Martech Media Catalog
Martech Media Catalog
Martech Media Catalog
101 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ..................... 2 427 Freeze Protection .................................................. 53
102 Worksite Safety ........................................................ 3 500 – Power Generating Systems and
103 First Aid.................................................................... 4 Operations ....................................................... 54
104 Fire Prevention......................................................... 5 501 Power Generation.................................................. 54
105 Lockout/Tagout ........................................................ 6 505 Turbine Auxiliaries System and Control ................ 55
106 Confined Space Safety ............................................ 6 507 Generator and Auxiliary Systems and Control ....... 56
107 Electrical Safety ....................................................... 6 511 Combustion Turbine Fundamentals ....................... 57
108 Materials Handling ................................................... 7 521 Combustion Air and Flue Gas System .................. 58
109 Rigging Safety.......................................................... 7 522 Coal Handling System ........................................... 59
110 Scaffolding Safety .................................................... 7 523 Boiler Fuel Systems ............................................... 60
111 Aerial Devices Safety ............................................... 7 531 Hydrocarbon Fired Boilers ..................................... 60
112 Crane Operations Safety .......................................... 7 533 Boiler Firing Controls and Components ................. 62
113 Forklift Safety ........................................................... 8 535 Fundamental Aspects of Emission Controls ........... 62
114 Fall Protection .......................................................... 8 551 Circulating Water System ...................................... 63
115 Excavation and Trenching ........................................ 8 553 Condensate and Feedwater Systems ................... 64
116 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety ............................ 8 555 Boiler Feed Pumps ................................................ 65
117 Hazardous Materials Safety ..................................... 8 557 Boiler Water and Steam Systems .......................... 66
118 HAZWOPER .......................................................... 10 559 Water Treatment.................................................... 66
119 Hazard Communications ........................................ 11 560 Plant Electrical Systems ........................................ 69
122 Transportation ........................................................ 12 561 Unit Start-up and Shutdown ................................... 69
130 Behavior Based Safety Training ............................. 12 563 Efficiency, Reliability, and Environmentally Sensitive
131 Ergonomics ............................................................ 13 Operations.................................................................... 70
140 Qualified Electrical Worker ..................................... 14 565 Plant Control System ............................................. 73
150 Environmental Awareness ...................................... 15 567 Heat Rate Optimization.......................................... 74
160 Construction Safety ................................................ 15 581 Diesel Power Plant Operations .............................. 74
170 Industrial Mathematics ........................................... 17 582 Combined Cycle Power Plant Operations ............. 75
171 Industrial Sciences ................................................. 17 583 Hydroelectric Power Plant Operations .................. 77
200 – Mechanical Maintenance ....................... 19 584 Biomass Energy .................................................... 78
201 Introduction to Industrial Maintenance and the Tools 585 Wind Energy .......................................................... 78
of the Trade .................................................................. 19 586 Reciprocating Engine Power Plants ...................... 79
202 Belt Drive Maintenance .......................................... 20 587 Nuclear Energy ...................................................... 80
203 Bearing Maintenance ............................................. 21 589 Solar Energy.......................................................... 81
205 Gear Maintenance.................................................. 22 600 – Instrumentation and Control .................. 82
207 Lubrication of Rotating Machinery ......................... 22 603 Process Control Variables ..................................... 82
208 Piping and Tubing .................................................. 23 605 Test Equipment ..................................................... 84
209 Shaft Alignment...................................................... 24 607 Analyzers .............................................................. 86
211 Chain Drive Maintenance ....................................... 24 609 Calibration and Troubleshooting ............................ 86
213 Lubrication ............................................................. 25 611 Prints and Drawings .............................................. 87
215 Valve Selection and Maintenance .......................... 26 613 Automated Control................................................. 88
219 Centrifugal Pumps.................................................. 28 615 Signal Transmission and Conversion .................... 88
223 Heat Exchangers ................................................... 29 617 Controllers and Final Control ................................. 89
225 Compressors.......................................................... 29 619 Electronics Fundamentals ..................................... 89
229 Fasteners and Seals .............................................. 30 621 Programmable Logic Controllers............................ 90
231 Positive Displacement Pumps ................................ 31 670 Principles of HVAC and Refrigeration ................... 91
243 Hydraulics .............................................................. 31
700 – Process Systems and Operations ........ 93
271 Vibration................................................................. 32
701 Petroleum Refining ................................................ 93
273 Boiler Repair .......................................................... 32
707 Process Heaters .................................................... 94
