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100 – Safety, Health, and Plant Science ........... 2 425 Troubleshooting Electrical Circuits .........................

101 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ..................... 2 427 Freeze Protection .................................................. 53
102 Worksite Safety ........................................................ 3 500 – Power Generating Systems and
103 First Aid.................................................................... 4 Operations ....................................................... 54
104 Fire Prevention......................................................... 5 501 Power Generation.................................................. 54
105 Lockout/Tagout ........................................................ 6 505 Turbine Auxiliaries System and Control ................ 55
106 Confined Space Safety ............................................ 6 507 Generator and Auxiliary Systems and Control ....... 56
107 Electrical Safety ....................................................... 6 511 Combustion Turbine Fundamentals ....................... 57
108 Materials Handling ................................................... 7 521 Combustion Air and Flue Gas System .................. 58
109 Rigging Safety.......................................................... 7 522 Coal Handling System ........................................... 59
110 Scaffolding Safety .................................................... 7 523 Boiler Fuel Systems ............................................... 60
111 Aerial Devices Safety ............................................... 7 531 Hydrocarbon Fired Boilers ..................................... 60
112 Crane Operations Safety .......................................... 7 533 Boiler Firing Controls and Components ................. 62
113 Forklift Safety ........................................................... 8 535 Fundamental Aspects of Emission Controls ........... 62
114 Fall Protection .......................................................... 8 551 Circulating Water System ...................................... 63
115 Excavation and Trenching ........................................ 8 553 Condensate and Feedwater Systems ................... 64
116 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety ............................ 8 555 Boiler Feed Pumps ................................................ 65
117 Hazardous Materials Safety ..................................... 8 557 Boiler Water and Steam Systems .......................... 66
118 HAZWOPER .......................................................... 10 559 Water Treatment.................................................... 66
119 Hazard Communications ........................................ 11 560 Plant Electrical Systems ........................................ 69
122 Transportation ........................................................ 12 561 Unit Start-up and Shutdown ................................... 69
130 Behavior Based Safety Training ............................. 12 563 Efficiency, Reliability, and Environmentally Sensitive
131 Ergonomics ............................................................ 13 Operations.................................................................... 70
140 Qualified Electrical Worker ..................................... 14 565 Plant Control System ............................................. 73
150 Environmental Awareness ...................................... 15 567 Heat Rate Optimization.......................................... 74
160 Construction Safety ................................................ 15 581 Diesel Power Plant Operations .............................. 74
170 Industrial Mathematics ........................................... 17 582 Combined Cycle Power Plant Operations ............. 75
171 Industrial Sciences ................................................. 17 583 Hydroelectric Power Plant Operations .................. 77
200 – Mechanical Maintenance ....................... 19 584 Biomass Energy .................................................... 78
201 Introduction to Industrial Maintenance and the Tools 585 Wind Energy .......................................................... 78
of the Trade .................................................................. 19 586 Reciprocating Engine Power Plants ...................... 79
202 Belt Drive Maintenance .......................................... 20 587 Nuclear Energy ...................................................... 80
203 Bearing Maintenance ............................................. 21 589 Solar Energy.......................................................... 81
205 Gear Maintenance.................................................. 22 600 – Instrumentation and Control .................. 82
207 Lubrication of Rotating Machinery ......................... 22 603 Process Control Variables ..................................... 82
208 Piping and Tubing .................................................. 23 605 Test Equipment ..................................................... 84
209 Shaft Alignment...................................................... 24 607 Analyzers .............................................................. 86
211 Chain Drive Maintenance ....................................... 24 609 Calibration and Troubleshooting ............................ 86
213 Lubrication ............................................................. 25 611 Prints and Drawings .............................................. 87
215 Valve Selection and Maintenance .......................... 26 613 Automated Control................................................. 88
219 Centrifugal Pumps.................................................. 28 615 Signal Transmission and Conversion .................... 88
223 Heat Exchangers ................................................... 29 617 Controllers and Final Control ................................. 89
225 Compressors.......................................................... 29 619 Electronics Fundamentals ..................................... 89
229 Fasteners and Seals .............................................. 30 621 Programmable Logic Controllers............................ 90
231 Positive Displacement Pumps ................................ 31 670 Principles of HVAC and Refrigeration ................... 91
243 Hydraulics .............................................................. 31
700 – Process Systems and Operations ........ 93
271 Vibration................................................................. 32
701 Petroleum Refining ................................................ 93
273 Boiler Repair .......................................................... 32
707 Process Heaters .................................................... 94
300 – Electrical Transmission and Distribution 34 709 Process Tanks....................................................... 94
301 Distribution Systems .............................................. 34 711 Distillation .............................................................. 94
345 Introduction to NERC ............................................. 36 713 Process Separators ............................................... 94
350 System Protection .................................................. 36 715 Process Reactors .................................................. 94
375 Resource and Demand Balancing .......................... 38 717 Reforming and Synthesis ....................................... 95
376 Communications .................................................... 38 719 Process Safety Systems ........................................ 95
377 Critical Infrastructure Protection ............................. 39 721 Process Utilities Systems ...................................... 95
378 Emergency Operations Planning ........................... 40 723 Process Product Movement and Storage .............. 95
381 Interconnection Reliability Operations and 725 Process Sampling and Testing .............................. 95
Coordination ................................................................. 40
800 – Industrial Machining and Welding .......... 96
386 Transmission Operations ....................................... 40
801 Precision Measurement ......................................... 96
387 System Operations................................................. 41
803 Layout and Bench Work ........................................ 97
388 Active and Reactive Power .................................... 42
805 Vertical Milling Machine ......................................... 97
400 – Electrical Maintenance ........................... 43 807 Engine Lathe ......................................................... 98
401 Direct Current (DC) ................................................ 43 809 Surface Grinder ..................................................... 98
402 Alternating Current (AC) ......................................... 44 811 Pedestal Grinder.................................................... 98
405 Power Quality......................................................... 45 813 Bandsaw ............................................................... 98
409 Industrial Motors .................................................... 45 815 Drill Press .............................................................. 98
411 Motor Control and Protection.................................. 47 820 Rigging, Lifting, and Elevated Work Surfaces ........ 98
413 AC Drives............................................................... 47 841 Welding and Cutting for Maintenance .................... 99
415 Transformers.......................................................... 48
416 Batteries, Battery Chargers, and UPS ................... 49
417 Switchgear Maintenance ........................................ 49
418 Electrical Protection and Grounding ...................... 50
419 Motor Operated Valves .......................................... 51
421 Wiring Installation ................................................... 51
423 Cable Splicing ........................................................ 52

Updated March 12, 2020

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100 – Safety, Health, and 101-02 Hearing and Noise Safety
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
Plant Science conditions that lead to hearing damage or loss and use both
engineering controls and personal protective equipment to
101 Personal Protective prevent such damage.

Equipment (PPE) The 101 PPE lessons satisfy the training requirements and
annual refresher requirements for OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910
section 95 (i) (4); (k) and (l).
101-01 Personal Protective Equipment ➢ Identify employee responsibilities regarding wearing
The purpose of a personal protective program is to protect hearing protective devices
employees by ensuring personal protective equipment (PPE) ➢ Discuss the identification of hazardous noise areas
is provided and used, whenever it is necessary due to ➢ Discuss workplace noise control methods that include
hazards from processes or in the work environment, and engineering controls and personal protective equipment
maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition. This lesson (PPE)
presents the responsibilities of managers, supervisors, and ➢ Describe the proper use and maintenance of hearing
workers; assessment of hazards; selection and use of protective devices
personal protective equipment (PPE); and training.
This lesson satisfies the required annual refresher training for
OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910 132 (f) (1) through (3).

➢ Identify the responsibilities of the safety and health

manager, supervisors, and employee regarding the use
of personal protective equipment
➢ Identify the components of a training program for the
use of PPE
➢ Distinguish the types of equipment necessary to protect
employees when working in conditions affecting the
workers’ health and safety
➢ Describe the hierarchy of controls as it relates to
personal protective equipment

101-03 Respiratory Protective Program

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
respiratory hazards and utilize personal respiratory
equipment to prevent injury or illness caused by poor
breathing conditions in the workplace.
The 101 PPE lessons satisfy the training requirements for OSHA
29 CFR 1910 section 134 (k) (1) through (6).

➢ Define key terms used in the implementation of the

respiratory protection program
➢ Distinguish the responsibilities of the safety and health
manager from those of the area supervisors and
employees when implementing the respiratory
protection program
➢ Identify the need for respiratory protective equipment
➢ Describe the personal medical considerations and
evaluation procedures pertaining to a respiratory
protection program

Updated March 12, 2020

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101-70 Introduction to OSHA 102-03 Portable Power and Hand Tool Safety
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the large role OSHA plays in maintaining employee health hazards associated with the use of hand and power tools.
and safety as employees perform their daily work. You will be able to prevent accident and injury in the
workplace by adhering to safety practices and requirements.
This course provides a general overview of basic topics related
to OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA
how it operates. Information provided does not determine regulation 29 CFR 1910 (Subpart P) section 241 through 244.
compliance responsibilities under OSHA standards or the
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act). ➢ Identify general tool safety procedures
➢ Identify hazards associated with power tools
➢ Understand why OSHA is important to employees ➢ Identify different types of portable power tools
➢ Describe rights employees have under OSHA ➢ Explain safety tips that should be utilized when using
➢ List some of the employer’s responsibilities under hand and power tools
OSHA ➢ Describe general safety practices to be used when
➢ Outline what applicable OSHA standards say setting up a work area, selection of personal protective
➢ Describe how OSHA inspections are conducted equipment, and utilizing tools at the work site
➢ Identify where employees can go for help with ➢ Identify hazards and precautions taken when using
occupational safety concerns electric powered tools, pneumatic powered tools, and
fuel powered tools.
101-71 Introduction to Industrial Hygiene ➢ Identify hazards and precautions taken when using
hand tools and portable power tools
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
and apply principles of industrial hygiene towards a safer
working environment. 102-04 Machine Hazards and Safety
➢ Identify types of health hazards in the workplace
➢ Identify types of chemical hazards in the work place
➢ Identify types of biological hazards in the work place
➢ Identify types of physical hazards in the work place
➢ Identify types of ergonomic hazards in the work place

102 Worksite Safety

102-01 Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recall
safe practices for preventing slips, trips, and falls in the
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA common workplace hazards associated with operating
instructions 29 CFR 1926.21(a) and (b). and 29 CFR machinery and apply safeguards to prevent injury and death
1926.20.(b)(1),(2) and (4);(f)(2). in the workplace.
➢ Identify the dual causes of slips, trips, and falls This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA
➢ Describe common hazards in the workplace regulations 29 CFR 1910.212, 29 CFR 1910.213, 29 CFR 1910.215,
contributing to injury and death from falls, slips, and 29 CFR 1910.217 and 29 CFR 1910.219.
➢ Identify common hazards associated with operating
➢ Recall safety measures to prevent slips, trips, and falls
➢ Identify employer requirements for ensuring slip, trip,
➢ Describe safeguards applied in the workplace to
and fall prevention
prevent accidents while operating machines
➢ Determine the responsibilities of employees in ensuring
➢ Describe training requirements of a machine safety
slip, trip, and fall prevention
➢ Apply controls to the environment of machine
102-02 Ladder Safety operations to prevent injury and death
➢ Properly use personal protective equipment and
machine guards to increase worker safety

102-05 Machine Guarding

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to adhere to
machine guard safety requirements by describing the
characteristics of a machine guard and explaining its
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA
the specifications regarding several different types of ladders standards 29 CFR 1910.212, 213, 215, 217, and 219.
and adhere to standard safety precautions for the use,
maintenance, and storage of ladders. ➢ Identify the responsibilities of management,
supervisors, and operators in maintaining machine
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA
guard safety
standard 29 CFR 1926.1060 (a) (1) (i) through (v) and (b).
➢ Describe the characteristics and functions of machine
➢ Identify a variety of ladders and their specifications guards
➢ Describe safety concerns pertaining to the use of ➢ Identify the hazards associated with the operation of
ladders machines and explain the importance of machine
➢ Adhere to safety measures for the use, inspection, and guards
maintenance of ladders

Updated March 12, 2020

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102-06 Accident Causes, Prevention, 102-09 Operator Fatigue
and Investigation When you complete this lesson, you will be able to define
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recognize and recognize symptoms of operator fatigue. You will also
factors that cause accidents and methods to prevent be able to recall the causes of operator fatigue, be familiar
accidents. In addition, you will understand the process of with ways to identify operator fatigue in yourself and others
investigating an accident. and identify ways to manage it.

➢ Explain the difference between an accident and near- ➢ Define operator fatigue
miss ➢ Define circadian rhythm
➢ Define an unsafe act and unsafe condition ➢ Recognize the symptoms of operator fatigue
➢ Identify factors that can lead to an unsafe act or ➢ Recall the causes of operator fatigue
condition ➢ Identify ways to manage operator fatigue
➢ Discuss methods used to prevent an accident
➢ Explain the importance of a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) 102-10 Hazard Identification and Assessment
➢ Describe the purpose of an accident investigation
➢ Identify the basic components of an investigation report When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recall
recommended practices for companywide safety and health
programs regarding hazard identification and assessment.
102-07 Stationary Power Tool Safety
➢ Know the steps for identifying and assessing hazards
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recall ➢ Identify what existing items can be collected to
how to safely operate a number of stationary power tools by understand workplace hazards
identifying general work area safety requirements and tool- ➢ Describe how to inspect a workplace for safety hazards
specific requirements for many stationary power tools found ➢ Describe how to identify workplace health hazards
in the workplace. ➢ Explain the importance of incident investigation
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA ➢ Identify emergency and non-routine situations
regulations 29 CFR 1910 (Subpart O) section 211 through 219. ➢ Explain how to characterize, prioritize, and identify
controls for hazards
➢ Recall work area safety standards and practices
regarding stationary power tools
➢ Identify safety requirements for operating the following 103 First Aid
stationary power tools
➢ table saw
103-01 First Aid
➢ radial arm saw
➢ band saw When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ jigsaw common injuries that require first aid treatment and provide
➢ wheel grinder aid for such injuries. You will also identify major emergencies
➢ drill press requiring the services of emergency personnel and provide
➢ lathe initial treatment for such injuries. When providing aid, you
➢ bending machine or brake will adhere to the universal precautions taken to prevent the
➢ metal shears transmission of bloodborne pathogens and prevent
➢ welding machine infections.
➢ milling machine
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA
standard 29 CFR 1910.151 (a) (b).
102-08 Laboratory Health and Safety
➢ Describe and apply minor first aid treatments
➢ Describe emergency medical treatment
➢ Describe actions taken during a medical emergency to
o Bleeding
o Physical shock
o Choking
o Burns
o Heat exhaustion
o Poisoning
➢ Define bloodborne pathogens (BBP) and provide
When you complete this lesson, you will understand how to examples
safely work in a laboratory. In addition, you will also be able ➢ Identify the transmission of HBV and HIV
to describe the proper disposal of laboratory waste. ➢ Identify and apply universal precautions to prevent
transmission of bloodborne pathogens
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA ➢ Identify personal protective measures to prevent BBP
regulation(s) 29 CFR 1910.1450. infections
➢ Identify the four categories of hazard identification
➢ Discuss common laboratory safe work practices
➢ Describe the appropriate personal protective equipment
required when working in a laboratory
➢ Explain the proper usage of electrical and heating
devices in a laboratory
➢ Identify the appropriate procedures when cryogenic
liquids, laser-containing equipment and ultraviolet
radiation are present in a laboratory
➢ Explain the general guidelines when using a centrifuge,
microwave oven and autoclave
➢ Describe how to appropriately dispose of laboratory

Updated March 12, 2020

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103-02 Bloodborne Pathogens 104 Fire Prevention
104-01 Fire Prevention and
Protection Program
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to plan,
practice, and apply the standards of the fire protection
program in the workplace.
This lesson satisfies the required initial and annual refresher
training for OSHA standard CFR 1910.39(a) through (d) and CFR
1910.38 (a) through (f).

➢ Describe the fire tetrahedron and its role in fire

prevention and extinguishing
➢ Recall fire prevention strategies
➢ Identify the four classes of fires
➢ Recall fire extinguisher installation and maintenance
standards in the workplace
➢ Describe the components of the fire protection training
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify program
the diseases commonly caused by contact with bloodborne
pathogens. You will also be able to identify safety measures
and strategies to protect you from exposure to bloodborne
This lesson satisfies the initial and annual training requirements
for OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.1030 (g)(2);(h)(2) and (3).

➢ Define bloodborne pathogens and identify potentially

infectious materials
➢ List diseases commonly caused by bloodborne
➢ Discuss safety measures and strategies to reduce
exposure to bloodborne pathogens
➢ Identify the elements included in an exposure control
104-02 Fire Extinguisher Safety
103-03 First Aid Resuscitation: When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the four fuel sources and the appropriate extinguisher to use
Choking, CPR, and AED to put out a small fire and apply the safest procedures for
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to extinguishing a fire in the workplace. You will also be familiar
demonstrate how to assist victims using appropriate first aid with the maintenance, inspection and documentation
techniques including the Heimlich Maneuver, CPR, and the requirements for maintaining fire extinguishers.
use of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA
(Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standard 29
Note: This lesson follows American Heart Association CFR 1910.155 (c) 41, 29 CFR 1910.157 (g) (1) through (4) and
recommendations and guidelines. Please verify with your references NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) 10(13).
training coordinator this lesson fulfills the necessary training
requirements for your industry and position. ➢ Describe the principles of fire extinguisher operation
➢ Classify fuels to determine the proper fire extinguisher
➢ Describe the steps to perform the Heimlich Maneuver to use in case of fire
➢ List the actions in the Cardiac Chain of Survival ➢ Recall the safest method of extinguishing a fire in the
➢ Explain the steps to administer Hands-Only CPR workplace
(cardiopulmonary resuscitation) ➢ Identify what actions constitute an inspection
➢ Describe the steps to administer conventional CPR ➢ List corrective actions for rechargeable and non-
➢ Describe the steps followed when using an AED rechargeable fire extinguishers
➢ Describe the record-keeping requirements for the
103-04 Temperature Related Stress different types of inspections and maintenance activities
and Illnesses
104-03 Combustible Dusts
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recognize
the causes and effects of temperature related stress. In When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
addition, you will be able to identify illnesses associated with common combustible dusts and their associated workplace
temperature related stress. hazards. You will also understand basic control measures
that reduce the production of combustible dusts.
➢ Discuss the causes of heat and cold related stress
➢ Identify the factors for heat and cold related stress ➢ Discuss hazards associated with combustible dusts
➢ Describe the major forms of heat and cold illnesses ➢ Identify the 5 components of the “dust explosion
➢ Discuss how to treat workers who are suffering from pentagon”
specific heat and cold illnesses ➢ Explain where dust occurs in the workplace
➢ Explain how to prevent heat and cold illnesses ➢ Describe general housekeeping steps that reduce dust
➢ Discuss use of environmental controls
➢ List commonly found combustible dusts

Updated March 12, 2020

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105 Lockout/Tagout 106-80 Confined Spaces: Entrant and
Attendant Duties (CAD)
When you complete this lesson, you will understand the role
of the authorized attendant, as well as the entrant working in
confined spaces. You will also be able to describe steps
taken to safely enter and work within a confined space.
➢ Define a confined space
➢ Identify the qualifying factors of permit-required
confined spaces
➢ Describe the dangers associated with a confined space
105-01 Lockout/Tagout Safety Program ➢ Detail the roles of the confined space attendant and
authorized entrant
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain ➢ Identify required entry permit information
the necessity of a lockout/tagout program and adhere to the ➢ Recall requirements of atmospheric testing in a
procedures and practices of lockout/tagout safety. confined space
➢ Describe hot work procedures in a confined space
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA
standard 29 CFR 1910.147.
➢ Recall critical aspects of confined space rescue
➢ Explain the components of a lockout and tagout
➢ Identify lockout and tagout terminology
107 Electrical Safety
➢ Recall the training requirements of a lockout and tagout
safety program 107-01 Electrical Safety
➢ Identify the sequence of actions required by the lockout
➢ Explain procedures for returning equipment or
machines to service
➢ Recall communications requirements to ensure the safe
lockout and tagout of equipment and machines

106 Confined Space Safety

106-01 Confined Spaces:

Entrant and Attendant Duties When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
When you complete this lesson, you will understand the role the flow of electrical current, describe common hazards of
of the authorized attendant, as well as the entrant working in electricity, and practice safety procedures to prevent injury,
confined spaces. You will also be able to describe steps damage, and death caused by electrical hazards.
taken to safely enter and work within a confined space. This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.137.
standard 29 CFR 1910.146 (g) and (k) (i) through (iv).
➢ Describe the flow of electrical current using the terms
➢ Define and describe a confined space amp and volt
➢ Explain the difference between permit and non-permit ➢ Identify electrical hazards
required confined spaces ➢ Minimize electrical hazards
➢ Describe the dangers associated with a confined space ➢ Follow safe practices regarding work with or near
➢ Detail the roles of the confined space attendant and electrical sources and circuits
authorized entrant ➢ Apply safety procedures to portable electrical
➢ List the general entry requirements for a confined space equipment
➢ Describe atmospheric testing in a confined space ➢ Adhere to safe practices regarding the handling and
➢ Describe hot work procedures in a confined space use of electrical plugs and cords
➢ Discuss the critical aspects of confined space rescue
procedures 107-02 Energized Electrical
Equipment Safety
106-02 Confined Spaces:
When you complete this lesson, you will recognize the
Entry Supervisor Duties industrial workplace safety authority and be able to describe
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe safe workplace practices.
the role the entry supervisor plays in overseeing work and This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA
ensuring the safety of workers in confined spaces. regulation(s) 29 CFR 1910 Subpart S and NFPA 70E.
This lesson complies with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.146. ➢ Describe safe practices set by the industrial workplace
➢ Discuss the OSHA definition of an entry supervisor safety authority for work on electrical equipment
➢ List the duties of an entry supervisor ➢ Identify the personal protective equipment needed to
➢ Identify the general entry requirements for a confined perform safe work on energized electrical circuits or
space equipment
➢ Explain the steps to reclassify a permit required ➢ Describe each of the following electrical hazards of
confined space working with energized equipment: electrical shock, arc
➢ Identify contractor requirements for working in confined flash, and fire hazards
spaces ➢ Identify the purpose and content of hazard labels
➢ Discuss confined space rescue procedures and ➢ Describe how to conduct hazard analysis
preparations ➢ Explain the use of PPE (personal protective equipment)
➢ Describe confined space training requirements

Updated March 12, 2020

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107-03 Arc Flash Hazard Basics 110 Scaffolding Safety
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to define
terminology applicable to arc flash, navigate the guidance of 110-01 Scaffolding Safety
the NFPA 70E, and mitigate unsafe conditions potentially
resulting in an arc flash. When you complete this lesson, you will be able to
distinguish the responsibilities of those employees who work
➢ Define the term Arc Flash Hazard as listed in the on or near scaffolding to assemble, maintain, and operate all
National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) code 70E scaffolding systems and adhere to safety requirements.
➢ Identify the basic concepts of an arc flash occurrences
➢ Identify and define common terms associated with arc This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA
regulation 29 CFR 1926.454.
flash occurrences
➢ Describe the formation of an arc ➢ Distinguish among the responsibilities of supervisors
➢ Identify the personnel risks associated with an arc flash and employees to safely assemble, maintain, and
➢ Describe the purpose and performance of an Arc Flash operate scaffold systems
Hazard Analysis ➢ Identify the specifications of required scaffold assembly,
➢ Identify procedures associated with arc flash effect maintenance, and operation
mitigation ➢ Distinguish among various scaffold systems
➢ Adhere to safe operating procedures regarding scaffold
108 Materials Handling systems

108-01 Materials Handling and Storing Safety 111 Aerial Devices Safety
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to minimize
the risks of injury and illness by safe handling and storing
materials in the workplace.
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA
regulation 29 CFR 1910.178 - .180, Subpart N.

➢ Describe methods of materials handling in the

➢ Apply safe lifting techniques
➢ Safely use non-powered trucks to handle materials
➢ Apply safety precautions when handling materials with
or near powered industrial trucks
➢ Minimize risks and maximize efficiency when storing
111-01 Scissor Lift Operations and Safety
109 Rigging Safety When you have completed this lesson, you will be able to
explain the importance of operating a scissor lift according to
the step-by-step procedures listed in most operating
109-01 Rigging Safety manuals. You will also be able to explain the safety
measures to be followed in detail and the importance of
thorough pre-operation inspections.
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA section
29 CFR 1926 (Subpart L) section 453 including appendices and
the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) ANSI/SIA/ A92.6-

➢ State the importance of following all safety rules

➢ Identify steps in the pre-operation inspection of the
scissor lift
➢ Recall the importance of good maintenance practices
➢ Identify a number of the function tests to be performed
on the scissor lift
When you complete this lesson, you will have a clear ➢ Explain the importance of a workplace inspection
understanding of the factors you need to consider with every ➢ Describe the operating instructions of a scissor lift
lift that involves the use of rigging.
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA 112 Crane Operations Safety
regulations 29 CFR 1926.753 and 29 CFR 1926.251.

➢ List qualifications exhibited by competent personnel 112-01 Crane and Hoist Safety
➢ Describe the safe operation of lifting platforms
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ Explain how pre-planning can facilitate efficient crane
rules and responsibilities for the safe operation of cranes,
operations and elimination of major hazards hoists, and riggings; perform hand signals as well as perform
➢ Identify the hazards associated with working near a safety checklist for the operation of cranes and hoists.
power lines
This lesson satisfies the required training for OSHA standard 29
➢ Describe the risk of overloading CFR 1910 179 (n)(3)(ix) and (o)(3).
➢ Discuss two-blocking and identify steps that can be
taken to prevent it ➢ Identify operator responsibilities
➢ Recall general safety rules
➢ Summarize the standard and critical precautions taken
➢ Describe operation rules
when working with rigging ➢ Recall rigging safety requirements
➢ Identify relevant hand signals
➢ Describe a crane and hoist safety checklist

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113 Forklift Safety 115 Excavation and Trenching
113-01 Forklifts and Powered Industrial 115-01 Excavation and Trenching Safety
Trucks Safety When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to adhere to the safe procedures minimizing the hazards of working in or
the safe practices and procedures for minimizing the near excavation and trenching sites and adhere to safe
hazards of operating forklifts and other powered industrial practices applying to the heavy equipment used in
trucks in the workplace. excavation.

This lesson satisfies the initial and refresher training ➢ Recall procedures for safe excavation and trenching
requirements for OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.178 (i)(1) ➢ Recall safe practices and procedures for trenching and
through (7). excavation equipment
➢ Identify types of tools and equipment used for
➢ Explain employee certification requirements
excavation and trenching
➢ Describe supervisor responsibilities
➢ Identify items on a safety checklist for excavations and
➢ Identify operator training requirements
➢ Describe the components of a lift truck
➢ Recall safe operating procedures
➢ Describe proper load handling 116 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety

116-01 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to safely
114 Fall Protection handle, store, and use gas cylinders.
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA
114-01 Fall Protection regulations 29 CFR 1910.253, 29 CFR 1926.350(d) and 29 CFR
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to avoid
falls and injury due to falling objects in the workplace by ➢ Identify and minimize hazards when handling and
adhering to safety precautions and utilizing safety storing gas cylinders
equipment. ➢ Describe the safety requirements of using pressure
regulators and needle valves
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA ➢ Safely test cylinders and connections for leaks
standard 29 CFR 1910 Subpart R (1910.66 (i) (1). ➢ Apply safe gas cylinder handling and use procedures to
➢ Identify types of fall hazards associated with workplace portable gas units.
environments ➢ Meet the requirements prescribed in the gas cylinder
➢ Identify examples of situations requiring fall protection inspection checklist
➢ Identify fall protection systems utilized in the workplace
➢ Describe facts related to personal fall arrest systems 117 Hazardous Materials Safety
➢ Describe facts related to safety net systems
➢ Describe facts related to warning line systems
➢ Identify employee training requirements 117-01 Hazardous Materials Safety
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
114-81 Fall Protection (CAD) hazardous materials common to the industrial and
commercial workplaces and appropriately respond to spills,
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recall leaks, or other types of contamination within the workplace
best practices for avoiding falls and injury due to falling and to protect personnel and the environment from the hazards
falling objects in the workplace by adhering to safety presented by such materials.
precautions and utilizing appropriate safety equipment.
This lesson satisfies the training requirements for OSHA
➢ Identify examples of situations requiring fall protection standard 29 CFR 1910.1200 (h) (1) through (3).
➢ Identify fall protection systems utilized in the workplace ➢ Identify and describe the four categories of hazardous
➢ Describe characteristics of personal fall arrest systems chemicals
➢ Describe characteristics of safety net systems ➢ Adhere to procedures to be followed in the event of a
➢ Describe characteristics of warning line systems spill
➢ Recall employee training topics ➢ Adhere to procedures for cleanup of hazardous
➢ Identify and report abnormal physical reactions to a
chemical or substance in the workplace

Updated March 12, 2020

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117-02 Acid and Caustic Awareness 117-06 Chlorine Awareness
When you complete this lesson, you will understand how When you complete this lesson, you will recognize the
substances are ranked on the pH scale. You will also be occupational hazards and potential health effects of chlorine
able to describe general safety precautions and emergency exposure.
actions employed when working with acids and caustics.
➢ Identify common properties of chlorine
➢ Describe the nature of an acid ➢ List common side effects of chlorine exposure
➢ Describe the nature of a caustic ➢ Describe basic first aid measures performed for victims
➢ List some examples of common acids and caustics of chlorine exposure
➢ Identify what the pH rating of a chemical indicates ➢ Identify OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health
➢ Discuss the process of neutralization Administration) permissible exposure limits (PEL) for
➢ Describe the steps for using an emergency eyewash chlorine
station ➢ Identify proper personal protective equipment used
➢ Discuss initial steps in the selection of personal around chlorine
protective equipment (PPE)
117-07 Radiation Awareness
117-03 Asbestos and Silica Awareness
When you complete this lesson, you will recognize the health
risks associated with both asbestos and silica. You also will
be able to identify ways to prevent exposure to these
materials in the workplace.
This lesson satisfies the initial and annual training requirements
for OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.1001 (j) (7) and (m) (4).

➢ Describe the health risks of asbestos and silica

➢ List symptoms of diseases associated with exposure to
asbestos and silica
➢ Discuss the effect of the delay between exposure and
the onset of symptoms
➢ Identify permissible exposure limits (PEL) for asbestos
and silica
➢ Discuss the use of proper personal protective
equipment (PPE) used to reduce exposures
➢ Identify activities that commonly involve the potential for
When you complete this lesson, you will understand a basic
asbestos and silica exposure
overview of radiation. In addition, you will be able to describe
➢ List other measures that can be implemented to reduce
associated health risks commonly associated with radiation
and identify methods to protect yourself and others from
➢ Discuss the basic relationship between elements,
atoms, and particles
➢ Describe the difference between ionizing and non-
ionizing radiation
➢ Explain some basic radiation protection concepts
➢ Identify the risks of exposure to radiation and
radioactive materials
➢ Discuss some of the ways in which radiation monitoring
is conducted
➢ Identity safety practices and actions that can protect
117-04 Ammonia Awareness you from exposure to radiation

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recognize

the health risks associated with working around ammonia. 117-08 Hazardous Gases – Methane,
You will also be able to identify steps to protect yourself Carbon Monoxide, and Carbon Dioxide
during general maintenance or emergency activities.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to
➢ Describe the properties of ammonia understand the common health and safety hazards
➢ Identify OSHA permissible exposure limits associated with methane, carbon monoxide, and carbon
➢ Discuss health effects related to ammonia exposure dioxide. You will also understand where these gases can be
➢ Identify personal protective equipment appropriate for found in the workplace and be able to describe procedures
working around ammonia and devices employed to protect employees from exposure.
➢ List the physical and chemical characteristics of
117-05 Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness methane, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide
➢ Identify health and safety hazards associated with
When you complete this lesson, you will understand the methane, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide
common warning signs, health effects, and personal ➢ Describe where methane, carbon monoxide, and
protection requirements related to H2S exposure. carbon dioxide are found in the workplace
➢ Identify physical and chemical characteristics of H2S ➢ Describe gas monitor alarm levels for methane, carbon
➢ Recognize common symptoms H2S exposure monoxide, and carbon dioxide
➢ Identify levels of PPE associated with H2S ➢ Discuss the use of proper personal protective
➢ Understand medical considerations for individuals equipment (PPE) when working with high levels of
exposed to H2S methane, carbon monoxide, or carbon dioxide
➢ Explain actions taken in the event of a H2S release

Updated March 12, 2020

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117-09 Lead Awareness 118 HAZWOPER
These lessons, when taken with 101-01, 117-01 and 120-04
When you complete this lesson, you will understand risks satisfy the OSHA requirements for 8-Hour Refresher Training.
associated with lead, where you might encounter this
element in the workplace, and the negative health effects it
can cause. Additionally, you will be able to identify 118-01 HAZWOPER Regulation Overview
prevention measures, such as the use of personal protective
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
equipment and good housekeeping practices.
an overview of federal acts and regulatory bodies that
➢ Identify the properties of lead protect workers who deal with hazardous materials. In
➢ Identify activities that commonly involve the potential for addition, you will have a basic understanding of terminology
lead exposure and numbering used to outline a typical regulation.
➢ Discuss health effects related to lead exposure
This lesson references OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health
➢ Identify personal protective equipment (PPE) Administration) regulation 29 CFR 1910 (Subpart H section 120
appropriate for working around lead with appendices, and section 1200 with appendices).
➢ List examples of good housekeeping used to reduce
exposure to lead ➢ Describe some of the justification behind the enactment
of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
➢ Interpret the breakdown of a standard regulation
➢ Discuss the origin and overall purpose of each of the
o NIOSH (The National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health)
o OSHRC (The Occupational Safety and Health
Review Commission)
o HAZWOPER regulations
o RCRA (The Resource and Recovery Act)
o CERCLA (The Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of

117-20 Gas Monitoring Basics 118-02 Site Characterization and Analysis

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the basic design and operation of a gas monitor. how site characterization and analysis is used to protect the
lives of employees and ensure a safe working environment
➢ List the three major reasons gas monitors are needed at sites containing hazardous substances.
➢ Identify common types of gas monitors ➢ Identify the type of information documented in the site
➢ Describe the basic operation of a gas monitor plan and its purpose
➢ Define each of the following terms: ➢ Describe the basic levels of personal protective
o Lower explosive limit equipment (PPE)
o Upper explosive limit ➢ Discuss air monitoring measures
o Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH) ➢ Identify the main components of a hazardous
o Calibration communications (HAZCOM) program
➢ Describe basic gas sampling techniques ➢ Explain the three primary steps in risk identification
➢ Explain why calibration and bump tests are performed ➢ Discuss the safety responsibilities of employees who
work around hazardous materials
117-83 Asbestos Awareness (CAD) ➢ Compare the attributes of the hot, warm, and cold
zones in a site control program
General industry employees may be exposed to asbestos
during manufacturing processes, cleanup operations, or
while repairing equipment. Awareness of the hazards
associated with this material can help prevent serious
illnesses or disease.
➢ Describe the health risks of asbestos exposure
➢ Discuss the effect of the delay between exposure and
the onset of symptoms
➢ Discuss the use of proper personal protective
equipment (PPE) used to reduce exposures
➢ Identify activities commonly involving the potential for
asbestos exposure

117-85 Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness (CAD)

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recall the
common warning signs, health effects, and personal
protection requirements related to H2S exposure.
➢ Identify physical and chemical characteristics of H2S
➢ Recognize common symptoms of H2S exposure
➢ Recall how appropriate PPE is chosen
➢ Understand medical considerations for individuals
exposed to H2S
➢ Explain actions taken in the event of an H2S release

