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Occurrence and Microbiological Characteristics of Azospirillum Strains Associated With Wheat Rhizoplane and Endorhizosphere

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Biochem. Cell. Arch. Vol. 14, No. 1, pp.

00-00, 2014 ISSN 0972-5075


S. Shubha, V. P. Savalagi1, A. Anantha Rama and G. B. Santoshagowda
Department of Agril. Microbiology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur - 584 102, India.
Department of Agril. Microbiology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, India.
(Accepted 21 March 2014 )

ABSTRACT : Azosprillum spp. were isolated from the endorhizosphere of 27 wheat genotypes and 32 Azospirillum strains
were obtained. Among these six were Azospirillum lipoferum, 13 were Azosprillum brasilense and 13 isolates could not be
grouped into either of the two categories. And all the isolates were subjected to various biochemical characterization. All the
isolates were tested for siderophore production by growing them on M-9 medium. Out of 32 isolates, 18 strains showed good
growth on the medium, where as five others showed moderate growth and rest others totally failed to grow on the medium. The
variations in the isolates might be due to the genetic variations in the plant genotypes and their properties.

Key words : Azosprillum isolates, biochemical characterization, wheat genotypes.

INTRODUCTION Azospririllum is also known to produce growth

Azospirillum has been isolated from the roots of promoting substances which augment the growth of the
numerous wild and cultivated grasses, cereals, legumes plants (Tien et al, 1979). There is a need to search for
and from tropical, sub-tropical and temperate soils world location specific high nitrogen fixing Azospirilla and
wide. Thus, it appears that Azospirillum is a universal enhance their performance in local soils. To obtain location
bacterium found almost everywhere. They are nitrogen specific high nitrogen fixing Azospirilla, isolation and
fixers, exhibiting nitrogen dependent growth under screening for efficient Azospirilla from that location is
microaerophilic conditions. It is the widely exploited necessary. Enhancement of their Nitrogen fixing ability
bioinoculant for non-leguminous crops. A free-living has been done by various methods including mutagenesis
bacterium, it is diazotrophic under microaerophilic nitrogen and recombinant DNA technology (Weniger and Van
deficient condition, a situation that is present in the Veen, 1991). One approach that has been followed was
endorhizosphere and pockets of rhizosphere. In various to obtain NH4 excreting mutants. These mutants improved
studies Azospirillum inoculations have been reported to nitrogen availability in rhizosphere (Machado et al, 1991).
reduce the use of chemical fertilizers in particular to MATERIALS AND METHODS
nitrogen by 20-50 per cent. The interactions showed better Isolation of Azospirillum
results especially when organic fertilizers were
Azospirillum was isolated form wheat roots. The
incorporated with the associative N2 fixers, Azospirillum
cultivars of wheat were used for isolation are given in
spp. in many grasses and cereals (Day and Doberiner,
Table 1. These were obtained from, Senior Scientist.,
1976). Based on physiological and morphological
MARS. Dharwad. Azospirillum cultures were isolated
difference between various strains and on DNA homology
from the roots of wheat by following the enrichment
experiments, (Tarrand et al., 1978) proposed the genus
culture techniques as described by Day and Dobereiner
Azospirillum and distinguished two species: A. brasilense
(1976). Six root bits were taken from a single cultivar of
and A. lipoferum. Studies on the taxonomy, biochemistry,
wheat and inoculated in different tubes. Tubes with white
physiology and genetics of Azospirillum have revealed a
dense pellicle formation 1-2 mm below the surface were
very interesting microorganism (Patriquin et al, 1983;
selected for further purification. The seedlings were
Hartmann et al, 2000; Stoffels et al, 2001) which serve
uprooted and washed thoroughly in running water. Root
as a model for elucidating the mode of action of beneficial
bits were initially surface sterilized using 0.1 per cent
plant-rhizobacterial interaction (Okon et al, 1988; Bashan
mercuric chloride for 30 seconds and with 70 per cent
and Holguin, 1997).
alcohol for 30 seconds to remove all the surface microflora
S. Shubha et al
present on the root bits. The root bits were thoroughly al, 1988). Production of siderophore (growth on M-9
washed with sterile distilled water to remove the traces medium) (Bachhawat and Gosh, 1987) as well as starch
of mercuric chloride and alcohol and were aseptically and gelatine hydrolysis were also tested (Martinez -Drets,
placed into 5 ml of the semisolid malate medium (NFb) 1984).
(Baladani and Dobereiner, 1980) supplemented with 50 Biochemical test
mg per litre of yeast extract to enhance the growth of
