate change, women
20 1 9 —

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 32.7% Unemployment rate change, men
20 2 0 —

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate automation of tasks
75% Cloud computing 93%

Provide more opportunities to work remotely Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
62.5% neural networks, NLP) 93%

Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
conferencing) Text, image and voice processing 87%
Internet of things and connected devices 87%
Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring)
Encryption and cyber security 87%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
providers) Big data analytics 87%
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.) 86%

Emerging and redundant job roles Augmented and virtual reality 80%
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency E-commerce and digital trade 79%

Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 71%
1. Process Automation Specialists
2. Data Analysts and Scientists
3. Social Psychologists
4. Management and Organisation Analysts Emerging skills
5. Business Development Professionals Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Big Data Specialists
7. Assembly and Factory Workers 1. Analytical thinking and innovation
8. Compliance Officers 2. Critical thinking and analysis
9. Chemists and Chemical Laboratory Scientists 3. Troubleshooting and user experience
10. AI and Machine Learning Specialists 4. Leadership and social influence
REDUNDANT 5. Complex problem-solving
1. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 6. Systems analysis and evaluation
2. Client Information and Customer Service Workers 7. Creativity, originality and initiative
3. Data Entry Clerks 8. Technology use, monitoring and control
4. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 9. Quality control and safety awareness
5. Vehicle, Window, Laundry and Other Hand Cleaning Workers 10. Persuasion and negotiation
6. Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technic… 11. Emotional intelligence
7. Insurance Underwriters 12. Technology installation and maintenance
8. Business Services and Administration Managers 13. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
9. Assembly and Factory Workers 14. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
10. Accountants and Auditors 15. Active learning and learning strategies

The Future of Jobs 105


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 15.7% 18%
2. Complex problem-solving
3. Technology design and programming
4. Quality control and safety awareness
5. Leadership and social influence
6. Critical thinking and analysis
6 to 12 months
7. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation 22.2%
1 to 3 months
8. Creativity, originality and initiative 27.7%
9. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
10. Active learning and learning strategies

Responses to shifting skill needs

Over 1 year
Share of companies surveyed 16.4%

Look to automate the work 82%

Retrain existing employees 73%

Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills

to use new technologies
Outsource some business functions to external
Projected use of training providers
Share of companies surveyed
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new
Expect existing employees to pick up skills on 55.9% Internal learning and development

the job

15.8% External online training

9.5% Private training providers

7.3% Public educational institutions

7.3% Public training providers

4.2% Private educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 106

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Spain 35,092,188
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 55.2% Labour force participation 61.2%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 77.7% Vulnerable employment 11%

20 1 8 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 52.4% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 45.5%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 31.1% Unemployment rate 12.8%

20 1 8 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 65.9% Unemployment rate 15.3%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 Q2 2020

Supply of business-relevant skills* 59.7% Unemployment, monthly 13.7%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 J U LY 2 0 2 0

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 8% Unemployment rate change 1.1%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 18.2% Unemployment rate change, women 0.8%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 12.2% Unemployment rate change, men 1.5%
20 2 0 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Big data analytics 96%
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
Provide more opportunities to work remotely neural networks, NLP) 96%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology Cloud computing 92%
78.6% Encryption and cyber security 88%
Accelerate automation of tasks
64.3% E-commerce and digital trade 88%

Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring) Text, image and voice processing 84%
Augmented and virtual reality 77%

Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 74%

Emerging and redundant job roles
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within New materials (e.g. nanotubes, graphene) 70%
their organization, ordered by frequency
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.) 68%
1. Internet of Things Specialists
2. Data Analysts and Scientists
3. Big Data Specialists
4. AI and Machine Learning Specialists Emerging skills
5. Digital Transformation Specialists Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Software and Applications Developers
7. Project Managers 1. Analytical thinking and innovation
8. Process Automation Specialists 2. Active learning and learning strategies
9. FinTech Engineers 3. Critical thinking and analysis
10. Assembly and Factory Workers 4. Creativity, originality and initiative
REDUNDANT 5. Complex problem-solving
1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Technology use, monitoring and control
2. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 7. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
3. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 8. Leadership and social influence
4. Accountants and Auditors 9. Technology design and programming
5. Statistical, Finance and Insurance Clerks 10. Emotional intelligence
6. Business Services and Administration Managers 11. Systems analysis and evaluation
7. Financial Analysts 12. Persuasion and negotiation
8. Client Information and Customer Service Workers 13. Troubleshooting and user experience
9. Claims Adjusters, Examiners, and Investigators 14. Service orientation
10. Assembly and Factory Workers 15. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation

The Future of Jobs 107


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 6 to 12 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 21.2% 16.8%
2. Active learning and learning strategies
3. Critical thinking and analysis
4. Technology use, monitoring and control
5. Leadership and social influence
6. Complex problem-solving
7. Management of personnel Over 1 year
8. Systems analysis and evaluation 31.2%
1 to 3 months
9. Service orientation 15.4%
10. Quality control and safety awareness

Responses to shifting skill needs

3 to 6 months
Share of companies surveyed 15.4%

Retrain existing employees 95%

Look to automate the work 85%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

new technologies
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
Projected use of training providers
new technologies
Share of companies surveyed
Outsource some business functions to external
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new
Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills 45.5% Internal learning and development
to use new technologies

22.1% External online training

16.6% Private training providers

6.8% Private educational institutions

5.7% Public educational institutions

3.4% Public training providers

The Future of Jobs 108

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Switzerland 6,326,839
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 72% Labour force participation 68.5%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 97.1% Vulnerable employment 8.9%

20 1 8 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 77.9% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 40.9%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 39% Unemployment rate 3.9%

20 1 8 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 82.3% Unemployment rate 4.1%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 Q2 2020

Supply of business-relevant skills* 62.7% Unemployment, monthly 4.1%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 J U N E 20 2 0

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 3.2% Unemployment rate change 0.2%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 7.5% Unemployment rate change, women -0.4%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 6.7% Unemployment rate change, men 0.8%
20 2 0 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
90.9% Encryption and cyber security 95%

Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Big data analytics 91%
90.9% Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
neural networks, NLP) 90%
Accelerate automation of tasks
E-commerce and digital trade 90%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
45.5% Internet of things and connected devices 86%

Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 80%
Text, image and voice processing 77%

Augmented and virtual reality 76%

Emerging and redundant job roles
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within 3D and 4D printing and modelling 71%
their organization, ordered by frequency
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.) 65%
1. Data Analysts and Scientists
2. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
3. Digital Transformation Specialists
4. Process Automation Specialists Emerging skills
5. Big Data Specialists Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Strategic Advisors
7. Internet of Things Specialists 1. Analytical thinking and innovation
8. Information Security Analysts 2. Active learning and learning strategies
9. Database and Network Professionals 3. Complex problem-solving
10. Biologists and Geneticists 4. Technology use, monitoring and control
REDUNDANT 5. Technology design and programming
1. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 6. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
2. Data Entry Clerks 7. Critical thinking and analysis
3. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 8. Instruction, mentoring and teaching
4. Accountants and Auditors 9. Emotional intelligence
5. Business Services and Administration Managers 10. Service orientation
6. Human Resources Specialists 11. Creativity, originality and initiative
7. Financial Analysts 12. Systems analysis and evaluation
8. Claims Adjusters, Examiners, and Investigators 13. Technology installation and maintenance
9. Cashiers and Ticket Clerks 14. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
10. Assembly and Factory Workers 15. Leadership and social influence

The Future of Jobs 109


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 6 to 12 months

1. Complex problem-solving 20.6% 19.5%
2. Analytical thinking and innovation
3. Active learning and learning strategies
4. Critical thinking and analysis
5. Emotional intelligence
6. Technology use, monitoring and control
7. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility 1 to 3 months
8. Leadership and social influence 15.5%
9. Technology design and programming
Over 1 year
10. Service orientation 22.3%

3 to 6 months
Responses to shifting skill needs
Share of companies surveyed

Look to automate the work 94%

Retrain existing employees 88%

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
Projected use of training providers
new technologies
Share of companies surveyed
Outsource some business functions to external
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new
35.5% Internal learning and development
Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills
to use new technologies

25.4% External online training

17.2% Private training providers

8.3% Private educational institutions

7.1% Public training providers

6.5% Public educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 110

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

Thailand 47,215,919
Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 54.9% Labour force participation 72.2%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 45.1% Vulnerable employment 48.2%

20 1 6 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 46% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 39.7%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 19.1% Unemployment rate 0.3%

20 1 6 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 60.5% Unemployment rate 0.5%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 Q2 2020

Supply of business-relevant skills* 53.6% Unemployment, monthly

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 0.6% Unemployment rate change 0.3%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 0.3% Unemployment rate change, women 0.2%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 14.4% Unemployment rate change, men 0.3%
20 2 0 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Cloud computing 98%
Internet of things and connected devices 95%
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
Encryption and cyber security 90%
Accelerate automation of tasks
50% E-commerce and digital trade 87%
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes
40.6% Big data analytics 85%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
providers) Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
neural networks, NLP) 80%
Text, image and voice processing 76%

Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,

Emerging and redundant job roles drones, etc.)
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency Power storage and generation 62%

Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 59%
1. Data Analysts and Scientists
2. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists
3. Big Data Specialists
4. AI and Machine Learning Specialists Emerging skills
5. Software and Applications Developers Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Supply Chain and Logistics Specialists
7. Strategic Advisors 1. Analytical thinking and innovation
8. Database and Network Professionals 2. Complex problem-solving
9. Commercial and Industrial Designers 3. Active learning and learning strategies
10. Business Development Professionals 4. Critical thinking and analysis
REDUNDANT 5. Creativity, originality and initiative
1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Troubleshooting and user experience
2. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 7. Leadership and social influence
3. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 8. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
4. Assembly and Factory Workers 9. Technology design and programming
5. Construction Laborers 10. Technology use, monitoring and control
6. Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technic… 11. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
7. Human Resources Specialists 12. Technology installation and maintenance
8. Financial and Investment Advisers 13. Management of personnel
9. Client Information and Customer Service Workers 14. Attention to detail, trustworthiness
10. Business Services and Administration Managers 15. Emotional intelligence

The Future of Jobs 111


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 25.2% 17.5%
2. Active learning and learning strategies
3. Critical thinking and analysis
4. Leadership and social influence
5. Complex problem-solving
6. Creativity, originality and initiative
7. Technology use, monitoring and control 6 to 12 months
8. Technology design and programming
9. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
10. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
1 to 3 months
Over 1 year
Responses to shifting skill needs
Share of companies surveyed

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job
Outsource some business functions to external
Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
Projected use of training providers
Look to automate the work 78% Share of companies surveyed

Retrain existing employees 75%

Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills

to use new technologies
37.6% Internal learning and development
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new

19.2% Private training providers

17% External online training

11.2% Public training providers

7.8% Public educational institutions

7.2% Private educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 112

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

United Arab Emirates 8,112,786

Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 71.7% Labour force participation 85.2%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 82.9% Vulnerable employment 0.9%

20 1 8 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 65.3% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 32.5%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 51.8% Unemployment rate 1.8%

20 1 8 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 71% Unemployment rate

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Supply of business-relevant skills* 70.5% Unemployment, monthly

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 —

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 3.3% Unemployment rate change
20 1 7 —

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 0.8% Unemployment rate change, women
20 1 7 —

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 11.4% Unemployment rate change, men
20 2 0 —

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
89.6% Big data analytics 89%

Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Internet of things and connected devices 84%
Encryption and cyber security 84%
Accelerate automation of tasks
47.9% Cloud computing 84%
Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks
45.8% E-commerce and digital trade 81%
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes
39.6% Text, image and voice processing 77%

Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,

neural networks, NLP) 76%

Emerging and redundant job roles Power storage and generation 65%
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency Augmented and virtual reality 57%

1. Data Analysts and Scientists

Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 56%

2. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists

3. Business Development Professionals
4. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
Emerging skills
5. Digital Transformation Specialists
Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
6. Process Automation Specialists by frequency
7. Organizational Development Specialists
1. Analytical thinking and innovation
8. General and Operations Managers
2. Complex problem-solving
9. Database and Network Professionals
3. Critical thinking and analysis
10. Big Data Specialists
4. Active learning and learning strategies
5. Leadership and social influence
1. Administrative and Executive Secretaries
6. Technology use, monitoring and control
2. Data Entry Clerks
7. Creativity, originality and initiative
3. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
8. Service orientation
4. Postal Service Clerks
9. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
5. Business Services and Administration Managers
10. Emotional intelligence
6. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers
11. Technology design and programming
7. Accountants and Auditors
12. Troubleshooting and user experience
8. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks
13. Quality control and safety awareness
9. Client Information and Customer Service Workers
14. Systems analysis and evaluation
10. Cashiers and Ticket Clerks
15. Persuasion and negotiation

