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Imc Electric Motor Testing: Quick - Precise - Reliable

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imc electric motor testing

quick • precise • reliable

Turnkey test stands for E-motors & electromechanical drive components

imc – productive testing

imc electric motor testing

Test stand technology & solutions from a single source

Electric motors are ubiquitous throughout the We offer expert consultation, design and implementa-
automotive, machinery and aerospace industries. tion of test stands to meet any requirement, including
With rising demands for comfort and safety, the the development of testing strategies and custom
number of electric motors is also increasing. Testing applications. Additional imc services such as calibra-
Electric motor testing – our expertise
these motors for functionality and reliability is crucial tions, training and even contracted testing help to
before they are installed in hard to reach places. make your imc solution a sound investment for today,
• Development test stands & end-of-line test stands
as well as for the future.
• Testing of all common E-motor sizes from 100mW – 100kW
For 25 years, imc has been offering turnkey test
• Testing of complex E-drive components & actuators
stands for all types of electric motors, as well as Test objects
• Testing according to standards & customer requirements
solutions for testing components such as rotors,
• Simulation of hardware & software components (imc HiL)
stators, electric drives and actuators. • EC- / BLDC-motors
• Integration in production & administration
• Comprehensive services: consulting, conception, implementation, • DC-motors
I 0 I 0
calibration, maintenance & training imc covers the entire spectrum of E-motor testing and • AC-motors
provides complete solutions from a single source. • Components

In Practice
I 0I 0 I 0
I 0
U U i i U U rpm iƒ iƒ ƒ out
out ƒ dB dB
Voltage Current Torque RPM Temperature Strain gauge

I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0
U i U ƒ i U U i i
out ƒ dB vid ƒ ƒ out dB out
vid out dB dB vid
IEPE/ICP Frequency Acoustics Vibration Digital input/ Analog
acceleration speed/angle output output

011001 011001 011001 0110

011010 011010 011010 0110
011001 011001 011001 0110

Facts & Features

Advantages // 03
I 0
U i ƒ out dB vid

Test methods Increase productivity with our test stand solutions

imc offers both a conventional method for testing electric motors, as well as the model-based parameter Quick testing of electric motors 011001
identification method (PI). These methods complement each other in their respective fields of application. • Fully-automated testing 011010
• Model-based PI method saves time by eliminating the mechanical motor coupling
• Integrated testing concepts – immediate test results can be incorporated to improve and
Conventional motor testing Motor testing with the PI method speed up further testing
imc test stands using the conventional testing Many electric motors must be fully inspected and
method are suitable for a variety of tasks. They tested at the end of the production process. With the
feature extensive measurement functionality for parameter identification method, imc offers a turn- Reduce testing costs per motor
diverse and constantly changing electric motor key, model-based solution that requires no mechanical $ • High reproducibility of
I 0measurements – reduces additional testing

testing requirements. coupling of the test object – the cost of connection and • Accelerated processing times
alignment can be omitted completely. • Long-life, durable test stands (ROI) and easily adapted to new conditions
A controlled, 4-quadrant actuator drives the test unit
at a particular speed and load profile. By this means, This method of evaluating electric motors makes
the motor’s mechanical power can be determined by intelligent use of knowledge about the structure of the Flexibility on the test stand
measuring torque and RPM. motor. This can be used to create a model for the elec- • Multifunctional test stands can solve a wide range of tasks
trical and mechanical part of any motor and employed • Flexible mechanical design

In Practice
The imc test stand can be perfectly adapted to during testing. • Easily customizable, modular hardware and software components
various motor sizes using adjustable fixtures and
torque sensors with an appropriate input range. The motor voltage in the PI method represents the input
This makes it possible to determine all mechanical, quantity and the motor current the output quantity
I 0of Efficient & customizable software
electrical and thermal properties, overload capacity thei model. Both of these quantities can ƒ
be simply and out dB vid software for a wide range of applications
• Same
and such technical specs as the efficiency and directly measured during dynamic control and allow all • Open interfaces allow individual expansion
power factors. model parameters – e.g., motor resistance, etc. – to be • Integration of user-specific expansions
determined. The static and dynamic parameters compri- • Interfaces to ERP and MES systems
se a test result which allows a complete assessment of
the test object. Comparison with anticipated set points
forms a qualified method for end-of-line testing. Expert technical solutions
• 25 years of experience - sound technical project consulting & execution
• Interdisciplinary team with strengths in the areas of electrical, mechanical, acoustic
and vehicle technologies
Noise and vibration analysis completes the
• Creating customer-specific test strategies
motor testing in areas where electrical and
mechanical parameters are difficult to measure.

A variety of special tests, such as temperature Service & training

monitoring, isolation strength or rotational • Turnkey delivery to customers & after-sales service

Facts & Features

testing can be implemented into all test stand • Training for electric motor testing

Facts & Features

methods, whether standard or custom. • Contract measurements
• Maintenance and further development test stands

Advantages // 05

In Practice
I 0 I 0

Parameter identification method Shorter development times with imc HiL

With product development cycles that are constant-
ly being reduced, the simulation of components in
development test stands is key to becoming more
efficient. imc HiL provides a solution by offering data
acquisition, control and simulation in a single system.
Using MATLAB/Simulink, imc HiL integrates simulated
Mi U i ƒ
I 0
I 0
out dB out components
vid dB vidor environmental conditions directly into
the measurement system and test procedure. Embed-
ded directly in a measurement system processor, the
models are carried out in real time – synchronous to the
measured variables.
011001 011001


011001 011001

E-motor testing in seconds

Measurement and automation system Is it possible to test 20,000 motors in a 24 hour period

In Practice
on a single test stand while maintaining the highest
accuracy? Yes, since 1993! Using parameter identifi-
cation test stands from imc, motor testing has become
much more efficient. When it comes to mass produc-
I 0 I 0
tion, end-of-line comprehensive motor diagnostics is
Conventional E-motor testing not the only thing to consider – time efficiency is also
critical. imc offers turnkey test solutions that provide
both high testing speeds (cycle times), as well as a
complete characterization of the motor.
Test object Sensor system Load

I 0 I 0
U i ƒ rpm ƒ
U i out dB out vid dB vid Flexibility – the answer to changing tasks
imc test stands are distinguished both by the modulari-
Drive Power inverter
ty of the hardware, as well as by the adaptability of the
software. This flexibility allows for quick and effortless

011001 011001 changes to be made to the set up and avoids unwanted

011010 011010
Power supply 011001 011001 downtime of the test stand.