Updated March 12, 2020

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118-03 Toxicology 119 Hazard Communications
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
the potential health effects of exposure to various toxic 119-03 Hazardous Communications
substances. Employee Training Program, Part 1
➢ Discuss the distinction between a hazardous substance When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
and a toxic one the Hazardous Communication Program and describe the
➢ Describe how toxic chemicals are classified training provided under this program for every employee.
➢ Discuss routes of entry into the body
➢ Compare toxic effects of chemicals ➢ Explain the employee’s rights under the Hazardous
➢ Explain different exposure levels when dealing with Communication Program
toxic substances ➢ Identify steps taken by the trainer to improve trainees’
comprehension and understanding
➢ Describe methods used to detect the presence of a
118-04 Medical Surveillance
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Identify the physical and health hazards presented by
the design and function of a medical surveillance program. hazardous materials
➢ Describe methods for eliminating physical and health
➢ Discuss the purpose of the medical surveillance hazards of hazardous materials
➢ Identify a medical surveillance program’s main
components 119-04 Hazardous Communication Employee
➢ Explain the use of pre-entry and post-entry evaluations Training Program, Part 2
➢ Describe effective record keeping procedures
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
how exposure to hazardous materials occurs. You will also
118-05 Decontamination be able to explain how to choose and use equipment for
personal protection.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
principles of decontamination and describe activities ➢ Name the three basic exposure pathways to hazardous
performed in a standard decontamination corridor. materials
➢ List some factors that influence whether or not adverse
➢ Explain the purpose of decontamination and identify the
health effects result from an exposure
priorities underlying the process
➢ Identify the equipment used with each of the four levels
➢ Describe basic methods of decontamination
of PPE
➢ Explain how the establishment of hot, warm, and cold
➢ Explain how to choose the right protective equipment
zones facilitates decontamination
➢ List some limitations of protective equipment
➢ Identify the decontamination steps implemented in a
basic, six-step decon line
➢ Discuss the appropriate use of emergency
decontamination procedures

119-06 Hazard Communication Programs in

the Workplace
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
the Hazardous Communication Program and describe the
training and information provided under this program for
118-06 Emergency Procedures every employee.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss ➢ Explain the employee’s rights under the Hazardous
the purpose and scope of an emergency response plan. You Communication Program
will also understand the roles and responsibilities of those ➢ Explain components of a workplace Hazard
individuals responding to a hazardous materials release. Communications Program
➢ Discuss the lines of authority used during an ➢ Explain the purpose of The Globally Harmonized
emergency response System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals
➢ Identify levels of personal protective equipment (GHS)
➢ Explain the difference between emergency and full ➢ Identify the components GHS addressed in developing
decontamination procedures a harmonized hazard communication system
➢ Compare levels of training required for emergency

Updated March 12, 2020

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119-07 Exposure to and Detection of 122 Transportation
Hazardous Chemicals
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe 122-01 Safe Driving Practices
how exposure to hazardous materials occurs and what can
When you complete this lesson, you will be familiar with the
influence the severity of the effects of the hazard. You will
requirements of drivers of Department of Transportation
also be able to describe ways a hazardous release can be
(DOT) Class 1-6 light or medium duty vehicles. Additionally,
you will be aware of defensive driving techniques, hazard
➢ Name the four basic exposure pathways to hazardous perception, and driving attitude.
➢ Identify how the use of trip planning and conducting a
➢ List some factors influencing whether or not adverse
pre-trip vehicle inspection can reduce risk
health effects result from an exposure
➢ Define distracted driving, its dangers, and steps to
➢ Describe methods used to detect the presence of a
avoid it
➢ Describe ways to identify and react to distracted drivers
➢ List driving habits facilitating safe driving in hazardous
119-08 Physical, Health, and Environmental weather conditions
Hazard Classes ➢ Explain situational awareness and what kind of actions
support it
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
the physical, health, and environmental hazard
classifications according to The Globally Harmonized
System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS).
In addition, you will be able to recognize the effects of the
various hazard classifications.
➢ Discuss the classes of physical hazards
➢ Identify hazardous effects caused by products classified
as physical hazards
➢ Discuss the classes of health hazards
➢ Identify hazardous effects caused by products classified
as health hazards
➢ Discuss the classes of environmental hazards
➢ Identify hazardous effects caused by products classified
as environmental hazards

122-02 Drug and Alcohol Awareness

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recall the
effects of drugs and alcohol, be familiar with the DOT
required testing process, and the result-based
➢ Identify the effects of drugs and alcohol
➢ Recall the DOT required testing process
➢ Identify result-based consequences resulting from

130 Behavior Based Safety Training

130-01 Behavior Based Safety Programs
Basic Design
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the basic design of a behavior based safety program. In
119-09 Labeling and SDS for addition, you will be able to explain how you can participate
in safety committees and safety inspection teams to
Hazardous Chemicals positively influence the safety program at your plant.
When you complete this lesson, you will understand proper ➢ Explain how a safety committee should be established
labeling requirements according to the GHS. In addition, you and why
will be able to recognize pictograms for GHS hazard ➢ Explain the process an effective safety committee
classifications and describe the contents of the standardized, would use to communicate an at-risk condition or
16 sections of the SDS. behavior that is discovered during a plant safety
➢ Recognize the GHS standardized elements of a inspection
chemical label ➢ Describe five items an effective safety committee
➢ Describe the importance of a standardized safety data should report out to all plant employees during a
sheet (SDS) and its role in the workplace monthly safety meeting
➢ Identify and explain the information required in a GHS ➢ Describe the difference between a near miss and an
SDS injury accident
➢ Recall the use of pictograms, signal words, and hazard
statements used for labeling hazardous substances

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130-02 Behavior Based Safety 130-05 Hot Work Procedures
Program Concepts When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe the purpose of a hot work permit procedure. In addition, you
the factors affecting your personal safety on the job including will be able to discuss the basic information that can be
your capabilities, your work environment, and your attitude found on most hot work permits.
towards safety, and the behaviors you exhibit. In addition, ➢ Define hot work
you will be able to explain the difference between a positive ➢ Describe the primary reason for hot work permit
safety attitude and safe working behaviors. procedure
➢ Describe three key factors affecting safety in the ➢ Explain the key purposes of a hot work permit
workplace ➢ Describe the six key steps associated with a hot work
➢ Describe three personal characteristics that affect an permit
individual’s safety on the job
➢ Describe three factors affecting an employee’s work 130-06 Root Cause Analysis
➢ Explain the difference between a safe working attitude When you complete this lesson, you will understand the
and safe working process of root cause analysis and how to properly identify a
root cause. In addition, you will understand the common
tools used in determining root cause.
130-03 Hazardous Material Procedures
➢ Explain the purpose of root cause analysis
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Identify the steps in performing a root cause analysis
some of the basic hazardous materials found in a power ➢ Understand the various tools used to identify the root
plant. Additionally, you will be able to discuss some of the cause
procedures used while working with these products.
➢ Define hazardous material
➢ Describe the responsibility of the company and your
responsibilities when working with hazardous materials
➢ Discuss the three key notifications that should take
place during a hazardous material spill
➢ Describe one method of labeling asbestos containing
material in a power plant

130-07 Safety and Health Programs

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recognize
the true cost of workplace accidents, see the benefits of an
effective safety and health program, describe the critical
elements of an effective safety and health program, and
identify and prevent most workplace hazards.
➢ Recognize the costs of workplace accidents
➢ Understand the benefits of implementing an effective
safety and health program
➢ Describe the elements of an effective safety and health
➢ Identify methods to prevent workplace hazards

130-04 Confined Space Procedures 131 Ergonomics

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
the reason for a confined space procedure and discuss the
131-01 Ergonomics in an Office Environment
basic information found on a confined space permit. In When you complete this lesson, you will understand
addition, you will be able to explain the difference between a ergonomics and the disorders related to it. In addition, you
non-permit required confined space and a permit required will be able to recognize ergonomic hazards in an office
confined space. environment and determine ways to mitigate these hazards.
➢ Describe the three key purposes of a confined space ➢ Describe the purpose of ergonomics
permit procedure ➢ Determine disorders associated with ergonomic
➢ Describe the basic information that can be found on a hazards
typical confined space permit ➢ Identify common injuries associated with work related
➢ Explain and describe the purpose of an atmospheric musculoskeletal disorders
test ➢ Explain ways to mitigate ergonomic hazards
➢ Describe the primary difference between a non-permit ➢ Determine factors that can cause ergonomic related
required confined space and a permit required confined injuries
space ➢ Discuss the importance of proper workstation design
➢ Demonstrate proper workstation use
➢ Evaluate your workstation for ergonomic hazards

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131-02 Ergonomics in an 140 Qualified Electrical Worker
Industrial Environment
When you complete this lesson, you will understand 140-01 General Concepts and Job Briefings
ergonomics and the disorders related to it. In addition, you
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recall
will be able to recognize ergonomic hazards in an industrial
general concepts regarding safety while performing electrical
environment and determine ways to mitigate these hazards.
work. You will also be familiar with what job briefings are and
➢ Describe the purpose of ergonomics how they can help a worker avoid accidents.
➢ Determine disorders associated with ergonomic
➢ Recall the circumstances in which OSHA 29 CFR
1910.269 applies
➢ Identify common injuries associated with work related
➢ Identify the training employers are responsible for
musculoskeletal disorders
providing under this regulation
➢ Explain ways to mitigate ergonomic hazard
➢ Recall examples of existing characteristics and
➢ Determine factors that can cause ergonomic related
conditions relating to installations
➢ Recall the roles and responsibilities for information
➢ Discuss sources of industrial ergonomic hazards
➢ Identify industrial factors that may cause ergonomic
➢ Define a job briefing
➢ Identify topics covered in a job briefing
➢ Describe ways to minimize task-specific ergonomic
➢ Recall the requirements for
o Number of briefings
➢ Demonstrate proper tool selection for specific tasks
o Extent of briefing
o Working alone

131-03 Proper Lifting Techniques

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to utilize
proper lifting techniques when performing manual material
handling tasks. In addition, you will be able to employ
techniques to help prevent back injuries.
➢ Describe manual material handling activities in a work
environment and everyday situations 140-04 Enclosed Spaces
➢ Identify variables that are required for the NIOSH Lifting
Equation When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
➢ Discuss risk factors associated with manual material the conditions of an enclosed space and how to eliminate or
handling tasks reduce the hazards associated with working in an enclosed
➢ Explain techniques that can be utilized to help prevent space.
back injuries ➢ Define
➢ Determine common administrative and engineering o Enclosed space
controls to help prevent lifting injuries o Vault
➢ Demonstrate proper techniques when performing a lift o Vented vault
alone ➢ Identify examples of hazardous atmospheres in an
➢ Explain the proper technique when performing a lift with enclosed space
a team ➢ Recall OSHA's regulations for handling enclosed space
➢ Discuss the disadvantages of using a back belt in an entry
industrial environment

140-09 Electrical Clearances

When you complete this lesson, you will be familiar with the
requirements for the control of hazardous energy sources
used in power generation, transmission, and distribution.
➢ Recall the regulation regarding electrical clearances for
generation, transmission, and distribution
➢ Recall the general requirements outlined for using
electrical clearances
➢ Identify steps for de-energizing lines and equipment
➢ Identify steps for transferring and releasing clearances

Updated March 12, 2020

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140-11 Mechanical Equipment 150-02 Stormwater Regulations
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recall the
and Pollution Prevention Plans
general requirements for using mechanical equipment during When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
electrical work. ways that stormwater runoff can impact the environment. In
➢ Recall the regulation regarding mechanical equipment addition, you will be able to discuss stormwater regulations
in the electric power generation, transmission, and and explain how to effectively develop a stormwater pollution
distribution industries prevention plan (SWPPP).
➢ Identify types of mechanical equipment to which this ➢ Identify major industrial sources of stormwater
standard refers discharges
➢ Define outriggers and their purpose ➢ Discuss stormwater regulations implemented by the
➢ Define minimum approach distance (MAD) NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
➢ Recall requirements for working near energized lines System) and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
and equipment ➢ Identify the components of a stormwater pollution
prevention plan (SWPPP)
➢ Describe the steps to produce and maintain an SWPPP

140-18 Dog Bite Prevention

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recall
techniques for preventing a dog attack and techniques for
minimizing the severity of the injury if the attack cannot be 150-03 Spill Prevention, Control,
and Countermeasures
➢ Identify common causes of dog bites
➢ Explain how interactions between dogs and humans At the completion of this lesson, you will be able to describe
can trigger dog bites the use of spill prevention, control, and countermeasure
➢ Define diseases transmittable by dog bites plans. In addition, you’ll be able to discuss common
➢ Identify actions to take to avoid interactions with dogs practices for preventing, responding to, and reporting spills.
on customer property ➢ Outline SPCC (spill prevention, control, and
➢ Define tools used for preventing dog bites
countermeasures) regulation guidelines
➢ Identify ways to determine if a dog is present on the
property ➢ Explain how common secondary containment is used to
➢ Recall manager responsibilities for workers who may prevent spills
experience interactions with dogs ➢ Describe spill response and reporting tactics and
150 Environmental Awareness ➢ Discuss the importance of performing visual inspections
and routine maintenance

150-01 Environmental Awareness

160 Construction Safety
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
ways your awareness can reduce the environment impact of
various processes and tasks.
160-01 Health Hazards in Construction
In addition, you will be able describe the process of When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recall and
designing and implementing an environmental management discuss principles of industrial hygiene towards a safer
system (EMS) and discuss the overall goals of waste working environment.
minimization and pollution prevention programs. ➢ Recall the importance of industrial hygiene
➢ Identify the primary reasons for developing an ➢ Identify types of health hazards in the workplace
environmental policy ➢ Identify types of chemical hazards in the workplace
➢ Discuss common situations in which your ➢ Identify types of biological hazards in the workplace
environmental awareness can positively impact water ➢ Identify types of physical hazards in the workplace
and air quality ➢ Identify types of ergonomic hazards in the workplace
➢ Describe ways to protect the environment when ➢ Recall health hazard protection methods
handling solid and hazardous waste, petroleum ➢ Recognize employer requirements to protect workers
products, and substances such as PCB and asbestos against hazards
➢ Describe the stages involved in the development of an
environmental management system
➢ Discuss the purpose of the National Waste Minimization
➢ Identify common benefits of waste minimization and
pollution prevention programs

Updated March 12, 2020

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160-02 Scaffolding Safety for Construction 160-05 Personal Protective Equipment for
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to
Construction, Part 1
distinguish the responsibilities of those employees who work When you complete this lesson, you will be familiar with the
on or near scaffolding to assemble, maintain, and operate all hierarchy of control for reducing risk and avoiding injury,
scaffolding systems and adhere to safety requirements. illness, and death by properly selecting, using, and
➢ Define the role of a competent person related to maintaining personal protective equipment (PPE).
scaffolding ➢ Describe the hierarchy of controls as it relates to
➢ Recall the types of scaffolds commonly used on personal protective equipment
construction sites o Elimination/Substitution
➢ Identify the specifications of required scaffold assembly, o Engineering controls
maintenance, and operation o Administrative controls
➢ Describe hazards associated with scaffolds and ways to o PPE
prevent those hazards ➢ Distinguish the types of equipment necessary to protect
➢ Recognize employer requirements to protect workers employees when working in conditions affecting the
from scaffold hazards workers’ health and safety, specifically for their:
o Eyes
o Face
o Hearing
o Respiratory system
o Head

160-06 Personal Protective Equipment for

Construction, Part 2
When you complete this lesson, you will be familiar with
some of the requirements of employers and employees for
reducing risk and avoiding injury, illness, and death by
properly selecting, using, and maintaining personal
protective equipment (PPE).
➢ Identify the responsibilities of the employer and
employee regarding the use of personal protective
160-03 Portable Power and Hand Tool Safety ➢ Identify the components of a training program for the
for Construction use of PPE
➢ Distinguish the types of equipment necessary to protect
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify employees when working in conditions affecting the
hazards associated with the use of hand and power tools. workers’ health and safety, specifically:
You will be able to prevent accident and injury in the o Hands
workplace by adhering to safety practices and requirements. o Feet
You will also be familiar with the employer requirements put o Body
in place for the protection of construction workers.
➢ Recognize employer requirements 160-07 Excavation and Trenching Safety
➢ Identify different types of hand and power tools used at for Construction
construction worksites
➢ Describe hazards associated and precautions taken When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
with hand and power tools hazards and methods of protecting workers from hazards
➢ Recall general tool safety guidelines during excavation and trenching operations. You will also be
➢ Identify the sources of power available for power tools able to recognize the role of a competent person as well as
the responsibilities of the employer and employee when
engaged in these operations.
160-04 Materials Handling and Storing Safety
for Construction ➢ Describe the role of a competent person at an
excavation site
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to minimize ➢ Identify hazards associated with excavations
the risks of injury and illness by safely handling and storing ➢ Recall excavation hazard protection methods
materials in the workplace. You will be able to identify ➢ Describe the methods for protecting employees from
potential hazards when handling materials and identify ways cave-ins
to prevent those hazards. Finally, you will be able to ➢ Recognize employer requirements to protect workers
recognize an employer’s responsibilities for safe materials from excavation hazards
➢ Describe methods and equipment used for materials
handling in the workplace
➢ Identify hazards associated with material handling
➢ Recall safe lifting techniques
➢ State concepts regarding the safe use of non-powered
trucks to handle materials
➢ State concepts regarding the safe use of powered
industrial trucks to handle materials
➢ Identify methods to prevent hazards associated with
material handling equipment
➢ Recognize employer requirements to protect workers
from material handling hazards

Updated March 12, 2020

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170 Industrial Mathematics 171 Industrial Sciences
170-01 Introduction to Industrial Math 171-01 Atomic Structure and
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
Chemical Bonding
the mathematical order of operations, the use of exponents When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
and square roots. the various components of an atom and discuss atomic
➢ Explain the rules for rounding numbers theory. You will also be able to explain how chemical bonds
➢ List the mathematical order of operations are formed and describe the two most common types of
➢ Identify the principles of exponents chemical bonding.
➢ Solve problems using numbers that include exponents ➢ Define the terms nucleus, proton, electron, and neutron
➢ Identify the principles of square roots ➢ Describe the makeup of electron shells
➢ Explain how a calculator can be used for operations ➢ Outline Dalton’s Atomic Theory
with exponents and square roots ➢ Discuss the chemical makeup of molecules and
compounds and explain how they differ from mixtures
170-02 Industrial Math: ➢ Describe how an ionic bond is formed
➢ Describe how a covalent bond is formed
Measurements and Calculations ➢ Explain the Octet Rule

171-02 Introduction to the

Periodic Table of Elements
When you complete this lesson, you will understand how
elements are named, grouped, and listed on the periodic
➢ Discuss the history of the periodic table of elements
➢ Describe the role elements play in chemistry
➢ Explain the importance of an element’s atomic weight,
atomic number, and symbol
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to ➢ Discuss how electrons in the outer shell of an atom
demonstrate how to use equations to solve industrial relate to chemical reactions and bonding
problems involving length, height, flow and temperature ➢ Describe the organizational pattern of the periodic table
conversions and calculations. You will be able to explain of elements and list classifications of elements
how to read and interpret formulas, graphs, charts, and
tables. You will also be able to apply several mathematical
formulas to commonly used industrial calculations.
➢ Describe the use of conversion tables
➢ Use equations to solve problems using length, height,
and flow and temperature conversions
➢ Solve mathematical problems using each of the
o Area formulas
o Volumetric formulas
o Velocity formulas
o Flow formulas
o Density and specific gravity
➢ Explain how to interpret circle, bar, and line graphs
➢ Explain how to read and interpret charts and tables

170-03 Industrial Math:

Fractions, Percentages, and Ratios 171-03 Chemical Formulas, Reactions,
and Solubility
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to interpret
and solve problems using fractions, decimals, and When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
percentages. You will also be able to interpret and solve different types of chemical formulas and chemical reactions.
problems using ratios and proportions. In addition, you will be able to discuss components and
characteristics of solutions.
➢ Explain basic terminology and functions related to
fractions ➢ Describe the notation of various types of chemical
➢ Calculate lowest common denominator formulas
➢ Perform arithmetic operations on fractions ➢ List the four common types of chemical reactions
➢ Convert fractions to decimals ➢ Identify the function of a catalyst
➢ Convert decimals to fractions ➢ Explain the difference between exothermic and
➢ Explain basic terminology and functions related to endothermic chemical reactions
percentage ➢ Describe the relationship between a solute and a
➢ Change percent values to decimals and fractions solvent
➢ Compute bases, rates, or portions of numbers ➢ Identify factors that can affect solubility
➢ Determine differential percentages ➢ Explain what is meant by the saturation point of a
➢ Determine maximum and minimum measurements solution
given the percent tolerance
➢ Explain basic terminology used to describe ratios and
➢ Solve problems using ratios and proportions

Updated March 12, 2020

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171-04 Introduction to 171-11 Introduction to Physics:
Hydrocarbon Chemistry Energy, Work, and Power
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss When you complete this lesson, you will be able to define
the molecular structure, physical properties, naming different types of energy, work, and power. You will also be
conventions, and commercial uses of several common able to use formulas to calculate potential energy, kinetic
hydrocarbons. energy, work done, and power used.
➢ Compare the definitions of petroleum and crude oil ➢ Compare potential and kinetic energy
➢ Relate the physical states of hydrocarbons to their ➢ Perform calculations involving potential and kinetic
carbon content energy
➢ Discuss how covalent bonds are formed between ➢ Describe relationships between energy, work, and
hydrogen and carbon power
➢ Explain the use of base names, prefixes, and suffixes to ➢ Calculate the amount of work performed in example
label hydrocarbons scenarios
➢ Describe and compare the structures of the following ➢ Explain the law of conservation of energy
hydrocarbon families: ➢ Perform calculations involving power
o Paraffins
o Napthenes
o Aromatics
o Olefins
o Alkynes
➢ Identify correlations between physical properties of a
hydrocarbon and the hydrocarbon’s molecular structure
➢ List some contaminants commonly found in crude oil
and discuss their adverse effects on oil refining

171-05 Chemical Equations

When you complete this lesson, you will have the knowledge
necessary to write and balance chemical formulas and
➢ Identify reactants, reaction products, and reaction
➢ Identify atoms and molecules in a chemical equation
➢ Define polyatomic ions and diatomic molecules
➢ Identify balanced and unbalanced equations
➢ Balance a chemical equation

171-10 Introduction to Physics:

Force and Motion
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
terms and types of force as they pertain to classical physics.
In addition, you will be able to explain Newton’s laws
involving motion and perform basic calculations using these
➢ Explain the concept of vectors
➢ Compare scalar and vector quantities
➢ Describe Newton’s three laws of motion
➢ Explain the universal law of gravitation
➢ Explain the concept of momentum
➢ Discuss the relationship between mass and weight
➢ Describe different types of force
➢ Use Newton’s laws of motion to calculate force, weight,
acceleration, velocity, and momentum
➢ Discuss the use of the Newton as a unit of measure

Updated March 12, 2020

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200 – Mechanical 201-03 Hand Tools, Part 2
Maintenance When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
and describe various types of saws, files, chisels, punches,
201 Introduction to Industrial vises, clamps, and levels commonly used in industrial
Maintenance and the
➢ Identify the characteristics and purposes of different
Tools of the Trade types of hand saws used in industrial facilities
➢ Identify the characteristics and purposes of different
201-01 Working Principles of types of files used in industrial facilities
Simple Machines ➢ Identify the characteristics and purposes of various
types of chisels and punches used in industrial facilities
When you complete this lesson you will be able to describe ➢ Identify the characteristics and purposes of various
several simple machines used to make work easier. These types of vises and clamps used in industrial facilities
simple machines are the inclined plane, wedge, lever, screw, ➢ Identify the characteristics and purposes of different
pulley, gears, and the wheel and axle. types of levels used in industrial facilities
➢ Describe how the inclined plane serves to make work
easier 201-04 Portable Power Tools
➢ Describe how a wedge serves to make work easier
➢ Describe how a lever serves to make work easier
➢ Describe how a screw serves to make work easier
➢ Describe how a pulley serves to make work easier
➢ Describe how a wheel and axle serves to make work
➢ Describe how gears serve to make work easier

201-02 Hand Tools, Part 1

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain

some safety precautions to follow when working with
portable power tools. You will be able to identify and
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain describe various types of grinders, impact wrenches, power
safety precautions to take when working with hand tools. drills, power screwdrivers, and power saws used in industrial
You will be able to explain and describe various types of facilities.
wrenches, hammers, screwdrivers, and pliers commonly
used in industrial facilities. ➢ Explain some safety precautions to take when working
with portable power tools
➢ Explain safety precautions to take when working with ➢ Describe various types of grinders used in industrial
hand tools facilities
➢ Identify and describe the types of wrenches used in ➢ Describe impact wrenches used in industrial facilities
industrial facilities ➢ Describe portable power drills used in industrial
➢ Identify and describe types of hammers used in facilities
industrial facilities ➢ Describe powered screwdrivers used in industrial
➢ Identify and describe types of screw drivers used in facilities
industrial facilities ➢ Identify and describe types of power saws used in
➢ Identify and describe different variations of pliers used industrial facilities
in industrial facilities

Updated March 12, 2020

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201-05 Torque Wrenches 202-04 Sheave Maintenance
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the need for torque wrenches in machining and maintenance the design and operation of sheaves and explain basic
operations. You will also be able to describe the various techniques employed to maintain them.
types of torque wrenches available and explain the proper
procedures for their use. ➢ Describe the construction of V-Belt sheaves
➢ Describe the construction of positive traction belt
➢ Identify the purpose of a torque wrench sheaves
➢ Describe basic types of torque wrenches ➢ Discuss design and methods used with manually
➢ Explain the proper procedures for using a torque adjusted, variable speed sheaves.
wrench ➢ Explain the principle of operation behind spring-loaded,
➢ List some techniques to ensure accuracy when using a adjustable, variable speed sheaves
torque wrench ➢ Explain how to align sheaves using a straightedge
➢ State the reason for adjustable sheave lubrication
202 Belt Drive Maintenance
202-05 Introduction to Conveyor Systems
202-01 Introduction to Belt When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
Drive Maintenance basic conveyor designs and explain how various general
configurations are used to move different products and
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to materials from point to point.
knowledgeably discuss the general use and maintenance of
belt drive systems. ➢ Describe a basic conveyor
➢ Identify three types of gravity conveyors
➢ Define common belt drive terminology including: ➢ Identify two types of power conveyors
o Belt pitch length ➢ Explain the difference between a material handling belt
o Center distance conveyor and a bulk material handling conveyor
o Arc of contact ➢ Describe the key feature common to all automated
o Speed ratio roller conveyors
o Sheave, driven sheave, driver sheave, idler ➢ Recall the four most common automated roller
sheave, and sheave pitch diameter conveyor belt drives
➢ Identify advantages and disadvantages of belt drive
➢ Explain basic techniques for proper belt drive 202-06 Conveyor System Designs
➢ Describe some ways to alter a belt’s arc of contact

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe

the components of a typical belt conveyor used in an
industrial setting. In addition, you will be able to identify the
equipment commonly found in large-scale, industrial
conveying systems, and describe the purpose of each piece
of equipment.
➢ Discuss the purpose of a drive pulley
➢ Recall the primary components collectively comprising
a typical industrial conveyor drive
➢ Identify two functions of a snub idler
202-02 V-Belts ➢ Describe the purpose of the adjustment screws on a
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain belt conveyor
the design and use of the most common variations of V- ➢ Explain the purpose of the feeders in an industrial
belts. conveying system

➢ Describe how a V-belt transfers power

➢ Discuss the following types of V-belt sizing: 202-07 Conveyor Belt System Inspection
o Conventional and Operation
o High capacity
o Light duty When you complete this lesson, you will have the ability to
➢ Identify specialized V-belts describe the equipment that is used to protect plant
➢ Describe the construction of V-belts personnel and conveying system equipment. In addition, you
will be able to list the inspections that should be conducted
on conveyor belt systems.
202-03 Positive Traction Belt Drives
➢ Discuss the purpose of a safety cord on a conveyor belt
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe system
the major components and proper operation of positive ➢ Explain the function of a lateral motion switch, when
traction drive belt systems used in an industrial facility. used in conjunction with a conveyor belt
➢ Describe the difference between overspeed protection
➢ List advantages of positive traction belt drive systems and holdback protection, as it relates to conveyor belt
➢ Describe the sheave design used on these systems operation
➢ Describe positive traction belts ➢ List three checks you should make when inspecting a
➢ Explain proper belt tensioning and identify the effects of running conveyor belt
over-tensioned and under-tensioned belts ➢ Discuss the purpose of a belt wiper

Updated March 12, 2020

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202-08 Conveyor Belt Installation and Repair 203-04 Bearing Installation and Removal
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the basic technique used to install and adjust new belting on
a large industrial conveyor.
➢ Define splicing
➢ Describe two common techniques used to splice a
conveyor belt together
➢ Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
vulcanized splices
➢ Explain the purpose and method of training a belt
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
203 Bearing Maintenance some basic techniques for the installation and replacement
of rolling contact and sliding surface bearings.
203-01 Introduction to Bearings ➢ Describe tools used to install a rolling contact bearing
➢ Explain methods of installing a shrink fit bearing
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain ➢ Explain methods of checking an installed rolling contact
the basic concepts behind the use of bearings. In addition, bearing for proper operation
you’ll be able to describe their mechanical functions, loading ➢ Describe sounds an improperly installed rolling contact
forces, common lubricants, main classifications, and the bearing can make and explain the cause
types of friction they encounter. ➢ Describe alignment of a sliding surface bearing
➢ Describe the types of friction forces that affect bearings ➢ Describe tools used in the removal of sliding surface
➢ Explain the basic mechanical functions of bearings and rolling contact bearings
➢ Describe the loading forces affecting bearings ➢ Explain the removal process for rolling contact and
➢ Explain types of lubricants used in bearings sliding surface bearings
➢ Identify the two main categories of bearings
203-05 Bearing Seals
203-02 Rolling Contact Bearings When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
and identify the seals most commonly used on bearings,
their specific applications, and their design considerations.
➢ Explain the function of bearing seals and describe their
main components
➢ Identify the two types of bearing seals
➢ Describe the types of materials used in the
manufacture of oil seal lips
➢ Discuss the selection of oil seals based on speed of
the application
➢ Name some oil seals that are classified by their use
➢ Name some oil seals that are classified by service
➢ Explain labyrinth seal construction
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify ➢ Describe labyrinth seal classifications
the most common types of rolling contact bearings, and ➢ List the advantages of a labyrinth seal
recognize some of their design considerations and common
operating characteristics.
203-06 Troubleshooting Bearing Failures
➢ State the operating principle behind rolling contact
bearings When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recognize
➢ Describe the two common categories of rolling contact symptoms indicating failing bearings. In addition, you will be
bearings able to troubleshoot bearing failures and use the information
➢ Identify different ball bearing designs you gain to prevent a reoccurrence.
➢ Identify different roller bearing designs
➢ Identify symptoms of failing bearings
➢ Explain how various types of rolling contact bearings
➢ Discuss bearing failure due to:
are used for axial loads
o Normal fatigue (spalling)
o Overheating
203-03 Sliding Surface Bearings o Lubricant
o Corrosion
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify o Brinelling and false brinelling
the most common types of sliding surface bearings, and o Equipment misalignment
recognize some of their design considerations and common o Fretting
operating characteristics. o Electrical arcing
➢ List the common names used for sliding surface o Thrust forces
bearings ➢ Identify common questions asked when troubleshooting
➢ State the operating principle behind sliding surface bearing failures related to the following categories:
bearings o Lubrication
➢ Define boundary and full film lubrication o Rotating race
➢ Describe bushings and sleeve bearings o Fixed race
➢ Describe split bearings o Rolling element cage or retainer
➢ Explain lubricating grooves, oil rings, and wick o Rotating elements
➢ List advantages of sliding surface bearings

Updated March 12, 2020

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205 Gear Maintenance 205-04 Clutches
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
205-01 Introduction to Gear Drives the purpose of clutches and identify the operating principles
of common industrial clutch designs.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
and explain the function of a gear and define common terms ➢ Explain the purpose of a clutch
utilized working with gears and gear drives. ➢ Identify the types of mechanical clutches and their
operating principles
➢ Explain the design and function of a gear ➢ Explain the operating principles of electric clutches
➢ Define the following: ➢ Identify the types of fluid clutches and their operating
o Tooth principles
o Pitch ➢ Explain the function of clutch brakes
o Pitch circle
o Pitch diameter
o Circular pitch 207 Lubrication of
o Diametral pitch Rotating Machinery
o Outside diameter
o Root circle
o Addendum
o Dedendum
o Clearance
o Whole depth
o Working depth
o Flank of the tooth
o Face of the tooth
o Fillet
o Face width
o Backlash
o Pressure angle
o Top land
o Bottom land
o Crown
o Gear-tooth ratio
o Gear Hardness

205-02 Types of Gears

207-01 Lubrication Selection and Sampling in

Rotating Machinery
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
factors that influence the selection of lubricants. In addition,
you will be able to explain how to monitor the condition of
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Identify lubricant additives and identify their function
six common types of gears used in industrial facilities. ➢ Describe four degrees of lubricant film protection
➢ Describe spur gears ➢ Describe the factors that influence the selection of
➢ Describe helical gears bearing lubrication
➢ Describe bevel gears ➢ Explain the purpose and process of lubrication
➢ Describe hypoid gears sampling
➢ Describe worm gears
➢ Describe non-circular gears 207-02 Lubrication Failures and Management
in Rotating Machinery
205-03 Maintaining Gear Drives
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to analyze the process and the importance of good lubrication
and troubleshoot common gear drive problems. You will also management.
be able to explain factors affecting gear backlash and proper
➢ Describe common causes of lubrication failure
gear lubrication.
➢ Identify steps you can take to ensure proper operation
➢ Describe gear maintenance troubleshooting tips of a lubricating oil system
➢ Explain factors affecting gear backlash ➢ Describe the path of the oil through the components of
➢ Describe ways to measure and control backlash in typical oil circulating system
gears ➢ Describe a good lubrication management program
➢ Explain factors that influence proper lubrication of gear ➢ Identify some benefits of lubrication management
➢ Describe various methods of lubricant application to
gear drive systems
➢ Explain how to properly analyze failures in gear drives

Updated March 12, 2020

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207-03 Lubrication Analysis in 208-04 Piping Expansion, Support,
Rotating Machinery and Insulation
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
the characteristics of lubricants and describe how they the effects of changing temperatures on industrial piping and
influence use. describe ways to allow for those effects.
➢ Describe the typical composition of lubricants ➢ Describe how temperature change affects piping
➢ Define the following terms: ➢ Identify methods used to manage expansion
o Friction ➢ Describe various methods of supporting pipes
o Static friction ➢ Identify the reasons for insulating piping
o Limiting friction ➢ Describe materials used to insulate pipes and pipe-
➢ Describe the following characteristics of a lubricant: fittings
o Viscosity
o Flash point
o Fire point
208-05 Piping Auxiliaries
o Pour point When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ Identify the effect of temperature on viscosity the design and function of steam separators and traps
➢ Describe the characteristics of greases commonly used in piping systems.
➢ List the four main factors that influence lubricant
selection ➢ Explain how steam separators remove moisture from
➢ Describe the purpose and operation of following types of
208 Piping and Tubing steam traps:
o Mechanical
208-01 Pipe Connections and Symbols o Thermostatic
o Thermodynamic
➢ Explain proper steam trap installation
➢ Define water hammer and discuss its consequences

208-06 Tubing Types and Applications

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the design and function of tubing. In addition, you will be
able to apply criteria to appropriately select tubing for various
common applications.
➢ List some differences between piping and tubing
➢ Describe some advantages of tubing
➢ List types of materials used in the manufacture of
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Discuss some applications for common types of tubing
the methods most commonly used to connect lengths of ➢ Identify factors considered when choosing tubing for an
piping, and identify advantages and disadvantages of each. application
You will be able to recognize symbols commonly used to ➢ Explain how to properly handle tubing
indicate types of pipes, pipe-fittings, and welding
connections. 208-07 Tube Fittings and
Connection Methods
➢ Discuss the use of threaded piping connections
➢ List and describe different types of threaded fittings
➢ Describe flanged piping connections
➢ Explain the use of gaskets in piping connections
➢ Describe welded piping connections
➢ Identify welding symbols used for pipe-fitting
➢ Identify line symbols used in pipe-fitting
➢ Describe how pipe-fitting symbols can represent the:
o Size of a pipe
o Method of branching and coupling
o Purpose for which the pipe will be used

208-03 Piping Construction and Sizing

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the materials, sizing methods, and construction techniques various methods to properly cut and join tubing segments.
used in the construction of pipe systems in industrial
facilities. ➢ Compare the use of a tube cutter and a hacksaw to cut
➢ Identify commonly used piping materials ➢ Identify methods to remove burrs from tubing cuts
➢ Describe systems that classify the wall thickness of ➢ Describe different types of tube fittings and their
pipe materials of construction
➢ Explain variations in piping’s inside and outside ➢ Explain how to perform each of the following activities:
diameters o Flare tubing
➢ List the two main pipe construction techniques o Use compression fittings
o Solder tube and fitting joints
o Bead a tube

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208-08 Tube and Conduit Bending 209-06 Graphical Rim-and-Face Alignment
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recall the
how to properly bend tubing and conduit into a variety of graphical method of performing rim-and-face alignment and
angles and offsets. the types of misalignment identifiable and correctable by this
➢ Describe tube bending tools
➢ Explain how to properly bend small metal tubing ➢ Identify types of misalignment
➢ Define conduit bending terms ➢ Recall steps for the graphical method of rim-and-face
➢ Describe conduit bending tools alignment
➢ Explain how to make each of the following conduit ➢ Recall the advantages of the rim-and-face alignment
bends: method
o Stub-up bends
o Back-to-back bends
o Offset bends
209-07 Reverse Dial Alignment
o Three point saddle bends When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recall the
o Four point saddle bends theories and types of equipment associated with a reverse
dial alignment.
209 Shaft Alignment ➢ Identify the fundamentals of the reverse dial alignment
➢ Identify how reverse dial equipment functions
➢ Recall steps for preparing for reverse dial alignment
➢ Recall the fundamentals of the graphing method of
reverse dial alignment

209-01 Couplings
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
different styles of couplings and how to maintain them.
➢ Recall the purpose of couplings
➢ Identify the relationship of torque and speed as it
relates to couplings
➢ Identify the various types of couplings 209-09 Laser Alignment
➢ Describe coupling maintenance procedures When you complete this lesson, you will be able to
understand the theory, and equipment associated with laser
209-03 Pre-Alignment Procedures alignment.