The Future of Jobs 113


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months

1. Active learning and learning strategies 30.6% 18.6%
2. Leadership and social influence
3. Analytical thinking and innovation
4. Quality control and safety awareness
5. Complex problem-solving
6. Critical thinking and analysis
7. Management of personnel
8. Creativity, originality and initiative 6 to 12 months
9. Technology use, monitoring and control
10. Service orientation

1 to 3 months
Over 1 year
Responses to shifting skill needs 16.4%
Share of companies surveyed

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job

Retrain existing employees 86%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

new technologies
Projected use of training providers
Look to automate the work 78%
Share of companies surveyed
Outsource some business functions to external
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
Strategic redundancies of staff who lack the skills 44.3% Internal learning and development
to use new technologies

20.4% External online training

15.5% Private training providers

8.2% Public training providers

6.5% Private educational institutions

5.1% Public educational institutions

The Future of Jobs 114

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

United Kingdom 46,380,358

Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 61% Labour force participation 64.3%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 99.7% Vulnerable employment 12.9%

20 1 7 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 52.6% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 47.5%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 44.1% Unemployment rate 2.7%

20 1 7 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 62.5% Unemployment rate 2.5%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 Q2 2020

Supply of business-relevant skills* 58.6% Unemployment, monthly 2.7%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 J U N E 20 2 0

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 2% Unemployment rate change -0.1%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 4.6% Unemployment rate change, women -0.2%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 11.1% Unemployment rate change, men 0%
20 2 0 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Cloud computing 95%
Encryption and cyber security 95%
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
Big data analytics 94%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
providers) Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
65.7% neural networks, NLP) 94%

Accelerate automation of tasks

57.1% Internet of things and connected devices 92%

Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes Text, image and voice processing 88%
E-commerce and digital trade 81%

Augmented and virtual reality 75%

Emerging and redundant job roles
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 73%
their organization, ordered by frequency
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.) 69%
1. Data Analysts and Scientists
2. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
3. Big Data Specialists
4. Internet of Things Specialists Emerging skills
5. Digital Transformation Specialists Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Process Automation Specialists
7. Information Security Analysts 1. Active learning and learning strategies
8. FinTech Engineers 2. Analytical thinking and innovation
9. Database and Network Professionals 3. Creativity, originality and initiative
10. Business Development Professionals 4. Complex problem-solving
REDUNDANT 5. Critical thinking and analysis
1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Emotional intelligence
2. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 7. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
3. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 8. Leadership and social influence
4. Accountants and Auditors 9. Technology design and programming
5. General and Operations Managers 10. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
6. Client Information and Customer Service Workers 11. Systems analysis and evaluation
7. Assembly and Factory Workers 12. Technology use, monitoring and control
8. Business Services and Administration Managers 13. Service orientation
9. Statistical, Finance and Insurance Clerks 14. Persuasion and negotiation
10. Bank Tellers and Related Clerks 15. Instruction, mentoring and teaching

The Future of Jobs 115


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months 6 to 12 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 23.4% 17.1% 16.7%
2. Leadership and social influence
3. Active learning and learning strategies
4. Critical thinking and analysis
5. Technology design and programming
6. Technology use, monitoring and control
7. Emotional intelligence
8. Complex problem-solving
9. Service orientation
10. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
1 to 3 months
18.5% Over 1 year
Responses to shifting skill needs
Share of companies surveyed

Retrain existing employees 98%

Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to

new technologies
Expect existing employees to pick up skills on
the job
Projected use of training providers
Look to automate the work 90%
Share of companies surveyed
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new
Outsource some business functions to external 43.7% Internal learning and development

21.7% External online training

17.1% Private training providers

7.4% Private educational institutions

6% Public educational institutions

4.2% Public training providers

The Future of Jobs 116

Country Profile 1/2 Working Age Population

United States 221,426,962

Education & skills worst best Jobs & work worst best

Digital skills among active population* 69.4% Labour force participation 64.3%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 19

Attainment of basic education 96% Vulnerable employment 3.8%

20 1 8 2 0 20

Business relevance of basic education* 64.5% Working cond. impact of gig economy* 24.8%
W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 2 0 20

Attainment of advanced education 45.2% Unemployment rate 3%

20 1 8 2 0 19

Business relevance of tertiary education* 70.5% Unemployment rate 12.2%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 Q2 2020

Supply of business-relevant skills* 69.7% Unemployment, monthly 7.7%

W E IG H T ED AV E R AG E 2 0 19 - 2 02 0 AU G U ST 20 2 0

Unempl. rate among workers with adv. educ. 2.2% Unemployment rate change 8.5%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Unempl. rate among workers with basic educ. 4.3% Unemployment rate change, women 9.3%
20 1 9 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

Share of youth not in empl., educ. or training 14.1% Unemployment rate change, men 7.7%
20 2 0 2 0 19 - Q 2 20 2 0 YOY C H .

* The figures presented for these indicators are rebased 0-100% progress scores, with 0 being the worst performance, and 100 being the best performance.

Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy Technology adoption

Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of Share of companies surveyed
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
Cloud computing 96%
Internet of things and connected devices 95%
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
86.4% Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning,
neural networks, NLP) 93%
Accelerate automation of tasks
Encryption and cyber security 90%
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
54.2% Big data analytics 90%

Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes Text, image and voice processing 82%
E-commerce and digital trade 81%

Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,

Emerging and redundant job roles drones, etc.)
Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
their organization, ordered by frequency Augmented and virtual reality 77%

Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 65%
1. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
2. Data Analysts and Scientists
3. Big Data Specialists
4. Internet of Things Specialists Emerging skills
5. Digital Transformation Specialists Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
6. Process Automation Specialists
7. Project Managers 1. Analytical thinking and innovation
8. Information Security Analysts 2. Active learning and learning strategies
9. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists 3. Complex problem-solving
10. Business Development Professionals 4. Critical thinking and analysis
REDUNDANT 5. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
1. Data Entry Clerks 6. Creativity, originality and initiative
2. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks 7. Leadership and social influence
3. Administrative and Executive Secretaries 8. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
4. Assembly and Factory Workers 9. Emotional intelligence
5. Accountants and Auditors 10. Technology design and programming
6. Client Information and Customer Service Workers 11. Technology use, monitoring and control
7. Business Services and Administration Managers 12. Systems analysis and evaluation
8. General and Operations Managers 13. Troubleshooting and user experience
9. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers 14. Service orientation
10. Human Resources Specialists 15. Persuasion and negotiation

The Future of Jobs 117


Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling Average reskilling needs

programmes Share of workforce of companies surveyed within this data
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes DURATION OF RESKILLING

Less than 1 month 6 to 12 months

1. Analytical thinking and innovation 18.7% 17%
2. Leadership and social influence
3. Active learning and learning strategies
4. Critical thinking and analysis
5. Technology design and programming
6. Complex problem-solving
7. Technology use, monitoring and control 1 to 3 months
18.7% Over 1 year
8. Creativity, originality and initiative
9. Emotional intelligence
10. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation

Responses to shifting skill needs 3 to 6 months

Share of companies surveyed

Retrain existing employees 95%

Expect existing employees to pick up skills on

the job
Hire new permanent staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
Projected use of training providers
Look to automate the work 85%
Share of companies surveyed
Hire new temporary staff with skills relevant to
new technologies
Outsource some business functions to external
Hire freelancers with skills relevant to new 42.8% Internal learning and development

21.9% External online training

14.3% Private training providers

8.1% Public educational institutions

7% Private educational institutions

5.9% Public training providers

The Future of Jobs 118

October 2020 The Future of Jobs


The Future of Jobs 119

Industry Profile 1/2

Advanced Manufacturing
Expected redeployment Average skills
success rate of displaced instability among

workers workforce

41.3% 43.6%

Average share of workers at risk

of displacement

Technology adoption in industry Emerging skills

Share of companies surveyed Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
1. Technology use, monitoring and control
Cloud computing 89%
2. Critical thinking and analysis
Internet of things and connected devices 87% 3. Active learning and learning strategies
4. Leadership and social influence
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.) 5. Analytical thinking and innovation
6. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
E-commerce and digital trade 83%
7. Complex problem-solving
Big data analytics 76% 8. Service orientation
9. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
Encryption and cyber security 74%
10. Technology design and programming
11. Troubleshooting and user experience
3D and 4D printing and modelling 74%
12. Systems analysis and evaluation
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural 13. Coordination and time management
networks, NLP)
14. Quality control and safety awareness
Text, image and voice processing 62% 15. Attention to detail, trustworthiness

Power storage and generation 58%

Emerging and redundant job roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy their organization, ordered by frequency
Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of EMERGING
COVID-19 1. Business Development Professionals
Provide more opportunities to work remotely 2. Software and Applications Developers
3. Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technic…
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
4. Robotics Engineers
73.1% 5. Internet of Things Specialists
Accelerate automation of tasks 6. Data Analysts and Scientists
57.7% 7. Project Managers
Temporarily reduce workforce 8. Power Production Plant Operators
9. Assembly and Factory Workers
Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring)
38.5% 10. AI and Machine Learning Specialists

1. Assembly and Factory Workers

2. Relationship Managers
3. Business Services and Administration Managers
4. Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technic…
5. Administrative and Executive Secretaries
6. General and Operations Managers
7. Door-To-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and R…
8. Data Entry Clerks
9. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
10. Accountants and Auditors

The Future of Jobs 120


Barriers to adoption of new technologies Expected impact on workforce

Share of companies surveyed Share of companies surveyed

Modify the composition of the value chain

Skills gaps in the local labour market 67.7% 67.7%

Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 54.8% Expand its use of contractors doing task-specialized work
Inability to attract specialized talent 45.2% Reduce its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Shortage of investment capital 41.9% Modify the locations where the organization operates
Insufficient understanding of opportunities 38.7% Expand its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 25.8%

Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 19.4%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Lack of interest among leadership 9.7% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
Other 6.5% across their reskilling or upskilling programmes
1. Technology use, monitoring and control
2. Analytical thinking and innovation
3. Complex problem-solving
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024
4. Technology installation and maintenance

Machine share Human share 5. Critical thinking and analysis

6. Technology design and programming
7. Quality control and safety awareness
Information and data processing
8. Service orientation
38.3% 9. Management of financial, material resources
Performing physical and manual work activities 10. Leadership and social influence


Looking for and receiving job-related information

Average reskilling needs
Share of workforce within this industry
All tasks

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months
Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information 26.8% 16.6%



Performing complex and technical activities 6 to 12 months


Communicating and interacting

1 to 3 months
Coordinating, developing, managing and advising 22.4%


Reasoning and decision-making Over 1 year


The Future of Jobs 121

Industry Profile 1/2

Agriculture, Food and Beverage

Expected redeployment Average skills
success rate of displaced instability among

11.2% workers workforce

47.6% 35.8%

Average share of workers at risk

of displacement

Technology adoption in industry Emerging skills

Share of companies surveyed Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
1. Active learning and learning strategies
Internet of things and connected devices 88%
2. Analytical thinking and innovation
Big data analytics 86% 3. Technology use, monitoring and control
4. Quality control and safety awareness
E-commerce and digital trade 80%
5. Creativity, originality and initiative
Power storage and generation 75% 6. Management of personnel
7. Leadership and social influence
Cloud computing 75% 8. Instruction, mentoring and teaching
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural 9. Emotional intelligence
networks, NLP) 10. Complex problem-solving
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation, 11. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
drones, etc.) 12. Management of financial, material resources
3D and 4D printing and modelling 54% 13. Critical thinking and analysis
14. Attention to detail, trustworthiness
Text, image and voice processing 50% 15. Coordination and time management

Biotechnology 50%

Emerging and redundant job roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy their organization, ordered by frequency
Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of EMERGING
COVID-19 1. Data Analysts and Scientists
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video 2. Car, Van and Motorcycle Drivers
3. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists
4. Database and Network Professionals
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
66.7% 5. Cashiers and Ticket Clerks
Temporarily reduce workforce 6. Business Services and Administration Managers
50% 7. Business Development Professionals
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology 8. Big Data Specialists
41.7% 9. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
10. Advertising and Public Relations Professionals
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes

