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Vampires, David Styles and Cryonics Institute - Cryonics Factsheet

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Factsheet Search this site

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Evidence Pages
Cryonics UK
Dora Kent
Ted Williams
From left to right: David J. Styles
Orville Martin (Adept Linguascelesta), George C.
Richardson Smith (Nemo/Lucas Martel), Erik
Cryonics UK part 2 - Bourgeois And in the background,
LAGT seminar? Anton LaVey's son, Satan Xerxes
Eucrio Carnacki LaVey. (Adept AEnigma).
Vampires, David Styles
and Cryonics Institute
Is Ben Best a We know Edgar Swank is A former
Pharmacist? Church Of Satan Member: 
The Deadly Doctor
Styles at Ritual or posing to look
Dr Max More - Evil sexy?
Genius? Well, other Cryoncist's are Satanists
also including our favourite scammer
Erik Bourgeois also has a Belgian
The Cryogirl David Styles, Belgian Erik Bourgeois
cryonics marketing page here:
and George C Smith from the US.
Scandal Put it
"I don't know if this is known to you, in Google translate and up pop's lots of
The Young Cryonicists
guys, but David Styles is more of a information in Belgian about The
Cryogirl and the Young cryonics Institute and Ben Best again!
Cryonicists Cult dodgy character than you might
think. He is also part of the Eucrio scam no
Where is Cryogirl? doubt the Belgian/Dutch coordinator or
Shannon Vyffs Page He is a member of a "vampire" cult some such bullshit. Here's his 
organization called the "Temple of translated Warlock Page:
Legal and Contact the Vampire". en-magie on this page Erik describes
Disclaimer rituals with David Styles in High
David SLAPP'S !jill
They are a pyramid scheme that ask Wycombe!
Our Favourite their members to pay them loads of
Whistleblower money in exchange for "teachings"
About Us/Contact Us that supposedly grant them

David Styles is known within the

organization as "Linguascelesta", and
has the rank of "Adept", which is the
highest. He is also a member of their
"inner council" - the Order of
Prometheus, who are a thought police
in charge of silencing anybody who
doesn't agree with them."



Seems like Styles is part of a Vampire

Pyramid Scheme (and possibly his
partner "Persephone "  to sell cryonics
and philosophy to twilight fans - was
exposed and is re-inventing himself as
a transhumanist/cryonics advocate -
seems like at least Vyff and Best
know of the Satanist connections and
even had to ask David to step down
from  the "board" at the immortality
institute as them worrying about ToV
backlash we strongly suspect - see
Some cryoncists  you may recognise
George smith and Michael Smith
( Pics from Davids Cached Satanic
+ My Space Page:
They are in the same cult as well in
fact George is Nemo (head of  TOV !jill Says:
scam) and his son is another adept we
think Faelon. Explain this - How comes CI seems to
be behind a cult that sells its members
There's a lot more here (80 pages of false promises of immortality, Why is CI
comments and links) - member "nemo" flogging cryonics to his
disciples and ostracizing them if they
don't get a cryonics contract? How
comes a ToV Adept (Styles) is being
Some of the more "interesting" bankrolled and lent equipment to start
a European stand by service? Whats the
Is there still a requirement to become
connection of Satanism and cryonics?
involved in cryonics to join the
(There are a few other members who
vampire priesthood?"
seem to like the occult if I recall).
I cannot say what it is now, but when
I was a member, several years back, Basically guys - WTF are you guys
cryonics was an absolute requirement REALLY into
to get into the priesthood (3rd
circle). Cult/Scam/Sham/Satanism?

It was also a requirement to take the Science??

