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Tugas Bahasa Inggris II Muhammad Liwaulhamdi

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Nama : Muhammad Liwaulhamdi

NIM : 2010010083
Jurusan/ Kelas : Ekonomi Pembangunan/ C
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Ekonomi I
Unit 3
Introduction Oneself and Others
Mono : Good morning. I’m Mono. I am new student at SD Harapan Jaya
Han : Good morning. I’m Han. I’m new student, too.
Mono : How do you du? I am glad to meet you.
Han : How do you do? I am glad to meet you, too.
Mono : Who is the school principal?
Han : Mr. Harahap.
Mono : Thank you, Han.


Mrs. Harun : Good morning.
Marini : Good morning, Excuse me, madam. Are you Mrs. Hardy,
the school principal?
Mrs. Harun : N o , i am not. The principle is Mr. Hardy.
Marini : Oh, I’m sorry.
Mrs. Harun : That’s all right. Is your name Martini, the new student?
Marini : Yes, I am.


Ray : Hi, Susan. This is Tina, my wife.
Susan : Hello, Tina. I am glad to see you.
Tina : Thank you. I’m too.
Susan : Where are you from?
Tina : I’m from Malaysia. I’m Malaysian.
Susan : Is your husband from malaysia, too?
Tina : No, he isn’t. He is from India. He is Indian. Where are you from,
Susan : I’m from Canada. I’m Canadian.
Tina : Is your husband from Canada, too?
Susan : No, he isn’t. He is from France. He is French.
Reading Exercise
His name is Johan. He comes to school to study English. He is from west
Sumatra. He is a student. At school he meets many students. He is not married.
He is single. He lives with his cousin. Now he is very busy but happy.

1. What is his name?
Answer: His name is Johan
2. Where is he from?
Answer: He came from West Sumatera
3. What does he study?
Answer: He came to study English
4. Whom does he live with?
Answer: He lives with his cousin
5. How does he feel now?
Answer: He is very busy but feel happy
Tulislah kembali wacana pada latihan 4 dan gantilah:
1. Johan menjadi Marla.
2. west Sumatra menjadi Palembang.
3. cousin menjadi parents.

Her name is Marla. She comes to school to study English. She is from
Palembang. She is a student. At school she meets many students. She is not
married. She is single. She lives with her parents. Now he is very busy but

Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat!
1) Hello! … I’m from West Java.
A. This is Mila, my sister.
B. I am from Sundanese.
C. This is my father.
D. I am Hadi.
2) Andri : Hi! Are you Jimmy, an elementary teacher at SD Hang Tuah 11?
Jimmy: ……………………
A. Yes, it is.
B. Yes, I am.
C. No, it isn’t.
D. No, you aren’t.
3) Bonar: Excuse me. Is your name James?
Jamus: ........ My name is Jamus.
A. Yes, it is.
B. Yes, I am.
C. No, I am not.
D. No, it is not.
4) Bari : Hi! Jihan. This is my wife, Shinta. Jihan : Hello, Shinta. How do you
Shinta: ……………………….
A. How are you?
B. How do you do?
C. What is your name?
D. Is your name Shinta?
5) Helen: Lina, , my sister.
Lina : Hi! Mia. How do you do?
Mia : How do you do? ……..
A. I am very well. Thank you.
B. I am happy to meet you.
C. Is your name Mia?
D. Are you Mia?
6) Mrs. Wijaya : Hello! I’m Mrs. Wijaya. I’m the new principal in this school.
The teacher : Hello, Mrs. Wijaya. I’m glad to meet you.
Mrs. Wijaya : …………………………
A. I’m glad to meet you, too.
B. I’m very well. Thank you.
C. How do you?
D. How are you?
7) Ronald: Hi, Mary. ………………..
Mary : Hello, Richard. It is nice to meet you.
A. This is Richard, my brother.
B. This is Mary, my sister.
C. My name is Richard.
D. I am Richard.
8) John : Paula, this is my sister, Christine.
Paula : Hi, Christine. ...................
Christine : I’m happy to meet you, too.
A. I’m happy to meet you, too.
B. I’m happy to meet you.
C. What’s your name?
D. How do you do?
9) Budi : Are you Anton?
Antoro : …………..
A. No, I’m not. I’m Antoro.
B. No, it is not. I’m Anton.
C. Yes, I am.
D. Yes, it is.
10) Wulan : Excuse me? Are you Alin?
Alice : ……………………..
A. No, it is not. I’m Alin.
B. No, I’m not. I’m Alice.
C. Yes, I am.
D. Yes, it is.
B. Reading
His name is Harun. He is from Aceh. He goes to the Teacher Training
College. He is an elementary school teacher now. He teaches grade four. He
is married, and he lives with his family. Today he is very happy.
1. Who is the name of the man in the text?
Answer: His name is Harun
2. Where is he from?
Answer: He came from Aceh
3. Where does he continue his study?
Answer: He continue to study at Teacher Training College
4. What is his occupation?
Answer: His occupation is an elementary school teacher
5. What grade does he teach?
Answer: He teaches grade four

Unit 4
States of Being/Feeling
Latihan Dan Tugas 1

Perhatikan gambar-gambar berikut ini kemudian tuliskan ekspresi dari wajah pada
gambar-gambar tersebut.

Gambar 1.6. Gambar 1.7. Gambar 1.8.