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify ➢ Recall laser alignment theory
industry standard pre-checks, types of couplings, and types ➢ Recall steps for mounting the laser alignment sensors
of misalignment. ➢ Describe how the laser alignment system operates
➢ Recall steps for laser beam adjustment
➢ Identify various types of couplings ➢ Describe how to take measurements with the laser
➢ Describe types of misalignment alignment system
➢ Recall industry standard pre-alignment inspections ➢ Describe how to correct misalignment with the laser
alignment system
209-04 Rough Alignment
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
211 Chain Drive Maintenance
the planes, tools, and criteria necessary to perform a rough
➢ Recall the rough alignment basics
➢ Identify the tools required for a rough alignment
➢ Recall the planes of the rough alignment

209-05 Mathematical Rim-and-Face

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
211-01 Introduction to Chain Drives
the methods of performing a mathematical rim-and-face When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
alignment and the types of misalignment identifiable and the design and function of typical chain drive systems.
correctable by this method.
➢ Explain the principles behind chain drive operations
➢ Identify types of misalignment ➢ Define common terminology used when working with
➢ Recall steps for the mathematical method of rim-and- chain drives
face alignment ➢ Compare the advantages and disadvantages of chain
➢ Recall the advantages of the rim-and-face alignment drives to those of other drive systems
method ➢ List the common types of chains and sprockets used in
chain drive systems

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211-02 Chain Drive Maintenance 213-03 Lubrication Sampling and Analysis
and Troubleshooting When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe the importance of lubrication sampling and describe basic
techniques for maintaining and troubleshooting chain drive techniques used to collect lubricant samples. In addition, you
systems in industrial facilities. will be able to explain how to use lubrication schedules to
ensure completion of proper preventative maintenance.
➢ Describe methods for determining appropriate chain
length ➢ List four benefits of frequent lubricant sampling
➢ Describe procedures for proper installation of chains ➢ Describe the basic procedure for taking a lubrication
and sprockets sample
➢ List the four most common methods of chain lubrication ➢ Explain the purpose of sample labels
➢ Explain what to look for when inspecting chains and ➢ Identify four things that commonly contaminate
sprockets for wear lubricants
➢ Describe techniques for troubleshooting chain drive ➢ Describe five tasks you must perform when inspecting a
systems lubricant
➢ List six basic tests that can be performed on an oil

213 Lubrication
213-04 Lubrication Filtration and Purification
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
how to use mechanical filters and lube oil purifiers to keep
lubricating oil free of contaminants. In addition, you will be
able to describe methods used to filter and purify lubricating
oil in a power plant.
➢ Identify the two most common types of lube oil
contamination found in power plant lubricating oil
➢ Explain the effect contamination has on the lubricating
oil and the equipment it serves
➢ Describe how mechanical filtration removes
contaminants from lubricating oil systems
➢ Discuss the basic procedure for cleaning a permanent,
in-line filter
➢ Explain how each of the following oil purification
methods removes contaminants from lubricating oil:
centrifugal purification, coalescence purification and
vacuum dehydration
213-01 Lubrication Basics
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain 213-05 Lubrication Delivery
how lubrication is used in machinery to reduce friction. In Methods and Systems
addition, you will be able to explain why certain types of
equipment require lubricants with specific viscosities.
➢ Define friction and describe the following types of
o Static friction
o Solid friction
o Sliding friction
o Rolling friction
o Fluid friction
➢ Explain the relationship between friction and lubrication
➢ Describe three key roles of a lubricant in an operating
piece of equipment
➢ Identify the three basic categories of lubricants and give
an example of each
➢ Define viscosity

213-02 Types of Lubricants

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the factors you must take into consideration when selecting common lubricant delivery methods and systems.
a lubricant for a specific piece of equipment. In addition, you
will be able to identify different viscosity grades and explain ➢ Discuss common lubrication delivery methods and
what each grade represents. systems
➢ Explain manual lubrication application methods
➢ Describe the importance of base oil viscosity when ➢ Explain automatic feed lubrication systems
selecting a grease ➢ Identify gravity fed lubrication methods
➢ Discuss additives and explain how they impact grease ➢ Identify reservoir fed lubrication methods
selection ➢ Explain controlled feed lubrication systems
➢ Recall organizations with common viscosity grading ➢ Identify controlled feed lubrication methods
➢ Identify common types of oil lubrication methods

Updated March 12, 2020

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215 Valve Selection and Maintenance 215-04 Globe Valves
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
215-01 Introduction to Valves the use, selection, and design of globe valves.
and Their Components ➢ Explain the operation of a globe valve
➢ Describe the three primary body designs
➢ Describe the three basic disk designs used in globe
➢ Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these
➢ Explain how the disk and stems are attached in globe
➢ Describe seating arrangements and direction of flow
through globe valves

215-05 Butterfly Valves

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
the use, selection, and design of typical butterfly valves
found in industrial applications.
➢ Describe the operation of a butterfly valve
➢ Compare the butterfly valve to other valve types, and
list its advantages
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
➢ Describe the seat and body construction of a typical
the basic design and function of valves, major valve
butterfly valve
components, and flow control elements.
➢ Explain the types of disk and stem assemblies available
➢ Discuss the overall purposes served by valves in a on a butterfly valve
system or process
➢ Illustrate various valve types and highlight their 215-06 Ball Valves
➢ Explain how valve stem leakage is controlled
➢ Describe the operation of root and throttle valves
➢ Identify the following valve components:
o Body
o Bonnet
o Stem
o Actuator
o Packing
o Seat
o Disk
➢ Identify common valve markings and their meanings

215-02 Valve Actuators

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
the use, selection, and design of various actuators, from When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
simple manual hand-wheels to relatively complex electrical the use, selection, and design of ball valves found in
and hydraulic manipulators. industrial applications.

➢ Describe the construction and principle of operation for ➢ Describe the operation of a ball valve
the following types of valve actuators: ➢ Identify the ball valve’s advantages and disadvantages
o Manual ➢ List the four common ball valve port designs
o Electric motor ➢ List the four general ball valve body styles
o Pneumatic ➢ Explain the significance of valve handle positions on a
o Hydraulic ball valve
o Solenoid
➢ Identify several types of valve position indicators 215-07 Check Valves
215-03 Gate Valves When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
the use, selection, and design of check valves found in
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain industrial applications.
the use, selection, and design of a gate valve. You will also
➢ Discuss the operation of check valves
be able to describe how different service conditions affect
➢ Describe the construction of each of the following types
gate valve configuration.
of check valves:
➢ Describe the operation of a gate valve o Swing
➢ Discuss some advantages and disadvantages of a gate o Tilting disk
valve o Lift
➢ List various gate valve disk configurations and identify o Piston
the conditions under which they are used o Butterfly
➢ Describe different gate valve stem and valve seat o Stop

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215-08 Needle Valves 215-12 Safety and Relief Valves
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the use, selection, and design of a needle valve. the use, selection, and design of safety valves and relief
➢ Explain the operation of a needle valve
➢ Describe the construction of a needle valve ➢ Describe the major difference between safety valves
➢ Describe a needle valve’s body design and discuss how and relief valves
it contributes to its function ➢ Explain the principle of operation behind a safety valve
➢ Explain the principle of operation behind a pilot
operated safety valve
➢ Explain the principle of operation behind a relief valve
➢ Describe the use of a pilot operated relief valve

215-13 Solenoid Valves

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the overall design and function of various solenoid valves.
➢ Explain the basic principle behind the operation of a
➢ Identify the components of a solenoid valve
➢ Describe solenoid valve operation
➢ Compare tape-wrapped and encapsulated coil designs
➢ Define the terms “normally open” and “normally closed”
as they relate to solenoid valves
215-09 Plug Valves ➢ Explain the difference between two-way and three-way
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe solenoid valves
the use, selection, and design of plug valves commonly
found in industrial settings.
➢ Describe the operation of a plug valve and identify its
➢ List the types of plug valve port designs available
➢ Identify the advantages and disadvantages of multi-port
plug valves
➢ Discuss the use of lubricated and non-lubricated plug
valve design
➢ Explain proper care of a plug valve gland

215-10 Diaphragm Valves

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the use, selection, and design of the two basic types of
diaphragm valves.
➢ Discuss the operation of a diaphragm valve 215-14 Valve Positioners
➢ Describe the construction of the diaphragm
➢ Explain the uses of different diaphragm valve stem When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
assemblies the basic design and function of common types of valve
➢ Describe the diaphragm valve’s bonnet assembly positioners used in industrial facilities.
➢ Identify common tasks that might prompt the use of
valve positioners
➢ Describe various types of positioners
➢ Compare basic operation of the three categories of
digital positioners
➢ Explain how a pneumatic positioner works
➢ Describe the operation of an electro-pneumatic

215-15 Pressure Regulator Valves

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the basic design and function of common types of pressure
regulating valves used in industrial facilities.
➢ Identify basic characteristics of pressure regulating
215-11 Pinch Valves valves
➢ Describe the basic operation of self-operating/pilot
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe valves
the use, selection, and design of pinch valves. ➢ Describe the basic operation of direct control valves
➢ Discuss the operation of pinch valves ➢ Describe the basic operation of fluid pressure regulating
➢ Explain how a pinch valve’s construction facilitates its valves
➢ Identify applications where pinch valves operate most

Updated March 12, 2020

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219 Centrifugal Pumps 219-04 Centrifugal Pump Operation
and Maintenance, Part 1
219-01 Introduction to Centrifugal Pumps When you complete this lesson, you will be able describe the
basic start-up procedures used on single and multi-stage
When you complete this lesson, you will be able describe the
centrifugal pumps. In addition, you will be able to explain the
principle behind centrifugal pump construction and state the
basic inspections to be completed on operating centrifugal
basic design and function of both single stage and multi-
pumps during each shift.
stage centrifugal pumps.
➢ Identify basic pre-start checks and inspections to
➢ Describe the principle behind the operation of a
complete prior to starting a centrifugal pump
centrifugal pump
➢ Discuss additional checks required for large, multi-
➢ Identify the basic components that comprise a single
stage centrifugal pumps
stage centrifugal pump
➢ Describe what is meant by the phrase “priming a pump”
➢ State the difference between a radially split and axially
➢ State inspections conducted on an operating centrifugal
split centrifugal pump design
➢ Explain the difference between single-suction and
➢ Define the term “air bound pump” in reference to a
double-suction centrifugal pumps
centrifugal pump
➢ Describe what is meant by a multi-stage centrifugal
219-05 Centrifugal Pump Operations and
Maintenance, Part 2
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to Identify
different types of pumps, recall pump operations and
maintenance items, identify predictive maintenance
concepts, and recall common pump operating problems.
➢ Identify types of pumps
➢ Recall best practices for pump maintenance
➢ Identify predictive/preventative maintenance items
➢ Recall common operating problems

219-02 Centrifugal Pump Design

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
centrifugal pump designs and explain the role design plays
in matching a pump to a process application. 219-08 Impellers and Wear Rings
➢ Explain the design of a volute pump casing When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ Identify when diffuser rings are employed and describe the principles behind centrifugal pump mechanical impellers,
where a volute would apply when diffuser rings are also pump stages, fluid flow paths, and basic information
employed regarding wear rings.
➢ State the difference between a solid casing and a split
casing ➢ Describe the fundamentals of an impeller
➢ Describe the difference between an axially split and ➢ Identify the difference between single and multi-stage
radially split casing pumps
➢ List three primary purposes of a pump casing ➢ State the difference between mechanical impeller types
➢ Identify four ways impellers can be classified ➢ Explain the difference between single-suction and
➢ State the purpose of a thrust bearing on a centrifugal double-suction from modes
pump ➢ Identify types of wear rings
➢ State the purpose of a mechanical seal on a centrifugal
219-10 Pump Troubleshooting
219-03 Centrifugal Pump Fundamentals When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
basic pump troubleshooting and identify pump visual,
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to use audible, and tangible symptoms of equipment malfunction.
appropriate terminology when discussing the selection and
operation of centrifugal pumps. ➢ Recall fundamentals in pump troubleshooting
➢ Identify visual symptoms
➢ Define the following terms: ➢ Identify audible symptoms
o Static head ➢ Identify tangible symptoms
o Suction head
o Discharge head
o Friction head
219-12 Pump Internal Inspection and
➢ Explain what is meant by the phrase “suction lift” Troubleshooting
➢ Describe the relationship between head pressure and
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
pump capacity
an internal inspection of a centrifugal pump and identify
➢ Define net positive suction head
unsatisfactory component conditions.
➢ Describe the relationship between pump cavitation and
net positive suction head ➢ Describe when a pump must be internally inspected
➢ Identify internal pump component inspectable items

Updated March 12, 2020

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223 Heat Exchangers ➢ Describe the basic components making up a typical
shell-and-tube heat exchanger
➢ Identify the difference between a single pass heat
223-01 Heat Exchanger Theory exchanger and a multi-pass heat exchanger
➢ Define parallel flow, cross flow, and counter-flow in
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain regard to shell-and-tube heat exchanger operation
how heat is transferred from one substance to another via ➢ Identify common troubleshooting procedures
the use of heat exchangers. In addition, you will be able to ➢ Describe common repair techniques
describe the basic differences between heat exchangers and
their supporting equipment.
225 Compressors
➢ Describe how heat exchangers transfer heat from one
substance to another
➢ Define conductivity and explain its relationship to heat 225-01 Plant Compressed Air Systems
exchanger design
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ Define convection and explain its relationship to heat the basic classifications of air compressors used in industrial
exchanger design facilities. In addition, you will be able to explain the operation
➢ Identify different heat exchanger designs and how they
of service air and control air systems.
➢ Recall necessary supporting equipment for a heat ➢ Define air compressor
exchanger ➢ Recall the primary difference between the two basic
categories of air compressors
➢ Give four examples of prime movers used to power a
➢ Describe the purposes of the service air and control air
systems, and identify examples of equipment powered
by each
➢ Define the term ‘air quality’ with regard to a compressed
air system
➢ Describe the relationship between temperature,
pressure, and volume in a compressed air system
➢ Explain the benefit of a staged compression system
223-02 Open Heat Exchanger Design
and Operation 225-02 Compressed Air System Components
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
how open heat exchangers use direct contact to heat the basic components that make up a typical compressed air
condensate and remove non-condensable gases from the system. In addition, you will be able to explain some basic
condensate. In addition, you will be able to describe the troubleshooting techniques used to detect problems in
three basic types of open heat exchangers and the compressed air systems
operational characteristics of each.
➢ Describe the purpose and design of an intercooler on a
➢ Describe the operation of open heat exchangers multi-stage air compressor
➢ Recall the purposes of a deaerator ➢ Describe the purpose and design of an aftercooler
➢ Identify the location of a deaerator in a typical ➢ Identify the three basic categories of air purifiers
condensate system ➢ Compare the action of a refrigerant dryer unit to a
➢ Describe the operational characteristics of each of the desiccant dryer unit
following types of deaerators: ➢ Explain how ultrasonic analyzers and vibration
o Spray-type analyzers can be used to diagnose problems in
o Tray-type compressed air systems
o Spray-and-tray-type
➢ Recall the purpose of a venting orifice on a deaerator 225-03 Positive Displacement Compressors
➢ Describe the function of pegging steam, and explain
how it is used during deaerator start-up and shutdown
➢ Explain the relationship between the DA storage tank
and the net positive suction head to the boiler feed

223-03 Closed Heat Exchangers

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain

the basic design and operation of positive displacement air
compressors, including both the reciprocating and rotary
➢ Describe a positive displacement air compressor
➢ Identify the basic design characteristics
➢ Recall the operation of a reciprocating air compressor
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify ➢ Explain the operation of the following types of rotary air
the difference between single and multi-pass heat compressors:
exchangers, the components of a typical closed heat o Screw type
exchanger, flow types, and common maintenance and o Lobe type
troubleshooting procedures. o Vane type

Updated March 12, 2020

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225-04 Dynamic Compressors 229-03 Making Gaskets
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the basic design and operation of dynamic air compressors, different types of gaskets and explain common methods for
including both centrifugal and axial types. making gaskets from stock materials.
➢ List the basic operational characteristics of dynamic air ➢ Identify different gasket materials and describe
compressors conditions for their use
➢ Describe the basic design and operation of a centrifugal ➢ List the three flange face types generally available
air compressor ➢ Describe three common methods for making gaskets
➢ Identify the difference between a single stage and multi- ➢ Explain methods for locating bolt holes on gaskets
stage centrifugal air compressor ➢ Explain the proper use of a gasket cutter
➢ Explain the minimum requirements of the basic start-up
procedure used to put a dynamic air compressor in
➢ Describe the basic design and operation of an axial air

225-06 Axial Compressor Control Schemes

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recall the
fundamentals of axial compressor control, control system
selection, surge control components, and surge control and 229-04 Fasteners
When you have completed this lesson, you will be able to
➢ Recall fundamentals of axial compressor control describe the design and identify the purpose of various types
➢ Describe axial compressor control system selections of fasteners used in industrial facilities.
➢ Identify axial compressor surge control components
➢ Recall fundamentals of axial compressor surge control ➢ Define the purpose of a fastener
and avoidance ➢ Identify and describe various types of each of the
o Screws
229 Fasteners and Seals o Bolts
o Nuts
229-01 Bolted Joints o Washers
o Fastener head designs
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe o Nails
commonly used bolt types and grades and discuss their o Retaining rings
proper use. You will be able to list common modes of joint o Rivets
failure and identify some preventive measures.
➢ Identify and describe commonly used types of bolts 229-05 Packing Material Use and Installation
➢ Explain proper tightening of flange bolts
➢ Define bolt preload and discuss methods of controlling When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the preload of a fastener what packing is and identify common packing designs,
➢ Describe how to identify the grade of a bolt components, and construction. In addition, you will be able
➢ Describe failure modes of bolted connections to explain general procedures for installation and removal of
➢ Define locking mechanisms used on fasteners packing from pumps and valves.
➢ Discuss the need for pump and valve packing
➢ Identify types of packing and explain variables
considered in packing selection
➢ Describe components of packing glands
➢ Explain typical procedures for removal of pump and
valve packing
➢ Explain typical installation procedures for pump and
valve packing

229-06 Mechanical Seals Use and Installation

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
229-02 O-Rings how mechanical seals work and identify the features of
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe commonly used seal types. In addition, you will be able to
the design and purpose of O-rings. You will also be able to explain proper seal care.
discuss how to use them successfully. ➢ Describe the operation of mechanical seals
➢ Describe the function of an O-ring ➢ Recall some advantages and disadvantages of
➢ Explain the sealing of an O-ring mechanical seals
➢ Describe the two main types of O-ring sealing ➢ Describe a typical stationary mechanical seal
applications ➢ Describe a typical rotating mechanical seal
➢ List some considerations when using an O-ring in a ➢ Identify the difference between a balanced and an
vacuum sealing application unbalanced mechanical seal
➢ Identify various materials used in the production of O- ➢ Describe some ways to properly care for mechanical
rings seals
➢ Discuss common failure modes and troubleshooting ➢ Identify some common causes of mechanical seal
these failures leakage
➢ Describe proper techniques for installing and caring for ➢ Explain the steps typically employed to install and
O-rings remove mechanical seals

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231 Positive Displacement Pumps 243 Hydraulics
231-01 Introduction to Positive 243-01 Introduction to Hydraulics
Displacement Pumps When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the basic components that comprise a typical hydraulic
circuit and explain the function of each. In addition, you will
be able to explain the use of hydraulic multiplication to
increase the capacity of the hydraulic system.
➢ Describe the basic principle of hydraulics
➢ Explain the effect air can have on hydraulic systems
➢ Identify five components common to most hydraulic
➢ Describe two key considerations that must be taken into
account when selecting a hydraulic pump
➢ Identify the two most common types of hydraulic circuits
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the basic design and operation of positive displacement
pumps and identify operating conditions under which they
are commonly implemented. Additionally, you will be able to
discuss the operational differences between the two main
classes of positive displacement pumps, which are
reciprocating and rotary.
➢ Discuss the operating principle behind positive
displacement pumps
➢ State three operating conditions under which a positive
displacement pump would best be employed
➢ Identify the basic components of a positive
displacement pump
➢ Discuss the difference between the basic operations of
reciprocating and rotary positive displacement pump

231-02 Reciprocating Positive

Displacement Pumps
243-02 Hydraulic Systems
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the design and function of reciprocating positive When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
displacement pumps commonly used in industry. and describe the purpose of the various components used in
hydraulic circuits. In addition, you will be able to describe the
➢ Describe the operating characteristics of piston and components used to control flow through a hydraulic circuit.
plunger reciprocating pumps
➢ Identify the difference between single-acting and ➢ Describe four purposes the reservoir serves in a
double-acting reciprocating positive displacement hydraulic circuit
pumps ➢ Identify the three most common types of pumps used in
➢ Discuss the operation of each of the following types of hydraulic circuits
reciprocating pump configurations: ➢ Explain the purpose control valves serve in a hydraulic
o Simplex circuit
o Duplex ➢ Describe the basic operation of a directional control
o Multiplex valve
➢ Describe the purpose of the actuator in a hydraulic
➢ Describe the basic operating characteristics of a
reciprocating diaphragm pump

231-03 Rotary Positive Displacement Pumps 243-03 Hydraulic Fluids

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the three basic types of hydraulic fluids. In addition, you will
the design and operation of rotary positive displacement
be able to describe some of the considerations that need to
pumps commonly used in industry.
be taken into account when selecting a hydraulic fluid for a
➢ Describe the operating characteristics of rotary positive specific hydraulic circuit.
displacement pumps
➢ Define hydraulic fluids
➢ Identify the primary difference between an internal
➢ Identify the three basic categories of hydraulic fluids
rotary gear pump and external rotary gear pump
➢ Identify the most important factor to consider when
➢ Describe the design and operation of each of the
selecting a hydraulic fluid for a specific hydraulic circuit
following types of rotary pumps:
➢ Discuss the difference between mono-grades and multi-
o Screw pumps
o Vane pumps
➢ Describe the three major causes of hydraulic fluid
o Lobe pumps
➢ Explain the purpose of a metering pump

Updated March 12, 2020

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271 Vibration 273 Boiler Repair
271-01 Vibration Introduction 273-01 Boiler Tube Repair
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
different types of tube assemblies which may need repair in
a boiler. You will be able to list common causes of these
leaks and procedures for repairing the tube and tube
➢ Describe different types of boiler tube assemblies
➢ List causes of tube leaks and ruptures
➢ Explain the procedure for repairing a ruptured tube by
➢ Explain the procedure for cladding or shielding a
damaged boiler tube
➢ Explain the procedure for replacing a damaged section
of a tube or tube assembly
➢ Explain the procedure for repairing a boiler tube using
replacement window
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to define
basic terms and measurement units associated with
vibration. You will also be able to describe the relationship 273-02 Inspecting the Fireside
between a machine’s operating speed and vibration of a Boiler, Part 1
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
➢ Explain the relationship between excitation and some specific items to look for when doing a fireside
vibration inspection on the watertubes of a large watertube boiler.
➢ Describe the time and frequency domains of vibration
measurement ➢ Describe how to inspect the fireside of the boiler
➢ Describe the three basic measurements for vibration waterwalls for support failures
amplitude: ➢ Describe how to inspect the fireside of the boiler
o Displacement waterwalls for refractory failures and clinker damage
o Velocity ➢ Describe how to inspect the fireside of the boiler
o Acceleration waterwalls for tube erosion and corrosion
➢ Identify the mathematical relationship between those ➢ Describe how to inspect the fireside of the boiler
three attributes and give reasons for measuring each waterwalls for tube overheating
➢ Describe the relationship between a machine’s ➢ Describe how to inspect the fireside of the boiler
rotational speed expressed in revolutions per minute waterwalls for ash accumulations
(rpm) and cycles per minute (cpm) ➢ Describe how to inspect the fireside of the boiler
➢ Explain the relationship between machine rpm and waterwalls for weld failures
orders ➢ Describe how to inspect the burner openings, air ports,
and inspection doors on the fireside of the boiler
➢ Describe some ways used to determine tube thickness
271-02 Vibration Causes and Characteristics on the waterwalls of a boiler
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the characteristics of common, vibration-causing mechanical 273-03 Inspecting the Fireside
faults. of a Boiler, Part 2
➢ Discuss the common characteristics of a machine
vibrating due to misalignment
➢ Identify the signs of an unbalanced machine
➢ Recognize the characteristics of vibration caused by:
o Mechanical looseness
o A faulty bearing
o A faulty gear or belt
o An electrical fault
➢ Recognize the vibration characteristics exhibited by a
machine experiencing oil whirl

271-04 Plant Vibration Program

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
a typical plant’s vibration program and discuss how it
contributes to the plant’s operational readiness.
➢ Describe the components of a typical vibration
➢ Explain why some equipment has permanently installed
vibration equipment and describe how that equipment
works When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
➢ Describe how periodic vibration data collection with some specific things to look for when doing a fireside
portable equipment fits into a plant’s vibration program inspection on the superheaters, reheaters, economizers, ash
➢ Identify the difference between vibration warnings and hoppers, baffles, sootblowers, and the boiler bottom seal on
alarms, and discuss appropriate responses the fireside of a large watertube boiler.
➢ Identify groups typically involved in a plant vibration
program and describe their roles

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➢ Describe how to inspect the fireside of a superheater in
a large watertube boiler
➢ Describe how to inspect the fireside of a reheater in a
large watertube boiler
➢ Describe how to inspect a bottom ash hopper in a large
watertube boiler
➢ Describe how to inspect the fireside of an economizer
in a large watertube boiler
➢ Describe how to inspect baffles on the fireside of a
large watertube boiler
➢ Describe how to inspect the boiler bottom seal in a
large watertube boiler

273-04 Inspecting the Waterside of a Boiler

When you complete this lesson you will be able to identify
unacceptable conditions when performing a water side
inspection on steam drums, moisture separators, headers
and tubes of a large water-tube boiler.
➢ Describe how to inspect on a large water-tube boiler:
o The water side of the steam drum
o Moisture separators of a large water-tube boiler
➢ Identify facts pertaining to how to inspect on a large
water-tube boiler:
o Headers
o Tubes

273-05 Inspecting a Boiler’s Exterior

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
some specific areas to look at, and what to look for when
inspecting the exterior of a large watertube boiler.
➢ Describe inspection techniques for the boiler casing
➢ Describe inspection techniques for the steam drum
➢ Describe inspection techniques for safety valves
➢ Describe inspection techniques for downcomers and
➢ Describe inspection techniques around casing stiffeners
and intrusions

273-06 Waterside and Fireside

Cleaning of Boiler
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
some methods and procedures for cleaning and testing the
waterside and fireside of a large watertube boiler.
➢ Recall how to perform a chemical cleaning procedure to
clean the waterside of a large watertube boiler
➢ Recall how to use a hydrostatic testing procedure to
test for leaks in a large watertube boiler
➢ Recall how to use a compressed air testing procedure
to test for leaks in a large watertube boiler
➢ Define what a fireside cleaning of a large watertube
boiler entails
➢ Recall how to close a boiler after fireside cleaning
➢ Recall how to pressurize a boiler and check for leaks
after a fireside cleaning

Updated March 12, 2020

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300 – Electrical
Transmission and 301-03 Primary and Secondary
Distribution Systems
Distribution When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
primary and secondary distribution systems, including
301 Distribution Systems common system designs. In addition, you will be able to
discuss the benefits of these network systems and have the
knowledge to create a riser diagram.
301-02 Electrical Distribution
System Fundamentals ➢ Recall the history of network distribution systems
➢ Recognize the difference between two and one breaker
system designs
➢ Identify the function of a primary distribution system
➢ Identify the function of a secondary distribution system
➢ Recognize the benefits related to network distribution
➢ Identify the common types of system design
➢ Identify the stages of system design

301-04 Distribution System

Components and Application
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
the common components of a distribution system. In
addition, you will be able to describe the role of the
substation and its common components.
➢ Recognize distribution system components
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recognize ➢ Identify the common configuration, function, and
and understand the process and purpose of designing an elements of a simple distribution system
electrical power distribution system. ➢ Identify primary supply line applications
➢ Identify the most common sources of electric power ➢ Recognize the relationship between transmission, sub-
generation transmission, and primary distribution
➢ Identify the purpose of electrical distribution system ➢ Identify the role of the substation
design ➢ Identify the considerations of branch lateral design
➢ Identify the key principles of electrical distribution ➢ Recognize the differences in overhead and
system design underground component configuration
➢ Identify the elements comprising a load area
➢ Identify the technologies considered in electrical
distribution system design
➢ Identify the goals of electrical distribution system design
➢ Identify the organizations regulating the standards for
electrical distribution systems
➢ Identify the most common voltage systems
➢ Recognize common Electrical Distribution System types
and common components

Updated March 12, 2020

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301-05 Characteristics of 301-07 Principles of
Distribution Switchgear Revenue Metering
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
various types of electrical switchgear encountered in
common distribution systems. In addition, you will
understand how to effectively make modifications to system
designs by combining and replacing switchgear applications.
➢ Recognize the impact of switching operations in
distribution system safety
➢ Identify the common types of switchgear
➢ Identify the function of disconnect equipment
➢ Identify common applications of switchgear
➢ Identify the purpose of a fused switch disconnect
➢ Recognize the fundamental elements of circuit breakers
serving as switchgear

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to

understand the principles of revenue metering and how they
affect the provider and customer relationship.

