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Week 1_Orientation FW04 ● Your  hands  should  be  apart,  slightly  wider 

Week 2_Lecture 1: Physical Fitness than  shoulder-width,  and  turned  out  45 
degrees; your chin should be tucked in  
Physical Fitness ● Bend  your  elbows  to  lower  your  body  in  a 
● Refers to the ability of your body systems to smooth,  controlled  motion,  until  your  chest 
work together efficiently to allow you to be almost  touches  the  floor,  then  raise  your 
healthy and perform activities of daily living. body  back  up,  pushing  your  palms  down 
into the floor 
● Being efficient means doing daily activities with ● The  target  muscles  of  this  exercise  are  the 
the least effort possible. pectoralis  muscle,  deltoids  muscle  and core 
● A fit person is able to perform schoolwork, meet muscle 
home responsibilities, and still have enough
energy to enjoy sport and other leisure activities
​Physical Activity
● Is movement that is carried out by the skeletal
muscles that requires energy
● Any movement one does is actually physical
Jumping Jacks 
Exercise ● Begin with your feet apart at the width of your
● Is planned, structured, repetitive and intentional shoulders, arms by your sides
● Jump up off the ground, spreading your legs as
movement intended to improve or maintain
you simultaneously lift your arms over your head
physical fitness
from the sides; allow your open palms to almost
● Exercise is a subcategory of physical activity
touch each other, then jump again, this time
bringing your feet back to their original position
Regression and bringing your arms back down to your sides
● You can make jumping jacks even more
● Exercise regression is simply an approach to challenging by wearing wrist and ankle weights,
decrease the demand of an exercise or increasing the length of your jumping jack
movement session, and increasing the intensity or speed
● Conversely, a progression does the opposite by ● Make sure you still keep proper form
increasing the demand incrementally through ● This exercise targets all muscle group including
minor changes the cardiovascular health
● Exercise  progression  is  necessary  in  any 
exercise  program  to  improve  strength  and 
● Muscles  must  be  challenged  continuously  in 
order to develop  
● Muscles  will  adapt  over  time  to  a  given 
load,  becoming  more  efficient.  If  your  body 
is  challenged  beyond  what  it  is  used  to 
doing  it  will  respond  by  increasing  strength  Supermans
and endurance  ● Lay  face down on a mat or flat surface, with 
● For  continued  benefits  from  exercising,  arms  outstretched  then  keep  your  hands 
challenges  need  to  be  increased.  While  and arms straight throughout the exercise 
regression  helps  the  individual  to  build  ● Next  raise  your  hand  and  legs  4-5  inches  off 
confidence  the  ground  and  hold  for  3-5  seconds,  then 
Physical Fitness Assessment   return to starting position 

● Push  up  start  out  suspended  over  the 

ground,  supporting  yourself  on  your  palms 
and tiptoes with your elbows locked 


Sit-ups  Week 3_Lecture 2: Locomotor and Non-Locomotor
● Begin by lying on your back with your lower back
Locomotor Movements
flat on the ground and your feet on the floor or
draped over a bench ● These are movements where the body moves
● Don't clasp your hands behind your head and through space from one place to another
don't tuck your chin in; rather, you should place ● Locomotor movements primarily use the feet for
your fingertips just in back of your ears, and
support however, the body can travel on other
gaze at the ceiling while performing the exercise
● Contract your abdominal muscles -- exhaling at parts such as the hands and feet
the same time -- and raise your shoulders off the Types of Locomotor Movement
ground, rising up as high as you can without
your lower back coming up from the ground ● Crawl and Creep
● Then lower your shoulders back down while ○ Is simply to move forward on your hands
● Core muscles are the target muscle of this and knees
exercise. ○ Creep means to move stealthily
(especially to avoid being noticed) or to
behave obsequiously
○ If it's intended to mean something similar
to crawl, then I would imagine it to be
more like sliding along on your belly.
● Linear Movements
○ Walking and jogging are typically linear
○ In some cases linear movements can be
also combined with dynamic stretching.
● In performing the body squats the first thing to ● Lateral Movements
do is to set your feet shoulder-width apart, toes ○ Used to refer to movements made by a
slightly turned out horse where the animal is moving in a
● Pull in your lower abs, and keep your eyes
forward, then slowly bend at the knees and drop direction other than straight forward
your hips to lower your body, keep your heels Non-Locomotor Movements
flat on the floor ● These are movements that occur in the body
● And lastly, at the bottom of the exercise pause parts or the whole body and do not cause the
for a moment and strongly push back up to the
starting position, mirroring the descent. body to travel to another place
● Dead Bug
○ Involves lying face up on your mat with
your arms in the air above your torso and
your legs in the air with your knees bent
at 90-degree angles.


