YaraTera General Brochure PDF
YaraTera General Brochure PDF
YaraTera General Brochure PDF
© Yara
The YaraTera™ range of products
© Yara
Tools & Services
With 100 years of knowledge and The result? Water and energy savings, Megalab is a secure, Internet
expertise in plant nutrition Yara has reduced tree maintenance, and based, interpretation and data
developed extensive and detailed sustained maximum yield. service for agricultural analysis.
support material, training, tools and Developed by Yara, Megalab has
services for fertigation. These include: operated 365 days a year, 24 hours
Megalab™ – Analytical a day since 1990, reporting product
YaraTera™ Fertigation services recommendations into the field for
Yara customers. Megalab contains
Software Analytical services help to identify recognized guidelines for each crop.
the nutritional status of a crop This means all sample results reports
A newly-developed and innovative at different growth stages, taking can be provided with a guideline
online system allows the calculation environmental conditions into account and interpretation for each nutrient,
of a crop’s nutrient demands at every as well. Analysis also ensures timely together with fertilizer product
growth stage. For each stage, a plan of identification of potential problems, recommendations and advice.
inputs can be made, maximizing the preventing expensive remedial
effectiveness of applications as well as corrections at a later date.
minimizing wastage of product. Yara’s
wide portfolio of products allows a
full and flexible solution to deliver YaraTera SUPER FK in Sweet Pepper brings improvements in crop size,
exactly what the crop requires at each yield and production time
stage. This software is exclusive to
Yara and is notable for its ease of use,
and speed of operation.
© Yara
There is only one way to measure a fertilizer: results
The YaraTera brand stands for quality. This extends beyond the Results 2016, yield in %
product and into the field, bringing a tried and tested product range Yara Vlaardingen Fertigation Center
to growers. YaraTera gives you the certainty of growing more with Yield (t/ha)
each drop.
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“Tera” is derived from the Old Norse word “Tæra”, meaning feeding.
© Yara
For further information contact:
Yara International ASA
Postboks 343, Skøyen
0213 Oslo
Timing is Everything
Yara works closely with researchers and farmers all over the world gaining invaluable experience
on how best to use our fertilizers. We know that rate and timing of product application is essential
to ensure growth and crop quality is not compromised. Therefore, Yara supports the customer with
unrivalled agronomic and application support competence. As a result, you can be sure that the
advice you will be given in support of YaraTera fertilizers will provide you with high yields of highly-
marketable, premium grade produce.
Yara comes from the Old Norse word “jardar” meaning crops, fertility or a good harvest.