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2019 Solar Thermal CSP Barometer En-20190704

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solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

Field of solar thermal collectors

+8.4 %
in Jelling, South of Denmark

The increase of the solar thermal market

in the European Union in 2018


A study carried out by EurObserv’ER.

A t long last, after a sluggish decade of decline, the European Union solar
thermal market for hot water production and heating applications
appears to have returned to growth. According to EurObserv’ER, the 2018
European market posted a rise of some 8.4% compared to 2017, which equates
to 2.2 million m2 of newly-installed surface. However, the amounts of growth
vary by country and market segment.

C oncentrated Solar Power (CSP) is a blanket term for all the technologies
that aim to convert the energy of the sun’s rays into very high temperature
heat. While the main use of these plants is to generate electricity, CSP can also
be used to supply heating networks or be integrated into industrial processes.

53.5 millions m 2 314 MWe

© Sol arheateurope

The cumulated surfaces of solar thermal Total CSP capacity in operation

in operation in the European Union in 2018 in the European Union in 2018

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solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

s climate warming’s repercus- a new 11.8% contraction on its 2017 per- 2018 to European solar heating networks
sions become increasingly The solar thermal market formance that can mainly be ascribed at 83 760 m2 (58.6 MWth). The report iden-
ev ident , s ola r therma l te ch - at sixes and sevens to declining interest in combined solar tifies 15 new solar thermal collector fields
nolog y, which ha rne ss e s t he sun’s systems (that supply both heating and (>500 m2) connected to a heating network,
rays to convert it directly into heat, While EU-wide market growth is posi- hot water). Likewise, the Italian market six in Denmark (66 800 m2 including two
is finally generating interest. EurOb- tive, piecemeal development charac- has been unable to stabilise and had to extensions to existing networks), six in
ser v ’ ER reckons that the European terises the national markets. Poland contend with a 7.9% decline in 2018 of Germany (9 380 m2), two in Austria (3 010
m a r ke t whi c h h a s b e e n dwin dling put in the best performance in 2018. about 139 000 m2 (excluding thermosy- m2) and one in Turkey (4 575 m2). The big-
since 2009, picked up in 2018 (graph 1) Its sector, which took advantage of the phon systems). It is particularly affected gest heating network system was instal-
as it grew from 2 to 2.2 million m2 (8.4% implementation of municipal tenders, by internecine competition from pho- led in the Danish city of Aabybro with 26
year-on-year growth) (tables 2 and 3). made a 180% leap to 310 000 m2. Another tovoltaic. In metropolitan France, the 195 m2 (18.3 MWth) of collector surface.
The market data covers systems that use good piece of news is confirmation that sector grew overall in 2018 despite the In Germany, 2018 also witnessed the
flat plate collectors, vacuum collectors the Greek market grew by 4% in 2018 to struggle of its individual hot water heater connection of the 983-m2 (0.7 MWth) Ber-

Sol arheateurope
and unglazed collectors. These technol- 328 500 m2, having already increased by market to beat off competition from ther- lin-Köpenick plant to the German capi-
ogies are designed to produce domestic 16.2% between 2016 and 2017 (from 272 modynamic water heaters. The French tal’s heating network. In Austria, a 656-m2
hot water, heating, and to produce heat 000 to 316 000 m2). Spain’s market picked overseas territories, with targeted incen- (0.46 MWth) collector field was connected Field of solar thermal collectors
and hot water for district heating net- up slightly (by 2%) confirming the pre- tives and substantial state support, are to Vienna’s heating network. No new hea- in Logumkloster, South Denmark
works and industry. In contrast, hybrid vious year’s turnaround when its market enjoying more momentum. ting networks were connected in France
PV/ T collectors capable of producing decline was limited to 5% between 2016 The European solar heating network in 2018, but industrial heat projects were
electricity and heat simultaneously and and 2017. On the downside, some former and industrial solar heat markets are completed – a food-processing plant at purposes of this barometer (ministries, setting a new Polish installation record
concentrating solar collectors (Fresnel market drivers continued to slide. A case gradually making ground with new sys- Melville (1 772 m2) and the Condat paper statistics offices, engineering and design in the sector. The good performance can
mirrors and parabolic trough collectors) in point is the German market. While it tems identified in Denmark, Germany, mill (4 032 m 2). This contrasts with the departments and heating manufactu- be ascribed to the implementation of
for producing heat (industrial or heating leads the European Union market ran- Austria, Spain and France. The latest IEA Austrian project for the world’s biggest rers’ associations). Whenever collector municipal tenders announced in 2017
networks) are not included in this part kings with 573 500 m2 installed in 2018, it SHC Solar Heat Worldwide 2019 report, solar heating network – “Big Solar Graz” base data was not directly available, and decided on at the start of 2018.
of the study. has been unable to stabilise and posted puts the collector surface connected in – which was dealt a severe blow as its EurObserv’ER relied on the market data These local programmes, that are backed
construction, scheduled for 2019, remains that it had gleaned (sources quoted at by European funds, were instigated to
uncertain. Difficulties relating to the roll- the end of this barometer) applying a tackle the smog generated by coal-fired
out of this project launched in 2015, and decommissioning hypothesis of 20 years domestic heating appliances that widely
disagreements with the Danish company for flat-plate collectors and 12 years for outnumber other heating appliances. The
China, the sector’s global leader VKR-Arcon Sunmark, led to the collapse of unglazed collectors and taking the n-1 sector players are concerned about the
its Austrian developer Solid, a company base data published by Eurostat at the market’s dependence on these tendering
At a global scale, solar thermal capacity installed in 2018 is put at 33 300 MWth. China stands out from the field with 24 800 set up in 1992 that specialized in solar start of 2019 as its base. In 2018, the exis- procedures once the programmes have
MWth of additional capacity, although this figure is lower than its 2017 effort, primarily because the residential solar heating and refrigeration systems for ting surface to date increased by 1.3 mil- run their full course.
water heater market – the sector’s main growth segment – is saturated. Turkey and India are also major players with the commercial and industrial sectors. lion m2, which equates to a 0.9 million-m2 They feel that the traditional circuits’
national markets in excess of 1 200 MWth in 2018. At the end of 2017, 130 countries had solar thermal installations with The project that was initially designed for decommissioning total. The decommis- lack of structure (sales forces, whole-
combined capacity put at 472 000 MWth. 450 000 m2 (250 MWth) was subsequently sioning phenomenon should accelerate salers and retail installation networks)
downscaled to 220 000 m2. Its 900 000-m3 in the next few years due to the growth in could lead to the sector weakening
storage system was intended to cover installations during the 2000s that culmi- without the possibility of capitalising
Tabl. n° 1 15% of the district heating needs of the
city of Graz.
nated to 4,6 m2 of collectors in 2008. In a
few years’ time this trend will raise the
on the “anti-smog” publicity campaigns
set up by the local authorities. Accord-
Main solar thermal markets outside the European Union (MWth) issue of maintaining the European Union ing to SPIUG, 80% of current sales are
solar heat contribution target levels if made through municipal investments

