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Formulating Laundry Liquid Detergents

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Formulating Liquid

Laundry Detergents
Whether you’re creating a value or premium formula, here are the steps to take
to develop an effective detergent at the right price point.

Shoaib Arif • Pilot Chemical Co.

major component of liquid laundry detergent is based on clothes. From here one can improve this basic formula to any de-
surfactants that remove soil from the fabric and clean it. sired level in order to enhance the performance and position it for
A combination of anionic and nonionic surfactants is various categories such as economical, mid tier, premium, ultra,
commonly used for optimum performance. In general, anionics and 2X, 3X, 4X etc. Some common additives include:
are good for particulate soil removal and nonionics are good for Builders: Remove the hardness ions so the surfactant can be
greasy soil removal. Other components of a liquid laundry deter- fully functional. Sodium citrate, tetrasodium EDTA and acrylic
gent formula are detailed in this article. polymers are commonly used in liquid laundry detergents.
Thus, a liquid laundry detergent formula can be as simple and Antiredeposition agents: Keeps the soil particles suspended
economical as say 5% active surfactant solution in water with in the wash liquor so they do not get deposited back on the fabric.
preservatives. The formula will foam and do some cleaning of the A variety of polymers can be used.
Dye transfer inhibitors: Help prevent dye from coming off
Thanks to ingredients such as one fabric and getting deposited on other. PVP K-30, Chromabond
enzymes and boosters, today’s S-100 (PVP with betaine functionality) Chromabond S-400 (PVP
laundry comes out whiter and with nitrogen oxide functionality) from ISP.
brighter than ever. Soil release polymer: Soil release polymers provide a bar-
rier to the fabric, which is removed during the wash, together
with the soil. Sorez 100 (polyethylene glycol polyester copoly-
mer) from ISP, Repel-O-Tex SRP-6 (polyethylene glycol polyes-
ter) from Rhodia and Texcare SRN 170 from Clariant.
Optical brighteners: Improve the apparent “whiteness” of
clothes by absorbing invisible UV light and giving off a blue fluo-
rescence. Tinopal CBS-X from BASF.
Enzymes: For tough stain removal, color and fabric care.
Enzymes help remove stains and soils like blood, grass and gravy
by breaking them down to smaller, easily removable components.
Lipase (0.2%) removes grease and oil; cellulase (0.1%) whitens
and brightens; amylase (0.5%) removes starch-based soils; and
protease (0.6%) removes protein stains. To stabilize the enzymes,
pH should be 7-9; water content (less than 60%), calcium chloride
(0.2%), sodium tetraborate (1-2%), propylene glycol (5-10%), so-
dium formate (1-2%), sodium citrate (3-5%) and monoethanol-
amine (1%)
pH control: Add citric acid or monoethanolamine to bring
pH to desired level.
Viscosity control: Increase or decrease viscosity to desired
level with the addition of propylene glycol, sodium xylene sulfo-
nate, polymers.
Suds control: Soap and silicones control excessive foaming.
Preservatives: Microbial control.
Perfume & Dye: Scent and appearance.