300 – Electrical Transmission and Distribution 34 709 Process Tanks....................................................... 94
301 Distribution Systems .............................................. 34 711 Distillation .............................................................. 94
345 Introduction to NERC ............................................. 36 713 Process Separators ............................................... 94
350 System Protection .................................................. 36 715 Process Reactors .................................................. 94
375 Resource and Demand Balancing .......................... 38 717 Reforming and Synthesis ....................................... 95
376 Communications .................................................... 38 719 Process Safety Systems ........................................ 95
377 Critical Infrastructure Protection ............................. 39 721 Process Utilities Systems ...................................... 95
378 Emergency Operations Planning ........................... 40 723 Process Product Movement and Storage .............. 95
381 Interconnection Reliability Operations and 725 Process Sampling and Testing .............................. 95
Coordination ................................................................. 40
800 – Industrial Machining and Welding .......... 96
386 Transmission Operations ....................................... 40
801 Precision Measurement ......................................... 96
387 System Operations................................................. 41
803 Layout and Bench Work ........................................ 97
388 Active and Reactive Power .................................... 42
805 Vertical Milling Machine ......................................... 97
400 – Electrical Maintenance ........................... 43 807 Engine Lathe ......................................................... 98
401 Direct Current (DC) ................................................ 43 809 Surface Grinder ..................................................... 98
402 Alternating Current (AC) ......................................... 44 811 Pedestal Grinder.................................................... 98
405 Power Quality......................................................... 45 813 Bandsaw ............................................................... 98
409 Industrial Motors .................................................... 45 815 Drill Press .............................................................. 98
411 Motor Control and Protection.................................. 47 820 Rigging, Lifting, and Elevated Work Surfaces ........ 98
413 AC Drives............................................................... 47 841 Welding and Cutting for Maintenance .................... 99
415 Transformers.......................................................... 48
416 Batteries, Battery Chargers, and UPS ................... 49
417 Switchgear Maintenance ........................................ 49
418 Electrical Protection and Grounding ...................... 50
419 Motor Operated Valves .......................................... 51
421 Wiring Installation ................................................... 51
423 Cable Splicing ........................................................ 52
Equipment (PPE) The 101 PPE lessons satisfy the training requirements and
annual refresher requirements for OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910
section 95 (i) (4); (k) and (l).
101-01 Personal Protective Equipment ➢ Identify employee responsibilities regarding wearing
The purpose of a personal protective program is to protect hearing protective devices
employees by ensuring personal protective equipment (PPE) ➢ Discuss the identification of hazardous noise areas
is provided and used, whenever it is necessary due to ➢ Discuss workplace noise control methods that include
hazards from processes or in the work environment, and engineering controls and personal protective equipment
maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition. This lesson (PPE)
presents the responsibilities of managers, supervisors, and ➢ Describe the proper use and maintenance of hearing
workers; assessment of hazards; selection and use of protective devices
personal protective equipment (PPE); and training.
This lesson satisfies the required annual refresher training for
OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910 132 (f) (1) through (3).
➢ Explain the difference between an accident and near- ➢ Define operator fatigue
miss ➢ Define circadian rhythm
➢ Define an unsafe act and unsafe condition ➢ Recognize the symptoms of operator fatigue
➢ Identify factors that can lead to an unsafe act or ➢ Recall the causes of operator fatigue
condition ➢ Identify ways to manage operator fatigue
➢ Discuss methods used to prevent an accident
➢ Explain the importance of a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) 102-10 Hazard Identification and Assessment
➢ Describe the purpose of an accident investigation
➢ Identify the basic components of an investigation report When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recall
recommended practices for companywide safety and health
programs regarding hazard identification and assessment.
102-07 Stationary Power Tool Safety
➢ Know the steps for identifying and assessing hazards
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recall ➢ Identify what existing items can be collected to
how to safely operate a number of stationary power tools by understand workplace hazards
identifying general work area safety requirements and tool- ➢ Describe how to inspect a workplace for safety hazards
specific requirements for many stationary power tools found ➢ Describe how to identify workplace health hazards
in the workplace. ➢ Explain the importance of incident investigation
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA ➢ Identify emergency and non-routine situations
regulations 29 CFR 1910 (Subpart O) section 211 through 219. ➢ Explain how to characterize, prioritize, and identify
controls for hazards
➢ Recall work area safety standards and practices
regarding stationary power tools
➢ Identify safety requirements for operating the following 103 First Aid
stationary power tools
➢ table saw
103-01 First Aid
➢ radial arm saw
➢ band saw When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ jigsaw common injuries that require first aid treatment and provide
➢ wheel grinder aid for such injuries. You will also identify major emergencies
➢ drill press requiring the services of emergency personnel and provide
➢ lathe initial treatment for such injuries. When providing aid, you
➢ bending machine or brake will adhere to the universal precautions taken to prevent the
➢ metal shears transmission of bloodborne pathogens and prevent
➢ welding machine infections.