Annually installed capacity

Total cumulative capacity A European base of 53.4 the market fails to recover significantly and up to 20% through traditional distri-
in operation million m2 at the end of and be sustained. bution channels. Another trend is that
2018 while the market segments have devel-
2017 2018 2017 oped, the residential share is shrinking
China 26 100 24 800 334 500 The total surface of the European Union Solar breaks through the in favour of other sectors (commercial,
collector base should consolidate at Polish fog service, heating networks and indus-
Japan 1 348 1 320 16 300
about 53.5 million m 2 (37 418 MWth) at trial heat). SPIUG claims that in 2018,
USA 1 063 1 240 7 700 the end of 2018 according to EurOb - In 2018, the main respite in the Euro- residential accounted for 80% of the
China 860 850 10 400 serv’ER, i.e. a 2.4% increase on its 2017 pean Union solar thermal market came newly-installed capacity (75% in ren-
India 658 625 17 800 level (table 4). This estimate includes the from Poland, where according to SPIUG ovation and 5% in new build), 15% in
three main solar thermal technologies (the Association of Manufacturers and commercial and 5% in the other sec-
Rest of the world including EU 4 571 4 465 85 300
(flat-plate collectors, vacuum collectors Importers of Heating Appliances) the tors (heating networks, industry). In
Total 34 600 33 300 472 000 and unglazed collectors) and factors in market expanded by a factor of 2.5 and 2017, residential accounted for 88%
Source: REN21, EurObserv’ER decommissioning hypotheses for the increased from 111 100 to about 310 000 ( 71% in renovation a nd 17 % in new
oldest installations made by the experts m2 (300 000 m2 of flat-plate collectors and build), 10% in commercial and 2% for
contacted when gathering data for the 10 000 m2 of vacuum collectors), thereby the other sectors.

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solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

The Greek market is riding Housing construction ing units completed in 2018 compared to sons for this decline. According to solar
Solar thermal panels on a
high residential building in France
relaunches the Spanish 2017 (about 62 000 compared to 54 610). energy consultant Dietmar Lange, the
market In addition to new build, regional grants ratio between individual hot water pro-
The other good news is confirmation that from the autonomous communities con- duction systems and combined systems
the Greek market is robust. According to The annual ASIT survey claims that 205 tributed to a further 15 000 m2, to which (hot water and heating) has gradually
Costas Travasores, the executive secre- 530 m 2 (which equates to 1 44 MWth) should be added 6 000 m2 of unsubsidised been inverted as the m2 share of CESI has
tary of EBHE (the Greek Solar Industry was installed in Spain in 2018, i.e. a 2% systems and 4 500 m2 in the service and overtaken that of combined systems.
Association), it made 4% growth, or 328 increase on the previous year’s perfor- industrial segment. While this recovery is While individual hot water production
500 m2 sold in 2018. This compares to 316 mance, so halting the market’s steady a positive sign, the sector players are dis- system sales have remained relatively
000 m2 in 2017 (16.2% more than in 2016, decline since 2015 and thereby confirm- appointed that the results are far below stable, the combined systems market
the year when 272 000 m2 was installed) ing the turnaround observed in 2017. the political ambitions formulated in the (which uses more collectors) has plum-
the Greek solar market is still vibrant. Looking at the technology used, flat-plate Renewable Energy Plan (PER 2011–2020). meted... meaning that the German mar-
The EBHE points out that more collector Photothèque Socol
collectors dominate sales (109 028 m 2 , The projection of overall results obtained ket’s contraction is exclusively due to
surface was installed than the collector 6% more than in 2017), ahead of prefab- by the sector, by the end of 2018, should less interest in combined systems. Diet-
surface Greece decommissioned (i.e. 233 ricated collectors (82 938 m 2 , 5% less), lead to a maximum figure of 5 million m2 mer Lange claims that the individual hot
400 m2 scrapped in 2018), which means vacuum collectors (9 698 m2 , 35% more) in service by the end of 2020, i.e. half the water production system market is held
that the solar thermal base in service con- and unglazed collectors (3 866 m 2 , 6% plan’s intended 10 million m2 target. The together by the latest renewable heat
tinues to increase. It has risen from 4 595 more). This return to growth can primarily Spanish sector, which has a structured act (EEWärmeG) which stipulates that
900 m2 in 2017 to 4 691 000 m2 in 2018. The be attributed to better housing construc- industry, with manufacturing capacity part of the energy demand for heating
equipment level is very high in Greece with the entry of new private labels working 908 m2 in 2018. Yet, the EHBE is slightly tion figures. Their increase makes a direct put at 1.3 million m2, is very enthusiastic and hot water applications in private and
0.437 m2 per inhabitant (Table 5). As in 2017, with OEM partners and a slight improve- less optimistic about 2019. The market impact because of Spain’s thermal reg- at the idea of achieving such large market public buildings must be met by renew-
the EBHE ascribes this growth to a set of ment in the Greek economy. Costas Trava- could suffer from two election periods ulations (Technical Building Code – TBC) volumes and urges the public authori- able sources. The latter include geother-
favourable elements, starting with the sores also highlights the country’s solar in May and October, which traditionally which enforce a solar thermal contribu- ties to implement regulatory and finan- mal energy, ambient heat (heat pumps),
drop in system prices due to keen compe- thermal industry’s increasing export vol- curb investment decisions but more to tion in all new-build constructions. The cial measures to achieve it within the solar ray energy and biomass. In the case
tition between players, multiplication of umes, which boost Greece’s competitivity, the point, it fears that the government will “TBC” market segment expanded by 4% next 4 years. Spain’s industry currently of solar thermal, the total consumption
distribution grids as e-commerce builds vitality and optimism. The surface area decide to reduce VAT on electricity and gas over the previous year (from 173 294 to operates at 15% of production capacity, share of building heat must be at least
up steam, the arrival of major DIY retail- of exported collectors has increased by from 13 to 6% while continuing to apply 180 000 m2), with growth proportional to namely, 203 300 m2 produced in 2018 (3% 15% (in the interests of simplicity, the sur-
ers on this market such as Leroy Merlin, 20%, rising from 264 103 m2 in 2017 to 316 24% VAT on solar thermal systems. the increase in the number of new hous- more than in 2017), 136 200 m2 of which face of installed solar collectors must be
went to exports. at least 4% of the useable surface for indi-
vidual and semi-detached houses and
3% for multi-occupied buildings). Inves-
Graph. n° 1 Solar heating loses its shine in tors who prefer not to use renewable
Evolution of annually installed surfaces in the European Union since 1994 (in m2) Germany energies can meet the obligation through
energy-saving measures. To do so, annual
The European market’s main black spot consumption of primary energy and ther-
remains Germany’s inability to stem mal insulation of the residential building
the decline of its solar thermal sector, must be 15% better than the values stip-
despite the implementation of generous ulated by the German thermal regulation
4 609 764 incentives (of up to 3 600 euros for a sys- (Die Energieeinsparverordnung – EnEV)
4 172 553
tem including a new boiler). According to which sets the building energy consump-
data published by AGEEstat (the Working tion requirements.
3 765 254
3 054 867 3 591 580 Group on Renewable Energy Statistics), Competition from new, more efficient
3 486 192 Germany installed 573 500 m 2 of solar gas-fired condensing boilers, that still
3 125 302 3 041 255
2 907 362
thermal collectors in 2018... roughly 71 benefit from a relatively low gas price is
2 730 994 000 systems. This surface breaks down main reason for the declining market for
2 142 220 2 585 023
into 505 000 m 2 of flat-plate collectors combined systems. This is compounded
2 208 681
2 037 324 and 68 500 m2 of vacuum collectors, the by the rising internecine competition
1 731 104 market for unglazed collectors was not between the solar thermal and photovol-
1 596 792
1 461 040
1 271 591 1 199 069 assessed in 2018. In 2017, AGEEstat put taic technologies, which generally treats
1 007 039 the annual installed surface at 650 000 photovoltaic with partiality when they
849 538 944 277 981 776
725 815 m2 (573 000 m2 flat-plate collectors, 57 000 compete for useable roof space, espe-
664 209
m2 of vacuum collectors and 20 000 m2 of cially as photovoltaic can top-up hot
unglazed collectors). The contraction in water production in the case of self-con-
installed surface between 2017 and 2018 sumption. Lastly, solar thermal is also
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018* is thus 11.8%, and 8.9% if we only include challenged by heat pumps whose sales,
glazed collectors (to avoid statistical according to the BDH, increased by 8%
bias as in 2018 unglazed collectors were between 2017 and 2018, with 84 000 units
Member states included at the date of their accession. * Estimations. Source: EurObserv’ER 2019.
not factored in). There are several rea- sold, and primarily those that use air-wa-