○ Then, you lower the opposite arm and
leg toward the floor in a slow and ● The principle of progression states that a
controlled fashion. Return to center and program must be progressive in order for the
then repeat on the other side body to achieve more training gains, because
● Bird Dog the body adapts to the initial overload
○ Begin on all fours with your hands ● Start slowly and gradually increase the amount
directly under your shoulders and your of exercise and keep ove​rloading.
knees directly under your hips, pull your Reversibility
abs into your spine ● The principle of reversibility dictates that when
○ Return to the starting position, placing
training ceases the training outcomes will also
your hand and knee on the floor. Do five
to 10 reps
● Use it or lose it! If training stops, basically the
● Crunches
improvement that was made will be reversed
○ The crunch is one of the most popular
● Any adaptation that takes place as a result of
abdominal exercises
training will be reversed when you stop training
○ It involves the entire abs, but primarily it
works the rectus abdominis muscle and
also works the obliques ● The principle of individuality states that each
○ It allows both building six-pack abs, and person has unique capabilities and needs
tightening the belly ● The training exercise should be accustomed to
● Plank each person’s characteristics and needs
○ is an isometric core strength exercise ● If the same program is the designed, the person
that involves maintaining a position will respond differently
similar to a push-up for the maximum Week 4_Lecture 3: Cardiovascular Endurance
possible time Cardiovascular Endurance
Principles of Training
Specificity ● Is the body’s ability to deliver oxygen to muscles
while they are working
● The principle of specificity states that different ● In other words it is all about the heart and lungs
forms of exercise produce different results ability to supply and carry enough
● For example, to improve the range of movement, oxygen/energy to the body-parts that are in
an individual needs to do exercises for the motion, without too much tiredness or fatigue.
improvement of flexibility (
● The function of this principle is not only on the
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
movement or activity attained but to the intensity
● Endurance measures the level of your fitness.
at which it is performed
Increasing cardiorespiratory endurance has a
positive effect on your overall health
● The principle of overload states that to improve, ● Your lungs and heart are able to better use
muscles must work harder than those which they oxygen
are accustomed to ● This allows you to exercise for longer periods
● A muscle will be stronger when forced to work without getting tired
beyond its normal intensity ● Most people can increase their cardiorespiratory
● The load must increase in order to adapt and as endurance by doing regular exercise.
the training develops (​​)
Progression Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD)