➢ Define common terminology related to utility revenue

➢ Identify general requirements regarding reliability,
accuracy, and documentation to ensure accurate
revenue metering
➢ Recognize detailed requirements regarding meters,
instrument transformers, and data transmission
➢ Identify the responsibilities for installation, calibration,
and maintenance of revenue meters
➢ Identify revenue data and meter authority requirements

301-08 Single and

Poly-Phase Metering
301-06 Load Characteristics When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
single and poly-phase specific meters including meter
and Management constants. In addition, you will be able to describe the
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss process for meter reading, testing, and calibration.
characteristics common to load area demand. In addition, ➢ State the purpose of the watt-hour meter
you will understand how to utilize load and load-duration ➢ List the units of measurement used in revenue metering
curves to assist in balancing of interchange scheduling and ➢ Identify the electrical and mechanical principles of
conducting time error correction. meter operation
➢ Identify the common terms associated with load ➢ Explain meter constants and their purpose
characteristics ➢ State the differences in single and three phase
➢ List the categories of load demand areas construction
➢ Explain the difference between kVA and kW ➢ Explain Blondel’s Theorem
➢ Identify the characteristics of a load demand area ➢ Explain the purpose of calibrating single and poly-
➢ Explain how different load demand areas affect the total phase meters
system ➢ Explain the difference between as-found and as-left
➢ Explain the purpose of a load curve information
➢ Draw and label a load curve ➢ Demonstrate inspection and maintenance procedures
➢ Explain the purpose of a load-duration curve for single-phase and poly-phase meters
➢ Draw and label a load-duration curve ➢ Explain the process of calibrating a single phase meter
➢ Explain the function of the load and load-duration ➢ Explain the process of calibrating a poly-phase meter
curves ➢ Identify the function of a solid-state digital meter
➢ List the four contributing factors of demand deviation ➢ Explain the purpose of the rotating standard
➢ Conduct a load forecasting exercise ➢ Locate requirements pertaining to use of a rotating
➢ Define power factor correction standard
➢ List the formulas used to calculate load growth ➢ Perform a digital meter calculation
➢ Demonstrate the ability to complete a load curve model ➢ Demonstrate applications for load profile data
➢ Demonstrate the ability to assist with a power factor

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345 Introduction to NERC 350-03 Monitoring System Conditions

345-01 NERC Overview and Application for

Generator Operators
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the requirements and standards associated with NERC
accountable non-system operator Generator Operators.
➢ Identify the purpose of NERC and the role of a GOP
➢ Identify BAL standards applicable to the GOP
➢ Identify COM standards applicable to the GOP
➢ Identify CIP standards applicable to the GOP
➢ Identify EOP standards applicable to the GOP
➢ Identify IRO standards applicable to the GOP
➢ Identify PRC standards applicable to the GOP
➢ Identify TOP standards applicable to the GOP
➢ Identify VAR standards applicable to the GOP

350 System Protection

When you complete this lesson you will understand the

purpose of PRC-002-2, and how system conditions are
monitored through the application of per-unit measurements,
AC polarity, and basic potential transformer and current
transformer construction and operation.
➢ Identify settings established in R1 through R4 of PRC-
350-01 Elements of System Protection 002-2
➢ Recall how the per-unit scale differs from percentage
When you complete this lesson you will understand the basic comparisons
principles of system protection. Additionally, you will ➢ Recall how phasors and vectors are related
understand the basic equipment and methods deployed to ➢ Identify phasor application in a three phase power
realize protection principles. system
➢ Recall the phase relationship between phase to neutral
➢ Identify the philosophy and objectives of system and phase to ground voltage measurements
protection ➢ List the basic components of a transformer
➢ Recall zones of protection ➢ Calculate the secondary output of a transformer given
➢ Identify the importance of protection coordination input values and turns ratio
➢ Identify the three different levels of backup protection ➢ Recall the difference between VTs, PTs, and CCVTs
➢ Recall different types of breaker construction ➢ Recall the relationship between primary and secondary
➢ Recall the function of a basic relay protection schematic current as magnetic flux reaches saturation
➢ Identify the basic functions of commonly used relays ➢ Recall how relays are connected to PTs and CTs and
how this relates to burden
350-02 Types of Protective Relays
When you complete this lesson you will understand the basic
350-04 Disturbance Monitoring Equipment
operating principles of common protective relays and how When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
they are employed in protection systems. why DME is required, identify and apply guidelines of
➢ Recall the purpose of relay protection schemes applicable NERC standards, recognize types and
➢ Identify the eight types of transmission circuits subject applications of common DME, and conduct accurate DME
to relay loadability data reporting.
➢ Identify the five types of generation facilities subject to ➢ Identify the purpose of Disturbance Monitoring
relay loadability Equipment (DME)
➢ Recall the evolution of relay design ➢ Recall the two universal requirements of DME
➢ List the three major types of relay construction and installation
explain how they differ ➢ Identify the common types of DME
➢ Identify the conditions causing the basic operation of ➢ Recall NERC requirements for Disturbance Monitoring
instantaneous relays and Reporting
➢ Identify the strengths and limitations of instantaneous ➢ Recall NERC requirements for DME installation and
relays Data Reporting
➢ Identify the strengths and limitations of time delay ➢ Recall the four types of data required for a three year
relays archive
➢ Identify the strengths and limitations of differential ➢ Recognize DME application with the four DME
relays application measurements
➢ Recall how directionality can be obtained in an AC ➢ Recall the considerations of disturbance recording and
power system analysis
➢ Recall how impedance is used to detect faults on the
electric system
➢ Identify why overlapping zone protection is needed
when using impedance relays

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350-05 Line Protection 350-07 Pilot Protection
When you complete this lesson you will understand basic When you complete this lesson you will understand the
power system line relay loadability and how various major forms of communications channels used by pilot
protection methods are applied to isolate faults on these protection, as well as the basic functions of the more
systems. common pilot protection schemes deployed in power system
➢ Recall the purpose of Transmission Relay Loadability
➢ Identify the applicability of PRC-023-4 to functional ➢ Recall why pilot protection systems are needed
entities ➢ Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the major
➢ Recall the process of coordinating protection between communications channels
fuses and overcurrent protection relays ➢ Identify which communications mediums are capable of
➢ Recall the difference between fuse saving and fuse high bandwidth data transmission
blowing protection schemes ➢ Identify the differences between permissive, blocking,
➢ Identify the strengths and weaknesses of using and direct transfer trip schemes
overcurrent protection relays ➢ Recall how pilot protection both manipulates and makes
➢ Identify the strengths and weaknesses of using use of time delays
distance relays ➢ Define the difference between overreaching and under-
➢ Recall how ground fault relay settings are different reaching schemes
between distribution and transmission systems
➢ Recall the process by which mutual induction can
cause false trips in adjacent lines
350-09 Bus Protection
➢ Define overlapping zones of protection When you complete this lesson you will understand the six
➢ Identify methods of protection against voltage instability basic substation bus configurations, as well as the various
➢ Recall the difference between manual and automatic relaying systems used to protect them.
load shedding
➢ Define the basic construction types for substations
➢ Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the six
prominent bus configurations
➢ Define how a fault on a bus would impact each of the
six different bus configurations
➢ Define how backup protection can be made to respond
quicker to bus faults
➢ Define how fault bus protection can present a hazard to
➢ Define how CT saturation causes issues with basic
differential protection
➢ Define how high impedance relaying mitigates CT
saturation effects
➢ Define how linear couplers completely eliminate
saturation issues

350-10 Generator Protection

350-06 Transformer Protection

When you complete this lesson you will understand the basic
construction and protection methods commonly used in
transformer protection.
➢ Recall the basic construction of a common power
➢ Identify the different types of transformer faults When you complete this lesson you should understand
➢ Identify the different types of pressure protection generator protection schemes and NERC standards as they
➢ Recall the advantages and disadvantages of using apply to generator protection methods and requirements.
fuses, circuit switchers, and circuit breakers for
overcurrent protection ➢ Identify common internal faults of generation units
➢ Recall how ground fault protection is able to distinguish ➢ Identify reportable systems conditions of PRC-019-2
between an internal and external fault ➢ Recall external system conditions on generation units
➢ Recall the basic operation of differential protection ➢ Define the term Composite Protection System
➢ Identify the different methods used to manage inrush ➢ Recall applications of Composite Protection Systems
current ➢ Recall the purpose of UFLS programs
➢ Identify the conditions required in order for reactor ➢ Recall generator relay settings and loadability
banks to perform similar to transformers ➢ Identify common protective relay loadability schemes
➢ Recall how capacitor banks detect and protect against
severe imbalance
➢ Identify the limitations of differential protection with
phase shifting transformers

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350-11 Protection System Misoperation 375-02 Disturbance Control Performance
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to define When you complete this lesson you will understand the
the term Misoperation, and identify conditions registering as requirements for recovery from a disturbance, what is
such. deemed a Reportable Disturbance and how Contingency
Reserves play a role in disturbance recovery.
➢ Identify the two aspects of protection system design
➢ Recall the process of analyzing Protection System ➢ Recall the purpose of the Disturbance Control Standard
Misoperation ➢ Define common terms used in Disturbance Control
➢ Recall the process of developing and implementing a Performance
Corrective Action Plan (CAP) ➢ Identify the defining characteristic of a Reportable
➢ Identify evidence required to prove compliance with Disturbance
CAP procedures ➢ Recall the requirements of NERC’s Disturbance Control
➢ Define Responsible Entity compliance with PRC-004- Standard
5(i) ➢ Identify the prevalent types of Contingency Reserves
➢ Recall the timelines for identifying the cause of a ➢ Examine three case studies related to Disturbance
Misoperation for compliance with PRC-004-5(i) Control Performance
➢ Identify the facilities subject to regulation of PRC-005-6
➢ Define Functional Entity compliance with PRC-005-6
375-03 Frequency Response and Bias
When you complete this lesson you will understand the
requirements necessary for a Balancing Authority to be able
to calculate Area Control Error and to have Automatic
Generation Control that will be able to dispatch Regulating
Reserves as needed.
➢ Describe the basics of Frequency Control
➢ Describe normal and abnormal Frequency Deviations
➢ Identify terminology related to frequency response
➢ Describe the four requirements of BAL-003-1.1
➢ Identify the elements of BAL-003-1.1 Attachment A
➢ Describe the basics of frequency deviation
➢ Describe the process of frequency deviation response

375-05 Automatic Generation Control

When you complete this lesson you will understand the
350-12 Protection Systems requirements necessary for a Balancing Authority to be able
to calculate Area Control Error and to have Automatic
Maintenance Programs Generation Control that will be able to dispatch Regulating
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify Reserves as needed.
protection system terminology and assets and comply with ➢ Recall the difference between primary and secondary
applicable NERC standards. controls
➢ Define basic terminology associated with protection ➢ Recall how Automatic Generation Control (AGC)
system maintenance programs systems operate in an isolated power system setting
➢ Recall critical considerations of Protections Systems ➢ Identify the three AGC system control modes
Maintenance ➢ Identify the role of AGC systems in Balancing Authority
➢ Recall the fundamentals of Protection Systems operations
Maintenance Programs ➢ Recall the requirements of NERCs Balancing Authority
➢ Identify and discuss the three types of Protection Control standard
System Maintenance Programs
➢ Identify and discuss common Protection System 376 Communications
Maintenance practices
376-01 Bulk Power System
375 Resource and Demand Balancing Communication Basics
375-01 Real Power Balancing When you complete this lesson, you will understand the
three levels of BPS communication as they relate to the
Control Performance system operator.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify ➢ Describe the basics of BPS communication
the fundamentals of generation and load balance, Area ➢ Explain the importance of fiber optic network
Control Error (ACE) and comply with the regulations of configuration
BAL-001-2. ➢ Define Interpersonal Communication and Alternative
➢ Identify the fundamentals of generation and load Interpersonal Communication
balancing ➢ Explain how the 11 requirements of NERC Standard
➢ Identify the fundamentals of ACE COM-001-2 apply to NERC system operator positions
➢ Identify the purpose of BAL-001-2 ➢ Describe how the 11 requirements of NERC Standard
➢ Describe ACE and its components COM-001-2 apply to non-system operator positions
➢ Describe CPS1 and its components ➢ Explain communication maintenance testing schedules
➢ Describe BAAL and its components and requirements
➢ Explain the migration to NASPI

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376-02 Bulk Power System Communications 377-02 CIP Perimeters and Configurations
and Coordination Upon completion of this course, you should understand the
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to safeguards for BES Cyber Systems as outlined in CIP-005-5
communicate clearly and concisely according to documented and CIP-010-2.
protocols using three-part communication and the phonetic ➢ Identify and define important CIP terminology
alphabet. ➢ Identify the applicable systems regarding ESPs and
➢ Identify the four principles of interpersonal EAPs
communication ➢ Recognize how dial-up connectivity is managed to
➢ Recall the development of interpersonal maintain cyber security
communications ➢ Recognize what interactive remote access
➢ Recognize the importance of Operating Instructions to management means and what requirements are
the BES defined in CIP-005-5
➢ Recall a general description of three-part ➢ Identify the components of a baseline configuration and
communication the change management requirements
➢ Recognize the letter-word combinations in the phonetic ➢ List how to perform configuration monitoring and
alphabet vulnerability assessments in accordance with
➢ Recall the phonetic alphabet when relaying information CIP-010-2
➢ Recall the requirements of the current NERC Operating
Personnel Communications Protocol Standard 377-03 Controls and Management
➢ Conduct simulation exercises for three-part
➢ Demonstrate three-part communication when relaying
Operating Instructions

377 Critical Infrastructure Protection

377-01 CIP Personnel Responsibilities
Upon completion of this course, you should understand
Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) training and planning When you complete this lesson, you will be able to adhere to
requirements, and the applicable NERC CIP standards as NERC compliance measures, identify specific information
they apply to maintaining the stability of the BES. required by NERC CIP standards, and ensure the protection
➢ Identify the responsible entities and facilities affected by of critical cyber assets and devices.
CIP-004-6 and CIP-008-5 ➢ Identify the purpose of security management control
➢ List the five classes of applicable systems policies
➢ Recognize the relationship between documented ➢ Identify topics and strategies of policy implementation
processes, programs, and plans ➢ Identify management and compliance controls
➢ Identify the required documented processes associated ➢ Identify roles responsible for administrative control
with security awareness programs ➢ Recognize the process of authority delegation
➢ Identify the content required for training programs listed ➢ Recognize the process of identifying critical cyber
in CIP-004-6 R1 through R5 assets
➢ Identify the content and frequency of implementation ➢ Identify critical control measures of CIP standards
required for a Cyber Security Incident response plan ➢ Identify concerns associated with compliance to high
➢ Identify reporting requirements associated with the and medium impact requirements
Cyber Security Incident response plan ➢ Identify audit recommendations and assistance tips for
compliance with high and medium impact requirements
➢ Identify concerns associated with low impact assets

377-04 CIP Related BES Recovery Plans

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to
categorize BES Cyber Systems according to CIP-002-5.1a
requirements and implement a Recovery Plan meeting the
requirements of CIP-009-6.
➢ Define BES Cyber System Categorization
➢ Recall the requirements of CIP-002-5.1a
➢ Identify the criteria used to label a high impact BES
Cyber System
➢ Identify the criteria used to label a medium impact BES
Cyber System
➢ Identify the criteria used to label a low impact BES
Cyber System
➢ Recognize the applicability of BES System
➢ Define what a Recovery Plan is as outlined in
➢ Recall the specifications for developed recovery plans
➢ Identify how to effectively implement and test a
recovery plan
➢ Recall how to communicate the development of and
changes to a recovery plan

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377-05 CIP Physical Security 381 Interconnection Reliability
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to comply Operations and Coordination
with the requirements of NERC standards regarding CIP
Physical Security measures.
381-05 Reliability Coordination —
➢ Identify the Functional Entities tasked with physical Planning and Operations
➢ Recall the purpose of CIP-006-6 and CIP-014-2 When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
➢ Identify how aggregate weighted value is determined the different aspects of BPS planning and operation and
➢ Identify the goal of the BCS Physical Security Program enact them in your facility to support stable system
➢ Identify the difference between PACS and EACMS operations.
➢ Identify three categories of physical access control
➢ Identify basic concept of Bulk Power System (BPS)
➢ Identify BCS physical security areas of concern
Planning for Reliability
➢ Identify common physical threats to transmission assets
➢ Identify the fundamental elements associated with a
➢ Recognize applicability and security components of
NERC directed Operating Plan
➢ Identify System Reliability Characteristics and
➢ Identify evidence that supports technical studies and
Guidelines for Bulk Power System Planning
➢ Identify Demand and Load Forecasting information and
➢ Identify considerations of Transmission asset physical
➢ Identify methods of addressing demand uncertainty

378 Emergency Operations

378-01 Emergency Policies and Procedures
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to
determine the actions, processes, and procedures instituted
by different levels of NERC system operators to improve
emergency response during widespread electric system
381-06 Coordinating Entities and Duties
➢ Define the purpose of emergency policies and
procedures When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
➢ Recall the roles and responsibilities of NERC system the authority, plans, agreements, and responsibilities of the
operators four NERC system operator classes. Additionally, you will be
➢ Recall the three standard electrical emergency stages able to define the roles of Generator Operators (GO),
➢ Identify the common procedures for each of the Transmission Service Providers (TSP), Purchasing-Selling
emergency stages Entities (PSE), and other major reliability entities.
➢ List procedures and actions common to blackout
policymaking ➢ Identify the purpose of IRO-001-1.1
➢ Recall the development and evaluation process of an ➢ List the eight entities active in coordinating and
electrical grid emergency plan conducting power transactions
➢ Identify the nine requirements of a Reliability
Coordinator (RC) during transactions
378-02 Capacity and Energy Emergencies ➢ Identify common responsibilities of the four NERC
system operator classes
➢ Explain the difference between the three levels of Non-
Compliance in standard IRO-001-1.1

386 Transmission Operations

386-01 Reliability Responsibilities
and Authorities
When you complete this lesson you will understand the
responsibility and authority granted to various entities under
system emergencies so the reliability of the Interconnect can
be maintained.
➢ Describe the hierarchy of who can issue and who must
When you complete this lesson you will understand the follow reliability directives
responsibilities and expected actions to be taken during a ➢ Understand the exceptions under which a reliability
capacity and energy emergency. directive does not need to be followed
➢ Explain what must be done if a reliability directive is not
➢ Explain the four levels of Energy Emergency Alerts
➢ List the actions a Balancing Authority is expected to
➢ Describe the expectations for providing emergency
take in an energy emergency
➢ Describe the role that the Reliability Coordinator plays
➢ Explain the process of removing a Bulk Electric System
during an energy emergency
facility from service which adversely impacts other
➢ Explain the expected actions by the Balancing Authority
to return its ACE to zero
➢ Understand the responsibility and authorities bestowed
upon the Transmission Operator

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387 System Operations 387-05 Interconnected Energy Accounting
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
387-01 Energy Production and Transfers the basic concepts associated with accounting for energy
transferred between to Power Systems.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the elements associated with the production and transfer of ➢ Identify the purpose of energy accounting
energy in power systems. ➢ Identify common metering arrangements
➢ Identify how Power Flow is measured
➢ Identify the fundamentals of energy production and ➢ Identify fundamentals of Interchange Negotiations
transfer ➢ Identify fundamentals of Interconnected Energy
➢ Describe the factors of division of load between Accounting
generators ➢ Identify fundamentals of Inadvertent Energy accounting
➢ Describe how power systems are operated in parallel
387-07 Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition Systems (SCADA)
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the basic control and communication functions performed by
Master Units and Remote Terminal Units of Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition systems.
➢ Identify fundamental concepts of SCADA applications in
a Bulk Electrical System setting
➢ Identify fundamentals of control and supervision
functions performed by SCADA Master Units and
387-02 Transmission Operations Remote Terminal Units
➢ Identify methods of communication between SCADA
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to Master Units and Remote Terminal Units
understand the fundamentals and basic control strategies of ➢ Select basic operations performed by SCADA Master
transmission systems. Units
➢ Select basic operations performed by SCADA Remote
➢ Identify the basic functions and limitations of a
Terminal Units
transmission system in a power grid
➢ Identify how SCADA systems perform operations
➢ Identify common transmission line voltages and
logging functions
➢ Identify common supporting applications performed by
➢ Describe how reactive power affects the transmission
SCADA systems in a Bulk Electrical System setting
➢ Describe basic Bulk Electrical System Load
characteristics and categories
➢ Describe the basic practice of power flow control on a
transmission system

387-03 Economic Power System Operations

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to recognize
the system conditions contributing to or negatively impacting
stable operations and inefficient generation unit loading.

➢ Identify the differences between fixed and variable

➢ Describe the efficient operation of modern generating
➢ Describe economic generator loading
➢ Describe the effects of varying fuel costs
➢ Describe economic factors associated with the following
types of generation:
o Nuclear 387-10 Power System Restoration
o Geothermal
o Solar and Wind When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
➢ Describe losses on a transmission system the basic concepts associated with power system restoration
➢ Describe the economic interchange of power such as terms and critical issues.
➢ Identify fundamental concepts of power system
387-04 Power System Control Elements restoration
➢ Identify common causes of system blackouts and
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to separations
demonstrate an understanding of the elements required to ➢ Identify critical power system restoration issues
control Power Systems within defined parameters. ➢ Identify specific considerations of transmission system
➢ Identify common power system control parameters
➢ Describe Frequency Control
➢ Describe Automatic Generation Control
➢ Describe the basic concept of interconnected operation
➢ Identify common types of Tie-Line operation
➢ Describe Tie-Line Bias
➢ Identify the elements of Area Control Error (ACE)
➢ Describe Accumulated Frequency Error

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388 Active and Reactive Power
388-01 Active and Reactive Power
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
fundamental concepts of active and reactive power, angle
relationships, and the factors affecting power flow values.
➢ Identify the fundamental concepts of active, reactive,
and complex power
➢ Identify the relationship between the different angles
affecting a power system
➢ Identify how a synchroscope is used to determine angle
➢ Identify the elements used in active and reactive power
transfer equations
➢ Identify the major factors affecting active power flow
➢ Identify the major factors affecting reactive power flow

388-02 Active and Reactive Power

Limits and Flows
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to
determine both active and reactive power flow values, as
well as differentiate between voltage, stability, and thermal
➢ Recognize fundamental concepts of AC power flow
➢ Identify how resistance and reactance are affected by
line characteristics of an electrical circuit
➢ Calculate the value and flow direction of real power
➢ Calculate the value and flow direction of reactive power
➢ Recall the flow direction of real and reactive power
given bus conditions
➢ Identify the three categories of power transfer limits
➢ Recognize which of the three power transfer limits is
the most restrictive in a given scenario
➢ Determine distribution factors on a mock power system

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400 – Electrical
Maintenance 401-03 Ohm’s and Kirchoff’s Laws
Relating to DC Circuits
401 Direct Current (DC) When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
Ohm’s law, the basic formula for finding power (in watts),
401-01 Electron Theory and Kirchoff’s first and second laws as they relate to DC
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
basic electron theory and explain how the interaction ➢ Explain Ohm’s as it relates to DC circuits
between electrons and protons of atoms creates electrical ➢ Describe the formula for determining power in a DC
energy. You will also be able to identify the factors that affect circuit
the movement of electrons, and explain how these factors ➢ Explain Kirchhoff’s current law using a DC circuit
are measured. example
➢ Explain Kirchhoff’s voltage law using a DC circuit
➢ Define electricity, current, voltage, and resistance example
➢ Describe the structure of an atom
➢ Explain how voltage is produced
➢ Explain the term magnetic field

401-02 Magnetism and

Electromagnetism Explained

401-04 Evaluating Series and

Parallel DC Circuit Performance
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
how current, voltage, resistance, and power flow through
series and parallel DC circuits. You will also be able to
calculate values of current, voltage, resistance, and power
flow in DC series and parallel circuits. Finally, you will be
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe able to explain some techniques for evaluating DC circuit
the basic principles of magnetism. performance.
➢ Describe the interactions between current, magnetic ➢ Explain the manner current flows through DC series
fields and stationary or moving conductors and parallel circuits
➢ Describe the right-hand rules for conductors, ➢ Describe the method of determining voltage in DC
electromagnets, and generators series and parallel circuits
➢ Describe the left-hand rule for motors ➢ Explain calculating resistance in DC series circuits
➢ Describe the calculations of power in DC series and
parallel circuits
➢ Explain some techniques for evaluating DC circuit

Updated March 12, 2020

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401-05 Determine Circuit Outputs 402-03 Inductance in AC Circuits
from Specified Inputs When you complete this lesson, you will able to understand
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to use and calculate values of inductance and find the total amount
formulas to compute DC series and parallel circuit outputs of inductive reactance in a circuit.
based on the known inputs. ➢ Describe the principle of induction
➢ Compute total current flow through a DC series circuit ➢ Define the three factors needed for electromagnetic
➢ Compute total resistance in a DC series circuit induction
➢ Compute voltage drops across individual resistors in a ➢ Define inductance
DC series circuit ➢ Determine the total inductance of a circuit
➢ Compute total voltage drop through all resistors in a DC ➢ Describe inductive reactance and what is needed to
series circuit calculate its value in the circuit
➢ Compute power dissipated in DC series circuits
➢ Calculate the total power in a DC series circuit
➢ Compute the current in branches of a parallel DC circuit
➢ Compute the total current in a DC parallel circuit
➢ Compute the potential (voltage drop) across resistors in
a DC parallel circuit
➢ Compute power dissipated in the resistors of a DC
parallel circuit
➢ Compute total power in a DC parallel circuit
➢ Compute the total resistance in a DC parallel circuit

402 Alternating Current (AC)

402-01 Introduction to Alternating Current
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
402-04 Capacitance in AC Circuits
the differences between AC power and DC power, define When you complete this lesson, you will understand how
terminology relating to graphing AC power, and explain what capacitance reacts in an AC circuit, be able to calculate total
is meant by effective values of AC power. You will also be values, and understand calculations for capacitive
able to describe the common production of AC power and reactance.
define terminology regarding the characteristics of AC
power. ➢ Describe the properties of a capacitor and an
electrostatic field
➢ Explain the difference between AC power and DC ➢ Describe how a capacitor charges and discharges
power ➢ Describe how a capacitor opposes the voltage in a
➢ Define terminology relating to graphing AC power circuit
➢ Explain what is meant by effective values of AC power ➢ Identify the values of capacitance
➢ Describe the common production of AC power ➢ Describe capacitance in series and in parallel
➢ Define terms regarding some characteristics of AC ➢ Demonstrate the calculation of capacitive reactance
402-05 Impedance in AC Circuits
402-02 Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s Laws
Involving AC Circuits When you complete this lesson, you will be able to
determine the total impedance of an AC circuit and apply
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe Ohm’s law to find other unknown values.
Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws as they
➢ Describe a phasor diagram
relate to AC circuits. You will also be able to calculate power
➢ Demonstrate the use of Ohm’s law to calculate for
in a resistive AC circuit.
unknowns in an AC circuit
➢ Describe Ohm’s law as it relates to AC circuits ➢ Define impedance
➢ Describe Kirchhoff’s current law using an AC circuit ➢ Identify the steps to find impedance in a resistive-
example inductive series AC circuit
➢ Describe Kirchhoff’s voltage law using an AC circuit ➢ Identify the steps to find impedance in a resistive-
example capacitive series AC circuit
➢ Apply Ohm’s law to determine power in a resistive AC ➢ Identify the different steps needed to find impedance in
circuit a parallel AC circuit of resistance and reactance

402-06 AC Power
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to calculate
for unknown values in a power triangle and calculate power
➢ Describe the trigonometric functions for right triangles
➢ Identify the differences between real, apparent, and
reactive power
➢ Describe power factor
➢ Explain power factor correction
➢ Describe power in a purely resistive AC circuit
➢ Describe power in a capacitive or inductive circuit
➢ Apply power value calculation

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402-07 Fundamentals of Three-Phase AC 405-03 High-voltage AC
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the construction of an AC circuit, calculate the circuits’ the values of high and ultra-high-voltage systems, common
capacity value, and conduct power factor corrections in AC system components, and high and ultra-high specific
circuits. measurement and testing considerations.
➢ Describe the differences between three-phase and ➢ Describe the basic concepts of high-voltage electricity
single-phase voltages ➢ Identify the common components used in high-voltage
➢ Describe the characteristics of delta and wye power systems
connections ➢ Describe the basics of high-voltage measurement
➢ Calculate current and voltage for delta connected ➢ Describe common high-voltage testing procedures
➢ Calculate current and voltage for wye connected
409 Industrial Motors
➢ Describe the purpose of power factor
➢ Calculate capacitance needed to make a power factor 409-01 AC Induction Motors

405 Power Quality

405-01 Power Quality

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
the nature of power supplied to electrical equipment and list
circumstances that affect its quality.
➢ Define “power quality”
➢ List some wiring methods that will minimize harmonic
➢ Identify a cause of voltage sag
➢ List some means of protection against voltage spikes
➢ Describe unbalance in a three-phase four-wire system
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the design and function of several different types of AC
induction motors.
➢ Identify two main categories of AC induction motors
➢ List the basic components of an AC induction motor
and their functions
➢ Discuss the operating characteristics of single-phase,
AC induction motors
➢ Compare the design and function of the following pairs
of motors:
o A single-phase AC induction motor and a three-
phase AC induction motor
o A standard three-phase motor and a wound rotor
three-phase motor
o A standard squirrel cage, three-phase induction
motor and a three-phase, wound rotor AC
induction motor

409-02 AC Generators
When you complete this lesson, you will understand how an
AC generator produces an AC voltage.
➢ List the components of a generator
405-02 Harmonics ➢ Describe a rotating field generator
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Identify the purpose of an exciter
problems that may arise in electrical systems due to ➢ Explain the process of electromagnetic induction
harmonics. In addition, you will be able to identify the benefit ➢ Describe the sine wave that is formed when a
of equipment with minimal harmonic distortion and discuss conductor is rotated through a magnetic field
the wiring methods used to minimize the effects of ➢ Identify the difference between a single-phase voltage
harmonics. sine wave and a three-phase voltage sine wave
➢ Explain the relationship between frequency and speed
➢ Discuss the increase of harmonics in electrical in an AC generator
equipment and systems ➢ Explain how to increase voltage produced in a
➢ Describe harmonic frequency and explain how conductor
harmonic frequencies are caused
➢ Identify the difference between linear and non-linear
409-03 AC Induction Motor Theory
➢ Describe how motors react to harmonic currents When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ Explain harmonic current reactions in transformers how an electric AC induction motor uses the principles of
➢ Describe problems harmonics cause in power systems magnetism and magnetic fields to convert electrical energy
➢ Discuss total harmonic distortion and list ways to into mechanical energy.
minimize harmonic distortion

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➢ Describe the makeup of a magnetic field 409-07 Generator System Heat Protection
➢ State the law of magnetism
➢ Define the following terms: When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
o Magnetic flux industry standard heat reduction methods for industrial AC
o Polarity power generation, including hydrogen cooling systems and
o Motor slip their associated equipment.
o Synchronous speed
➢ Explain why a hydrogen cooling system is a preferred
➢ Describe electromagnetic force
option for operating with AC power generators
➢ Discuss the theory behind the operation of single-phase
➢ List three properties of hydrogen which make it the
AC motor, rotating stator fields
efficient gas to use for industrial generator cooling
➢ Explain the rotation of an AC squirrel cage rotor
➢ Discuss the three-phase motor’s rotating stator field
➢ Describe how a generator is purged of hydrogen gas
and its associated waveform
using carbon dioxide gas
➢ Identify hydrogen monitoring systems commonly found
409-04 Troubleshooting AC Induction Motors in power generation facilities
➢ Discuss why a seal oil system is required for a
hydrogen-cooled generator
➢ Identify the parts of a stator cooling system commonly
found in power generation facilities
➢ Define the term isolated-phase bus and discuss steps
to cool it

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss

effective troubleshooting procedures for AC induction
motors. You will also be able to state various problems
related to motor installation, maintenance, and repair.
➢ Describe five primary steps to take when
troubleshooting motors
➢ Identify the information found on the motor nameplate
➢ Describe conditions that can cause a motor to trip or fail
to start
➢ Describe the steps for testing motor insulation and the
continuity of winding coils
409-08 Generator Overhaul
409-05 AC Induction Motor Maintenance
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe the steps taken in shutting down the generator, preparing a
general electric motor maintenance and inspection activities. generator for maintenance, and considerations when
conducting the overhaul inspection.
➢ List the common causes of motor failure
➢ Identify some items to check when visually inspecting ➢ Describe preparations for generator shutdown that
an electric motor ensure safe working conditions
➢ List conditions to watch for when maintaining electric ➢ Discuss why some systems need to continue to operate
motors after generator shutdown
➢ Discuss the value of checking and monitoring motor ➢ Explain the process of purging the hydrogen from the
operating temperatures generator
➢ Describe the difference between sleeve bearings and ➢ Describe stator component inspection
rolling element bearings ➢ Describe rotor component inspection
➢ Describe how lubrication differs between sealed ➢ Identify some of the electrical testing conducted on the
bearings and open face bearings generator
➢ List some common causes of vibration
➢ Discuss the value of monitoring voltage
409-09 DC Motors and Generators
409-06 Overhauling Induction Motors When you complete this lesson, you will understand how DC
generators and motors convert energy from one form to
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe another. In addition, you will be able to describe basic DC
and properly execute each of the steps necessary to the generator and motor winding configurations, and identify
induction motor overhaul process. uses of each type.
➢ List preliminary steps taken before starting any motor ➢ Outline the process of DC voltage generation
disassembly ➢ Describe the windings and connections associated with
➢ Explain how to disconnect the motor leads a DC generator
➢ Describe the various steps of motor disassembly and ➢ Describe the windings and connections associated with
inspection a DC motor
➢ Identify tests that may be conducted on the rotor and ➢ Explain how various types of DC generators operate
stator ➢ Discuss DC motor theory
➢ Explain how to reassemble the motor and prepare it for ➢ Identify and describe various types of DC motors

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409-10 Maintenance of Direct Current 411-03 Motor Control Troubleshooting
Motors and Generators When you complete this lesson, you will understand the
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe basics of troubleshooting motor control circuits.
the basic components of a DC motor and a DC generator, ➢ Describe the steps for effective troubleshooting
and be prepared to conduct basic maintenance and ➢ Discuss how breaking down complex circuits to simple
inspections of each. ones assists in isolating problems
➢ Identify the windings and connections of a DC ➢ Describe how to use wiring diagrams and schematics to
generator using generator drawings locate problems in a circuit
➢ Identify the windings and connections of a DC motor
using motor drawings
➢ Explain some problems commonly found with brushes
and commutators
➢ Describe the basics of commutator and brush
maintenance for DC generators and motors
➢ Identify items to be checked as part of regular
maintenance and inspections

411 Motor Control and Protection

411-01 Introduction to Motor Controls

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to draw a
simple motor control circuit and describe relative ladder
➢ Identify symbols used in control circuits and describe 411-04 Motor Control Centers
the functions they represent
➢ Describe input and output devices and identify where When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
they are placed in the circuit the function of MCCs, common components of an MCC, and
➢ Describe the function of a manual control circuit the difference between common classifications and their
➢ Explain the difference between a semiautomatic and an associated wiring schemes.
automatic circuit
➢ Identify the principles of motor controls
➢ Describe the path of flow through a motor control circuit
➢ Identify common motor control power supplies
➢ Explain the need for circuit protection
➢ Identify common circuit protection devices
411-02 Motor Protection and Faults ➢ Identify common components used in motor control
➢ Identify common National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA) wiring classes and types

413 AC Drives

413-01 AC Drives Overview

Upon completion of this lesson, you will understand the
basic designs, purposes, and applications for AC drive
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
➢ Describe a typical AC drive and explain its operation
the difference between internal and external motor faults. In
➢ Discuss the fundamental concept of reducing motor
addition, you will be able to select the proper overcurrent
and short circuit protection devices for motor branch circuits.
➢ Identify the two main parts of an AC drive
➢ Explain demands affecting motor branch circuits ➢ Describe the functions of each of the following
➢ Identify the major parts of a motor branch circuit components:
➢ Identify characteristics of NEMA motor classifications o Rectifier assembly
➢ Explain the effects of voltage and frequency deviation o Inverter
➢ Identify common faults and diagnosis of AC devices o Controls

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415 Transformers 415-03 Transformer Connections
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
415-01 Transformer Basics and explain how to make the most common types of
connections for single-phase and three-phase transformers.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain You will be able to calculate the value of phase voltage and
magnetism and electromagnetism and to explain the basic current, as well as line voltage and current.
principles of electrical voltage transformation.
➢ Explain how a dual-voltage, single-phase transformer is
➢ Explain the force of magnetism wound and connected
➢ Describe the molecular domains of ferromagnetic ➢ Identify the primary and secondary transformer lead
metals marking
➢ Describe the reaction between like and unlike magnetic ➢ Describe the relationship between each phase of three-
fields phase voltage
➢ Describe magnetic flux ➢ Discuss three-phase, delta-connected line and:
➢ Define electromagnetism o Phase voltage
➢ Explain the changes of field strength in an o Phase current
electromagnetic coil ➢ Discuss three-phase, wye-connected line and:
➢ Define permeability o Phase voltage
➢ Explain the left hand rule for coils o Phase current
➢ Describe the magnetic measurements of Weber, ➢ Explain the function of the Y-point in a wye-connected
magnetic flux density, Tesla, magnetomotive force, field transformer
intensity, and reluctance ➢ Describe an open-delta connection and discuss the
➢ Describe the line voltage and the load connections to amount of current it can provide
the transformer ➢ Identify a scenario where a delta-wye connection may
➢ Describe the property of inductance be used
➢ Describe electromagnetic induction
➢ Describe mutual induction
➢ Describe Lenz’s law and self-induction
➢ Describe the turns ratio between the primary and
secondary windings
➢ Define volts per turn
➢ Explain the use of coil taps in a transformer
➢ Explain transformer losses from copper loss
➢ Describe transformer losses from eddy currents
➢ Describe hysteresis losses
➢ Define flux loss
➢ Describe mutual inductance or the coefficient of

415-04 Special Transformers

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the various types of special transformers and describe how
they are used.
➢ Describe the use of a reactor in a circuit
➢ Identify the circumstances when you would use a choke
in a circuit
➢ Explain why an isolation transformer is used to supply
power to a variable speed drive
➢ Describe the windings in an auto-transformer
415-02 Transformer Design and Components ➢ Compare the purposes of buck-boost transformers,
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to visually potential transformers, and current transformers
identify the type of core construction in a transformer, ➢ Identify a scenario where a control transformer is
describe types of transformer cooling, temperature limits, needed
and external devices of the transformer. ➢ Identify an application that requires a K-Factor
➢ Describe the basics of core construction
➢ Describe the design of a core-type transformer
➢ Describe the design of a shell-type transformer
➢ Describe a toroidal core transformer
➢ Describe the cause of coil movement
➢ Describe types of transformer cooling
➢ Describe the type of coolant used to cool transformers
➢ Identify the temperature limits of a transformer
➢ Explain the need for an explosion vent
➢ Describe the purpose of a gas relay
➢ Explain the purpose of the bushings
➢ Describe the purpose of a level gauge
➢ Explain the necessity of a thermometer
➢ Explain the purpose of the transformer nameplate
➢ Explain transformer power ratings
➢ Explain the effect of sound levels of a transformer and
their role in selecting a transformer

