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Math 111 Prelim Exam

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Prelim Examination
MATH 111

Name : _________________________________________ Course: ____________Time: _______

DIRECTION: Read the instruction carefully you are going to answer the multiple
choice test. Write your answer in the yellow paper and send to my
messenger anytime before noontime tomorrow.

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer among options A, B, C, and D. Write the
letter only of your answer in the yellow paper (answer only).

_____ 1. Which of the following is the definition of mathematics?

A. It is an art of patterns and connections embedded in nature and in our environment.
B. It is a language and set of problem-solving tools
C. It is a process of thinking that develops critical thinking
D. It is an art, language, study of patterns, process of thinking and set of problem-solving tools

_____ 2. Where can you find mathematics?

A. Everywhere in this world.
B. In the school mathematics is evidently present and offered as a subjects.
C. In the market where you can experience buying some foods involves math.
D. It is in the home where family budget is sliced to necessities and wants.

_____ 3. Which of the following an integer in the infinite sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 …?
A. Fractals B. Fibonacci Numbers C. Golden Mean D. Irrational Numbers

_____ 4. Which of the following is NOT an example of Fibonacci Number Patterns?

A. Spiraling patterns on pinecones C. Romanesco broccoli
B. Growing population of rabbits D. Hexagonally-shaped scales of pineapple

_____ 5. Which of these is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer
part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part?
A. Fractals B. Fibonacci Numbers C. Golden Mean D. Irrational Numbers

_____ 6. Which of these is a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be subdivided in parts?
A. Fractals B. Fibonacci Numbers C. Golden Mean D. Irrational Numbers

_____ 7. What is mathematics for?

A. Helps us unravel the puzzles of nature and organizes patterns and regularities as well as
B. Enables us to make predictions and Helps us control epidemics like Covid-19.
C. Provides tools for calculations and new questions to link about.
D. All of these

_____ 8. What is Mathematics all about?

I. Numbers, symbols, notations II. Operations, equations and functions
III. Processes and “thingification”
A. I, II, and III B. I and II only C. I and III only D. II and III only

_____9. How is mathematics done?

A. With curiosity and a penchant for seeking patterns and generalities
B. With the desire to know the truth and trial and error
C. Without fear of facing more questions and problems to solve
D. All of these

_____10. Who uses mathematics?

A. Mathematicians B. Everyone in this world C. Scientists D. Math Teachers

_____11. Which of these DO NOT belong in the important to know and learn math?
A. Math puts order in disorder C. Math makes simple things complicated
B. Math make us better persons D. Math makes a world better place to live in

_____12. Why is it that the concept in math can help us better understand physical phenomena?

I. It gives us a way to understand patterns II. to quantify relationships

III. to predict the future
A. I and II only B. I, II, and III C. II and III only D. I and III only

_____13. It is an art, language, study of patterns, process of thinking and set of problem-solving tools.
A. Fibonacci Numbers B. Golden Ratio C. Fractals D. Mathematics

_____14. Where can you find mathematics?

A. Everywhere in this world.
B. In the school mathematics is evidently present and offered as a subjects.
C. In the market where you can experience buying some foods involves math.
D. It is in the home where family budget is sliced to necessities and wants.

_____15. Which of the following sequence below illustrates Fibonacci numbers?

A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . . C. 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, . . .
B. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, . . . D. 1, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 15, . . .

_____16. Which of the following is NOT an example of Fractals?

A. formation of tree branches C. Growing population of rabbits
B. Romanesco broccoli D. cactus plant

_____17. Which of these is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer
part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part?
a b a a+b
A. phi(Φ) = = C. phi(Φ) = =
b a+b b a
b a+b
B. phi(Φ) = 1.6180339 D. phi(Φ) = =
a a

_____18. Which of these is a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be subdivided in parts?
A. Fibonacci Numbers B. Fractals C. Irrational Numbers D. Golden Mean

_____19. What is mathematics for in times of pandemic?

A. Helps us unravel the puzzles of nature and organizes patterns and regularities as well as
B. Enables us to make predictions and Helps us control epidemics like Covid-19.
C. Provides tools for calculations and new questions to link about.
D. All of these

_____20. What is Mathematics all about?

I. Numbers, symbols, notations II. Operations, equations and functions
III. Processes and “thingification”
A. I, II, and III I and II only C. I and III only D. II and III only

_____21. How is mathematics done?

A. With curiosity and a penchant for seeking patterns and generalities
B. With the desire to know the truth and trial and error
C. Without fear of facing more questions and problems to solve
D. All of these

_____22. Who uses mathematics?

A. Scientists B. Teachers in the academe C. Statisticians D. All of us in this world

_____23. Which of these DO NOT belong in the important to know and learn math?
A. Math puts order in disorder C. Math makes simple things complicated
B. Math make us better persons D. Math makes a world better place to live in

_____24. Why is it that the concept in math can help us better understand physical phenomena?
I. It gives us a way to understand patterns II. to quantify relationships
III. to predict the future
A. I, II, and III B. I and II only C. II and III only D. I and III only