● Including heart attack and stroke, are among the
EXERCISE. 3 to 7 days
top 5 causes of death in the country according to
● Intensity
the Department of Health (DOH)
○ Moderate exercise intensity: 50% to
● Dr. Keufell Dangazo of Vicente Sotto Memorial
about 70% of your maximum heart rate
Medical Center (VSMMC) stated that the rise of
○ Vigorous exercise intensity: 70% to about
cardiovascular diseases could be attributed to
85% of your maximum heart rate.
the lack of exercise and unhealthy food
● Time
○ 21 minutes per day for moderate
● He advised everyone to take walking as much
as possible, this is the easiest way to burn extra
○ 10 minutes per day for vigorous exercise
fat in the body
● Type
Aerobic Exercise
○ Running, Swimming, Cycling and
● Any activity that gets your blood pumping and
large muscle groups working. It’s also known as
cardiovascular activity Week 5_Midterm Exam BB
● Examples: ​Brisk walking, Skipping Ropes, Week 6_Lecture 4: Flexibility
Jumping Jacks, Running, High Knees, Pencil Flexibility
Jacks and Basketball ● The absolute range of movement in a joint or
● Experts recommend getting at least ​150 minutes series of joints that is attainable in a momentary
of moderate aerobic exercise, or ​75 minutes of effort with the help of a partner or a piece of
vigorous activity each week. Brisk walking or equipment
swimming are examples of moderate activity. ● Is not something general but is specific to a
● Running or cycling are examples of vigorous particular joint or set of joints
activity. (​​) ● Being flexible in one particular area or joint does
12 Benefits not necessarily imply being flexible in another
● Being "loose" in the upper body does not mean
● Improves cardiovascular health
you will have a "loose" lower body
● Lowers blood pressure ● Furthermore, flexibility in a joint is also "specific
● Helps regulate blood sugar to the action performed at the joint”
● Reduces asthma symptoms Types
● Reduces chronic pain Dynamic Flexibility
● Aids sleep ● kinetic flexibility) is the ability to perform dynamic
● Regulates weight (or kinetic) movements of the muscles to bring a
● Strengthens immune system limb through its full range of motion in the joints
● Improves brain power Static-Active
● Boosts mood ● Also called active flexibility is the ability to
● Safe for most people, including kids assume and maintain extended positions using
● Affordable and accessible only the tension of the agonists and synergists
while the antagonists are being stretched
(​​) ● For example, lifting the leg and keeping it high
without any external support (other than from
Sample Exercise Program using the FITT Principle
your own leg muscles
for Cardiovascular Endurance
● Frequency ● Also called ​passive flexibility is the ability to
assume extended positions and then maintain
them using only your weight, the support of your
limbs, or some other apparatus (such as a chair ● SOME OF THE MORE COMMON FACTORS
● Note that the ability to maintain the position does BONE STRUCTURE, MUSCLE MASS,
not come solely from your muscles, as it does EXCESS FATTY TISSUE, AND CONNECTIVE
with static-active flexibility TISSUE (AND, OF COURSE, PHYSICAL
● Being able to perform the splits is an example of INJURY OR DISABILITY)
static-passive flexibility Connective Tissue and Flexibility
Flexibility Limitations
● When connective tissue is overused, the tissue
Internal Influences
becomes fatigued and may tear, which also
● The type of joint (some joints simply aren't
limits flexibility
meant to be flexible)
● When connective tissue is unused or under
● The internal resistance within a joint
used, it provides significant resistance and limits
● Bony structures which limit movement
● The elasticity of muscle tissue (muscle tissue
● The elastin begins to fray and loses some of its
that is scarred due to a previous injury is not
elasticity, and the collagen increases in stiffness
very elastic)
and in density
● The elasticity of tendons and ligaments
Strength and Flexibility
(ligaments do not stretch much and tendons
should not stretch at all) ● Strength training and flexibility training should go
● The elasticity of skin (skin actually has some hand in hand
degree of elasticity, but not much) ● It is a common misconception that there must
● The ability of a muscle to relax and contract to always be a trade-off between flexibility and
achieve the greatest range of movement strength
● The temperature of the joint and associated ● Obviously, if you neglect flexibility training
tissues (joints and muscles offer better flexibility altogether in order to train for strength then you
at body temperatures that are 1 to 2 degrees are certainly sacrificing flexibility (and vice versa)
higher than normal) ● However, performing exercises for both strength
External Influences and flexibility need not sacrifice either one
● The temperature of the place where one is ● As a matter of fact, flexibility training and
