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Controlled Synthesis of Ag2S Quantum Dots and Experimental

Determination of the Exciton Bohr Radius
Yejun Zhang,† Yongsheng Liu,‡ Chunyan Li,† Xueyuan Chen,‡ and Qiangbin Wang*,†

Suzhou Key Laboratory of Nanobiomedical Characterization, Division of Nanobiomedicine and i-Lab, Suzhou Institute of
Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou 215123 China

Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials Chemistry and Physics, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou 350002, China

ABSTRACT: Ag2S quantum dots (QDs) have attracted increasing attention due to
their appealing optical properties in the near-infrared regime. However, a full
understanding of the quantum confinement effect of Ag2S QDs has not been achieved
so far. Herein, for the first time, the size-dependent excited state optical properties of
Ag2S QDs are systematically investigated by photoluminescence (PL), PL excitation
(PLE), and time-resolved PL spectroscopy. Experimentally, we determine the exciton
Bohr radius of Ag2S QDs as 2.2 nm, which is highly consistent with theoretical results.

Ag2S quantum dots (QDs) have been attracting intense interest
of 1.5 and 4.6 nm presented with emissions located at 813 and
1227 nm, respectively. Later, they reported the successful
in recent years due to their appealing near-infrared (NIR) synthesis of Ag2S QDs with emission from 510 to 1221 nm, in
photoluminescence (PL) in the second window (NIR-II, which no systematical investigation of the size-dependent
1000−1400 nm), which promises in vivo fluorescence imaging emission was included either.10 More recently, Yu et al.
with higher penetration depth and higher signal-to-noise ratio presented water-dispersible Ag2S QDs with emission tunable
in comparison with the optical probes in NIR-I window (650− from 1050 to 1294 nm as the size of the Ag2S QDs increasing
950 nm).1−4 Much progress has been achieved in in vitro and from 1.6 to 6.8 nm.15 Whereas, quantitative understanding of
in vivo imaging by using Ag2S QDs.5−10 For example, highly the quantum confinement effect of Ag2S QDs was not satisfied
selective targeting and imaging of different cell lines in vitro due to the poor size distribution and broad PL spectra of the
were accomplished by using Ag2S QDs conjugated with specific products. It still remains challenging in controlled synthesis of
ligands.5 Highly sensitive in vivo imaging of xenograft tumor on high quality Ag2S QDs with tunable emission and narrow size
a mouse model was realized by injecting Ag2S QDs via the tail distribution and thus the fundamental understanding of the
vein because of the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) confinement effect of Ag2S QDs.
effect of tumor vasculature.6 Furthermore, negligible toxicity Great efforts have been put on the controlled synthesis of
promises the potential clinical applications of Ag2S QDs.7−10 In monodisperse semiconductor nanocrystals.16−24 For example,
addition to their biomedical applications, Ag2S QDs present Peng and co-workers recently demonstrated a simple and
enormous potential for applications in solar cell and electronic general dispersion−decomposition approach to the synthesis of
transport.11−13 metal sulfide nanocrystals, in which high-quality Ag2S, Cu2S,
So far, most attention has been paid on the applications of PbS, Ni3S4, CdS, and ZnS nanocrystals were successfully
the Ag2S QDs. As a typical direct band gap semiconductor synthesized by direct heating of inorganic metal salts and
nanocrystalline, the quantum confinement effect of Ag2S QDs alkylthiol as the raw materials.21 In these methods, thermal
has been overlooked. In quantum confinement effect study, decomposition of single-source precursor method has been
there is an important parameter to understand the confinement considered as an effective way to produce the size- and shape-
mechanism that is exciton Bohr radius, which describes the controlled nanocrystals. Herein, a series of high quality Ag2S
smallest possible radius of an electron orbiting the nucleus in an QDs with different sizes from 2.4 to 7 nm were successfully
atom. To the best of our knowledge, there is no experimental synthesized by using our previously reported single-source
evidence of the exciton Bohr radius of Ag2S been reported in
previous reports. Pang et al. reported the tunable emission of Received: February 5, 2014
Ag2S QDs from 690 to 1227 nm by increasing the size of Revised: February 12, 2014
Ag2S.14 However, there were only two typical sized Ag2S QDs Published: February 19, 2014

© 2014 American Chemical Society 4918 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 4918−4923
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Article

Table 1. Experimental Details and Products Characteristics

sample reaction temperature (°C) reaction time (min) size (nm) size dispersity (%) PL λmax (nm) fluorescence lifetime (ns) atomic ratio of Ag to S
A 130 1 2.4 22.1 975 57 1.30:1
B 140 2 2.8 19.6 1052 58 1.34:1
C 160 3 3.1 10.9 1091 84 1.45:1
D 180 2 3.7 6.5 1130 103 1.58:1
E 200 30 4.4 4.8 1175 132 1.69:1
F 210 60 5.4 3.9 1175 157 1.79:1
G 230 60 7.0 3.6 1175 181 1.86:1

Figure 1. Typical TEM images and size distribution (A−G) of as-prepared Ag2S QDs. A, 2.4 nm; B, 2.8 nm; C, 3.1 nm; D, 3.7 nm; E, 4.4 nm; F, 5.4
nm; G, 7 nm.