➢ milling machine
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA
standard 29 CFR 1910.151 (a) (b).
102-08 Laboratory Health and Safety
➢ Describe and apply minor first aid treatments
➢ Describe emergency medical treatment
➢ Describe actions taken during a medical emergency to
o Bleeding
o Physical shock
o Choking
o Burns
o Heat exhaustion
o Poisoning
➢ Define bloodborne pathogens (BBP) and provide
When you complete this lesson, you will understand how to examples
safely work in a laboratory. In addition, you will also be able ➢ Identify the transmission of HBV and HIV
to describe the proper disposal of laboratory waste. ➢ Identify and apply universal precautions to prevent
transmission of bloodborne pathogens
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA ➢ Identify personal protective measures to prevent BBP
regulation(s) 29 CFR 1910.1450. infections
➢ Identify the four categories of hazard identification
➢ Discuss common laboratory safe work practices
➢ Describe the appropriate personal protective equipment
required when working in a laboratory
➢ Explain the proper usage of electrical and heating
devices in a laboratory
➢ Identify the appropriate procedures when cryogenic
liquids, laser-containing equipment and ultraviolet
radiation are present in a laboratory
➢ Explain the general guidelines when using a centrifuge,
microwave oven and autoclave
➢ Describe how to appropriately dispose of laboratory
108-01 Materials Handling and Storing Safety 111 Aerial Devices Safety
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to minimize
the risks of injury and illness by safe handling and storing
materials in the workplace.
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA
regulation 29 CFR 1910.178 - .180, Subpart N.
➢ List qualifications exhibited by competent personnel 112-01 Crane and Hoist Safety
➢ Describe the safe operation of lifting platforms
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ Explain how pre-planning can facilitate efficient crane
rules and responsibilities for the safe operation of cranes,
operations and elimination of major hazards hoists, and riggings; perform hand signals as well as perform
➢ Identify the hazards associated with working near a safety checklist for the operation of cranes and hoists.
power lines
This lesson satisfies the required training for OSHA standard 29
➢ Describe the risk of overloading CFR 1910 179 (n)(3)(ix) and (o)(3).
➢ Discuss two-blocking and identify steps that can be
taken to prevent it ➢ Identify operator responsibilities
➢ Recall general safety rules
➢ Summarize the standard and critical precautions taken
➢ Describe operation rules
when working with rigging ➢ Recall rigging safety requirements
➢ Identify relevant hand signals
➢ Describe a crane and hoist safety checklist
This lesson satisfies the initial and refresher training ➢ Recall procedures for safe excavation and trenching
requirements for OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.178 (i)(1) ➢ Recall safe practices and procedures for trenching and
through (7). excavation equipment
➢ Identify types of tools and equipment used for
➢ Explain employee certification requirements
excavation and trenching
➢ Describe supervisor responsibilities
➢ Identify items on a safety checklist for excavations and
➢ Identify operator training requirements
➢ Describe the components of a lift truck
➢ Recall safe operating procedures
➢ Describe proper load handling 116 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety
When you complete this lesson, you will have the knowledge
necessary to write and balance chemical formulas and
➢ Identify reactants, reaction products, and reaction
➢ Identify atoms and molecules in a chemical equation
➢ Define polyatomic ions and diatomic molecules
➢ Identify balanced and unbalanced equations
➢ Balance a chemical equation
209-01 Couplings
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
different styles of couplings and how to maintain them.