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formulating detergents

Enough talk. Let’s start formulating. Where

do we start? Why not start with an economy,
really economy, formula; i.e., a formula that
is less than 10 cents per pound in raw mate- Liquids dominate the
rial cost. Such a formula is a mixture of low market, but there are a
cost surfactants, thickeners, builders and pre- variety of price points.
servatives. So if we take 2.5% of DDBSA like
Pilot Chemical’s LAS-99 and neutralize it with
about 0.65% of 50% caustic soda in water to a
pH of 8-10 and then add 1% of cocamide DEA
(Calamide C) and 1% of sodium citrate and add a
suitable dye and preservative then this will be our
economy, or rather, ultra economy, formula. This
formula will have a pH of about 9.0 and viscosity of
about 100 cp. at 70°F.
Some may think, “This ultra economy formula
does not have many of the ingredients listed above.”
Well, that is what you get for less than 10 cents a pound.
This formula will foam and do some cleaning of the fabric, but
of course will not perform as a premium laundry detergent.
Dig a little deeper into your pocket and we can add at least
some more ingredients to this basic ultra economic formula. purchase quantity of major ingredients). The solid level will vary
How about we go to an economy formula from the ultra economy from 15-25%. Few differences from economy formulas are as
we listed above? To be honest, you may have to spend around 12- follows:. The medium grade formulas contain surfactants, build-
15 cents a pound in the raw material cost for this upgrade from ers, anti-redeposition agents, optical brighteners and the minor
ultra economy to economy formula. Remember the formulation components such as preservative, perfume and dye. We will use
magic can only go so far—after that you get what you pay for. a combination of alkyl benzene sulfonate and lauryl ether sulfate
Here is the economy formula: as part of the anionic surfactant portion of the formula. For the
Take 86.7% water, add 1.3% of sodium hydroxide (50%). nonionic portion, we will still use an alcohol ethoxylate. In this
Start mixing. Add 5% of DDBSA (Calsoft LAS-99—Pilot). Mix category we can also choose to stay with the surfactants listed on
well until complete neutralization. Add 3% of alcohol ethoxyl- “Cleangredients” database for DfE approval of the formula. For
ate (Tomadol 25-7—Air Products) and 1% each of lauramine builders and anti-redeposition, we will add sodium citrate and a
oxide (Caloxamine LO—Pilot), Cocamide DEA (Calamide C— polyacrylate. We will also add an optical brightener.
Pilot), tetrasodium EDTA (Versene 220—Dow Chemical) and a Here’s the formula: Add 72.31% of water in the mixing tank
hydrophobically-modified acrylate polymer (Aculyn 22—Dow and start mixing. Add 5.04% of sodium hydroxide (50% solution)
Chemical). Mix well and adjust the pH to 9-10 with DDBSA or followed by 9.6% of DDBSA (Calsoft LAS-99, Pilot). Mix well un-
sodium hydroxide. Add preservative, dye and perfume. Mix well til complete neutralization to pH 7-9. Add 5% of SLES (Calfoam
until a smooth, homogenous batch is obtained. This formula is ES-702, Pilot). Mix well until a clear, homogenous solution. Add
about 9% solids with a pH of 9-10 and a viscosity of 500-1000 cp. 2% sodium citrate and 1% polyacrylate (Accusol 445 N, Dow
at 25°C (Brookfield RV, spindle 3 speed 20 RPM). Some compa- Chemical) followed by 5% of alcohol ethoxylate (Tomadol 25-7,
nies also offer blends for laundry applications. Blends offer some Air Products). Continue mixing. Add 0.05% of optical brightener
advantages such as convenience, less storage space, less chances (Tinopal CBS-X, BASF). Mix well and add the minors with con-
of error and batch-to-batch variations. Pilot offers a blend called stant mixing.
Calsuds CD-6. An economy formula can be made by diluting This formula can be modified to achieve various product
10% of this blend with water. positioning and performance attributes. If you like to call it a
predominantly naturally-derived formula, replace LAS with so-
Mid-Tier Detergents dium lauryl sulfate (Calfoam SLS-30, Pilot). Replace Tomadol
Both ultra economy and economy liquid laundry detergents can 25-7 with a naturally-derived alcohol ethoxylate such as
be classified as value brand products. Let us continue our jour- Tomadol L-124. If you want to upgrade the formula to an upper
ney and climb to the mid-tier. Needless to say, this detergent mid-tier formula, add a dye transfer inhibitor and a soil release
costs more than the value detergent. The raw material cost may polymer such as 0.25 % of PVP K-30 (ISP) and 0.4% of Texcare
go to 20-30 cents a pound (the cost will vary according to the SRN 240 (Clariant).

