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Creating Spirit at Work - Part I

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Creating spirit at work: re-visioning organization

development and leadership ± Part I

Ron Cacioppe
Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia

Keywords Neal (1997) states that three factors are

Belief, Personal needs, Introduction changing our attitudes to work:
Development, Corporate culture
Successful corporate leaders of the twenty- 1 the past ten years of downsizing and
Abstract first century will be spiritual leaders. They outsourcing;
Many recent authors have will be comfortable with their own 2 the advent of the millennium; and
suggested it is time to move spirituality, and they will know how to 3 the current middle ageing of baby
beyond the scientific, materialistic nurture spiritual development in others. The boomers.
paradigm of the twentieth century most successful leaders of today have already
toward a more holistic and Employees are increasingly asking
learned this secret. Corporate mystics know
spiritual view for the workplace of
that an organization is a collective themselves questions that are essentially
the twenty-first century. The
purpose of this article is to embodiment of spirit, the sum total of the spiritual in nature such as: ``What do I want
describe a new vision for spirits of the individuals who work there. to do with my life?'', ``Why do I go to work?'',
leadership and the development of Those who think spirituality has no place in ``What is important to me?''. As Bruzzese
organizations which integrates business are selling themselves and those
emerging perspectives from the
(1996, p. 12) states, ``it's not that employees
around them short (Hendricks and Ludemon,
fields of science, transpersonal are unhappy because they aren't well paid or
1996, p. 12).
psychology, eastern philosophy don't have good benefits ± it's something else.
and management. Spirituality is The inside information is that yourself as It's a sense of struggling in a job that adds no
seen as important in helping ``just little me'' who ``came into this world''
human beings experience the
value to their lives spiritually or otherwise''.
and lives temporarily in a bag of skin is a
fundamental meaning and purpose Part II of this article uses concepts
hoax and a fake. The fact is that because no
of their work. It is defined and
one thing or feature of this universe is described by Wilber to develop a more
described as distinctly different integrated and comprehensive view of
from organized religion. Practical separable from the whole, the only real You,
examples are given of leaders and or Self, is the whole (Alan Watts, 1966, p. 53). leadership and organizational development
organizations that are facilitating as a basis of a new way to work in
spirituality in the workplace.We are at a time in history when we need to organizations. It examines what is needed for
revise our entire view of ourselves, the work to be a more effective and meaningful
nature of work and leadership of activity. It suggests a new approach that can
organizations. Leaders in modern private provide the remedy for many of the current
organizations are under considerable dilemmas that face organizations. It also goes
pressure to provide substantial profits to further to suggest that this approach will be a
their shareholders by being more efficient necessary part of being a successful business
with capital and human resources, while at in the twenty-first century and that a key role
the same time providing excellent customer of leaders will be to implement this approach
service. Public sector and not-for-profit in the workplace.
managers, however, are required to provide
high levels of public service and keep costs at
a minimum. There are legal, safety, equal
The search for meaning and
opportunity, financial, and environmental spirituality in the workplace
requirements that organizations must meet if
Received: August 1999 The meaning of work is now being
Revised/accepted: they wish to continue to function. In
November 1999 addition, workers are required to work re-examined by many employees and
longer hours and produce greater results in managers in the workplace (Dutton, 1997).
less time yet are becoming more concerned Nash (cited in McCarthy, 1996) suggests that
about the quality of their family and personal this questioning of the meaning of work is a
direct result of the collapse of materialism in
The Leadership & Organization lives.
