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E1: FDA: Frequently Asked Questions On Form Design Aid (Doc ID 626557.1)

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26/10/2020 Document 626557.

Copyright (c) 2020, Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle Confidential.

E1: FDA: Frequently Asked Questions on Form Design Aid (Doc ID 626557.1)

In this Document

Questions and Answers
General Questions
Question 1: Where can I find additional information on Form Design Aid (FDA)?
Question 2: Why some application shows blank form with just standard button and empty grid that says "No records
found" ?
Question 3: How can I determine what tables are updated by a specific form?
Question 4: Can you modify a version of an Interactive Application within Form Design Aid?
Question 5: What is considered a significant modification to a Standard Application?
Form Types
Question 1: What Form Types can be Created in FDA?
Question 2: What are Power Forms?
Question 3: Why does the form mode change automatically from Update Mode to Add Mode?
Question 4: Why does a Headerless Detail defined as an entry point open in Update Mode rather then Add Mode?
Question 5: What determines the value that is returned from a Search and Select Form?
Question 6: Why is a new Search and Select Form not available from the Visual Assist tab in Data Dictionary?
Question 7: In a Headerless Detail form, why is an UPDATE statement issued upon all the rows in the grid?
Question 8: In a Headerless Detail or Header Detail form, is there a grid feature to prevent users from adding records
in the grid?
Question 9: How does a form that allows for adds and updates determine whether it is in Add mode or Update mode?
Question 10: Is there a way to prevent a Headerless Detail form from exiting upon pressing the OK button?
Question 11: How can I get a Header Detail to automatically populate the grid when the form is opened through a
Form Interconnect?
Question 12: How do I design Portlet Forms in Form Design Aid?
Question 13: How to identify applications using a specific form type ?
Question 14: How to set form mode to Add mode on entry into Headerless Detail form that is not attached with a
business view
Question 1: How do I define a grid to work with Multiple Select?
Question 2: How do you use a Combo Box?
Question 3: How do I indicate that a field is a required field on a form and have an error result if the field is left
Question 4: When attempting to change the font on a field in FDA, I am not seeing the change?
Question 5: How do you make Radio Buttons mutually exclusive?
Question 6: How can I specify a default radio button on a form?
Question 7: What controls when tabs will display side-by-side or in a dropdown menu on web clients?
Question 8: Is there a way to control the display of the tab pages between displaying across the form or displaying in
a dropdown list?
Question 9: Text Block Control font style and size is not saved.
Question 10: Is there a way to format static text on the form so it displays in italic, bold or underline?
Question 11: Can Grid Control display side by side to the left of Media Object Control ? 1/24
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Question 12: Is it possible to move the grid entry row to the top instead of scroll to the end to access the blank row ?
Question 13: Is it possible to disable the blank character defaulted in empty Edit controls ?
Question 14: Is it possible to add form controls in message forms?
Question 15: Is it possible to merge two existing forms to create a new form ?For example , is it possible to merge
form A and form B to create a form C?
Menu/Toolbar Exits
Question 1: After creating a new Row/Form Exit on an Application, why does it not display when running the
Question 2: Why are the sequence button on the toolbar and the sequence grid option disabled when running certain
Question 3: How can I add a Bitmap to a Row or Form Exit?
Question 4: For some Form/Row exits in an application, the Form/Row exit disappears when user tries to select it.
Question 5: Form/Row exit disabled via ER system function Disable Control does not display on the web client, why?
Question 6: Sub Menu on the Application Menu Does Not Go Away When Navigating Multiple Sub Menus
Question 7: Is there a way to suppress the delete confirmation dialog box when users press the standard Delete
action button on an EnterpriseOne form?
Question 8: Which table contains row and form exit descriptions?
Question 9: Is there a way to increase the icon size of Menu/Toolbar Exits?
Question 1: In Headerless Detail form event 'Row Is Entered' is not fired on selecting last empty grid row for event
rule processing
Question 2: In Headerless Detail or Find Browse form event 'Row Is Entered' is not fired when first row is auto-
selected on entry
Event Rules
Question 1: How are Event Rules used within Form Design Aid?
Question 2: ER system function Hide Grid Row takes a long time to process in interactive applications.
Question 3: ER system function Update Segment does not re-load the javascript coding in Text Block Control. The
javascript coding calls a windows executable using function LaunchApp passing in a grid column variable.
Question 4: ER system function Insert Grid Buffer Row generates warning below in the jas log, what does it mean?
Question 5: Is there a way to change the color of a button using ER in FDA?
Question 1: When adding a new business view field to the grid of a standard E1 application, the field is not being
populated to the table?
Question 2: After adding some additional columns to my table, business view and application, the new fields do not
display on selects and are not being updated to the table? AS400 Specific
Other Functionality
Question 1: How can I determine within Form Design Aid if Vocabulary Overrides exist for any fields on the form?
Question 2: How is QBE Functionality set in FDA? What causes a QBE Column to be disabled or grayed-out?
Question 3: How do you program Hot Keys in an application?
Question 4: How do I integrate Form Design Aid with Oracle Business Intelligence?
Question 5: How to change tab sequence of a form in FDA?
Question 6: Starting with tools release 9.1, form designed as Search and Select in FDA opens as inline pop-up window
via ER form interconnect or Visual Assist.
Question 7: Is it possible to resize a modal search form window which is opened as inline pop-up window via ER form
interconnect or Visual Assist in 9.2.* tools release?
Question 8: In tools release 9.1.2.x/9.1.3.x on a web development client, Applications with a grid does not display the
grid column headers on entry when launched using Run HTML Only from Interactive Versions/OMW. A white 2/24
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rectangle displays instead.