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416 Batteries, Battery Chargers, ➢ Describe what switchgear is and explain how it is used
➢ Identify types of switchgear by voltage
and UPS ➢ Describe the use and purpose of the following:
o Breakers and switches
o Generator breaker
416-01 Battery Basics o Electrical bus
When you complete this lesson, you will understand the o Switchgear relays
overall design and function of today’s batteries. In addition, ➢ Describe the type of indication and communication
you will be able to identify maintenance practices you can employed by switchgear relays
perform to keep them ready for service.
➢ Identify the parts of a voltaic cell 417-02 Low Voltage Breakers
➢ Explain the distinction between a cell and a battery When you complete this lesson, you will understand the
➢ Describe the electrochemical action associated with purpose and use of low voltage circuit breakers in electrical
cells and batteries circuits.
➢ Compare the discharge and charge processes
➢ Identify ways to increase battery voltage and capacity ➢ Describe the function of low voltage breakers
➢ Define amp-hours ➢ Describe low voltage, molded case breakers and low
➢ Explain the main difference between a primary and a voltage, large frame breakers; identify their differences
secondary cell ➢ Explain how to connect a large frame breaker
➢ Describe how specific gravity affects cell voltage ➢ Define the low voltage breaker voltage category
➢ Discuss types of battery charging methods ➢ Describe how an arc is formed and extinguished
➢ List safety precautions needed when testing or working ➢ Explain why breakers trip and describe breaker closing
with batteries and tripping devices

416-02 Electrical Backup Systems 417-03 Medium and High Voltage Switchgear
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the technical details associated with construction and
operation of high and medium voltage switchgears.
➢ Identify the basic theory and design of medium voltage
➢ Identify the basic theory and design of high voltage
➢ Describe the function and interrupting mediums of High
Voltage and Medium Voltage operating mechanisms
➢ Identify common switching considerations
➢ Identify modern Medium Voltage switchgear

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to

distinguish between types of backup systems and choose
the type that fits your application.
➢ Discuss variations in the need for a backup power
➢ Identify sources of backup power
➢ Recognize components of battery backup systems
➢ Compare the configurations and features of various
backup electrical systems

416-03 Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
common power problems that create a need for backup
power systems, how UPS systems vary in characteristics,
and how each is applicable to particular situations.
➢ Identify common power problems negated by UPS
➢ Describe common UPS types and their characteristics
➢ Identify issues affecting UPS battery life 417-04 General Switchgear Maintenance
➢ Describe the purpose of UPS functionality software
➢ Describe common UPS applications When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
and perform the common tasks and tests related to modern
417 Switchgear Maintenance
➢ Identify general circuit breaker maintenance tasks
➢ Identify tasks associated with standard operating
417-01 Switchgear mechanism maintenance
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Identify tasks associated with hydraulic and pneumatic
the function and operation of switchgear. You will be able to operating mechanism maintenance
identify the equipment that makes up a switchgear system ➢ Describe the three common electrical tests conducted on
and describe the purpose of protection relays. large circuit breakers

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417-05 Breaker Specific Maintenance 418-02 Overcurrent Protection, Fuses,
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to complete
and Breakers
breaker specific maintenance tasks in order to maximize When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
breaker life and maintain system stability. types of fuses and breakers used in electrical distribution
➢ Identify shared maintenance tasks associated with air- systems and explain how they work.
magnetic and vacuum breakers ➢ Compare single element and dual element fuses
➢ Identify specific maintenance tasks related to air- ➢ Explain the difference between an overload and a short
magnetic circuit breakers circuit
➢ Identify specific maintenance tasks related to vacuum ➢ Identify one main difference between a fuse and a
circuit breakers breaker
➢ Identify specific maintenance tasks related to oil circuit ➢ Describe how current limiting fuses and breakers can
breakers limit the fault current
➢ Identify specific maintenance tasks related to gas-blast ➢ Discuss selective coordination for fuses and breakers
circuit breakers
➢ Identify specific maintenance tasks related to air-blast
circuit breakers 418-03 Protection Relays
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
protection relay elements on an electrical drawing according
to their ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
standard device numbers. In addition, you will be able to
describe basic relay operations and compare the accuracy
and options provided by commonly used relays.
➢ Describe the operating principles behind protective
➢ Identify the essential requirements of relay protection
➢ List the ANSI standard device-function numbers that
identify relays
➢ Describe the two types of electromechanical relays
➢ Discuss the benefits of solid-state relays

417-06 Circuit Breaker Time-Travel

Characteristics and Testing
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the purpose and principles of circuit breaker time-travel
testing and explain the processes associated with
conducting the three types of time-travel testing.
➢ Identify the purpose of time-travel testing
➢ Identify the principles of time-travel testing
➢ Identify the characteristics of circuit breaker time
➢ Identify the characteristics of circuit breaker travel
➢ Identify equipment used in circuit breaker time-travel
➢ Compare operating processes of drop bar, light beam
and digital timer/analyzer recorders

418-04 Generator, Transformer,

418 Electrical Protection and Motor Protection
and Grounding
When you complete this lesson, you will understand the
principles of operation governing ground fault protection,
418-01 Electrical Faults and Current Ratings phase-to-phase short circuit, time overcurrent protection,
and motor overload protection.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
causes and types of electrical overcurrent, and identify how ➢ Describe types of ground circuit connections for a
to protect circuits from overcurrents and faults. generator
➢ Compare the current flow for various types of generator
➢ Describe an electrical overcurrent condition
ground connections
➢ Describe an electrical fault with excessively high current
➢ Describe the function of a differential current relay
➢ Discuss the number of relays needed for three-phase,
➢ Identify the difference between an electrical circuit
differential overcurrent protection
overload condition and a short circuit condition
➢ Identify resources that specify the level of overload
➢ Name two good conductors of electricity
protection that should be used for a motor
➢ List some of the factors that determine the current
➢ Describe how to choose overload protection for a three-
rating of a conductor
phase motor
➢ Explain how devices are used to protect from
overcurrent and faults
➢ Describe ground faults that can occur from various
grounding connections

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418-05 Grounding and Bonding 419-03 MOV Disassembly and Inspection,
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
Part 2
how grounding systems are used to ground electrical When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
systems and equipment. the reassembly techniques applied to the SMB-00/000
➢ Identify the purpose of grounding electrical systems and Limitorque® MOV.
equipment ➢ List the tools and equipment required for MOV
➢ Define the following terms as they relate to grounding: reassembly
o Ground ➢ Provide a detailed description of the reassembly steps
o Grounded conductor employed with each of the following SMB-00/000
o System components:
o Equipment o Declutch shaft and fork
o Ground fault o Drive sleeve
➢ Distinguish between the three common types of o Worm shaft
grounding systems o Worm and spring pack
➢ Discuss the concepts of system grounding and o Spring cartridge cap
equipment grounding o Declutch lever
➢ Describe how to apply the proper grounding methods o Handwheel assembly
for various applications o Tripper lever
o Torque switch
419 Motor Operated Valves o Limit switch

419-01 MOV (Motor Operated Valve) 419-04 Limit Switch Adjustment

Application and Construction When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
the process of adjusting the limit switch for a Limitorque®
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe actuator.
typical components, uses, and operations of motor operated
valve actuators. ➢ Walk through the basic, step-by-step process of
adjusting a Limitorque® actuator limit switch
➢ List the advantages of using an MOV ➢ Explain how to determine whether or not the switch
➢ Describe the operation of a typical MOV needs adjustment
➢ Discuss typical scenarios in which MOV use would be ➢ Discuss why it is important to note the direction of
beneficial rotation of the intermittent gear shafts while the valve is
➢ Describe the components of actuators and explain the being repositioned
differences between the Limitorque® 00/000 and 0-3

421 Wiring Installation

421-01 Wire and Cable Management

419-02 MOV Disassembly and Inspection,

Part 1
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
how to disassemble, inspect, and reassemble a Limitorque®
SMB-00/000 MOV actuator.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to
➢ List the tools and equipment required for MOV determine how to properly use conduit and cable trays to
inspection and disassembly ensure the necessary neat and workmanlike appearance
➢ Describe the things and conditions you look for during required by the NEC.
➢ Describe techniques that help prevent component ➢ Describe the use of the following:
damage during disassembly and reassembly o Cable trays
➢ Walk through the steps to disassemble a Limitorque® o Junction boxes
SMB-000/00 MOV, inspect its components, and o Wire ducts
reassemble it ➢ Explain the importance of using a marking and
numbering system

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421-02 Terminating and Connecting 423 Cable Splicing
Wires in a Control Panel
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain 423-01 Introduction to Medium Voltage Cable
the basic steps to wire a control panel.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
➢ List some conditions that affect selection of the components of medium voltage cable and why each is
components needed.
➢ Discuss the function of a truth table
➢ Relate the difference in “pressure” between low voltage
➢ Describe how to use wiring duct
and medium voltage
➢ Explain the purpose of din rail
➢ Describe corona
➢ Describe selector switches and identify how they are
➢ Describe partial discharge
used in a control panel
➢ Describe conductor stranding
➢ Describe the value of numbering and color coding in
➢ Identify the strand shielding
control panels
➢ Describe conductor insulation
➢ Describe insulation stranding

421-03 Making Connections in a

Junction Box
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain 423-02 Medium Voltage Splices
how to make connections and terminations in a junction box and Terminations
using several systems.
When you complete this lesson, you will know the steps
➢ Define an electrical junction and explain its purpose needed to splice and terminate medium voltage power
➢ Describe how to perform the following activities: cable.
o Use a wire nut connector
o Terminate wires using a terminal strip ➢ Explain why a splice may be needed
o Form wire in a junction box ➢ Describe the first step in cable preparation
➢ Describe the layers that need to be removed to prepare
for a splice
421-04 Installing Conduit and Pulling Wire ➢ Describe the steps of re-shielding and re-insulation
➢ Describe the steps in preparing for cable termination
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the ➢ Explain what is needed for a Class One termination
major types of electrical conduit and the basics of installing ➢ Explain where stress control is needed in the
and pulling wire through electrical conduit. termination
➢ Identify the five major types of conduit
➢ Explain the difference between each type of conduit 425 Troubleshooting Electrical
➢ Describe the process of cutting, bending, and fitting
each type of conduit Circuits
➢ Discuss the methods of installing electrical conduit
➢ Explain the various methods of pulling wire through 425-01 Troubleshooting AC Circuits
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to outline
the logical steps used for troubleshooting AC motor control
➢ Discuss the general sequence of steps employed when
➢ List some potential questions to ask operations
➢ Identify possible visual indications of a fault
➢ Explain actions taken to determine probable cause
➢ Discuss how safety rules and procedures fit into the
troubleshooting process
➢ Describe testing performed with the power off
➢ Describe testing performed with the power on

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425-02 Troubleshooting DC Circuits
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to outline
the logical steps used to troubleshoot DC circuits.
➢ Discuss the general sequence of steps employed when
troubleshooting DC circuits
➢ List some potential sources of information about a
➢ Discuss how safety rules and procedures fit into the
troubleshooting process
➢ Describe how methodical testing can isolate probable
cause of the problem
➢ Use Ohm’s Law to calculate unknown values in a
voltage divider circuit
➢ Describe how to use a multimeter to troubleshoot a DC
breaker control malfunction

427 Freeze Protection

427-01 Electrical Freeze Protection
Components and Application
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the fundamentals of heat-tracing and the methods used in its
practice, as well as describe the types of electrical heat-
tracing and their internal and external maintenance
➢ Describe the principles and purpose of heat-tracing
➢ Identify common heat-tracing methods
➢ Compare prominent heat-tracing methods
➢ Identify types of electrical heat-trace cabling and their
➢ Describe safety and temperature control
➢ Describe electrical heat-trace maintenance methods for
exterior faults
➢ Describe electrical heat-trace maintenance methods for
interior faults

Updated March 12, 2020

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500 – Power Generating
Systems and Operations 501-02 Steam Turbine Basics
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
501 Power Generation the basic operation of a typical power plant’s steam turbine
and identify the functions of its critical components.

501-01 Energy Conversions ➢ Describe the role of the steam turbine in power plant
➢ Describe the basic design of turbine rotor bearings
➢ Identify the purpose of the stationary blades
➢ Identify the function of the main steam stop valves
➢ Describe the purpose of the steam chest and control
➢ Identify the primary function of the turbine lube oil
➢ Describe the role of the emergency lube oil pump

501-03 Combustion System

Component Overview
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
how energy from fossil and renewable fuels is captured and When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
converted into electrical energy. In addition, you will be able the equipment used to prepare and control natural gas, fuel
to discuss efficiency and the role it plays in energy oil, and coal as it is burned in the boiler. In addition, you will
conversions. be able to identify some advantages and disadvantages of
using each type of fuel in a power plant.
➢ Define energy
➢ Describe the difference between renewable and non- ➢ Describe the basic components used in a combustion
renewable energy sources system that uses natural gas
➢ Describe the difference between potential energy and ➢ Identify advantages and disadvantages of using natural
kinetic energy gas as the primary fuel source for the boiler
➢ Describe the three basic energy conversions taking ➢ Describe the basic components used in a combustion
place in a fossil fuel-fired power plant system that uses fuel oil
➢ Identify benefits and desirable features of fossil fuel- ➢ Identify advantages and disadvantages of using fuel oil
fired units as the primary fuel source for the boiler
➢ Define efficiency ➢ Describe the basic components used in a combustion
➢ Describe losses and efficiency related to fossil fuel-fired system that uses coal
power plants ➢ Identify advantages and disadvantages of using coal as
the primary fuel source for the boiler

Updated March 12, 2020

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501-04 Boiler Water and 505-02 Steam Turbine Control and Operation
Steam Cycle Overview When you complete this lesson, you will be able describe the
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe basic operation of the valves that control the speed and
where boiler water comes from and how it enters and flows operation of a typical steam turbine.
through a boiler. In addition, you will be able to explain the ➢ Identify the purpose of the main steam stop valves
basic flow path the steam follows from the boiler to the ➢ Identify how main steam stop valves affect a unit’s
steam turbine. operation in Bulk Electric System (BES) emergency
➢ Explain the purpose of a hotwell operations
➢ Describe the role low pressure condensate heaters and ➢ Identify how turbine speed control affects a unit’s ability
high pressure feedwater heaters play in the boiler water to support normal, contingency, and emergency BES
cycle operations
➢ Explain the purpose of a deaerator ➢ Identify the purpose of the turbine governor and control
➢ Describe the basic design of a water tube boiler valves
➢ Explain the purpose of a steam drum ➢ Identify the difference between reheat and intercept
➢ Explain the purpose of the primary superheater and valves
secondary superheater ➢ Identify how turbine valves are manipulated by
Automatic Generation Control (AGC) systems using
Area Control Error (ACE) data
➢ Recognize what happens during a turbine trip
➢ Recall the basic operation of a flyweight governor
control system
➢ Identify the difference between full arc admission and
partial arc admission
➢ Identify common steam turbine ramp rates
➢ Identify steam turbine viability as an option in normal,
contingency and emergency operations

505-03 Steam Turbine Auxiliaries

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the design and function of components found in a typical
turbine lube oil system and gland steam seal system.
➢ Identify the two primary purposes of the main turbine
501-05 Generator Overview lube oil system
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Describe the location and operation of the main lube oil
the relationship between electrical usage and generator pump and its relationship to the booster oil pump
output. In addition, you will be able to explain the basic ➢ Explain the purpose of the turning gear
principles of producing electricity using an electromagnet. ➢ Describe the operation of the gland steam seal system
➢ Discuss operator role in the operation of a steam
➢ Define the term megawatt/hour turbine
➢ Describe how electricity usage is measured in a typical
➢ Describe how power system load continually changes
505-10 Steam Turbine Governor System
➢ Describe the purpose of the electromagnet in a When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
generator the components and function of a typical turbine governor
➢ Describe the purpose of the generator stator system.
➢ Describe what is meant by 3-phase power
➢ Describe the impact of generator size on power ➢ Identify facts pertaining to governor history
oscillations ➢ Recognize governor system components
➢ Describe the role of an exciter ➢ Identify components associated with normal operations
➢ Identify components associated with shutdown
505 Turbine Auxiliaries System ➢ Recall actions related to normal system operation
and Control
505-01 Steam Turbine Design
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the basic components comprising a typical steam turbine
and explain the purpose of each. In addition, you will be able
to trace the steam flow path through a typical steam turbine.
➢ Describe the energy conversion taking place in a steam
➢ Explain the difference between impulse and reaction
blading, and identify where each is found in a steam
➢ Discuss the design characteristics of a steam turbine
➢ Explain the difference between thrust bearings and
journal bearings, and identify where each is found in a
typical steam turbine
➢ Recall the steam flow path through a high, intermediate,
and low-pressure turbine

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507 Generator and Auxiliary Systems 507-04 Generator and Auxiliary
and Control Systems’ Start-up

507-01 Generator and Auxiliary

Systems’ Functions

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe

the steps to start-up the generator and establish it on the
electrical grid.
➢ Explain how to place the hydrogen seal oil unit in
➢ Describe the purging and gassing of the turbine
➢ Identify pre-start checks for generator start-up
➢ Describe operator responsibilities during the process of
rolling on the turbine
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the functions performed by the generator and its auxiliary
components. 507-05 Generator and Auxiliary Systems’
➢ Define real power, reactive power, and the power factor
Normal Operations
➢ Identify the function of the rotor When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ Recall the importance of cooling particularly during load tasks performed during normal operations of the generator
pickup and auxiliary systems.
➢ List advantages of hydrogen cooling and identify
auxiliary systems associated with its use ➢ List checks conducted during normal operations of the
➢ Recognize the design and function of the rotor winding generator
assembly ➢ Describe the system and process that removes
➢ Identify the purpose of the shaft sealing systems moisture from hydrogen
➢ Explain operator responsibilities during normal
operation of the seal oil system
507-02 Generator and Auxiliary Systems’
Flow Paths and Major Components
507-06 Generator and Auxiliary
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify Systems’ Shutdown
the flow paths associated with the major components that
support generator operation. When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
your role during shutdown of the generator and its auxiliary
➢ Describe the following seal oil system components and components.
systems and identify their place in the flow path:
o Hydrogen seal oil supply ➢ Explain the steps followed when shutting down each of
o Air side of the seal oil system the following:
o Defoaming/detraining tank o Generator
o Seal oil return o Seal oil system
o Hydrogen supply system o Cooling water system
➢ Explain the process to purge hydrogen from the ➢ Identify the importance of putting the turbine on turning
generator and identify the purpose of doing so gear when it is taken off-line
➢ Identify the conditions under which it is appropriate to
shut down the cooling water system
507-03 Generator Construction and
Process Control
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
generator construction and explain some of the principles
behind generator operation and process control.
➢ Identify the difference between induction and
synchronous types of three-phase generators
➢ Recall the construction of a three-phase, two pole DC
➢ Recall how a sinusoidal waveform illustrates the
number of amps produced over a given time
➢ Recall the operation of a synchroscope
➢ Identify the parameters to be controlled when placing
the generator on the electrical grid

Updated March 12, 2020

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511 Combustion Turbine 511-04 Introduction to the
Fundamentals Siemens V-Series Gas Turbine
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the basic components comprising the Siemens
Westinghouse V-series gas turbines. In addition, you will be
able to identify the basic compressed air and hot gas flow
paths through the V94.3 gas turbine.
➢ Explain the overall function of a gas turbine
➢ Describe the basic design of an axial flow compressor
➢ Identify the primary purpose of a combustion chamber
➢ Identify the purpose of a turbine

511-05 Heavy Duty Gas Turbines –

Major Components and Support Systems
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
the motivation behind the development of the heavy duty gas
turbine. In addition, you will be able to describe the gas
turbine’s basic components and general operation.
511-01 Gas Turbine Fundamentals and ➢ Discuss factors that drove the creation of the heavy
Configuration of Generating Facilities duty gas turbine technology
➢ Describe the basic compressed air and hot gas flow
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
paths through the turbine
basic design of a simple cycle power plant and the function
and operation of its fundamental piece of equipment, the ➢ Explain the purpose of the inlet air guide vanes
combustion turbine. ➢ Discuss the relationship between turbine output energy
and the compressor energy consumption
➢ Recall the basic layout of a simple cycle and combined ➢ Explain the purpose of a regenerator
cycle generation facilities
➢ Describe the fuel delivery system for a heavy duty gas
➢ Explain the Brayton Cycle and supporting principles as
they relate to the basic operation of a gas turbine turbine and its flow paths
compressor ➢ Describe the lube oil system for a heavy duty gas
➢ List the components of a typical combustion turbine turbine and how it functions
package and discuss the function of each
➢ Explain the basics of the fuel system
➢ Describe the purpose of the lube oil system
➢ Recognize the importance of temperature monitoring
and identify heat’s potential for system damage

511-02 Introduction to the

GE LM Series Gas Turbine
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the basic components that comprise GE’s LM series of gas
turbine. In addition, you will be able to explain the basic
compressed air and hot gas flow paths through each type of
LM gas turbine.
➢ Define gas turbine
➢ Identify the four LM series gas turbines that comprise
the GE medium sized gas turbine fleet
➢ Recall the basic design of an axial flow compressor
➢ Explain the basic purpose of a combustor
➢ Identify two basic power turbine designs

511-03 Introduction to
511-07 Aero-derivative Gas Turbines –
GE Frame Series Gas Turbines
Major Components and Support Systems
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
the motivation behind the development of the F-series of gas When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
turbine. In addition, you will be able to describe the Frame 7 the motivation behind the development of the aero-derivative
gas turbine’s basic components and general operation. gas turbine. In addition, you will be able to describe the gas
turbine’s major components and support systems.
➢ Recall the driving factor for the creation of F-series gas
turbine technology ➢ Define an aero-derivative gas turbine
➢ Identify the primary differences between the Frame 7 ➢ Describe how an aero-derivative gas turbine is different
gas turbine and its predecessors from its heavy duty counterpart
➢ Describe the basic components and flow paths through ➢ Discuss the basic design of the compressor section
the Frame 7 gas turbine ➢ Explain the basic purpose of a combustor
➢ Explain the purpose of the inlet air guide vanes ➢ Describe the fuel delivery system for an aero-derivative
➢ Recall the relationship between turbine output energy gas turbine and its flow paths
and the compressor energy consumption ➢ Describe the lube oil system for an aero-derivative gas
➢ Explain the purpose of a regenerator turbine and how it functions

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511-10 Fundamentals of Gas Turbine 511-14 Gas Turbine Air Systems
Operation and Routine Maintenance When you complete this lesson, you will be familiar with
When you complete this lesson, you will be familiar with several subsystems of the air system of the gas turbine
several common procedures for operating and maintaining a compressor.
combustion turbine (CT) as well as some conditions that ➢ Identify the major components of the gas turbine air
require emergency procedures. inlet system
➢ Describe pre-start up maintenance/inspection, and ➢ Identify the function of air inlet components
windmilling parameters ➢ Describe the construction air inlet filters
➢ Describe the basic startup process for a combustion ➢ Recall advantages of a self-cleaning air filter
turbine (CT) ➢ Explain facts pertaining to the self-cleaning air filters
➢ Describe the basics of swapping fuel types, and the ➢ Identify cooling and sealing air operations
risks involved ➢ Describe simple cycle exhaust components
➢ Explain how the environment affects the CT (high and ➢ Describe combined cycle exhaust components
low temperature, barometric pressure, etc.)
➢ Identify emergency procedures and the conditions in
which they would be implemented
➢ Explain the purpose of a water wash
➢ Explain what a load commutated inverter is and how it
communicates with the exciter to start a combustion

511-11 Gas turbine Control Schemes

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
common control schemes, gas turbine compressor startup
and shutdown operations, and exhaust control on both
simple cycle and combined cycle exhausts.
➢ Identify critical operating parameters 511-15 Gas Turbine Water Wash
➢ Recall the flame detection and protection systems
➢ Identify simple cycle exhaust control measures and Drain Systems
➢ Identify combined cycle exhaust control components When you complete this lesson, you will be familiar with
➢ Identify startup sequence steps several subsystems of the water and drain systems of the
➢ Identify shutdown sequence steps gas turbine compressor.
➢ Identify steam/water system components and
➢ Identify the turbine water wash system operations
➢ Describe case and exhaust drain functions

521 Combustion Air and

Flue Gas System
521-01 Introduction to Combustion Air and
Flue Gas Systems
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
511-12 Gas Turbine Fuel and how the overall combustion process works and demonstrate
a working knowledge of the combustion air and flue gas
Combustion Systems
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
➢ Describe the indications of incomplete combustion
common fuel and combustion system components and their
➢ Define flash point
➢ Describe primary and secondary air and the fans
➢ Identify types of fuels used in gas turbine compressors associated with them
➢ Recall gaseous fuel system components and ➢ Describe the following components of the flue gas
operations system:
➢ Describe fuel oil skid system components and o Air preheater
operations o Dust collector
➢ Identify components on the fuel oil forwarding skid o Soot blower
➢ Recall facts pertaining to combustion section designs

511-13 Gas Turbine Lube Oil and

Control Oil Systems
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
common lube oil system components and operations as well
as control oil system components and operations.
➢ Identify lube oil system components
➢ Recall lube oil system operation
➢ Select control oil system components
➢ Identify control oil system operation

Updated March 12, 2020

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521-02 Combustion Air and Flue Gas Flow 521-05 Maintaining Fan Operations in
Paths and Components Combustion Air and Flue Gas Systems
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to trace the When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
flow paths of typical power plant combustion air and flue gas how to perform the checks and monitoring necessary to
systems. You will also be able to describe the operation of maintain operation of fans and their components.
major components within those flow paths.
➢ Identify the reasons for monitoring a fan’s current,
➢ Describe the individual flow paths of primary and bearing temperature, bearing vibration, and lubrication
secondary air ➢ List four checks you should perform as part of air
➢ Compare the relative temperatures of the reheat and preheater maintenance
superheat boiler sections ➢ Explain how leaks in the heat exchanger can affect fan
➢ Explain the use of forced and induced draft fans performance
➢ Describe the function of the following flue gas system ➢ Describe operational maintenance procedures involving
components: ignitor air fans, scanners, excess air, and the boiler
o Air preheaters ➢ Discuss how to overcome the effects of abnormal
o Scrubbers conditions such as hunting, stalling, excess
o Expansion joints temperature, and vibration

521-03 Control Loops and 521-06 Combustion Air and Flue Gas
Methods of Control System Shutdown Process
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss When you complete this lesson, you will have an overall
how control loops and methods of control can safely direct understanding of the shutdown process and general
operational events in a power plant. knowledge of an operator’s shutdown responsibilities.
➢ Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of logic ➢ Walk through the steps for boiler shutdown, describing
diagrams procedures related to each of these critical
➢ Discuss the importance of interlocks and describe how components:
they work o Primary Air (PA) Fan
➢ Describe the operation of PID, closed loop methods of o Induced Draft (ID) Fan
control o Forced Draft (FD) Fan
o Air preheaters
➢ Explain how air flow and fuel flow are controlled during
521-04 Combustion Air and Flue Gas shutdown
System Start-up ➢ Define thermal shock and explain how to avoid it during
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the steps performed to put the boiler fan operation system
into service. 522 Coal Handling System
➢ Identify the importance of establishing air flow in the
boiler with the induced draft (ID) fan
➢ List verifications and tests to be completed prior to
forced draft (FD) fan start-up
➢ Describe the steps to start the FD fan
➢ Describe preparations to ensure the ignitor air blowers
are ready for service
➢ List typical permissives to be satisfied before purging
the boiler
➢ Describe the steps to successfully purge the boiler
➢ Describe the steps to put preheater into service

522-01 Coal Handling System

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
common coal handling processes. You will also be able to
discuss the operation of essential pieces of equipment used
at the plant site.
➢ Define key coal handling and processing equipment
➢ Discuss how coal handling equipment is used to deliver
➢ Describe the difference between coal crushers and
➢ Explain the operating principle of coal pulverizers
➢ Explain the operating principle of coal crushers

Updated March 12, 2020

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523 Boiler Fuel Systems 523-05 Shutdown for the Boiler Fuel System
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
523-01 Boiler Fuel System Function the controlled and emergency shutdown procedures for the
feeders and pulverizers.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the functions of the boiler fuel system and differentiate ➢ Apply procedures for the controlled shutdown of the
among types of boiler fuel systems. feeders and pulverizers
➢ Adhere to procedures for the emergency shutdown of the
➢ Explain the function of the boiler fuel system boiler fuel system
➢ Describe various types of coal used in the fuel system ➢ Initiate the extinguishing procedure for a pulverizer fire
➢ Identify the conveyer, tripper, silo components, and
path of a boiler feeder system
➢ Describe gravimetric feeder, its components, and its 531 Hydrocarbon Fired Boilers
➢ Describe coal pulverizer components and path 531-01 Combustion Theory
➢ Explain the function of cyclone burner ports
➢ Identify and explain the tangentially fired boiler When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
the different types of fossil fuels commonly used in an
industrial setting, and explain some characteristics of the
523-02 Process and Methods of Control for fuels. In addition, you will be able to describe the elements
the Boiler Fuel System and conditions that must be present in order for the
combustion of fuel to take place.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the digital control system that regulates and automates the ➢ Describe the basic chemical composition of fossil fuels
components of the boiler fuel system to attain specific ➢ Describe how the three elements of the fire triangle and
setpoints and meet desired production loads. a sustained chemical reaction release stored chemical
energy from the fuel
➢ Describe fuel flow to the boiler
➢ Define the following terms as they pertain to
➢ Explain functional logic systems
➢ Describe logic subsystems
o Chemical energy
➢ Explain the operations of the fuel system process
o Hydrocarbon
control loops
➢ Describe the difference between flash point and fire
523-03 Boiler Fuel System Start-up ➢ Describe three types of combustion
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to apply
standard procedures for initiating the boiler fuel system
components during startup.
➢ Perform checks on the readiness of the seal air system,
the pulverizers, and the feeders
➢ Perform checks on the oil and lubrication system of the
boiler fuel supply system
➢ Apply startup procedures for the pulverizers
➢ Adhere to feeder start permissives

523-04 Normal Operation of the Boiler

Fuel Systems
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
the normal operation of the components of the boiler fuel
➢ Assess normal operations of the pulverizers, including
its seal air and lubrication components
➢ Describe and assess the normal operations of the silo
and feeder systems
➢ Determine the primary and secondary air fans are
531-02 Basic Boiler Design
operating properly during normal operations When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
why different types of boilers are used for different
processes. In addition, you will be able to describe the basic
components that make up a firetube and watertube boiler
and explain the circulation paths through each type of boiler.
➢ Describe the relationship between heating surface and
boiler output
➢ Describe the difference between package boilers and
field erected boilers
➢ Describe the differences between firetube boilers and
watertube boilers and the applications in which they are
➢ Describe the basic steam and feedwater flow paths
through a horizontal-return tubular boiler
➢ Describe the basic components that make up a typical
watertube boiler

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531-03 Boiler Valves and Steam Fittings ➢ Describe the following terms as they relate to heat
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify o Radiation
the different types of valves, gauges, and steam traps used o Conduction
in the operation of a steam boiler. In addition, you will be o Convection
able to explain how these steam fittings are used to safely ➢ Describe the difference between open feedwater and
operate a steam boiler. closed feedwater heaters and identify where each type
of heater would be found in the condensate/feedwater
➢ Identify five types of valves commonly associated with
steam boiler operation
➢ Explain the basic components found in a condensate
➢ Describe two types of gauge glasses used in boiler
system and the flow path through the system
➢ Explain the basic components found in a feedwater
➢ Explain the difference between a safety valve and a
system and the flow path through the system
relief valve and discuss how they are used in steam
➢ Define the term Quality of Steam
boiler operation
➢ Describe the difference between saturated steam and
➢ Describe the purpose of a pigtail siphon on a Bourdon
superheated steam
tube pressure gauge
➢ Describe the purpose of steam traps in conjunction with
steam boiler operation and identify the three basic 531-06 Boiler Heat Recovery Systems
categories of steam traps
➢ Describe the purpose of a feedwater regulator and When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
explain how it is used in steam boiler operation the equipment used to recover waste heat in a boiler. In
addition, you will be able to describe the basic design and
operation of a superheater, economizer, and air preheater.
➢ Describe three types of heat recovery equipment
➢ Explain the purpose of a convection superheater
➢ Explain the purpose of a radiant superheater
➢ Describe the purpose of an economizer and the
location of the economizer in the boiler
➢ Explain the difference between a counter-flow
economizer and parallel flow economizer
➢ Explain the purpose of an air preheater and describe
the difference between tubular and regenerative air

531-07 Scrubbers and Ash Removal Systems

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the primary pollutants emitted from fossil-fired boilers. In
addition, you will be able to explain the basic design and
operation of baghouses, electrostatic precipitators, and

531-04 Boiler Fuel and Air Systems ➢ Describe three harmful pollutants found in flue gas
➢ Describe the difference between bottom ash and fly ash
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify ➢ Explain the basic equipment used to remove bottom
the basic equipment found in high-pressure gas systems and ash from a boiler
fuel oil systems and describe the design and operation of ➢ Explain the basic equipment used to remove fly ash
fuel oil burners. In addition, you will be able to describe from a boiler
boiler draft and identify the different equipment used to ➢ Explain the purpose of a baghouse and describe its
control draft in a boiler. basic operation
➢ Explain the purpose of an electrostatic precipitator and
➢ Identify the location of the furnace within the boiler and describe its basic operation
describe how fuel and air flow affect the firing rate of
the boiler
➢ Describe the basic equipment found in high-pressure
gas burner systems and explain their operation
➢ Describe the basic components found in a typical fuel
oil system
➢ Describe three types of atomizing fuel oil burners and
explain the operation of each type
➢ Define the following terms:
o Draft
o Forced draft
o Induced draft
o Balanced draft

531-05 Boiler Water and Steam Cycle

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
the basic components that make up a condensate and
feedwater system and describe the flow path through those
systems. In addition, you will be able to explain the
difference between saturated steam and superheated steam
and identify the factors that affect the quality of steam.

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531-08 Boiler Operator Roles 535 Fundamental Aspects of
and Responsibilities Emission Controls
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
the work environment a boiler operator is subject to and 535-01 Flue Gas Desulfurization System
describe the primary responsibilities of a boiler operator. In
addition, you will be able to describe the basic rounds and When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
routines an operator completes during their shift. the design and function of control systems that remove sulfur
oxides and particulates from flue gas. In addition, you will be
➢ Describe the typical boiler operator shift schedule able to outline recovery systems, which extract and
➢ Describe the general work environment boiler operators concentrate the sulfur oxides present in flue gas and convert
tend to work in them into usable by-products.
➢ Explain the basic rounds and routines that boiler
operators make during a typical shift ➢ Identify wastes contained in flue gases
➢ Describe some of the common tasks performed during ➢ Discuss the basic design and function of a scrubber
boiler startup and shutdown ➢ Identify the components of a typical wet scrubber and
describe its operation
➢ Identify the components of a typical dry scrubber and
describe its operation

533 Boiler Firing Controls and

535-02 Flue Gas Desulfurization System,
533-01 Fuel Combustion and Controls
Open Spray Design, Part 1
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to
understand the importance of complete combustion and When you complete this lesson, you will be able to
describe the components used to make this possible. You understand how the design of the open spray FGDS
will distinguish the different types of fuel controls used on a effectively reduces SO2 and provides substantial flexibility in
pulverized unit and a cyclone unit. meeting SO2 emissions requirements.