Development Journal the last 30 years. Happiness has failed to
21/1 [2000] 48±54 come with economic growth because
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
# MCB University Press consumerism is itself addictive. ``We work
[ISSN 0143-7739]
and spend, we work and spend some more,
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Ron Cacioppe we have to get out of this cycle'' Shore (cited Currently, the spiritual journey happens
Creating spirit at work: in Fox, 1994, p. 109). This realisation that we for many employees outside the workplace.
re-visioning organization have followed an incomplete and shallow Rapid and substantial interest over the last
development and leadership ±
Part I belief system has led to the loss of meaning 30 years has occurred in people exploring a
The Leadership & Organization and a sense of malaise in our lives. For many wide range of spiritual paths including yoga,
Development Journal people their life is divided into work time and Buddhism, Toaism, Vedanta, gestalt,
21/1 [2000] 48±54 play time. Work consists of tasks that others psychodrama, natural medicine, philosophy,
pay them to do so that they can make money meditation, and transpersonal psychology.
to buy the life they want outside of work. Eastern forms of spirituality, in particular,
Therefore, work is not for work's sake, but have experienced substantial involvement by
for money ± money that is supposed to bring westerners who are seeking alternatives to
happiness in what it can buy in the hours of the current way we work and live.
leisure and play. The search for spirituality and the interest
As a result of this, many products are in ``integrating spirituality with everyday
inferior in content and quality because they work life has gained momentum during the
are made by people who have lost the late 1990s'' (Brandt, 1996, p. 85). The desire for
enjoyment of making them. Service is often personal fulfilment combined with a deep
carried out in a rote-like fashion with the personal spiritual experience has resulted in
exchange of money as the main focus of the many people wanting to bring spirituality
transaction. Organizations eulogise quality, into all important aspects of their lives.
customer service and moments of truth but Furthermore, their spiritual experience has
staff often see that the manager's real caused them to look more closely at the
priority is profit or cutting costs. White- purpose, results and underlying values that
collar professionals can feel a sense of are propagated by their organizations: they
achievement when they successfully have begun to feel that ``there must be a
complete a significant project to a high better way''. Many people have sought
standard, but know that the company will cut genuinely to apply their spiritual values into
jobs if sufficient profit is not made. The the workplace quietly without voicing their
public sector professional knows, however, discontent or challenging the current
that the budget can be cut due to political materialistic, self-oriented operation of many
interests or rational economic policies and businesses or government organizations.
that they may be ``redeployed'', ``outsourced'' They have just responded to interpersonal,
or the vision that they have worked hard for conflict, problem solving or stressful
abandoned. A deep unease often occurs when situations by applying their ``spiritual'' skills
these professionals ask themselves what good as best as possible. Other people,
the two billion dollar oil project, the disillusioned with the way people behave in
approving of a new gambling casino or the larger organizations, have left these
new production plant does in solving organizations to seek meaning elsewhere.
humanity's substantial problems. It is hard Others, discontented about the politics and
to ignore these problems when CNN the lack of a worthwhile purpose, resign
television shows every hour the hardships themselves to doing things they value outside
and conflicts that are occurring in the world. the organization.
Many of these situations are directly linked A critical starting point in the spiritual
to competition for territory and natural journey at work is for employees to identify
resources, over-consumption and the their most important values. This causes
materialistic way of life modern business them to focus on the core beliefs they hold in
organizations perpetrate around the world. life. This process can be of major importance
Discovering the meaning of one's work is a to employees since it causes examination of
central part of spirituality. Many people in the priorities and actions in one's life and can
the workplace desire to rediscover what they bring out differences between their
care about in their lives and are trying to find individual values and the organization's
work that they love to do. People are seeking values and objectives. Part of the process of
a way to be more of themselves at work and spirituality at work is for people to begin to
want a way to be authentic in what they do question and reshape their role within the
and how they do it. In order for this to occur, organization and to reassess the meaning and
organizations must care for the whole value of their work. While this process can be
employee's physical, emotional and spiritual seen to be irrelevant or even threatening, it is
well being. Leaders, therefore, have a major an important part of individual and
role to provide the conditions where balance organizational learning and development.
can be returned to employees' lives and to Argyris and others (cited in Pedler et al.,
develop a purpose for organization activities 1998) have discussed ``double-loop learning'',
that are in harmony with all of life. which re-examines goals and questions and
[ 49 ]
Ron Cacioppe reassesses the very assumptions and beliefs improve worker productivity, first by
Creating spirit at work: that underlie those goals. Senge (1990) has acknowledging that work and personal lives
re-visioning organization suggested that it is only those ``learning are not separate, and then providing the
development and leadership ± information or support to help workers
Part I organizations'' that are willing to do this
manage their concerns more effectively
The Leadership & Organization examination and questioning of the reason
(Dutton, 1997, p. 2).
