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Doubler or Stiffener Plate PDF

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steel interchange

If you’ve ever asked yourself “why?” about something related to structural steel design or construction, Modern
Steel Construction’s monthly Steel Interchange column is for you! Send your questions or comments to

Doubler or Stiffener Plate? ASD Flexural Capacity in the 2005 Specification

My question pertains to the design of column web reinforce- When designing a channel for flexure, I am somewhat con-
ment for directly welded flange moment connections. fused regarding the allowable/available moments that are
When local yielding of the column web occurs, is it published in the 13th edition Manual.
acceptable to use web doubler plates in lieu of a pair of I came to the conclusion that all of the channels now
transverse stiffeners to provide for the additional material have an allowable bending stress of 0.75Fy as opposed to the
necessary to exceed the design strength requirements? The older 0.66Fy. Am I correct in assuming that this is what the
reason I ask is because all of the AISC design examples, and new allowable stress is for channel beams? Can I also get an
also the software that we use for connection design, always explanation as to why the sudden increase in allowable stress
provide for transverse stiffeners instead of doubler plates has been made to be 0.75Fy?
when local yielding of the column web is an issue.
That’s not quite correct. The comparison can’t be made only on
If web local yielding is the limit state being checked, the use of the basis of Fy, because there also is a difference between them
a doubler plate is an option. This is covered in Section J10.2 of on the material property used in the calculation.
the 2005 AISC Specification. In the 2005 AISC Specification, the nominal moment capacity
Design examples often use the transverse stiffener option based on the limit state of yielding for compact shapes is Mn = Fy
because it is generally considered easier to fit and fillet weld the Zx. The old ASD Specification assumed a lower bound shape fac-
stiffener than a doubler plate where the weld to the fillet region tor of 1.1 for rolled shapes and Mn = Fy (1.1Sx), which resulted in
becomes somewhat more tedious—and expensive. But if you are allowing a 10% increase in flexural capacity for compact shapes
providing a doubler plate already for another reason, like web when LTB did not control. Once the factor of safety of 5⁄3 was
shear strength, it may not be an additional cost. applied, this resulted in the allowable stress of 0.66Fy in lieu of
Kurt Gustafson, S.E., P.E. 0.60Fy.
To make the comparison you’re making, then, you also
Thermally Cut Holes need to account for the ratio of Zx to Sx. When converting the
moment to a stress, the base stress is still 0.60Fy, but the shape-
On one of my projects, the fabricator is asking to use ther-
property ratio likely will be greater than 1.1 because it is depen-
mally cut bolt holes. He is citing Section M2.5 of AISC 13th
dent on the particular shape factor (Zx /Sx) for the shape.
edition Steel Construction Manual. That section states that
Kurt Gustafson, S.E., P.E.
thermally cut holes shall be permitted with a surface rough-
ness not exceeding 1,000 in.
Steel Types
What are the advantages and disadvantages of thermally
cut holes? When were A36 and A6 steels in general use for building
How does roughness of surface come into the picture for construction?
cutting the holes?
ASTM A36 was the common structural steel used in building
construction from the early 1960s to the late 1990s. The ASTM
The primary advantage of thermal cutting for the making of
A6 Standard is not a specific material type per se, but rather a
holes is that the shaping of the plate and the burning of the
Standard Specification for General Requirements for Rolling
holes can often be done on a single piece of equipment. This
Structural Steel Bars, Plates, Shapes, and Sheet Piling, which
saves time in handling. Also, thermally cut holes can be cut to
defines the cross sections and tolerances for hot-rolled shapes.
different diameters, if necessary, without changing bits. The
advantages are primarily economic, though it also could be Kurt Gustafson, S.E., P.E.
argued that the thermally cut holes generally will be cleaner
as produced. The presence or absence of small burrs is not a Knee-Braced Frame
significant issue, but the absence of burrs in thermally cut holes Is a frame with a kick brace considered a special braced
often is touted as an advantage in the literature. frame?
Provided that the requirements for surface condition are met,
there is no disadvantage to a properly made thermally cut hole. I am assuming that when you refer to a “kick brace” that this is
The profile of the hole is also important, and I would not allow the same as a “knee brace,” which is covered in the Seismic Provi-
thermal cutting of holes by hand, such as for repairs, unless sions. It is treated as an Ordinary Moment Frame, not a braced
approved by the EOR. Hand-guided thermal cutting usually frame, since the primary response of such a frame is through
would produce holes of questionable quality. flexure of the beams and columns between the knee braces and
Larry S. Muir, P.E. not axial effects in the braces. Please see the Commentary to
Section 11 for more detailed information.
Larry S. Muir, P.E.


