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Newsletter 8 211020

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Sandiway Primary School Newsletter

Newsletter 8 Wednesday 21st October 2020 Autumn Term 2020
Halloween Day very important matter that will be in our area, but I also want parents to
Just a quick reminder to say that the close to your hearts and one that you know that your children are happy in
children are welcome to wear their will have seen significant media school – it’s one less worry you need
Halloween outfits this Friday (or own coverage over the past 6 months. to have.
clothes) – we There is no doubt that all of us have Having said all this, I know that
are asking for a been affected with the pandemic and some children have been more
£2 donation the sudden changes enforced upon affected and they need more support
towards PTA our lives. As adults, we do our best to – as do some families. I wanted to
funds. Each child shield the children from all harm and share with you some of the ways we
will be receiving this situation is no different. However, are supporting all the children and
a ‘goodie bag’ at children have very much been in the smaller numbers of children to help
the end of the day. middle of the crisis with the closure of their mental well-being. I also know
schools - the very places that we work that some children are very good at
PTA AGM meeting hard to make safe, happy and secure. showing a brave face, but inside they
Thank you to the parents who took I am very happy that all the hard work are hurting. As experienced staff, we
time out yesterday evening to attend to establish strong COVID-19 are constantly watching, talking and
the PTA meeting; I was delighted with measures has helped to keep our working with children to identify if
all the enthusiasm. I am looking school community safe and I am there are hidden worries that we can
forward to working with the PTA over grateful to all members of the help with. As parents, please let us
the coming year, having fun as well as community for working hard to this know if we have missed anything or
making important differences for the end. As I type, we have had no you are more aware – we only see the
children this children off school with a positive children for 6 hours a day for 5 days –
year. Please case and only a few families have you see them at other times when
see a brief been affected in terms of self- they may open up and chat.
report with the newsletter email. isolation; I am sure that the time will • More physical exercise – outside,
come that we are more affected, but if possible: we all know the
Parent LAB elections until then, we will continue to follow benefits of being in the fresh air
I am delighted to welcome Emma our risk assessments to keep our and exercise – each class has at
Zouhbi to the Local Academy Board as school open. least 3 opportunities each week for
your newly elected parent member. Back to my original point: having the this. We are lucky to have such a
My thanks go to all three candidates children in school for as much as good space outside; the children
for putting themselves forward and to possible means really enjoy being out and
all parents who took time to read the that they can begin we will do this as much as
information and make their vote; we to return to possible – please equip the
had a really good voting turn-out. normality. I am children with outdoor
genuinely seeing clothing each day – it’s less
Photos many happy fun when you are cold and
We were able to take photographs of children enjoying wet.
individuals and sibling groups their lessons and • Time to talk – each
maintaining safety measures of not time with their class has designated time
mixing groups in the school hall. You teachers and to talk, at an appropriate
should have your photo proofs by the friends. Yes, we have measures that level, about all sorts of things. We
end of the week – please note that all mean they can’t mix with other year recognise that there is more to life
orders are now completed online, groups, nor can they swap seats in than coronavirus – we talk about
dealing with Tempest directly. Full classrooms or lunchtimes; I know that many different things, as well as
instructions are on the proof. Please some children miss this. However, the current issues.
do not send any orders back to normality of lessons, fun, interactions • Exploring worries – having a space
school, as you will have done with friends/teachers, assemblies, to share worries (through a worry
previously. team points, awards, school lunches, box, or equivalent), but
playing outside, etc all contribute to a importantly time to manage these
Well-being return to normality. I know that worries, techniques to shrink them
As we get to the end of the first half parents are still being affected by or turn them into a positive.
term, I wanted to update you with a what is becoming a growing concern
• Individual support – we have our grounds whilst collecting School Lunches
experienced staff in school who special items, activities on the Thank you to the kitchen staff: Donna,
are taking time out with individuals climbing wall, challenging Angie and Sue, for their hard work
where necessary – parents will also ourselves to run further/faster/for during a challenging time. We have
be informed where there are more longer on the Golden Mile (beating gone from a minimal service, to
significant concerns. Two members their own targets). serving lunches in classrooms, to
of staff are trained in ‘ELSA’ – this • Normality – very many parents being able to serve an increased
means Emotional Literacy Support have already contacted me by selection of food in the dinner hall in
Assistant’ – training that helps email or in person to say how controlled sittings to prevent classes
children to understand, articulate delighted they are that school has from mixing within our measures.
and manage their emotions returned to normal (normal as After half-term, we will be adding
through a variety of activities and possible) – it’s made a big more choices and returning to a
techniques – they have had really difference to families and I am three-week menu cycle. The school
positive effects with a number of grateful for the positive comments. lunches are delicious and children
children in our school through • Celebrating our success – through really enjoy them each day. Due to
their short, regular one-to-one assemblies each week, some of the measures we have in
sessions. Headteacher awards, many special place – the queuing is much better
• Finishing the day in a positive way Headteacher stickers to (something that I know put
– the last few moments of each gain extra some children off – a positive
day are important – we want outcome of changing some
children to tell you all about the procedures in school!).
lovely activities they have been Please see the school website
involved in – we remind the for the updated menus
children what they have which will appear at the
achieved at the end of the end of the week. Baked
day so they should have lots potatoes will also appear
to tell you when you say again and we will be
“How was your day? reducing the sandwich
What did you enjoy choice with a hope that
doing?”. more children will choose a
• Well-being sessions – hot lunch and fewer choosing
each class has a half a sandwiches on a regular basis. Please
recognition and
day, or equivalent, talk through our new menus with the
individual classes
that is set- children during the holiday so they
have little extra
know what they would like to choose.
Short Reports
• Complementing each other – it’s You will be receiving an email
easy to criticize, but complements tomorrow afternoon with a short
are sometimes less forthcoming – report; this is instead of a parent’s
as staff, we make sure we share evening this term. I know that many
our positivity with children and are parents greatly value the face-to-face
all finding that this is contagious. meeting and interaction when
Children have said some lovely discussing children – we hope to be
things about each other – they able to explore this next term. If you
aside for
would bring tears to your eyes would like to discuss anything with
activities that they
(happy tears!). teachers, please contact them by
can look forward to that support
• Sharing on social media – email initially and we can arrange a
their feeling of well-being.
sometimes we need to show off a short meeting, as necessary.
Activities that have already taken
bit more; this isn’t why we do what
place include: time in our wild End of the half term
we do, but it is important that our
area, shelter building, yoga I wish you all a happy and restful half
school community see what we get
techniques, mindfulness, dance, term holiday – the children have
up to – please follow us on Twitter
art-based activities ‘just for the fun worked so hard for the past 8 weeks –
(or look at the feed on the school
of it’, sitting round a fire/toasting I am very proud of their
website). The children love the
marshmallows, outdoor activities, achievements, which I know have
feeling of their success being
more PE/sports sessions, drama been reflected in the children’s short
shared for the world to see.
sessions, a simple treat/watch a report statements. Chris Priddey
short film/popcorn, a walk around

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