Development Journal for their existence and methods of operating
21/1 [2000] 48±54 that can survive and succeed in the twenty- Organizations such as the Body Shop and
first century. Harley Davidson have successfully combined
Organizations now commonly write vision the profit motive with the values of social
and value statements that not only provide responsibility and meaningful work. Harley
directions for business operation plans but Davidson uses a shared vision, a philosophy
aim to motivate and inspire employees to be of continuous learning and participative
committed to a worthwhile purpose. In decision-making processes which helped
addition, many companies like Proctor and turn the company around from near
Gamble, 3M Corporation, Motorola, Wal- bankruptcy to a healthy profit. According to
Mart, Australia Post, Freehill Hollingdale Brandt (1996), Boatman's First National Bank
and Page and the city of Perth are helping in Kansas City, the Bank of Montreal and
employees to examine their own personal Exxon integrate issues of spirituality such as
visions and align them with the employees' personal values and visions into
organization's vision (Cacioppe, 1998; Cox, all human resources and organizational
1997). The emphasis on teamwork, having a development functions.
common organizational vision and values John Huntsman, while building his $5
and concern for the human resources, have billion, 10,000-employee Huntsman Chemical
undertones of spirituality within these Corp., in the USA, shifted his company's
themes. Many organizational leaders speak mission from pure profit to a three-part
of wanting their workplaces to be caring and priority:
nurturing of their people in an environment 1 pay off debt;
of trust, empowerment and creativity. Use of 2 be a responsible corporate citizen; and
human resource and organizational 3 relieve human suffering.
development training programs have become
common in recent times as the way to bring His company has donated $100 million of its
about these goals. While these programs profit to a cancer centre at the University of
touch on important personal aspects, and Utah. It has built a shelter in Armenia to
some definitely have a spiritual tone to them, house people rendered homeless by the
many programs are techniques and systems earthquake in 1988 and is active in charities
the major aim of which is to be customer ranging from children's hospitals to food
responsive, or to improve efficiency and banks. Huntsman says ``we have a far greater
productivity so that the firm is more spirit of accomplishment and motivation.
profitable. Our unity and teamwork and corporate
The corporate world is searching and enthusiasm have never been higher (Van
investigating the ``inner voice'' in business Biema, 1997, p. 53).
and recognises it needs to connect with David Judd, general manager of the Alcoa
employees' inner creativity and spirit if they Portland Aluminium Smelter, not only
are to face the modern challenges and involved all of the Alcoa staff in personal
changes before them in the technological and development but also encouraged the
global world in which they operate. The majority of people in the township of
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Portland to participate in these programs.
(Covey, 1989), Approaching the Corporate In addition, he sponsored the creation of a
Heart (Cairnes, 1998), Synchronicity, the Inner gym, creche and medical centre and
Path of Leadership (Jaworski, 1996), developed one of the most successful
Stewardship: Choosing Service Over Self- rehabilitation programs for street kids. The
interest (Block, 1993) and Leadership and the smelter sponsored visits of internationally-
New Science: Learning about Organization known musicians and environmental
from an Orderly Universe (Wheatley, 1992) speakers like Don Burrows and David
have become common on the bookshelves of Suzuki to fly to the small town of Portland
major corporate leaders. to enhance the lives and thoughts of the
community. Smelter staff also regenerated
natural wetlands around the plant that
Organizations which encourage eventually won an award. Judd's approach
meaningful work also contributed to the outstanding
Xerox, the Calvert Group and others with business success of the smelter when in
similar benefits say that these programs 1992 it was named as the world benchmark
[ 50 ]
Ron Cacioppe culture for an aluminium smelter. During
Creating spirit at work: the period he was general manager, the What is spirituality?
