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A3 - Magsalin vs. National Oprganization, Gr. No. 148492

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GR NO. 148492 GR NO.


Of the business of the company.
- Coca Cola Bottlers Phils engaged the - If it is true that complainants work is
services of complainants as sales route not necessary in the business
helpers for a limited period of five operation then, the company would
months and later paid on day to day not have maintained regular sales
basis. Accordingly, they were hired to route helpers. the nature of the
substitute the regular sales route helpers worked performed must be viewed
in case of unavailability and unexpected from a perspective of the business
shortage of manpower. or trade in its entirety and not on a
- The complainants seek to extend to them confined scope.
regular appointments but was refused.
- Hence this complaint - Likewise, in determining whether an
employment should be considered
COMPLAINT FOR: Regularization, notice of regular or non-regular, the applicable
strike, illegal dismissal and unfair labor practice test is the reasonable connection
between the particular activity
ISSUE: 1.) WON the nature of work of the performed by the employee in the
complainants are necessary and desirable in the relation to the usual business or trade
usual business of the company to qualify them to of the employee.
be regular employees?

LABOR ARTIBER: However, the complaint was dismissed

because during the pendency of the
- Dismissed the complaint
appeal with the Court of Appeals, 36
- Complainants are not regular employees
complainants individually executed
of coca cola
VOLUNTARILY a release, waiver and
NLRC : Reversed LA’s decision. Complainants quitclaim and received from the company
are regular employees of the company the amount of fifteen thousand (15,000)
pesos each. The Supreme Court finds the
execution of the waiver and quitclaim to
be proper, hence, must be respected.

- The company argued that its usual

business or trade is softdrink
manufacturing and that the work assigned
to the complainants as sales route
helpers involves merely portproduction
activities which is not necessary in the
manufacture of its products.
- Such argument was not sustained by the
Supreme Court because the repeated
rehiring of the complainants and the
continuing need for their services clearly
attest to the necessity or desirability of
their services in the regular conduct

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