Language Course Design Assessment Plan
Language Course Design Assessment Plan
Language Course Design Assessment Plan
Assessment plan
1. Course goals
This course aims to help pre-service EFL teachers to achieve the following goals:
01 Recognize and describe key steps in language course design as well as the (CD01)
relationship between them (“WHAT”)
02 Select suitable principles and instruments with a view to implementing each (CD02)
step above (“HOW”)
03 Justify their above selection by using relevant theoretical and empirical data (CD03)
Evaluate the extent to which the objectives and the actual tasks of the listening lessons in
Tieng Anh 10 (Volume 1 and 2) by Hoang Van Van et al. (2020) are matched to the
above course goals (CD01-02).
Based on this evaluation, make a final decision regarding whether this textbook should be
used for your 10 graders in their listening lessons (CD02+).
Justify the plausibility of your decision by using specific evidence from the above
evaluation (CD03).
Write an evaluative report from 1,000 to 1,500 words to communicate your findings and
decision with your head master.
3.2.3 Marking rubrics
The head master will use the following marking rubrics to assess the quality of your report.
1 (Poor) 2 (Fair) 3 (Good) 4 (Excellent)
CD01 Fail to spell out Be able to spell out Be able to spell out Be able to spell
(10%) the relationship the relationship the relationship out the
between the course between the course between the course relationship
goals and the goals and the goals and the between the course
materials materials materials goals and the
evaluation and evaluation, evaluation, materials
maintain this evaluation and
relationship However, fail to However, fail to maintain this
throughout the maintain this maintain this relationship
report. relationship relationship in throughout the
throughout the some parts of the report.
report. report.
CD02 Fail to map the Be able to map Be able to map Be able to map all
CD02+ lesson objectives, only some of the most of the lesson of the lesson
(25%) tasks in the given lesson objectives, objectives, tasks in objectives, tasks in
materials to the tasks in the given the given materials the given materials
pre-set course materials to the pre- to the pre-set to the pre-set
goals. set course goals. course goals. course goals.
CD03 Fail to make a Be able to make a Be able to make a Be able to make a
(15%) plausible decision plausible decision plausible decision plausible decision
based on the based on the based on the based on the
mapping results mapping results, mapping results and mapping results
and justify it with justify it with and convincingly
specific evidence. specific evidence. justify it with
specific evidence.
However, fail to However, a couple
justify it with of justification
specific evidence. instances are