Acid from glucose (Tarrand et al., 1978)
Azospirillum. After 48 h of incubation at 29º±1ºC,
characteristic white subsurface pellicles of Azospirillum The acidified peptone medium was adjusted to 7.0-
were observed. The cells with good N2-fixing capacity in 7.1pH with KOH. The medium was dispensed in 5ml
N2 deficient conditions will only form the subsurface quantities in test tubes and sterilized. Filter sterilized glucose
pellicle. The above mentioned procedure was repeated was added to a final concentration of one per cent. 48 h
several times to purify the culture. From these tubes old cultures from test tube slants were taken and
loopful of culture was taken and streaked on NFb agar suspended in sterile phosphate buffer saline and 0.1 ml of
plates supplemented with 50 mg yeast extract per litre to culture was inoculated into the medium. After a period of
obtain single colonies. These single colonies were further four days of incubation at 29ºC, the appearance of yellow
transferred to semisolid NFb medium. Here the pellicle colour indicated acid production.
formation in this medium was taken as an indication that Catalase activity
the isolate is Azospirillum. For final purification these To test the isolates for the presence of catalase, 3%
cultures were streaked on to BMS potato agar (Baldani H‚ O‚ was added to the single colony and release of
and Dobereiner, 1980) Congo red medium (Rodriguez- bubbles was recorded as catalase positive.
Caceres, 1982) and on Luria agar and the colony
morphology was observed. Urease activity
Identification of the isolates The urease activity was determined by using the
method of (Philpot, 1967). 24 h old culture was streaked
The tentatively identified Azospirillum isolates were on the Christensens medium (Weniger, 1946) slants.
subjected to morphological and biochemical activities. For Development of deep red colour throughout the medium
all the tests along with isolates a reference strain A. when incubated at 29ºC for four days showed the cultures
brasilense was used for comparison. were urease positive.
Cultural and Morphological Description Phosphatase activity
Putative Azospirillum colonies were selected on the The presence or absence of phosphatases in dense
basis of the culture plate morphology characteristics suspension of resting cell was determined according to
namely: opacity, pale to deep pink pigmentation, no slimy method of (Burger, 1967). The substrate used for the test
and wrinkled. Selected colonies were picked up and of enzyme activity was P-nitrophenol which is yellow in
cultured on NA slants. alkaline solution, 0.3 ml suspension of resting cells were
Morphological Description of the Vegetative cells mixed with 0.3 ml of P-nitrophenol phosphate solution
Azospirillum was examined for cell-shape, Gram and was incubated for 6 h at 37ºC. The presence of acid
reaction, inclusions and motility in the semisolid malate phophatase was confirmed when a yellow colour was
medium after 1-3 days. Polymorphism was recorded after developed on addition of 0.3 ml of glycine NaOH buffer.
2, 7 and 15 days of incubation. Other biochemical tests
Physiological and Biochemical tests Further, the strains were checked for the growth on
For species determination, utilization of different triple sugar iron slants, eosine methylene blue agar,
carbon- sources was performed either in aerobic or MacConkey agar, MRVP broth, sellers slants and for the
anaerobic conditions. The bacterial strains were grown growth in presence of 1 per cent bile and 1 per cent
in semisolid malate medium containing carbohydrate glycine. Further, the strains were also checked for starch
together with a pH indicator (Bromothymol blue) (Hugh hydrolysis, growth at pH 6.0, salt tolerance at 3 per cent
and Leifson, 1953). The development of a yellow colour and 4.5 per cent NaCl. All these experiments were done
during 96 h incubation at 30ºC indicated acidification. The to characterize Azospirillum according to Bergey’s
tests involved catalase activity, determination test, growth manual of Determinative Bacteriology (VIII edition). The
in the presence of 3 % NaCl and growth on the amino ability of isolate to use different carbon sources as sole
acid L-Histidine as a sole C and N source (Hartmann et carbon was tried. The malate free NFb was prepared
Microbiological characteristics of Azospirillum strains
Table 1 : Different genotypes of wheat and their Azospirillum isolates.
Isolate No. Wheat genotype Isolate No. Source
WAS- 1 DWR-185 WAS-17 C-306
WAS-2 MSS- 3063 WAS-18 JWS-35
WAS-3 DDK-1009 WAS-19 NW-1085
WAS-4 DWR-241 WAS-20 MP-1090
WAS-5 DWR-240 WAS-21 PBW-175
WAS-6 C-306 WAS-22 MP-5010
WAS-7 C-306 WAS-23 NIAW-381
WAS-8 DT-115 WAS-24 PBN-3287
WAS-9 HW-2028 WAS-25 K-9744
WAS-10 WH-717 WAS-26 HO-2765
WAS-11 HI-1471 WAS-27 NI-5439
WAS-12 K-80627 WAS-28 HI-1474
WAS-13 HI-1471 WAS-29 UP-2472
WAS-14 NIAW-296 WAS-30 Filler-3
WAS-15 UP-2472 WAS-31 Filler-4
WAS-16 K-9741 WAS-32 Up-2472