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solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

ter technology (11% increase, with 60 500 sharply. According to Observer, these vol- (Energy Saving Certificates) is behind funds solar water heaters for energy-in- service industry buildings and 5 204 m2 714 m2) – 3 projects in the food-processing
units sold). Air-water technology has a umes increased by 27,4% in 2018 to reach the strong growth in Guadeloupe. It has secure households with enough aid to in industrial heat production. Much of sector including the Malteries Franco-Su-
very high European energy label score 156 122 m2 but not all market segments resulted in an offer priced at 1 euro for cover installation costs. Taken together the progress made in the multi-occu- isses site (15 600 m2), Lactosol (15 317 m2)
for heating and hot water production enjoy this momentum. The overseas ter- installing a DHW heater and roof insula- the 2018 overseas territories market pied building segment was driven by the and Fromagerie des Chaumes (2 511 m2)
appliances. ritories are the main driving force, and tion for individuals with the lowest earn- approached the 100 000-m2 threshold (95 commissioning of the successful bids for as well as two solar heating networks
especially Guadeloupe where according ings. EDF has run a successful programme 418 m2) which is 52.6% more than in 2017. Ademe’s calls for projects that focus on (Narbonne with 2 872 m2 and Pons 2 414
The overseas territories and to the Observatoire Régionale de l’éner- Agir Plus on Reunion Island (which can For its part, the metropolitan market major solar thermal installations (dis- m2). This contrasts with the struggling
the multi-occupancy segment gie et du Climat, 18 000 solar hot water be combined with tax credit) whose pre- (France plus Corsica) expanded by 7.3% trict heating, industrial heat). So, the individual market segment (individual
come to the French market’s heaters were installed in 2018 (7 000 in mium doubled in 2017 from € 600 to 1 200 in 2018 to reach 60 704 m2 (including 5 500 food-processing site at Melville (1 172 solar hot water heaters and combined
rescue 2017), and also Reunion Island, where for 300-litre hot water tanks and from m2 of unglazed collectors). This growth m2 of collectors) and the Condat paper systems) in metropolitan France, which
according to the regional observatory € 300 to 600 for lower capacities. All of comes from additional activity in the mill (4 032 m 2 ) were fitted out in 2018. now resembles a niche market. The fig-
If we consider the French market all Horizon Réunion, 9 682 solar hot water this has been boosted by active commu- collective segment (excluding pools), The major installation sector is bound ures for 2018 post 20 000 m2 compared
together, i.e. metropolitan France and heaters were installed (7 920 in 2017), nication by the French utility (advertis- which grew to 35 204 m 2 in 2018 (35.9% to expand through this calls for projects to 25 365 m2 in 2017, which amounts to
the overseas territories, the installed leaving aside collective installations. The ing campaigns, radio spots). Under the more than in 2017). About 30 000 m 2 of mechanism with 5 more successful bids a further 21.2% and tenth consecutive
solar thermal collector surface has risen introduction of energy insecurity CEEs Eco-solidaire scheme, Reunion Island also this was installed in multi-occupied and waiting to be carried out (for a total of 38 drop. Individual solar hot water heaters

Tabl. n° 2 Tabl. n° 3
Annually installed surfaces in 2017 per type of collectors (in m ) and capacity equivalent (in MWth)
Annually installed surfaces in 2018 per type of collectors (in m2) and capacity equivalent (in MWth)