Question 9: How to find the Entry Point form name in an application so that the form name can be populated in ER
system function Dynamic Form Interconnect(Web Only)
Question 10: Add Effective Date functionality to UDC
Question 11: How do you enable both check boxes so that the form can be run on both the Windows client and the
Web client?
Question 12: How to display a custom message or a pop-up message from an existing form?
Question 13: Is it possible to set Modal forms to always open in Maximized mode or Non-Maximize mode?
Question 14: Is it possible to embed a JAVA tool or applet in form by using FDA ?
Question 15: What designates the version called from an application?
Question 16: Is there a report or cross reference program that provides a list of modal forms that are used?
Question 1: How do I activate logging to troubleshoot an application on a Web Development workstation?
Question 2: After upgrading to a new release level, is there a way to compare the application in the current release to
the previous release?
Question 3: How to find custom code that is causing issue ?



JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools - Version 8.98 and later

Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document contains answers to frequently asked questions on Form Design Aid (FDA).


General Questions

Question 1: Where can I find additional information on Form Design Aid (FDA)?

Answer 1: The E1: FDA: Form Design Aid Information Center is the best place to start when looking for information about
Form Design Aid (FDA). This Information Center outlines helpful resources to leverage when using Form Design Aid.

Additionally, information on Form Design Aid (FDA) can also be found within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Development Tools: Form Design Aid Guide which is located at the Oracle Documentation site at

Select your appropriate Tools Release level to access the documentation specific for your release level.

In addition, refer to Document 626556.1 E1: FDA: Overview of Using Form Design Aid for an overview of using Form Design

Question 2: Why some application shows blank form with just standard button and empty grid that says "No records
found" ? 3/24
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Answer 2: When fast path to an application that shows this:

This application is not designed to run, it is designed as a place to keep processing options for master business function since
business function does not have processing options

Question 3: How can I determine what tables are updated by a specific form?

Answer 3: In order to determine what tables are updated by a specific form, you must determine the business view being
used by the form. In order to do this, focus on the form within Form Design Aid either by select the form in the Application
Tree View or focusing on the form in the design window. The business view name will display in the Property Browser
Window. If this window does not display, make sure the option for Property Browser is selected under the View pull down
menu in FDA. 4/24
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Once you determine the Business View, within Object Management Workbench (OMW) search for and locate the business
view, add it to a project and select design. Then select the option for the Business View Design Aid. Within Business View
Design Aid you can determine the table(s) that are included in the business view. This shows what tables will be updated by
the form using that business view.

NOTE: Property settings are available on the form to determine whether the form performs inserts and updates based on
the business view. Many standard, complex EnterpriseOne transaction forms do not use the business view to perform the
updates, but instead use Master Business Functions within the Event Rules to control the insert and update of data.

Question 4: Can you modify a version of an Interactive Application within Form Design Aid?

Answer 4: No. Versions of interactive applications do not have specifications. All design changes to an interactive application
must be made at the template level. Multiple versions of Interactive Applications are used only to establish different
processing option values for the application.

Question 5: What is considered a significant modification to a Standard Application?

Answer 5: Here are some examples of what would be considered significant modifications to an EnterpriseOne standard
application. 5/24
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The list is not all inclusive, but merely gives some examples.

Moving Event Rules from one event to another.

Modification of a Master Business Function.
Any extensive change to event rules.
Any extensive change to a "C" or "NER" business function.
Change to the application to use a different business view.
Change to an existing business view to include a new table.
Change of table used by an application.

NOTE: Oracle Support does not support custom modifications of standard EnterpriseOne objects. Oracle Support will try its
best to provide recommendations and/or workarounds if issues arise due to the modification, but there is no guarantee
that the issue will be corrected. If an issue arises due to custom modification, Oracle Support recommends the services of
Oracle Consulting, which is a billable activity for the customer.

Form Types

Question 1: What Form Types can be Created in FDA?

Answer 1: The form type establishes the basic functionality of a form. Each form type has default controls and processes.
The available form types within Form Design Aid are:

Header Detail
Headerless Detail
Search & Select
Message Form
Parent/Child Browse Forms
Power Browse Forms
Power Edit Forms
Portlet Forms
Wizard Forms

Question 2: What are Power Forms?

Answer 2: Power Forms are web-only application forms that, through the use of the subform control, enable users to view
multiple, interrelated views of data, grids, and tab pages on one form and to pass logic between them. The tab pages can
have their own business views, and these business views can communicate with each other and can update based on data
selection and changes that occur in other business views on the form. In this way, you can simplify navigation tasks for users.

Power forms have these general properties:

All regular controls except a parent child control can be placed on a power form.
Multiple tab controls are permitted.
The maximize grid feature is supported for all grids.
All power form (and subform) errors and warnings are shown from the error button on the power form.
Power forms contain vertical and horizontal scroll bars.

Hierarchical relationships govern the processing between containers in the application. The power form enables you to create
hierarchies based on Business Views using power forms and subform controls. A power form always resides at the top of the
hierarchy. It is a parent form, and can have multiple subform children. Subforms also can function as parent forms, and they
can have multiple children. All subforms must have at least one parent power form or subform. At most, you can have three
levels, including the initial power form, in a power form hierarchy.

EnterpriseOne offers two types of Power Forms: browse and edit. 6/24
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For more information on Power Forms, refer to the following documents:

Document 1311243.1 E1: FDA: Frequently Asked Questions on Power Forms

Document 664577.1 E1: FDA: Document on Best Practice Guidelines for Developing Power Form Applications

Question 3: Why does the form mode change automatically from Update Mode to Add Mode?

Answer 3: When opening a form in UPDATE_MODE or COPY_MODE, the engine will use the values passed in the form
interconnect variables that correspond to the primary key associated to the tables in the business view for the form. Using
these keys, a fetch is performed. If these keys do not match any existing data or if the engine is not able to retrieve any value
from the table, the form mode will automatically change to ADD_MODE as it assumes that since no existing record was
retrieved a new record is to be added.

This functions according to design.

Question 4: Why does a Headerless Detail defined as an entry point open in Update Mode rather then Add Mode?