1. Data Entry Clerks

2. Administrative and Executive Secretaries
3. Business Services and Administration Managers
4. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
5. Internet of Things Specialists
6. Food Processing and Related Trades Workers
7. Construction Laborers
8. Assembly and Factory Workers
9. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
10. Accountants and Auditors

The Future of Jobs 122


Barriers to adoption of new technologies Expected impact on workforce

Share of companies surveyed Share of companies surveyed

Modify the composition of the value chain

Skills gaps in the local labour market 52.9% 70.6%

Inability to attract specialized talent 52.9% Reduce its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 47.1% Expand its current workforce
Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 41.2% Modify the locations where the organization operates
Insufficient understanding of opportunities 35.3% Expand its use of contractors doing task-specialized work
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 29.4%

Shortage of investment capital 23.5%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Lack of interest among leadership 17.6% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes
1. Leadership and social influence
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024 2. Analytical thinking and innovation
3. Active learning and learning strategies
Machine share Human share
4. Management of personnel
5. Quality control and safety awareness
Information and data processing 6. Critical thinking and analysis

48.1% 7. Creativity, originality and initiative

8. Emotional intelligence
All tasks
9. Complex problem-solving
49.6% 10. Persuasion and negotiation
Looking for and receiving job-related information

Performing physical and manual work activities Average reskilling needs

Share of workforce within this industry
Performing complex and technical activities
Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months
59.4% 38.6% 21.1%
Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information


Reasoning and decision-making


Communicating and interacting 6 to 12 months


Coordinating, developing, managing and advising 1 to 3 months

82.9% 20.8% Over 1 year

The Future of Jobs 123

Industry Profile 1/2

Expected redeployment Average skills
success rate of displaced instability among
workers workforce

44.4% 55.2%

Average share of workers at risk

of displacement

Technology adoption in industry Emerging skills

Share of companies surveyed Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
1. Analytical thinking and innovation
Big data analytics 88%
2. Critical thinking and analysis
Encryption and cyber security 88% 3. Complex problem-solving
4. Systems analysis and evaluation
Internet of things and connected devices 82%
5. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
Cloud computing 80% 6. Active learning and learning strategies
7. Creativity, originality and initiative
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural
76% 8. Troubleshooting and user experience
networks, NLP)
9. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
E-commerce and digital trade 75%
10. Attention to detail, trustworthiness
11. Technology use, monitoring and control
3D and 4D printing and modelling 67%
12. Technology design and programming
Power storage and generation 64% 13. Persuasion and negotiation
14. Technology installation and maintenance
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
60% 15. Management of personnel
drones, etc.)

Text, image and voice processing 59%

Emerging and redundant job roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy their organization, ordered by frequency
Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of EMERGING
COVID-19 1. Data Analysts and Scientists
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video 2. Business Development Professionals
3. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
4. Strategic Advisors
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
64.7% 5. Materials Engineers
Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring) 6. Management and Organisation Analysts
58.8% 7. Digital Transformation Specialists
Temporarily reduce workforce 8. Database and Network Professionals
9. Environmental Protection Professionals
Accelerate automation of tasks
41.2% 10. Robotics Engineers

1. Data Entry Clerks

2. Administrative and Executive Secretaries
3. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
4. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks
5. Cashiers and Ticket Clerks
6. Assembly and Factory Workers
7. Accountants and Auditors
8. Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technic…
9. Door-To-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and R…
10. Agricultural Inspectors

The Future of Jobs 124


Barriers to adoption of new technologies Expected impact on workforce

Share of companies surveyed Share of companies surveyed

Modify the locations where the organization operates

Skills gaps in the local labour market 50% 66.7%

Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 44.4% Reduce its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Inability to attract specialized talent 44.4% Modify the composition of the value chain
Shortage of investment capital 38.9% Reduce its current workforce
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 33.3% Expand its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Lack of interest among leadership 27.8%

Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 27.8%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Insufficient understanding of opportunities 22.2% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes
1. Analytical thinking and innovation
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024 2. Critical thinking and analysis
3. Technology use, monitoring and control
Machine share Human share
4. Leadership and social influence
5. Active learning and learning strategies
Information and data processing 6. Complex problem-solving

46.5% 7. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation

8. Quality control and safety awareness
Looking for and receiving job-related information
9. Persuasion and negotiation
48.1% 10. Management of financial, material resources
Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information

Administering Average reskilling needs

Share of workforce within this industry
Performing complex and technical activities
Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months
58.6% 31.2% 16.4%
All tasks

Reasoning and decision-making

6 to 12 months
Performing physical and manual work activities

Communicating and interacting

66.2% 1 to 3 months
Coordinating, developing, managing and advising Over 1 year
67.9% 16.1%

The Future of Jobs 125

Industry Profile 1/2

Expected redeployment Average skills
success rate of displaced instability among

workers workforce

49.9% 43.2%

Average share of workers at risk

of displacement

Technology adoption in industry Emerging skills

Share of companies surveyed Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
1. Complex problem-solving
Internet of things and connected devices 94%
2. Analytical thinking and innovation
Big data analytics 91% 3. Active learning and learning strategies
4. Creativity, originality and initiative
Encryption and cyber security 85%
5. Technology use, monitoring and control
E-commerce and digital trade 85% 6. Leadership and social influence
7. Critical thinking and analysis
Cloud computing 82% 8. Troubleshooting and user experience
9. Service orientation
Text, image and voice processing 82%
10. Systems analysis and evaluation
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural 11. Management of financial, material resources
networks, NLP)
12. Attention to detail, trustworthiness
Power storage and generation 59% 13. Coordination and time management
14. Quality control and safety awareness
Augmented and virtual reality 58%
15. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.)

Emerging and redundant job roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy their organization, ordered by frequency
Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of EMERGING
COVID-19 1. Data Analysts and Scientists
Provide more opportunities to work remotely 2. Big Data Specialists
3. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
4. Process Automation Specialists
76.2% 5. Food Processing and Related Trades Workers
Accelerate automation of tasks 6. Organizational Development Specialists
52.4% 7. Management and Organisation Analysts
Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks 8. Database and Network Professionals
9. Business Development Professionals
Permanently reduce workforce
38.1% 10. Assembly and Factory Workers

1. Data Entry Clerks

2. Administrative and Executive Secretaries
3. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
4. Accountants and Auditors
5. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers
6. Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technic…
7. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks
8. Door-To-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and R…
9. Client Information and Customer Service Workers
10. Assembly and Factory Workers

The Future of Jobs 126


Barriers to adoption of new technologies Expected impact on workforce

Share of companies surveyed Share of companies surveyed

Modify the composition of the value chain

Skills gaps in the local labour market 48.5% 58.8%

Insufficient understanding of opportunities 42.4% Reduce its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Inability to attract specialized talent 36.4% Modify the locations where the organization operates
Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 33.3% Expand its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Shortage of investment capital 24.2% Expand its current workforce
Lack of interest among leadership 21.2%

Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 21.2%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 18.2% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
Other 3% across their reskilling or upskilling programmes
1. Active learning and learning strategies
2. Management of personnel
3. Leadership and social influence
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024
4. Analytical thinking and innovation

Machine share Human share 5. Creativity, originality and initiative

6. Service orientation
7. Critical thinking and analysis
Information and data processing
8. Coordination and time management
38.3% 9. Complex problem-solving
Looking for and receiving job-related information 10. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation


Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information

Average reskilling needs
Share of workforce within this industry
All tasks

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months
Performing complex and technical activities 24% 22.4%



Performing physical and manual work activities


Communicating and interacting 1 to 3 months 6 to 12 months

26.9% 12.5%

Reasoning and decision-making


Coordinating, developing, managing and advising Over 1 year


The Future of Jobs 127

Industry Profile 1/2

Digital Communications and Information Technology

Expected redeployment Average skills
success rate of displaced instability among

workers workforce

49.4% 44.1%

Average share of workers at risk

of displacement

Technology adoption in industry Emerging skills

Share of companies surveyed Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
1. Analytical thinking and innovation
Cloud computing 95%
2. Technology design and programming
Big data analytics 95% 3. Complex problem-solving
4. Active learning and learning strategies
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural
networks, NLP) 5. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
6. Creativity, originality and initiative
Encryption and cyber security 95%
7. Critical thinking and analysis
Internet of things and connected devices 92% 8. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
9. Leadership and social influence
Text, image and voice processing 90% 10. Technology use, monitoring and control

E-commerce and digital trade 82% 11. Emotional intelligence

12. Troubleshooting and user experience
Augmented and virtual reality 73% 13. Systems analysis and evaluation
14. Service orientation
Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 72%
15. Persuasion and negotiation
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
drones, etc.)

Emerging and redundant job roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy their organization, ordered by frequency
Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of EMERGING
COVID-19 1. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video 2. Data Analysts and Scientists
3. Big Data Specialists
4. Information Security Analysts
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
86.7% 5. Process Automation Specialists
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes 6. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists
63.3% 7. Software and Applications Developers
Accelerate automation of tasks 8. Digital Transformation Specialists
9. FinTech Engineers
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
10. Architects and Surveyors

1. Data Entry Clerks

2. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
3. Administrative and Executive Secretaries
4. Client Information and Customer Service Workers
5. Accountants and Auditors
6. General and Operations Managers
7. Electronics and Telecommunications Installers and Repairers
8. Architects and Surveyors
9. Business Services and Administration Managers
10. Financial Analysts

The Future of Jobs 128


Barriers to adoption of new technologies Expected impact on workforce

Share of companies surveyed Share of companies surveyed

Modify the locations where the organization operates

Skills gaps in the local labour market 60% 51.2%

Inability to attract specialized talent 55% Modify the composition of the value chain
Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 45% Expand its use of contractors doing task-specialized work
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 42.5% Expand its current workforce
Insufficient understanding of opportunities 32.5% Expand its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Shortage of investment capital 30%

Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 27.5%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Lack of interest among leadership 17.5% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
Other 12.5% across their reskilling or upskilling programmes
1. Analytical thinking and innovation
2. Technology design and programming
3. Technology use, monitoring and control
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024
4. Active learning and learning strategies

Machine share Human share 5. Critical thinking and analysis

6. Complex problem-solving
7. Systems analysis and evaluation
Information and data processing
8. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
29.3% 9. Creativity, originality and initiative
Looking for and receiving job-related information 10. Leadership and social influence


Average reskilling needs
Share of workforce within this industry
All tasks
Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months
Performing complex and technical activities 26.2% 19.3%


Performing physical and manual work activities


Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information

6 to 12 months
53.8% 16.1%
Reasoning and decision-making
1 to 3 months
Communicating and interacting 19.7%
64.8% Over 1 year
Coordinating, developing, managing and advising

The Future of Jobs 129

Industry Profile 1/2

Expected redeployment Average skills
success rate of displaced instability among

workers workforce

30.9% 41.3%

Average share of workers at risk

of displacement

Technology adoption in industry Emerging skills

Share of companies surveyed Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
1. Creativity, originality and initiative
Cloud computing 95%
2. Active learning and learning strategies
Big data analytics 95% 3. Technology design and programming
4. Emotional intelligence
Text, image and voice processing 89%
5. Critical thinking and analysis
Encryption and cyber security 86% 6. Complex problem-solving
7. Analytical thinking and innovation
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural
76% 8. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
networks, NLP)
9. Service orientation
E-commerce and digital trade 72%
10. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
11. Leadership and social influence
Augmented and virtual reality 70%
12. Systems analysis and evaluation
3D and 4D printing and modelling 69% 13. Persuasion and negotiation
14. Technology use, monitoring and control
New materials (e.g. nanotubes, graphene) 67%
15. Instruction, mentoring and teaching
Internet of things and connected devices 62%

Emerging and redundant job roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy their organization, ordered by frequency
Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of EMERGING
1. Vocational Education Teachers
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
2. University and Higher Education Teachers
100% 3. Strategic Advisors
Provide more opportunities to work remotely 4. Robotics Engineers
88.2% 5. Management and Organisation Analysts
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology 6. Information Security Analysts
70.6% 7. Data Analysts and Scientists

Accelerate automation of tasks 8. Business Development Professionals

64.7% 9. Advertising and Public Relations Professionals
Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring) 10. Agricultural Equipment Operators