with respective 1 per cent carbon sources. The different WAS-28 however, showed weak growth. Only WAS-10
carbon sources used were citrate, aconitate, isocitrate, strain could utilize glutamate as sole carbon source. Eleven
á-ketoglutarate, succinate, fumarate, L- malate, isolates could grow in the presence of 1 per cent bile
oxaloacetate, pyruvate, L-lactate, malonate, acetate, â- concentration and 13 strains showed good response in
hydroxybutyrate, n-propanol, L-histidine, L-tyrosine, L- triple sugar iron slants. Out of 32 isolates, 15 isolates
phenylalanine, L-alanine, L-glutamate, L-aspartate, L- required biotin for its growth. Growth was observed at
asparagine, L-proline, L-hydroxyproline, L-serine, glycine, pH 6.0, in only 5 isolates. Azospirillum is a general root
putrescine, D-gluconate, D-mannitol, D-fructose, glycerol. colonizer and is not a plant-specific bacterium (Bashan
The growth from the Master plate Luria agar was and Holguin, 1997; Hartmann and Baldani, 2006). In the
replicated on different plates containing medium with present investigation 32 spirilla were isolated from the
different carbon sources and plates were incubated at endorhizosphere of different wheat genotypes. After
29ºC and readings were observed after 2 h of incubation. several transfers, 15 strains were identified as bacteria
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION belonging to the genus Azospirillum based on to their
common cultural and cell morphological characteristics.
Investigations were carried out to isolate native
The characteristics were the formation of a veil like pellicle
isolates of Azospirillum from wheat rhizoplane and
or ballon often 10mm below the surface of semi solid N-
endorhizosphere. The isolates were further identified
free media. The formation of this pellicle is due to an
based on their physiological characteristics. All the isolates
aerotactic response of the motile bacteria towards low
formed subsurface pellicle in the semi solid medium. The
levels of PO4 that permit N2 fixation (Okon, 1985). The
isolates were urease positive, could grow in anaerobic
dissolved O2 concentration in the media was just enough
condition in presence of nitrate phosphatase positive, could
for optimal respiration rates without inhibiting N2 fixation
grow in anaerobic condition in presence of nitrate
(Day and Dobereiner, 1976), as a result of nitrogenase
phosphatase positive and most of them were catalase
positive, however but some of the isolates showed weak
catalase activity (WAS-3, WAS-5, WAS-19, WAS-27, Utilization of carbon compounds
WAS-29 and WAS-31). None of the isolates could The ability of isolates to use several carbonaceous
produce H2S from cystine or could utilize gelatine. All the compounds as sole carbon source were checked using
isolates did not grow on EMB agar, one per cent bile, 31 different carbon sources. The observations were taken
MacConkey agar, MRVP broth and sellers slants. None with respect to growth in comparison with malate as
of the strains could hydrolyse the starch. Very few strains control. The results obtained are presented in Table 2. All
WAS-6, WAS-11, WAS-29, WAS-30 could utilize the isolated strains could utilize citrate, L- malate,
succinate as sole carbon source. WAS-31 could utilize oxaloacetate, pyruvate, L-lactate, â- hydroxybutyrate, D-
succinate as sole carbon source and WAS-20, WAS-26, gluconate, D-mannitol and glycerol. Screening of different
Table 2 : Utilization of different compounds as the sole carbon sources by Azospirillum isolates.
Isolate Citrate Aconitate Isocitrate α –ketoglu Succinate Fumarate L-malate Oxaloac- Pyruvate L-lactate Malonate Acetate β–Hydroxy- n-
tarate etate butyrate propanol
WAS-1 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -
WAS-2 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -
WAS-3 + - - - + + + + + + - - + -
WAS-4 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -
WAS-5 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -
WAS-6 + - - - +/- + + + + + - + + -
WAS-7 + - - - - + + + + + + - + +
WAS-8 + - - + - +/- + + + + + - + -
WAS-9 + - - - - +/- + + + + + - + -
WAS-10 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -
WAS-11 + + - + +/- + + + + + - - + -
WAS-12 + - - - - + + + + + + - + -
WAS-13 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -
WAS-14 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -

S. Shubha et al
WAS-15 + - - - - +/- + + + + - - + -
WAS-16 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -
WAS-17 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -
WAS-18 + - - - - +/- + + + +/- + - + -
WAS-19 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -
WAS-20 + + - + +/- + + + + + - - + -
WAS-21 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -
WAS-22 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -
WAS-23 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -
WAS-24 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -
WAS-25 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -
WAS-26 + - - + + + + + + + - - + -
WAS-27 + - - - - + + + + + + - + -
WAS-28 + - - + + + + + + + - - + -
WAS-29 + - - + + +/- + + + + - - + -
WAS-30 + - - + + + + + + + - - + -
WAS-31 + - - - + + + + + + - - + -
WAS-32 + - - - - + + + + + - - + -
A.brasilence - - - - + + + + + + - - + -
A.lipoferum + - - - + + + + + + - - + -

Table 2 contd...
Table 2 : Utilization of different compounds as the sole carbon sources by Azospirillum isolates (Contd....).
Isolate L- L- L-Phenyl- L- L-Glu- L-Aspar- L- L-Hydroxl L- Glycine Putres- D-Gl- D-Glu- D- D- Glyce- L-aspp-
histidine Tyrosine alanine Alanine tomate agine Proline proline serine cine ucose conate Mannitol fructose rol artate

WAS-1 + - - + - + + + - - - - + + + + -
WAS-2 - - - - + - - - - - - + + + +
WAS-3 - - - - + - - - - - ++ + + + -
WAS-4 - - - - - - - - - - - + + + +
WAS-5 + - - - - - + + - - - +/- + + + + +
WAS-6 - - + - - - - - - - +/- + + + -
WAS-7 - - - - + - - - - - +/- + + + -
WAS-8 - - - - - - - - - - - + + + -

Microbiological characteristics of Azospirillum strains

WAS-9 - - - - - - - - - - - + + + -
WAS-10 - - + - - - - - - - - + + + -
WAS-11 - - - - - - - - - - ++ + + + -
WAS-12 + - - - - + + + - - - +/- + + + + +
WAS-13 - - - - - - - - - - +/- + + + -
WAS-14 - - + - - - - - - - +/- + + + -
WAS-15 - - - - - - - - - - +/- + + + -
WAS-16 - - - - + + + - - - +/- + + + +
WAS-17 + - - - - - + + - - - +/- + + + + -
WAS-18 - - - - + + + - - - +/- + +/- +/- +
WAS-19 - - - - - - - - - - +/- + + + -
WAS-20 - - - - - - - - - - +/- + + + -
WAS-21 - - - - - - - - - - +/- + + + -
WAS-22 - - + - + + + - - - +/- + + + +
WAS-23 - - - - + - - - - - +/- + + + -
WAS-24 + - - - + + + + - - - +/- + + + + -
WAS-25 - - + - - - - - - - +/- + + + -
WAS-26 - - - - - - - - - - +/- + + + -
WAS-27 - - + - - - - - - - ++ + + + -
WAS-28 - - - - - - - - - - + + + + -
WAS-29 + - - + - + + - - - - - + + + + -
WAS-30 - - - - - - + - - - ++ + + + -
WAS-31 - - - - - - - - - - - + + + -
WAS-32 - - - - - - - - - - - + + + -
A.brasilence - - - - - - - - - - - - + + - + -
A.lipoferum + - - + - + + + - - - + + + +/- + -
+ Normal growth +/- Weak growth - No growth.
S. Shubha et al
Table 3 : Morphological characteristics of Azospirillum isolates on different growth medium.
Tests Cell Motility Gram Polymor- Growth in Growth in Growth in Catalase Gelatin Starch
organism shape stain phism 3% NaCl M9 medium JNFB medium activity hydrolysis hydrolysis
WAS-1 Ovoid + - + + ++ - + - -
WAS-2 Curved + - - +/- + - + - -
WAS-3 Curved + - - +/- - - +/- - -
WAS-4 Curved + - - +/- ++ - + - -
WAS-5 Ovoid + - + + + - +/- - -
WAS-6 Curved + - - +/- ++ - + - -
WAS-7 Curved + - - +/- - - + - -
WAS-8 Rod + - - +/- - - + - -
WAS-9 Curved + - - + - - + - -
WAS-10 Curved + - - + + - + - -
WAS-11 Curved + - - +/- - - + - -
WAS-12 Ovoid + - + + ++ - + - -
WAS-13 Curved + - - + - - + - -
WAS-14 Rod + - - + - - + - -
WAS-15 Curved + - - +/- ++ - + - -
WAS-16 Curved + - - +/- - - + - -
WAS-17 Ovoid + - + + - - + - -
WAS-18 Curved + - - + ++ - + - -
WAS-19 Curved + - - +/- - - +/- - -
WAS-20 Curved + - - +/- - - + - -
WAS-21 Rod + - - + - - + - -
WAS-22 Curved + - - +/- - - + - -
WAS-23 Curved + - - + ++ - + - -
WAS-24 Ovoid + - + + + - + - -
WAS-25 Curved + - - +/- + - + - -
WAS-26 Rod + - - +/- + - + - -
WAS-27 Curved + - - +/- + - +/- - -
WAS-28 Curved + - - + + - + - -
WAS-29 Ovoid + - + + + - + - -
WAS-30 Curved + - - +/- - - + - -
WAS-31 Rod + - - +/- - - +/- - -
WAS-32 Rod + - - +/- + - + - -
A.brasilence Curved + - - +/- + - + - -
A.lipoferum Ovoid + - + + + - + - -