precursor method.25−27 The size-dependent optical properties,

including the absorption and PL spectra, PL excitation (PLE)
Chemicals. 1-Dodecanethiol (DT, 98%, Aladdin), AgNO3,
spectra, and PL lifetime, etc., were systematically studied. (C2H5)2NCS2Na·3H2O (Na(DDTC)), ethanol (AR), and
Finally, the exciton Bohr radius of Ag2S QDs is experimentally chloroform (AR), (Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Company)
determined to be 2.2 nm, which is highly consistent with the were used. All chemicals were used as received without further
theoretical result. purification.
4919 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 4918−4923
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Article

Preparation of Ag(DDTC). The preparation of single- been reported that Ag2S nucleation occurs at 120 °C triggered
source precursor of Ag(DDTC) was referred to our previous by the dissociation of the Ag(DDTC).26 Thus, the growth
report.26 In a typical reaction, 0.05 mol of AgNO3 and temperature of 130 or 140 °C is close to the nucleation
Na(DDTC) were first dissolved in 100 mL of distilled water, temperature, resulting in the wider size distribution of the
respectively. Then, the two solutions were mixed with stirring products. Elevating the growth temperature to 160 °C and
in a 500 mL beaker. After constant stirring at ambient condition above, the effective separation of nucleation and growth
for 3 h, the resulting yellow precipitate was filtered, washed processes lead to the successful synthesis of monodisperse
with distilled water, and dried in air at 60 °C. Ag2S QDs, resulting from the different temperature depend-
Synthesis of Ag2S QDs. Seven different-sized DT-capped ence of nucleation and growth kinetics, which has been
Ag2S QDs (2.4, 2.8, 3.1, 3.7, 4.4, 5.4, and 7 nm) were obtained successfully illustrated in the previous study.28 The insets in
by thermal-decomposing Ag(DDTC). Thermal decomposition Figure 1 show HR-TEM images of Ag2S QDs with well-
of single-source precursor method has been considered as an developed lattice fringes, indicating good crystallinity of all
effective way to produce the size- and shape-controlled samples. The atomic ratio of Ag to S of seven different sizes was
nanocrystals.26 In a typical reaction, 0.1 mmol of Ag(DDTC) shown in Table 1. The high sulfur content can be explained by
was added into 10 g of DT in a three-necked flask (100 mL) at the face that DT as the capping agent is anchored on the
room temperature. Then, oxygen was removed from the slurry nanoparticles surfaces, which contributes the excess S. It is
with vigorous magnetic stirring under vacuum for 5 min. The notable that the ratio of Ag to S decreases as the size of Ag2S
reaction temperature was then raised to 130 °C with a rate of QDs decreases, which was attributed to the larger specific
10 °C/min and retained at this temperature for 1 min to allow surface area of smaller QDs that associates more DT capped on
the growth of Ag2S QDs under N2 atmosphere. Ending the the surface.
reaction, 2.4 nm-sized DT-coated Ag2S QDs were obtained, Figure 2 presents the crystal structures of the resultant Ag2S
which were freely dispersed in chloroform solution. Different QDs. As nanocrystal size decreases, the XRD pattern peaks
sized Ag2S QDs were successfully prepared by tuning the
reaction conditions, and further characterization was carried out
with the final products (Table 1).
Characterization. The size and morphology of Ag2S QDs
and their high-resolution transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) (HR-TEM) images were examined by a Tecnai G2 F20
S-Twin TEM (FEI, USA) operated at 200 kV equipped with an
energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). TEM samples
were prepared by a drop-casting technique by putting 1 drop of
the chloroform solution onto a carbon-coated Cu grid, and the
solvent was evaporated at room temperature in the air. Powder
X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the dried powders were
recorded on a Bruker D8 Advance powder X-ray diffractometer
at a scanning rate of 4° min−1, using Cu−Kα radiation (λ =
1.5406 Å) in the range of 20−60°. The UV−vis−NIR
absorption spectra were obtained on a Lambda 75 UV−vis− Figure 2. XRD patterns of different-sized Ag2S QDs.
NIR spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer, USA). The NIR fluorescence
spectra were executed on Applied NanoFluorescence Spec- become broader. For the Ag2S with size smaller than 3.7 nm, a
trometer (USA) at room temperature, applying an excitation broad peak is observed, which could be described to the major
laser source of 785 nm. The PLE and fluorescence lifetimes crystal faces of Ag2S QDs. With the size larger than 3.7 nm,
were measured on a spectrometer equipped with both characteristic diffraction peaks appeared, which can be assigned
continuous (450 W) xenon and pulsed flash lamps (FLS920, to the monoclinic Ag2S (JCPDS No. 14-0072: a = 4.229 Å, b =
Edinburgh Instrument). NIR-II fluorescence imaging was 6.931 Å, and c = 7.862 Å). No impurities were detected in our
performed with a 640 × 512 pixel two-dimensional InGaAs/ XRD measurement of the products.
SWIR camera (Photonic Science, U.K.). The atomic ratio of Ag The optical properties of the obtained Ag2S QDs such as
to S was measured by atomic absorption spectrum absorption and PL spectra are shown in Figure 3. It is observed