Answer 4: The Headerless Detail form is opening in Update mode instead of Add mode because of a corrupt record in one of
the related tables. When a Headerless Detail form opens, it performs a select for the business view with blank values for the
key fields. Typically this should result in no records being selected and the form is in Add Mode. However, if a record is
returned then the form opens in Update Mode.

To resolve the issue, locate the corrupt record within the table with all blanks in the key fields. Delete this record. Once this
record is deleted, the form will open correctly in Add Mode with both header and grid empty.

Question 5: What determines the value that is returned from a Search and Select Form?

Answer 5:The value that is returned from a Search and Select Form is based on the data structure that is assigned to that
form. Generally the data structure associated with a Search and Select Form should only contain one item in the data
structure and that is the value that you wish to return from the form.

Question 6: Why is a new Search and Select Form not available from the Visual Assist tab in Data Dictionary?

Answer 6: Prior to being able to select a newly added custom Search and Select form from the Search Form > Browse button
in the Visual Assist tab in Work with Data Dictionary, the application must be checked-in.

Check-in the newly added application containing the Search and Select Form in OMW and then the browse form will display for

Question 7: In a Headerless Detail form, why is an UPDATE statement issued upon all the rows in the grid?

Answer 7: This is the way the runtime engine works by design. If you change a field's value in the headerless detail form,
the system will issue an UPDATE on the underlying business view, for the grid rows, even if the change that is made is not
part of the business view.

If you need the form edit fields not to affect the updates upon the grid's business view (for example, when you need to write
audit information on each UPDATE), use a Header Detail type of form rather than a Headerless Detail form.

Note: In tools release and above, there is a known issue in this behavior which is reported in code bug. Bug
below pop up message when web runtime issues table update on table column set up with inclusive row security 7/24
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Change=N though user has not changed the value in the grid column. This confuses users who think the message is for
the grid column value they are allowed to update.

"JAS_MSG349: Row Securiity Violation - Update operation is not allowed on table" including message in jas log "
[UPDATE_VALUE_NOT_VALID_FOR_FIELD] Update value xx not valid for field Table.DDAlias"

Bug 30063652 is fixed in Tools and above.

Question 8: In a Headerless Detail or Header Detail form, is there a grid feature to prevent users from adding records
in the grid?

Answer 8: In the Grid properties, in the Options tab, select the check box (No Adds on Update Grid). When this feature is
turned on, an empty grid row will not be displayed at the bottom of the grid on entry into the form.

Question 9: How does a form that allows for adds and updates determine whether it is in Add mode or Update

Answer 9: Upon initially opening a form, a SQL select statement occurs based on the key values of the form. If a record is
retrieved from that select statement, then the form is in Update mode. This generally occurs when data is passed to the form
within the form interconnect. If no record is retrieved, then the form is in Add mode. This generally occurs when calling the
form without passing data into the form interconnect.

If a corrupt record exists in the table with all blanks/nulls in the key fields, the application will select it upon initially opening
the form and put the form into update mode and disables (gray out) primary key field controls. It will not go into add mode
unless no record is found when doing the select. Removing the corrupt record will resolve this potential issue.

For web client, when you click the find button in header detail form, if there is no error on the filter fields, the form will always
switch from ADD to UPDATE mode. This is working as designed.

Question 10: Is there a way to prevent a Headerless Detail form from exiting upon pressing the OK button? 8/24
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Answer 10: The Headerless Detail form will always close after clicking OK on the form. This functions as designed.

There are a couple available workaround options for the Web Client and the Windows Client. On the Web Client, the system
function Set Save Behavior on OK can be used Set the form behavior after the OK button is clicked. On the Windows client,
the form interconnect can be defined as a modeless interconnect. Refer to Document 642370.1 E1: FDA: How to Remain in
Form after Clicking OK Button on a Headerless Detail Form.

Question 11: How can I get a Header Detail to automatically populate the grid when the form is opened through a
Form Interconnect?

Answer 11: To have a Header/Headerless Detail form automatically populate the grid with the appropriate information,
create the appropriate key fields as filter fields in the header portion of the form. Select the grid property option of
"Automatically Find on Entry" to pre-load the grid upon entry into the form based on the key values populated in the header
through the form interconnect.

Question 12: How do I design Portlet Forms in Form Design Aid?

Answer 12: Portlet forms are the form types you use to create portlets intended for use in the Oracle Portal or the
Collaborative Portal.

Portlet forms have these general characteristics

All regular controls can be placed on portlet forms.

Multiple tab controls are permitted.
Toolbar and form/row exits are not permitted on a portlet form.
You must add action buttons to a portlet form. No default action buttons are defined by Form Design Aid (FDA).
Default actions can be placed anywhere on the portlet form
Portlet forms do not contain scroll bars; you must display all controls within the form.
Portlet forms support the Fetch on Business View and Update on Business View form property options.
You can nest reusable and embedded subforms in portlet forms.

Within Form Design Aid, you can create two type of Portlet Forms: Browse Portlets and Edit Portlets. Browse portlets enable
the display of and queries for information. Edit portlets enable user edit functions including adding, changing, and deleting
table information.

For more details, refer to Document 644048.1 E1: FDA: Designing Portlet Forms in Form Design Aid

NOTE: FDA Portlet forms are supported beginning with EnterpriseOne version 8.11 and may not function correctly in older
versions of the software.

Question 13: How to identify applications using a specific form type ?

Answer 13: In UTB open F9865 and look up column SWFMPT. Application name is in SWOBNM.

Form Type SWFMPT


Find/Browse BR

Fix Inspect FI

Header Detail HD

Headerless LD
Detail 9/24
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Message Form MB

Power Browse PB

Parent/Child PC

Power Edit PE

Portlet PT

Reusable RB

Reusable Edit RE

Search & SS

Wizard WZ
Question 14: How to set form mode to Add mode on entry into Headerless Detail form
that is not attached with a business view

Answer 14: By design headerless detail form opens in Update mode on entry and switches to Add mode based on result of
Find. Since no business view is attached to form, the default is Update form mode.
Possible workaround outlined :

Create a custom table with at least 2 columns and business view over custom table. Generate the table. This table will
never be populated with data.
In form properties of headerless detail form > Options, check Fetch on Grid Business View, uncheck Update on
Grid Business View
In grid properties > Options, check Automatically Find On Entry.