➢ Recall the purpose of couplings
➢ Identify the relationship of torque and speed as it
relates to couplings
➢ Identify the various types of couplings 209-09 Laser Alignment
➢ Describe coupling maintenance procedures When you complete this lesson, you will be able to
understand the theory, and equipment associated with laser
209-03 Pre-Alignment Procedures alignment.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify ➢ Recall laser alignment theory
industry standard pre-checks, types of couplings, and types ➢ Recall steps for mounting the laser alignment sensors
of misalignment. ➢ Describe how the laser alignment system operates
➢ Recall steps for laser beam adjustment
➢ Identify various types of couplings ➢ Describe how to take measurements with the laser
➢ Describe types of misalignment alignment system
➢ Recall industry standard pre-alignment inspections ➢ Describe how to correct misalignment with the laser
alignment system
209-04 Rough Alignment
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
211 Chain Drive Maintenance
the planes, tools, and criteria necessary to perform a rough
➢ Recall the rough alignment basics
➢ Identify the tools required for a rough alignment
➢ Recall the planes of the rough alignment
213 Lubrication
213-04 Lubrication Filtration and Purification
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
how to use mechanical filters and lube oil purifiers to keep
lubricating oil free of contaminants. In addition, you will be
able to describe methods used to filter and purify lubricating
oil in a power plant.
➢ Identify the two most common types of lube oil
contamination found in power plant lubricating oil
➢ Explain the effect contamination has on the lubricating
oil and the equipment it serves
➢ Describe how mechanical filtration removes
contaminants from lubricating oil systems
➢ Discuss the basic procedure for cleaning a permanent,
in-line filter
➢ Explain how each of the following oil purification
methods removes contaminants from lubricating oil:
centrifugal purification, coalescence purification and
vacuum dehydration
213-01 Lubrication Basics
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain 213-05 Lubrication Delivery
how lubrication is used in machinery to reduce friction. In Methods and Systems
addition, you will be able to explain why certain types of
equipment require lubricants with specific viscosities.
➢ Define friction and describe the following types of
o Static friction
o Solid friction
o Sliding friction
o Rolling friction
o Fluid friction
➢ Explain the relationship between friction and lubrication
➢ Describe three key roles of a lubricant in an operating
piece of equipment
➢ Identify the three basic categories of lubricants and give
an example of each
➢ Define viscosity
➢ Describe the construction and principle of operation for ➢ Describe the operation of a ball valve
the following types of valve actuators: ➢ Identify the ball valve’s advantages and disadvantages
o Manual ➢ List the four common ball valve port designs
o Electric motor ➢ List the four general ball valve body styles
o Pneumatic ➢ Explain the significance of valve handle positions on a
o Hydraulic ball valve
o Solenoid
➢ Identify several types of valve position indicators 215-07 Check Valves
215-03 Gate Valves When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
the use, selection, and design of check valves found in
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain industrial applications.
the use, selection, and design of a gate valve. You will also
➢ Discuss the operation of check valves
be able to describe how different service conditions affect
➢ Describe the construction of each of the following types
gate valve configuration.
of check valves:
➢ Describe the operation of a gate valve o Swing
➢ Discuss some advantages and disadvantages of a gate o Tilting disk
valve o Lift
➢ List various gate valve disk configurations and identify o Piston
the conditions under which they are used o Butterfly
➢ Describe different gate valve stem and valve seat o Stop
402-06 AC Power
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to calculate
for unknown values in a power triangle and calculate power
➢ Describe the trigonometric functions for right triangles
➢ Identify the differences between real, apparent, and
reactive power
➢ Describe power factor
➢ Explain power factor correction
➢ Describe power in a purely resistive AC circuit
➢ Describe power in a capacitive or inductive circuit
➢ Apply power value calculation
409-02 AC Generators
When you complete this lesson, you will understand how an
AC generator produces an AC voltage.
➢ List the components of a generator
405-02 Harmonics ➢ Describe a rotating field generator
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Identify the purpose of an exciter
problems that may arise in electrical systems due to ➢ Explain the process of electromagnetic induction
harmonics. In addition, you will be able to identify the benefit ➢ Describe the sine wave that is formed when a
of equipment with minimal harmonic distortion and discuss conductor is rotated through a magnetic field
the wiring methods used to minimize the effects of ➢ Identify the difference between a single-phase voltage
harmonics. sine wave and a three-phase voltage sine wave
➢ Explain the relationship between frequency and speed
➢ Discuss the increase of harmonics in electrical in an AC generator
equipment and systems ➢ Explain how to increase voltage produced in a
➢ Describe harmonic frequency and explain how conductor
harmonic frequencies are caused
➢ Identify the difference between linear and non-linear
409-03 AC Induction Motor Theory
➢ Describe how motors react to harmonic currents When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ Explain harmonic current reactions in transformers how an electric AC induction motor uses the principles of
➢ Describe problems harmonics cause in power systems magnetism and magnetic fields to convert electrical energy
➢ Discuss total harmonic distortion and list ways to into mechanical energy.
minimize harmonic distortion
413 AC Drives
416-02 Electrical Backup Systems 417-03 Medium and High Voltage Switchgear
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the technical details associated with construction and
operation of high and medium voltage switchgears.
