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Direction: Read and Analyze The Question, Situation, and Statements Below. Answer The

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Name: Castillo, Mary Grace Year & section:BSCRIM 1-C

Instructor: Ms. Mary-Ann D. Abaigar, RCrim.
Time and Day: October 1,2020 (11:30 AM)

Direction: Read and analyze the question, situation, and statements below. Answer the
following question based on your understanding. Used English language in explaining your
ideas. Write your answer in a long bond paper in hand writing form only.

1. Create a scenario that explain and discuss the principal division of criminology. (10 points
a. Etiology of Crimes
b. Sociology of Law

c. Penology

2. discuss why criminology called as an inter-disciplinary science? (5points)

Criminology is an inter-disciplinary science because it is incorporated with scientific fields like
psychology, philosophy, sociology and more. Then it uses ideas, theories and methods from
these disciplines to apply to the study of crime. And its not just criminology can be an inter-
disciplinary science but also criminology can be researched by other sciences.

3. discuss why criminology called as dynamic? (5 points)

Criminology is called dynamic because it borrows or draws ideas, theories and methods from
other fields like social sciences, laws and other sciences that is concerned about human to
develop an understanding about etiology of crimes (the cause of the criminal behavior and effect
or impact to its victim), sociology of law(process of criminal justice) and penology(penal

4. differentiate criminology to criminal justice system? (5points)

In my own understanding Criminology is all about study of crime itself. What is the causes of it,
why it happened and the effect of it. While Criminal Justice is about the whole system of crime.
How to control and mitigate it and the sanctioning of those who violate laws with criminal

5. is crime a normal part of the society? (5 points)

Crime is a normal part of society and it is necessary because it is always present across our daily
social life. All societies have and do experience crime. Thus, having crime as such a common
action, one may say it is normal to have. What is seen as a crime in some societies may differ
from others. I find it hard to think of a functioning society with zero criminal activity when
people are born into certain lifestyles that involve committing crimes to survive or committing
crimes is a way of life. People will sometimes do whatever it takes to meet the needs of survival,
needs or wants. An example is stealing. There are some that steal to gain items of material goods
(jewelry) but then there are those who steal to survive (food). Either of them is willing to commit
a crime to get what they need or want, which goes against most moralistic values that stealing is
wrong. Having this idea makes it easier for us to punish those who do wrong, which hold our
social moral values together, making our society strong. If crime does not occur then it is
impossible for a society to define its own moral boundaries. Without this there would not be
social consensus, which is needed to hold a society together.

“To pass the exam is just an easy game but to top the exam is my Aim”

God Bless and Goodluck!!!

Prepared by:
Mary-Ann D. Abaigar, RCrim.

Note: if your done pls. post it on your respective fb page.

- Your answer will be rate base on the clarity of idea and originality of your answers.

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