Question 1: How do I define a grid to work with Multiple Select?

Answer 1: The steps to setup a grid to allow for multiple select are the following:

1. Mark the Multiple Select grid property for the grid

2. Select the "Repeat for Grid" setting under the Options pull down within the event rules defined for the menu/toolbar

See Document 626524.1 E1: FDA: Defining a Grid in Form Design Aid to Work with Multiple Select for additional details.

NOTE: Multiple select will only work when the form interconnect is not defined as modeless.

Question 2: How do you use a Combo Box?

Answer 2: You can use a combo box (drop-down list) to display a list of items from which the user can make a selection.
The combo box includes a type-ahead feature where typing the first character of a matching item description will select that
item in the control. It can reside on a form or inside a grid control or in the grid of a parent child control. When inside a grid
control, the combo box acts exactly as a normal grid cell except when it has the focus. At that point, it behaves as a combo
box; that is, the user can pick an item from the list by clicking and choosing an item from the drop-down, by typing directly in
the field, or by using the arrow and enter keys on the keyboard.

You must associate the combo box with a data dictionary (DD) item. If the associated DD item has user-defined code (UDC) 10/24
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values, those values are used to load the combo box list. During runtime, you can load the control with values from a different
UDC, if necessary. Alternatively, you can use event rules (ER) in the application to load the values without reference to a UDC,
although doing so precludes the ability to directly include translated text in the drop-down list. In either case, using a system
function to remove items, you can dynamically filter the list before it is displayed to the user.

No matter what is loaded into the control, upon initialization, the control always displays -- Select One -- as the currently
selected item to indicate that the user should select an item in the control. This is true of combo boxes both on a form and in
a grid. Although it is an item in its own right, you cannot remove it from the list. --Select One-- always appears at the top of
the list; you cannot insert a list item above it.

NOTE: -- Select One -- is merely an indication to the user to make a selection. --Select One -- is not an actual value.
Therefore, it will never be written to the database with the intent of saving it as actual data.

A combo box can be loaded from a UDC table, from cache or loaded using the Add Item System Function.

For an example of adding a Combo Box to a grid and using the "Add Item" System Function, refer to Document 1391121.1 E1:
FDA: Using a Combo Box Control in Form Design Aid (FDA).

For more information on using a Combo Box, refer to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Development Tools: Form Design
Aid Guide and the section on Understanding Combo Box Controls.

Question 3: How do I indicate that a field is a required field on a form and have an error result if the field is left

Answer 3: Within the Control Options for a field, there is a check box for "Required Entry Field". Selecting this check box
indicates that a field is required and will provide an automatic error at runtime if the field is left blank. This option is accessed
by selecting the Options button within the Control properties. Runtime displays wildcard character ( * ) next to the required
field label, if the control and label are connected.

Question 4: When attempting to change the font on a field in FDA, I am not seeing the change?

Answer 4: The runtime engine has never supported changing the font of static text using the font option on individual fields
within a form. Although this option is available within FDA, it is not supported by the runtime engine.

When you need to change font on static text, development has recommended the use of a text block control rather then static
text. Font can be changed within FDA on a text block control. Fonts cannot be changed on static text.

On the Windows client only (for EnterpriseOne releases 8.10 and prior), Edit controls can be changed by using the
"SetEditControlFont" system function. Generally this should be done on an event such as Post Dialog is Initialized. This system
function is not supported on the Web client.

Question 5: How do you make Radio Buttons mutually exclusive?

Answer 5: Associating two or more Radio Buttons to the same data dictionary or database item makes the Radio Buttons
mutually exclusive.

Question 6: How can I specify a default radio button on a form?

Answer 6: The steps to accomplish this within Form Design Aid are:

1. Create two or more radio buttons.

2. Highlight one of the radio buttons and select the menu exit for Edit.
3. Select Associate | Data dictionary item 11/24
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4. Find your data item by entering it into the QBE line and clicking the find button (or Alt - I)
5. Select the data item and drag it onto the top of the selected radio button.
6. Highlight the next radio button and then repeat number 5
7. Follow these steps until the added radio buttons are associate with the same data dictionary or database item. This
makes the radio buttons mutually exclusive (only one can be selected).
8. At this point, if nothing else is done, the last radio button created will be the default radio button, no matter what order
the buttons are in. This means that a simple way of setting the default radio button is to create the default radio button

To change the default, do the following steps.

1. Associate each of the radio buttons with a data dictionary item that edits against a User Defined Code (UDC) table.
2. Go into the properties of each of the radio buttons and set the title. (When the title is changed the lower right corner
label box will turn green to indicate it has been changed.) Also in the properties set each radio button to a different
UDC value
3. In the event rules for the form, in the "Post Dialog is Initialized" event, set one of the radio button variables, to the
value of the radio button that is to be the default radio button, when the form displays.

Question 7: What controls when tabs will display side-by-side or in a dropdown menu on web clients?

Answer 7: The behavior of showing tabs side-by-side or in a dropdown menus is controlled by the number of tabs in the tab
control. On tools 8.98, if you have 7 or more tabs, regardless of the size of their title, they will show in a drop down menu. On
tools 9.1, the limit has been increased to 8 or more tabs before they show in a drop down menu.

Question 8: Is there a way to control the display of the tab pages between displaying across the form or displaying
in a dropdown list?

Answer 8: When you have more then 8 tab pages, the tab pages name will be displayed in a dropdown list, instead of
displaying across the form. This currently functions as designed. There is no setting available to change the amount of tab
pages that display across the form or to control the display of the tabs within a dropdown list.

