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Rock Texture and Bwi Relationships, El Teniente Ore Deposit, Chile

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Rock Texture and BWi Relationships,

El Teniente Ore Deposit, Chile
M Oyarzún1 and A Arévalo2

Direct relationships between rock texture and BWi (grindability index) have been established
based on geological and metallurgical information supported by optical microscopy observations,
gathered from 731 samples.
Each recognised rock texture is observed to be related to a certain BWi range and, this texture is
also characteristic of distinct lithological subunits (recognisable at mapping scale). Therefore, this
relationship may provide an important tool for early milling in situ estimation.
Since each textural type is a response to rock formation conditions, the causality of the relationship
between BWi and texture is based on such conditions and, particularly, on the interfacial free
energy among its components.
According to the abovementioned textural features, the greater the free interfacial energy between
mineral components, the greater the necessary energy required to break its grain boundaries and,
consequently, the greater the necessary energy required for milling.
If the textural evidence indicates that the rock was able to adjust the shape and/or size of its
components – in a natural tendency of all systems to minimise energy– then the necessary energy
required to break its grain boundaries will be lower.

This study is an investigation of the hypothetical relationship Transmitted and reflected light optical microscopy analyses,
between grindability causality and rock texture. This is in rock sections as well as in global particulate material
supported – directly or indirectly – by a lack of correlation and chemical analyses of major and trace elements were
between grindability and mineralogical composition. undertaken on 731 samples. According to the homogeneity
The previous statement is supported by the occurrence of of their geological features, the samples were grouped in
rocks of similar mineralogical composition (and, therefore, of 247 composites. Grindability (BWI) and primary flotation
similar chemical composition) but with different grindability tests were undertaken, as well as corresponding chemical
indices. However and in spite of their compositional similarity, and mineralogical characterisation of feed and flotation
they are recognised as different lithological units, at mapping products (chemical analyses of major and trace-elements and
scale as well as microscopic scale, due to the differences in the microscopic analysis on global particulate material).
crystalline arrangement of their components.
For the study, information generated by the ‘Estudio PETROGRAPHY OF MAIN LITHOLOGIES
Geometalúrgico del Mineral a Explotar en el Mediano y Largo
Microscopic observation of thin sections with supporting
Plazo, El Teniente, Chile’ (Arévalo, Floody and Olivares, 1998)
has been used, with an emphasis on information provided by mapping data, allowed the recognition of nine lithological
geological mapping, analyses of thin sections and grindability domains related to respective BWi ranges:
metallurgical test data (BWi measured in kWh/st). The project Complejo intrusivo máfico El Teniente (CMET): group of
arose from the need to predict the metallurgical behaviour of intrusive rocks, chemically characterised by their low SiO2
different geological units involved in medium and long-term contents (47 to 57 wt per cent ) and mineralogical characterised
production plans. by the presence of calcic plagioclase with subordinate amounts
The studied samples are distributed in 19 profiles, which of clinopyroxene (Skewes et al, 2002).
cover about 10 000 m of tunnels at levels Teniente 4, Teniente The CMET rocks consist completely of crystals
Sub4 and Teniente 5. These were selected for their accessibility (ie holocristalline texture, with no presence of glass) displaying
and because all main recognised geological units for each mine only some proper faces (hypidiomorfic granular texture).
sector were represented. Samples were taken systematically at
Based on the size distribution of their crystalline components,
an average of 1 m from the floor and roughly at 10 m spacing,
these rocks show three contrasting textures.
avoiding interferences from mine infrastructure and discrete
geological features with the ability to affect the homogeneity The first CMET textural subgroup consists of gabbros,
of samples. characterised by phaneritic textures, with unimodal to

1. Senior Geologist, CODELCO – Chile, Av Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 1449, Santiago, Chile. Email:
2. Chief, Geometallurgy, CODELCO – Chile, Millán 1020, Colón Alto Rancagua, Chile. Email:


serialised inequigranular textures. Adjacent crystals show equigranular polygonal crystals. The characteristic BWi range
‘shared’ edges, with smaller size crystals tending to adopt the for this lithological unit is 12 - 13.
shape of interstices left by large crystals. BWi range for these Pórfido dacítico El Teniente (Dacite porphyry):
rocks is 15 - 17. Holocrystalline rock, hypidiomorphic granular and
The second subgroup comprises diabases, characterised porphyritic, where the larger crystal fraction consists of
by phaneritic textures, with crystalline bimodal distribution. abundant sodium plagioclase (oligoclase-albite) and, in lesser
The larger sized population of crystals in this subgroup is proportions, of biotite, amphibole and quartz. The smaller
comparatively larger than that of the gabbros. As in the former crystal fraction (matrix) consists of quartz, albite, potassium
subgroup, adjacent crystals show ‘shared’ edges, with smaller feldspar and biotite (Skewes et al, 2002) arranged in a mosaic
size crystals tending to adopt the shape of interstices left by of equigranular polygonal crystals. The BWi range for this
large crystals. BWi range for these rocks is 16 – 18. rock is 10 - 13.
A third CMET textural subgroup consists of basalt porphyry Pórfido Latítico (Latite porphyry): This rock has
where the aphanitic portion is made up of a tight arrangement approximately the same mineralogical features of the Dacite
of microcrystals, in which adjacent crystals may show ‘shared’ porphyry (Skewes et al, 2002), but with distinct textural
and welded edges. BWi values are always greater than 17 and differences. As well as a holocrystalline, hypidioformic
may reach values of up to 23. granular and porphyritic texture with adjacent crystals
A final textural subgroup within the CMET, related to a showing ‘shared’ edges, the fine crystal fraction displays an
range of BWi 12 - 16, has been identified. This subgroup indented to anastomosed arrangement. The BWi range for
corresponds to the metamorphism halo developed in the this rock is 16 -18.
contact zone between dacite porphyry and CMET. The rocks The independence between BWi and rock composition is
within this halo display a mosaic of equigranular polygonal highlighted in Table 1.
crystals superimposed on the original rock texture. Table 2 summarises the nine litho-textural domains,
Diorita Sewell (Sewell diorite): group of intrusive rocks emphasising the relationship between petrographic
characterised by the abundance of sodium-calcic plagioclase observations and the BWi ranges for each.
(andesine-oligoclase) associated with quartz, amphiboles,
biotite and minor potassium feldspar in an holocrystalline CONCLUSIONS
and hypidiomorphic granular texture (Skewes et al, 2002).
The Sewell diorite displays three contrasting textures based Magma crystallisation is controlled by the interaction of
on size distribution and shape of its crystalline components. diverse physico-chemical factors, which in addition are temp-
orally variable. The shape and size of crystals of a slowly
The first subgroup defined as tonalite, shows phaneritic,
inequigranular serialised to unimodal textures. Adjacent cooling igneous rock are determined by its free interfacial
crystals exhibit ‘shared’ edges and smaller crystals adopt the energy and that of nucleation, diffusion and variations in
shape of the interstices. BWi range for this rock unit is 14 - 16. growing rates. Supersaturating degree will affect crystal shape
while undercooling degree will affect crystal size.
The second subgroup is a possible textural variety of the
Sewell diorite, although Guzmán (1991) has suggested that In non-extreme supersaturating and undercooling
this unit might be an independent intrusive phase. The rock conditions, the first crystals to form from the melt have
displays a porphyritic texture where the fine crystal fraction freedom to grow. The system minimises energy through
may exhibit an unimodal distribution arranged in an indented crystallisation of individual crystals with low energy planar
way. The characteristic BWi range for this rock is 15 - 17. faces.
The third subgroup is characterised by an inequigranular Once the crystals have grown enough in number and/or
texture (porphyritic) where the matrix consists of a mosaic of size to come into contact with each other, the shape of the

Major elements composition of main lithologies, according to Skewes et al (2002). BWi values after Arévalo et al (1998).

Gabbro Basalt porphyry Diabase Latite porphyry Sewell Diorite Dacite porphyry
SiO2 50.05 50.65 52.50 64.73 63.70 65.76
TiO2 1.00 1.01 1.20 0.45 0.39 0.40
Al2O3 17.85 19.11 18.26 17.58 17.02 17.03
Fe2O3+FeO 10.11 9.83 9.97 2.55 4.30 2.07
MnO 0.14 0.09 0.09 0.04 0.08 0.01
MgO 6.32 4.17 5.04 1.14 1.50 0.72
CaO 9.44 7.80 7.96 3.82 3.90 3.19
Na2O 2.62 1.68 2.30 4.93 4.93 5.47
K2O 1.22 2.23 1.43 2.57 2.20 2.41
P2O5 0.32 0.21 0.25 0.16 0.21 0.13
LOI 1.35 1.76 1.96 1.20 1.80 1.66
Total 100.42 98.54 100.96 99.17 100.03 98.85

BWi (kWh/st) 15 - 17 >17 16 - 18 14 - 16 10 - 13


Petrography of main lithologies (Petromicrographs: crossed polarizers, 645 μm × 484 μm).

Gabbro Wi ∈[15 - 17]

Crystals with serialised size distribution and evidence of mutual interference between
adjacent crystals. Smaller crystals adopt the shape of the interstices between larger

Diabase Wi ∈ [16 - 18]

Bimodal size distribution and evidence of mutual interference between adjacent crystals.
Smaller crystals adopt the shape of the interstices between larger crystals. Greater crystal
interfaces than in gabbro.

Basalt porphyry Wi >17

Crystals distributed in two size populations. Abundant microcrystals with evidence of
mutual interference between adjacent crystals. Great cristal interfaces.

Basalt porphyry with contact metamorphism Wi ∈ [12 - 16]

Original texture changed by development of new crystals showing a mosaic arrangement
with an equigranular tendency.

Sewell diorite (tonalite) Wi ∈ [14 - 16]

Crystals with serialized size distribution and evidence of mutual interference between
adjacent crystals. Smaller crystals are adopting the shape of the interstices between
larger crystals.

Porphyritic part of the Sewell diorite Wi ∈ [15 - 17]

Crystals distributed in two clear size populations. Smaller crystals with indentations and
evidence of mutual interference between adjacent crystals.