that the absorption spectra of Ag2S QDs are featureless with no
first discrete absorption feature evidence (Figure 3A), which is
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION different from the II−VI QDs that usually exhibit an evident
Figure 1 shows TEM images of the as-prepared Ag2S QDs. In discrete absorption feature. We attribute this featureless
general, the particles have isotropic shapes with relatively absorption spectrum to the special electronic property of
narrow size distributions. The average sizes and size Ag2S QDs.29,30 Figure 3C presents the size-dependent PL of
distributions are listed in Table 1 by counting 150 Ag2S Ag2S QDs, in which the fluorescence of Ag2S QDs is tunable
QDs. It was found that the reaction temperature plays an from 975 to 1175 nm by increasing the size from 2.4 to 4.4 nm.
important role in determining the final product sizes and size The much narrower full width at half-maximum (fwhm) of the
distributions. For example, the smaller-sized Ag2S QDs, such as prepared Ag2S QDs compared with the previous documenta-
2.4 and 2.8 nm, prepared at lower reaction temperatures of 130 tions14,15 endows the potential in vivo multiplex imaging with
and 140 °C possess a wider size distribution in comparison with higher spectral resolution. By keeping Ag2S QDs constant,
the larger-sized Ag2S QDs, which were synthesized at higher absorbance intensity at 808 nm, and a reference NIR dye (Dye-
reaction temperature. This was attributed to coexistence of the 26) with its absorbance at 808 nm, 10 times of that of Ag2S
nucleation and growth processes during the reaction. It has QDs (Figure 3B), various PL intensities were observed when
4920 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 4918−4923
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Article

Figure 3. Optical properties of the as-prepared Ag2S QDs. (A) UV−vis-NIR absorption spectra; (B) daylight images; (C) PL emission spectra under
an excitation of 785 nm; (D) NIR-II fluorescence images.

Figure 4. PLE spectra (A) and time-resolved PL spectra (B−H) of the as-prepared Ag2S QDs.

illuminating by an 808 nm laser diode at a power density of 5.8 reduced radiative rate, and as a result, decreased brightness.33
mW cm−2 (Figure 3D). As depicted in Figure 3D, the PL Regarding the enhanced PL brightness of 5.4 and 7 nm sized
brightness of Ag2S QDs was significantly brighter than that of Ag2S QDs in comparison with that of 4.4 nm sized Ag2S QDs,
Dye-26 even with a much lower (1/10) concentration, which may be attributed to the better crystallization of the
demonstrating the high PL brightness nature of Ag2S QDs. larger sized QDs. It is notable that it is difficult to quantify the
Meanwhile, the PL brightness showed a decreasing tendency quantum yield (QY) of the Ag2S QDs with emission from 975
with the increase of the QD sizes from 2.4 to 4.4 nm, which was to 1175 nm since the QY of the InGaAs detector of the NIR
consistent with the reported results.31,32 Namely, the overlap fluorescence spectrometer is not available. Nevertheless, Figure
between electron and hole wave functions in an electron−hole 3D illustrates the much higher brightness of Ag2S QDs than
pair becomes smaller on increasing particle size, leading to a that of the Dye-26.
4921 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 4918−4923
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Article

Interestingly, as shown in Figure 3C, we found that the PL determine the exciton Bohr radius of Ag2S QDs as 2.2 nm,
emission peaks red-shift from 975 to 1175 nm with the size of which is highly consistent with theoretical results.

Ag2S QDs increasing from 2.4 to 4.4 nm and keep constant at
1175 nm with further increase of the size from 4.4 to 7 nm. The AUTHOR INFORMATION
continuous red-shift of the PL emission of Ag2S QDs can be
attributed to the quantum confinement effect, which narrows Corresponding Author
down the band gap energy as the Ag2S size increases. In *(Q.W.) E-mail: Tel/Fax: 86-512-
contrast, the PL emission peak remains constant at 1175 nm 62872620.
with the continuous increase of the Ag2S size from 4.4 to 7 nm, Notes
which could be explained as being out of the strong quantum The authors declare no competing financial interest.

confinement regime and being in the weak quantum confine-
ment regime. Therefore, we experimentally speculate the Bohr ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
radius of Ag2S as 2.2 nm. In order to confirm this observation,
the exciton radius was calculated according to Griffiths Q.W. acknowledges the financial support from CAS Bairen Ji
equation:34 Hua and Strategic Priority Research Program (XDA01030200),
MOST (2011CB965004), NSFC (21073225), and NSF of
4πεℏ2 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
Jiangsu Province (BK2012007). X.C. and Y.L. acknowledge the
a0 = 2
⎜ + ⎟ support from the Special Project of National Major Scientific
e ⎝ me* mh* ⎠ Equipment Development of China (2012YQ120060) and
Scientific Equipment Development Project of CAS
where a0 is Bohr radius, ε is the bulk optical dielectric constant, (YZ201210).

ℏ is the reduced Planck constant, e is the charge on the
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