Mccaw 1992
Mccaw 1992
Mccaw 1992
This spreadsheet is provided to support instructor preparation of UVA-F-1142 and 1143, "McCaw Cellular" and "AT
Assumptions may be toggled between ATT and McCaw outlooks by changing the entry in cell B9: either "mccaw" o
Exhibit TN10
Financial Forecast of McCaw Cellular Prepared By AT&T, Remaining Portion of LIN Broadcasting Purchased
Modeling Assumptions:
Annual Pop 0.01
Annual Pen 0.16
Purchase Ry
Direct Costs & Exp. (e 0.331906 0.3297942 0.3215772 0.3135106
Direct Cost Increment -0.025
Marketing Expenses (%0.264339 0.2559573 0.225341 0.1982133
Marketing Expense In -0.12
Depreciation + Amortiz 0.352406 0.3478795 0.3305435 0.3139612
D&A Increment (%) -0.05
CapEx per Net Subscri 1190 1020 870 785
1190 ATT 1020 870 785
1147 McCaw 1000 850 750
Net Working Captial ( 198 150 75 38
198 ATT 150 75 38
198 McCaw 150 60 24
Tax Rate 0.36
N Broadcasting Purchased