How does he feel? Is he angry? Is she tired?
He is angry. No, he is not angry. He is cheerful. No, she is not tired. She is cheerful
Gambar 1.9. Gambar 1.10.
How does she feel? Is he sleepy?
She is surprised No, he is not sleepy. He is optimistic

Latihan Dan Tugas 2

Grammar Focus “TO BE” (Am, Is, Are/ Was, Were)
Isilah kata bantu (TO BE) yang benar pada pertanyaan-pertanyaan di
bawah ini :
1. What is his name?
2. What are their names ?
3. Her name is Susi
4. Their names are Udin and Ratna
5. Where is he live ?
6. Where are they live ?
7. He is in Ambon
8. When was he born ?
9. When were they born ?
10. She is born in December
Latihan Dan Tugas 3
.Put Am, Is, or Are in the following sentences.
1. The weather is very nice today.
2. I am not tired.
3. This case is very heavy.
4. These cases are very heavy.
5. The dogs are A sleep
6. Look! There is Carol.
7. I am hot. Can you open the window please?
8. This castle is one thousand years old
9. My brother and I are good tennis players.
10. Ann is at home but her children are at school.
11. I am a student. My sister is An architect.
Latihan Dan Tugas 4
Write full sentences. Use Am, Is, or Are each time.
1. (my shoes very dirty). My shoes are very dirty
2. (my bed very comfortable). My bed is very comfortable
3. (your cigarettes in your bag). Your cigarettes are in your bag
4. (I not very happy today). I am not very happy today
5. (this restaurant very expensive). This restaurant is very expensive
6. (the shops not open today). The shops are not open today
7. (Mr. Kelly’s daughter six years old). Mr. Kelly’s daughter is six years old
8. (the houses in this street very old). The houses in this street are verry old

Latihan Dan Tugas 5

Tulislah pertanyaan yang benar pada jawaban-jawaban di bawah ini :
1. What is his name? His name is Udin
2. where is she lives? She lives in Ambon
3. when were you born? I was born on May 12, 1980
4. Can you spell your name? It’s R-A-T-N-A M-A-L-A-W-A-T
5. What is your phone number? It’s 081 334 456 333

Latihan Dan Tugas 6

Cocokkanlah nama tempat dan aktifitas-aktifitas di bawah ini :
1.a restaurant a. buying a book
2.a movie theater b. reading a book
3.a library c. watching movie
4.a mosque d. eating dinner
5.a bookstore e. praying
Latihan Dan Tugas 7
Susunlah kata-kata dibawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar :
1. watching – isn’t – TV – he – now
Answer: He isn’t watching TV now
2. you – do – every year? – travel
Answer: Do you trevel every year?
3. are – now – you – what – doing
Answer: What are you doing now?
4. she – at – drive – night – doesn’t – car – her
Answer: She doesn’t drive her car at night
5. how often – make – I – mistakes? – do
Answer: How often do i make mistakes?

Latihan Dan Tugas 8

Tulislah pertanyaan-pertanyaan atas jawaban-jawaban di bawah ini :
1. Did you attend classes every day? Yes, I do. I attend classes every
2. Did he go to school with taxi? No, he doesn’t. He never takes a taxi to
3. When did she watch TV? She always watches TV at 8 o’clock.

Latihan Dan Tugas 9

Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini:
1. Excuse me, can you help me?
2. Sure. What can I do for you?
3. Can you show me where the post office is?
4. Post office on Juanda street
5. Go walk to the corner and after that turn right
Latihan Dan Tugas 10
Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini :
1. Do you know where the library is?
2. Where is the bus station?
3. Can you tell me how to get to the zoo?
4. Can you tell me where the reataurant is?
5. How can I get to the bookstore from here?

Latihan Dan Tugas 11

Lengkapilah dialog di bawah ini dengan menggunakan kata-kata di bawah
ini :
Have how about long-sleeved skirt
Try how many wool loose
size Cheap What Can

1. A : Can i help you?

B : I need to buy some skirt
A : how many pairs do you need?
B : I need two pairs

2. A : Excuse me. Do you have any belt?

B : Yes, sir. What color do you need?
A : Blue, please
B : how many do you take, sir?
3. A : These skirt are lovely!
B : You’re right. They’re made of wool
A : Can I try it on?
B : Sure
4. A : I like the long sleeved Shirt
B: Will it fit you?
A : Well, It’s too loose
B : how about one size smaller?
5. A : how many is this cap?
B : It’s on discount. It’s only Rp 10.000.
A : Hmm. I’ll take it
B : Good buy. It’s very cheap
Amati gambar-gambar berikut ini kemudian jawablah pertanyaannya.

Gambar 1.11. Are they sad?

Yes they are

Gambar 1.12. Is he happy?

Yes he does

Gambar 1.13. Gambar 1.14. Gambar 1.15.

Is he cheerful? How does he feel? How does he feel?
No he doesn’t, he is angry He feel sad He feel happy
Gambar 1.16. Gambar 1.17.
Is he cheerful? Are they tired?
Yes he is No, the doesn’t. They feel happy

Gambar 1.18. Gambar 1.19. Gambar 1.20.

Is he depressed? Is he sad? Is he anggry?
Yes he is No, he doesn’t. He is tired No, he doesn’t. He is cheerfull

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