Question 9: Text Block Control font style and size is not saved.

Answer 9: The default color entry Custom (which displays the Black color) prevents the font style and size from being saved.
Issue is reported in Bug 16609935 FDA TEXT BLOCK CONTROL FONT STYLE AND SIZE ARE NOT SAVED. Select the color Black
from the list of colors so that the font style and size is saved. 12/24
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Question 10: Is there a way to format static text on the form so it displays in italic, bold or underline?

Answer 10: You can use system function Set Control Text to set the text in a Static Text control with HTML coding to format
it the way you want. For example:

Set Control Text(FC Static Text, "<em>My Text</em>")

Another alternative is to have a Text Box control and then use system function Update Segment. You can format your font
using the parameter <Pick Font>. For example:

VA frm_INT = "1"
Update Segment(FC Text Block, "My Text", <Arial,Italic,24,Green>, <No>, VA frm_INT)

Tested this on web clients running tools and

Question 11: Can Grid Control display side by side to the left of Media Object Control ? 13/24
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Answer 11: Consider using Power Form and Sudform because we do not display any control to the right side of the grid for
regular form.

Question 12: Is it possible to move the grid entry row to the top instead of scroll to the end to access the blank row ?

Answer 12: There is no way to change the grid entry row to appear at the top. You can use filter when doing a find so it
return less grid rows and grid entry row appear sooner.

Question 13: Is it possible to disable the blank character defaulted in empty Edit controls ?

Answer 13: No, the Edit Control will always have a blank character defaulted in.

Question 14: Is it possible to add form controls in message forms?

Answer 14: In older application releases (Xe), it was possible to add form controls in the message form but later message
forms are used only to display the messages or request action from the user.

Question 15: Is it possible to merge two existing forms to create a new form ?For example , is it possible to merge
form A and form B to create a form C?

Answer 15:No. This functionality is currently not available in Form Design Aid .

Menu/Toolbar Exits

Question 1: After creating a new Row/Form Exit on an Application, why does it not display when running the

Answer 1: If any existing "HC" type user overrides exist for the application, these user overrides are read and used when
displaying the menubar and toolbar options for the application. In order to see any new exits created within design, locate
any existing "HC" type user overrides for the application in the User Overrides application (P98950). Delete these user
overrides. Then when running the application, the new exit created will display.

Question 2: Why are the sequence button on the toolbar and the sequence grid option disabled when running
certain applications?

Answer 2: There is a grid property within FDA for "Hide Query by Example". When this option is selected, it not only hides
the QBE line for the grid, but also disables the grid sequence option. In order to enable this grid sequence option, the QBE
line must be displayed by not selecting the option to "Hide Query by Example"

Question 3: How can I add a Bitmap to a Row or Form Exit? 14/24
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Answer 3: A bitmap strip can be assigned to the beginning category of menu/toolbar exits. Then all exits within that
category will have the bitmap strip available and individual bitmaps can be selected for each exit.

This functionality is only supported on the Windows client with releases prior to EnterpriseOne 8.11. See Document 626501.1
E1: FDA: Add a Bitmap Strip to an Exit in Form Design Aid for more details.

Question 4: For some Form/Row exits in an application, the Form/Row exit disappears when user tries to select it.

Answer 4: The issue is reported in Bug 14808696 FORM EXITS DISAPPEAR IN P1201 and fixed in tools release

Question 5: Form/Row exit disabled via ER system function Disable Control does not display on the web client,

Answer 5: Starting with tools release, Form/Row exit disabled via ER system function Disable Control is no longer
visible on WEB client only, with enhancement Bug:11037051 TT-Row Exit Usability Improvement to hide Form/Row Exits
secured in P00950 Security Workbench or disabled via ER system function Disable Control. Prior to tools release, the
Disabled Form/Row exit is visible and disabled/greyed out on the web client.

Question 6: Sub Menu on the Application Menu Does Not Go Away When Navigating Multiple Sub Menus

Answer 6: Bug 16397720 MENUS DOES NOT RENDERED PROPERLY which will be available in 9.1.4 TR has been entered
reporting this issue to development

Question 7: Is there a way to suppress the delete confirmation dialog box when users press the standard Delete
action button on an EnterpriseOne form?

Answer 7: The delete confirmation dialog box is now built in code for the Delete button and there is no way to suppress it.
Consider re-designing the application to account for this. One option is to hide the Delete button and add a custom button to
replace it. Then use system function to press the hidden delete button if requirement is met.

In OneWorld Xe/ERP8 it was possible to suppress the delete confirmation dialog box by adding a call to system function
"Suppress Delete" in grid event "Delete Grid Rec Verify-Before".

Question 8: Which table contains row and form exit descriptions?

Answer 8: Row and Form exit descriptions are stored in FDAText - F98750

Question 9: Is there a way to increase the icon size of Menu/Toolbar Exits?

Answer 9: Unlike the carousel icons that can be enlarged by selecting Personalization > Preferences > Use Large Icons in
Carousel, the size of Menu/Toolbar Exits icons are controlled by the tools code and therefor can not be change. The code
allows the ability of a user to move to an icon that represented the button and hover over the button to see what the action

There are two ways the user could change their Windows interface to increase the size of the icons, through the screen
resolution and using the zoom feature in the browser. However, Oracle recommends using the browser at 100%.

Events 15/24
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Question 1: In Headerless Detail form event 'Row Is Entered' is not fired on selecting last empty grid row for event
rule processing

Answer 1: Working as Designed per Bug 17437713. Instead use event 'Row Is Selected-WebOnly' which is triggered upon
selecting a grid row.

Question 2: In Headerless Detail or Find Browse form event 'Row Is Entered' is not fired when first row is auto-
selected on entry

Answer 2: Working as designed for Headerless Detail form per Bug 17746614. Reported in Bug 17746433 for find browse

Event Rules

Question 1: How are Event Rules used within Form Design Aid?