➢ Identify the basic theory and design of medium voltage
➢ Identify the basic theory and design of high voltage
➢ Describe the function and interrupting mediums of High
Voltage and Medium Voltage operating mechanisms
➢ Identify common switching considerations
➢ Identify modern Medium Voltage switchgear
501-01 Energy Conversions ➢ Describe the role of the steam turbine in power plant
➢ Describe the basic design of turbine rotor bearings
➢ Identify the purpose of the stationary blades
➢ Identify the function of the main steam stop valves
➢ Describe the purpose of the steam chest and control
➢ Identify the primary function of the turbine lube oil
➢ Describe the role of the emergency lube oil pump
511-03 Introduction to
511-07 Aero-derivative Gas Turbines –
GE Frame Series Gas Turbines
Major Components and Support Systems
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
the motivation behind the development of the F-series of gas When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
turbine. In addition, you will be able to describe the Frame 7 the motivation behind the development of the aero-derivative
gas turbine’s basic components and general operation. gas turbine. In addition, you will be able to describe the gas
turbine’s major components and support systems.
➢ Recall the driving factor for the creation of F-series gas
turbine technology ➢ Define an aero-derivative gas turbine
➢ Identify the primary differences between the Frame 7 ➢ Describe how an aero-derivative gas turbine is different
gas turbine and its predecessors from its heavy duty counterpart
➢ Describe the basic components and flow paths through ➢ Discuss the basic design of the compressor section
the Frame 7 gas turbine ➢ Explain the basic purpose of a combustor
➢ Explain the purpose of the inlet air guide vanes ➢ Describe the fuel delivery system for an aero-derivative
➢ Recall the relationship between turbine output energy gas turbine and its flow paths
and the compressor energy consumption ➢ Describe the lube oil system for an aero-derivative gas
➢ Explain the purpose of a regenerator turbine and how it functions
521-03 Control Loops and 521-06 Combustion Air and Flue Gas
Methods of Control System Shutdown Process
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss When you complete this lesson, you will have an overall
how control loops and methods of control can safely direct understanding of the shutdown process and general
operational events in a power plant. knowledge of an operator’s shutdown responsibilities.
➢ Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of logic ➢ Walk through the steps for boiler shutdown, describing
diagrams procedures related to each of these critical
➢ Discuss the importance of interlocks and describe how components:
they work o Primary Air (PA) Fan
➢ Describe the operation of PID, closed loop methods of o Induced Draft (ID) Fan
control o Forced Draft (FD) Fan
o Air preheaters
➢ Explain how air flow and fuel flow are controlled during
521-04 Combustion Air and Flue Gas shutdown
System Start-up ➢ Define thermal shock and explain how to avoid it during
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the steps performed to put the boiler fan operation system
into service. 522 Coal Handling System
➢ Identify the importance of establishing air flow in the
boiler with the induced draft (ID) fan
➢ List verifications and tests to be completed prior to
forced draft (FD) fan start-up
➢ Describe the steps to start the FD fan
➢ Describe preparations to ensure the ignitor air blowers
are ready for service
➢ List typical permissives to be satisfied before purging
the boiler
➢ Describe the steps to successfully purge the boiler
➢ Describe the steps to put preheater into service
531-04 Boiler Fuel and Air Systems ➢ Describe three harmful pollutants found in flue gas
➢ Describe the difference between bottom ash and fly ash
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify ➢ Explain the basic equipment used to remove bottom
the basic equipment found in high-pressure gas systems and ash from a boiler
fuel oil systems and describe the design and operation of ➢ Explain the basic equipment used to remove fly ash
fuel oil burners. In addition, you will be able to describe from a boiler
boiler draft and identify the different equipment used to ➢ Explain the purpose of a baghouse and describe its
control draft in a boiler. basic operation
➢ Explain the purpose of an electrostatic precipitator and
➢ Identify the location of the furnace within the boiler and describe its basic operation
describe how fuel and air flow affect the firing rate of
the boiler
➢ Describe the basic equipment found in high-pressure
gas burner systems and explain their operation
➢ Describe the basic components found in a typical fuel
oil system
➢ Describe three types of atomizing fuel oil burners and
explain the operation of each type
➢ Define the following terms:
o Draft
o Forced draft
o Induced draft
o Balanced draft
➢ Explain a combustion chamber ➢ Discuss the purpose and operating philosophy behind
➢ Discuss the different types of fuels used the FGDS
➢ Explain a pulverized coal firing process ➢ Describe operation in both the fly ash and lime modes
➢ Explain a cyclone furnace ➢ Explain the use of the absorber tower and reaction tank