training (a warmer temperature is more strength training can actually enhance one
conducive to increased flexibility) another
● The time of day (most people are more flexible BodyBuilders and Stretching
in the afternoon than in the morning, peeking ● One of the best times to stretch is right after a
from about 2:30pm-4pm) strength workout such as weightlifting
● The stage in the recovery process of a joint (or ● Static stretching of fatigued muscles performed
muscle) after injury (injured joints and muscles immediately following the exercise(s) that
will usually offer a lesser degree of flexibility than caused the fatigue, helps not only to increase
healthy ones) flexibility, but also enhances the promotion of
● Age (pre-adolescents are generally more flexible muscular development, and will actually help
than adults) decrease the level of post-exercise soreness.
● Gender (females are generally more flexible ● Strenuous workouts will often cause damage to
than males) the muscle's connective tissue
● One's ability to perform a particular exercise ● The tissue heals in 1 to 2 days but it is believed
(practice makes perfect) that the tissues heal at a shorter length
● One's commitment to achieving flexibility ● To prevent the tissues from healing at a shorter
● The restrictions of any clothing or equipment length, physiologists recommend static
stretching after strength workouts
Contortionist and Flexibility
● You should be "tempering" or balancing your
Types of Stretching
flexibility training with strength training (and vice
Static Stretching
● Many people use the term "passive stretching"
● Do not perform stretching exercises for a given
and "static stretching" interchangeably
muscle group without also performing strength
● However, there are a few people who make a
exercises for that same group of muscles
distinction between the two
● Judy Alter, in her book ​Stretch and Strengthen​,
● Static stretching consists of stretching a muscle
recommends stretching muscles after
(or group of muscles) to its farthest point and
performing strength exercises, and performing
then maintaining or holding that position,
strength exercises for every muscle you stretch.
whereas Passive stretching consists of a relaxed
In other words: "Strengthen what you stretch,
person who is relaxed (passive) while some
and stretch after you strengthen!"
external force (either a person or an apparatus)
● If you are working on increasing (or maintaining)
brings the joint through its range of motion
flexibility then it is ​very important that your
Dynamic Stretching
strength exercises force your muscles to take
the joints through their full range of motion ● Involves moving parts of your body and
● Repeating movements that do not employ a full gradually increasing reach, speed of movement,
range of motion in the joints (like cycling, certain or both
weightlifting techniques, and pushups) can ● Do not confuse dynamic stretching with ballistic
cause shortening of the muscles surrounding the stretching
joints ● Dynamic stretching consists of controlled leg
● This is because the nervous control of length and arm swings that take you gently to the limits
and tension in the muscles are set at what is of your range of motion
repeated most strongly and/or most frequently ● Ballistic stretches involve trying to force a part of
the body beyond its range of motion. In dynamic
Over Flexibility
stretches, there are no bounces or "jerky"
● There is a tradeoff between flexibility and movements
stability ● An example of dynamic stretching would be
● As you get "looser" or more limber in a particular slow, controlled leg swings, arm swings, or torso
joint, less support is given to the joint by its twists
surrounding muscles ● Dynamic stretching improves dynamic flexibility
● Excessive flexibility can be just as bad as not and is quite useful as part of your warm-up for
enough because both increase your risk of injury an active or aerobic workout (such as a dance or
● Once a muscle has reached its absolute martial-arts class)
maximum length, attempting to stretch the PNF Stretching
muscle further only serves to stretch the ● An acronym for proprioceptive neuromuscular
ligaments and put undue stress upon the facilitation. It is not really a type of stretching but
tendons (two things that you do ​not want to is a technique of combining passive stretching
stretch) and isometric stretching in order to achieve
● Ligaments will tear when stretched more than maximum static flexibility
6% of their normal length. Tendons are not even ● The term PNF stretching is itself a misnomer.
supposed to be able to lengthen PNF was initially developed as a method of
● Even when stretched ligaments and tendons do rehabilitating stroke victims
not tear, loose joints and/or a decrease in the ● PNF refers to any of several post-isometric
joint's stability can occur relaxation stretching techniques in which a


