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Additional Math SBA.

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The document discusses a project investigating factors that influence consumption of canned/packaged foods from Goya Foods Inc. among students at Queen's College in Guyana, despite health risks. It outlines the introduction, variables, data collection method, and data collection instrument used.

The title of the project is 'What Factors influences the consumption of Goya Food Products in Queen’s College, despite its risks?'

The variables considered in the project are: limited data, location of household, financial status of household, opinions limited to parents.

Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate

Additional Mathematics
School Based Assessment 2020

Candidate Names: Candidate Numbers:

Azzareya Allicock
Nathan Gangadeen
Reanna McCurchin
Nkechi Layne
Christine Richardson
School: Queen’s College
Territory: Guyana
Centre Number: 090041
Name of Teacher:
Date of Submission:

Table of Content
 Title of Project………………………………………………………..
 Introduction…………………………………………………………..
 Variables...............................................................................................
 Method of Data Collection…………………………………………...
 Data Collection .......……………………………………………...….
 Analysis of Data…………..………………………………………....
 Discussion of Findings........................................................................
 Recommendations...………………………………………………....
 Conclusion…………………………………………………………..
 Bibliography………………………………………………………...
 Appendix……………………………………………………………

Title of The Project
What Factors influences the consumption of Goya Food Products in Queen’s
College, despite its risks?

 Canned and packaged food items are identified as any edible item which have
been processed, preserved and sealed in packages, fit for consumption at a later
 It has been observed that the students of Queen’s College and majority of the
general population consume these items, despite the several unhealthy additives
and health risks caused by these items.
 Goya Foods Inc. is an American based manufacturer who outsources these
products to countries like Guyana. Their foods can be found in almost every
supermarket and household. Some of these foods include; canned beans, corn,
preserved meats and sweets.
 This investigation focuses on the awareness the Queen’s College student body
has of the dangers, associated with the frequent consumption of these canned
and packaged foods.

The researchers also intend (aims) to uncover:

- the total percentage of students who consume these products.

- how knowledgeable they are about the health risk.

- how regularly they consume these items.

- their reason for consumption.

- whether the student body prefers to consume Goya products( can/packaged

products or organic products.

1. Limited Data- Incomplete questionnaires and unwilling participation by
Queen’s College students.
2. Location of Household.
3. Financial Status of Household
4. Opinions limited to our parents

Method of Data Collection
Queen’s College has a population of approximately 714 students. A sampling
frame of 120 students, consisting of an average 4 students selected randomly from
each class of both the lower and upper formers, was chosen for observation due to
the varying age ranges. Data was collected by the use of questionnaire due to its
ability to assist us in acquiring firsthand information on student’s preferences.

The “Stratified Random Sampling” technique was judged to be appropriate

because Queen’s College is already divided into various stratas, i.e. classes with
similar age ranges, thus researchers were able to conveniently obtain data required
to answer their objectives. Each individual voluntarily filled questionnaires,
knowing the guaranteed confidentiality of their responses and safe security of it,
and unnecessary personal information was not taken, all allowing for the exercise
to be completed without flaw.

The distribution of questionnaires was carried out on the 8th October 2019 and they
were all returned completed and returned by 9th October 2019.

Data Collection
Histogram #1

The Histogram above shows the various reasons for the consumption of canned/
packaged items, highlighting the fact that majority of students consume these
products simply for the taste/flavor.
It also shows the Cumulative Frequency for the reasons.

Comparative Bar Chart #1

The comparative/ clustered Bar chart shows the frequency of consumtpion ofGoya
Foods by Students Across the Various Forms


First Form Second Form Third Form Fourth Form Fifth Form Sixth Form

Once Per week Twice Per Week Thrice Per Week 4 Times or More

The comparative bar graph above displays a comparison between the frequency of
the consumption of Goya products within each level or form.

Contingency Table #1

Knowledgeable Not TOTAL


Consume 42 25 67

Do Not 23 10 33


The contingency Table above shows the co-relation between the students that
consume canned products and are knowledgeable of the dangers, the students that
do not consume canned products and are not knowledgeable of the dangers, the
students who consume and are not knowledgeable and the students who do not
consume and are knowledgeable.