following oath (before the "undead
gods"), sign it, and send it in to the Purleeaassee!
If Anyone has any more info on Styles
"Priesthood of Ur Oath of Fealty: I and ToV we would love to hear from
swear by my life-force and the breath you.
that sustains it my loyalty and
obedience to Hekal Tiamat. I shall UPDATES
live by the force of fang and claw. I
shall forever respect the one true
law. I pledge my blood, my will, my cryonics-con-artist-eucrios.html
power. I commit myself totally from
this very hour. I am of and for the "Do I really think David Styles is a devil-
body of the blood. I now only serve worshipper, or that he believes he's an
the great dragon god. If this oath be immortal vampire? No...I think he's an
ever broken by me, may I be denied attention-seeking scam artist, plain
immortality." and simple. The only "scary" aspect of
this news is the fact that he has been
I refused to take the oath and left able to garner the support of people
the organization. What a joke! It like Saul Kent, Catherine Baldwin,
should read "If this oath be ever Ben Best, and other prominent
broken by me, may I be forever free members of cryonics organizations,
of your vampire herd conformity!" who attended the launch of Style's
Hope that helps! European cryonics organization,
"EUCRIO." According to a fairly reliable
Posted by Anonymous  on  Wed Oct source, Kent and Best knew of Styles'
20, 2010  at  12:11 AM cult-connections (pyramid schemes),
prior to attending Style's launch of
"Is there still a requirement to EUCRIO. (Is it just me, or do the
become involved in cryonics to join "leaders" of cryonics activities seem to
the vampire priesthood?" have more of an affinity for con artists
and "yes men," than they do for
I cannot say what it is now, but when reputable scientists and medical
I was a member, several years back, professionals?)
cryonics was an absolute requirement
to get into the priesthood (3rd FROM MUSEUM OF HOAXES
I don't believe for a second that
Thus you have the majority of persons referring new clients and
members remaining in the first and acquiring new contracts for the
second circles indefinitely. You can Cryonics Institute do not receive any
remain a 2nd circle forever (many compensation for their referral.
are) as long as you continue paying Insurance policies do not sell just sell
your monthly subscription fee. themselves, they require agents
Therefore you can take all the time (salesmen) who promote the service to
you need to generate the required potential clients.
income (through applying the Dayside To assume that those in the ToV who
teachings) to purchase a cryonics convince junior members to sign up for
contract. Through purchasing a cryonics do not get compensated for
cryonics service, you have proven doing so, is just plain stupid.
a) you have successfully mastered the "They're almost all atheists. Oh, and
Dayside because you are able to Cryonics Institute elects its governing
afford cryonics. group by general vote and details its
b) You are making a Dayside finances to its members every quarter,
commitment to physical immortality. so if it funnels money to TOV then
This proves you are completely most cryonicists in Cryonics Institute
serious about physical immortality as would have to be in on it"
opposed to others who approach
immortality only through Nightside No one is suggesting that there is
techniques. money being funnelled to the ToV
c) Purchasing the cryonics contract is organization. Nor has anyone suggested
proof that you are 'walking the walk' the Cryonics Institute would have to
instead of just talking. "be in on it."
d) Most importantly, by purchasing You are purposely applying the art of
the cryonics contract you have misdirection here to serve your own
demonstrated you are ready for the transparent agenda (that the ToV
Higher Teachings. promotes cryonics for ethical purposes
which has been refuted again and
I have been a second circle member again on this site).
for many years. I enjoy the Dayside Individual salesmen are being
forums and interacting with other compensated financially for selling
members (some I have met face to policies/services to new clients. This is
face). There are many good people not unusual. I work in the insurance
within the Temple who are not dolts industry and am an independent agent
and are applying the teachings to and make a living selling a variety of
achieve their own goals and purposes. life insurance products. This is
If we have to pay ten dollars a month capitalism at work.
to have access to this splendid
service that permits us to interact as "But if they're not in it for the money,
we do, then so be it! it can't be a scam. QED. Sounds to me
I will remain in the second circle until like they actually might believe this
the cryonics requirement is gone. vampire stuff. Maybe even this Nemo
This is my first and last post here. If I does. If so, they don't sound too
were to post further, my writing bright. But hey, even brilliant people
technique and grammar identifiers believe some of the weirdest stuff."
may be unveiled and my identity But they are in it for the money.
made known. Again, you are asking the reader to
ignore the facts and look elsewhere.
HT! The Temple of the Vampire is not some
charitable faith based organization
Posted by Kingmaker  in  private  on  advising cryonics to its members in a
Wed Oct 20, 2010  at  08:17 AM gesture of goodwill. From the moment
you go to, you are
  bombarded with "testimonies" to sell
you a variety of bibles, jewellery, and
If there was one aspect of the ToV memberships. The Temple insists its
that has created the drive of certain members seek new recruits (the
(members) to maintain a financial "Temple Mission".) One of the purposes
pressure on the lesser-ranks it's (if not the primary) of the Temple is to
Cryonics. generate money.
From the moment you join, ToV
Think about it from an Insurance members are constantly informed that
Salesman perspective. Insurance the "powers" they are seeking are
Salesmen make enormous profit from found in the "Higher Teachings" at the
selling policies. higher levels, to which participation is
closed to lower ranking members.
How do the Adepts make money from For the True Believer, after a certain
the ToV, they certainly don't profit period of time of being told that they
from the basic income of the need to get to the Priesthood or Adept
membership fees I'm sure. It might level to get to the "truth" and
make sense that if an Adept (with a "immortality", they will do whatever
Cryonics Policy) mentors or plays a possible to acquire that promotion.
part in a members decision to buy They will buy a cryonics contract just
into a Cryonics Policy, who's to say to get to the "next level."
that they wouldn't be subject to some
kind of finder's fee? Posted by Bob M  on  Thu Oct 21, 2010
 at  08:04 AM
Is this wrong? I don't necessarily think
so but I do think that it's Multilevel
Marketing at its (Continued)
best, disguised as a Religion.
"It sounds like TOV really buys into
It all revolves around Cryonics and cryonics. That means it probably isn't a
making money selling Cryonics scam. Know why? 'cuz if they're not
Policies to its members. Think about being paid to point people to cryonics
the cost of Cryonics to the policy but making people sign up makes
holder, whether it is a monthly people turn away from TOV, then they
payment or a lump-sum is losing money on it. Why would they
payment.....It's expensive, like do that if they're in it for the money? "
selling a car! Again, you are misdirecting the reader
to accept false premises.
Those ToV members who sell the most They are obviously making more money
policies indeed are making a lot of off those who purchase the cryonics
money. service as opposed to those who just
pay the tiny monthly subscription fee
There is only so much "life guidance" of ten dollars.
that these people can offer up in It is a scam plain and simple.
there forums, that's why eventually What I don't understand is how Peter
(if you don't Cryonics-Up) you will be Gilmore can permit his seemingly
driven out. respectable organization to associate
with the Temple of the Vampire scam.
Posted by Rupert  in  Sin  on  Wed Oct The important point on this message
20, 2010  at  12:52 PM board is that potential ToV members
be aware of the cryonics aspect of the
organization before they consider
seeking affiliation.
The fact that anyone doing a Google
search on 'The Temple of the Vampire'
will find this message board on the
first page of the search, listed right
under, means that
most people seeking the ToV will find
their way unto this site.
I hope they take the time to read the
facts and make an informed decision.