muscle group is passively stretched, then ○ Stretching
contracts isometrically against resistance while ○ Sport-specific activity
in the stretched position, and then is passively ● It is very important that you perform the general
stretched again through the resulting increased warm-up before you stretch. It is not a good idea
range of motion to attempt to stretch before your muscles are
● PNF stretching usually employs the use of a warm
partner to provide resistance against the ● It is also important to note that active stretches
isometric contraction and then later to passively and isometric stretches should ​not be part of
take the joint through its increased range of your warm-up because they are often
motion counterproductive
● It may be performed, however, without a partner, ● The goals of the warm-up are: "an increased
although it is usually more effective with a awareness, improved coordination, improved
partner's assistance elasticity and contractility of muscles, and a
How to Stretch greater efficiency of the respiratory and
Benefits of Stretching include: cardiovascular systems.
● Enhanced physical fitness When to Stretch
● Enhanced ability to learn and perform skilled ● Many of us have our own internal body-clock, or
movements circadian rhythm as it is more formally called:
● Increased mental and physical relaxation Some of us are "early morning people" while
● Enhanced development of body awareness others consider themselves to be "late-nighters"
● Reduced risk of injury to joints, muscles, and ● Being aware of your circadian rhythm should
tendons help you decide when it is best for you to stretch
● Reduced muscular soreness ● Most people are more flexible in the afternoon
● Reduced muscular tension than in the morning, peeking from about
● Increased suppleness due to stimulation of the 2:30pm-4pm
production of chemicals which lubricate ● Also, evidence seems to suggest that, during
connective tissues any given day, strength and flexibility are at their
● Reduced severity of painful menstruation peak in the late afternoon or early evening
(dysmenorrhea) in females ● If this is correct then it would seem to indicate
Some of the Most Common Mistakes made when that, all else being equal, you may be better off
Stretching are: performing your workout right after work rather
● Improper warm-up than before work
● Inadequate rest between workouts Warm-up Stretching
● Overstretching Static Stretch
● Performing the wrong exercises ● Immediately following your general warm-up,
● Performing exercises in the wrong (or you should engage in some slow, relaxed, static
sub-optimal) sequence stretching
Warm-up ● You should start with your back, followed by
your upper body and lower body, stretching your
● Stretching is ​not warming up! It is, however, a
muscles in the following order:
very important part of warming up
○ Back
● Warming up is quite literally the process of
○ Sides (external obliques)
"warming up"
○ Neck
● A proper warm-up should raise your body
○ Forearms and wrists
temperature by one or two degrees Celsius (1.4
○ Triceps
to 2.8 degrees Fahrenheit) and is divided into
○ Chest
three phases:
○ Buttocks
○ General warm-up
○ Groin (adductors) muscle fatigue and soreness (caused by the
○ Shins production of lactic acid from your maximal or
○ Thighs (quadriceps and adductors) near-maximal muscle exertion) is to perform a
○ Calves light ​warm-down
○ Hamstrings ● This warm-down is similar to the second half of
○ Instep your warm-up (but in the reverse order)
● As a general rule, you should usually do the ● Sport-specific activity, followed by stretching,
following when putting together a stretching can reduce cramping, tightening, and soreness
routine: in fatigued muscles and will make you feel better
○ Stretch your back (upper and lower) first
Yoga Plough 
○ Stretch your sides after stretching your
back ● This position places excessive stress on the
○ Stretch your buttocks before stretching lower back, and on the discs of the spine
your groin or your hamstrings ● Not to mention the fact that it compresses the
○ Stretch your calves before stretching lungs and heart, and makes it very difficult to
your hamstrings breathe
○ Stretch your shins before stretching your
quadriceps (if you do shin stretches)
○ Stretch your arms before stretching your
Dynamic Stretch
● Once you have performed your static stretches,
you should engage in some light dynamic
stretching: leg-raises, and arm-swings in all
● You should do "as many sets as it takes to reach Back Bend
your maximum range of motion in any given
direction", but do not work your muscles to the ● This position squeezes (compresses) the spinal
point of fatigue discs and pinched nerve fibers in your back
Sport Specific Activity  
● The last part of your warm-up should be devoted
to performing movements that are a
"watered-down" version of the movements that
you will be performing during your athletic
● The last phase of a warm-up should consist of
the same movements that will be used during
the athletic event but at a reduced intensity
● Such ​sport-specific activity is beneficial because Torso Twist
it improves coordination, balance, strength, and
response time, and may reduce the risk of injury ● Performing sudden, intense twists of the torso,
especially with weights, while in an upright
Cool-Down   position can tear tissue and can strain the
● Stretching is ​not a legitimate means of cooling ligaments of the knee
● It is only part of the process. After you have
completed your workout, the best way to reduce
● This is any stretch where you "hang upside
● Staying inverted for too long increases your
blood pressure and may even rupture blood
● Inverted positions are especially discouraged for
anyone with spinal problems
Duration, Counting and Repetition