Glazed collectors Capacity Glazed collectors Capacity

Flat plate Vacuum Unglazed equivalent Flat plate Vacuum Unglazed equivalent
Country Total (m )2
(MWth) Country Total (m )
collectors collectors collectors collectors collectors collectors
Germany 573 000 57 000 20 000 650 000 455,0 Germany 505 000 68 500 573 500 401,5
Greece 312 840 3 160 316 000 221,2 Greece 328 500 328 500 230,0
Spain 190 666 7 187 3 652 201 505 141,1 Poland 300 000 10 000 310 000 217,0
Italy 151 000 151 000 105,7 Spain 191 966 9 698 3 866 205 530 143,9
France** 117 076 5 500 122 576 85,8 France** 150 622 5 500 156 122 109,3
Poland 107 200 3 900 111 100 77,8 Italy 139 000 139 000 97,3
Austria 99 770 1 060 630 101 460 71,0 Austria 99 734 1 038 617 101 389 71,0
Portugal+ 55 105 55 105 38,6 Denmark 61 000 61 000 42,7
Cyprus 53 718 53 718 37,6 Cyprus* 56 404 56 404 39,5
Belgium 30 200 5 200 35 400 24,8 Portugal* 55 000 55 000 38,5
Denmark 31 500 31 500 22,1 Netherlands 28 089 5 409 2 621 36 119 25,3
Netherlands 21 150 6 162 2 621 29 933 21,0 Belgium 25 000 4 900 29 900 20,9
Bulgaria+ 24 000 24 000 16,8 Czechia 16 500 7 500 24 000 16,8
Czechia 16 500 7 500 24 000 16,8 Slovakia* 24 000 24 000 16,8
Slovakia+ 24 000 24 000 16,8 Croatia* 22 700 22 700 15,9
Croatia+ 22 700 22 700 15,9 Bulgaria* 20 000 20 000 14,0
Ireland 11 254 9 049 20 303 14,2 Romania* 7 200 9 600 16 800 11,8
Hungary 12 000 5 000 180 17 180 12,0 Hungary* 12 000 4 000 16 000 11,2
Romania* 7 200 9 600 16 800 11,8 Ireland 13 041 13 041 9,1
United Kingdom+ 7 467 2 471 9 938 7,0 United Kingdom* 5 300 1 700 7 000 4,9
Finland+ 5 000 5 000 3,5 Finland* 4 000 4 000 2,8
Luxembourg 3 600 3 600 2,5 Luxembourg 3 418 3 418 2,4
Sweden 2 867 341 3 208 2,2 Sweden* 2 800 300 3 100 2,2
Lithuania* 750 1 250 2 000 1,4 Slovenia* 1 300 250 1 550 1,1
Latvia* 1 350 250 1 600 1,1 Malta 486 122 608 0,4
Slovenia* 1 300 250 1 550 1,1 Lithuania* n.a. n.a. 0 0,0
Estonia* 900 600 1 500 1,1 Estonia* n.a. n.a. 0 0,0
Malta 518 130 648 0,5 Latvia* n.a. n.a. 0 0,0

Total EU 28 1 884 631 120 110 32 583 2 037 324 1 426,1 Total EU 28 2 073 060 123 017 12 604 2 208 681 1 546,1

Figures for countries marked with an * are Solar Heat Europe/ESTIF estimations, the data marked with a + were estimated by EurObserv’ER extrapolated from the * EurObserv’ER estimation. ** included 95 418 m2 in overseas departments.
solar collectors surface of the Eurostat database. ** included 62 546 m2 in overseas departments Source: EurObserv’ER 2019. Source: EurObserv’ER 2019 .

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solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

Solar thermal collectors for residential application
in Lahti, Finland Solar thermal capacity installed in the European Union at the end of 2018 (MWth)

N 400 km

Finland* n° 25

Sweden* n° 15
318 Estonia* n° 28
2.2 11
Denmark n° 8 0
Ireland n° 17 1 106
42.7 Latvia* n° 26

Netherland n° 13 Lithuania* n° 27
Sol arheateurope

457 Poland n° 7 14
United-Kingdom* n° 9 0
25.3 1 791
1 005
4.9 Belgium n° 12
Germany n° 1 37 418
13 489
401.5 Czech Rep. n° 14 1 546,1
have been unable to make inroads into vacuum tubes, and even CSP technologies the project are Sunoptimo, for collector Luxembourg n° 24 432
47 16.8
the new build segment, as they are heav- such as parabolic trough collectors and design, NewHeat, which will be respon- 2.4 Slovakia* n° 21
ily challenged by thermodynamic water Fresnel mirrors). Construction of a site sible for the technical aspects of project 158
Austria n° 2 16.8
heaters (TWH or dual-purpose HPs) and touted as the world’s third largest solar management and Dalkia, responsible for France** n° 6 3 574
2 258 71.0 Hungary* n° 18
by photovoltaic, whose technologies are thermal plant to supply an industrial site integrating solar thermal in the current 227
also better geared to the 2012 thermal kicked off at the end of 2018 in France. The installations. Premiums and low-inter- Slovenia* n° 20 11.2 Romania* n° 22
168 144
regulations. site in question is a malthouse. This proj- est loans provided by Ademe will cover Portugal* n° 10
900 1.1 11.8
ect is feasible because it won a call for 60–65% of its CAPEX (i.e. 5.5–6 million Croatia* n° 19
38.5 175
projects launched by the French Environ- euros). The European Union, like France 15.9
What are the industrial ment and Energy Management Agency also seeks to develop this avenue and Spain n° 4
Bulgaria* n° 16
openings for solar thermal? (Ademe). The 15 000 m2 installation, for 12 thus instigated the INSHIP project on 1 3 019 Italy n° 5 14.0
143.9 2 930
MWth, will produce 8.7 GWh of heat per January 2017 which should roll out over
While the European solar thermal indus- annum, which is enough to cover 10% of four years. With its 28 partners, it aims
try grapples with the residential market, the malthouse’s needs. The site’s indus- to guide research and innovation, to
it is stepping up its reorganisation and trial processes include a barley or wheat raise the technological barriers prevent- Greece n° 3
3 284
strengthening its “new growth drivers”. drying stage, with hot air that gradually ing this type of project from widescale
230.0 Cyprus* n° 11
The first of them is solar thermal applied rises in temperature from 50 to 85°C and reproduction. Its research priorities are 749
to industrial processes. According to the the solar plant, which is ground-based, separated along the lines of the various 39.5
IEA, the industrial sector accounts for will preheat the air for this process. temperature stages required by industry, Malta n° 23
more than 30% of Europe’s energy needs Kyotherm, the investor specialised in namely 80°C – 150°C, 150°C – 400°C and 0.4
and mainly depends on fossil energy renewable heat production projects is 400°C – 1 500°C.
sources to cover them. The needs are the project bearer in an ESCO (Energy Ser- Solar thermal is also set to play a role in Key
diverse, ranging from low-temperature vice Company) role. It will make the solar supplying district heating networks. The
hot water (40°C) to high-temperature investment and will operate the facilities relevance of this idea is supported by 37 418 T otal solar thermal capacity installed at
1 546,1  olar thermal capacity installed during
S * EurObserv’ER estimation.
the end of 2018 (MWth) the year 2018 (in MWth) ** Overseas departments included.
steam (>250°C). Solar thermal has the tech- to sell on the produced heat to the indus- many reports and analyses. In December
Source: EurObserv’ER 2019.
nologies to provide solutions to all these trial client through a long-term energy 2018, Technavio published its “Global Dis-
specific needs (glazed solar collectors, supply contract. Other actors involved in trict Heating Market 2018–2022” report,