Petrography of main lithologies (Petromicrographs: crossed polarisers, 645 μm × 484 μm).

Porphyritic tonalite apophyses Wi ∈ [12 - 13]

Crystals clearly distributed in two size populations. Smaller crystals in a polygonal
arrangement with lower interfacial energy shapes.

Dacite porphyry Wi ∈ [10 - 13]

Crystals distributed in a clear two size population. Smaller crystals in a polygonal
arrangement with lower interfacial energy shapes.

Latite porphyry Wi ∈ [16 - 18]

Crystals clearly distributed in two size populations. Smaller crystals show indentations
and evidence of mutual interference between adjacent crystals.

newly developing crystals will depend on the shape of existing It is therefore expected that a very high BWi will result, as is
crystals and the interfacial energy of new components. the case with the basaltic porphyry (BWi > 17).
This is how, in the transition to final crystallisation It has also been observed at El Teniente that the basalt
temperature (solidus), new crystals will compete for space; porphyry within the contact zone of the dacite porphyry has
and, if their interfacial energy is similar, a mutual interference experienced a textural reordering of its components through
will result in irregular crystalline edges of high energy (due thermal metamorphism produced by the intrusion of the
to their inability to reach a low energy shape). Examples dacite porphyry. This is characterised by the development
of this texture include gabbro (BWi ∈ [15 - 17]), diabase of a polygonal mosaic of younger crystals, a texture typical
(BWi ∈[16 -18]), Sewell diorite (BWi ∈ [14 16]), latite porphyry of minimisation adjustments of interfacial energy in the
(BWi ∈ [16 -18]) and the porphyric part of Sewell diorite subsolidus state. The maximum intensity of the development
(BWi ∈ [15 - 17]).
of this texture occurs in areas immediately adjoining the dacite
Although the respective BWi ranges for each lithology porphyry and gradually decreases moving away from it. As a
are relatively similar, they suggest that greater values are result, in the northeastern sector of the deposit, a gradational
associated with rock types with a relatively greater quantity change from BWi ranges characteristic of dacite porphyry
of high-energy contact surfaces (ie shared edges indented or (BWi ∈ [10 -13]) to BWi ranges typical of basalt porphyry
anastomosed edges). In the same logic, lithologies with lower
(BWi > 17) occurs in the basalt porphyry as the rocks become
values in the BWi range, such as Sewell diorite, are associated
more distal to the dacite porphyry.
with the presence of crystals with low interfacial energy edges.
It is possible to conclude that the rock grindability
If the rock, whether when cooling down or subsequent to
cooling, has had the ability to minimise the total interfacial (measured by the Bond index for ball mills, BWi), is a function
energy via the generation of low energy granular outlines, of the igneous rock texture and specifically of the degree of
the textures that are formed resemble those observed in the linkage between the crystals that compose the rock. This is
dacite porphyry (Wi ∈ [10 - 13]) and the tonalite apophyses a manifestation of the total interfacial energy ‘frozen’ at the
(Wi ∈[12 - 13]). These textures are characterised by the presence moment of its formation.
of an approximately polygonal and equigranular mosaic that The independence of BWi with respect to the mineralogical
suggests such an adjustment occurred. This is coherent with and chemical compositions is illustrated by data contained in
the Guzmán argument (1991) that the tonalite apophyses are Table 1, as well as by microscopic observations included in
an intrusive phase independent of the Sewell Diorite. this and previous works (Skewes et al, 2002). For example,
When mutual interference occurs between abundant small despite similarities in the chemical and mineralogical
crystals, many high interfacial energy surfaces are generated. compositions of the latite porphyry and dacite porphyry, their


respective BWi ranges differ significantly. Conversely, the Doll, A, Barratt, D and Wood, K.Comparison of UCS to Bond Work
different mineralogical and chemical compositions of gabbro Indices [online]. Available from: <
and tonalite do not result in significantly different BWi for articles/UCS_Wi_paper.pdf>
these lithologies. Guzmán, C G, 1991. Central diorite prophyries alteration and
Even though observations indicate that grindability is a mineralization, El Teniente ore deposit, Thesis (unplublished),
function of petrographic texture, the lithological-textural Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
domains that they discriminate can be recognised at mapping Skewes, A M, Arévalo, A, Floody, R, Zúñiga, P and Stern, C,
scale. For this reason, rock texture is not only a criterion for 2002. The giant El Teniente breccia deposit: Hypogene copper
grindability modelling but is also a tool for its prediction. distribution and emplacement, Society of Economic Geologists,
special publication 9, pp 299-332.
We wish to thank Will Clarke (Newcrest Mining Lmtd)
and Ricardo Floody (CODELCO-Chile) for improving the
english version of this paper and also to Roberto Valenzuela
(CIMM TyS SA) with his support on image software and
photomicrograph handling.

Arévalo, A, Floody, R and Olivares, A, 1998. o Plazo, El Teniente.
Arévalo, A, Floody, R and Olivares, A, 1998. Medium and long-term
production plans geometallurgy models, El Teniente, Chile.


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