  ● A good common ground seems to be about 20

seconds. Children, and people whose bones are
Hurdler Stretch still growing, do not need to hold a passive
● The reason this stretch is harmful is that it stretch this long. Holding the stretch for about
stretches the medial ligaments of the knee 7-10 seconds should be sufficient for this
(remember, stretching ligaments and tendons is younger group of people.
bad) and crushes the meniscus ● While counting during a stretch is not, by itself,
● It can also result in slipping of the knee cap from particularly important, what is important is the
being twisted and compressed setting of a definite goal for each stretching
exercise performed. Counting during a stretch
helps many people achieve this goal.
● Many sources also suggest that passive
stretches should be performed in sets of 2-5
repetitions with a 15-30 second rest in between
each stretch
Breathing during Stretching
● The proper way to breathe is to inhale slowly
Straight Legged Toe Touches
through the nose, expanding the abdomen (not
● This position causes your knees are to the chest); hold the breath a moment; then
hyperextend and can also place a great deal of exhale slowly through the nose or mouth.
pressure on the vertebrae of the Inhaling through the nose has several purposes
● lower lumbar including cleaning the air and insuring proper
● Furthermore, if you choose to have your legs temperature and humidity for oxygen transfer
spread apart, it places more stress on the knees, into the lungs
which can sometimes result in permanent ● The breath should be natural, and the
deformity diaphragm and abdomen should remain soft
● There should be no force of the breath
● Some experts seem to prefer exhaling through
the nose saying that exhaling through the mouth
causes depression on the heart and that
problems will ensue over the long term
● The respiratory pump is important during
stretching because increased blood flow to the
stretched muscles improves their elasticity and
  increases the rate at which lactic acid is purged
from them
Inverted Stretches
Early Morning Stretch
Stretching With Pain
● You should then begin your early morning
stretching by first performing some static ● If you are already experiencing some type of
stretches, followed by some light dynamic pain or discomfort before you begin stretching,
stretches then it is very important that you determine the
● Basically, your early morning stretching regimen cause of your pain
should be almost identical to a complete ● Once you have determined the cause of the
warm-up pain, you are in a better position to decide
whether you should attempt to stretch the
With a Partner
affected area
● Stretches performed with the assistance of a ● Severe pain usually indicates a serious injury of
partner can be more effective than stretches some sort, and you may need to discontinue
performed without a partner stretching and/or exercising until you have
● This is especially true of isometric stretches and sufficiently recovered
PNF stretches
Causes of Muscle Soreness
● The problem with using a partner, however, is
that the partner does not feel what you feel, and ● Torn Tissue
thus cannot respond as quickly to any discomfort ○ Overstretching and engaging in athletic
that might prompt you to immediately reduce the activities without a proper warm-up can
intensity of the stretch. cause microscopic tearing of muscle
fibers or connective tissues
To Increase Flexibility
○ If the tear is not too severe, the pain will
● When stretching for the purpose of increasing usually not appear until one or two days
overall flexibility, a stretching routine should after the activity that caused the damage
accomplish, at the very least, two goals: ○ If the pain occurs during or immediately
○ To train your stretch receptors to become after the activity, then it may indicate a
accustomed to greater muscle length. more serious tear
○ ◂To reduce the resistance of connective ○ If the pain is not too severe, then light,
tissues to muscle elongation. careful static stretching of the injured
● If you are attempting to increase active flexibility, area is supposedly okay to perform
you will also want to strengthen the muscles ● Metabolic Accumulation
responsible for holding the stretched limbs in ○ Overexertion and/or intense muscular
their extended positions. activity will fatigue the muscles and
● If you are very serious about increasing overall cause them to accumulate lactic acid and
flexibility, it is recommend religiously adhering to other waste products
the following guidelines: ○ If this is the cause of your pain, then
○ Perform early-morning stretching static stretching, isometric stretching, or
a good warm-up or cool-down will help
○ Warm-up properly before any and all
alleviate some of the soreness
athletic activities. Make sure to give
○ Massaging the sore muscles may also
yourself ample time to perform the
help relieve the pain. It has also been
complete warm-up.
○ Cool-down properly after any and all claimed that supplements of vitamin C
athletic activities. will help alleviate this type of pain, but
○ Always make sure your muscles are controlled tests using placebos have
warmed-up before you stretch! been unable to lend credibility to this
○ Perform PNF stretching every other day, hypothesis
and static stretching on the off days. ○ The ingestion of sodium bicarbonate
before athletic activity has been shown to
help increase the body's buffering ● Just because a muscle can be moved to its limit
capacity and reduce the output of lactic without warming up doesn't mean it is ready for
acid the strain that a workout will place on it
○ However, it can also cause urgent Splits
● Doing a full split looks impressive, and a lot of
● Muscle Spasms
people seem to use it as a benchmark of
○ Exercising above a certain threshold can
flexibility, but it will not, in and of itself, enable
cause a decreased flow of blood to the
you to kick high
active muscles
● Kicking high requires dynamic flexibility (and, to
○ This can cause pain resulting in a
some extent, active flexibility) whereas the splits
protective reflex which contracts the
require passive flexibility
muscle isotonically
● You need to discern what type of flexibility will
○ The reflex contraction causes further
help to achieve your goal, and then perform the
decreases in blood flow, which causes
types of stretching exercises that will help you
more reflex contractions, and so on,
achieve that specific type of flexibility
causing the muscle to spasm by
repeatedly contracting. One common Problems with Splits
example of this is a painful muscle cramp ● A common problem encountered during a side
○ Immediate static stretching of the split is pain in the hip joints
cramped muscle can be helpful in ● Usually, the reason for this is that the split is
relieving this type of pain being performed improperly.
○ However, it can sometimes make things ● Another common problem encountered during
worse by activating the stretch reflex, splits is pain in the knees
which may cause further muscle ● This pain can often be alleviated by performing a
contractions slightly different variation of the split
○ Massaging the cramped muscle (and
Split Assist Machines
trying to relax it) may prove more useful
than stretching in relieving this type of ● One problem with these "split-stretchers" is that
pain there is a common tendency to use them to
Overstretching "force" a split (which can often result in injury)
and/or to hold the "split" position for far longer
● If you stretch properly, you should not be sore periods of time than is advisable
the day after you have stretched ● The most effective use of a split-stretching
● If you are, then it may be an indication that you machine is to use it as your "partner" to provide
are overstretching and that you need to go resistance for PNF stretches for the groin and
easier on your muscles by reducing the intensity inner thigh areas
of the stretches you perform ● When used properly, "split-stretchers" can
● Overstretching will simply increase the time it provide one of the best ways to stretch your
takes for you to gain greater flexibility groin and inner-thighs without the use of a
● This is because it takes time for the damaged partner
muscles to repair themselves, and to offer you
the same flexibility as before they were injured Week 7: Lecute 5_ Body Composition
● One of the easiest ways to "overstretch" is to Body Composition
stretch "cold" (without any warm-up)
● A "maximal cold stretch" is not necessarily a ● To understand the concept of body composition,
desirable thing we must recognize that the human body consists
of fat and nonfat components