re-visioning organization rates of industrial injury, staff turnover,
development and leadership ± The meaning of the term spirituality is often
Part I absenteeism and solid waste were misunderstood and can have negative
The Leadership & Organization dramatically reduced. He was recognised connotations for many people. Spirituality is
Development Journal by Industry Week as an outstanding leader often seen in the same context as organized
21/1 [2000] 48±54 in 1993. Throughout this whole time, David religion, with particular beliefs, moral rules
Judd had cancer that would eventually kill and traditions. Spirituality, however, is not
him. His fundamental approach was formal, structured or organized. Organized
summarized by his words; ``By addressing religion has more of an external focus where
the needs of the individual, we're bringing spirituality involves a person looking inward
greater productivity to the organization and therefore is accessible to everyone
and opening up a whole new dimension to whether religious or not. Religion often has
our lives'' (Cairnes, 1998, salvation as its major aim. Spirituality is
p. 23). above and beyond any specific religious
Leadership programs conducted for denomination and seeks to find and
Australia Post, Freehill Hollingdale and experience the common principles and truths
Page, the West Australian Public Service, that each religion offers.
the Ministry of Justice and the fire and Perle (in Laabs, 1995, p. 62) states of
emergency services have included health spirituality:
appraisals, outdoor adventure training, the It's not about religion. It's not about
use of 360 feedback, establishment of converting people. It's not about making
personal vision and use of the Myers-Briggs people believe a belief system or a thought
type indicator. The strong component of system or a religious system. It's about
personal development, as well as discussion knowing that we're all spiritual beings
of the worthwhile vision for the future of having a human experience. It's about
knowing that every person has within him or
the organization, gives these programs a
herself a level of truth and integrity, and that
powerful spiritual component, although the
we all have our own divine power.
word ``spirituality'' is seldom mentioned.
The Calvert Group, an investment firm in Spirituality has also been defined as ``the
the USA, and Xerox provide benefits such as lived transformation of self and community''
walking shoes and bikes, massage therapy, toward what is sacred within any given
extra leave, flexible hours, referrals for elder culture (Rothberg, 1994, p. 3).
and child care, relaxed dress codes, and Neal (1997, p. 123) has translated views of
payment of educational fees for courses to spirituality into the workplace and defines it
help employee morale and development. as being:
Xerox, a leader in nurturing employee well- . . . about integrity, being true to oneself, and
being, has had tangible benefits in its telling the truth to others. Workplace
business performance with reduced spirituality refers to an individual's attempts
to live his or her values more fully in the
absenteeism, sales revenue exceeding
workplace. Or it can refer to the ways in
expectations and improved customer
which organizations structure themselves to
satisfaction (Dutton, 1997). support the spiritual growth of employees.
Effective development and the positive
results that it can bring take time. The This perspective suggests that spiritual
Calvert Group needed two years to principles can be applied at various levels in
implement their programs and Xerox has an organization: personally, in dealing with
been working on developing its unique others, and in ways that organizations treat
culture for more than 30 years (Bruzzese, and interact with their employees, customers
1996; Cox, 1997; Dutton, 1997). The pressure and the community. There has been a
that many leaders are placed under for definite shift by organizations from trying to
greater profits in shorter time makes it be ``value-free'' to an emphasis on developing
difficult to have the patience and time to values that are worthwhile to the
implement the types of programs that are organization, employees, customers and
essential for spirituality truly to flourish in shareholders. These ``value-based
an organization. organizations'' are considered to be more
It is useful to ask if these are examples of successful by a number of modern writers
spirituality at work and are these any (Collins and Porras, 1996).