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solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

dedicated to the heating network mar- thermal could play a role, the heat could pel solar thermal to join the momentum and will be tested for three years on two their targets for 2020 (i.e. 6.45 Mtoe). grammed. They are usually undertaken as
ket. According to the survey, the global be produced at a cost of less than 50 euros already espoused by many other renew- pilot sites. The first is a pre-prepared meal According to EurObserv’ER, solar heat’s a matter of urgency following the break-
market should expand by 43.2 billion per megawatt-hour. According to PlanE- able energy sources, starting with solar company that requires temperatures of contribution will only rise to 2.6 Mtoe by down of an existing system. When the
dollars, or 4% per annum by 2022. Capac- nergi, the ten countries with the high- photovoltaic. Thus, expertise with a high 6–8°C for production and 10–12°C in its this timeline (graph 3). problem is serious and a replacement
ity based on renewable energies should est potential for low-cost deployment level of citizen involvement in projects of delivery area. The second site is more The main barrier to sector development is required, the fastest option encour-
increase by 7.4%. Thus, the value of the of solar thermal to supply their heating this ilk already exists, which will help get complex. It is a unit of the Swiss group is the initial investment, because in the ages resorting to a solution of the same
renewable energy market dedicated to networks are Poland, the UK, Sweden, them off the ground, not only because of Givaudan based in Spain, which produces case of solar thermal, the main part of the type, which makes it harder to migrate to
heating networks should rise from 21 bil- Denmark, Slovakia, Romania, Germany, the financial leverage, but also because flavours and fragrances. The solar heat energy bill over an installation’s 20-year renewable energy systems. Thus, efforts
lion dollars in 2017 to 30 billion dollars in Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic. social acceptability is managed better. will be used to produce to meet 100% of service life is at the time of purchase. must be made preventively in sales to
2022... the five major players being Russia, In Austria, the solar association (Austria Lastly, solar thermal is deployed in the the cooler units’ steam needs. Despite the very competitive energy pro- help consumers plan for the replacement
China, the Ukraine, Poland and Germany. Solar) wants to involve its citizens in set- cooling market. It entails using solar duction costs put at 2 euro cents per kWh of their system. One of the sector’s main
In Europe, Danish consultancy PlanEnergi ting up and financing urban solar heat- energy not only to produce heat, but also for producing hot water via a thermosy- challenges is thus to take part in the mod-
has assessed the possibility of supplying ing projects. To do so, it has published a to produce cooling. The Spanish company 6% of the European demand phon system and less than 3.5 euro cents ernisation of the existing boiler base. The
solar energy to the heating networks of 2 guide – “Public Participation models for Veolia has coordinated a project to test for heat in 2030? per kWh for a heating network in Den- sector players stress that adding solar
480 small towns in 22 European countries. solar district heating”. The guide lists an installation called HyCool, based on mark by Solar Heat Europe, investment thermal collectors to a heating system is
It emerges that many towns have enough the various possible methods of capital Fresnel collectors supplied by the Aus- Even if the solar thermal market’s belated in equipment remains an obstacle to always an advantage in energy efficiency
land to mobilise to enable solar supply to injection by individuals for projects, such trian company Fresnex and “coolers” return to growth is confirmed in 2019 and market development. Another identified terms. Andreas Lücke, the general direc-
meet 20% of the heat demand. Further- as crowdlending and setting up citizens’ supplied by the German company Fahr- 2020, it will fall short of what the Euro- curb is that changes of heating and hot tor of BDH, the German heating industry
more, in 93% of the cases where solar cooperatives. This approach should pro- enheit. HyCool was launched in May 2018 pean Union countries require to achieve water production systems are rarely pro- association claims, “When combined with
solar thermal energy, condensing boilers,
heat pumps and wood-fired central heat-
ing become hybrid systems that lead to
Tabl. n°4 Tabl. n° 5 energy savings of up to 40%”. The public
Cumulated capacity of thermal solar collectors* installed in the European Union in 2017 and 2018**(in m2 and in MWth) Solar thermal capacity* in operation per capita (m2/inhab. and kWh/inhab.) in 2018** authorities’ role is surely to encourage
consumers to make this step forward. The
2017 2018 two main avenues open to public author-
Country m2/inhab. kWth/inhab.
m2 MWth m2 MWth ity action are active communication cam-
Cyprus 1,238 0,867 paigns and creating equal conditions for
Germany 19 091 390 13 364 19 269 490 13 489
Austria 0,579 0,405 competition between the technologies.
Austria 5 168 157 3 618 5 105 155 3 574
Greece 0,437 0,306 The solar thermal sector’s potential
Greece 4 595 900 3 217 4 691 000 3 284
Denmark 0,273 0,191 remains ver y high a s shown by the
Spain 4 106 950 2 875 4 312 450 3 019
Germany 0,233 0,163 “Renewable Energy Prospects for the
Italy 4 050 666 2 835 4 185 946 2 930
Malta 0,153 0,107 European Union” report, published by
France*** 3 094 442 2 166 3 225 000 2 258
Portugal 0,125 0,087 IRENA (the International Renewable
Poland 2 248 300 1 574 2 558 300 1 791
Slovenia 0,116 0,081 Energy Agency) in 2018 and produced in
Denmark 1 542 384 1 080 1 579 324 1 106
Luxembourg 0,111 0,077 conjunction with the European Commis-
United Kingdom 1 428 000 1 000 1 435 000 1 005
Spain 0,092 0,065 sion. The report studied the most cost-ef-
Portugal 1 231 105 862 1 286 105 900
Ireland 0,069 0,049 fective renewable energy solution mixes
Cyprus 1 043 860 731 1 070 264 749
Italy 0,069 0,048 likely to accelerate the deployment of
Belgium 750 600 525 769 956 539
Belgium 0,068 0,047 renewable energies by 2030. The con-
Netherlands 650 271 455 652 218 457
Poland 0,067 0,047 clusions indicate that alongside solar
Czechia 593 442 415 617 442 432
Croatia 0,061 0,043 photovoltaic, the use of solar thermal
Sweden 472 000 330 454 415 318
Czechia 0,058 0,041 in buildings and industry is one of the
Bulgaria 378 000 265 398 000 279
Bulgaria 0,056 0,040 most relevant solutions to explore if the
Ireland 322 616 226 335 657 235
France*** 0,048 0,034 renewable energy sources’ share is to
Hungary 308 000 216 324 000 227
Sweden 0,045 0,031 grow. This would even lead to outstrip-
Croatia 226 700 159 249 400 175
Slovakia 0,041 0,029 ping the current target of 32% by 2030
Slovenia 238 750 167 240 300 168
Netherlands 0,038 0,027 and achieving 34%. In the case of a ref-
Slovakia 201 000 141 225 000 158
Hungary 0,033 0,023 erence scenario where the renewable
Romania 189 000 132 205 800 144
United Kingdom 0,022 0,015 energy share only reaches 24% of the
Malta 72 250 51 72 858 51
Latvia 0,013 0,009 total heat demand in 2030, solar ther-
Luxembourg 63 150 44 66 568 47
Estonia 0,012 0,009 mal’s contribution would be just 3%. In
Finland 60 000 42 63 200 44
Finland 0,011 0,008 the most ambitious case, the REmap sce-
Latvia 24 520 17 24 520 17
Romania 0,011 0,007 nario, the renewable energy share would
Lithuania 20 150 14 20 150 14
Lithuania 0,007 0,005 reach 34% of the heat demand while solar
Estonia 16 120 11 16 120 11
Total EU 28 0,104 0,073 thermal’s contribution would be 6.2%. In
Total EU 28 52 187 723 36 531 53 453 638 37 418
* All technologies, including unglazed collectors. ** Estimate. *** Overseas departments included. this last case, IRENA has projected that
* All technologies, including unglazed collectors. ** Estimate. *** Overseas departments included . Source: EurObserv’ER 2019. Source: EurObserv’ER 2019
solar thermal energy in buildings and