Answer 1: Event Rules are used to attach business logic to a form. Event Rules contain processing instructions for specific
events. Events are actions that occur on a form, such as tabbing out of a field, exiting a grid row, or clicking a button. Events
are triggered as a result of either a user action or a system controlled process. For additional information on Event Rules, refer
to the following documents:

Document 626558.1 E1: FDA: Event Rules and System Functions

Document 626559.1 E1: FDA: Frequently Asked Questions on Event Rules

Question 2: ER system function Hide Grid Row takes a long time to process in interactive applications.

Answer 2: Issue is reported in Bug 16416880 HIDE GRID ROW SYSTEM FUNCTION PERFORMANCE ISSUES ON SP24.

Question 3: ER system function Update Segment does not re-load the javascript coding in Text Block Control. The
javascript coding calls a windows executable using function LaunchApp passing in a grid column variable.

SCREEN, it is working as designed. Instead, pass the grid column variable as an input parameter to the LaunchApp function.

Question 4: ER system function Insert Grid Buffer Row generates warning below in the jas log, what does it mean?

[WARN] FormGridEngine.insertRowWithGridBuffer(): Trying to insert grid buffer row after current row,
but no row is selected.
This never happens in windows. Inserting to the last row..
| Grid-1, Form Name : Pxxx_Wxxx Corrective Action : Select the row after which you want to
insert the grid buffer row

Answer 4: In Find-Browse form, ER system function Insert Grid Buffer Row is called with parameter <After Current Row> to
manually load the grid on entry to the form. The warning is generated because there is no existing row in the grid on entry.
Instead, call ER system function Insert Grid Buffer Row with parameter <After Last Row> and no warning is generated.

Question 5: Is there a way to change the color of a button using ER in FDA?

Answer 5: Feature requested under 16/24
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Bug 11035282 : FEATURE TO CHG COLOUR ON FDA - SAR: 8954773


Question 1: When adding a new business view field to the grid of a standard E1 application, the field is not being
populated to the table?

Answer 1: Many of the large transaction entry applications within the EnterpriseOne software use Master Business Functions
to add and update records to the tables rather then using the business view. The forms are defined to update using these
Master Business Functions rather then using the business view, so making a modification to the application and adding a new
business view field will not update the table.

In order to update the table, the new field must be passed to the appropriate parameter within the data structure of the
Master Business Function (assuming the field is available within this data structure). This is true of numerous standard
EnterpriseOne applications including Purchase Order Entry (P4310), Sales Order Entry (P4210), Voucher Entry (P0411), Invoice
Entry (P03B11), Journal Entries (P0911) and Address Book Revisions (P01012).

Question 2: After adding some additional columns to my table, business view and application, the new fields do not
display on selects and are not being updated to the table? AS400 Specific

Answer 2: On the AS400, SQL packages are created when doing selects and updates. If changes are made to a table, prior
to being able to see the new fields on selects or update the new fields on inserts or updates, the SQL packages on the AS400
must be deleted. This requires that all users be off the system, the services stopped, and then ALL SQL packages created by
EnterpriseOne Software deleted. Once this has been done and services restarted, the new fields added to the table will
display on selects and update on inserts and updates.

See Document 626568.1 E1: TDA: How to Delete SQL Packages on the AS/400 for additional details on deleting SQL Packages.

Other Functionality

Question 1: How can I determine within Form Design Aid if Vocabulary Overrides exist for any fields on the form?

Answer 1: Any controls on a form that have had the text overridden and a vocabulary override exists for the field will display
with a green triangle in the lower right hand corner of the control. Whenever a field has a text override, the description of the
field at runtime will come from the text vocabulary override rather then from the description of the field within the Data

Question 2: How is QBE Functionality set in FDA? What causes a QBE Column to be disabled or grayed-out?

Answer 2: Grid columns within an application need to be Business View columns, rather than Data Dictionary columns in
order to have an enabled QBE column at run-time. You can check the column properties to see if the data item has an
associated table name to determine if the data item is from the business view. Also, a blue triangle in the corner of a grid
column indicates it is a business view field A yellow triangle indicates a data dictionary field. The QBE column will always be
disabled for data dictionary or variable columns that are not part of the business view.

If the QBE column based on a business view column is disabled, verify the status of the check box (Disable QBE) in the grid
column properties.

QBE can also be disabled within Object Configuration Manager (OCM). Go to the OCM record and check to see if the table is
set up as not allowing QBE. This can be done by following these steps:

1. Go to OCM 17/24
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2. Select the System Data Source

3. Do a Find over the Current Environment with an Object Type of TBLE and Object Status of AV.
4. Select either the Object Name of the table on which the business view was based or the object name of DEFAULT.
5. Select and go to the OCM Revisions Form
6. Verify what is set-up in the Allow QBE Field
1 - ALL QBE Allowed
2 - No QBE Allowed
3 - Indexed Fields QBE Allowed.

For additional information on using the QBE line, refer to Document 649443.1 E1: FDA: How to Use the Query by Example
(QBE) Line

Question 3: How do you program Hot Keys in an application?

Answer 3: Within EnterpriseOne, there are some hot keys that are considered application defined hot keys. The Hot Keys that
can be defined in an application are:


Due to this requirement, there is a limitation of 10 custom hot keys per Form. It is not possible to program the F1-F12 keys.

To define a hot key in Form Design Aid, insert an ampersand before the letter that you want to set as the hot key in the Title
property for the button that will have the hot key. The letter must be one of the allowed application Hot Keys above. You can
set the definition from either the properties dialog or from the properties panel. The letter you define is then underlined in
your application. Hot keys are governed by these rules:

You can define only one hot key for a button.

You cannot use the same hot key on more than one button in the same form or subform.
You cannot use a reserved hot key (any that is not in the list of application-defined hot keys).
You cannot insert more than one ampersand in the same button title.
You must check the Hot Key property for an exit definition only. Hot keys are enabled by default for push buttons.