1. Administrative and Executive Secretaries

2. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
3. Data Entry Clerks
4. Statistical, Finance and Insurance Clerks
5. Postal Service Clerks
6. Business Services and Administration Managers
7. Technical Specialists
8. Insurance Underwriters
9. Building Caretakers and Housekeepers
10. Accountants and Auditors

The Future of Jobs 130


Barriers to adoption of new technologies Expected impact on workforce

Share of companies surveyed Share of companies surveyed

Expand its current workforce

Insufficient understanding of opportunities 68.2% 57.1%

Shortage of investment capital 50% Modify the locations where the organization operates
Skills gaps in the local labour market 45.5% Modify the composition of the value chain
Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 45.5% Expand its use of contractors doing task-specialized work
Inability to attract specialized talent 45.5% Expand its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 31.8%

Lack of interest among leadership 27.3%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 22.7% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
Other 9.1% across their reskilling or upskilling programmes
1. Analytical thinking and innovation
2. Critical thinking and analysis
3. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024
4. Leadership and social influence

Machine share Human share 5. Active learning and learning strategies

6. Creativity, originality and initiative
7. Complex problem-solving
Information and data processing
8. Emotional intelligence
32.3% 9. Management of personnel
Administering 10. Persuasion and negotiation


Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information

Average reskilling needs
Share of workforce within this industry
Looking for and receiving job-related information

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months
Performing physical and manual work activities 25.2% 17.2%


Performing complex and technical activities


All tasks
6 to 12 months
59.4% 12.2%

Coordinating, developing, managing and advising

60.9% 1 to 3 months
Communicating and interacting Over 1 year

Reasoning and decision-making


The Future of Jobs 131

Industry Profile 1/2

Energy Utilities & Technologies

Expected redeployment Average skills
success rate of displaced instability among

workers workforce

51.1% 39.4%

Average share of workers at risk

of displacement

Technology adoption in industry Emerging skills

Share of companies surveyed Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
1. Critical thinking and analysis
Internet of things and connected devices 94%
2. Complex problem-solving
Text, image and voice processing 88% 3. Creativity, originality and initiative
4. Analytical thinking and innovation
Encryption and cyber security 88%
5. Active learning and learning strategies
Cloud computing 88% 6. Technology design and programming
7. Service orientation
Power storage and generation 88% 8. Troubleshooting and user experience
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural 9. Leadership and social influence
networks, NLP) 10. Technology use, monitoring and control
11. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
Big data analytics 76%
12. Emotional intelligence
Augmented and virtual reality 75% 13. Systems analysis and evaluation
14. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
E-commerce and digital trade 71%
15. Attention to detail, trustworthiness
3D and 4D printing and modelling 69%

Emerging and redundant job roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy their organization, ordered by frequency
Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of EMERGING
1. Data Analysts and Scientists
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
100% 2. Renewable Energy Engineers

Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video 3. Big Data Specialists
conferencing) 4. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
100% 5. Software and Applications Developers
Accelerate automation of tasks 6. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers
7. Internet of Things Specialists
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
providers) 8. Construction Laborers
53.8% 9. Digital Transformation Specialists
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes 10. Robotics Engineers

1. Administrative and Executive Secretaries

2. Mining and Petroleum Extraction Workers
3. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
4. Accountants and Auditors
5. Power Production Plant Operators
6. Mining and Petroleum Plant Operators
7. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers
8. Legal Secretaries
9. Data Entry Clerks
10. Data Analysts and Scientists

The Future of Jobs 132


Barriers to adoption of new technologies Expected impact on workforce

Share of companies surveyed Share of companies surveyed

Modify the composition of the value chain

Skills gaps in the local labour market 70.6% 58.8%

Insufficient understanding of opportunities 58.8% Modify the locations where the organization operates
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 41.2% Expand its use of contractors doing task-specialized work
Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 35.3% Reduce its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Shortage of investment capital 35.3% Expand its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Inability to attract specialized talent 35.3%

Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 23.5%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Lack of interest among leadership 17.6% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
Other 5.9% across their reskilling or upskilling programmes
1. Critical thinking and analysis
2. Analytical thinking and innovation
3. Technology design and programming
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024
4. Complex problem-solving

Machine share Human share 5. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation

6. Quality control and safety awareness
7. Leadership and social influence
Information and data processing
8. Systems analysis and evaluation
31.6% 9. Management of personnel
Looking for and receiving job-related information 10. Active learning and learning strategies


Performing physical and manual work activities

Average reskilling needs
Share of workforce within this industry
Performing complex and technical activities

Less than 1 month 6 to 12 months
Administering 24% 12.8%


Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information

Over 1 year
All tasks 31.4%
1 to 3 months
Communicating and interacting 17.5%

Coordinating, developing, managing and advising


Reasoning and decision-making

3 to 6 months
75% 14.4%

The Future of Jobs 133

Industry Profile 1/2

Financial Services
Expected redeployment Average skills
success rate of displaced instability among
workers workforce

50.5% 44.1%

Average share of workers at risk

of displacement

Technology adoption in industry Emerging skills

Share of companies surveyed Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
1. Analytical thinking and innovation
Cloud computing 98%
2. Critical thinking and analysis
Encryption and cyber security 95% 3. Creativity, originality and initiative
4. Complex problem-solving
Big data analytics 91%
5. Active learning and learning strategies
E-commerce and digital trade 90% 6. Technology design and programming
7. Troubleshooting and user experience
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural
90% 8. Emotional intelligence
networks, NLP)
9. Technology use, monitoring and control
Text, image and voice processing 88%
10. Leadership and social influence
11. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
Internet of things and connected devices 88%
12. Service orientation
Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 73% 13. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
14. Systems analysis and evaluation
Augmented and virtual reality 62%
15. Instruction, mentoring and teaching
Power storage and generation 55%

Emerging and redundant job roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy their organization, ordered by frequency
Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of EMERGING
1. Data Analysts and Scientists
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
2. Big Data Specialists
83.3% 3. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists
Provide more opportunities to work remotely 4. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
76.7% 5. Digital Transformation Specialists
Accelerate automation of tasks 6. Information Security Analysts
7. Database and Network Professionals
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
providers) 8. Business Development Professionals
40% 9. FinTech Engineers
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes 10. Cyber Security Specialists

1. Data Entry Clerks

2. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
3. Administrative and Executive Secretaries
4. Accountants and Auditors
5. Client Information and Customer Service Workers
6. Bank Tellers and Related Clerks
7. Statistical, Finance and Insurance Clerks
8. Insurance Underwriters
9. General and Operations Managers
10. Financial Analysts

The Future of Jobs 134


Barriers to adoption of new technologies Expected impact on workforce

Share of companies surveyed Share of companies surveyed

Modify the composition of the value chain

Skills gaps in the local labour market 58.5% 54.8%

Inability to attract specialized talent 51.2% Reduce its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 48.8% Modify the locations where the organization operates
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 43.9% Expand its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Insufficient understanding of opportunities 41.5% Expand its use of contractors doing task-specialized work
Shortage of investment capital 19.5%

Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 19.5%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Lack of interest among leadership 12.2% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes
1. Leadership and social influence
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024 2. Analytical thinking and innovation
3. Critical thinking and analysis
Machine share Human share
4. Technology design and programming
5. Complex problem-solving
Information and data processing 6. Technology use, monitoring and control

25.7% 7. Active learning and learning strategies

8. Emotional intelligence
Looking for and receiving job-related information
9. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
42.5% 10. Service orientation
Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information

Administering Average reskilling needs

Share of workforce within this industry
All tasks
Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months
53.2% 26.9% 13.4%
Performing complex and technical activities

Performing physical and manual work activities 6 to 12 months


Communicating and interacting


Reasoning and decision-making

Over 1 year
1 to 3 months
Coordinating, developing, managing and advising 22.9%

The Future of Jobs 135

Industry Profile 1/2

Government and Public Sector

Expected redeployment Average skills
success rate of displaced instability among

workers workforce

39.5% 39.1%

Average share of workers at risk

of displacement

Technology adoption in industry Emerging skills

Share of companies surveyed Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
1. Leadership and social influence
Encryption and cyber security 95%
2. Complex problem-solving
Cloud computing 95% 3. Analytical thinking and innovation
4. Active learning and learning strategies
Text, image and voice processing 89%
5. Critical thinking and analysis
Big data analytics 85% 6. Technology design and programming
7. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
Internet of things and connected devices 79% 8. Technology use, monitoring and control
9. Creativity, originality and initiative
E-commerce and digital trade 67%
10. Technology installation and maintenance
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural 11. Systems analysis and evaluation
networks, NLP)
12. Service orientation
Augmented and virtual reality 56% 13. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
14. Attention to detail, trustworthiness
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
50% 15. Persuasion and negotiation
drones, etc.)

3D and 4D printing and modelling 45%

Emerging and redundant job roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy their organization, ordered by frequency
Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of EMERGING
COVID-19 1. Information Security Analysts
Provide more opportunities to work remotely 2. Risk Management Specialists
3. Digital Transformation Specialists
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
4. Data Analysts and Scientists
78.6% 5. Strategic Advisors
Accelerate automation of tasks 6. Software and Applications Developers
50% 7. Project Managers
Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks 8. Database and Network Professionals
9. Big Data Specialists
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
10. Online Learning Managers

1. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks

2. Data Entry Clerks
3. Administrative and Executive Secretaries
4. Sales and Marketing Professionals
5. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks
6. Business Services and Administration Managers
7. Accountants and Auditors
8. Lawyers
9. Human Resources Specialists
10. Compliance Officers

The Future of Jobs 136


Barriers to adoption of new technologies Expected impact on workforce

Share of companies surveyed Share of companies surveyed

Expand its current workforce

Inability to attract specialized talent 55% 47.4%

Skills gaps in the local labour market 50% Modify the composition of the value chain
Insufficient understanding of opportunities 50% Modify the locations where the organization operates
Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 40% Expand its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 40% Expand its use of contractors doing task-specialized work
Shortage of investment capital 25%

Lack of interest among leadership 20%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 20% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes
1. Analytical thinking and innovation
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024 2. Critical thinking and analysis
3. Leadership and social influence
Machine share Human share
4. Active learning and learning strategies
5. Complex problem-solving
Information and data processing 6. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility

28.9% 7. Emotional intelligence

8. Technology use, monitoring and control
Looking for and receiving job-related information
9. Quality control and safety awareness
54.1% 10. Management of personnel
All tasks

Administering Average reskilling needs

Share of workforce within this industry
Performing physical and manual work activities
Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months
59.9% 27.3% 15.9%
Performing complex and technical activities

Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information

6 to 12 months
Reasoning and decision-making 21.8%


Communicating and interacting 1 to 3 months

69.7% 24.9%

Coordinating, developing, managing and advising


Over 1 year

The Future of Jobs 137

Industry Profile 1/2

Health and Healthcare

Expected redeployment Average skills
success rate of displaced instability among

10.6% workers workforce

44.2% 48.2%

Average share of workers at risk

of displacement

Technology adoption in industry Emerging skills

Share of companies surveyed Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
1. Active learning and learning strategies
Internet of things and connected devices 95%
2. Emotional intelligence
Big data analytics 89% 3. Creativity, originality and initiative
4. Leadership and social influence
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural
networks, NLP) 5. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
6. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
Text, image and voice processing 88%
7. Service orientation
Encryption and cyber security 84% 8. Complex problem-solving
9. Troubleshooting and user experience
Cloud computing 84%
10. Persuasion and negotiation
11. Technology use, monitoring and control
E-commerce and digital trade 78%
12. Technology design and programming
Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 72% 13. Quality control and safety awareness
14. Critical thinking and analysis
Augmented and virtual reality 67%
15. Coordination and time management
3D and 4D printing and modelling 65%

Emerging and redundant job roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy their organization, ordered by frequency
Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of EMERGING
1. Data Analysts and Scientists
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
100% 2. AI and Machine Learning Specialists

Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video 3. Social Science Research Assistants
conferencing) 4. Internet of Things Specialists
87.5% 5. Information Security Analysts
Accelerate automation of tasks 6. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists
7. Biologists and Geneticists
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
providers) 8. Specialist Medical Practitioners
37.5% 9. Digital Transformation Specialists
Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks 10. Training and Development Specialists