13 14
solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

industry would probably reach 691 PJ Graph. n° 2
(192 TWh) of energy production, which Ranking of the largest flat plate collector manufacturers worldwide (Collector
would result in 269 MWth (384 million m²) area produced in 2018 in m2)
of installed capacity. Of this total, solar
thermal energy in buildings could gener-
Sunrain, China
ate 571 PJ (158 TWh) alone, which equates Greenonetec/Haier, Austria/China
to 222 MWth (371 million m²) of installed Jinheng Solar (BTE), China
capacity. Five Star, China
Linuo Paradigma, China
Bosch Thermotechnik, Germany
Dimas, Greece
Solimpeks, Turkey
Thermosolar, Slovakia
Hewalex, Poland
Viessmann, Germany
Eraslandar, Turkey
Solahart, Australia
Sunte Solar, China
Delpaso Solar, China
Ariston, Italy
Vaillant, Germany
Arcon-Sunmark, Denmark
Modulo Solar, Mexico
Nobel, Bulgaria
Emmvee, India
Chinese based companies trust the Cosmosolar, Greece
5 top places of the ranking of flat BDR Thermea, Spain
plate manufacturers.
Source : Manufacturers’ information market survey by solrico in February/March 2019,

Sol arheateurope
Tabl. n° 6
Solar thermal collectors
Representative European solar thermal collector manufacturers production line in Finland

Company Country Activity

GREENoneTEC Austria / China Flat plate and vacuum tube collectors

Dimas Greece Flat plate collectors manufacturer Graph. n° 3

Bosch Thermotechnik Germany Heating equipment supplier / Flat plate collector manufacturer Comparison of the current trend against the NREAP (National Renewable Energy Action Plans) roadmap (in ktoe)
Solimpeks Turkey Flat plate collectors manufacturer
6 451
Thermosolar Slovakia Flat plate and vacuum tube collectors manufacturer
NREAP Roadmap
Eraslanlar Turkey Flat plate collectors manufacturer

Hewalex Poland Flat plate collectors manufacturer

Viessmann Germany Heating equipment supplier / solar thermal

Delpaso Solar Spain Flat plate collectors manufacturer

3 035
Ariston Italy Flat plate collectors manufacturer 2 600 Curent Trend
Vaillant Group Germany Heating equipment supplier / solar thermal 2 180 2 309 2 365
2 116
Arcon-Sunmark Denmark Flat plate collectors manufacturer

Nobel Bulgaria Flat plate collectors manufacturer

Cosmosolar Greece Flat plate collectors manufacturer and heating equipment supplier

BDR Thermea Spain Heating equipment supplier / solar thermal 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2020
Source: EurObserv’ER 2019. Source: EurObserv’ER 2019

15 16
solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

parabolic trough plant (50 MW, 10 hours feels that CSP will play an essential role
Concentrated Solar storage). Lastly Morocco commissioned in the renewable energy mix, given its Concentrated solar power plant
in Italy
Power the Noor II and Noor III plants. Noor capacity to supply controllable renew-
II is a 200 -MW parabolic trough plant able energy, by supplementing variable
(7 hours storage), while Noor III is a energy sources like solar photovoltaic
Global electricity capacity 150-MW tower plant (7 hours storage). and wind energy.
at 5 663 MW Protermosolar has added to its list the
French Ello de Suncnim Fresnel plant (9
Most of the current CSP development MW, 4 hours storage), which has been at The European market is
work is going on in countries whose test stage since the end of 2018. Its offi- dormant
sunlight conditions are highly advan- cial commissioning is scheduled in 2019.
tageous such as China, India, Austra- Protermosolar’s figures suggest that The European Union market has been
lia, South Africa, the Gulf states and the above plants commissioned in 2018 dormant ever since the end of wave of
North Africa. In the latest update of the should add about 1 000 MW of capacity installations, that was concentrated in
Protermosolar database (Spanish Asso- (959 MW to be precise). This flurry of Spain between 2007 and 2014. There was
ciation for the Promotion of the Ther- construction should be followed by 2 no change in 2018, so the meter is stuck
mosolar Industry), the global capacity 166 MW of capacity currently under con- at 2 314.3 MW, including pilot facilities
of these plants was put at 5 663 MW by struction across the globe. In 2019, new and demonstrators (Graph 4 and table
the end of 2018 (4 704 MW by the end projects for 1 045 MW are awaited in 7). T hi s c a p a cit y i s p r e d o mina nt l y
of 2017). In 2018, 11 new plants were China and the Middle-East. The signifi- concentrated in Spain where the
commissioned across the world, most cant drop in production costs has paved installed capacity officially amounts

of which had a storage system. We draw the way for this positive thrust. The lat- to 2 303 MW (i.e. 99% of all European
attention to the South African plants – est IRENA Renewable Power Generation Union capacity). Furthermore, Spain’s
Ilanga I (100 MW, 5 hours storage) and Costs report published in 2018 claims sunshine conditions in 2018 were
Kathu Solar Park (10 0 MW, 4 .5 hours that the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) poorer than in 2017, when its output
storage), both using parabolic troughs. of CSP projects has fallen to 18.6 ¢ per broke a sector record. According to grid
As for China, three new projects went kWh (about 16.4 euro cents per kWh), operator REE (Red Electrica de España),
on-grid: the CGN Delingha parabolic which is a 26% drop on its 2017 level nett output was measured at 4 424 GWh
trough plant (50 MW, 9 hours storage) and 46% drop on the 2010 level. IRENA in 2018 compared to 5 348 GWh in 2017 (5
and the Shouhang Dunhuang (100 MW, forecasts that the LCOE could shortly 071 GWh in 2016). The prospects for 2019
11 hours storage) and Supcon Delingha fall by 6–10 ¢ per kWh as tender mech- are better. Over the first 5 months of the
(50 MW, 6 hours storage) tower plants. anisms encourage lower costs. Installa- year, output had already risen to 2 026
India, which has added no additional tion costs fell by 28% in 2018, settling at GWh according to REE, which is an 8%
capacity since 2014, inaugurated the a mean of $ 5 204 per kW, which is half of increase over the same period in 2018. Graph. n° 4
Dhursar Fresnel plant (100 MW, no stor- the cost borne by projects installed in In 2019 the sector broke three monthly
European Union concentrated solar power capacity trend (MWe)
age) in 2018. In the Middle-East, Saudi 2011. The load factor for new projects output records in February (262 GWh),
Arabia connected the Waad Al Shamal also rose sharply, by about 45% in 2018 March (475 GWh) and May (741 GWh).
2 312.5 2 313.7 2 313.7 2 313.7 2 314.3 2 314.3
ISCC parabolic trough plant (50 MW, (39% in 2017), helped by technological Protermosolar claims that this data
no storage) and Kuwait the Shagaya advances on the storage front. IRENA justifies the confidence deser ved by
1 961.2