➢ Explain a combustion chamber ➢ Discuss the purpose and operating philosophy behind
➢ Discuss the different types of fuels used the FGDS
➢ Explain a pulverized coal firing process ➢ Describe operation in both the fly ash and lime modes
➢ Explain a cyclone furnace ➢ Explain the use of the absorber tower and reaction tank
➢ Describe a fuel oil atomizer ➢ Identify the purpose of the spray recycle pumps
➢ Describe an ignitor and its operation ➢ Describe the dampers and ductwork
➢ Explain the different types of oil guns ➢ Explain how each of the following features facilitate the
meeting of emissions parameters:
o Absorber bypass fraction
533-02 Boiler Burner Controls o Number of absorbers in service
and Management o Number of pray levels in service
o Fly ash and lime feed
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the different control types used, control hardware, and the
effects of optimizing combustion. You will understand the 535-03 Flue Gas Desulfurization System,
system requirements for burner management, including Open Spray Design, Part 2
flame monitoring techniques and scanning coal flames.
When you complete this lesson, you will have an
➢ Explain different combustion control types understanding of the overall process of cleaning the SO2 out
➢ Discuss control hardware of flue gas. In addition, you will have general knowledge of
➢ Explain combustion optimization each of the systems used to accomplish this.
➢ Explain system requirements for burner management
➢ Describe flame-monitoring techniques ➢ Explain what happens to the scrubbing slurry
➢ Discuss the practice of reusing the slurry and identify
how the pH is maintained for good scrubbing action
➢ Identify the function of the blowdown system
➢ Describe the pond return system
➢ Explain the operation of a lime system
➢ Identify how the fly ash is used
➢ Explain the operation of the scrubber inverters

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535-04 Dry Scrubber Operation Lesson 535-11 Calibration of CEMS Components
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
dry scrubber design and function. In addition, you will be how components of the CEMS are calibrated to maintain
able to compare the results of different installations, and accurate records of emissions.
describe some subtle design and operational differences that
are believed to account for the higher pollutant removal ➢ Recall fundamentals for calibrating stack flow monitors
efficiencies. ➢ Recall fundamentals for calibrating Nitrogen Oxide
(NOx) analyzers
➢ Explain basic dry scrubber design and operation ➢ Recall fundamentals for calibrating Sulfur Dioxide
➢ Discuss designing for optimum operation (SO2) analyzers
➢ Describe gas cooling and the reagent system ➢ Recall fundamentals for calibrating Carbon Dioxide
➢ Explain the baghouse material and design (CO2) analyzers
➢ Recall fundamentals for calibrating typical opacity

551 Circulating Water System

551-01 Introduction to the
Circulating Water System
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the design and operation of a circulating water system.
➢ Discuss the function of circulating water system and its
role in the operation of a power plant
➢ Describe typical components used in a circulating water
535-05 Selective Catalytic Reduction ➢ Identify the flow paths that bring circulating water into,
(SCR) System through, and out of a typical power plant
➢ Describe system operation during:
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain o Start-up
what SCR is and its importance, as well as identify the o Normal use
components that the SCR consists of. o Shutdown
➢ Describe the purpose of the SCR system
➢ Understand the chemistry of the SCR System 551-02 Function of the
➢ Describe the components of the SCR system
Circulating Water System
➢ Describe the operation of the SCR system
➢ List the proper PPE required when using the SCR When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
system the design and operation of a circulating water system.
➢ Identify the function of the circulating water system
535-09 Introduction to Continuous Emission ➢ Discuss its contribution to efficient power plant
Monitoring Systems operation
➢ Compare the use of water and air as cooling mediums
When you complete this lesson, you will be familiar with the ➢ Describe commonly used system designs and identify
purpose, function, and major components of Continuous conditions appropriate for the use of each
Emission Monitoring Systems.
➢ Identify the purposes of a Continuous Emission 551-03 Circulating Water
Monitoring System (CEMS)
System Components
➢ Distinguish what components are and are not part of
the certified loop When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ Identify the function of the gas fuel flow transmitters the components that make up a circulating water system and
➢ Identify the function of the megawatt transmitters explain their functions.
➢ Identify the function of the probe and sample system
➢ Discuss common circulating water system designs
➢ Identify components of a once through type system and
535-10 Fundamentals of Using a CEMS describe their features
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Identify components of a recirculating circulating water
the basic steps for collecting Continuous Emission system and describe their features
Monitoring System (CEMS) data readings, troubleshooting
probe and sample systems, changing calibration gas bottles, 551-04 Circulating Water System Start-up
and entering new data in the engineering workstation (EWS).
You will also be able to describe the process for performing When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual the steps required to safely start the circulating water
preventive maintenance (PM) procedures. system.

➢ Describe how to collect CEMS data readings ➢ Describe preparation for starting the circulating water
➢ Describe basic steps required for troubleshooting probe system
and sample systems ➢ List checks performed prior to startup
➢ Describe basic steps required to change calibration gas ➢ Identify the steps completed during startup
bottles and enter new data in the engineering ➢ Discuss operators’ responsibilities during startup
workstation (EWS) ➢ Describe the inspections and checks performed after
➢ Identify tasks to be performed weekly, monthly, startup
quarterly, semi-annually, and annually for preventive
maintenance (PM)

Updated March 12, 2020

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551-05 Circulating Water System 551-09 Cooling Towers: Components
Normal Operations When you complete this lesson, you will be able describe the
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe basic structural, mechanical and electrical components used
how to monitor and adjust the circulating water system in the construction and operation of cooling towers.
during normal operations. ➢ Identify and describe the following structural
➢ List circulating water system operating parameters components of a cooling tower:
➢ Describe how parameters are monitored, and explain o Cold water basin
how to make minor changes and adjustments o Framework
➢ Discuss circulating water system maintenance during o Fan deck
normal operations o Fan cylinders
➢ Compare the roles of the field and control room o Water distribution system
operators, and discuss the importance of coordinating o Fill
their activities o Drift eliminators
➢ Define cycle efficiency o Casing
o Louvers
➢ Identify and describe the following mechanical
551-06 Circulating Water System Shutdown components of a cooling tower:
o Fans
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
o Speed reducers
circulating water system shutdown procedures.
o Drive shafts
➢ Identify circumstances that prompt shutdown of the o Valves
circulating water system ➢ Identify and describe the major electrical components of
➢ Describe typical shutdown preparations a cooling tower
➢ List safety measures associated with shutdown
➢ Explain the steps to shut down the circulating water 551-10 Air Cooled Condensers
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
basic design principles, structural components, and
operating considerations of industrial air cooled condensers.
You will also be able to describe the flow of water for
condensation of steam in an A-frame air cooled condenser
and discuss typical maintenance procedures for ACCs.
➢ Discuss the function of an air cooled condenser and its
role in the operation of a power plant
➢ State the purpose for the A-frame design and finned
tubes of commonly employed air cooled condensers
➢ Describe the standard structural components of an A-
frame air cooled condenser
➢ Identify flow paths into and out of an A-frame air cooled
551-07 Circulating Water System Controls condenser
➢ Discuss an air cooled condenser’s contribution to
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
efficient power plant operation
typical instruments and control systems used within the
➢ List common maintenance concerns for A-frame air
circulating water system.
cooled condensers utilizing finned tubes
➢ Explain the importance of monitoring and managing the
circulating water system 553 Condensate and
➢ Describe the use of the following instruments:
o Level indicator Feedwater Systems
o Differential pressure detector
o Flow meter
o Pressure meter
553-01 Introduction to the
o Temperature detector Condensate System
➢ Describe the following automatic controls typically used When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
in the circulating water system: the purpose and operation of all major components in the
o Intake structure instruments condensate system. In addition, you will be able to discuss
o Cooling tower instruments the basic relationship between the condensate and
o Condenser instruments feedwater systems.

551-08 Cooling Towers: Operating Principles ➢ Describe the general function of the condenser
➢ Define condensate
and Designs ➢ Identify the location and purpose of the hotwell
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain ➢ Explain the basic operation of the condensate hotwell
the operating principles of a cooling tower and identify and pumps
describe various cooling tower designs. ➢ Describe the overall design and function of low-
pressure heaters
➢ Explain the operating principle of a cooling tower ➢ Discuss the purpose of the gland steam seal condenser
➢ List and describe various types of natural draft cooling and its relationship to the condensate system
towers ➢ Describe the purpose of a maintaining air ejector and a
➢ List and describe various types of mechanical draft hogger
cooling towers ➢ Describe the function of a deaerator
➢ Describe different air flow path designs of cooling
➢ Describe cooling towers by shape characterization

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553-02 Introduction to the Feedwater System 555-02 Boiler Feed Pump Flow Path
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
and Major Components
the basic purpose and operation of the major components When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
typically found in a feedwater system. In addition, you will be the feedwater flow path and describe how various
able to further explain the relationship between the components contribute to its progress.
condensate and feedwater systems during boiler operation.
➢ Describe the condensate flow to the suction side of the
➢ Discuss the relationship between the deaerator storage boiler feed pump
tank and boiler feed pumps ➢ Explain the transition of condensate to “feedwater” and
➢ Describe the function of a typical boiler feed pump identify where it takes place
➢ Explain the purpose and operation of the high-pressure ➢ Identify the feedwater’s path after boiler feed pump
heaters discharge
➢ Discuss the relationship between the boiler economizer ➢ Define what is meant by a “closed loop” system
and the final feedwater temperature ➢ Explain the role of the following:
➢ Describe the basic design and operation of a typical o Hotwell
steam drum o Deaerator
o Feedwater heaters
o Flow control valve
o Economizer
o Steam drum

555-03 Boiler Feed Pump Water Supply

and Control Systems
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
553-03 Condensate and Feedwater the value of maintaining proper water levels in the hotwell,
deaerator, and steam drum. You will also be able to describe
Systems Operation how built-in controls help maintain a balanced system.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Explain how the condensate and feedwater sides of the
the basic procedures for the start-up and operation of the process loop are tied together
condensate and feedwater systems. ➢ Describe the operation of the deaerator level controllers
➢ Explain the five basic steps typically used to place the ➢ Identify the permissives for the boiler feed pump
condensate system in service operation
➢ Discuss considerations taken into account when initially ➢ Describe the function of flow control elements
filling the deaerator storage tank ➢ Describe the steam drum level gage indicators
➢ Describe two methods used to fill the feedwater system ➢ Explain the purpose of the boiler master controller
➢ List four common tasks completed when putting high
and low-pressure heat exchangers in service
➢ Describe basic checks power plant operators routinely
make on the condensate and feedwater systems

553-04 Condensate and Feedwater

System Control
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
steam drum level control methods and discuss their overall
relationship to condensate and feedwater flow. In addition,
you will be able to describe different types of level
measurement used in the condensate and feedwater
➢ Explain how single element control responds to
changes in drum level
➢ Explain how three element control responds to changes
in feedwater flow, steam flow, and drum level
555-04 Boiler Feed Pump Start-up
➢ Describe three types of level indication used in the When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
condensate and feedwater systems the proper steps to place a boiler feed pump in service.
➢ Explain the basic procedure used in the event of a tube
rupture in a high pressure feedwater heater ➢ Explain the importance of ensuring all conditions and
sign-off requirements are met before start-up begins
➢ Discuss normal start-up of a motor-driven boiler feed
555 Boiler Feed Pumps pump and describe components associated with this
555-01 Boiler Feed Pump ➢ Discuss normal start-up of a steam-driven boiler feed
pump and describe components associated with this
and Associated Auxiliary Equipment pump
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Compare the process of placing a single pump in
the design and function of a typical boiler feed pump. service to placing two pumps in service
➢ Identify what permissives will hold out the pump from
➢ Discuss the purpose and importance of a boiler feed
pump starting and discuss appropriate responses
➢ Describe the boiler feed pump design and operation ➢ Explain the role of a control room operator in starting
➢ Describe the associated auxiliary equipment the boiler feed pump
➢ Explain the use of different drive units

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555-05 Boiler Feed Pump Daily Operations 557-04 Start-up Procedures for the Boiler
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
Water and Steam Systems
routine tests associated with the boiler feed pump and When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
explain the importance of performing them regularly. You will and explain the general start-up procedures for a boiler’s
also be able to explain what steps may be taken in response steam and water cycle.
to test results.
➢ Examine the initial conditions
➢ Describe the routine inspections performed daily on the ➢ Explain boiler feed pump operations
boiler feed pump ➢ Describe and perform start-up procedures
➢ Identify tests performed on the boiler feed pump and
explain their importance
➢ Discuss the steps an operator may take in the event of 557-05 Normal Operation of the Boiler Water
a boiler feed pump trip and Steam Systems
➢ Describe the procedure to shut down a boiler feed
pump under normal conditions When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the normal operations of the water and steam cycle within a
power generating unit, the relationship of components within
557 Boiler Water and Steam Systems the system, and the effect of adjustments made to those
components that may affect the efficiency and safety of the
557-01 Function of Boiler Water and plant’s normal operation.
Steam Systems ➢ Describe the relationship of system components to
maintain boiler water levels
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Sequence the steps in the boiler water cycle
the function of the boiler water and the steam systems. You ➢ Identify and explain the relationship of components
will also be able to distinguish between forced and natural within the boiler steam system
circulation boilers. ➢ Identify moisture erosion, its causes, and preventions
➢ Examine boiler water systems
➢ Define boiler steam systems 557-06 Shutdown of the Boiler Water and
➢ Distinguish forced circulation boilers from natural Steam Systems
circulation boilers
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
and explain the shutdown process for the steam and water
systems in the boiler.
➢ Identify and describe the shutdown process for the
steam cycle
➢ Describe the shutdown process for the boiler water
➢ Identify the procedures for opening the boiler and
preparing it for maintenance during shutdown

557-02 Flow Paths and Components of the

Boiler Water and Steam Systems
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the major components of boiler water and steam systems
and explain their functions.
➢ Describe the flow path of the boiler water from the
economizer to the boiler shroud and drum
➢ Explain the relationship of drum water and steam levels
➢ Describe the steam cycle through the primary
superheater to the economizer
➢ Explain the purpose of the major components along the
steam cycle
➢ Identify critical lines, valves, vents, drains, and controls 559 Water Treatment
along the main steam line
➢ Explain the relationship of cooling water to the
condenser during peak load demands
559-01 Molecular Chemistry of Water
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
557-03 Process Controls for Boiler Water and which elements combine to form water and why they bond.
You will also learn some basic history of water and its
Steam Systems special characteristics.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Discuss the history and importance of water
the process and controls of the boiler water and steam ➢ Describe the atom’s molecular structure and
systems. electromagnetic forces
➢ Describe the process controls for the boiler drum level ➢ Review Dalton’s Atomic Theory
➢ Explain the relationship of steam flow, fuel, and air ➢ Describe the atomic makeup of a water molecule and
supplies and describe the controls that oversee this how this applies to water chemistry
relationship ➢ List some of the unique characteristics of water
➢ Examine the methods of control for low water fuel

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559-02 Elements and the 559-05 Corrosion Control in
Periodic Table of Elements Steam Production
When you complete this lesson, you will understand how When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
elements are named, grouped, and listed on the periodic how corrosion affects various systems within a steam
table. production facility and explain how to detect common failures
caused by excessive corrosion. In addition, you’ll be able to
➢ Discuss the history of the periodic table of elements identify causes and discuss means employed to control
➢ Describe the role elements play in chemistry corrosion.
➢ Explain the importance of an element’s atomic weight,
atomic number, and symbol ➢ Identify types of water treatment programs and discuss
➢ Discuss how electrons in the outer shell of an atom their goals
relate to chemical reactions and bonding ➢ Describe the cause and effect of corrosion in the
➢ Describe the organizational pattern of the periodic table following:
of elements and list classifications of elements o Pre-boiler or feedwater system
o Boiler system
o Condensate system
➢ Explain the steps facilities take to control or eliminate
corrosion in the water and steam path
➢ Explain how corrosion can be minimized by identifying
condenser tube leaks through chemical analysis of
steam plant water
➢ Describe how boiler chemistry control can reduce the
adverse effects of condenser tube leaks

559-06 Steam Chemistry

Control Guidelines
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the importance of steam purity and chemistry to the steam
559-03 Chemical Compounds turbine. In addition, you will be able to identify how water and
When you have completed this lesson, you will be able to steam chemistry are monitored and controlled.
identify individual compounds and describe their creation,
➢ Define steam purity and describe factors that affect it
reactions, and bonds. You will also be able to demonstrate a
➢ Explain the mechanics of steam drum carryover and
working knowledge of solutions.
identify its impact on the steam system
➢ Discuss the chemical makeup of compounds and ➢ Discuss steam turbine deposition and types of
explain how they differ from mixtures corrosion
➢ Describe the chemical bonding process and identify ➢ Examine the critical control guidelines for water
different types of bonds treatment
➢ List the four types of chemical reactions ➢ Describe the best areas for sampling
➢ Demonstrate how to write chemical equations and
➢ Describe solutions, solubility, and saturation; discuss
the role each plays in the treatment of water

559-07 Industrial Water Treatment Systems

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the water pretreatment and treatment process, as it may
exist in a typical industrial plant. In addition, you will be able
to discuss chemical cleaning options for boilers and turbines.
559-04 Corrosion Causes and Effects
➢ Describe how the source of raw water impacts which
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify treatment systems and procedures are required
the causes and effects of the various types of corrosion ➢ Follow the flow from the source through the water
found throughout the water and steam systems in a treatment system
industrial facility ➢ Describe the systems and components used in the
following pre-treatment operations:
➢ Define corrosion and discuss its causes
o Clarification
➢ Explain how corrosion relates to erosion
o Filtration
➢ Identify major types of corrosion and describe how each
o Demineralization
can affect industrial plant systems
➢ List chemicals commonly used in water treatment and
➢ Relate hydrogen and hydroxyl ions to acids and bases,
identify their purpose
and discuss roles each can play in corrosion
➢ Discuss chemical cleaning options and explain how
➢ List factors that affect the corrosion process in a boiler
they impact the boiler and turbine efficiency

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559-08 Introduction to Desalination ➢ State the main purpose of reverse osmosis technology
➢ Discuss the scientific principles of osmosis and osmotic
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to define pressure
desalination and discuss its importance to society. You will ➢ State the purpose of high pressure pumps in a reverse
also be able to describe membrane and thermal osmosis system
technologies used for the desalination process, as well as ➢ Identify the main components of a spiral wound reverse
the purpose of pre- and post-treatment systems. osmosis membrane
➢ Describe the construction of spiral wound membranes
➢ Define desalination
and discuss how they separate permeate and
➢ Describe the process of solar distillation
concentrate from feedwater
➢ State the main differences between membrane and
➢ Describe the construction and purpose of a reverse
thermal desalination technologies
osmosis vessel
➢ Discuss the following primary methods of desalination:
➢ Discuss the flow of saline water through a reverse
o Reverse osmosis
osmosis system from intake to collection
o Electrodialysis
➢ Discuss the purpose of energy recovery systems used
o Multi-stage flash
in a reverse osmosis desalination system
o Multi-effect distillation
➢ Describe the purpose of reverse osmosis pre- and post-
➢ State the purpose of pre- and post-treatment systems
treatment applications
as they pertain to desalination technologies
➢ Calculate permeate recovery percentage and describe
factors that can affect this percentage
559-09 Desalination: Pre- and
Post-treatment of Water 559-11 Thermal Desalination Technologies
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
the principles on which thermal desalination technologies are
based and explain the importance waste heat or steam plays
in multiple effect distillation (MED) and multi-stage flash
(MSF) systems. You will also be able to discuss the key
components of MED and MSF systems, including the
function of evaporators, condensers, demisters, and brine
heaters. And you will be able to distinguish between multi-
stage flash and multiple effect distillation technologies by
comparing the differences between them.
➢ Define distillate and distillation
➢ Discuss how freshwater is created through the process
of evaporation and condensation
➢ Describe how an industrial thermal desalination facility
can be an economic option for freshwater production by
utilizing waste heat and processing source water
through multiple stages
➢ Explain the functions of the heat exchanger tube
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss bundles and brine pool in a multiple effect distillation
industry standard pre- and post-treatment applications for system
desalinated water. You will also be able to discuss concerns ➢ Explain the functions of the brine heater, brine pool,
associated with bringing seawater into a desalination system and demister in a multi-stage flash distillation system
for processing, and describe specific pre- and post-treatment ➢ Describe the flow of water from intake to collection in a
applications common to processing water through reverse multiple effect distillation (MED) system using
osmosis and thermal distillation desalination systems. terminology from this lesson, including:
➢ Explain why seawater is harmful to desalination o Evaporator
systems o Effect
➢ Define potable water and identify the international o Condensation
agency responsible for setting quality standards for o Vapor
potable water o Condenser
➢ State two factors that drive the pretreatment and post- ➢ Describe the flow of water from intake to collection in a
treatment applications employed at a desalination multi-stage flash (MSF) system using terminology from
facility this lesson, including:
➢ Discuss the process and importrance of the chlorination o Stage
-dechlorination-chlorination application required at o Brine heater
reverse osmosis facilities o Demister
➢ List standard pre- and post-treatment applications o Condenser
discussed in this lesson and describe the general
purpose of each
➢ State and example of when post-treatment of water is
NOT required

559-10 Reverse Osmosis

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
the scientific principles on which reverse osmosis (RO)
technology is based and explain the primary function of a
reverse osmosis desalination system. You will also be able
to identify the key components of a typical reverse osmosis
system, with an emphasis on membrane technology, and
describe the importance of permeate recovery percentage.

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560 Plant Electrical Systems ➢ Identify the principles behind the operation of protective
➢ Identify different types of protective relays
560-01 Main Transformers ➢ Identify protective relay operating indicators
➢ Identify the principles behind the operation of
instrument transformers
➢ Compare the uses of potential transformers and current

560-05 Equipment Disconnects

and Grounding
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the design and function of disconnects used to isolate
electrical circuits. You will also be able to explain some
methods of grounding plant equipment.
➢ Explain the purpose and operation of disconnects
➢ List various types of disconnects and describe their use
➢ Explain the purpose of grounding
➢ Describe various grounding techniques
➢ Identify advantages of neutral grounding
➢ Discuss safety precautions taken when working with
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe disconnects and grounding
the overall design and function of a main station transformer.
In addition, you will be able to discuss systems and
inspections related to transformer protection. 561 Unit Start-up and Shutdown
➢ Explain the purpose of a main station transformer
➢ List major components of a main transformer and 561-01 Preparing for Power Plant Start-ups
identify their individual functions
➢ Describe the use of protective devices associated with
the main transformer
➢ Discuss some safety considerations when working
around a main station transformer
➢ Produce a checklist for operators performing a routine

560-02 Station Service System

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the general design and operation of a station service system.
➢ Describe the function of a station service system
➢ Identify major station service components
➢ List tasks performed during a routine station service
inspection When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ Explain the relationship between the essential service the basic checks that must be performed on plant
system and the station service system equipment, including the boiler, turbine, and generator, prior
➢ Identify essential station service components to a power plant startup.
➢ List tasks performed during routine essential service
system inspections ➢ Recognize the role an electrical dispatcher plays in
preparing for a power plant startup
➢ Recall the purpose of determining appropriate ramp
560-03 Fuses and Circuit Breakers rates for starting up the boiler and turbine
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain ➢ List the four basic categories of pre-startup checks on
the design and function of commonly used fuses and circuit each of the following:
breakers, and how to test and protect them. o Boiler
o Steam turbine
➢ Identify some applications that employ fuses o Generator
➢ Compare the operation of plug fuses to cartridge fuses
➢ Discuss factors to consider before replacing a fuse
561-02 Power Plant Start-up Procedures
➢ Explain the general function of a circuit breaker
➢ Identify three methods of extinguishing an arc in an air When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
circuit breaker the basic concepts and typical tasks associated with putting
➢ Lists commonly used types of circuit breakers and a fossil fuel-fired power plant online.
compare their operation
➢ Describe the basic steps associated with the following
560-04 Protective Relays o Filling the condensate/feedwater system
and Instrument Transformers o Firing a steam boiler
o Rolling a steam turbine
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe o Synchronizing a generator to the electrical grid
the design and function of various types of protective relays o Increasing load
and instrument transformers used to protect electrical ➢ Explain the purpose of turbine preheating
circuits and equipment.

Updated March 12, 2020

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561-03 Preparing for Power Plant Shutdown 563-02 Water and Steam: Terms
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
and Principles
the basic tasks that must be performed on plant equipment When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
prior to a power plant shutdown. the relationship between energy, temperature, and the
➢ List and define the three classifications of power plant phases of water. You will also be able to describe the
shutdowns concept and importance of latent heat, the heat associated
➢ Discuss the purpose of blowing soot and removing ash with phase changes of water without a temperature change.
from the boiler Given the weights of both steam and liquid water in a vessel,
➢ Discuss coal system preparations completed prior to a you will be able to calculate quality and moisture content.
scheduled shutdown You will be able to explain the relationship of a subcooled
➢ Explain what four conditions must simultaneously exist liquid, saturated liquid, saturated steam, latent heat of
while reducing the firing rate on a boiler vaporization, and superheated steam on a provided
➢ Describe each of the basic tasks associated with temperature/enthalpy diagram.
ramping-down a turbine/generator ➢ Explain the relationship between energy, heat, and
phase changes of water
➢ Define terms associated with water as heat is added
and removed. For example:
o Subcooled liquid
o Saturated liquid
o Saturated steam
o Quality
o Moisture content
o Superheated steam
➢ Explain the relationship between operating boiler
pressure and the ability of the boiler to utilize natural
➢ Describe the concept of the critical point, supercritical
fluid, and the benefits of operating at such high
561-04 Power Plant Shutdown Procedures pressure

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe

the basic steps associated with taking a fossil fuel fired 563-03 Heat Transfer Principles
power plant off-line. In addition, you will be able to explain
how operators prepare a power plant for an annual outage.
➢ Describe the common sequence of steps to remove a
pulverizer from service for an extended period of time
➢ Describe the basic steps followed to take each of the
following out of service:
o Scrubber
o Steam turbine
o Generator
➢ Explain how a power plant is prepared for an annual

563 Efficiency, Reliability, and

Environmentally Sensitive
563-01 Basic Power Plant Efficiency When you complete this lesson, you will be able to state the
primary parameter that causes heat transfer. You will be
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain able to explain the three types of heat transfer and the
the relationship between energy, work and efficiency. Heat characteristics of them. You will also be able to describe
rate, the term used to express power plant efficiency will be conditions and problems that negatively affect proper heat
part of your vocabulary. You will be able to explain how the transfer. Finally, you will be able to determine heat transfer
boiler, turbine cycle, and generator comprise plant heat rate. rate given operating parameters in heat transfer equipment.
You will be able to explain how heat rate is affected by key
plant parameters known as performance parameters. Finally, ➢ Define heat transfer
you will be able to explain the roles of operations, ➢ State the parameter that causes heat transfer
maintenance, engineering, and plant management in the ➢ Explain the three forms of heat transfer
plant heat rate program. ➢ List problems that can hinder proper heat transfer in
equipment designed to transfer heat
➢ Explain the relationship between energy, work, and ➢ Given operating parameters in heat transfer equipment,
efficiency calculate the rate of heat transfer
➢ Describe the relationship between gross heat rate, net
unit heat rate, and design heat rate
➢ Describe typical efficiencies of the three main parts of a 563-04 Laws and Principles
power plant: the boiler, turbine cycle, and generator; of Thermodynamics
and the role they play in overall plant efficiency.
➢ Explain how heat rate is affected by key plant When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
parameters known as performance parameters thermodynamics. You will also be able to describe
➢ Explain the roles of operations, maintenance, thermodynamic terms in your own words. You will also be
engineering, and plant management in the plant heat able to explain the relationship of thermodynamic principles
rate program to plant efficiency.

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➢ Define thermodynamics in your own words 563-07 Instrumentation and Controls
➢ Explain the thermodynamic properties of steam and
water as they pertain to a power plant
➢ Describe the thermodynamic laws in your own words
➢ Given appropriate parameter values, plot basic power
plant processes on either a temperature/enthalpy or
enthalpy/entropy chart
➢ Explain what happens to related thermodynamic
parameters through common power processes and

563-05 Performance Parameters

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to list
several key operating parameters that affect efficiency. You
will also be able to describe in your own words problems that
can prevent key operating parameters from being operated
at optimum level. You will be able to calculate the When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
approximate extra fuel cost associated with operating a key the basic operation of a boiler-following instrumentation and
performance parameter off design value. control system. You will be able to describe the effects when
actual parameter values are different than what is indicated.
➢ Describe net unit heat rate in your own words You will also be able to explain common responses to
➢ List several key operating parameters that affect net instrumentation and control problems.
unit heat rate
➢ Describe in your own words problems that can prevent ➢ Explain the basic operation of a boiler-following
key operating parameters from being operated at instrumentation and control system
optimum level ➢ Describe the effects on efficiency and/or availability
➢ Given industry average data, calculate the approximate when actual parameter values are different than what is
effect on net unit heat rate when a key operating indicated
parameter is operated off the design value ➢ List common systems and parameters controlled by
➢ Given appropriate supporting data, calculate the generating unit instrumentation and control systems
approximate extra fuel cost associated with operating a ➢ In your own words, describe how a control system
key performance parameter off of design value responds when it receives an erroneous signal from an
instrument such a thermocouple
➢ Explain common operator responses to instrumentation
and control problems

563-08 Boiler Efficiency

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
boiler efficiency and explain how it is determined. You will be
able to discuss the major factors that can cause an increase
or decrease in boiler efficiency.
➢ Identify parameters that influence boiler efficiency and
describe their effect
➢ Discuss problems that can reduce proper heat transfer
in boiler components
➢ Explain what is meant by the term “boiler envelope”
➢ Explain the input/output method of determining boiler
efficiency and list the associated inputs and outputs
➢ Explain the heat loss method of determining boiler
efficiency and list the associated losses
➢ List the main boiler components and describe problems
that can decrease their efficiency

563-06 Balancing Efficiency, Availability,

563-09 Boiler Reliability
Capability and Flexibility
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain the importance of maintaining proper boiler parameters. You
efficiency, capability, flexibility, and availability in your own will also be able to identify several things that can decrease
words. You will be able to describe the concept of economic a boiler’s reliability.
dispatch. You will also be able to discuss running and
shutdown reserves and the reasons they are important. ➢ Describe why controlling steam temperatures and
pressure, drum level, and flow are vital to maintaining
➢ Explain the concepts of economic dispatch boiler reliability
➢ List the two reserve categories. Explain their ➢ Identify the effects of flow, level, and heat-up/cooldown
importance rates on boiler reliability
➢ Discuss Power Plant unit efficiency especially ➢ Explain how operating outside established chemistry
concerning how it fits into economic dispatch parameters can quickly reduce a boiler’s reliability
➢ Explain the importance of maintaining power plant unit ➢ Describe key operational steps to help protect boilers
capability as high as feasible during start-up and shutdown
➢ List and discuss the components of power plant unit ➢ List common permissives that must be met before a fire
flexibility especially concerning their importance in can be ignited in a boiler
economic dispatch ➢ Explain how tube leaks can affect boiler reliability
➢ Discuss the importance of power plant units being
available when needed

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563-10 Turbine Efficiency 563-12 Condenser Operation and Reliability
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
how to calculate turbine efficiency. You will also be able to methods of troubleshooting condensers and identify
describe how parameters, components, and problems can symptoms of several problems that can negatively affect
affect turbine efficiency. condenser reliability. You will also be able to discuss
methods of remedying specific condenser problems and
➢ Explain the two methods of calculating turbine optimizing operational performance.
➢ Describe how each of the following affects turbine ➢ Describe the symptoms of these problems that reduce
efficiency: the effective heat transfer area of an operating
o Chemical deposits and internal erosion condenser:
o Internal and external seal leakage o Air in-leakage
o Variations in steam temperature and pressure o Problems with air removal equipment
o Backpressure o High hotwell levels
o Attemperation spray flow o Improperly vented waterboxes
o Extraction steam flow o Blocked or plugged tubes
➢ Explain how control valves can be the source of a loss ➢ Describe the symptoms of these problems that reduce
that is typically attributed to the turbine the heat transfer coefficient of a condenser:
o Scaling
o Micro-fouling
o Dirt, debris, and sludge
o Oxidation and rust
➢ Describe the symptoms of these problems that increase
average circulating water temperature of an operating
o Overloading
o Insufficient circulating water flow
o High circulating water inlet temperature
➢ Given a condenser pump selection curves and
condenser operating parameters, determine the
optimum number of circulation water pumps to run

563-13 Feedwater Heater Operation

and Efficiency
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
feedwater heater operations and discuss problems that
affect performance.
➢ Describe the normal operations of a feedwater heater
➢ Identify problems commonly associated with feedwater
heaters and describe how they affect unit efficiency and
➢ Discuss the following methods of evaluating feedwater
heater performance.
o Feedwater heater temperature rise
o Drain Cooler Approach (DCA)
o Terminal Temperature Difference (TTD)

563-11 Condenser Efficiency

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
how to evaluate and maintain condenser efficiency.
➢ Identify the roles of key parameters associated with
condenser efficiency
➢ Describe the main energy flows into and out of the
➢ Explain how to calculate condenser efficiency
➢ Identify the terms of the general heat transfer equation
as it applies to a condenser
➢ Use a condenser performance curve and condenser
operating parameters to determine if condenser
efficiency is satisfactory
➢ Use condenser pump selection curves and condenser
operating parameters to determine the optimal number
of circulation water pumps
➢ Explain the relationship between back pressure, turbine
exhaust temperature, and condenser problems

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563-14 Pump Efficiency and Reliability 565-02 Distributed Control
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
System Components
commonly used pumps and discuss their maintenance.
➢ Describe the two major classifications of pumps and
discuss their primary applications
➢ Define the following terms associated with pump
o Capacity
o Head
o Power
o Efficiency
➢ Describe basic operating and maintenance techniques
used to keep pumps operating efficiently and reliably
➢ Define net positive suction head (NPSH) and describe
the relationship between available and required NPSH
➢ Given pump curves associated with a given pump,
determine associated operating parameters for various
pump operating capacities
➢ List and explain the pump laws
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to list the
components associated with a common distributed control
system (DCS) and describe their functions.
➢ List and briefly describe plant instrumentation used to
collect system parameter and equipment data to be
used in a DCS
➢ Describe the general design and function of the
following DCS components:
o Instrumentation
o Transmitters and input/output modules
563-15 Environmentally Sensitive Operations o Processors
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss a o Multiplexers
power plant’s potential environmental impacts and describe o Electrical/computer buses
methods to minimize them. o Human-machine interface
o Control devices/actuators
➢ Explain the relationship between power plant unit ➢ Discuss the flow of information through the DCS and
efficiency and environmental impact describe how that information is used to monitor and
➢ List some categories of environmental impact control power plant systems, parameters, and
associated with power plants equipment
➢ Discuss the negative and positive effects of greenhouse
➢ Identify the environmental effects of improper boiler 565-03 Using Distributed Control
combustion System Diagrams
➢ Define the following terms as they apply to boiler
combustion: When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
o Greenhouse gases the basic symbols and parts of a logic diagram. You will also
o Incomplete combustion be able to explain how to use a DCS logic diagram as a
o Nox troubleshooting tool.
➢ Describe methods of removing environmentally ➢ Identify basic logic symbols used in logic diagrams
unfriendly substances from boiler flue gas ➢ List the parts of a drawing title block
➢ Explain the purpose of a drawing legend
565 Plant Control System ➢ Discuss permissives and interlocks associated with
control systems
➢ Describe how a control loop maintains a parameter at
565-01 Distributed Control System its control setpoint
Fundamentals ➢ Discuss the use of trip setpoints
➢ Describe how the feedback function in a control loop
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe helps keep processes stable
the design and function of a typical distributed control ➢ Describe trim and bias control logic features
system (DCS). ➢ Discuss general troubleshooting steps and techniques
➢ Describe the functions of a typical distributed control
system (DCS)
➢ List and briefly describe the main components or
elements of a DCS
➢ Explain the use of a remote control panel in the DCS
➢ Discuss communications mediums available for use in
DCS; list advantages and disadvantages of each choice
➢ Describe the purpose of a central control facility (control
room) associated with a DCS
➢ Describe the functions of the human machine interface
➢ Discuss the reasons for different levels of authority on
various HMI stations
➢ Identify the functions of control, interface, and database
software associated with DCS

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565-04 Power Plant Unit Control 567-03 Superheated Steam Tables
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
the basic design and function of a boiler-following the physical characteristics of superheated steam under
instrumentation and control system. various conditions. In addition, you will have the ability to
interpret the information found in superheated steam tables
➢ Discuss the basic operation of a boiler-following and employ it in practical applications.
distributive control system (DCS)
➢ Explain how changing power plant load affects steam ➢ Identify the kinds of information found in a superheated
temperature, pressure, and flow steam table
➢ Describe how the DCS maintains parameters at their ➢ Describe the information found on a Mollier diagram
designed values when unit load changes ➢ Discuss the relationship between the Btu in boiler fuels
➢ Discuss the relationship between the following: and the Btu in superheated steam
o Fuel flow and associated unit parameters ➢ Use a steam table to explain what is meant by “no
o Fuel flow, furnace draft, air flow, and excess distinguishable differences” at the critical point of water
o Feedwater flow, steam flow, unit load, and boiler
drum level
581 Diesel Power Plant Operations
➢ Identify operator responsibilities in controlling key
operating parameters, systems, and equipment during 581-01 Diesel Engines for Power Generation
normal operation
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the design and operation of a diesel engine. In addition, you
567 Heat Rate Optimization will be able to explain the importance of the diesel generator.