1. Data Entry Clerks

2. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
3. Waiters and Bartenders
4. Business Services and Administration Managers
5. Human Resources Specialists
6. Electronics and Telecommunications Installers and Repairers
7. Door-To-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and R…
8. Assembly and Factory Workers
9. Administrative and Executive Secretaries
10. Accountants and Auditors

The Future of Jobs 138


Barriers to adoption of new technologies Expected impact on workforce

Share of companies surveyed Share of companies surveyed

Reduce its current workforce due to technological integration or automation

Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 47.4% 63.2%

Skills gaps in the local labour market 42.1% Modify the composition of the value chain
Inability to attract specialized talent 42.1% Expand its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Shortage of investment capital 36.8% Expand its use of contractors doing task-specialized work
Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 36.8% Modify the locations where the organization operates
Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 31.6%

Lack of interest among leadership 10.5%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Insufficient understanding of opportunities 5.3% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
across their reskilling or upskilling programmes
1. Creativity, originality and initiative
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024 2. Leadership and social influence
3. Service orientation
Machine share Human share
4. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
5. Analytical thinking and innovation
Information and data processing 6. Quality control and safety awareness

34.6% 7. Critical thinking and analysis

8. Management of personnel
Looking for and receiving job-related information
9. Active learning and learning strategies
41.6% 10. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information

All tasks Average reskilling needs

Share of workforce within this industry
Performing complex and technical activities
Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months
51.8% 22.3% 21.5%

Performing physical and manual work activities


Reasoning and decision-making

6 to 12 months
60.6% 25.2%
1 to 3 months
Coordinating, developing, managing and advising

Communicating and interacting


Over 1 year

The Future of Jobs 139

Industry Profile 1/2

Expected redeployment Average skills
success rate of displaced instability among

workers workforce

44.6% 43.6%

Average share of workers at risk

of displacement

Technology adoption in industry Emerging skills

Share of companies surveyed Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
1. Active learning and learning strategies
Cloud computing 92%
2. Technology use, monitoring and control
Internet of things and connected devices 84% 3. Analytical thinking and innovation
4. Leadership and social influence
E-commerce and digital trade 82%
5. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
Big data analytics 81% 6. Complex problem-solving
7. Systems analysis and evaluation
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
79% 8. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
drones, etc.)
9. Technology design and programming
Encryption and cyber security 72%
10. Critical thinking and analysis
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural 11. Service orientation
networks, NLP) 12. Quality control and safety awareness
3D and 4D printing and modelling 69% 13. Creativity, originality and initiative
14. Troubleshooting and user experience
Text, image and voice processing 64% 15. Technology installation and maintenance

Power storage and generation 62%

Emerging and redundant job roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy their organization, ordered by frequency
Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of EMERGING
COVID-19 1. Data Analysts and Scientists
Provide more opportunities to work remotely 2. Business Development Professionals
3. Strategic Advisors
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
4. Software and Applications Developers
77.1% 5. Internet of Things Specialists
Accelerate automation of tasks 6. Big Data Specialists
54.3% 7. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
Temporarily reduce workforce 8. Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technic…
9. Robotics Engineers
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
10. Process Automation Specialists

1. Administrative and Executive Secretaries

2. Data Entry Clerks
3. Assembly and Factory Workers
4. Relationship Managers
5. Business Services and Administration Managers
6. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
7. Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technic…
8. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers
9. General and Operations Managers
10. Door-To-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and R…

The Future of Jobs 140


Barriers to adoption of new technologies Expected impact on workforce

Share of companies surveyed Share of companies surveyed

Modify the composition of the value chain

Skills gaps in the local labour market 63.6% 65.9%

Inability to attract specialized talent 59.1% Reduce its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 54.5% Expand its use of contractors doing task-specialized work
Insufficient understanding of opportunities 38.6% Modify the locations where the organization operates
Shortage of investment capital 31.8% Expand its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 31.8%

Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 25%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Lack of interest among leadership 9.1% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
Other 6.8% across their reskilling or upskilling programmes
1. Analytical thinking and innovation
2. Technology use, monitoring and control
3. Complex problem-solving
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024
4. Leadership and social influence

Machine share Human share 5. Critical thinking and analysis

6. Technology design and programming
7. Quality control and safety awareness
Information and data processing
8. Technology installation and maintenance
40.1% 9. Active learning and learning strategies
Looking for and receiving job-related information 10. Creativity, originality and initiative


All tasks
Average reskilling needs
Share of workforce within this industry
Performing physical and manual work activities

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months
Administering 23.8% 19.4%


Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information


Performing complex and technical activities

6 to 12 months
53.9% 16.5%
Communicating and interacting
62.1% 1 to 3 months
Coordinating, developing, managing and advising
64.1% Over 1 year
Reasoning and decision-making

The Future of Jobs 141

Industry Profile 1/2

Mining and Metals

Expected redeployment Average skills
success rate of displaced instability among
workers workforce

49.5% 40.6%

Average share of workers at risk

of displacement

Technology adoption in industry Emerging skills

Share of companies surveyed Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency

Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation, 1. Technology use, monitoring and control

drones, etc.) 2. Analytical thinking and innovation
Internet of things and connected devices 90% 3. Critical thinking and analysis
4. Complex problem-solving
Big data analytics 90% 5. Systems analysis and evaluation
6. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
Cloud computing 87%
7. Troubleshooting and user experience
Encryption and cyber security 83% 8. Leadership and social influence
9. Creativity, originality and initiative
Text, image and voice processing 76%
10. Active learning and learning strategies
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural 11. Emotional intelligence
networks, NLP) 12. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
E-commerce and digital trade 62% 13. Quality control and safety awareness
14. Instruction, mentoring and teaching
Power storage and generation 57% 15. Technology design and programming

Augmented and virtual reality 57%

Emerging and redundant job roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy their organization, ordered by frequency
Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of EMERGING
COVID-19 1. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
Provide more opportunities to work remotely 2. Data Analysts and Scientists
3. Process Automation Specialists
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
4. Robotics Engineers
78.9% 5. Software and Applications Developers
Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks 6. Digital Transformation Specialists
42.1% 7. Remote Sensing Scientists and Technologists
Temporarily reduce workforce 8. Management and Organisation Analysts
9. Internet of Things Specialists
Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring)
10. Big Data Specialists

1. Data Entry Clerks

2. Assembly and Factory Workers
3. Administrative and Executive Secretaries
4. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
5. Mining and Petroleum Extraction Workers
6. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks
7. Locomotive Engine Drivers and Related Workers
8. Heavy Truck and Bus Drivers
9. Financial Analysts
10. Construction Laborers

The Future of Jobs 142


Barriers to adoption of new technologies Expected impact on workforce

Share of companies surveyed Share of companies surveyed

Modify the composition of the value chain

Skills gaps in the local labour market 73.3% 62.1%

Inability to attract specialized talent 56.7% Reduce its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Insufficient understanding of opportunities 50% Expand its use of contractors doing task-specialized work
Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 46.7% Modify the locations where the organization operates
Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 36.7% Expand its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 26.7%

Shortage of investment capital 23.3%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Lack of interest among leadership 20% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
Other 10% across their reskilling or upskilling programmes
1. Analytical thinking and innovation
2. Leadership and social influence
3. Technology use, monitoring and control
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024
4. Quality control and safety awareness

Machine share Human share 5. Critical thinking and analysis

6. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
7. Active learning and learning strategies
Information and data processing
8. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
32.3% 9. Management of personnel
Performing physical and manual work activities 10. Creativity, originality and initiative


Looking for and receiving job-related information

Average reskilling needs
Share of workforce within this industry
Performing complex and technical activities

Less than 1 month 6 to 12 months
Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information 17.5% 19.5%



All tasks 1 to 3 months


Reasoning and decision-making Over 1 year


Communicating and interacting


Coordinating, developing, managing and advising 3 to 6 months


The Future of Jobs 143

Industry Profile 1/2

Oil and Gas

Expected redeployment Average skills
success rate of displaced instability among

workers workforce

48.1% 42.6%

Average share of workers at risk

of displacement

Technology adoption in industry Emerging skills

Share of companies surveyed Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
1. Active learning and learning strategies
Internet of things and connected devices 93%
2. Technology design and programming
Text, image and voice processing 87% 3. Service orientation
4. Leadership and social influence
Cloud computing 86%
5. Emotional intelligence
Big data analytics 86% 6. Critical thinking and analysis
7. Complex problem-solving
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation,
79% 8. Analytical thinking and innovation
drones, etc.)
9. Troubleshooting and user experience
3D and 4D printing and modelling 79%
10. Creativity, originality and initiative
11. Technology use, monitoring and control
Encryption and cyber security 71%
12. Technology installation and maintenance
Augmented and virtual reality 71% 13. Systems analysis and evaluation
14. Quality control and safety awareness
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural
71% 15. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
networks, NLP)

Power storage and generation 69%

Emerging and redundant job roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy their organization, ordered by frequency
Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of EMERGING
COVID-19 1. Renewable Energy Engineers
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video 2. Sheet and Structural Metal Workers, Moulders and Welders
3. Robotics Engineers
4. Process Automation Specialists
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
66.7% 5. Internet of Things Specialists
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology 6. ICT Operations and User Support Technicians
providers) 7. Data Analysts and Scientists
8. Big Data Specialists
Accelerate automation of tasks
33.3% 9. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
10. Дорожнотранспортные органы
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes

1. Administrative and Executive Secretaries

2. Assembly and Factory Workers
3. Data Entry Clerks
4. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
5. Mechanics and Machinery Repairers
6. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks
7. Accountants and Auditors
8. Mining and Petroleum Extraction Workers
9. Client Information and Customer Service Workers
10. Legal Secretaries

The Future of Jobs 144


Barriers to adoption of new technologies Expected impact on workforce

Share of companies surveyed Share of companies surveyed

Modify the composition of the value chain

Skills gaps in the local labour market 50% 71.4%

Shortage of investment capital 42.9% Reduce its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 42.9% Expand its use of contractors doing task-specialized work
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 35.7% Modify the locations where the organization operates
Insufficient understanding of opportunities 35.7% Expand its current workforce
Inability to attract specialized talent 35.7%

Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 28.6%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Lack of interest among leadership 21.4% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
Other 7.1% across their reskilling or upskilling programmes
1. Technology design and programming
2. Quality control and safety awareness
3. Complex problem-solving
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024
4. Technology use, monitoring and control

Machine share Human share 5. Technology installation and maintenance

6. Analytical thinking and innovation
7. Leadership and social influence
Information and data processing
8. Critical thinking and analysis
40.5% 9. Troubleshooting and user experience
Looking for and receiving job-related information 10. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility


Performing physical and manual work activities

Average reskilling needs
Share of workforce within this industry

Less than 1 month 6 to 12 months
Performing complex and technical activities 13.6% 19.9%


All tasks
64.8% 1 to 3 months
Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information
Over 1 year
Communicating and interacting 28.1%

3 to 6 months
Coordinating, developing, managing and advising 22.4%

Reasoning and decision-making


The Future of Jobs 145

Industry Profile 1/2

Professional Services
Expected redeployment Average skills
success rate of displaced instability among

workers workforce

41.3% 48%

Average share of workers at risk

of displacement

Technology adoption in industry Emerging skills

Share of companies surveyed Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
1. Analytical thinking and innovation
Cloud computing 88%
2. Complex problem-solving
Big data analytics 86% 3. Critical thinking and analysis
4. Creativity, originality and initiative
Text, image and voice processing 79%
5. Active learning and learning strategies
Encryption and cyber security 78% 6. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
7. Emotional intelligence
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural
76% 8. Leadership and social influence
networks, NLP)
9. Persuasion and negotiation
Internet of things and connected devices 74%
10. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
11. Technology design and programming
E-commerce and digital trade 70%
12. Service orientation
Augmented and virtual reality 57% 13. Technology use, monitoring and control
14. Attention to detail, trustworthiness
Distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) 53%
15. Quality control and safety awareness
Power storage and generation 45%

Emerging and redundant job roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy their organization, ordered by frequency
Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of EMERGING
1. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video
2. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
92.9% 3. Data Analysts and Scientists
Provide more opportunities to work remotely 4. Business Development Professionals
85.7% 5. Internet of Things Specialists
Accelerate automation of tasks 6. Business Services and Administration Managers
7. Project Managers
Accelerate the digitalization of upskilling/ reskilling (e.g. education technology
providers) 8. Process Automation Specialists
42.9% 9. Lawyers
Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring) 10. Financial Analysts