- Bob

In regards to Satanism and cryonics, I
suggest you go to and
click on the ten minute concise and
compact video on the main page. This
video is an excellent representation of
Satanism and will clear away any
misconceptions you may have on the
subject due to erroneous media
reports or other sources.
From: http://www.illuminati- After watching the video, you will realize that the Temple of the Vampire
is not a Satanic group. What they are
"An interesting, if controversial, doing is associating them with a
movement is the Temple of the Satanic organization (the Church of
Vampire based in Lacey, Washington, Satan) in order to achieve a pretension
and not to be confused with the of legitimacy in the eyes of Satanists.
Order of the Vampyres within the The likely reason that these vampires
Temple of Set. The Temple appears to are tolerated in the Church may be a
have been created outside the Gothic financial one. Lifetime membership in
milieu but with the specific purpose the Church of Satan is a onetime
of attracting members of it. Its $200.00 fee. While it is true that some
founder, Lucas Martel, is a former become aware of and join the Temple
member of the Church of Satan, and through learning about it from the
like LaVey's, his is a largely a mail- Church of Satan, there is also a return
order organization. It claims to flow of Temple of the Vampire
continue an ancient religion called members joining the Church of Satan.
Hekal Tiamat and to keep its sacred The new Temple member is informed
book, the Shurpu Kishpu. The Temple that the Church of Satan is in
is not Satanist; it mostly teaches how agreement with the Temple's
to contact the Vampire Gods through philosophy of the mastery of day to
a ritual in seven steps. The crucial day life (dayside) and that many high
step is the fourth, where the ranking Temple members hold dual
celebrant offers to the Vampire Gods membership.
his or her own life force and the life In other words, it is made obvious to
force he or she has captured from the Temple of the Vampire member
other weaker human beings. Signs that it is beneficial to obtain
such as "ringing in ears" or "unusual membership in the Church of Satan.
pulling sensations at the solar plexus" Each new "Satanist" mails her $200.00
confirm that the Vampire Gods have to the Church and the door is opened
accepted the offering. The Temple's to them. Once inside the Church, the
worldview is also apocalyptic, since Temple of the Vampire "Satanist" tends
"we are now approaching the Final to advertise her affiliation with the
Harvest", when "the human stock Temple of the Vampire in several ways
shall be drained in a carnage of and then the marketing cycle begins
energy release unlike anything seen again( this is part of the "Temple
before". The energy released by Mission" to gain new members.)
killed humans would allow the Suppose just fifty new "vampires"
Vampire Gods to descend and rule on decide to seek affiliation with the
Earth with their faithful followers, Church of Satan in one year, that's
the initiates. "The humans shall (...) 10,000.00. I don't imagine the Church
continue to serve as slave and food" of Satan would refuse that kind of
when "the Great Undead Gods shall money based on principle.
return to their mighty thrones of Now why would a Satanist have any
Power." Given the popularity of the interest in cryonics?
vampire theme, many in the Gothic Satanism is a religion of putting the
milieu check out the Temple of the self, the individual above everything
Vampire. Few stay, fearing that the else. To the Satanist, she is the most
mail-order scheme may simply be a important person in the universe. Each
money-making business, or Satanist sees herself as the centre of
disagreeing with the brutal her own universe. Cryonics offers a
worldview. After all, in contemporary
hope to "live forever" so it is only
literature "postmodern" vampires arenatural that those who identify with a
often depicted as not entirely evil,religion of enlightened self interest
but caring for humans (Chelsea Quinnwould find it of interest.
Yarbro's Saint-Germain) or at least The problem with cryonics is that it is
psychologically ambiguous (Anne not based on science or logic. It is
Rice's Lestat)." based on hope and fantasy. It is what
the founder of the Church of Satan
termed a "pipe dream." The only
guarantee you receive upon purchasing
From: a cryonics service or policy, is that
someone else will profit from your
qid=20081217163759AAUhCZa faith based decision.