567-01 Understanding the Basic Properties ➢ Describe the theory behind the basic operation of a
of Water and Steam diesel engine
➢ Identify the major components of the diesel engine and
explain the function of each
➢ Describe what happens during each of the following
operating cycle events:
o Intake
o Compression
o Injection
o Combustion
o Power
o Exhaust
➢ Identify the difference between a two-stroke and four-
stroke diesel engine
➢ Discuss the role of the diesel generator in our society

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe

the properties of water in its liquid, solid, and gaseous
states. In addition, you will be able to explain how heat and
pressure effect changes between these states.
➢ Define temperature
➢ Define heat
➢ Explain the difference between temperature and heat
➢ Define enthalpy
➢ Describe the relationship between the latent heat of
fusion and changing the state of water from a solid to a
➢ Describe the relationship between the latent heat of
vaporization and changing the state of water from a
liquid to a gas
➢ Discuss how pressure affects the boiling point of water
581-02 Diesel Engine Support Systems
567-02 Saturated Steam Tables When you complete this lesson, you will understand the
operation and importance of the supporting systems that
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain make the diesel engine run and operate efficiently.
the terms associated with the physical characteristics of
water, saturated steam, and superheated steam. In addition, ➢ Describe the diesel engine cooling system
you will be able to interpret and discuss the information ➢ Explain the importance and function of the lubrication
illustrated in steam tables. system used in the diesel engine
➢ Describe how the fuel system stores, cleans, and
➢ Define saturation temperature delivers the fuel to the diesel engine
➢ Explain what is meant by the term “saturated steam” ➢ List the components of the diesel engine’s air intake
➢ Define saturation pressure and exhaust systems and identify their functions
➢ Identify the critical point of water
➢ Explain the difference between enthalpy and entropy
➢ Define superheated steam
➢ Describe the two categories of saturated steam tables
and discuss their use

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581-03 Diesel Powered Generation 582 Combined Cycle Power
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe Plant Operations
applications for diesel powered generators and explain the
effects they have on society and the environment.
582-01 Combined Cycle Power Plants
➢ Describe where, and under what circumstances, diesel
powered generation is used When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ Identify benefits to society provided by a diesel the basic thermal cycles of a combined cycle power plant,
powered generator including topping and bottoming cycles. You will also be able
➢ Discuss the importance of installing and using diesel to list advantages and disadvantages of various combined
powered generators cycle configurations and define common terminology
➢ Describe the features of the most common type of associated with combined cycle operations.
generator and explain how it works ➢ Explain the thermal cycles of combined cycle plant
➢ Describe a combined cycle plant “topping” cycle
581-04 Diesel Power Plant Operations ➢ Describe a combined cycle plant “bottoming” cycle
➢ List advantages of a combustion turbine-water/steam
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe combined cycle system
basic diesel power plant operations. ➢ Compare combined cycle plant efficiencies with the
efficiencies of simple cycle plants
➢ Explain how to prepare the unit for start-up
➢ Describe the way that simple cycle efficiencies can be
➢ Explain how to energize the station service supply
➢ Describe on-load operations monitoring
➢ Define cogeneration and IGCC
➢ Walk through a typical shutdown procedure
➢ Describe the effects of combustion air cooling and
supplemental HRSG firing
581-05 Diesel Plant Control Systems ➢ Explain the difference between a single shaft and multi-
and Protective Devices shaft combined cycle configurations
➢ Describe the use of single pressure and multi-pressure
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe steam cycle designs
the design and function of a typical control panel and identify
its primary components. You will also be able to explain the
importance of the protective devices built into the system.
582-02 Combined Cycle Power
Plant Components
➢ Describe a typical control panel
➢ Explain the operation of some of the generator controls
➢ Describe a remote operation and explain how it works
➢ Identify some of the hazardous machine conditions
➢ Discuss protective devices and identify what they

581-06 Diesel Plant Routine Maintenance

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify

and describe the major components of a combined cycle
power plant.
➢ Describe the design and operating principles of a
combustion turbine used in a combined cycle
➢ Describe the design and operating principles of a heat
recovery steam generator used in a combined cycle
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Describe the design and operating principles of an
routine diesel inspections and discuss their contribution to electrical generator used in a combined cycle
safe and efficient operations. application
➢ Describe the purpose of a stack damper on combined
➢ Identify the standard timeframes associated with the cycle units
routine inspections of diesel plant systems ➢ Explain the use of supplementary firing in heat recovery
➢ Explain how routine inspections affect outages and steam generators
downtime ➢ Be able to explain the natural and forced circulation in
➢ Describe the maintenance performed on each of the the steam production process
following: ➢ Explain the purpose of selective catalytic reduction and
o Prime mover carbon monoxide catalyst systems in the operation of a
o Generator and exciters combined cycle power plant
o Switchgear ➢ Be able to explain the purpose of reheat steam

Updated March 12, 2020

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582-03 HRSG – Flow Path ➢ Explain important steps during startup, shutdown, and
normal operations
and Major Equipment
➢ Explain the need for maintaining steam flow during the
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify startup process
and describe the major components and flow paths of a ➢ State why the operating environment of the HRSG is
HRSG. important
➢ Describe why the use of vents and drains ensures
➢ Recall the function of a HRSG steam quality
➢ Describe the purpose of the economizer in a HRSG ➢ Identify what shutdown conditions would modify the
➢ Describe the purpose of the evaporator in a HRSG shutdown procedure
➢ Describe the purpose of the steam drum in a HRSG ➢ Recall why and how pressure and temperature affect
➢ Describe the purpose of the superheater in a HRSG the life expectancy of the HRSG
➢ Outline the flow path of the combustion gas through the ➢ Explain how pressure is created during the steam
HRSG production process
➢ Outline the flow path of the water/steam through the ➢ Explain how pressure and temperature are controlled in
HRSG the steam systems
➢ Explain the relationship of water flow vs steam flow ➢ Define cycling
➢ Identify what components are most susceptible to
failure when cycling
➢ Explain and define:
o Stress corrosion cracking
o Fatigue corrosion cracking
o Thermal fatigue
o Creep

582-06 Combined Cycle Steam and

Feedwater Operating Principles
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the feedwater and steam flowpaths in a typical combined
cycle power plant. You will also be able to explain the HRSG
design principles governing plant operation.
➢ Describe the system flow path of a basic single-
pressure cycle
➢ Describe the function of the following components of a
582-04 HRSG – Auxiliary Equipment HRSG:
and Systems o Economizer
o Evaporator
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify o Superheater
some auxiliary systems that may be found in a HRSG and ➢ Explain the concept of a pinch point
recall their purpose and benefit to the unit. ➢ Describe the system flow path of a dual-pressure (HP
and LP) cycle
➢ Recall the purpose of the following systems:
➢ Describe the system flow path of a triple-pressure (HP,
o Supplementary firing
IP, and LP) cycle
o Bleed Air
➢ Explain the purpose of a pegging steam line
o Deaerator
➢ Describe the system flow path of a triple-pressure cycle
o Attemperator
with reheat
o Sampling
➢ Explain the operation of a HRSG feedwater pump
o Dosing
➢ Describe the function of a steam attemperator
o Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)
o CO catalyst
o Nitrogen
➢ Identify the general location of the following systems:
o Supplementary firing
o Deaerator
o Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)
o CO catalyst
➢ Relate the operating conditions in which supplementary
firing would be impactful
➢ Describe the mechanism by which deaerators fulfill their
➢ List some qualities for which analyses are frequently
performed in the steam/water cycle
➢ State why SCR systems and CO catalyst systems have
been put in place
➢ Relate what operating conditions a nitrogen system
would be used in
582-07 Combined Cycle Condensate and
582-05 HRSG - Basic Operating Concerns Circulating Water Systems
and Conditions
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe the flow paths of the condensate and circulating water
the steps to startup and shutdown the HRSG, and the steps systems and describe their major components. You will also
to confirm it is operating normally. Additionally, conditions be able to explain the design principles governing the
that may cause concern during operation will be covered. operation of these systems.

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➢ Describe the purpose of the Condensate System in a 583-03 Water Management
combined cycle plant
➢ Explain the operation of a Water-Cooled Condenser When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
➢ Explain the operation of an Air-Cooled Condenser the various issues of water management and their impacts
➢ Describe the purpose of a steam jet air ejector, vacuum on hydroelectric power generation.
pump, and hogger
➢ Explain the importance of inflow forecasting when
➢ Describe the function of a deaerator
determining the efficient production of hydroelectric
➢ Describe the common deaerator arrangements used in
combined cycle power plants
➢ Describe environmental considerations when
➢ Explain the difference between a once-through and a
constructing hydroelectric generating stations
closed-circuit circulating water system
➢ Describe the purpose of a cooling tower in a combined ➢ Examine water management policies
cycle circulating water system

582-08 Combined Cycle Auxiliary Systems

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the function and operation of the auxiliary components and
systems found in a typical combined cycle power plant.
➢ Describe the function of the Closed Cooling Water
➢ List the typical heat loads cooled by the auxiliary
cooling water system
➢ Explain the reason for maintaining chemistry control of
boiler water
➢ Describe the common methods of HRSG chemistry
control, including the following:
o All volatile treatment
o Phosphate treatment
o Caustic treatment
➢ List the common parameters monitored by the water 583-04 Hydroelectric Generators
treatment, sampling, and analysis systems
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
and describe the operations of the hydroelectric power
583 Hydroelectric Power generator and the component of the lower unit
Plant Operations ➢ Examine the design characteristics of the penstock,
scroll case, and suction tube
583-01 The Hydroelectric Role in ➢ Describe the wicket gate operations
the Power System ➢ Characterize a number of turbine types and their uses
➢ Describe guide and thrust bearings
➢ Identify stators and generator supports
➢ Explain generator operations

583-05 Generator Monitoring and Control

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the monitoring and controlling of the generator in
hydroelectric generating stations by identifying the various
components of the turbine and generator and explaining
their functions.
➢ Explain the operating principles of the turbine generator
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain and their components
the advantages of hydroelectric power and describe the ➢ Explain the use of hydraulic forces to control the speed
significant contributions of hydroelectric energy to the and frequency of a hydroelectric turbine generator
environment and economy. ➢ Identify hydraulic governor components
➢ Identify hydroelectric contributions ➢ Describe the operations of a hydraulic governor
➢ Examine the roles of hydroelectric power within the
power system 583-06 Hydroelectric Plant Auxiliaries
➢ Review specific advantages of hydroelectricity
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the auxiliary systems inside a hydroelectric power plant.
583-02 Hydroelectric Power Stations
➢ Explain the fire protection system used in a
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify hydroelectric plant
the major components in a hydroelectric power station. You ➢ Describe the construction and purpose of the packing
will also examine the operations of hydroelectric power box
stations, describe variations among them, and explain the ➢ Explain the operation and purpose of the cooling water
components common to each hydropower generating system
station. ➢ Describe the operation of the service air system of a
➢ Describe a variety of hydroelectric plant construction hydroelectric plant
➢ Define the principles of hydropower operations
➢ Explain the purpose of various hydroelectric plant

Updated March 12, 2020

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583-07 Operating Electrical Equipment in a ➢ Define Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
➢ Define Refuse Derived Waste (RDF)
Hydroelectric Plant
➢ Compare mass to flow RDF waste to energy facilities
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify ➢ List undesirable components in MSW
the standard procedures for operating electrical equipment in ➢ Describe the major components in the waste handling
a hydroelectric plant, including lockout/tagout procedures, system of a waste to energy facility
start-up, and shutdown procedures ➢ Describe the major components in the combustion
system of a waste to energy facility
➢ Identify pre-start procedures for electrical equipment
within the hydroelectric plant
➢ Examine precautions and procedures for operating 585 Wind Energy
electrical equipment, including lockout/tagout
procedures 585-01 Basic Wind Turbine Design
➢ Identify the process for the hydroelectric plant’s system
start-up and removal from service When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
how a wind turbine harnesses the kinetic energy in wind and
converts it into useful mechanical energy. In addition, you
will be able to identify the principle components that
comprise a typical, modern wind turbine.
➢ Define wind
➢ Discuss some factors that affect wind
➢ Identify two classifications of wind turbines
➢ Describe the components that typically comprise the
drive train on a wind turbine
➢ Describe the basic wind turbine design currently used in
the production of electricity

585-02 Wind Farm Development

583-08 Mechanical Governor When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
the factors that must be considered when identifying a
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
possible location for a wind farm.
components of the mechanical governor and be able to
describe its operations. ➢ Discuss five key considerations taken into account
when initially selecting a site for a wind farm
➢ Identify major governor components
➢ Describe three categories of wind farms
➢ Explain governor operations
➢ Discuss the information that may be included in a
detailed wind resource study
583-09 Electric Governor ➢ Explain how the wind resource study impacts the
location of the wind farm
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify ➢ Describe “wake” as it relates to wind turbine operation
the evolution of the electric governor, components, functions,
and governor operations.
585-03 Horizontal Wind Turbine Design
➢ Recall electric governor evolution
and Operation
➢ Identify electric governor components
➢ Recall electric governor functions When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
➢ Identify electric governor operations how wind flowing over the blades causes the turbine rotor to
turn. In addition, you will be able to describe the operation of
584 Biomass Energy wind turbine components and discuss how wind turbines are

584-01 Introduction to Biomass Power Plants ➢ Describe five key components common to horizontal
wind turbines
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to define ➢ Identify the two most common types of blades
biomass and list common biomass fuels used in the ➢ Discuss the type of generator most commonly used in
production of electricity. You will also be able to describe wind turbines
biomass storage, fuel handling equipment and various ➢ Describe how pitch-controlled blades control wind
configurations of biomass boilers. turbine speed
➢ Explain the purpose of the yaw mechanism
➢ Define biomass
➢ List common sources of biomass fuels
➢ List advantages of biomass fuels over coal
➢ Describe fuel handling and storage equipment used in
biomass power plant applications
➢ Describe the various boiler designs used in biomass

584-02 Biomass and Waste to

Energy Power Plants
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
the difference between mass burn and refuse derived fuel
waste to energy plants. You will be able to describe the
types of fuel and the fuel processing that takes place in
these facilities. You will be able to describe the combustions
systems utilized in these facilities.

Updated March 12, 2020

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585-04 Wind Energy Production 586-05 Reciprocating Engine
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
Auxiliary Systems
the relationship between the size of a wind farm and its When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
corresponding capacity factor. In addition, you will be able to the operation of the major systems commonly found in a
explain how wind energy impacts traditional energy markets. reciprocating engine power plant and describe their major
➢ Define capacity factor components.
➢ Compare the capacity factor of a traditional coal-fired ➢ Explain the operation of the fuel systems for liquid and
power plant to that of a modern wind farm gas-fueled reciprocating engines
➢ Describe how the costs of construction and operation ➢ Describe the major components of a typical
for a traditional fossil-fired power plant compare to reciprocating engine lube oil system
those of a new, large scale wind farm ➢ Explain the function of compressed air systems in a
➢ Discuss how the cost of wind energy has become more reciprocating engine power plant
competitive over the years ➢ Describe the operation of the high-temperature (HT)
and low-temperature (LT) cooling water circuits
586 Reciprocating Engine ➢ Explain the purpose of the charge air and exhaust gas
Power Plants ➢ Describe the function of a steam generating system as
it relates to a reciprocating engine power plant

586-01 Introduction to Reciprocating Engine

Power Plants
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
the operation of a reciprocating engine and describe the
common configurations in which it can be used in power
generation facilities.
➢ Define reciprocating engine 586-06 Reciprocating Engine Electrical and
➢ Describe the basic operation of a reciprocating engine
➢ Explain the role of reciprocating engines in large-scale
Control Systems
power generation When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
➢ Describe the typical layout of a stand-alone the electrical control modes used to maintain engine speed
reciprocating engine power plant and the control systems used for starting, stopping, and
➢ Explain why reciprocating engines are incorporated into maintaining safe engine operation.
existing power plants
➢ Describe the use of cogeneration in a reciprocating ➢ Describe how automatic and manual control modes
engine power plant affect generator operations
➢ Explain the speed droop mode of engine control
➢ Explain the isochronous mode of engine control
586-03 Fundamentals of Reciprocating ➢ Explain the kW control mode of engine control
Engine Design ➢ Describe the engine starting circuit permissive logic
➢ List the conditions which may result in an automatic
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe engine shutdown/auto-stop
the major types of reciprocating engines and their fuel ➢ List the conditions which may result in an engine load
sources. You will also be able to describe the function of the reduction
major components of a reciprocating engine as applied to
power generation.
586-07 Reciprocating Engine Operations
➢ Describe the operation of liquid fuel-ignited and spark-
ignited (Otto Cycle) reciprocating engines When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ Describe the operation of a compression-ignited (Diesel the steps to startup and shutdown a reciprocating engine,
Cycle) reciprocating engine and the steps to confirm it is operating normally.
➢ List the types of fuels commonly used in reciprocating
engines Additionally, some special operating conditions will be
➢ Describe common reciprocating engine fuel systems, covered.
including the following components: ➢ Explain the pre-startup checks performed as part of the
o Fuel pumps reciprocating engine startup process
o Gas ramps ➢ Describe the importance of slow-turning a reciprocating
o Fuel rack engine
➢ Explain the operation of a dual-fuel (DF) reciprocating ➢ Describe the conditions monitored during normal
engine reciprocating engine operation
➢ Describe the function of the following reciprocating ➢ Explain the adverse effects of low-load operation on a
engine components: reciprocating engine
o Turbocharger ➢ Describe the methods of performing a reciprocating
o Compressed Air Systems engine shutdown
o Cooling Water Pumps ➢ Describe the conditions required to maintain a
o Lube Oil Pumps reciprocating engine in standby

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586-09 Generator Control in Reciprocating 587-02 PWR and BWR Operation and Design
Engine Power Plants When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain and explain the operating principles and design of the two
generator operation modes and the methods used to control major types of nuclear power plants.
generator output voltage. You will also be able to describe ➢ Explain the basic operation of a Pressurized Water
ways the automatic generator control system regulates Reactor (PWR) nuclear power plant
loading and protects against faults on the generator output. ➢ Describe the containment structure of a PWR nuclear
➢ Describe the following generator voltage regulator power plant
control modes: ➢ Describe the reactor pressure vessel of a PWR nuclear
o Power factor power plant
o Voltage droop ➢ Explain the operation of the recirculation pumps in a
o Voltage droop compensation PWR nuclear power plant.
➢ Explain voltage droop in relation to a generator ➢ Explain the function of the pressurizer in a PWR
excitation control system nuclear power plant
➢ List the conditions that must be met before the ➢ Explain the function of the steam generators in a PWR
generator can be synchronized with the grid nuclear power plant
➢ List the conditions which may result in a generator ➢ Describe the basic operation of a Boiling Water Reactor
breaker trip (BWR) nuclear power plant
➢ Describe the pressure vessel of a BWR
➢ Explain the function and operation of the recirculation
586-11 Reciprocating Engine jet pumps of a BWR
General Inspection ➢ Describe the fuel rods used in PWRs and BWRs
➢ Explain how the reactivity is controlled in PWRs and
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify BWRs
the general inspection requirements, the components
involved, and how to remove them for further inspection and
➢ Identify the cost benefits of performing preventive
➢ Define general inspection in relation to reciprocating
engine maintenance
➢ Recall engine components removed for a general
➢ Describe maintenance procedures for removing
components during a general inspection

587 Nuclear Energy

587-01 Nuclear Power Principles and
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
the basic theory and operation of a nuclear power plant. You
will also be able to explain the basic process of nuclear
fission and describe various nuclear reactor designs.
➢ Describe the type of fuel used in nuclear power plants
➢ Explain the purpose of control rods in nuclear reactors
➢ Describe the use of coolants in nuclear reactors
➢ Explain the use of moderators used in nuclear reactors
➢ Explain the process of nuclear fission
➢ Describe the basic design of a pressurized water
➢ Describe the basic design of a boiling water reactor
➢ Describe the basic design of heavy water reactors
➢ Describe the basic design of gas cooled reactors
➢ Describe the basic design of liquid metal fast breeder
➢ Describe the basic design of pressure tube graphite

Updated March 12, 2020

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589 Solar Energy 589-05 Solar Energy – Thermal Applications
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
589-01 Introduction to Solar Energy how concentrated solar power can be used to generate
electricity. You will also be able to describe the function and
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain operation of the components that make up a functioning
the benefits of solar power generation and how solar power solar thermal power generating system.
can be used to augment power generation from fossil fuels.
You will also be able to describe the most common methods ➢ Explain Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) and how it is
of solar power generation in use today. converted to electrical energy
➢ Describe a Rankine cycle power plant in relation to
➢ Describe the benefits of solar power production CSP
➢ List common ways solar energy can be used to ➢ Explain the function of the major components in a CSP
augment traditional fossil fuel generation power plant:
➢ Explain how energy storage systems are used to o Solar collector
overcome deficiencies in solar power production o Heat transfer medium
➢ Describe how a photovoltaic solar plant produces and o Thermal energy storage
delivers power to the grid o Boiler
➢ Describe how a thermal solar plant produces and ➢ Turbine generator
supplies steam for use in electrical power generation ➢ Describe the following types of solar collectors:
o Power tower
589-03 Solar Energy - Photovoltaic o Parabolic trough
➢ Describe the components and explain the operation of
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain a parabolic trough concentrated solar power system
the purpose of a photovoltaic cell and describe how they can ➢ Compare stand-alone and integrated solar combined
be arranged to form arrays suitable for power generation. cycle (ISCC) plant designs
You will also be able to describe the common components
required to support power generation from photovoltaic
➢ Describe the basic construction and operation of a
photovoltaic cell
➢ Define photovoltaic effect as it relates production of
photovoltaic cells
➢ Explain Maximum Power Point (MPP) and how voltage,
current, and power output are related in a photovoltaic
➢ Explain how photovoltaic cells are arranged to form
modules, panels, and arrays
➢ Understand the function of the following equipment
related to photovoltaic solar installations:
o Batteries
o Inverters
o Charge controllers
o Peak-power trackers
o Mounting hardware
➢ Describe and give examples of the following types of
photovoltaic applications:
o Direct coupled
o Stand-alone
o Grid-connected
o Hybrid-connected

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600 – Instrumentation and
Control 603-02 Principles of Temperature
When you complete this lesson, you will understand the
603 Process Control Variables concepts of temperature and heat transfer and be able to
convert between common temperature scales.
603-01 Instrumentation and Control Overview ➢ Define heat and temperature and explain the difference
between them
➢ Recognize different temperature scales and list their
basic units of measurement
➢ Convert between common temperature scales
➢ Describe how heat transfer can change the temperature
or other physical properties of a substance
➢ Describe the following methods of heat transfer:
o Conduction
o Convection
o Radiation

603-03 Principles of Pressure

When you complete this lesson, you will understand
pressure and how it is measured. You will be able to apply
conversion formulas to convert readings from one standard
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe pressure scale to another.
the basic operating principles behind the instrumentation and ➢ Define pressure and list the basic units of pressure
control common to your unit. You will also be able to identify measurement
various instrumentation components and discuss the ways ➢ Discuss the formula used to calculate pressure (P =
instrumentation systems collect and transmit information. F/A)
➢ Discuss the importance of instrumentation and control ➢ List the factors and conditions that affect pressure
➢ Define the following common plant process variables: ➢ Explain how Boyle’s Law and the combined gas law
o Pressure relate to pressure
o Temperature ➢ Recognize common pressure measurement scales and
o Flow demonstrate your ability to calculate conversion
o Level between them
o Analytical
➢ Describe basic function of process instrumentation
➢ Explain the relationship between common process
➢ Define terms associated with process instrumentation:
o Differential (delta ∆)
o Local control
o Remote control
o Control loop
o Electronic
o Pneumatic
o Analog
o Digital

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603-04 Principles of Level 603-07 Pressure Measuring Devices
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain the
concept of level and describe how it is measured.
➢ Define level
➢ Explain the difference between continuous and single-
point level detection
➢ List the basic units of level measurement
➢ Define the following terms associated with level
o Innage
o Ullage (outage)
o Level
o Interface
o Meniscus
o Buoyancy
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
603-05 Principles of Flow and describe the operation of various pressure sensing and
measurement devices.
➢ Describe the difference between absolute, gauge,
vacuum, and differential pressure
➢ Describe and explain the operation of liquid column
manometers, including the following types:
o U-tube
o Well
o Inclined tube
➢ Describe and explain the operation of elastic pressure
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe sensors, including the following types:
the principles of fluid flow and understand how these o Bourdon tube
principles provide multiple means for measuring flow rate in o Bellows
the process industry. o Diaphragm
➢ Explain in detail the construction and operation of a
➢ Define flow rate Bourdon tube pressure gauge
➢ Discuss the difference between volumetric and mass ➢ Describe the purpose of a pressure switch, pressure
flow rate and list the common units used for measuring transducer, and a d/p cell
➢ Describe the common types of flow measuring devices 603-08 Level Measuring Devices
used in industrial processes When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
➢ Using the concept of flow profiles, explain laminar and various level sensing and measurement devices, and
turbulent flow including a discussion of Reynolds describe their basic operation.
➢ Describe the basic types of level measurements,
➢ Explain how flow rate is affected by the following fluid
including point and continuous level methods
properties: ➢ Explain the operation of the following types of direct
o Pressure measuring level instruments:
o Density o Weighted tape gauge
o Viscosity o Sight glass
➢ Describe how detector position and flow disturbances o Reflex gauge glass
can affect the accuracy of flow rate measurements o Float
➢ Explain the operation of the following types of indirect
measuring level instruments:
603-06 Temperature Instruments o Pressure detector
o Bubbler
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
o Displacer
various temperature measuring and sensing devices, and
o Capacitance probe
describe their operation.
o Ultrasonic/radiation sensor
➢ Describe and give examples of the following types of o Weight sensor
temperature measuring devices:
o Thermal Expansion Thermometers
o Electrical Thermometers
o Infrared Radiation Thermometers
➢ Explain the operation of a resistance temperature
detector (RTD) and bridge circuit
➢ Describe how to properly connect a 2-wire or 3-wire
RTD to a temperature transmitter
➢ Describe how temperature is measured using a
➢ Explain thermocouple compensation and the effect of
wires and junctions on accurate temperature
➢ Describe distance-to-size ratio in an infrared radiation
➢ Explain emissivity in relation to an infrared radiation

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603-09 Flow Measuring Devices 605 Test Equipment
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
and describe the basic operation of various direct and 605-01 Multimeter
indirect flow measurement devices.
➢ Describe the following types of flow measuring devices,
or flowmeters:
o Mass flowmeters
o Velocity based flowmeters
o Variable area flowmeters
o Pressure based flowmeters
➢ Explain how a Coriolis flowmeter and a thermal
flowmeter determine mass flowrate
➢ Describe the operation of the following velocity based
o Turbine flowmeter
o Vortex flowmeter
o Magnetic flowmeter
o Ultrasonic flowmeter
o Optical flowmeter
➢ Explain how a rotameter uses variable flow area to
determine flowrate
➢ Explain how differential pressure can indirectly indicate
➢ Describe the following methods for producing a
differential pressure that are commonly used in flow When you complete this lesson, you will understand the
measuring instruments: basics of a digital multimeter and volt-ohm-meter and how to
o Orifice plates properly use a multimeter.
o Venturi tubes
➢ Describe the multimeter’s function and operation
o Flow nozzles
➢ Discuss multimeter specifications
o Pitot tubes
➢ Identify the symbols on a multimeter
➢ Describe the difference between and give examples of
➢ Discuss the tool’s range and resolution.
concentric and non-concentric orifice plates
➢ Demonstrate how to safely use a multimeter to make

605-02 Oscilloscopes
When you complete this lesson, you will understand how to
use the controls of an oscilloscope for the purpose of
measuring electrical signals. You will also be able to set an
oscilloscope to measure voltage, frequency, time, and phase
➢ State what values are represented on the x and y axes
of the display
➢ Name the general components of an oscilloscope
needed to display a waveform
➢ Recall the differences between analog and digital
➢ Identify waveform types and examples of equipment
that produce those waveforms
➢ Describe how to use the basic controls of an
➢ Express how to take simple measurements for voltage,
period, amplitude, frequency, and phase shift

603-15 Weight Measuring Devices

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
various weight measuring devices used in industrial
applications and explain their operating principles.
➢ Identify the two types of balance scales
➢ Describe platform scales
➢ Describe stretched and compressed spring scales
➢ Explain the operation of electronic, hydraulic, and
pneumatic load cells
➢ Explain the operation of linear variable differential
➢ Describe batch and belt scales, including continuous
weigh feeders and nuclear scales

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605-03 Power Supplies 605-06 Manometers
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to describe a
the main sections of a DC power supply and describe the manometer and explain how the most common types of
types of regulation and regulators. You will also understand manometers are used to measure pressure.
how a linear regulator works and be able to troubleshoot
power supply problems. ➢ Define manometer and describe how it differs from
other pressure measuring devices
➢ Explain the function of the sections of a DC power ➢ Describe the purpose of a manometer and list its
supply Describe a block diagram of a DC power supply common uses
➢ Explain the difference between line regulation and load ➢ Explain the terms parallax and meniscus in relation to
regulation using a manometer to obtain a pressure reading
➢ Recognize the difference between linear and switching ➢ Describe the construction and operation of common
power supplies types of manometers, including the U-tube, well, and
➢ Discuss how to setup and use a power supply inclined tube manometer
➢ Explain the process for troubleshooting power supplies ➢ Explain the factors which can affect the accuracy of a
605-04 Signal Generators
When you complete this lesson, you will understand the
basic controls and operations of a signal generator. You will
be able to use the device to generate basic waveforms for
➢ Describe how signal generators work
➢ Identify types of electrical waveforms
➢ Describe waveform parameters
➢ Discuss operation of basic signal generator controls
➢ Demonstrate how to use a signal generator to generate
simple waveforms

605-05 Temperature and Loop Calibrators

605-07 Pressure and Vacuum Calibrators

When you complete this lesson, you will understand how
various types of pressure and vacuum calibrators operate
and how to use them.
➢ Explain the purpose of a pressure and vacuum
➢ Describe a deadweight calibrator and its uses
➢ Explain the operation of a variator
➢ Understand the uses of an aspirator bulb
➢ Explain when to use a hand pump
➢ Describe pneumatic calibrators and when they are used

605-08 Megohmmeter
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to use a
megohmmeter to safely take a reading of the resistance of
wire insulation.
When you complete this lesson, you will understand the
basic function and operation of temperature calibration ➢ Recall the purpose of insulation
equipment and loop calibrators.Explain the difference ➢ List the modes of deterioration of insulation
between contact and non-contact sensors ➢ Identify the purpose of a megohmmeter
➢ Describe the types of megohmmeters
➢ Explain how temperature sources and simulators are ➢ List the components of a megohmmeter
used to perform thermocouple and RTD calibration ➢ Describe how to conduct a spot test
➢ Describe the common types of temperature sources
used for calibrating temperature instruments:
o Dry Well (Block)
o Liquid and Fluidized-Sand Bath
o Thermoelectric
➢ Describe the operation of a blackbody calibrator
➢ Describe the function and common features of a loop
➢ Explain the three basic modes of operation of a 4-20
mA loop calibrator:
o Measuring Current
o Sourcing Current
➢ Simulating a Transmitter

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607 Analyzers 609 Calibration and Troubleshooting
607-01 Analytical Instruments 609-01 Calibration Overview, Part 1
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to correctly When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
identify analytical variables and explain the processes for calibration and describe basic calibration methods and
measuring them. You will be able to explain analysis and equipment.Discuss the three-point and five-point methods of
describe the basic operation of direct and indirect analysis calibration
measurement devices.
➢ Discuss the three-point and five-point methods of
➢ Identify the units of measurement for analytical calibration
variables ➢ Identify pneumatic and electronic calibration equipment
➢ Describe basic operation of analytical measurement ➢ Discuss calibrating procedures for electronic and
devices pneumatic calibration equipment
➢ Recognize the general purpose of analytical ➢ Define:
measurement o Calibration
➢ Define terms associated with analytical: o Noisy signal
o Measurement. o I/P transducer
o Analyzer o Zero
o Concentration o Span (range)
o Conductivity o Live zero
o Moisture
o pH
o Humidity
609-02 Calibration Overview, Part 2
o Dew point Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to explain
methods used to calibrate transducers, control valve
positioners, and smart instruments.
➢ Discuss common methods of calibration
➢ Explain how to calibrate transducers and transmitters
➢ Describe smart instruments and common
troubleshooting methods
➢ Discuss the steps to calibrate controllers and control
valve positioners
➢ Define:
o Smart instruments
o Impulse leg

607-02 Introduction to Analytical Testing

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
and describe the function of several key analyzers
commonly found in industrial facilities.
➢ Explain the use of analyzers in an industrial facility
➢ Identify and describe the operation of the following
commonly used analyzers:
o Hydrometer
o Vibrating u-tube density analyzer 609-03 Introduction to Troubleshooting
o Nuclear radiation density analyzer When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
o Slurry density analyzer basic troubleshooting techniques for temperature, pressure,
o Hydrostatic pressure density analyzer level, and flow equipment in the plant.
o Falling piston viscosity analyzer
o Rotating spindle viscosity analyzer ➢ List available resources that will help you troubleshoot a
o Rheometer problem
➢ Describe the best way to read a gauge.
➢ Define:
o Linearity
o Hysteresis
o Repeatability
o Accuracy versus precision
o Parallax

609-04 Instrument Troubleshooting

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
the basic steps used in instrument troubleshooting.
➢ Identify common causes of instrument malfunctions
➢ Discuss the value of troubleshooting, and outline the
steps employed in successful troubleshooting
➢ Identify common sensors, and discuss the malfunctions
often associated with each of them
➢ List the basic steps for troubleshooting an instrument
on a control loop

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611 Prints and Drawings ➢ Describe the purpose of each of the following:
o Block drawing
o One-line diagram
o Wiring diagram
o Schematic diagram
o Connection diagram
o Interconnection diagram
o Raceway diagram
o Cable schedule
o Logic diagram

611-04 Logic Diagrams

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to state the
important features of a logic diagram and identify the most
common types of logic gates and how each is used. You will
also be able to identify the common symbols and omponents
on a logic diagram and explain their relationship to each
611-01 P&ID Basics other.
When you complete this lesson, you will have the skills ➢ Explain the purpose of a logic diagram
necessary to read a P&ID. You will be able to identify ➢ Describe the title block, revision block, reference block,
symbols and function labels, as well as describe how the legend block, and grid coordinates
components are related. ➢ Identify the common symbols associated with logic
➢ Define P&ID and discuss its importance to the facility diagrams
➢ Identify who uses the P&ID ➢ Describe the principles of logic gates and identify
➢ List the types of information typically found on a P&ID common logic gate types
and describe where each of the following is located on ➢ Define the following terms:
the drawing: o Logic gates
o Title block o Boolean logic
o Main drawing o Ladder logic
o Line schedules o Truth tables
o Equipment descriptions
o Issue descriptions 611-05 Industrial Print Reading Overview
o Notes
o Zone numbers When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ Describe a master sheet and identify commonly used the different types of drawings used by site employees to
symbols design, repair, and maintain equipment in the facility. In
➢ Identify instruments, control loops, line designations, addition, you will have the skills necessary to determine
and piping on the P&ID which type of drawing should be used to acquire the specific
➢ Trace the course of a process from beginning to end information directing a specific project.
➢ Explain the purpose drawings and schematics serve in
611-02 Reading a P&ID an industrial setting
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to use a ➢ Describe seven categories most industrial drawings fall
P&ID to identify instrumentation, common equipment, and under
symbols used in your area. You will also be able to describe ➢ Discuss the purpose of a civil drawing
how components are related. ➢ Describe two types of construction drawings commonly
➢ Identify symbols for selected vessels, compressors, used in industrial facilities when new buildings or large
heat exchangers, valves, and pumps equipment are constructed
➢ Identify instrument symbols ➢ Describe the use of mechanical drawings by facility
➢ Describe how the instruments in control loops are mechanics as part of their jobs
named on a P&ID ➢ Explain the purpose of electrical diagrams
➢ Identify piping and determine information about a
pipeline including:
o Material in the line
o Size of the pipe
o Line number
➢ Recognize the different types of lines including
pneumatic, hydraulic, electric, and signal lines

