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Using of Cavitation Disperser For Porous Ceramic and Concrete Material Preparation

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering

Vol:9, No:5, 2015

Using of Cavitation Disperser, for Porous Ceramic and

Concrete Material Preparation
A. Shishkin, A. Korjakins, V. Mironovs

this research porous clay ceramic foam and foam concrete

Abstract—Present paper describes method of obtaining clay production method by direct foaming, using high speed mixer
ceramic foam (CCF) and foam concrete (FC), by direct foaming with - disperser with cavitation effect was studied. For foamed
high speed mixer-disperser (HSMD). Three foaming agents (FA) are concrete and ceramics three foaming agents FA are used.
compared for the FC and CCF production: SCHÄUMUNGSMITTEL
W 53 FLÜSSIG (Zschimmer & Schwarz Gmbh, Germany), SCF-
1245 (Sika, test sample, Latvia) and FAB-12 (Elade, Latvija). CCF II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Digital Open Science Index, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:9, No:5, 2015

were obtained at 950, 1000°C, 1150°C and 1150°C firing temperature A. High Speed Mixer - Disperser
and have mechanical compressive strength 1.2, 2.55 and 4.3 MPa and
porosity 79.4, 75.1, 71.6%, respectively. Obtained FC has 6-14 MPa For experimental studies we have used of a HSMD
compressive strength and porosity 44-55%. The goal of this work described in previous works (Fig. 1) [7]–[9] with two
was development of a sustainable and durable ceramic cellular modifications: involving air (valve 4), and graded ready-
structures using HSMD. mixture tank (1), Fig 1. Rotational frequency of rotor up to
6000 rpm is used.
Keywords —Ceramic foam, foam concrete, clay foam, open cell,
close cell, direct foaming.


E NVIRONMENT, energy, health and transport issues are

dominating our modern daily live. The complex
interactions of these problems can only be solved by
sustainable processing and the development of improved
porous components. The design of lightweight (porous or
cellular structures), cheap but durable materials is one of the
modern trends in material design [1]. Number of
investigations in the fields of energy efficient light-weight
building materials, ceramic and metal porous materials
constantly increases in the last years [2]. Clay is one of the
most available and cheap natural materials which can be sued
for production of construction and insulation materials. Fig. 1 The high speed mixer-disperser set-up. 1 – reservoir with
Several papers describe the production of porous components suspension, 2- electro motor, 3 - mixer-disperser, 4 – valve for air
based on geopolymers, made by direct foaming, typically supply. i – ingredient supply, ii - product output, iii – recirculation
following approaches similar to those employed in the cement way, iv – air supply
industry (i.e. in situ generation of gas [3], [4]), leading to the B. Reagents and Raw Materials
creation of mainly closed cell foams. Method of foaming by
the gas forming in the process of reaction, e.g. oxygen, is
Schwarz Gmbh, Vācija), SCF-1245 (Sika, test sample, Latvia)
known as well [5]. Biological foaming technique through
and FAB-12 (Elade, Latvija) were used as foaming agents. For
reaction of yeast with starch in aqueous ceramic suspension
CCF preparation homogenized clay from Liepa deposition
was studied as well [6].
(Latvia) was used. Clay was dried at 105C for 24h, milled in a
In this work clay ceramic foam (CCF) and foam concrete
ball mill for 15 min and refined (for particles size < 150 um).
(FC) wear obtained with high speed mixer-disperser (HSMD).
Tap water - Riga municipal water supplement system [10] and
The method is based on the multiple impacts in a liquid media
DOLAFLUX B 11 ((Zschimmer & Schwarz Gmbh, Germany)
by dispersing elements in the presence of cavitation effects. In
as dispersant were used for CCF production as well. The
following materials were used to produce cellular concrete:
A. Shishkin is with the Riga Technical University, Āzenes Street 16/20, Portland cement CEM I 42.5N, RW-Fuller silica fume, Sika
lab. 331, LV–1048, Riga, Latvia (phone: +371 27533644; e-mail: ViscoCrete D 132-2 plasticizing agent, and tap water (water/cement ratio 0.43).
A. Korjakin is with the Riga Technical University, Āzenes Street 16/20,
LV–1048, Riga, Latvia (e-mail:
V. Mironov is with the Riga Technical University, Āzenes Street 16/20,
lab. 331, LV–1048, Riga, Latvia (e-mail:

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 9(5) 2015 540
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
Vol:9, No:5, 2015

C. CCF Obtaining Method where P is the open porosity of the sample, m is the sample
HSMD operated at 500 rpm and reservoir was filled with weight in air after complete drying, m0 is the sample weight in
300 ml of tap water and dispersant (1% from clay mass – 6.5 distilled water, and m1 is the sample weight measured after
g). Gradually 650 g of dry clay powdered clay was added and immersing it in boiling water for 4 h and wiping off the water
HSMD speed also gradually changed to 4000 rpm. After that on the surface. Obviously, the closed porosity is the difference
FA (5% from clay mass – 32.5 g) was added, mixer speed was between total and open porosity, i.e.
set to 6000 rpm and at the same time air was supplied through
the valve 4, Fig. 1. When mix volume increased twofold the Νclosed = Ν - Νopen (3)
foamed mixture was held in HSMD for 1 min in recirculation
mode and then ceramic foam was transferred into the For Microstructural characterization a Keyence corporation
corrugated board and corrugated board with gypsum bottom (Japan) VHX-2000 optical microscope with lenses VH-
cast and dried for 72 hours at 20°C. After that sample was Z20R/W and VH-Z500R/W was used for optical imaging. The
burned in muffle oven (LH 11 by Nobertherm) at 1050, 1100, Compression tests of sintered cubic shape samples (50mm X
1150°C (heating rate of 5°C/min) for 30 min. 50 mm X 50 mm) were carried out using Universal Testing
Machine (UTM) (Instron: 8801) at room temperature by strain
Digital Open Science Index, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:9, No:5, 2015

D. FC Obtaining Method rate 0.01/s. The tests were carried out for a set of five samples
The FC preparation consists in two steps. At the first water in each category.
with plasticizer and silica fume were used to prepare mortar of
cement. The consistence of mortar mix should be ductile, not III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
crumbly, at the lowest water content as possible. This is All three FA were tested for foaming clay and concrete
necessary to provide maximum water volume for circulation slurries. Visual observation of foaming process results are
in HSMD (from total calculated amount of water according to presented in Table I.
recipe). Experimentally established optimal water amount for
mortar preparation and stable circulation – 45% and 55% TABLE I
respectively. The addition of prepared mortar started at 800
Foaming agent Clay foam Foamed concrete
rpm. During addition of mortar mixer speed changed to 5000
W 53 Stable foam, minimal crack. Poor foaming.
rpm, then FA was added (5% from dry concrete and silica
FAB-12 Poor foaming, fast foam Good foaming, stable foam,
fume mass) and thoroughly mixed. Mixer speed was increased coalescence. fine pores.
to 6000 rpm and time air was supplied through the valve 4, Sika Fast foam coalescence, big Poor foaming, fast foam
fig.1. When mix volume increased for 100% for FC-1 and for cracking during drying. coalescence.
80% for FC-2, the foamed mixture was held in HSMD for 1
min in recirculation mode and then foam was transferred into Taking in account preliminary results FA W 53 has been
the casting forms. applied for foaming clay slurry and FA FAB-12 has been
applied for foaming cement mortars.. The FA SCF-1245
E. Characterizations of Porous Samples produced by Sika has been excluded from further investigation
The as-burned for CCF and aged for 28 days FC porous tests.
samples were physically characterized in terms of bulk Water amount has been taken in mass % for ceramic slurry
density, powder density, total porosity, open porosity (via the characterization. Rely to the previous investigation [12] water
Archimedes method), and closed porosity. These properties of content was 37% for preparation clay ceramic slurry. Cement
porous samples were individually determined in three mortar is characterized by water/cement ratio (W/C). Rely to
replicates and the average value was reported. To determine the investigation [13] W/C 0.43 has been used for cement
the total porosity for both materials (CCF and FC), the bulk mortar respectively. Performed testing results of obtained
density of the porous sample was determined by measuring the samples are shown in Table II.
lateral dimensions and their respective weights. Subsequently, Microscope investigation has shown open cell structure of
the total porosity, Ν, was calculated from the bulk density, ρ, CCF (Fig. 2). It may be explained by properties of FA W 53 to
using: create stable foam and save this stability in interaction with
clay slurry. In case of use corrugated board with gypsum
Ν = (1-(ρ / ρ0))*100% (1) bottom cast, the bottom layer of CCF (1.5-2.0 mm) has
gradient porosity (Fig. 5). It may be explained by rapid water
where ρ0 is the picnometric density of powdered material. The absorption by gypsum cast from slurry and clay ceramic foam
theoretical density of the dried porous samples was densification. Size of the pores isn’t possible to define due
determined by picnometerically. The theoretical density for feature of CCF structures. Decreasing bulk density of CCF by
the burned/aged sample was determined. The open porosity of increasing temperature of burning may be explained by
the samples was measured by the Archimedes displacement melting part of clay creating more strength matrices (Table II).
method [11] using distilled water according to:

P = (m1-m) / (m1-m0) (2)

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
Vol:9, No:5, 2015

Sample Bulk density, Porosity Compression Open porosity,
g/cm3 % . str, MPa %
FC-1 1.10±0.02 55±0.5 8.5±0.6 12
FC-2 1.30±0.02 45±0.5 14±1.0 8
CCF 950°C 0.43±0.02 79±1.0 1.2±0.1 98
CCF 1000°C 0.52±0.02 75±1.0 2.5±0.1 96
CCF 1150°C 0.57±0.02 74±1.0 4.3±0.1 93
Digital Open Science Index, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:9, No:5, 2015

Fig. 4 FС Srtucture micrograph, optical microscopy, magnification

at X200 magnification

Fig. 2 CCF structure micrograph, optical microscopy, at X200


Fig. 5 The pore distribution in FС-1.

Three different FA have been evaluated and two of them
have been investigated for foaming clay slurry and cement
mortar. W 53 is more applicable FA for CCF production since
at the drying stage cracking was pronounced the least. For the
FC production better results were achieved applying FAB-12A
- less pore size gradient in volume and higher foam stability
Fig. 3 CCF bottom part structure micrograph, optical microscopy, were noted.
side cross-section at X50 magnification Obtained CCF samples have bulk density in the range 0.43-
0.57 g/cm3, high porosity (74-79%) and according
The FC structure contents closed cells (Fig. 4). The results compression strength 1.2-4.3 MPa. CCF has open-cell
of investigation the pore distribution in FC are shown in Fig. structure. Obtained FC samples have bulk density in the range
5. The pore sizes are in the range from 25 to 275 µm with two 1.13-1.3 g/cm3, porosity in the range 55-45%) and according
peak maximums of pore size: at 100-125 µm and 150-175 µm. compression strength 8.5.-14.0 MPa FC matrices has closed
The obtained porosity and density of FC can be explained cell structure.
physical-chemical interaction between FA FAB-12 and Instantly after foaming both materials have shown good
cement mortar, taking in account that part of the applied water workability, stabile to vibration and steadily fill mold. When
becomes chemically bonded. HSMD was used for foamed ceramics production suspension
leaves the reactor at the pressure sufficient for cast filling and
does not require additional pumping.

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
Vol:9, No:5, 2015

Obtained CCF is can be used for cheap filter production,

e.g. for preliminary water filtration. Obtained FC is proposed
as low-cost, low weight filler in construction work for volume
filling heat and sound insulation in floor pouring or in any
other case where block FC cannot be used.
HSMD application is promising technology for self-
hardening foamed materials and ceramic foams production.

The financial support of the Latvian Council of Science
grant Nr. Z12.0412 “Development of sustainable effective
lightweight construction materials based on industrial waste
and local resources” is acknowledged.
Digital Open Science Index, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:9, No:5, 2015

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