Facts & Features

Acquisition of different measurement variables is also

not a problem due to the interchangeability of the amp-


lifier modules. Because of its interface capability, even

third-party systems can be integrated.
Measurement and automation system

In Practice // 07

imc motor diagnostic software Software components

A test stand is always only as good as its operating detection – even alerting the test manager by sending
Measuring and calibrating Monitoring and control Saving and analysis
software. This powerful and adaptable program is notifications to a cell phone, an automated e-mail or
also clear and user-friendly to make the evaluation of allowing access through remote computers. It also
• Calibration • Maintenance control • Storage of inspection data,
test data quick and easy. Motor diagnostic software offers convenient functions for data administration,
Tracing calibrations to and notification Linkage to MES system
from imc enables automated monitoring with error output and analysis. measurement standards Freely configurable module Adjustable saving interval of

• Network client for defining and monitoring test results and external sto-

Access to test stations from maintenance work rage of data on an SQL-server

remote workplaces without • Error mapping with data selection (statis-

interrupting the test proce- Freely configurable error num- tics or raw data); data can be

dure; configuration of testing bers and texts with monitoring read back from the SQL-

instructions and evaluation of of a maximum permitted num- server on the basis of a

results ber of consecutively occurring specified serial number

• imc@mail / SMS manager errors • Administration

Automatically sends freely • Self-monitoring Automatic or manual admi-

configured e-mail/SMS in Integrated self-monitoring nistration of jobs and serial-

response to various events of the system, with error numbers

(error occurrence, task diagnostics • Evaluation

comple tion, etc.) • Access control Wide variety of graphical and

• Random production Administration of users with tabular analysis options (e.g.,

Sequential testing of various varying access authorization Pareto diagrams, inspection

motor types in fully-automated charts, computation of sta

• Remote maintenance
production lines tistical profiles)
Software updates and online
• imc maintenance manager help • Label printing or laser

Protecting your investment marker

• Traceability
from deterioration Linkage to a variety of label-
Reconstruction of every
- at regular intervals printers, with administration
measurement’s test setup
- based on test run count of test-object-specific labels
• imc FAMOS
- based on operating hours
Simple computation of derived
quantities from physical quan-

Facts & Feature

User access rights & administration Graphical analysis capabilities Maintenance control and notification Automated monitoring with error diagnostics imc@mail / SMS manager Configurable error mapping

Facts & Features // 09

imc E-motor test stand overview Legend: standard feature recommended feature typically not required

Test stand type Development test stand End-of-line test stand Endurance test stand Test stand type Development test stand End-of-line test stand Endurance test stand

Test objects Mechanical design / adaptation

E-motors Stand alone - measurement & control system
only (no mechanical components)
DC-motors (classic / PI) / / / Stand alone complete (test cell / 19“ cabinet)
EC-motors (classic / PI) / / / Stand alone complete (test stand type)
BLDC-motors (classic / PI) / / / Stand alone - with enclosed climatic chamber
AC-motors (classic / PI) / / / In-line test stand (coupled to production line)
Universal motors (classic / PI) / / / Environmental conditions
Standard conditions
Pre-set climatic conditions
Controlled climatic conditions
Servo motors Use & operation

Geared motors Manual

Pumps, compressors and other aggregates Automatic (standard)

Electric power units Automatic (complex test sequence)

X-by-wire components Statistical learning, machine learning

Electromechanical actuators Test results / administration

Electric powertrains Manual administration / setup
Load type / range Administration / setup by production planning
and control system (MES, ERP…)
Without load machine (at idling speed
/ PI) / Automatic data storage
One active load machine SQL-Interface / database connection
Two active load machines
Automatic data storage
Load range
Service manager
0.1 W … 100 W (classic / PI) / E-mail manager
100 W … 1000 W (classic / PI) / Reporting / statistics
1 kW … 10 kW (classic / PI) /
10 kW … 100 kW (classic / PI) /
Costumer specific (classic / PI) /
Test procedures
Electromechanical testing
Fatigue testing
Vibration / balance testing
Dimension check (e.g., bearing clearance)
Temperature monitoring
Check of the rotational direction
Isolation testing
Type testing (VDE 0530 / DIN EN 60034-xx)
Precision measurements
Voltage (classic / PI) / / /
Current (classic / PI) / / /
Torque (classic / PI) / / /

Facts & Feature

Speed, RPM (classic / PI) / / /
Temperature (classic / PI)
Direction (classic / PI)
Vibration (classic / PI)
Acoustic (classic / PI)
Isolation (classic / PI)

Facts & Features // 11

13355 Berlin
Voltastraße 5
Fax: +49 (0)30 - 463 15 76
Tel.: +49 (0)30 - 46 70 90 0
imc Test & Measurement GmbH
imc electric motor testing 18_eng // Printed in Germany 2013 // Errors and changes excepted. All registered trademarks are the property of the respective companies.

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