A multifaceted technology that is complementary to others

1 158.7
The various concentrated solar power technologies include tower plants whose heliostats concentrate the sun’s
rays on a receiver at the top of a tower, Fresnel collector plants whose rows of flat mirrors concentrate the sun’s
rays on a tube receiver, parabolic trough plants whose collectors concentrate the sun’s rays on a tube and parabolic 738.4
collectors that use a parabolic mirror to reflect the sun’s rays onto a convergence point. CSP has the advantage
of being able to even out its output thanks to its thermal buffer storage, which usually takes the form of molten
salts heated in a tank to keep them at high temperature, thus extending operating time by ten hours or so. Hybri-
dization of CSP plants with other renewable energy sources (biomass, photovoltaic, geothermal…) or with natural
gas may offer benefits in terms of services provided to the grid. Hybridization between CSP and PV in particular
10.0 60.0
enables the synergies of their technologies to be harnessed because the energy generated during the day comes
from photovoltaic collector fields at extremely competitive cost, whereas from sundown, when photovoltaic
production wanes and the prices and demand for electricity peak, the CSP plant comes into its own by drawing on 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
its storage capacities.
Source: EurObserv’ER 2019.

17 18
solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

this technology and the relevance of and future transmission infrastructures investors are waiting for publication of p la nt ha s b e e n d e sign e d t o r un at with an ORC biomass plant which was signed a contrac t in Februar y 201 8
proposing more extensive deployment and thus contributing to grid stability. the decree defining the remuneration this capacity for 24 hours thanks to a commissioned on 30 December 2016. for the construction of Spain’s first
of CSP over the next decade. An example The EU development project situation terms of the future energ y output . storage system but can also operate for The project, whose thermal capacity is b i g h y b r i d s o l a r- b i o m a s s h e a t i n g
is the Spa nish Nationa l Integrate d ha s changed ver y little (t able 8). In The commercial commissioning date is 12 hours at a capacity of 50 MW. 16.6 MWth, can produce both heat and network. The site will be equipped with
Energ y and Climate Plan (PNIEC) France, the Ello plant in the Eastern suspended for the time being. The only At the same time, CSP technolog y is electricity. The solar part uses a 26 929- a 30 -MW biomass boiler and a 12-MW
project to achieve the targets by the P yrenees ha s been operating since project left in the running in Cyprus is looking for new outlets in industrial m2 area of parabolic trough collectors. CSP plant. Start-ups like the Spanish
203 0 timeline (see fur ther on). T he the end of October 2018 but will not the EOS project, at Alassa, near the city and heating network applications. In In France, Helioclim delivered France’s firm Solatom are concentrating on the
association pleads for storage systems go on-grid until 2019; thus, its output of Limassol. According to the Energy this segment it is in direct competition biggest CSP plant in Januar y 2018 to small installation market. The firm has
to be equipped to installations that will be included in the 2019 statistics. Ministry and the developers, the project with flat-plate collector technology, supply a heating network for the Saint developed a 14.5-kW turnkey system
have none, in addition to developing Four larger projects (Solecaldo 41 MW initially planned for 2018 should come in a niche market that should pick up Christol d’Albion (84) military defence ba sed on Fresnel mirror technolog y
new C SP plant s to complement the at Aidone, Sicily; Reflex Solar Power 12.5 on stream no later than the end of 2021. stea m with the new orient ation of base. The heat production system of t o sup p l y h e a t t o s m a ll in du s t r ia l
expansion of photovoltaic projects. A MW at Gela, Sicily; Lentini 55 MW, Sicily This tower plant project is somewhat the European RES directive. Denmark this relatively small (560 kW) 6-km long plants. The target sectors range from
common strategy would make it easier and the hybrid solar CSP project 10 MW exceptional as it will have two 25-MW ha s pioneered this technolog y by network comprises 750 m² of mirrors dairy, textile and chemical industries
to integrate renewable energies into at San Quirico, Sardinia) are still on generators yet only one 25-MW capacity commissioning a project developed by associated with a wood-fired heating to industrial laundries and sewa ge
the system, by optimising the existing track for completion by 2020–2021, but tranche effectively guaranteed. The Aalborg CSP combining a CSP installation plant . In Spain, A lc alá Ecoenergía s treatment plants.

Tabl. n° 7
Concentrated solar power plants in operation at the end of 2018. (Source: EurObserv’ER 2019)
Moron Parabolic trough 50 2012
Solaben 3 Parabolic trough 50 2012
Project Technology Capacity (MW) Commisionning date Guzman Parabolic trough 50 2012
La Africana Parabolic trough 50 2012
Olivenza 1 Parabolic trough 50 2012
Planta Solar 10 Central receiver 10 2007
Helios 2 Parabolic trough 50 2012
Andasol-1 Parabolic trough 50 2008
Orellana Parabolic trough 50 2012
Planta Solar 20 Central receiver 20 2009
Extresol-3 Parabolic trough 50 2012
Ibersol Ciudad Real (Puertollano) Parabolic trough 50 2009
Solaben 2 Parabolic trough 50 2012
Puerto Errado 1 (prototype) Linear Fresnel 1,4 2009
Termosolar Borges Parabolic trough + HB 22.5 2012
Alvarado I La Risca Parabolic trough 50 2009
Termosol 1 Parabolic trough 50 2013
Andasol-2 Parabolic trough 50 2009
Termosol 2 Parabolic trough 50 2013
Extresol-1 Parabolic trough 50 2009
Solaben 1 Parabolic trough 50 2013
Extresol-2 Parabolic trough 50 2010
Casablanca Parabolic trough 50 2013
Solnova 1 Parabolic trough 50 2010
Enerstar Parabolic trough 50 2013
Solnova 3 Parabolic trough 50 2010
Solaben 6 Parabolic trough 50 2013
Solnova 4 Parabolic trough 50 2010
Arenales Parabolic trough 50 2013
La Florida Parabolic trough 50 2010
Majadas Parabolic trough 50 2010 Total Spain 2 303.9
La Dehesa Parabolic trough 50 2010 Italy
Palma del Río II Parabolic trough 50 2010 Archimede (prototype) Parabolic trough 5 2010
Manchasol 1 Parabolic trough 50 2010 Archimede-Chiyoda Molten Salt Test Loop Parabolic trough 0.35 2013
Manchasol 2 Parabolic trough 50 2011 Freesun Linear Fresnel 1 2013
Gemasolar Central receiver 20 2011 Zasoli Linear Fresnel + HB 0.2 2014
Palma del Río I Parabolic trough 50 2011 Rende Linear Fresnel + HB 1 2014
Lebrija 1 Parabolic trough 50 2011 Ottana Linear Fresnel 0.6 2017
Andasol-3 Parabolic trough 50 2011 Total Italy 8.15
Helioenergy 1 Parabolic trough 50 2011
Astexol II Parabolic trough 50 2011
Jülich Central receiver 1.5 2010
Arcosol-50 Parabolic trough 50 2011
Termesol-50 Parabolic trough 50 2011 Total Germany 1.5
Aste 1A Parabolic trough 50 2012 France
Aste 1B Parabolic trough 50 2012 La Seyne-sur-Mer (prototype) Linear Fresnel 0.5 2010
Helioenergy 2 Parabolic trough 50 2012 Augustin Fresnel 1 (prototype) Linear Fresnel 0.25 2011
Puerto Errado II Linear Fresnel 30 2012 Total France 0.75
Solacor 1 Parabolic trough 50 2012
Total European Union 2 314.3
Solacor 2 Parabolic trough 50 2012
Source: EurObserv’ER 2019
Helios 1 Parabolic trough 50 2012