different from just good management Mitroff and Denton (1998, p. vii) define
practices? When something is good spirituality to be ``the basic desire to find
leadership behaviour is that spirituality at ultimate meaning and purpose in one's life
work? Furthermore, how is spirituality and to live an integrated life''. After
different from being religious at work? conducting interviews with approximately
[ 51 ]
Ron Cacioppe 85 senior executives and human resource experience as something quite different and
Creating spirit at work: managers, they describe the following foreign to spirituality. Watts states that we
re-visioning organization characteristics of spirituality: have created a false illusion of a human being
development and leadership ±
Part I . Spirituality is a feeling of and are aware of ourselves as only isolated
The Leadership & Organization interconnectedness with a oneness, egos inside ``bags of skin''. The result of this
Development Journal higher power or a being. Everything is a illusion is that our attitude to the world is
21/1 [2000] 48±54 part and an expression of this oneness and that it is outside ourselves and we need to
everything is connected with everything defend ourselves against it. We therefore
else. need to conquer nature, disease, a foreign
. There is a basic harmony or ``goodness'' in country, competition and the unions instead
the universe that underlies its design. of learning to co-operate and collaborate with
. Spirituality is inextricably connected them. The feeling that we are separate mind/
with caring, hope, love and optimism. bodies in an alien, mechanical universe also
. Science may not be able to prove that results in people feeling that there is no
these principles exist throughout the purpose or meaning to life, and therefore, no
universe but it is possible to experience way to agree what is good. It is often just one
these and to ``know intuitively'' that these person's opinion against another, and it is,
are woven into the fabric of the universe. therefore, the most powerful, aggressive,
. It is universal, applicable to everyone and expert or influential people who make the
timeless. Spirituality sees everyone as decisions as to how the organization will
unique but sees the underlying principles operate. Science and democratically-made
as universal and timeless. These laws, therefore, are the processes we use to
principles are through yet beyond the deal with our major social problems.
physical creation of the universe. For many people who have lived their
. Spirituality is in itself meaningful and entire lives within the scientific and
purposeful and therefore, is an end in materialistic view of the universe,
itself. discussions of spirituality can seem vague,
. Spirituality is the awe and mystery we irrelevant and nonsensical. The common
feel in the presence of the transcendent paradigm of the twentieth century is that the
which is at the core of the universe and physical laws govern the universe and
life itself. explain reality. A human being, therefore, is
Spirituality is, therefore. different from a separate entity composed of atoms,
religion since it is based on an experience of molecules and cells that have evolved into a
unity and an intimate connectedness with body-ego system. We relate to each other
everything rather than a belief or faith in a through rational transactions (e.g. I will give
deity and attainment of a better after life you something you want if you give me
based on prescribed religious behaviours. something I want so we will both be better
Spirituality is also more than just having a off). According to this view, there is no
humanistic workplace since it involves going inherent interconnectedness that underpins
beyond seeing individuals as separate the universe other than human constructed
entities who try to reach a mutually interactions. As graffiti scrawled on a train
satisfactory arrangement. station wall states: ``God is unemployed!''
The core of the problem starts wherever
there is duality. The first moment we
Spirituality versus everyday experience the duality of self versus other,
experience: the gap between self when ``I'' experience my self as independent,
and ego separate from the ``other'', there is a
fundamental illusion that underlies all
The root of the matter is the way in which we problems. This is similar to drawing a line in
feel and conceive as human beings, our
the dirt and calling one side Germany and the
sensation of being alive, of individual
existence and identity. We suffer from a other France and then believing that this is a
hallucination, from a false and distorted reality that exists in the external world
sensation of our own existence and identity. rather than the human mind. As Jung said:
Most of us have the sensation that ``I myself'' ``There are no lines that divide other than in
is a separate center of feeling and action, the human mind''.
living inside and bounded by the physical This duality of self and other has been at
body ± a center which ``confronts'' an the core of many questions that have
``external'' world of people and things, making challenged Western philosophers for
contact through the senses with a universe
centuries, such as body versus mind, matter
both alien and strange (Watts, 1966, p. 8).