steel interchange
Dynamic Analysis Prequalified Connection Standards
What type of structure requires a dynamic analysis? I am attempting to design my first SMF using a prequali-
fied connection from AISC 358-05. The only prequalified
The subject of what type of analysis is appropriate for a par- connections listed are the RBS and the unstiffened and
ticular structure is not covered by material standards such as stiffened end plates. Does this document supersede FEMA
the AISC Specification, but rather in ASCE 7. It could be argued 350, which lists such connections as the WUF-W as valid
that all structures behave dynamically to some extent when sub- for SMF framing systems? Do the FEMA 350 connections
jected to loads or displacements. Typically, however, the loads not listed in AISC 358-05 lack the proper testing for the
and displacements we address in building design are applied AISC 358-05 prequalification?
slowly enough that a static analysis is justified. Blast loading is I have also heard that some proprietary connections have
one exception to this. The decision as to what type of analysis been submitted for prequalification. Is there a location
is appropriate for a specific application is left to the responsible where I can find a list of the connections that have been
design professional. approved since the publication of AISC 358-05?
Kurt Gustafson, S.E., P.E.
AISC continues to develop the AISC 358 standard. Because this
Skewed Single-Plate Connection is a relatively new standard, there are other connection types
Per the discussion on page 10-151 of the 13th edition AISC in FEMA 350 and other testing reports that have not yet been
Steel Construction Manual, the maximum beam-web thickness reviewed for possible inclusion in the standard. The RBS and
is a function of the maximum root opening and the angle of end-plate connections were included in the first version (2005)
skew in a skewed single-plate connection. Why? of the standard because these had the broadest range of testing
and therefore were the easiest to prequalify.
If the beam web becomes too thick relative to the skew angle, the For the other connections in FEMA 350, many code
root opening will begin to exceed 3∕16 in. This limit is the maximum authorities will allow you to use the criteria in FEMA 350
root opening allowed by AWS for a fillet weld. If the opening is while the connections are being considered by the AISC CPRP
∕16  in. or less, the fillet weld size must be increased by the root for inclusion in the standard. In essence, you are then using
opening dimension. If the root opening provided by the unbeveled qualified connections as permitted in AISC 341, and this is
web or plate exceeds 3∕16 in., the plate or web must be beveled. not uncommon. A supplement to the standard, which will
Larry S. Muir, P.E. address several other connection types—including WUF-W
connections—is available from the AISC website at www.aisc.
Prequalified 4ES Connection org/358s2. As stated in the previous answer, this document is
still under development, and will not be officially released until
Table 6.1 of AISC 358-05, Prequalified Connections for Special
next year.
and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames for Seismic Applica-
Chris Hewitt, S.E.
tions, lists 10¾ in. as the only width allowed for the end plate
of a 4ES connection. Is this correct that the identical max.
and min. values are the same?

In the first release of the standard, the width of 10¾ in. was
included intentionally, as all of the tests were conducted with that
plate width. Subsequent testing since the release of that standard
The complete collection of Steel Interchange questions and
has shown that the limits can be expanded to cover plate widths
answers is available online. Find questions and answers related to
between 7 in. and 10¾ in., inclusive. This is proposed for inclu- just about any topic by using our full-text search capability. Visit
sion in the Supplement to the standard, currently available at Steel Interchange online at Note that this document is still under
development, and will not be officially released until next year.
Chris Hewitt, S.E.

Kurt Gustafson is the director of technical assistance and Amanuel Gebremeskel is a senior engineer in AISC’s Steel Solutions Center. Charlie
Carter is an AISC vice president and the chief structural engineer. Larry S. Muir, P.E. and Chris Hewitt, S.E. are part-time consultants to AISC.

Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful and practical If you have a question or problem that your fellow readers might
professional ideas and information on all phases of steel building and help you solve, please forward it to us. At the same time, feel free
bridge construction. Opinions and suggestions are welcome on any to respond to any of the questions that you have read here. Contact
subject covered in this magazine. Steel Interchange via AISC’s Steel Solutions Center:
The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily
represent an official position of the American Institute of Steel
Construction, Inc. and have not been reviewed. It is recognized
that the design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a One East Wacker Dr., Suite 700
competent licensed structural engineer, architect or other licensed Chicago, IL 60601
professional for the application of principles to a particular structure. tel: 866.ASK.AISC • fax: 312.803.4709


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