Pie Chart

Pie Chart Showing the Students Preferences when it comes to Canned or Organic/
Homemade Food

Organic Foods Processed Foods Uncertain

The pie chart above shows the Students Preferences when it comes to Canned or
Organic/ Homemade Food and that a fraction of the population is uncertain of their

Analysis of data
Mean: -
Reasons (x) Frequency (F) (CF)
Affordable 17 17

Flavour/ Taste 40 17+40= 57

Time Conserving 23 17+40+23=80

Other 20 17+40+23+20=100

TOTAL 100 254

x̄= ∑n σ = √[ ∑(x - x̄)2/ N ]

#n = (17-25) ² + (40-25) ² + (23-25) ² +

(20-25) ²
= (17+ 40+23+20)
=65+ 225+ 4+ 25
= 100
S= ±
1 SD = ± 1.78 (Standard Deviation)
=25 students

Comparative Bar Graph
Modal Class Per level- First Form: Once per week (6)
-Second Form: Once per Week (11)
-Third Form: Twice per Week (7)
-Fourth Form: Once per Week (8)
-Fifth Form: Twice per Week (6)
-Sixth Form: Once per Week (6)
Modal Class for School- Once per Week (42)

Contingency Table

A-Knowledgeable C-Consume
B-Not Knowledgeable D- Do Not Consume

(Probability of Being
Knowledgeable and Consuming Canned Products)
P(A∩C) = 67


(Probability of Being Knowledgeable and Do Not Consume Canned Products)

P(A∩D) = 33

= 0.70

(Probability of Not Knowledgeable and Consume Canned Products)

P(B∩C) = 67

= 0.37
(Probability of Not Knowledgeable and Do Not Consume Canned Products)
P(B∩D) = 33

= 0.30

Pie Chart
If out of 100 students, 71 students prefer organic food, 21 prefer processed food
and 8 are uncertain.
∴ 100 x 100= 71%
x 100= 21%
x 100= 8%

Discussion of Findings



Overall a large number of Queens College students do in fact consume these
processed items knowingly of their danger. Graphs and other pictorial
representations are used to portray the raw data collected. More so, knowledge of
percentage, standard deviation and statistics are used to fulfil the previously stated
objective; the main one being: if Queens College students are aware of the dangers
of consuming these processed items produced by Goya and their frequency.
-Bar Graph
-comparative bar chart
-pie chart
-contingency tables

Data Collection Instrument
Dear Participants:
As a group of Grade Eleven Queen’s College students it is mandatory for us to produce a form of
statistical data collection to assist in our Additional Mathematics SBA, due to our involvement in the
forthcoming CSEC Examination. Your Cooperation in effectively completing this questionnaire will aid
in our investigation towards the assumed dangers of Goya food items.
Goya Foods Inc. is an American based manufacturer who outsources these products to countries like
Guyana. Their foods can be found in almost every supermarket and household. Some of these foods
include; canned beans, corn, preserved meats and sweets.
Homemade/Organic Food Items- Simply stated, organic produce and other ingredients are grown
without the use of pesticides, artificial fertilizers. Animals that produce meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy
products do not take antibiotics or growth hormones.
Homemade foods are referred to, in this questionnaire, as anything prepared by an individual using
these organic produce E.g. Food bought from the Grill.

1. Gender:
Male Female Other

2. Age:
11-13 14-16 17 plus

3. Class:
Lower Forms Upper Forms
1 2 3 4 5 6

4. How many persons reside in your household?

Small (2-4) Large (5 and More)

5. Does your entire household indulge in the use of these canned products?
Hardly Often Never
6. Do you purchase Goya food items?
Often Occasionally Never

7. If your answer is YES for question (5), how often do you consume these items per week?
Once a week twice a week Thrice a week 4 or more times a week

8. Are you aware of the many effects of the above mentioned items?
Yes To some extent No Uncertain

9. From question (8), if your answer is either “YES” or “TO SOME EXTENT”, why do you
purchase or more so consume such items?
Affordable Time conserving Taste/Flavor

10. What products do you mainly use?

Beans and peas Preserved Meats Confectionaries and sweets

11. Do you agree/ disagree that your consumption level of processed food items is threatening
your health?
Agree Neutral Disagree

12. Do you read the ingredients on these packets?

Sometimes Often Never

13. How knowledgeable are you of the many added preservatives used to make these canned
Very Somewhat Neutral Unaware

14. If you agree for (11), briefly suggest what can be done to reduce the consumption of these
canned/ packaged items or an alternative.

15. If you had a choice, would you prefer organic food items or processed food items?
Organic Foods Processed Foods Uncertain

Thank you for your cooperation. All information provided will be useful for our math SBA.

Nathan Gangadeen
Nkechi Layne
Reanna Mccurchin
Christine Richardson
Azzareya Allicock


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