versus spirit, good versus evil, capitalism
Alan Watts, in this quote, is describing the (mine) versus communism (the state's), and
major reason why people see their everyday man versus nature. The modern rational
[ 52 ]
Ron Cacioppe mind makes divisions of non-dual reality into structure of business organizations where
Creating spirit at work: two and then forgets that it has done this. shareholders own equipment, land and
re-visioning organization Then it forgets that it forgot! As a result we knowledge and hire people to do work for
development and leadership ±
Part I continue to puzzle on how to put the ``two'' money while they keep profits earned by that
The Leadership & Organization back into ``one'' again. Managers try to work work.
Development Journal with unions, companies try to be in harmony Figure 1 summarizes the dominant
21/1 [2000] 48±54 with the environment and individual worldview of business for the last 100 years.
employees try to work as part of the team. Yet Newer theories of science have shown that
as long as the illusion of duality is at the core atoms are not ``things'' but are ``wavicles'',
of self and other then no actions (no matter entities that behave like waves and particles
how well intentioned) can be successful in but are neither. This has led to the
overcoming these fundamental problems. emergence of non-physical models of the
The sensation of ``I'' as a lonely and isolated universe. Quantum physics, system and
center of being is so powerful and chaos theories are now influencing newer
commonsensical, and so fundamental to our theories of organizations and leadership
modes of speech and thought, to our laws and
(McDaniels, 1997; Tsoukas, 1998). These
social institutions, that we cannot experience
selfhood except as something superficial in changes in the scientific perspective,
the scheme of the universe. I seem to be a combined with the concern for the
brief light that flashes but once in all the degradation of the environment and
aeons of time ± a rare, complicated, and all- overemphasis on materialistic consumerism,
too-delicate organism on the fringe of have caused many people around the world
biological evolution, where the wave of life to challenge the basic assumptions that
bursts into individual, sparkling, and underlie business and government
multicolored drops that gleam for a moment organizations.
only to vanish forever (Watts, 1966, p. 13).
Many people still hold onto the rational
The last 40 years of Western development scientific empirical method because they see
have clearly brought home the realization no alternative that can find the ``truth'' with
that technology, industrialization, and as much reliability. Managers are reluctant
rational self-interest have cured several and even sceptical about spirituality,
social ills but have contributed to many of especially in the workplace, because they see
our current world problems in a significant no equivalent scientific method to test its
way. Three to four hundred ago Western validity. The work of transpersonal
societies began rejecting the previous 15 philosopher, Wilber, however, has integrated
centuries of religious beliefs and superstition the findings of various fields of science with
that governed society's world-view and Eastern and Western psychologies and
replaced the idea of God with the new gods of philosophies. His work has provided a
science and individual self-interest. Until comprehensive and integrated view of the
quite recent times, it has been the prevailing nature, purpose and evolution of the
view of Western science that everything ± universe (Wilber 1979, 1980, 1993, 1996). It has
gases, rocks, plants, animals, etc. ± were provided a new perspective that includes but
made up of atoms, molecules, cells and other goes beyond the limited physical empirical
particles in much the same way a house was interpretation of aspects of the universe to a
made up of bricks. This idea of the universe way of seeing the universe as comprising
composed of separate physical things and the levels and facets of consciousness. Rothberg
sense of a separate ego self have resulted in describes the methods of spiritual inquiry
our current view of reality, including the found in Buddhism, Vedanta and Zen

Figure 1
Summary of current world view ± the basis of Western organizations and capitalism

[ 53 ]
Ron Cacioppe philosophy as valid and consistent as science Hendricks, G. and Ludeman, K. (1996), ``The Last
Creating spirit at work: but focuses on a different realm. He describes Piece'', Across the Board, Vol. 33 No. 4,
re-visioning organization the work of Wilber as ``the most pp. 12-13.
development and leadership ±
Part I comprehensive philosophical treatment of Jaworski, J. (1996), Synchronicity, the Inner Path
of Leadership, Berrett-Koehler, San
The Leadership & Organization the idea of spiritual science'' (Rothberg, 1994,
Development Journal p. 4). Francisco, CA.