19 20
solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

New ambitions for 2030 to be preliminary indications coming from that the future of Europe CSP sector will
confirmed National Energy and Climate Plan (PNEC) be largely concentrated in Spain. The Solar research center in Austria
projects. This is because, according to the Spanish PNIEC project has the merit of
By 2020, the European sector’s growth Union of Energy governance rules, which giving a medium- and long-term horizon
prospects will be far below the targets came into force on 24 December 2018, to the sector, with a 4 803-MW installed
set by the member countries national the EU countries were obliged to draw collector ba se in 2025 in it s “ target
renewable energy action plans (graph 4). up PNEC plans for 2021–2030 and submit scenario” (for output of 13 953 TWh) and
Every year it becomes clearer that if the a draft plan to the European Commission 7 303 MW installed collector base in
European sector is to be relaunched, it will before 31 December 2018 followed by the 2030 (for output of 22 578 TWh), which
not occur before the next decade because final plans before 31 December 2019. equates to 5 GW of capacity on top of
of project delays. Its future is currently The fir st document s posted on the the current base (equating to 17.6 TWh
being debated by the Member States with European Commission website suggest of additional output). That would take

Tabl. n° 8
Concentrated solar power plants under developement at the end of 2018

Capacity cial date of
Project Project's holders Location Technology
[MW] operation
Flumini Mannu FLUMINI MANNU LTD Villasor / Sardinia 55 Parabolic Through n.a
Lentini LENTINI LTD 55 Parabolic Through n.a
/ Sicily
Solecaldo MF ENERGY Aidone / Sicily 41 Linear Fresnel n.a
Reflex Solar Power REFLEX SOLAR POWER Gela / Sicily 12.5 Parabolic Through n.a
CSP San Quirico 10 Parabolic Through n.a
POWER Sardinia
San Severo /
San Severo 3SP 10 Central receiver n.a

Ecotherm Austria
Non connu / Not known SOL.IN.PAR Partanna / Sicily 4.2 Not known n.a
Bilancia 1 Palermo / Sicily 4 Linear Fresnel n.a
Calliope Trapani / Sicily 4 Linear Fresnel n.a
Stromboli Solar
Trapani / Sicily 4 Linear Fresnel n.a Tabl. n° 9
Non connu / Not known Solar Energy SRL Belpasso / Sicily 1.2 Not known n.a Main European CSP project developers
Archimede ARCHIMEDE SRL Melilli / Sicily 1 Parabolic Through n.a
Francofonte /
Non connu / Not known ESSECV S.R.L. 1 Not known n.a
Sicily MW developped or
Company Country Activity
Noragugume / under construction
ENAS ENAS 0.7 Not known n.a
Sardinia Promoter - Project developer - EPC - Engineering - O&M -
Abengoa Spain 620
Total Italy 203.6 Components
Cyprus Cobra Spain Promoter - Project developer - EPC - Engineering - O&M 480
Eos Project Solastor Alassa 50 Central receiver 2021
Total Cyprus 50 Acciona Energy Spain EPC - Project developer - Promoter 314
eLLo Suncnim LIo, Pyrenees 9 Linear Fresnel 2019 Ibereolica Spain Engineering - EPC - O&M - Project developer 300
Total France 9 Torresol Energy Spain Promoter - Project developer - O&M - Engineering 120
FCC Energia /Enerstar Spain Promoter - Project developer 120
MINOS CSP tower Nur Energy Crete 50 Central receiver n.a.
Hyperion Spain Promoter - Project developer - O&M 103
Total Greece 50
Total European Union 312.6 Samca Spain Promoter - Project developer - O&M 100
Source: EurObserv’ER 2019 Source: EurObserv’ER 2019 (based on an extensive desk research).

21 22
solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

solar thermal and concentrated solar power barometers

the CSP contribution alone to 6.7% of project is lower with 70 MW (for output trajectory if it is to achieve a suitable
the country’s electricity output, which of 260 GWh). For the time being, Cyprus installation level.  Concentrated solar power plant
is similar to that of nuclear energy (7.3%). and Portugal are not currently planning on military field in Vaucluse, France
While less ambitious, the Italian PNEC any additional projects. Initially, the
project also demonstrates that Italy European Union’s CSP electrical capacity
still intends to count on the CSP sector could contribute up to 8.3 GW by 2030. CSP
with 250 MW in 2025 and 850 MW in 2030. technology has proven its reliability and
Turning to the other countries whose ruggedness, its capacity to contribute
sunshine conditions are conducive to to balancing the grid, but it will have
harnessing CSP technologies, the Greek to confirm its current cost-lowering

Graph. n° 5 6 594
Comparison of the current trend against the NREAP (National Renewable
Energy Action Plans) roadmap (in MW)

NREAP Roadmaps

3 427

Current Trend 2 323.3

2 313.7 2 313.7 2 314.3 2 314.3

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Source: EurObserv’ER 2019

Sources: AGEE Stat (Germany), EBHE (Greece), ASIT (Spain), PlanEnergi (Denmark), Assotermica-Anima (Italy), Observ’ER (France), SPIUG (Pologne), Statistics Austria, ATTB
(Belgium), CBS (Netherlands), Ministry of Industry and Trade (Czechia), SEAI (Ireland Rep.), STATEc (Luxembourg), NSO, Malta, IEA SHC, Solar Heat Europe, EurObserv’ER,

by the

This barometer was prepared by Observ’ER in the scope of the EurObserv’ER project, which groups together Observ’ER (FR), ECN part
of TNO (NL), RENAC (DE), Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (DE), Fraunhofer ISI (DE) and Statistics Netherlands (NL).
The next barometer will cover
This document has been prepared for the European Commission however it reflects the views only of the authors, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. biofuels.


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