_____25. Who said this, “ The laws of nature are written in the language of Mathematics”?
A. Galileo Galilei B. Aristotle C. Euclid D. Archimedes

_____26. What is invented to communicate ideas to others?

A. Grammar B. Vocabulary C. Mathematics D. Language

_____27. What components of the language that can convey imaginary, distant, past, present, and
future statements?
A. Discreteness B. Displacement C. Productivity D. Grammar

_____28. What components of the language that can create totally novel statements that could be
A. Discreteness B. Displacement C. Productivity D. Grammar

_____29. What characteristics of the Mathematics Language that is able to say things briefly?
A. Concise B. Precise C. Powerful D. Lengthy

_____30. Given the function, f(x) = x2 + 3x - 5, find the value of f(4)?

A. 21 B. 22 C. 23 D. 24
For problems 31 – 34, translate each sentence using mathematical symbols

_____31. x is divided by 5
A. x + 5 B. x - 5 C. 5x D. x ÷ 5

_____32. Man 1 is taller than man 2.

A. Man 1 < man2 B. man 1 > man 2 C. man 1 ≤ man 2 D. man 1 ≥ man 2

_____33. The square of the difference of x and y is equal to 20.

A. (x - y)2 = 20 B. (x + y)2 = 20 C. x2 + y2 = 20 D. x2 - y2 = 20

_____34. The sum of two consecutive odd numbers is 48.

A. x + x + 1 = 48 B. x + 2x = 48 C. x + x = 48 D. 2x + 2x + 1 = 28

For questions 35 -37, translate each of the following phrases into a mathematical expression.

_____35. Five less than three times the number

A. 5 ¿ 3x B. 5 < 3x C. 3x - 5 D. 3x + 5

_____36. The perimeter of a rectangle whose length is 7 more than its width
A. P = W(W + 7) B. P = 2(W+ W+7) C. P = 2(L+ L+7) D. P = 2(L + W + 7)

_____37. A three-digit number whose hundreds is twice the tens digit and the tens digit is 3 more than
the units digit.
A. N = 2(x + 3)(100) + (x + 3)(10) + x C. N = 2x(100) + x(10) + 3
B. N = 2(x – 3)(100) + (x – 3)(10) + 3 D. N = 2x(100) + (x + 3)(10) + x

_____38. What branch of mathematics with close connections to computers?

A. Conjunction B. Proposition C. Mathematical Logic D. Implication

_____39. It is a statement and a declarative sentence that is true or false but not both. What is this?
A. Conjunction B. Proposition C. Mathematical Logic D. Implication

_____40. Which of the following is the definition of mathematics language?

A. Consists of structural rules governing the use of symbols representing
mathematical objects..
B. A systematic way of communicating with other people by the use of
sounds or ⸦ ⸧ conventional symbols
C. A system of words used in a particular discipline. It is also a system of
abstract codes which represent antecedent events and concepts and
arranged in ordered sequence to form words.
D. A set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length and constructed
out of a finite set of elements.

_____41. Which of these does not convey the importance of language?

A. It was invented to communicate ideas to others
B. To understand the expressed ideas feelings and opinion
C. To acquire knowledge or information and to construct social identity
D. The laws of nature are written in the language of mathematics.
_____42. The language of mathematics has an abundant vocabulary of specialist and
technical terms and also uses symbols instead of words which are essential to the
power of mathematics. Which of these symbols are used for operations and sets?
A. The 10 digits : 0, 1, 2, . . .9 C. “stand in” for values : x, y, . . .
B. +, -, x, ÷ , ∪ , ∩, ⸦, ⸧ D. special symbols : ∏, =, <, >, ≤ , ≥, . . .

____43. Which of the following is not the characteristics of the Mathematics Language?
A. Precise B. Concise C. Lengthy D. Powerful

_____44. Given the function, f(x) = 2x + 8, find the value of f(7)?

A. 22 B. 23 C. 24 D. 25

For questions 45 -50, translate each of the following phrases into a

mathematical expression.
_____45. Five more than three times the number
A. 5 ¿ 3x B. 3x = 5 C. 5x + 3 D. 3x + 5

_____46. The square of the sum 5 and a number

A. (x - 5)2 B. x2 + 52 C. (x + 5)2 D. (5x)2

______47. The area of a rectangle whose length is 7 more than its width
A. A = 7LW B. A = W(W + 7) C. A = L(L + 7) D. A = LW + 7

_____48. Which of following below the proposition of p and q is the compound

statement “p and q” denoted as p ᴧ q which is true only when p and q are true,
otherwise, it is false?
A. Conjunction C. Proposition
B. Mathematical Logic D. Implication

_____49. Suppose we have the following statements for P and Q, what is the
implication for P and Q?
A. If they cancel school then it rains
B. If it does not rain then they do not cancel school
C. If it rains then they cancel school
D. If they do not cancel school, then it does not rain

_____50. Which of the following is an example of “If they do not cancel school, then it
does not rain”?
A. Inverse B. Contrapositive C. Converse D. Implication

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