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formulating detergents

Modern day technology

fuels the laundry detergent

Premium Formulas on various kinds of soils including grease and protein. Enzymes
If we can dig a little deeper into our pockets, we can go all out to also help clothes look whiter and brighter. Enzymes are some-
develop the ultimate liquid laundry detergent, or in other words, what delicate materials, however, and must be treated with a
make a premium formula. Now we are talking about making a little TLC. That includes slow mixing when processing a batch,
formula with 30-40% solids containing all the ingredients listed avoiding hot temperatures, using less water and more actives
in the beginning of this article. Here we will use a combination of and, finally, adding enzyme stabilizers to the formula. Enzyme
three anionic surfactants, two nonionics and an amine oxide. stabilizers include propylene glycol, monoethanolamine, calcium
For builder we will stay with sodium citrate. We will use PVP chloride, borax, sodium citrate and sodium formate. Enzymes
NO (Chromabond S-400—ISP) and Texcare SRN 170 for dye used in our premium formula are included further in the article.
transfer inhibition, soil release and antiredeposition effects. Also All right, let’s get to work and develop a nice premium 3X
let us add some oleic acid soap for suds control. For an optical liquid laundry detergent formula.
brightener, let us use Tinopal CBX (BASF) and for pH adjustment,
we will go with citric acid and monoethanolamine. Try propyl- How It Works
ene glycol and sodium diphenyloxide disulfonates (Calfax DB- For the surfactant part of the formula we need a well-rounded
45, Pilot) for viscosity control and coupling. The disulfonates are and balanced combination that can clean various kinds of soils.
excellent anionic surfactants as well as hydrotropes and couplers. I suggest we use a combination of linear alkyl benzene sulfonate
In premium 2X or 3X laundry detergent formulas, they increase (Pilot’s LAS-99 neutralized with potassium hydroxide), diphenyl
the activity of the formula, but at the same time, lower the viscos- ether disulfonate (Pilot’s Calfax DBA-70 neutralized with potas-
ity and also perform the coupling action. This is a unique benefit sium hydroxide), alkyl ether sulfate (Pilot’s Calfoam ES-603),
of disulfonates. Most surfactants will increase the viscosity of the alcohol ethoxylate (Air Products’ Tomadol 1-7) and amine oxide
formula and may even cause gelling. Disulfonates are also stable (Pilot’s Caloxamine LO).
in chlorine bleach, peroxide, alkalis and acids. That is why they Let us also use some builders like sodium citrate. For soil
can be used in a wide variety of HI&I cleaners. release, antiredeposition and dye transfer inhibition we will
Don’t forget the enzymes. They offer enhanced performance use a combination of PVPNO (Chromabond S-400 ISP) and

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formulating detergents

a modified polyester copolymer (Sorez 100 ISP). How about Caloxamine LO. Mix well at slow speed. Add 3.0% sodium ci-
Tinopal CBS-X from BASF as optical brightener? I know you trate, 1.0% sodium format, 0.2% calcium chloride, 1.0% borax,
would agree to use some silicone antifoam for suds control, 1.0% monoethanolamine, 0.6% Chromabond S-400, 0.6% Sorez
something like Dow Corning’s 1520 antifoam. For enzymes 100, 0.05% Tinopal CBS-X. Mix well and cool the batch down to
we will go with lipase (Novozyme’s Lipolase 100 L), protease room temperature if necessary before adding the enzymes. Add
(Novozyme’s Savinase 16 L), amylase (Termamyl 300 L) and 0.3% of Carezyme 4500 L, 0.5% Lipolase 100L, 1.5% Savinase
cellulase (Novozyme’s Carezyme 4500 L). The rest of the ingre- 16 L and 1.5% Termamyl 300L. Add preservatives, perfume and
dients listed below will act as enzyme stabilizer, viscosity modi- dye as required and mix well.•
fier, foam control agents and pH buffers. These include calcium
chloride, sodium formate, propylene glycol, borax, monoetha- About the Author:
nolamine and potassium oleate. SHOAIB ARIF is manager, home and per-
Let us go to the lab and prepare a sample of the premium sonal care applications at Pilot Chemical Co.,
3X liquid laundry detergent. First add deionized water (29.15%), Cincinnati, OH. Previously, he was manager
followed by potassium hydroxide 45% solution (6.1%) in an ap- of technology at Degussa Corp.
propriate beaker. Start mixing and slowly add Calsoft LAS-99 He has also worked for Noveon, Witco
(10%) and Calfax DBA-70 (5%). Mix slowly to avoid exces- and Olin Chemicals. Arif has more than 30
sive foaming for 10-15 minutes. Add oleic acid (3%) and mix years experience in surfactant applications,
well. Check the pH and adjust to 7-9, if necessary, with Calsoft technical service, product development and formulations involv-
LAS-99 or potassium hydroxide. With continuous mixing add ing personal care and HI&I products.
0.5% Dow Corning 1520 antifoam, 15% Tomadol 1-7 and 7% He can be reached at 513-939-6150 or via e-mail at sarif@
propylene glycol. Then add 10.0% Calfoam ES-603 and 3.0%

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