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Class Notes HTML CSS Chapter5

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Assignment # 5

1. Write a program that take two numbers & add them in a

new variable. Show the result in your browser.

2. Repeat task1 for subtraction, multiplication, division &

3. Do the following using JS Mathematic Expressions
a. Declare a variable.
b. Show the value of variable in your browser like “Value
after variable declaration is: ??”.
c. Initialize the variable with some number.
d. Show the value of variable in your browser like “Initial
value: 5”.
e. Increment the variable.
f. Show the value of variable in your browser like “Value
after increment is: 6”.
g. Add 7 to the variable.
h. Show the value of variable in your browser like “Value

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after addition is: 13”.

i. Decrement the variable.
j. Show the value of variable in your browser like “Value
after decrement is: 12”.
k. Show the remainder after dividing the variable’s value
by 3.
l. Output : “The remainder is : 0”.

4. Cost of one movie ticket is 600 PKR. Write a script to

ticket price in a variable & calculate the cost of buying 5
to a movie. Example output:

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5. Write a script to display multiplication table of any

number in your browser. E.g

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6. The Temperature Converter: It’s hot out! Let’s make a

converter based on the steps here.
a. Store a Celsius temperature into a variable.
b. Convert it to Fahrenheit & output “NNoC is NNoF”.
c. Now store a Fahrenheit temperature into a variable.
d. Convert it to Celsius & output “NNoF is NNoC”.
Conversion Formulae:

7. Write a program to implement checkout process of a

shopping cart system for an e-commerce website. Store
the following in variables

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a. Price of item 1
b. Price of item 2
c. Ordered quantity of item 1
d. Ordered Quantity of item 2
e. Shipping charges
Compute the total cost & show the receipt in your browser.

8. Store total marks & marks obtained by a student in 2

variables. Compute the percentage & show the result in
your browser

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9. Assume we have 10 US dollars & 25 Saudi Riyals. Write a

script to convert the total currency to Pakistani Rupees.
Perform all calculations in a single expression.
(Exchange rates : 1 US Dollar = 104.80 Pakistani Rupee
and 1 Saudi Riyal = 28 Pakistani Rupee)

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10. Write a program to initialize a variable with some

number and do arithmetic in following sequence:
a. Add 5
b. Multiply by 10
c. Divide the result by 2
Perform all calculations in a single expression

11. The Age Calculator: Forgot how old someone is?

Calculate it!
a. Store the current year in a variable.
b. Store their birth year in a variable.
c. Calculate their 2 possible ages based on the stored
Output them to the screen like so: “They are either NN or NN
years old”.

12. The Geometrizer: Calculate properties of a circle.

a. Store a radius into a variable.
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b. Calculate the circumference based on the radius, and

output “The circumference is NN”.
(Hint : Circumference of a circle = 2 π r , π = 3.142)
Calculate the area based on the radius, and output “The
area is NN”. (Hint : Area of a circle = π r2, π = 3.142)

13. The Lifetime Supply Calculator: Ever wonder how

much a “lifetime supply” of your favorite snack is?
Wonder no more.
a. Store your favorite snack into a variable
b. Store your current age into a variable.
c. Store a maximum age into a variable.
d. Store an estimated amount per day (as a number).
e. Calculate how many would you eat total for the rest of
your life.
Output the result to the screen like so: “You will need
NNNN to last you until the ripe old age of NN”.

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