1. Administrative and Executive Secretaries

2. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
3. Data Entry Clerks
4. Relationship Managers
5. Legal Secretaries
6. Management and Organisation Analysts
7. General and Operations Managers
8. Electronics and Telecommunications Installers and Repairers
9. Client Information and Customer Service Workers
10. Business Services and Administration Managers

The Future of Jobs 146


Barriers to adoption of new technologies Expected impact on workforce

Share of companies surveyed Share of companies surveyed

Expand its current workforce

Shortage of investment capital 51% 53.8%

Skills gaps in the local labour market 41.2% Expand its use of contractors doing task-specialized work
Insufficient understanding of opportunities 39.2% Modify the composition of the value chain
Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 35.3% Expand its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 35.3% Modify the locations where the organization operates
Inability to attract specialized talent 35.3%

Lack of interest among leadership 27.5%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 17.6% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
Other 7.8% across their reskilling or upskilling programmes
1. Active learning and learning strategies
2. Creativity, originality and initiative
3. Analytical thinking and innovation
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024
4. Critical thinking and analysis

Machine share Human share 5. Emotional intelligence

6. Complex problem-solving
7. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
Looking for and receiving job-related information
8. Management of personnel
37.3% 9. Leadership and social influence
Information and data processing 10. Persuasion and negotiation


Average reskilling needs
Share of workforce within this industry
Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information

Less than 1 month 3 to 6 months
Performing physical and manual work activities 29% 17.1%


Performing complex and technical activities


All tasks 6 to 12 months

57.6% 15.6%

Coordinating, developing, managing and advising


Communicating and interacting 1 to 3 months

64.3% Over 1 year
Reasoning and decision-making

The Future of Jobs 147

Industry Profile 1/2

Transportation and Storage

Expected redeployment Average skills
success rate of displaced instability among

workers workforce

49.1% 38.2%

Average share of workers at risk

of displacement

Technology adoption in industry Emerging skills

Share of companies surveyed Skills identified as being in high demand within their organization, ordered
by frequency
1. Active learning and learning strategies
Big data analytics 94%
2. Complex problem-solving
Cloud computing 94% 3. Analytical thinking and innovation
4. Technology use, monitoring and control
Artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning, neural
networks, NLP) 5. Technology design and programming
6. Systems analysis and evaluation
E-commerce and digital trade 87%
7. Service orientation
Internet of things and connected devices 76% 8. Quality control and safety awareness
9. Leadership and social influence
Encryption and cyber security 75%
10. Emotional intelligence
Robots, non-humanoid (industrial automation, 11. Attention to detail, trustworthiness
drones, etc.) 12. Management of personnel
Text, image and voice processing 65% 13. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
14. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
Augmented and virtual reality 62% 15. Critical thinking and analysis

3D and 4D printing and modelling 60%

Emerging and redundant job roles

Role identified as being in high demand or increasingly redundant within
Impact of COVID-19 on companies’ strategy their organization, ordered by frequency
Share of companies surveyed looking to adopt this strategy as a result of EMERGING
COVID-19 1. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
Accelerate the digitalization of work processes (e.g. use of digital tools, video 2. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists
3. Data Analysts and Scientists
4. Architects and Surveyors
Provide more opportunities to work remotely
64.3% 5. Software and Applications Developers
Accelerate automation of tasks 6. Supply Chain and Logistics Specialists
50% 7. Environmental Protection Professionals
Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring) 8. Organizational Development Specialists
9. Product Managers
Accelerate the implementation of upskilling/ reskilling programmes
10. Ship and Boat Captains

1. Administrative and Executive Secretaries

2. Data Entry Clerks
3. Architects and Surveyors
4. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
5. Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technic…
6. Postal Service Clerks
7. Business Services and Administration Managers
8. Accountants and Auditors
9. Door-To-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and R…
10. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks

The Future of Jobs 148


Barriers to adoption of new technologies Expected impact on workforce

Share of companies surveyed Share of companies surveyed

Modify the locations where the organization operates

Skills gaps in the local labour market 64.7% 58.8%

Inability to attract specialized talent 58.8% Modify the composition of the value chain
Lack of flexibility of the regulatory framework 35.3% Reduce its current workforce due to technological integration or automation
Shortage of investment capital 29.4% Expand its use of contractors doing task-specialized work
Skills gaps among organization’s leadership 23.5% Expand its current workforce
Lack of flexibility in hiring and firing 23.5%

Insufficient understanding of opportunities 23.5%

Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling
Other 5.9% programmes
Share of companies surveyed identifying this skill as being in focus
Lack of interest among leadership 5.9% across their reskilling or upskilling programmes
1. Analytical thinking and innovation
2. Quality control and safety awareness
3. Service orientation
Augmentation of key job tasks by 2024
4. Active learning and learning strategies

Machine share Human share 5. Attention to detail, trustworthiness

6. Technology design and programming
7. Leadership and social influence
Information and data processing
8. Complex problem-solving
32.2% 9. Systems analysis and evaluation
Administering 10. Management of personnel


Performing complex and technical activities

Average reskilling needs
Share of workforce within this industry
Looking for and receiving job-related information

Less than 1 month 6 to 12 months
All tasks 26.6% 16.1%


Reasoning and decision-making


Identifying and evaluating job-relevant information

52.5% Over 1 year
Performing physical and manual work activities 1 to 3 months 3 to 6 months
55.2% 14.4% 16%

Communicating and interacting


Coordinating, developing, managing and advising


The Future of Jobs 149

October 2020 The Future of Jobs

Appendix A:
Report Methodology
The Future of Jobs Report is based on the results The survey consists of quantitative as well as
of the 2020 edition of the Future of Jobs survey, qualitative questions seeking to capture the
a unique source of information that gathers the strategic knowledge, projections and planning of the
insights from the largest companies worldwide on respondents. The study is designed to reveal the
the changing nature of work. world’s leading employers’ estimates on how the
labour force is transforming, their projections on how
The survey asks senior executives to share the planning quickly these shifts will happen, and their efforts in
for their companies’ workforce transformation with addressing these changes.
a time horizon up to 2024. It aims to provide timely
and unique insights on the trends affecting the labour In total the survey comprises 49 questions and was
market, the rate of technological adoption among made available in four languages: English, Spanish,
firms, the shifting job landscape and associated Japanese and Russian.
changes to skills needs as well as business planning for
appropriate upskilling and reskilling.
Survey distribution
The 2020 survey dissemination took place during
the first half of 2020. The survey provides a much- The survey was distributed via an online platform
needed compass for business, governments, civil through three dissemination networks. The primary
society Organizations as well as the public at large distribution route was to the World Economic Forum
on the short-and medium-term transformations to partners and constituents in collaboration with
the labour market. the World Economic Forum Regional and Industry
teams. The survey was further disseminated through
a network of Partner Institutes—local partner
Survey design organizations that administered the survey in their
respective economies. Further dissemination through
The survey builds on the methodology from the partner organizations enabled the strengthening of
2016 and 2018 survey editions. Following survey regional representation by extending the sample to
best practice and in consultation with the World local companies. As a third dissemination channel,
Economic Forum Global Future Council on the new the New Economy and Society team shared the
Education and Work Agenda, several questions were survey with the collaborators from the countries in
refined and new questions were added. The three which the Closing the Skills and Innovation Gap
core concepts that are key to the construction of Accelerators are present (South Africa, UAE, Bahrain,
the Future of Jobs Survey remain unchanged in this India, Pakistan). The Accelerator project brings about
edition. That is, the nature of work is broken down tangible change by building a national public-private
into three interrelated subcategories: job roles, tasks collaboration platform to increase employability of
and skills. Task are defined as the actions necessary the current workforce and increase work-readiness
to turn a set of inputs into valuable outputs. A and critical skills among the future workforce.
collection of tasks forms the content of job roles,
while skills are capabilities needed to be able to For the full overview of the survey partners, please
perform the tasks well. refer to the Survey Partners and Acknowledgements
sections at the end of the report.
The survey is structured into four parts. The first part
includes questions on the expected transformations The network of survey partners responsible for the
to the workforce, including the major trends that are dissemination followed clear sampling guidelines,
affecting the labour market and the technologies which specified the level of the respondent, the
that are being adopted. The second part focuses on target companies and the sample composition. As
jobs, skills and tasks and how these are expected to the questions in the survey require deep insight into
evolve over a four-year period. The third part collects an organization’s current strategy as well as talent-
information on training programmes and employee related aspects of operationalizing this strategy,
reskilling needs and efforts. Finally, to understand the target respondents were senior executives in
the shorter-term impacts of the global pandemic, charge of human resources, strategy and innovation
a fourth section was added on the effects of the departments.
COVID-19 on the workforce.

The Future of Jobs 150

The target companies were specified as the largest Financial Services; Consumer; Mining and Metals;
multinational and national companies, significant in Education; Government and Public Sector; Health
terms of revenue or employee size. The threshold and Healthcare; Automotive; Agriculture, Food and
was set at companies with 100 employees or more Beverage; Transportation and Storage; Energy
as questions concerning technology absorption and Utilities and Technologies; Oil and Gas and Advanced
its consequential impact on employee planning are Manufacturing. The countries represented are the
most relevant for larger companies with a significant United States, the United Kingdom, the United Arab
share of employment. Emirates, China, Germany, India, Saudi Arabia, Poland,
the Russian Federation, Japan, France, Thailand,
Finally, the guidelines specified the industry Australia, Brazil, Canada, the Netherlands, Singapore,
representation, which should reflect the structure of Spain, Pakistan, Mexico, Switzerland, Argentina,
the economy by industry in proportion to the share Indonesia, Italy, South Africa and Malaysia.
of GDP (see Table A1), while also ensuring good
geographical coverage. In total, the report’s data set contains 291 unique
responses by global companies, collectively
The data was collected over a nine-month period representing more than 7.7 million employees
from January to September 2020. In late February, worldwide. Out of scope of this report are responses
the survey was updated to reflect the new global from small companies with fewer than 100 employees
context. A specific section with questions relating as well as responses from the informal sector.
directly to the COVID-19 health crisis and its
implications for the workforce was included. The report aims to provide guidance and stimulating
discussion. However, the results should be treated
By 23 March, when most economies were with caution when looking to generalize its findings in
experiencing the effects of the pandemic and had a manner that could be considered representative of
started to implement measures to slow the spread all trends across an entire industry or country.
of the virus, only 24% of the Future of Jobs Surveys
had been completed. By mid-April, by which time
most economies were in full or partial lockdown Classification framework
(see Figure 2), 36% of companies had completed
the survey. Therefore, most of the responses were for jobs and skills
collected during the COVID-19 pandemic while
at least partial lockdown measures were in place, Following the 2016 and 2018 taxonomy, this year’s
and therefore captured some of the impact of report employed the Occupational Information
COVID-19 on the organization’s workforce planning. Network (O*NET) framework for its categories
Nevertheless, results should be interpreted with of analysis for jobs, skills and tasks. O*NET was
caution as companies might not have been fully developed by the US Department of Labor in
aware of the implications of their health crisis on their collaboration with its Bureau of Labor Statistics’
workforce during the early phases of the pandemic. Standard Classification of Occupations (SOC)
and remains the most extensive and respected
classification of its kind. In its unabridged form, the
Representativeness O*NET-SOC taxonomy includes detailed information
on 974 individual occupations in the United States,
With the purpose to represent the planning and grouped into approximately 20 broader job families,
projections of global business, 65% of the final which are regularly revised and updated for new and
sample is composed of multinational companies, emerging occupations to keep up with the changing
while 35% is from larger local companies, significant occupational landscape.
in terms of revenue or size. The final sample includes
responses from Chief Executive Officers (12%), top The Generalized Work Activities segment of the
executives (59%), middle-level executives (25%), O*NET methodology was used to form the list
and, in exceptional cases, other respondents such of tasks used in the survey. In addition, for the
as consultants (3%). classification of skills, the report team employed an
abridged version of the “Worker Characteristics” and
Over half of the final sample (52%) is composed Worker Requirement classifications; in particular,
of respondents from Human Resources bundles 1.A., 1.C., 2.A., and 2.B. Additional details
departments, responsible for the planning of about the composition of the skills list used in this
the company’s employees. Other responses report can be found in Table A2.
represent the views of executives from the
organization’s strategic departments, including The list of roles used in the report is enhanced with
Finance, Operation and Strategy. roles which were consistently added to previous
editions of the report. In addition, the skills taxonomy
After applying the representative criteria, the final used is an adapted and enhanced version of the
sample comprised 15 industry clusters and 26 O*NET taxonomy, enriched by feedback and insights
countries which collectively represent 80% of from New Metrics collaborators. For details please
the world GDP. The industries represented are: see Tables A2 and A3.
Professional Services; Manufacturing; Digital
Communications and Information Technology;