Is the Temple of the Vampire a good -Bob

and trust worthy religion?
Posted by Bob M  on  Thu Oct 21, 2010
answer: scam. Anyone who requires a  at  03:09 PM
lot of money to join a religion or
advance in levels is a cult -
Scientology included. TofV have been "Why is CI member "nemo" flogging
around for awhile and there are some cryonics to his disciples and ostracizing
ex-members out there who do not them if they don't get a cryonics
have a civil word to say about the contract?"
religion, the cite or the
"elders/priests". Personal opinion The unfortunate aspect of this
situation is that his "disciples" are not
(having research vampire websites for
years) - pass it by. You'd get more just being ostracized but they are
from the Church of Satan with some being prohibited to advance in their
of the same philosophy (without the chosen religion until they purchase a
"I'm immortal, fear me!" b/s). cryonics contract.
Let me put this more clearly: the new
Temple member is taught that true
Other Informative  Links:
power, immortality, and freedom lie at
the other end of the Temple of the
Vampire bridge, in what is called the
Vampiric Condition which is
exemplified in the Fifth Circle(the
highest)in which one becomes a
Vampire Adept.
Now even if the new recruit does not
care for cryonics, the promise of
enlightenment which awaits them at
the highest level of Vampire initiation
is dangled before them from the get-
After a couple of years and a new
identity forged by applying the beliefs
of the new religion, the member will
strongly desire to go all the way up the
highest level, because that is where all
the "good stuff" is hiding.
If immortality and all the supposed
super powers of the "Higher Teachings"
are obtainable upon purchasing a
cryonics service, if you are a True
Believer, you will do it. No matter
what it costs you. I am sure you have
heard of reports of such behaviour
from members of certain other
religious organizations.

Nazi Member of ToV?

Big TY bob - Sorry for our paranoia with

you - but we got to say you Satanist are
a bit scary for !jill, Sexy but still a
little bit Scary - :)
The Book and their claims below

Active members are offered
immediate insights and instruction
into six areas of earthly power to...

1. Develop willpower and

mental strength.
2. Get your way with people.
3. Master self-defense secrets.
4. Improve and protect your
5. Achieve authentic financial
6. Live beyond the usual
human lifespan.

And we support everything we

with solid evidence of its
effectiveness and reliability.

These earthly secrets allow you to

take serious and immediate steps to
master your everyday world and
become truly elite.

In the first ninety days of active

membership you should be able to
set up a reasonable plan for
employing these success secrets in
your own life.

The Vampire is a master of the

world. This world. Your world.
We want every member to gain real
control over their lives.


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