21/1 [2000] 48±54 Three of Wilber's major concepts have Laabs, J. (1995), ``Balancing spirituality and
work'', Personnel Journal, Vol. 74 No. 9,
particular relevance to leadership and the
pp. 60-9.
development of organizations. These are:
McCarthy, J.I. (1996), ``Through the needle's eye:
1 the spectrum of consciousness;
the spiritual CEO'', Chief Executive, No. 110.
2 the four facets of reality; and
McDaniels, R. (1997), ``Strategic leadership: a view
3 the holon/holarchical nature of the from quantum and chaos theories'', Health
universe. Care Management Review, Vol. 21 No. 1,
These concepts provide a comprehensive and pp. 21-37.
profound view of how to view ourselves, the Mitroff, I. and Dentin, E. (1998), A Spiritual Audit
of Corporate America: Multiple Designs for
development of life and organizations over
Fostering Spirituality in the Workplace,
time. They also provide leaders with a way to
Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.
understand, balance and develop people and
Neal, J. (1997), ``Spirituality in management
organizations that leads to greater
education: a guide to resources'', Journal of
alignment, success and contribution of the Management Education, Vol. 21 No. 1,
organization to its social and natural pp. 121-40.
environment. They will be taken up in part II Pedler, M., Burgoyne, J. and Boydell, T. (1998),
of this article. Applying Self-Development in Organizations,
Prentice-Hall, London.
References Rothberg, D. (1994), ``Spiritual inquiry'', ReVision,
Block, P. (1992), Stewardship: Choosing Service Fall, Vol. 17 No. 2, pp. 2-13.
Over Self-interest, Berrett-Koehler, San Senge, P. (1990), The Fifth Discipline, the Art and
Francisco, CA. Practice of the Learning Organization,
Brandt, E. (1996), ``Corporate pioneers explore Random House, Milsons Point.
spirituality peace'', HR Magazine, Vol. 41 Tsoukas, H. (1998), ``Introduction to chaos,
No. 4, pp. 82-7. complexity and organization theory'',
Bruzzese, A. (1996) ``Dear saint: work is driving Organization and Complexity Journal, Vol. 5
me crazy. When I'm not'', Garnet News No. 3, pp. 291-313.
Service, 5 December, p. 12. Watts, A. (1966), The Book On the Taboo Against
Cacioppe, R. (1998), ``Visions that live'', HR Knowing Who You Are, Vintage Books, New
Monthly, October, pp. 24-6. York, NY.
Cairnes, M. (1998), Approaching the Corporate Wheatley, M. (1992), Leadership and the New
Heart, Simon & Schuster, Australia. Science: Learning about Organization from an
Collins, J. and Porras, J. (1996), Built to Last, Orderly Universe, Berrett-Koehler, San
Successful Habits of Visionary Companies, Francisco, CA.
Random House, London. Wilber, K. (1979), No Boundary, Eastern and
Covey, S. (1989), The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Western Approaches to Personal Growth,
People, Fireside Press, New York, NY. Shambhala Publications, Boston, MA.
Cox, A. (1997), ``Finding a soul purpose in Wilber, K. (1980), The Atman Project: A
business'', Los Angeles Times, 2 February, p. 5. Transpersonal View of Human Development,
Dutton, G. (1997), ``Nurturing employees and the Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, IL.
bottom line'', HR Focus, Vol. 74 No. 9, pp. 1-4. Wilber, K. (1993), The Spectrum of Consciousness,
Fox, M. (1994), The Reinvention of Work: a New 2nd ed., Quest Books, IL.
Vision of Livelihood for Our Time, Harper, San Wilber, K. (1996), A Brief History of Everything,
Francisco, CA. Gill & Macmillan, Dublin.

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