The Future of Jobs 151

TA B L E A 1 Taxonomy of industry categories

Industry cluster Industry Alternative names

Agriculture, Food and Beverage Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting

Agriculture, Food and Beverage Food and Beverages

Automotive Automotive

Consumer Accomodation and Food Services Retail, Consumer Goods and Lifestyle

Consumer Restaurants Retail, Consumer Goods and Lifestyle

Consumer Retail / Retail Trade Retail, Consumer Goods and Lifestyle

Digital Communications and Information Technology Telecommunications

Digital Communications and Information Technology Information Technology

Digital Communications and Information Technology Electronics

Education Education Management

Education Education Services

Education Higher Education

Energy Utilities & Technologies Energy Utilities Utilities

Energy Utilities & Technologies Energy Technology

Financial Services Banking and Capital Markets Banking

Financial Services and Insurance / Finance and

Financial Services Insurance and Asset Management

Financial Services and Insurance / Finance and

Financial Services Institutional Investors

Financial Services and Insurance / Finance and

Financial Services Private Investors

Government and Public Sector Government and Public Sector Public Administration / Government Administration

Government and Public Sector Non-Profits Non-Profit Organization Management

Health Care and Social Assistance / Hospital &

Health and Healthcare -
Health care

Information Technology - Information Technology & Services

Infra, Urban Dev. & Real Estate Construction

Infra, Urban Dev. & Real Estate Real Estate, Rental and Leasing

Manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing

Manufacturing Aerospace

Manufacturing Chemical and Advanced Materials

Media, Entertainment & Culture Arts, Entertainment and Recreation

Media, Entertainment & Culture Marketing and Advertising

Media, Entertainment & Culture Information and Media

Military -

Mining and Metals Mining and Metals Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction

Administrative and Support and Waste Management and

Office and Facilities Support Services
Remediation Services

Oil and Gas Oil and Gas Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction

Oil and Gas Oil Field Services and Equipment Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction

Other Services Other Services

Professional Services Administrative and Support Services

Professional Services Management of Companies and Enterprises

Professional Services Professional, Scientific and Technical Services

Supply Chain & Transportation Transportation and Warehousing

Supply Chain & Transportation Wholesale Trade

Transportation and Storage Aviation, Travel and Tourism

Transportation and Storage Supply Chain and Transportation

World Economic Forum.

The Future of Jobs 152

TA B L E A 2 Classification of skills used, based on O*NET content model 1 / 2

Competency bundle Competency Description

Understanding the implications of new information for both current and future
Active learning and learning strategies Active learning
problem-solving and decision-making.

Selecting and using training/instructional methods and procedures appropriate for

Learning strategies
the situation when learning or teaching new things.

Job requires analyzing information and using logic to address work-related issues
Analytical thinking and innovation Analytical thinking
and problems.

Job requires creativity and alternative thinking to develop new ideas for and
answers to work-related problems.

Attention to detail, trustworthiness Attention to detail Job requires being careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks.

Dependability Job requires being reliable, responsible and dependable, and fulfilling obligations.

Integrity Job requires being honest and ethical.

Identifying complex problems and reviewing related information to develop and

Complex problem-solving Complex problem-solving
evaluate options and implement solutions.

Coordination and time management Time management Managing one's own time and the time of others.

Coordination Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions.

Creativity, originality and initiative Initiative Job requires a willingness to take on responsibilities and challenges.

Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative
Critical thinking and analysis Critical thinking
solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.

Monitoring/assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations

to make improvements or take corrective action.

Job requires being sensitive to others' needs and feelings and being understanding
Emotional intelligence Concern for others
and helpful on the job.

Job requires being pleasant with others on the job and displaying a good-natured,
cooperative attitude.

Job requires preferring to work with others rather than alone, and being personally
Social orientation
connected with others on the job.

Social perceptiveness Being aware of others' reactions and understanding why they react as they do.

Instruction, mentoring and teaching Instructing Teaching others how to do something.

Leadership and social influence Leadership Job requires a willingness to lead, take charge and offer opinions and direction.

Management of financial, material Determining how money will be spent to get the work done, and accounting for
Management of financial resources
resources these expenditures.

Obtaining and seeing to the appropriate use of equipment, facilities and materials
Management of material resources
needed to do certain work.

Motivating, developing and directing people as they work, identifying the best
Management of personnel Management of personnel resources
people for the job.

Manual dexterity, endurance and The ability to exert oneself physically over long periods without getting out of
precision breath.

Flexibility, balance and coordination Abilities related to the control of gross body movements.

Physical strength abilities Abilities related to the capacity to exert force.

Control movement abilities Abilities related to the control and manipulation of objects in time and space

Fine manipulative abilities Abilities related to the manipulation of objects.

Reaction time and speed abilities Abilities related to speed of manipulation of objects.

Memory, verbal, auditory and spatial

Attentiveness Abilities related to application of attention.

Memory Abilities related to the recall of available information.

Perceptual abilities Abilities related to the acquisition and organization of visual information.

Spatial abilities Abilities related to the manipulation and organization of spatial information

Abilities that influence the acquisition and application of verbal information in

Verbal abilities

Persuasion and negotiation Negotiation Bringing others together and trying to reconcile differences.

Persuasion Persuading others to change their minds or behaviour.

Conducting tests and inspections of products, services or processes to evaluate

Quality control and safety awareness Quality control analysis
quality or performance.

Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand
Reading, writing, math and active listening Active listening the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at
inappropriate times.

The Future of Jobs 153

TA B L E A 2 Classification of skills used, based on O*NET content model 2 / 2

Competency bundle Competency Description

Mathematics Using mathematics to solve problems.

Reading comprehension Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.

Science Using scientific rules and methods to solve problems.

Speaking Talking to others to convey information effectively

Writing Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience.

Abilities that influence the application and manipulation of information in problem-

Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation Idea generation and reasoning abilities

Abilities that influence the solution of problems involving mathematical

Quantitative abilities

Job requires being open to change (positive or negative) and to considerable

Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility Adaptability/flexibility
variety in the workplace.

Job requires maintaining composure, keeping emotions in check, controlling anger

Self control
and avoiding aggressive behavior, even in very difficult situations.

Job requires accepting criticism and dealing calmly and effectively with high stress
Stress tolerance

Service orientation Service orientation Actively looking for ways to help people.

Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most
Systems analysis and evaluation Judgment and decision-making
appropriate one.

Determining how a system should work and how changes in conditions, operations
Systems analysis
and the environment will affect outcomes.

Identifying measures or indicators of system performance and the actions needed

Systems evaluation
to improve or correct performance, relative to the goals of the system.

Technology design and programming Programming Writing computer programmes for various purposes.

Technology design Generating or adapting equipment and technology to serve user needs.

Performing routine maintenance on equipment and determining when and what

Technology installation and maintenance Equipment maintenance
kind of maintenance is needed.

Installation Installing equipment, machines, wiring or programmes to meet specifications.

Repairing Repairing machines or systems using the needed tools.

Technology use, monitoring and control Equipment selection Determining the kind of tools and equipment needed to do a job.

Operation and control Controlling operations of equipment or systems.

Watching gauges, dials or other indicators to make sure a machine is working

Operation monitoring

Operations analysis Analyzing needs and product requirements to create a design.

Troubleshooting and user experience Troubleshooting Determining causes of operating errors and deciding what to do about them.

Visual, auditory and speech abilities Auditory and speech abilities Abilities related to auditory and oral input.

Visual abilities Abilities related to visual sensory input.

World Economic Forum.

The Future of Jobs 154

TA B L E A 3 Classification of skills used, skills taxonomy 1 / 2

Taxonomy cluster Taxonomy cluster Taxonomy cluster

Competency type Taxonomy cluster level 3 definition
level 1 level 2 level 3
Skills and knowledge: Skills Business skills Management and Coordination and time Capacity to manage one's time and planning in tandem with
are the capabilities needed to communication of management others.
complete a task, and therefore activities Management of financial, Developed capacities for gathering resources to achieve
a job. material resources tasks including how money will be spent to get the work done,
Knowledge is the body of facts, obtaining equipment, facilities, and materials and accounting for
principles and theories that are expenditures.
related to a field of work or study
Sales, communication and Developed capacities to identify and shape effective value proposi-
and can be further split into
marketing of products and tions for products and services, as well as to sell products on that
dependent knowledge (practical
services basis.
and procedural) and context-
Quality control and safety Conducting tests and inspections of products, services or processes
independent or theoretical
awareness to evaluate quality and level of performance.
Innovation and Problem-solving Analyticial thinking and Capacity to analyze information and use logic to address issues and
creativity originality 3 problems, apply alternative thinking to develop new, original ideas
and answers.

Analyticial thinking and Capacity to solve novel, ill-defined problems in complex, real-world
originality 3 settings.

Complex problem-solving Abilities that influence the acquisition and application of knowledge
in problem-solving.

Systems analysis and Capacities used to understand, monitor and improve socio-technical
evaluation systems.

Critical thinking and analysis Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses
of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems as
well as assessing performance of yourself, other individuals or orga-
nizations to make improvements or take corrective action.

Digital Technology use and Creating and maintaining Capacity to use programming to design machines or technological
development technology 5 systems which fit user needs. In addition, understanding how others
use tools, determine the cause of operating errors and how to fix

Skills include:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Hardware & Networking Systems
- Cybersecurity and Application Security
- Data Science and Analysis
- Human Computer Interaction
- Scrum/Agile Product Development
- Software & Programming
- Technical Support and Maintenance
- Web Development

Using and operating Capacity to select the right tools needed to perform tasks, use
technology 6 those tools well and set up and operate technology.
Skills include:
- Accounting and Finance Software
- Construction Management Software
- Clininal Information Systems
- Digital Design
- Digital Literacy
- Digital Marketing
- Geographic Information Systems
- Human Resourse Management Systems
- Productivity Software
- Machining & Manufacturing Technologies
- Scientific Computing

Industry-specialized Skills specific to certain fields or professions: Documentation in

Cloud Computing, Video and Editing in Marketing, Sales and
Content or Radiation Oncology (in the Care Economy professional
cluster). The cluster excludes skills related to the operation and
design of digital technologies.

The Future of Jobs 155

TA B L E A 3 Classification of skills used, skills taxonomy 2 / 2

Taxonomy cluster Taxonomy cluster Taxonomy cluster

Competency type Taxonomy cluster level 3 definition
level 1 level 2 level 3
Attitudes: Consistent behaviours, Interpersonal Working with people Management of personnel Motivating, developing and directing people as they work, identifying
emotional intelligence traits and the best people for the job.
beliefs that individuals exhibit that Persuasion and negotiation Persuading others to change their minds or behaviour as well as
influence their approach to a variety bringing them together and trying to reconcile differences.
of things such as ideas, persons and
Service orientation Actively looking for ways to help others as well as to make them feel
situations. Attitudes are learned and
attended to and welcome.
often a big part of the driving force
Emotional intelligence Developed capacities used to work with people to achieve goals and
of learning and the approach to
in particular being pleasant, cooperative, sensitive to others, easy to
doing tasks.
get along with and enjoying work with people.

Leadership and social Having an impact on others in the organization, and displaying
influence energy and leadership.

Learning strategies, instruc- Capacities for teaching others how to do something, including
tion, mentoring and teaching4 selecting and using training/instructional methods and procedures
appropriate for the situation when learning or teaching new things.

Self-management Initative2 Willingness to take on responsibilities and challenges.

Active learning1 Understanding the implications of new information for both current
and future problem-solving and decision-making.

Attention to detail, trustwor- Dependability, commitment to doing the job correctly and carefully,
thiness being trustworthy, accountable and paying attentive to details.

Resilience, stress tolerance Maturity, poise, flexibility and restraint to cope with pressure, stress,
and flexibility criticism, setbacks, personal and work-related problems.