611-03 Electrical Drawings

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the different types of electrical drawings and describe how
each is used. You will also be able to identify and describe
the common elements and symbols that make up electrical
drawings. Describe the purpose of an electrical drawing
➢ Explain the purpose of an electrical drawing
➢ Describe the title block, revision block, reference block,
and legend block
➢ Identify symbols commonly used in electrical drawings
➢ Explain why device numbers are used in electrical

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613 Automated Control 615 Signal Transmission
and Conversion
613-01 Introduction to Automated Control
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss 615-01 Signal Transmission
the basic design and function of automated control loops.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to provide a
➢ Describe the main elements employed in an automated general overview of how mechanical, analog, digital,
control loop pneumatic, electrical, fiber optic, and wireless systems are
➢ Explain the difference between open and closed control used to transmit signals in industrial control loops.
You will also be able to convert measured values into
➢ Define the following terms as they relate to an
corresponding transmission values, and transmitted values
automated control system:
back into measured values.
o Process variable
o Control variable ➢ Compare analog and digital signal transmission
o Final control element ➢ Describe the operation of pneumatic signal
transmission systems
613-02 Pneumatic Control Systems ➢ Identify several varieties of electric signal transmission
➢ Describe the following types of signal transmission:
o Mechanical
o Optical
o Wireless
➢ Explain how to convert between measured values and
transmitted values

615-02 Basic Principles of

Industrial Transmitters
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the basic function and operation of pneumatic and electric
transmitters. You will also understand the formula relating
transmitter outputs to inputs.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the design and function of typical pneumatic control systems ➢ Explain the need for transmission of process signals in
used in industrial facilities. industrial facilities
➢ Describe the basic operation of each of the following:
➢ Identify pneumatic control system components o Pneumatic transmitters
➢ Explain pneumatic signal transmission ranges o Electrical transmitters
➢ Describe a typical pneumatic control room layout o Variable inductance transmitters
➢ Identify advantages and disadvantages of pneumatic ➢ Calculate transmitter outputs from a given input
control systems

613-03 Introduction to Switches

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
common types of electrical switching devices, and describe
the principles of their operation.
➢ Explain the purpose of an electrical switch
➢ Identify the various types of electrical switches
➢ Describe variations and operating principles of throw
and pole switches
➢ Explain difference between mercury and reed relay
➢ Describe the operation of mercury, reed relay, float,
pressure, limit, flow, pushbutton, selector, and drum
➢ Describe the operation of joysticks
➢ Identify the operating principles of interlock switches
➢ Explain the purpose and operation of safety switches

613-04 Electronic Control Systems

615-03 Smart Transmitters
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the design and function of typical electronic control systems When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
used in industrial facilities. the basic design, operation, and features of smart
transmitters. You will also understand additional functionality
➢ Identify electronic control system components available through the use of intelligent transmitters.
➢ Describe some precautions taken when using electronic
instruments in hazardous environments ➢ Describe the basic operation of a smart transmitter
➢ Identify how some field devices are used in electronic ➢ List some advantages of smart transmitters
control systems ➢ List some disadvantages of smart transmitters
➢ Describe a typical electronic control room layout ➢ Discuss the additional capabilities supplied by
➢ Identify advantages and disadvantages of electronic intelligent transmitters
control systems

Updated March 12, 2020

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615-04 Transducers 617-03 Final Control Elements
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the function of a transducer and describe types of the basic design and function of various types of final control
conversions transducers perform. You will also be able to elements used in control loops in industrial facilities.
explain the operating principles behind the most common
types of transducers. ➢ Describe a final control element
➢ Explain how control valves and their actuators are used
➢ List various types of transducers and identify their as final control elements
function ➢ Identify types of dampers used as final control elements
➢ Describe I/P transducer operating mechanics ➢ Describe common variable speed drives that may be
➢ Describe P/I transducer operating mechanics used as final control elements
➢ Discuss the basic principle behind capacitive pressure ➢ Explain how modulating power controllers are used as
transducer operation final control elements
➢ Define stress and strain; explain how their relationship
is used in a variable resistance sensor
➢ Discuss the basic operating principle behind variable
619 Electronics Fundamentals
frequency sensor operation
➢ Identify the purpose of A/D (analog to digital) and D/A 619-01 Introduction to Industrial Electronics
(digital to analog) converters
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the construction and operation of basic electronic
617 Controllers and Final Control components. You will also be able to explain common
troubleshooting techniques used in electronic circuits.
617-01 Controller Control Modes ➢ Explain how semiconductor materials are used to
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe construct electronic components
the design and function of the four main control modes used ➢ Describe the operation of a P-N junction in an electronic
by industrial controllers. component
➢ Explain the effect of bias voltage on current flow
➢ Describe each of the following controller modes: through a P-N junction
o On-off control mode ➢ Explain the operation of the following electronic
o Proportional control mode components:
o Integral, or reset, control mode o Diode
o Derivative, or rate, control mode o Transistor
➢ Explain how each mode works to keep a process at its o Thyristor
desired value or setpoint ➢ Describe the purpose of a rectifier
➢ Describe the following types of thyristors:
o Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCR)
617-02 Operation of Automatic-Manual o Triacs
Transfer Stations ➢ Explain the common techniques used in
troubleshooting electronic circuits

619-07 Digital Electronics and

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain
how digital signals differ from analog signals. You will also
be able to describe the operation of many common types of
digital components and circuits, including microprocessors.
➢ Explain the difference between digital and analog
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Describe logic levels in a digital circuit
the basic design, function, and use of an automatic-manual ➢ For the standard logic gates that make up a digital
transfer station. circuit:
o Determine the output for any combination of input
➢ Identify the purpose and describe the operation of an
o Identify the proper schematic symbol
automatic-manual transfer station
➢ Determine the output of a digital circuit based on given
➢ Describe the function of the transfer switch
➢ Describe what is meant by transfer balancing
➢ Explain the function of a J-K flip-flop circuit
➢ Explain how to transfer control from manual to
➢ Describe the purpose of a microprocessor in an
industrial control system
➢ Explain how to transfer control from automatic to
➢ Explain the purpose of a microprocessor program
➢ Describe the components found in a basic
microprocessor-based system

Updated March 12, 2020

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621 Programmable Logic Controllers 621-04 PLC (Programmable Logic
Controllers) Programming
621-01 Introduction to Programmable Logic Instructions, Part 1
Controllers (PLC)
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the design and function of the major components of a PLC.
In addition, you will be able to convert numbers from decimal
to binary, binary coded decimal, and hexadecimal.
➢ Describe the purpose of each of the major PLC
➢ Discuss basic PLC operation
➢ Describe the internal structure of the CPU
➢ Describe the internal architecture of a typical PLC
➢ Identify typical input and output devices
➢ Discuss the function of the I/O (input/output) modules
➢ Identify types of signals used by PLC and discuss how
they are handled
➢ Define ladder logic and explain its use
➢ Discuss how binary, octal, and hexadecimal numbering
systems are used in PLC programming

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe

the functions of the programming instructions most
commonly used in PLC programming.
➢ Identify two types of ladder logic
➢ List commonly used Boolean logic functions
➢ Discuss the use of individual instructions and function
blocks in ladder logic
➢ Describe the following types of instructions:
o Ladder relay instructions
o Timer instructions
o Counter instructions
o Program/flow instructions
o Arithmetic instructions

621-05 PLC (Programmable Logic

Controllers) Programming
Instructions, Part 2
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the functions of the programming instructions most
621-02 Input/Output (I/O) Processing commonly used in PLC programming.

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss ➢ Discuss the use of individual instructions and function
I/O error checking and its impact on communications and blocks in ladder logic
function. In addition, you will be able to identify the various ➢ Describe the following types of instructions:
types and structure of PLC memory and describe how o Data manipulation instructions
memory interacts with the peripheral I/O. o Data transfer instructions
o Special function instructions
➢ Describe various error checking methods o Network communication instructions
➢ Compare volatile and nonvolatile memory and provide
example types of each 621-06 PLC (Programmable Logic
➢ Describe data table structure within the CPU memory
➢ Discuss the addressing of the I/O modules
Controllers) Networks
➢ Describe memory maps and their function When you complete this lesson, you will have a basic
➢ Describe I/O module structure understanding of LAN architecture and topology,
communication network access, and transmission media.
621-03 Inputs and Outputs ➢ Discuss LAN architecture as it applies to industrial
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe networks
the design and function of I/O (input/output) interfaces and ➢ Compare the structures of star, common bus, and ring
the equipment used to produce and communicate I/O data. topology, and identify advantages and disadvantages of
each configuration
➢ List some types of discrete I/O (input/output) interfaces ➢ Discuss how error detection is accomplished in the
➢ Describe AC/DC and DC/AC conversion in I/O modules various network topologies
➢ Discuss DC sinking and sourcing ➢ Describe common methods of network access used in
➢ Describe the use of transistor-transistor logic (TTL) PLC systems
➢ Discuss register/BCD modules and multiplexing ➢ Describe different types of transfer medium and identify
➢ List some types of analog input devices their pros and cons
➢ Describe the use of A/D and D/A converters ➢ Define throughput and describe its impact on system
➢ Identify the functions of transducers in input field response
➢ Discuss single-ended and differential configurations

Updated March 12, 2020

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621-07 PLC Network Protocols 670-05 Refrigerant System Troubleshooting
When you complete this lesson, you will have a basic When you complete this lesson, you will understand how to
understanding of common PLC network protocols. systematically troubleshoot and diagnose refrigerant
systems based on their universal application of the
➢ Explain the ISO/OSI seven-layer model refrigeration cycle. You will also be familiar with industry
➢ Discuss a Fieldbus, industrial network and identify its standard diagnostic and testing tools for these systems.
➢ Discuss a PROFIBUS (Process Fieldbus) industrial ➢ Identify various types of tools and testing instruments
network and identify its attributes necessary for refrigerant system troubleshooting
➢ Discuss a DeviceNet industrial network and identify its ➢ State three or more safety precautions to adhere to
attributes when troubleshooting refrigerant systems
➢ Follow a logical, step-by-step approach to
troubleshooting refrigerant systems
➢ Describe the most common causes of refrigerant
system malfunctions as discussed in this lesson
➢ Identify indicators for airflow, refrigerant, compressor,
mechanical, and electrical failures in the system

670 Principles of HVAC

and Refrigeration
670-01 Air Conditioning Fundamentals
When you complete this lesson, you will understand the
basic refrigeration cycle and how it applies to air
➢ Describe how heat is transferred from one fluid to 670-06 Chiller Design and Maintenance
➢ List the common types of refrigerant used in air When you complete this lesson, you will know the purpose of
conditioning applications an industrial HVAC chiller and understand how its main
➢ Explain the purpose of the compressor, condenser, components work together to remove heat from the system’s
metering device, and evaporator refrigerant, allowing the HVAC circuit to provide cool air to
➢ Describe the four steps of the basic refrigeration cycle the facility.
You will also understand how heat exhausted from the chiller
670-02 Ductless Air Conditioning can be captured and reused as energy elsewhere at the
facility, and you will be familiar with general maintenance
When you complete this lesson, you will understand the recommendations which help keep the chiller operating at
various types of ductless air conditioners and how the peak performance.
components function, including basic maintenance.
➢ Explain the role of a chiller in an HVAC circuit
➢ Describe the different types of ductless air conditioners ➢ State specific conditions under which a water-cooled
➢ Explain the purpose of each major component in a chiller would be better employed than an air-cooled
ductless air conditioning system chiller
➢ Demonstrate an understanding of how each ➢ Sketch the flow paths of chilled water, refrigerant, and
component's operation relates to the basic refrigeration cooling water through a water-cooled chiller’s main
cycle components; include the following:
➢ Describe the basic preventive maintenance procedures o Evaporator
performed on a ductless air conditioner o Compressor
➢ Explain the common problems that can occur with an o Condenser
air conditioning system and how they may be corrected o Metering Device
o Cooling tower
670-03 Introduction to Industrial and ➢ Give examples of two or more industry standard
maintenance operations for industrial chillers and
Commercial Refrigeration describe the purpose of each
When you complete this lesson, you will understand the ➢ Summarize the rationale of capturing heat exhausted
purpose and function of industrial and commercial by a chiller
refrigeration, how heat transfer and the refrigeration cycle
drive the process, and the types of components and
refrigerants that may be used in units of this type.
➢ Define the purpose of refrigeration
➢ Identify the types of industries that use refrigeration
➢ Describe the fundamentals of heat transfer
➢ Describe the four steps of the basic refrigeration cycle
➢ Explain the purpose of the compressor, condenser,
metering device, and evaporator
➢ Recall the purpose of using different refrigerants in
different industrial and commercial operating conditions

Updated March 12, 2020

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670-09 Ducting and Air Movement
for HVAC Systems
When you complete this lesson, you will understand the
important role ducting plays in the HVAC system’s ability to
provide maximum airflow. You will also be able to identify
common HVAC airflow issues related to poorly implemented
➢ State the three functions of an HVAC system and briefly
discuss each
➢ Describe the difference between HVAC ducting and
HVAC equipment in relation to airflow
➢ Discuss three reasons sheet metal ductwork provides
superior airflow over flexible ducting; include the topics
of installation, mold, and maintenance
➢ Describe a hybrid duct system and state why flex
ducting is often used at the end of the run
➢ List industry standard ducting components and describe
the role each plays in the ducting system
➢ State the main differences between smoke dampers
and fire dampers
➢ Describe three commonly reported HVAC related
issues which are caused by reduced airflow

670-15 District Energy Basics

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to define
district energy and provide examples of the types of
situations where district energy could be a solution. You will
also be able to recall some advantages and disadvantages
of the technology.
➢ Define district energy
➢ Identify examples in which district energy is a viable
➢ Recall the advantages and disadvantages of district

Updated March 12, 2020

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700 – Process Systems
and Operations 701-02 Basic Petroleum Chemistry
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to discuss
701 Petroleum Refining the molecular structure, physical properties, naming
conventions, and commercial uses of several common
701-01 Introduction to Petroleum Refining hydrocarbons.

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify ➢ Compare the definitions of petroleum and crude oil
and briefly describe various refining processes that take ➢ Relate the physical states of hydrocarbons to their
place in a typical petroleum refinery. carbon content
➢ Discuss how covalent bonds are formed between
➢ Explain what is meant by crude oil hydrogen and carbon
➢ Describe the purpose of each of the following ➢ Explain the use of base names, prefixes, and suffixes to
processes: label hydrocarbons
o Crude oil desalting ➢ Describe and compare the structure of the following
o Atmospheric distillation hydrocarbon families:
o Vacuum distillation o Paraffins
o Catalytic reforming o Napthenes
o Cracking o Aromatics
o Alkylation o Olefins
o Isomerization o Alkynes
o Polymerization ➢ Identify correlations between physical properties of a
➢ Discuss refinery treating processes hydrocarbon and the hydrocarbon’s molecular structure
➢ Identify the function of a gas plant ➢ List some contaminants commonly found in crude oil
➢ Explain the importance of refinery blending operations and explain their adverse effects on oil refining
➢ List substances often stored in the refinery tank farm
701-03 OSHA’s Process Safety
Management Standard
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
the main components and explain the objectives of the
OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) standard.
➢ Discuss the purpose of the PSM standard
➢ Describe the type of process safety information
required under the PSM standard
➢ List the points included in a process hazard analysis
➢ Identify the types of operating procedures that fall under
the PSM standard requirements
➢ Discuss the training requirements under PSM standard
➢ Describe how the PSM standard relates to contractors
➢ Identify what is included in a PSM pre-start-up safety
➢ Describe requirements to comply with PSM mechanical
integrity standards
➢ Explain what is meant by management of change
procedures under PSM
➢ Describe PSM incident investigation and emergency
planning and response provisions
➢ Discuss PSM compliance audit requirements

Updated March 12, 2020

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701-04 History of Refining 711 Distillation
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to provide a
general overview of the evolution of crude oil processing 711-01 Introduction to Distillation
from 1846 until the present day.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ Explain how and why kerosene replaced whale oil the theory of distillation and the configuration of a distillation
➢ Discuss causes of the emergence of the gasoline column and its components.
➢ Describe how the CAA Amendments of 1970 affected ➢ Correlate the distillation principle with separating
refining processes hydrocarbon components of crude oil
➢ Identify some effects of oil industry deregulation ➢ Recognize types of distillation
➢ Discuss the effects of the vapor pressure regulations of ➢ Describe the equipment associated with fractional
1989 and 1992 distillation
➢ Describe how the CAA Amendments of 1990 affected
refining processes 711-02 Operation of a Distillation Column

707 Process Heaters When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the start-up, normal operation, and shutdown of a distillation
707-01 Features and Operation ➢ Important factors to monitor during normal operation of
of Process Heaters a distillation column
➢ Define the following terms:
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe o Feedpoint
the features and operation of process heaters. o Flash
o Rectification
➢ Describe the features of process heaters. o Stripping
➢ Explain the operation of process heaters ➢ Describe the steps of the startup of a distillation column
➢ Recognize the steps of the shutdown of a distillation

713 Process Separators

713-01 Introduction to Process Separators

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
common types of process separators and their components.
You will also be able to describe the process separator’s
operating principles.

➢ Describe major components of process separators

➢ Explain the function of the process separator sections
➢ Describe a two-phase separator
➢ Describe a three-phase separator

709 Process Tanks

715 Process Reactors
709-01 Features and Uses of Process Tanks
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe 715-01 Introduction to Process Reactors
the main features and uses of process tanks. When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
➢ Explain the main features of process tanks chemical reactions, the features and operations of various
➢ Describe the uses of process tanks types of reactors, and their application in the refining
➢ Define the following terms: industry.
o Level alarm ➢ Define the following types of reactions
o Pressure alarm o endothermic
o Relief valve o exothermic
o Rupture disk o homogeneous
o Manway o heterogeneous
o Sightglass cleanout system ➢ Identify conditions affecting chemical reactions
o Feed tank agitator ➢ Describe the components of a process reactor
o Baffles ➢ Describe the types of process reactors
o Surge tank ➢ Identify the common application for different reactors
o Blowdown tank

Updated March 12, 2020

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717 Reforming and Synthesis 723 Process Product Movement
and Storage
717-01 Introduction to Naphtha Reforming
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain 723-01 Process Product Movement
how reforming relates to the operation of a refinery. You will and Shipment
also be able to identify reforming technologies, types of
catalytic reformers, and how variables affect the process. When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
efficiency considerations in facility design, types of product
➢ Define conventional naphtha reforming
storage and transportation, and precautions taken when
➢ Describe catalytic reforming technology
handling product.
➢ Explain catalytic processes
➢ Describe different types of product storage
719 Process Safety Systems ➢ Describe various types of product transporting
➢ Explain safe transporting and storage tactics

719-01 Safety Alarm Systems

and Instrumentation
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the design, operation and use of safety alarm systems and
➢ Describe alarm systems
➢ Describe shutdown systems
➢ Describe equipment protection devices 723-02 Tanks and Vessels Used for Storage
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
and explain various types of non-pressurized, pressurized,
and refrigerated storage tanks and vessels. You will also be
able to explain safety equipment associated with these tanks
and vessels.
➢ Describe types of non-pressurized storage tanks
➢ Describe types of pressurized storage tanks
➢ Describe types of refrigerated storage tanks

725 Process Sampling and Testing

725-01 Sampling Principles and Methods

719-02 Overpressure Safety Systems
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe the importance of accurate sampling. You will also be able
the design, operation, and use of overpressure safety to explain several sampling types and systems. You will be
systems. able to describe correct sampling procedures.

➢ Explain causes of overpressure ➢ Explain the purposes of product sampling

➢ Describe pressure relief valve design and use ➢ Describe continuous product sampling
➢ Describe safety valve design and use ➢ Describe spot product sampling
➢ Describe rupture disk design and use ➢ Describe composite product sampling
➢ Describe flare design and use ➢ Explain open sampling systems
➢ Explain closed sampling systems
➢ Explain totally closed sampling systems
721 Process Utilities Systems ➢ Describe typical sampling procedures

721-01 Process Utilities Systems, Part 1 725-02 Testing Principles and Procedures
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the function and design of plant water and air utility how tests are used to ensure on-specification quality
systems. products. You will be able to explain common chemical and
➢ Describe plant water supply systems and their physical tests performed on products to ensure this quality.
functions ➢ Explain distillation testing
➢ Describe plant air supply systems and their functions ➢ Explain specific gravity testing
➢ Explain API gravity testing
721-02 Process Utilities Systems, Part 2 ➢ Explain mass spectrometry testing
➢ Explain gas chromatograph testing
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain ➢ Explain testing for vapor pressure
the function and design of heat and fuel, refrigeration, and ➢ Explain BS&W testing
power supply utility systems, and how they are linked in ➢ Explain testing for H2S and mercaptans
order to meet energy demands from industrial processes. ➢ Explain pH testing
➢ Explain conductivity testing
➢ Describe heat and fuel supply utility systems and their ➢ Explain color testing
functions ➢ Explain viscosity testing
➢ Describe refrigeration utility systems and their functions ➢ Explain cloud and pour point testing
➢ Describe power supply utility systems and their ➢ Explain flash and smoke point testing

Updated March 12, 2020

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800 – Industrial Machining 801-03 Micrometers
and Welding When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
common micrometer types, identify their components, and
801 Precision Measurement correctly take readings using English, metric and Vernier

801-01 Intro to Measuring and ➢ Identify common types of micrometers

Care of Measuring Tools ➢ List the major components of micrometers
➢ Demonstrate how to take an accurate reading with an
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to explain outside micrometer
the need for measuring tools in machining and maintenance ➢ Explain how to properly read the scale on an English
operations. You will also be able to describe some of the scale micrometer, a metric scale micrometer, and a
precautions to take to properly care for these tools. Vernier micrometer
➢ Demonstrate how to take an accurate reading with an
➢ Explain the need for both coarse and precision inside micrometer
measurements ➢ Demonstrate how to take an accurate reading with a
➢ Describe the proper care of: depth micrometer
o Simple calipers
o Rigid rules, folding rules, and tape measures
o Vernier calipers
o Telescoping gauges and micrometers
o Dial indicators and fixed gauges

801-04 Fixed Gauges

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
801-02 Measuring Rules and Tapes the various types of fixed gauges commonly used by
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify maintenance and machining technicians. You will also be
rigid rules, folding rules, depth rules, and tape measures; able to explain the purpose of the various fixed gauges.
you will also be able to explain the correct procedures for ➢ Identify and describe the purpose of each of the
taking accurate measurements with them. following types of fixed gauges:
➢ Identify a rigid rule and describe how to use it o Go NoGo gauge
➢ Identify a folding rule and describe how to use it o Plug gauge
➢ Identify a depth rule and describe how to use it o Thickness gauge
➢ Explain the procedure for taking a measurement with a o Screw pitch gauge
depth rule o Radius gauge
➢ Identify a tape measure and explain how to use it o Small hole gauge
o Wire and sheet metal gauges

Updated March 12, 2020

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801-05 Measuring with Calipers 803 Layout and Bench Work
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
common types of calipers used in machining and 803-01 Layout and Bench Work
maintenance work, and explain how to properly use them.
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
➢ Identify each of the following types of calipers, and the basic hand tools required and hand work methods used
describe their operation and use: to manufacture replacement or repair parts used in various
o Inside caliper types of equipment.
o Outside caliper
o Hermaphrodite caliper ➢ Describe tools and methods for workpiece layout,
o Transfer and direct reading calipers bluing, measuring, scribing lines, and marking hole
o Slide calipers centers
o Vernier calipers ➢ Describe tools and methods for hand cutting material
o Dial calipers with a hacksaw, including hacksaw parts, blade types,
o Digital calipers cutting edge alloys, and tooth pitch
➢ Describe the different types of files and methods for
filing and draw filing
➢ Describe the types of hand reamers and methods for
precision sizing of holes, including the use of hand
reamers, hand chucks, and drivers
➢ Describe the different types of deburring tools and
techniques for the deburring of parts with hand tools
➢ Describe the various types of taps and dies and the
proper hand use of taps and dies
➢ Describe tools for broaching and techniques for keyway
broaching using an arbor press and broach set

803-02 Threading and Tapping

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
taps, dies, and die nuts. You will also be able to explain how
801-06 Dial Indicators they are used in threading operations.

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to list the ➢ Describe the design and function of a tap
major components of dial indicators and demonstrate how to ➢ Identify types of taps
use the instrument to take an accurate reading. You will also ➢ Explain the procedure for hand tapping
be able to describe how to use a dial indicator to measure ➢ Describe the design and function of a die
the run out of a rotating part, and how to align two shafts ➢ Explain how to cut threads with a hand die
using a dial indicator. ➢ Describe the design and function of a die nut
➢ Identify accessories used in machine threading
➢ List the main components of a dial indicator
➢ Explain how to properly read a dial indicator
➢ Describe how to measure run out 805 Vertical Milling Machine
➢ Demonstrate how to align rotating components
➢ Describe various types of indicators 805-01 Vertical Milling Machine
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
801-07 Telescoping Gauges the basic control systems and machining methods used on a
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe vertical milling machine and explain the basic operations
the function and proper use of a telescoping gauge, and necessary to manufacture replacement or repair parts used
explain its care. in various types of equipment.

➢ Explain the function of a telescoping gauge ➢ Identify the function of the vertical milling machine’s
➢ Identify the gauge’s components operational controls
➢ Describe the procedure for obtaining accurate ➢ Explain how workpieces and cutting tools may be
measurements precision located through coordinate measuring
➢ Explain the proper care of a telescoping gauge ➢ Explain how to square a workpiece on a vertical milling
➢ Describe the use of the holding and clamping tools
➢ Explain how to determine suitable speeds and feeds for
o Cutting tools
o Operations
o Workpiece materials
➢ Describe the use of each of the following cutting tools:
o End mills
o Woodruff cutters
o Fly cutters
o Precision boring heads
o Counter-bores, spot facers, and chamfering tools
➢ Describe a method for cutting key seats and keyways
➢ Identify other machining processes possible on a
vertical milling machine

Updated March 12, 2020

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807 Engine Lathe 811 Pedestal Grinder
807-01 Engine Lathe 811-01 Pedestal Grinder
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
engine lathe control systems and machining methods, and the design, function, and safe use of a pedestal grinder.
explain the basic methods to manufacture replacement or
repair parts for various types of equipment. ➢ Describe safety precautions taken when operating a
pedestal grinder
➢ Describe basic engine lathe parts and operational ➢ List the main pedestal grinder components and
controls describe their functions
➢ Identify types of chucks and discuss procedures for ➢ Explain the procedure for replacing a grinding wheel on
installing and removing chucks and faceplates on cam- a pedestal grinder
lock spindles ➢ Explain how to dress a grinding wheel
➢ Explain the operation and use of the four jaw chuck
➢ Describe tail stock parts and operations
➢ Describe the following types of cutting tools and discuss
their uses:
o Carbide and alloy turning tools and drills
o Drill bits
o Turning tools
o Facing tools
o Boring bars and tools
o Threading and specialty tools
➢ Identify factors that determine suitable speeds and
feeds for different cutting tools, operations, and work
piece materials 813 Bandsaw
➢ Describe the basic methods used for:
o Turning operations
o Shaft work
813-01 Band saw
o Thread cutting When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
o Boring the design and operation of a band saw. In addition, you will
o Facing be able to explain how to use a band saw to produce various
➢ List other machining processes possible on an engine cuts.
➢ List the major components of a vertical band saw
➢ Describe different types of available band saw cutting
809 Surface Grinder blades
➢ Describe the procedures used to make straight, angle,
809-01 Surface Grinder external contour, and internal contour cuts

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe

surface grinder control systems and explain basic machining 815 Drill Press
methods required to manufacture replacement parts used in
repair of various types of equipment. 815-01 Drill Press
➢ List surface grinder components and identify their When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
functions the design, function, and safe operation of a drill press and
➢ Discuss techniques and components related to its major components and attachments.
workpiece clamping
➢ Identify types of grinding wheels and compare their ➢ Explain safety precautions taken when operating a drill
uses press
➢ Explain the basic steps for dressing a grinding wheel ➢ Describe various drill press components and
and profile-shaping a grinding wheel attachments
➢ Describe the two basic techniques for grinding a part ➢ List various types of drill presses and describe their
➢ Identify safety equipment and best practices for safe operations
grinder operation ➢ Describe how cutting speeds and feed rates affect drill
➢ Outline the technique for grinding a workpiece parallel press operations
and to a specific size
820 Rigging, Lifting, and Elevated
Work Surfaces
820-01 Scaffold Erection and Components
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the proper erecting sequence of scaffolding. You will be able
to identify components used to build a scaffold and the
different types of scaffolding used in many constructions
➢ Explain an erecting sequence
➢ Describe the purpose of putlogs
➢ Explain the design of a rolling tower
➢ Explain the process to erect scaffold stair towers
➢ Describe the tube and clamp scaffold
➢ Explain the tube and clamp assembly

Updated March 12, 2020

Martech Media, Inc. Copyright 2007
820-02 Rigging, Part 1 820-06 Overhead Cranes
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the design and identify the classifications of wire ropes. You the design and function of various types of overhead cranes.
will learn to install wire ropes properly and the importance of In addition, you will understand the importance of
inspections and lubrication. responsibilities related to the operation, inspection, and
maintenance of overhead cranes.
➢ Describe the design of wire rope
➢ Explain non-rotating ropes ➢ Identify different types of overhead cranes and describe
➢ Describe the proper installation of rope their uses
➢ Explain rope inspection ➢ Explain the mechanics of an overhead crane
➢ Describe the proper lubrication of ropes ➢ Discuss the responsibilities of managers, supervisors,
and operators
➢ List crane components and describe their functions
➢ Explain the benefits of a good inspection and
maintenance program

820-07 Aerial Lift Devices

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the three main aerial lift designs and their components. You
will also be able to use this knowledge to choose the design
that best suits the work you are doing.
➢ Describe the design and use of boom lifts, scissor lifts,
and vertical personnel lifts
820-03 Rigging, Part 2 ➢ Identify some aerial lift features that provide
convenience and facilitate efficient operation
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify ➢ List the factors that influence your selection of an aerial
types of fiber ropes and the applications where they are best lift for a specific application
used. In addition, you will be able to describe techniques for ➢ Explain the user’s responsibilities for aerial lift safety
care and use of ropes.
➢ Describe the features of various natural fiber ropes
➢ Describe the features of various synthetic fiber ropes
➢ Discuss proper care of natural fiber and synthetic fiber
➢ Explain the importance of good rope inspections
➢ Describe proper rope splicing techniques
➢ Describe various knots, bends, and hitches
➢ Identify which knots should be used for common

820-04 Rigging, Part 3

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
the design and importance of several types of rigging
hardware. In addition, you’ll be able to discuss appropriate
applications for their use.
➢ Describe the features and uses of each of the following: 841 Welding and Cutting
o Chains
o Drum assemblies for Maintenance
o Sheaves
o Hooks 841-01 Safe Welding and Cutting Practices
o Blocks
o Slings When the lesson is complete, the user will be able to identify
➢ Identify configurations associated with reeving common welding hazards and describe how to use personal
➢ Discuss the importance of inspections and other safety protective equipment (PPE), ventilation, and safety
measures procedures to mitigate these hazards.
➢ List some common welding hazards
820-05 Ladders ➢ Identify and describe proper PPE used in welding
➢ Discuss the use of ventilation to avoid welding fumes
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify
➢ Describe safety practices employed under hot work
the design and function of several types of commonly used
ladders. In addition, you will be able to describe proper care
➢ Describe safety practices employed under confined
and safe use of ladders. space entry conditions
➢ List various types of rigid ladders and describe their use ➢ Identify safety considerations related to cutting
➢ Explain the procedure for raising and handling a ladder operations
➢ Describe the factors that affect the service life of a ➢ Recall safety precautions required in oxyacetylene
fiberglass ladder welding operations
➢ Describe proper ladder handling, storage, transport, ➢ Identify safety precautions required in arc welding
and maintenance operations
➢ Discuss how ladder selection, placement, and handling ➢ Discuss safe storage and handling of compressed gas
contribute to safe operation cylinders
➢ Describe precautions taken to avoid electric shock
when welding

Updated March 12, 2020

Martech Media, Inc. Copyright 2007
841-02 Weldability of Metals 841-05 Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
classifications of various metals and explain factors tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding methods. In addition, you
influencing their weldability. will be able to discuss the design and function of
components used in the process.
➢ Describe the principles behind a metal’s weldability
➢ Discuss commonly used classifications of metals ➢ Describe the principles of operation behind tungsten
➢ Identify factors and features that influence the inert gas (TIG) welding
weldability of each of the following: ➢ Describe the design and function of each of the
o Steel following components:
o Stainless steel o TIG welding torch
o Cast iron o TIG electrodes
o Aluminum ➢ Explain the purpose of the use of shielding gas
➢ List some adjustments you can make when lack of ➢ Describe the use of TIG welding filler materials
weldability is a problem ➢ Explain how to start a TIG welding arc
➢ Describe steel quenching and tempering processes ➢ Discuss TIG welding positions
➢ Explain the process of hot wire welding
➢ Explain the process of pulsed TIG welding

841-06 Oxyacetylene Welding (OAW)

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe
oxyacetylene welding (OAW) techniques. In addition, you will
be able to discuss the design and function of components
and apparatus used in the OAW process.
➢ Describe the principles behind oxyacetylene welding
(OAW) operations
➢ Identify and describe commonly used OAW equipment
➢ Outline the procedure to light an oxyacetylene torch
841-03 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) ➢ Explain how to adjust the flame on an oxyacetylene
welding torch
When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe ➢ Describe the characteristics of an oxyacetylene flame
shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) and identify equipment, ➢ Discuss oxyacetylene flame control
procedures, and methods used in successful SMAW ➢ Outline the procedure to shut off an oxyacetylene torch
operations. ➢ Describe OAW techniques
➢ Describe the operating principles behind shielded metal
arc welding (SMAW)
➢ List equipment commonly used in SMAW
➢ Explain how to strike and sustain a welding arc
➢ Explain how to control weld crater formation and
overcome arc blow
➢ Describe various welding electrodes and their uses
➢ Discuss American Welding Society (AWS) symbol
representation for electrodes
➢ Identify various welding positions commonly used in

841-04 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)

When you complete this lesson, you will be able to describe

gas metal arc welding (GMAW) methods. In addition, you will
be able to discuss the design and function of components
used in the GMAW process.
➢ Explain the principles of operation behind gas metal arc
welding (GMAW)
➢ Describe the design and function of each of the
following components:
o GMAW wire feeders
o GMAW electrode wires
o GMAW guns
➢ List the shielding gases that can be used during GMAW
➢ Explain how to start an arc when performing GMAW
➢ Describe the four main methods of metal transfer
associated with GMAW

Updated March 12, 2020

Martech Media, Inc. Copyright 2007

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