➢ Describe a fuel oil atomizer ➢ Identify the purpose of the spray recycle pumps
➢ Describe an ignitor and its operation ➢ Describe the dampers and ductwork
➢ Explain the different types of oil guns ➢ Explain how each of the following features facilitate the
meeting of emissions parameters:
o Absorber bypass fraction
533-02 Boiler Burner Controls o Number of absorbers in service
and Management o Number of pray levels in service
o Fly ash and lime feed
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the different control types used, control hardware, and the
effects of optimizing combustion. You will understand the 535-03 Flue Gas Desulfurization System,
system requirements for burner management, including Open Spray Design, Part 2
flame monitoring techniques and scanning coal flames.
When you complete this lesson, you will have an
➢ Explain different combustion control types understanding of the overall process of cleaning the SO2 out
➢ Discuss control hardware of flue gas. In addition, you will have general knowledge of
➢ Explain combustion optimization each of the systems used to accomplish this.
➢ Explain system requirements for burner management
➢ Describe flame-monitoring techniques ➢ Explain what happens to the scrubbing slurry
➢ Discuss the practice of reusing the slurry and identify
how the pH is maintained for good scrubbing action
➢ Identify the function of the blowdown system
➢ Describe the pond return system
➢ Explain the operation of a lime system
➢ Identify how the fly ash is used
➢ Explain the operation of the scrubber inverters
➢ Describe how to collect CEMS data readings ➢ Describe preparation for starting the circulating water
➢ Describe basic steps required for troubleshooting probe system
and sample systems ➢ List checks performed prior to startup
➢ Describe basic steps required to change calibration gas ➢ Identify the steps completed during startup
bottles and enter new data in the engineering ➢ Discuss operators’ responsibilities during startup
workstation (EWS) ➢ Describe the inspections and checks performed after
➢ Identify tasks to be performed weekly, monthly, startup
quarterly, semi-annually, and annually for preventive
maintenance (PM)
551-08 Cooling Towers: Operating Principles ➢ Describe the general function of the condenser
➢ Define condensate
and Designs ➢ Identify the location and purpose of the hotwell
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain ➢ Explain the basic operation of the condensate hotwell
the operating principles of a cooling tower and identify and pumps
describe various cooling tower designs. ➢ Describe the overall design and function of low-
pressure heaters
➢ Explain the operating principle of a cooling tower ➢ Discuss the purpose of the gland steam seal condenser
➢ List and describe various types of natural draft cooling and its relationship to the condensate system
towers ➢ Describe the purpose of a maintaining air ejector and a
➢ List and describe various types of mechanical draft hogger
cooling towers ➢ Describe the function of a deaerator
➢ Describe different air flow path designs of cooling
➢ Describe cooling towers by shape characterization
567-01 Understanding the Basic Properties ➢ Describe the theory behind the basic operation of a
of Water and Steam diesel engine
➢ Identify the major components of the diesel engine and
explain the function of each
➢ Describe what happens during each of the following
operating cycle events:
o Intake
o Compression
o Injection
o Combustion
o Power
o Exhaust
➢ Identify the difference between a two-stroke and four-
stroke diesel engine
➢ Discuss the role of the diesel generator in our society
584-01 Introduction to Biomass Power Plants ➢ Describe five key components common to horizontal
wind turbines
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to define ➢ Identify the two most common types of blades
biomass and list common biomass fuels used in the ➢ Discuss the type of generator most commonly used in
production of electricity. You will also be able to describe wind turbines
biomass storage, fuel handling equipment and various ➢ Describe how pitch-controlled blades control wind
configurations of biomass boilers. turbine speed
➢ Explain the purpose of the yaw mechanism
➢ Define biomass
➢ List common sources of biomass fuels
➢ List advantages of biomass fuels over coal
➢ Describe fuel handling and storage equipment used in
biomass power plant applications
➢ Describe the various boiler designs used in biomass
605-02 Oscilloscopes
When you complete this lesson, you will understand how to
use the controls of an oscilloscope for the purpose of
measuring electrical signals. You will also be able to set an
oscilloscope to measure voltage, frequency, time, and phase
➢ State what values are represented on the x and y axes
of the display
➢ Name the general components of an oscilloscope
needed to display a waveform
➢ Recall the differences between analog and digital
➢ Identify waveform types and examples of equipment
that produce those waveforms
➢ Describe how to use the basic controls of an
➢ Express how to take simple measurements for voltage,
period, amplitude, frequency, and phase shift
605-08 Megohmmeter
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to use a
megohmmeter to safely take a reading of the resistance of
wire insulation.