strains for carbohydrate utilization differed markedly with ketoglutarate as sole carbon source. None of the isolates
respect to the Azospirillum species and to the carbon could utilize isocitrate. Six strains could utilize succinate
source. However, all the 32 strains effectively oxidized and three of them however showed only weak growth.
the tested organic acids (Succinate, Malate and Pyruvate) All the isolates except 5 strains WAS-8, WAS-9, WAS-
when used as a sole carbon source auzanotrophically [in 15, WAS-18 and WAS-29 showed good growth on
presence of (NH2SO4)]. The preference of the organic fumarate medium. On L-lactate as sole carbon source,
acids by different Azospirillum species was reported all strains except WAS-18 showed good growth. On
earlier by (Reinhold et al, 1985). This can be explained malonate as sole carbon source, growth was observed in
on the basis that organic acids were the major source of only 6 strains. In acetate as carbon source, only WAS-6
nutrients for the microflora in the rhizosphere (Curl and strain could show good growth. Only WAS-7 isolate could
Truelove, 1986). utilize n-propanol as sole carbon source. None of the
On aconitate, growth was observed in only WAS -11 isolates could utilize L-histidine, L-tyrosine, L-
and WAS-20 strains. Only seven isolates could utilize á- phenylalanine, L-serine, glycine and putrescine. Only 7
among the 32 isolates could utilize L-alanine as a sole
Microbiological characteristics of Azospirillum strains
carbon source. On L- aspargaine as a sole carbon source approach and the Lon gene was found to be involved in
8 isolates could grow well. On L-proline, only few isolates the iron uptake of A. brasilense (Mori et al, 1992). Our
could grow well. 4 isolates grew well on L-hydroxy Azospirillum strains were examined for siderophore
proline. In D-glucose as a sole carbon source, only 6 production by testing their capability to grow in iron limiting
isolates could grew very well. All others showed weak (M-9) medium (Hugh and Leifson, 1953). Table 3 indicates
growth. Only 7 strains could utilize L- aspirate as sole that seven strains are able to grow well in the later medium,
carbon source. The additions of certain carbon source whereas three other strains exhibited moderate growth
encourage the growth of certain group of bacteria. For and the remaining strains cannot grow in that special
instance, addition of manitol or glucose in N2- free medium medium. More studies are needed to examine the
leads to the frequent isolation of Azotobacteraceae efficiency of such indigenous Azospirillum strains as it is
(Thompson et al, 1979), whereas malate leads to the well proved that native strains perform better in all the
isolation of Azospirillum (Okon et al, 1977) In the present plant nutrient management rather than new strain isolated
study, Azospirillum was isolated and enriched from the from elsewhere in plant microbial interactions studies
rhizosphere, rhizoplane or bulk soil using the nitrogen-free which could be better utilized for plant nutrient
biotin medium (NFb) in which L-malic was the sole C- management aspects.
source. Although reports on the isolation of Azospirillum REFERENCES
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