● The fat component is called fat mass or per- ● The percentage is higher in women because it
cent body fat. The non-fat component is termed includes sex-specific fat, such as that found in
lean body mass the breast tissue, the uterus, and other
● To determine recommended body weight, we sex-related fat deposits
need to find out what percent of total body ● Storage fat is the fat stored in adipose tissue,
weight is fat and what amount is lean tissue; in mostly just beneath the skin (subcutaneous fat)
other words, assess body composition and around major organs in the body (visceral
● Body composition should be assessed by a fat)
well-trained technician who understands the This Fat Served Three Basic Functions
procedure being used
● As an insulator to retain body heat
● Once the fat percentage is known,
● As energy substrate for metabolism
recommended body weight can be calculated
● As padding against physical trauma to the body
from recommended body fat
● Recommended body weight, also called healthy
weight, implies the absence of any medical
condition that would improve with weight loss
and a fat distribution pattern that is not as-
sociated with higher risk for illness
● The best way to determine whether people are
truly overweight or falsely at recommended body
weight is through assessment of body
● Obesity is an excess of body fat. If body weight
is the only criterion, an individual might easily Body Mass Index
appear to be overweight according to ● The most common technique to determine
height/weight charts, yet not have too much thinness and excessive fatness is the body mass
body fat
index (BMI)
● Typical examples are football players, body
● BMI incorporates height and weight to estimate
builders, weight lifters, and other athletes with
critical fat values at which the risk for disease
large muscle size
● Some athletes who appear to be 20 or 30
● BMI is calculated by either (a) dividing the
pounds overweight really have little body fat.
weight in kilograms by the square of the height
Essential and Storage Fat in meters or (b) multi- plying body weight in
● Total fat in the human body is classified into two pounds by 705 and dividing this figure by the
types: essential fat and storage fat square of the height in inches
● Essential fat is needed for nor- mal physiological ● For example, the BMI for an individual who
function weighs 172 pounds (78 kg) and is 67 inches (1.7
● Without it, human health and physical m) tall would be 27: [78 4 (1.7)2] or [172 3 705 4
performance deteriorate. This type of fat is found (67)2]. You also can look up your BMI in Table
within tissues such as muscles, nerve cells, 4.6 according to your height and weight
bone marrow, intestines, heart, liver, and lungs ● Because of its simplicity and measurement
● Essential fat constitutes about 3 percent of the consistency across populations, BMI is the most
total weight in men and 12 percent in women
widely used method to determine overweight
(see Figure 4.1)
and obesity