Social justice Awareness of the wider world, of history and of social justice issues
that result from historical inequalities. Playing an active role in the
global and local community and the appliation of civic values.

Abilites: The range of physical, Physical abilities Physical abilities Manual dexterity, endurance Abilities related to the capacity to manipulate and control objects,
psychomotor, cognitive and sensory and precision strength, endurance, flexibility, balance and coordination.
abilities that are required to perform Memory, verbal, auditory and Abilities that influence the acquisition and application of knowledge
a job role. spatial abilities in problem-solving.

Visual, auditory and speech Abilities that influence visual, auditory and speech perception.

Cognitive: Core literacies Core literacies Reading, writing, math, active Core literacies needed to work with and acquire more specific skills
Commonly cover conceptual listening in a variety of different domains.
thinking and the ability to process
thoughts and perform various mental
activities, and are most closely
associated with learning, reasoning
and problem-solving.

Source Note
World Economic Forum. 1 listed as "Active learning and learning strategies" throughout the report;
2 listed as "Creativity, originality and initiative" throughout the report; 3
listed as "Analytical thinking and innovation" throughout the report; 4 listed
as "Instruction, mentoring and teaching" throughout the report; 5 listed as
"Technology design and programming" throughout the report"; 6 listed as
"Technology use, monitoring and control" throughout the report.

The Future of Jobs 156

World Economic Forum Platform for Shaping the Future
of the New Economy and Society

Project team

Saadia Zahidi
Member of Managing Board

Vesselina Ratcheva
Insight Lead, Benchmarking Practice

Guillaume Hingel
Insight Lead, Benchmarking Practice

Sophie Brown
Project Specialist

We are extremely grateful to our colleagues on the Platform team for their collaboration, help
and efforts, and in particular to Ida Jeng Christensen, Eoin Ó Cathasaigh, Genesis Elhussein, Till
Leopold and SungAh Lee. A special thank you to Michael Fisher for his excellent copyediting work
and to Accurat for their outstanding graphic designing and layout of the report.

The Platform for the New Economy and Society aims to empower decision-making among leaders
in business and policy by providing fresh, actionable insight through collaboration with leading
experts and data-holding companies as part of its New Metrics Co-Lab. We would like to thank
the following contributors for their collaboration and support to this report:

Automatic Data Processing (ADP)

Matthew Levin, Chief Strategy Officer, ADP LLC
Ahu Yildirmaz, Co-Head, ADP Research Institute
Renzhong Meng, Director, ADP Research Institute

Emily Glassberg Sands, Head of Data Science
Vinod Bakthavachalam, Senior Data Scientist
Eric Karsten, Data Scientist

FutureFit AI
Hamoon Ekhtiari, CEO
Terralynn Forsyth, Head of Product

Rachel Bowley, Senior Data Scientist, Economic Graph
Murat Erer, Senior Insights Analyst
Mariano Mamertino, Senior Economist, Economic Graph Team
Kristin Keveloh, Manager, Economic Graph Team
Sein O Muineachain, Manager, Economic Graph Research and Insights (EMEA)

The Future of Jobs 157

New Economy and Society Partners

The World Economic Forum would like to thank the Partners of the Platform
for Shaping the New Economy and Society for their guidance and support
to this report.

Platform Partners

AARP EY Open Society Institute

Accenture FutureFit AI PAO Severstal
Adecco Group AG Google Inc. PayPal
AIG HCL Technologies PJSC PhosAgro
Alghanim Industries Heidrick & Struggles Pladis Foods Limited
AlixPartners Henry Schein Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers
Amazon Web Services Hewlett Packard Enterprise International Limited
Aroundtown SA HP Inc Prince Mohammed Bin Salman bin
Automatic Data Processing Inc. HSBC Abdulaziz (MiSK) Foundation
(ADP) Hubert Burda Media Procter & Gamble
Bahrain Economic Development IBM Corporation Publicis Groupe
Board Indus Group QI Group
Bank of America Infosys Ltd RBC Financial Group
Bank of Montreal Ingka Group (IKEA) Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd
Barclays Invesco Ltd Reliance Industries Limited
BC Energy Investments Corp. Islamic Development Bank RMZ Corp.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation JLL Royal DSM NV
Bloomberg LP Johnson & Johnson Salesforce, Sàrl
Boston Consulting Group Kearney Inc. Sanofi
Centene Corporation KIRKBI A/S/The LEGO Foundation SAP SE
Charoen Pokphand Group LinkedIn Corporation Saudi Aramco
Company Limited (CP Group) LRN Corporation Sea Limited
Cisco Systems Inc. ManpowerGroup Sempra Energy
Clayton, Dubilier & Rice LLC Marsh & McLennan Companies/ Standard Chartered Bank
CNH Industrial N.V. Mercer Stanley Black & Decker Inc.
Coursera Inc. McKinsey and Company Teck Resources Limited
Crescent Enterprises Merck KGaA Group Ltd
Dassault Systèmes SE Microsoft Corp. Uber Technologies
Dawood Hercules Corporation Natixis Udacity
Dell Technologies NBC Universal Unilever
Deloitte Nestlé Verizon Communications
Dentsu Inc. NMC Healthcare Visa Inc.
Deutsche Bank AG Nokia Corporation VMware Inc.
Deutsche Post DHL Group Novartis AG Willis Towers Watson
Dogan Şirketler Grubu Holding A.S Novolipetsk Steel (NLMK) Wipro
DP World Limited NYSE Group Inc. Workday Inc.
Eurasian Resources Group Sàrl Oando Plc WorldQuant LLC
European Investment Bank (EIB) Omnicom Group Inc. Zurich Insurance Group

In addition, to our partners, the Platform for Shaping the Future of the New
Economy and Society would like to thank the members of the Stewardship
Board for their strategic guidance.

Platform Stewardship Board Members

A. Michael Spence, William R. Berkley Professor Adam Grant, Saul P. Steinberg Professor of
in Economics and Business, NYU Stern School of Management and Psychology, The Wharton School,
Business University of Pennsylvania

Achim Steiner, Administrator, United Nations Ahmad bin Abdullah Humaid Belhoul Al Falasi,
Development Programme (UNDP) Minister of State for Entrepreneurship and SMEs,
United Arab Emirates Government

The Future of Jobs 158

Alain Dehaze, Chief Executive Officer, Adecco Group Laura Liswood, Secretary-General, Council of
AG Women World Leaders

Alicia Bárcena Ibarra, Executive Secretary, United Lynda Gratton, Professor of Management Practice,
Nations Economic Commission for Latin America London Business School
and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
Magdalena Andersson, Minister of Finance, Ministry
Allen Blue, Co-Founder and Vice-President, of Finance of Sweden
Products, LinkedIn Corporation
Mariana Mazzucato, Professor of Economics of
Andrew McAfee, Co-Director and Co-Founder, MIT Innovation and Public Value; Founder and Director,
Initiative on the Digital Economy; Principal Research Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose,
Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology University College London (UCL)
Martine Ferland, Chief Executive Officer, Mercer
Asheesh Advani, President and Chief Executive Limited
Officer, JA Worldwide
Minouche Shafik, Director, London School of
Badr Jafar, Chief Executive Officer, Crescent Economics and Political Science
Peter Hummelgaard, Minister for Employment,
Brian Gallagher, President and Chief Executive Ministry of Employment of Denmark
Officer, United Way Worldwide
Peter T. Grauer, Chairman, Bloomberg LP
Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy and Finance,
Ministry of the Economy, Finance and the Recovery Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Undersecretary-General
of France and Executive Director, United Nations Entity for
Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Erik Brynjolfsson, Schussel Family Professor; (UN WOMEN)
Director, MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, MIT -
Sloan School of Management Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of International
Cooperation, Ministry of International Cooperation of
Frank Appel, Chief Executive Officer, Deutsche Post Egypt
DHL Group
Ricardo Hausmann, Founder and Director, Growth
Guy Ryder, Director-General, International Labour Lab, Harvard University
Organization (ILO)
Rich Lesser, Global Chief Executive Officer, Boston
Henrietta H. Fore, Executive Director, United Nations Consulting Group
Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Robert E. Moritz, Global Chairman, PwC
Jo Ann Jenkins, Chief Executive Officer, AARP
Salil S. Parekh, Chief Executive Officer and Managing
John Goodwin, Chief Executive Officer, The LEGO Director, Infosys Limited
Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, International
Jonas Prising, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
Sharon Thorne, Global Chair, Deloitte
Josephine Teo, Minister for Manpower and Second
Minister for Home Affairs, Ministry of Manpower of Stanley M. Bergman, Chairman of the Board and
Singapore Chief Executive Officer, Henry Schein Inc.

Khalid Al-Falih, Minister of Investment, Ministry of Tariq Al Gurg, Chief Executive Officer, Dubai Cares
Investment of Saudi Arabia
Xavier Sala-i-Martin, Professor, Department of
Laura D'Andrea Tyson, Distinguished Professor of Economics, Columbia University
the Graduate School, Haas School of Business,
University of California, Berkeley

To learn more about the Platform for Shaping the Future of the New Economy
and Society, please visit:
To get involved, please contact

The Future of Jobs 159

Survey Partners
The Future of Jobs Report 2020 is the result of extensive collaboration between
the World Economic Forum and regional survey partners. We would like to
recognize the following organizations for their contribution to the World Economic
Forum’s Future of Jobs Survey and this report.

Argentina Russian Federation

IAE Business School—Universidad Austral Eurasia Competitiveness Institute (ECI)

Bahrain Switzerland
Bahrain Economic Development Board University of St. Gallen, Competence Centre for
Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI-HSG)
LeadCap Knowledge Solutions Pvt. Ltd (LeadCap South Africa
Ventures) Business Leadership South Africa
National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) Business Unity South Africa
Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS)
KADIN Indonesia Thailand
Chulalongkorn Business School, Chulalongkorn
Japan University
Waseda University Thailand Management Association (TMA)

Mexico United Arab Emirates

Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO) National Program for Advanced Skills

Netherlands United Kingdom

Amsterdam Centre for Business Innovation, Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
Amsterdam Business School, University of  

Mishal Pakistan
Punjab Skills Development Fund

The World Economic Forum would like to thank Global Future Council on the New
Education and Work Agenda for their thought leadership and strategic guidance on
the Education 4.0 framework and the Schools of the Future campaign.

Global Future Council on the New Education and Work Agenda

Suzanne Fortier, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, McGill University, Canada (Council


Sarah Kirby, Group Head, Organization Design and Human Resource Strategy, Zurich
Insurance Group, Switzerland (Council Co-Chair)

Jeremias Adams-Prassl, Professor of Law, University of Oxford, UK

Abdullah Al Karam, Chairman and Director-General, Knowledge and Human

Development Authority, United Arab Emirates

Erik Brynjolfsson, Schussel Family Professor; Director, MIT Initiative on the Digital
Economy, MIT - Sloan School of Management, USA

Greetje Corporaal, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute, University

of Oxford, UK (Council Fellow)

Xiao Dun, Founder, 17Zyuoye, China

The Future of Jobs 160

Susan Gianinno, Senior Adviser, Publicis Groupe, France

Emily Glassberg Sands, Head, Data Science, Coursera Inc., USA

Mark Graham, Professor of Internet Geography, Oxford Internet Institute,

University of Oxford, UK

Lynda Gratton, Professor of Management Practice, London Business School, UK

Anne-Sophie Grouchka, Member of the Executive Board, France; Chief Customer

Officer, Allianz SE, France

Harsha Jalihal, Vice-President, Human Resources, USA, Unilever, USA

Jawad Khan, Chief Executive Officer, Punjab Skills Development Fund, Pakistan

Annie Koh, V3 Group Professor of Family Entrepreneurship; Professor of

Finance, Practice; Vice-President, Office of Business Development, Singapore
Management University, Singapore

Frida Polli, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Pymetrics Inc., USA

Dan Restuccia, Chief Analytics and Product Officer, Burning Glass Technologies,

Lee Sangheon, Director, Employment Policy Department, International Labour

Organization, Switzerland

Bettina Schaller, Head, Group Public Affairs, The Adecco Group, Switzerland

Andria Zafirakou, Teacher, Arts and Textile, Alperton Community School, UK

Ray Tong Zhilei, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ChineseAll Digital
Publishing Group Co. Ltd, China

The Future of Jobs 161

October 2020 The Future of Jobs

The Future of Jobs 162

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