When you complete this lesson, you will understand the
basic function and operation of temperature calibration ➢ Recall the purpose of insulation
equipment and loop calibrators.Explain the difference ➢ List the modes of deterioration of insulation
between contact and non-contact sensors ➢ Identify the purpose of a megohmmeter
➢ Describe the types of megohmmeters
➢ Explain how temperature sources and simulators are ➢ List the components of a megohmmeter
used to perform thermocouple and RTD calibration ➢ Describe how to conduct a spot test
➢ Describe the common types of temperature sources
used for calibrating temperature instruments:
o Dry Well (Block)
o Liquid and Fluidized-Sand Bath
o Thermoelectric
➢ Describe the operation of a blackbody calibrator
➢ Describe the function and common features of a loop
➢ Explain the three basic modes of operation of a 4-20
mA loop calibrator:
o Measuring Current
o Sourcing Current
➢ Simulating a Transmitter
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss ➢ Discuss the use of individual instructions and function
I/O error checking and its impact on communications and blocks in ladder logic
function. In addition, you will be able to identify the various ➢ Describe the following types of instructions:
types and structure of PLC memory and describe how o Data manipulation instructions
memory interacts with the peripheral I/O. o Data transfer instructions
o Special function instructions
➢ Describe various error checking methods o Network communication instructions
➢ Compare volatile and nonvolatile memory and provide
example types of each 621-06 PLC (Programmable Logic
➢ Describe data table structure within the CPU memory
➢ Discuss the addressing of the I/O modules
Controllers) Networks
➢ Describe memory maps and their function When you complete this lesson, you will have a basic
➢ Describe I/O module structure understanding of LAN architecture and topology,
communication network access, and transmission media.
621-03 Inputs and Outputs ➢ Discuss LAN architecture as it applies to industrial
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe networks
the design and function of I/O (input/output) interfaces and ➢ Compare the structures of star, common bus, and ring
the equipment used to produce and communicate I/O data. topology, and identify advantages and disadvantages of
each configuration
➢ List some types of discrete I/O (input/output) interfaces ➢ Discuss how error detection is accomplished in the
➢ Describe AC/DC and DC/AC conversion in I/O modules various network topologies
➢ Discuss DC sinking and sourcing ➢ Describe common methods of network access used in
➢ Describe the use of transistor-transistor logic (TTL) PLC systems
➢ Discuss register/BCD modules and multiplexing ➢ Describe different types of transfer medium and identify
➢ List some types of analog input devices their pros and cons
➢ Describe the use of A/D and D/A converters ➢ Define throughput and describe its impact on system
➢ Identify the functions of transducers in input field response
➢ Discuss single-ended and differential configurations
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify ➢ Compare the definitions of petroleum and crude oil
and briefly describe various refining processes that take ➢ Relate the physical states of hydrocarbons to their
place in a typical petroleum refinery. carbon content
➢ Discuss how covalent bonds are formed between
➢ Explain what is meant by crude oil hydrogen and carbon
➢ Describe the purpose of each of the following ➢ Explain the use of base names, prefixes, and suffixes to
processes: label hydrocarbons
o Crude oil desalting ➢ Describe and compare the structure of the following
o Atmospheric distillation hydrocarbon families:
o Vacuum distillation o Paraffins
o Catalytic reforming o Napthenes
o Cracking o Aromatics
o Alkylation o Olefins
o Isomerization o Alkynes
o Polymerization ➢ Identify correlations between physical properties of a
➢ Discuss refinery treating processes hydrocarbon and the hydrocarbon’s molecular structure
➢ Identify the function of a gas plant ➢ List some contaminants commonly found in crude oil
➢ Explain the importance of refinery blending operations and explain their adverse effects on oil refining
➢ List substances often stored in the refinery tank farm
701-03 OSHA’s Process Safety
Management Standard
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the main components and explain the objectives of the
OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) standard.