● Due to the various limitations of previously ○ Micronutrients include - ​vitamins and
mentioned body composition minerals;​ the prefix micro- is used
techniques—including cost, availability to the because the body’s daily requirements
general population, lack of consistency among for these nutrients are small. (​vitamins
technicians and laboratories, inconsistent results and ​minerals)
between techniques, and standard error of
measurement of the procedures—BMI is used
al- most exclusively to determine health risks ● Carbohydrates are compounds constructed by
and mortality rates associated with excessive carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen molecules
body weight ● Carbohydrates are converted into glucose in the
body, providing the main source of fuel (4
calories per gram of carbohydrate) for all
physical activity
● Carbohydrates are found in a wide variety of
foods including grains, fruits, and vegetables, as
well as in the milk/alternative (soy, rice, nut, or
other non-dairy products) group

● Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins,

constructed by carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and
nitrogen molecules
● Amino acids can be made within the body
(nonessential) or required from dietary sources
● Proteins are involved in the development,
growth, and repair of muscle and other bodily
tissues and are therefore critical for recovery
from intense physical training
● Proteins ensure the body stays healthy and
Nutrition continues working efficiently by aiding in many
● Is the science that interprets the interaction of bodily processes
nutrients and other substances in food in relation
to maintenance , growth , reproduction, health,
and disease of an organism ● Fats consist of oils and fat-like substances found
Nutrients in foods such as cholesterol and phospholipids
● Fats are commonly referred to as lipids. With 9
● a substance that provides nourishment essential calories per gram, fats are a concentrated
for growth and the maintenance of life source of energy
● 2014 , nutrients are thought to be two types: ● Fat is primarily used as a fuel at rest and during
○ Macro- nutrients - are the different types low to moderate intensity exercise
of nutrients we consume in large ● Fats are also involved in providing structure to
amounts, and these are measured in cell membranes, aiding in the production of
grams. (​Carbohydrates,​ ​proteins,​ and hormones, lining of nerves for proper


functioning, and facilitating the absorption of
fat-soluble vitamins

● Vitamins are a large class of nutrients that

contain carbon and hydrogen, as well as
possibly oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements
● There are two main requirements for a
substance to be classified as a vitamin
○ First, the substance must be consumed
exogenously because the body cannot
produce it or cannot produce it in
sufficient quantities to meet its needs
○ Second, the substance must be essential
to at least one vital chemical reaction or
process in the human body

● Minerals have a role in the structural

development of tissues as well as the regulation
of bodily processes
● Physical activity places demands on muscles
and bones, increases the need for
oxygen-carrying compounds in the blood, and
increases the loss of sweat and electrolytes from
the body, all of which hinge on the adequate
intake and replacement of dietary minerals
● Minerals are categorized into ​major minerals
(​calcium, sodium, potassium, chloride,
phosphorus, magnesium, and sulfur​) and ​trace
minerals (​iron, zinc, copper, selenium, iodine,
fluoride, molybdenum, and manganese​) based
on the total quantity required by the body on a
daily basis
● Similar to vitamins, minerals are found in a wide
variety of foods, but mainly are concentrated in
the meat and beans/alternative and
milk/alternative groups



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