For more information on the use of Hot Keys and how to program hot keys in an application, refer to Document 648669.1 E1:
FDA: Hot Key Information and How to Program Hot Keys in an Application in EnterpriseOne.

Question 4: How do I integrate Form Design Aid with Oracle Business Intelligence?

Answer 4: Beginning with Tools Release, customers can embed Oracle BI reports, such as Financial Analytics
reports, directly on JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application screens.

The embedded Oracle BI for EnterpriseOne integration provides a new, native JD Edwards EnterpriseOne control called
"Business Intelligence (BI) Control". This control is made available in Form Design Aid. Customers can place this control on an
EnterpriseOne form. Using this control, you can retrieve and display Oracle BI reports. Users can also interact with the Oracle
BI report using data that is available on the EnterpriseOne form.

For additional details, refer to Document 831415.1 E1:FDA: Integration of Form Design Aid with Oracle Business Intelligence.

Question 5: How to change tab sequence of a form in FDA? 18/24
26/10/2020 Document 626557.1

Answer 5: To change tab sequence,

1. first, click layout

2. tab sequence
3. click on the controls to change the sequence, then click on layout
4. update tab sequence and save the application
5. logout and login, go back in to the FDA to verify that tab sequence is changed

Note that the tab sequence will always start with 2 when you go back in FDA.

If some control still does not follow the tab sequence, note that there are two other way to set control focus that affect tab

1. in the control properties, "Default cursor on add mode" and "Default cursor on update mode" in Control Options tab.
2. using event rule.

Note that Personal Forms tab sequence does not override this behavior.

Question 6: Starting with tools release 9.1, form designed as Search and Select in FDA opens as inline pop-up
window via ER form interconnect or Visual Assist.

Answer 6: Starting with tools release 9.1, by design Search and Select (SS) form invoked via ER form interconnect or visual
assist opens as inline pop-up window instead of taking over the entire browser window, which is how it worked in tools
releases prior to 9.1. Instead, the SS form opens in Modal mode. After a record is selected from the Modal SS window, the
window is closed automatically. If the SS form is invoked via fastpath, the form opens in full screen mode as designed.

The pop-up window can be enlarged by focusing the mouse at the bottom right corner of the pop-up window and dragging it
lower and/or to the right. But the size of the window is not retained after the window is closed. Dragging the window in order
to resize is limited based on the browser you are using.

The initial size of the pop-up window is determined by the size of the Search and Select form defined in Form Design Aid
(FDA). In forms that contain hidden controls below the grid, there may be a white space between the bottom of the grid and
the bottom of the form, which can be eliminated by moving the hidden control to the header portion of the form.

It is not possible to disable the default modal search window. Possible workaround is to create custom grid format to re-
arrange and re-size the display of the grid columns in the Search and Select form clicking Customize Grid in the pop-up search

tools release Per Development Enhancement Bug 16238403 cannot be back-ported to tools release prior to

Bug 27221989 - MODAL FORMS HAVE ACCESS TO GF MENU IN TR 9.2.X has been entered with development to address the
condition where the Tools menu exit still has the Grid Formats option and drag/drop of grid columns in Modal Forms, when
accessing Visual Assist Modal Forms. The option will be removed starting with Tools This should match the removal of
the Grid Personalization Icon from Modal Forms as per Bug 23633220.

Starting with tools release, Maximize icon is available in Search and Select window.

Prior to tools release 19/24
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Tools release and above 20/24
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Question 7: Is it possible to resize a modal search form window which is opened as inline pop-up window via ER
form interconnect or Visual Assist in 9.2.* tools release?

Answer 7: Starting with tools release 9.1, Search and Select (SS) form invoked via ER form interconnect or visual
assist opens as a Modal form (inline pop-up window). In tools release, the pop-up window can be enlarged by focusing
the mouse at the bottom right corner of the pop-up window and dragging it lower and/or to the right.

However after upgraded to tools release, user is no longer able to resize the modal form popup window. Only the
Maximize icon is available in the Search and Select window. The following Enhancement Request has been raised to request
the functionality to resize a modal form pop-up window in TR 9.2.*.


Question 8: In tools release 9.1.2.x/9.1.3.x on a web development client, Applications with a grid does not display the
grid column headers on entry when launched using Run HTML Only from Interactive Versions/OMW. A white
rectangle displays instead.

Answer 8: The IE browser version 10 was used on web development client. Per Development, IE10 version is supported on
web client Only. 21/24
26/10/2020 Document 626557.1

Question 9: How to find the Entry Point form name in an application so that the form name can be populated in ER
system function Dynamic Form Interconnect(Web Only)

Answer 9: Review Document 1055499.1 E1: FDA: How to Populate the Input Parameters of ER System Function Dynamic
Form Interconnect (Web Only)

Question 10: Add Effective Date functionality to UDC

Answer 10: Requested in Enhancement Bug 13792704 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT: EFFECTIVE DATES FOR UDCS

Question 11: How do you enable both check boxes so that the form can be run on both the Windows client and the
Web client?

In FDA/Application properties, a new custom application displays the "Supported Runtimes" as Web only. The other option
"Windows" is disabled and greyed out.

Answer 11: The only way to activate a form to run on both the windows client and the web client is to change the data in
the F9860 table manually. To check the box for both "Web" and "Windows", you need to SQL into the table F9860, the field
ANSIF a "blank" value. A "W" means Web only, a "C" means Windows only, and a blank means both.

Question 12: How to display a custom message or a pop-up message from an existing form?

Answer 12: Create a new message form and include the required message in the message form. Call this message form from
the required control using form interconnect to display the custom pop-up message.

Question 13: Is it possible to set Modal forms to always open in Maximized mode or Non-Maximize mode?

