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Music - 3 Quarter

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music – 3rd quarter

program music o an instrument capable of playing both melody and harmony

o romantic music received motivation form sources outside together
music during the 19th century o usually, the piano performer is usually the composer
o encounter with nature or different moods, emotions, and o nocturne (night song) – a kind of serenade, quiet, and
many aspects of love are expressed through a form of reflective movement with a mood of melancholic nature
instrumental music o impromptu – piano compositions that have an
o tells a story that conveys images, ideas, or scenes without extemporaneous character
words o ballade – narrative song without words that is a one-
o endowed with literary or pictorial associations movement piece for solo piano
o distinguished from absolute music or pure music o prelude – short mood piece of no prescribed form that
o written for piano or orchestra conveys specific idea or emotion
o four main forms of orchestral program music: o minuet – from the French word menuet meaning “slender”
1. program symphony or “small” referring to very small dance steps. adapted from
 composition in numerous movements the Italian minuetto. in triple meter (3/4)
 symphony with a program o scherzo – means “joke” which must be played quickly with
 a descriptive title is seen in each movement an understanding of the humor
 ex: Symphonie Fantastique by Hector Berlioz – o etude – a French word for “study” or “exercise” that gives
has 5 instead of 4 movements the student practice
a. Reveries, Passions o mazurka and polonaise – stylized dance pieces for piano
b. A Ball based on Polish dances. ex: Heroic by Frédéric Chopin
c. Scene in the Country o suite – was called sonata da camera which involves a
d. March to the Scaffold series of dance movements in no rigid order
e. Dream of a Witches’ Sabbath
 Symphonie Fantastique is considered as the most composers of the early Romantic period
powerful composition of the 19th century and the 1. Frédéric François Chopin
first complete program symphony o Polish-French composer
 inspired by the actress Harriet Smithson o “Poet of the Piano
 has a melody that reappears in movement after o virtuoso pianist
movement in a total of 8 times (idée fixe)
o one of the great masters of Romantic music
 idée fixe (fixed idea) – used for the changing
melody representing the loved one in his o known for piano solo pieces and concerti
composition that reflects various moods o born in west of Warsaw, Poland
2. concert overture o started composing and writing poetry at 6
 consists of only one movement usually in sonata o a melodist
form o his melodies are songlike and long and usually repeats
 modeled after the opera overture them with slight embellishments
 an independent composition not intended for o melodies are accompanied by rich and imaginative
accompaniment harmonies and luxurious piano effects
 ex: 1812 Overture and Romeo and Juliet o rubato – rhythmic melody or a relaxation of strict time
Overture o Nocturne in E-flat Major, Op. 9
3. symphonic poem
 tone poem 2. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
 a musical composition for orchestra in one o one of the most famous Russian composers
movement o born on May 7, 1840 in Votkinsk
 written in many forms o displayed exceptional musical gift
 invented by Franz Liszt in the late 1840s and o composed his first song at the age of 4
o received education from the French governess
 most significant type of program music
o worked as a bureau clerk
 became significant means of expression for
nationalism o works include concertos, symphonies, ballets, operas,
 ex: Les Préludes by Franz Liszt and Till and chamber music
Eulenspiegel by Richard Strauss o Fatum, Romeo and Juliet (first works he became
known for), 1812 Overture (Finale), Swan Lake
(Finale), and “Dance of the Reed Flutes” from the
4. incidental music Nutcracker
 intended to accompany action or mood of a
dramatic stage performance 3. Franz Liszt
 used between scenes or for particularly important o one of the most significant composers of the Romantic
moments in the play era
 called “incidental” because the music is not as o born in Hungary
significant as the play o received piano lessons from Carl Czerny (student of
 ex: Wedding March by Felix Mendelssohn (from Beethoven and Hummel)
Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream) o took lessons in composition under the tutelage of
Antonio Salieri
piano music o became a concert pianist
o rise in popularity of the piano o was accepted as court conductor at Weimar
o attracted a large part of the middle-class population o was in love downheartedly with a married woman
o Libestraum

4. Camille Saint-Saëns
o French composer of the 19th century
o wrote sacred and secular choral music, opera,
concertos, symphonies, solo piano, chamber music,
and songs
o began piano lessons at around 2 years old
o studied with Pierre Maledin at age 7
o entered the Paris Conservatory in 1848
o was appointed to France’s most prominent organ post,
the Madeleine in Paris
o in 1875, he married 19-year-old Marie Truffot, which
ushered in the saddest chapter in his life but also
produced his most popular works
o Danse Macabre and Samson et Dalila

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