➢ Discuss the purpose of the PSM standard
➢ Describe the type of process safety information
required under the PSM standard
➢ List the points included in a process hazard analysis
➢ Identify the types of operating procedures that fall under
the PSM standard requirements
➢ Discuss the training requirements under PSM standard
➢ Describe how the PSM standard relates to contractors
➢ Identify what is included in a PSM pre-start-up safety
➢ Describe requirements to comply with PSM mechanical
integrity standards
➢ Explain what is meant by management of change
procedures under PSM
➢ Describe PSM incident investigation and emergency
planning and response provisions
➢ Discuss PSM compliance audit requirements
707 Process Heaters When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the start-up, normal operation, and shutdown of a distillation
707-01 Features and Operation ➢ Important factors to monitor during normal operation of
of Process Heaters a distillation column
➢ Define the following terms:
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe o Feedpoint
the features and operation of process heaters. o Flash
o Rectification
➢ Describe the features of process heaters. o Stripping
➢ Explain the operation of process heaters ➢ Describe the steps of the startup of a distillation column
➢ Recognize the steps of the shutdown of a distillation
721-01 Process Utilities Systems, Part 1 725-02 Testing Principles and Procedures
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the function and design of plant water and air utility how tests are used to ensure on-specification quality
systems. products. You will be able to explain common chemical and
➢ Describe plant water supply systems and their physical tests performed on products to ensure this quality.
functions ➢ Explain distillation testing
➢ Describe plant air supply systems and their functions ➢ Explain specific gravity testing
➢ Explain API gravity testing
721-02 Process Utilities Systems, Part 2 ➢ Explain mass spectrometry testing
➢ Explain gas chromatograph testing
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain ➢ Explain testing for vapor pressure
the function and design of heat and fuel, refrigeration, and ➢ Explain BS&W testing
power supply utility systems, and how they are linked in ➢ Explain testing for H2S and mercaptans
order to meet energy demands from industrial processes. ➢ Explain pH testing
➢ Explain conductivity testing
➢ Describe heat and fuel supply utility systems and their ➢ Explain color testing
functions ➢ Explain viscosity testing
➢ Describe refrigeration utility systems and their functions ➢ Explain cloud and pour point testing
➢ Describe power supply utility systems and their ➢ Explain flash and smoke point testing
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to list the ➢ Describe the design and function of a tap
major components of dial indicators and demonstrate how to ➢ Identify types of taps
use the instrument to take an accurate reading. You will also ➢ Explain the procedure for hand tapping
be able to describe how to use a dial indicator to measure ➢ Describe the design and function of a die
the run out of a rotating part, and how to align two shafts ➢ Explain how to cut threads with a hand die
using a dial indicator. ➢ Describe the design and function of a die nut
➢ Identify accessories used in machine threading
➢ List the main components of a dial indicator
➢ Explain how to properly read a dial indicator
➢ Describe how to measure run out 805 Vertical Milling Machine
➢ Demonstrate how to align rotating components
➢ Describe various types of indicators 805-01 Vertical Milling Machine
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
801-07 Telescoping Gauges the basic control systems and machining methods used on a
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe vertical milling machine and explain the basic operations
the function and proper use of a telescoping gauge, and necessary to manufacture replacement or repair parts used
explain its care. in various types of equipment.
➢ Explain the function of a telescoping gauge ➢ Identify the function of the vertical milling machine’s
➢ Identify the gauge’s components operational controls
➢ Describe the procedure for obtaining accurate ➢ Explain how workpieces and cutting tools may be
measurements precision located through coordinate measuring
➢ Explain the proper care of a telescoping gauge ➢ Explain how to square a workpiece on a vertical milling
➢ Describe the use of the holding and clamping tools
➢ Explain how to determine suitable speeds and feeds for
o Cutting tools
o Operations
o Workpiece materials
➢ Describe the use of each of the following cutting tools:
o End mills
o Woodruff cutters
o Fly cutters
o Precision boring heads
o Counter-bores, spot facers, and chamfering tools
➢ Describe a method for cutting key seats and keyways
➢ Identify other machining processes possible on a
vertical milling machine