Answer 13: Yes, in Server Manager, under Web Runtime for the HTML JAS Server, you can set "Maximize Modal Forms"
parameter to TRUE or FALSE. This is the following setting in JAS.INI



The allowed values are TRUE or FALSE. If set to TRUE, modal forms (example, Search&Select form that launched after user
click the Visual Assist button) will open in maximized mode.

Question 14: Is it possible to embed a JAVA tool or applet in form by using FDA ?

Answer 14: NO, Form Design Aid is JDE tool designed for creating Forms within EnterpriseOne tools Framework. It does not
allow embedding Java tool or applets.

Workarounds may be used such as : External Forms , E1 Pages OR Cafe1

Question 15: What designates the version called from an application?

When P42420 (Order Revision History) is executed as a row exit from P43070 (Release Held Orders), the version is
ZJDE00002 via 'About'.
When P42420 is accessed via fastpath IV (Interactive Versions), there are no versions listed in About.
When P42420 | ZJDE0002 is attempted via fastpath, gets version not found error.

Answer 15:
When an application is called via form interconnect and does not specify a version, it will inherit the version of the parent 22/24
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application even if the child does not have the version. This behavior is by design, and is mentioned in Bug 14167991 - FORM
INTERCONNECT VERSION IS DISPLAYED WRONGLY. The child carries over the version of the parent form if the version is not
specified in the form interconnect. Please refer Document 657963.1 - E1: FDA: Error "No F983051 record fetched for version |
App Name" in Logs for additional information.

Question 16: Is there a report or cross reference program that provides a list of modal forms that are used?

Currently when accessing an interactive application via visual assist, the system does not allow personalize grid or customize
grid functionality on modal forms. This is reported in Document 2299385.1 and Enhancement Request Bug 29704774 has been
raised to request this functionality.

Is there a report or cross-reference program that provides a list of the modal forms that are used? This information is required
so that this applications can be added to a menu to allow the users to customize the grids.

Answer 16:
There is currently no report or cross reference available to provide a list of modal forms used.

Usually, forms called from a Visual Assist are Search and Select forms. However, this is not always true. Sometimes, it can call
another type of form.
In F9865 - Form Information File table, Search and Select forms have form type = SS (F9865.SWFMPT=SS)


Question 1: How do I activate logging to troubleshoot an application on a Web Development workstation?

Answer 1: When troubleshooting an interactive application, it is typically easiest to generate the logs on a Web Development
workstation. There are four logs you should obtain:


Refer to Document 662260.1 E1: INST: How to Enable Logging for a Web Development Client for details on obtaining these

Question 2: After upgrading to a new release level, is there a way to compare the application in the current release to
the previous release?

Answer 2: The FDA Compare tool in Form Design Aid allows you to compare one version of an application to another. You
can compare them on the application level to determine whether forms have been added, deleted, or rearranged and whether
the properties have changed. You also can compare the forms in the applications to each other to see whether controls have
been added, deleted, or rearranged and whether the properties have changed.

Additionally, you can compare two different applications as well. This feature is useful when you have made a new application
by copying an existing one and then modifying it. Then, when you upgrade, you can not only compare the base application to
its new counterpart, but also you can compare a custom application.

Refer to Document 626593.1 E1: FDA: FDA Compare for additional details on this tool.

In addition to being able to compare the applications, you can also compare Event Rules. The ER Compare tool is provided as
a tool to restore custom event rules after an upgrade or ESU is applied. Refer to Document 626548.1 E1: FDA: Using the ER
(Event Rule) Compare Tool for more details on the use of this tool. 23/24
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Question 3: How to find custom code that is causing issue ?

Answer 3: Create a simple custom application and slowly add code one at a time until the issue re-appear, the most recent
code is causing the issue.

To discuss this information further with Oracle experts and industry peers, we encourage you to review, join or start a
discussion in the Design Tools & Output Technologies - JDE1 Community.

To look at upcoming or archived Advisor Webcasts please see Advisor Webcast Details Document 548764.1. If your topic
is not currently scheduled please suggest it.


NOTE:626593.1 - E1: FDA: Using the FDA Compare Tool

NOTE:626556.1 - E1: FDA: Overview of Using Form Design Aid
NOTE:626524.1 - E1: FDA: Defining a Grid in Form Design Aid to Work with Multiple Select
NOTE:1391121.1 - E1: FDA: Using a Combo Box Control in Form Design Aid (FDA)
NOTE:648669.1 - E1: FDA: Hot Key Information and How to Program Hot Keys in an Application in EnterpriseOne
NOTE:662260.1 - E1: INST: How to Enable Logging for a Web Development Client
NOTE:649443.1 - E1: GRID: Using the Query by Example (QBE) Line
NOTE:831415.1 - E1: FDA: Integration of Form Design Aid with Oracle Business Intelligence
NOTE:626558.1 - E1: FDA: Event Rules and System Functions
NOTE:548764.1 - Advisor Webcast Details
NOTE:1319459.1 - E1: FDA: Form Design Aid Information Center
NOTE:644048.1 - E1: FDA: Designing Portlet Forms in Form Design Aid
NOTE:642370.1 - E1: FDA: How to Remain in Form after Clicking OK Button on a Headerless Detail Form
NOTE:664577.1 - E1: FDA: Document on Best Practice Guidelines for Developing Power Form Applications

NOTE:1311243.1 - E1: FDA: Frequently Asked Questions on Power Forms

NOTE:626557.1 - E1: FDA: Frequently Asked Questions on Form Design Aid
NOTE:626548.1 - E1: FDA: Using the ER Compare (Event Rule Compare) Tool
NOTE:1055499.1 - E1: FDA: How to Populate the Input Parameters of ER System Function Dynamic Form Interconnect (Web
NOTE:626501.1 - E1: FDA: How to Add a Bitmap Strip to an Exit in Form Design Aid
NOTE:626568.1 - E1: DB: How to Delete SQL Packages on the AS400 (iSeries)?
NOTE:626559.1 - E1: FDA: Frequently Asked Questions on Event Rules
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