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Increasing Air Traffic: What Is The Problem?: Areski Hadjaz Ga Etan Marceau

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Increasing Air Traffic: What is the Problem?

Areski Hadjaz Gaétan Marceau

Thales Air Systems, Rungis, France Thales Air Systems and TAO, Rungis, France
Email: Email:

Pierre Savéant Marc Schoenauer

Thales Research & Technology, Palaiseau, France TAO, INRIA Saclay, France
Email: Email:
arXiv:1212.3996v1 [cs.AI] 17 Dec 2012

Abstract—Nowadays, huge efforts are made to modernize is a core component that should be taken into account in the
the air traffic management systems to cope with uncertainty, development of future systems.
complexity and sub-optimality. An answer is to enhance the infor- In this work, we propose a model to address the uncertainty
mation sharing between the stakeholders. This paper introduces a
framework that bridges the gap between air traffic management and perform optimization in the tactical phase of Air Traffic
and air traffic control on the one hand, and bridges the gap Flow Management. The novelty of this model is to directly
between the ground, the approach and the en-route centers on address the uncertainty and the real-time monitoring aspects.
the other hand. An original system is presented, that has three The main benefit is to anticipate the congestion points by
essential components: the trajectory models, the optimization enhancing the information sharing between stakeholders. Also,
process, and the monitoring process. The uncertainty of the
trajectory is modeled with a Bayesian Network, where the this model could help improving the resilience of the system
nodes are associated to two types of random variables: the in case of weather hazards. We believe that an inter-sector
time of overflight on metering points of the airspace, and the coordination (Letter of Agreement) can be prepared through
traveling time of the routes linking these points. The resulting objectives on the trajectories. For the controller, it consists
Bayesian Network covers the complete airspace, and Monte- of bringing the flight to a geographical point within a time
Carlo simulations are done to estimate the probabilities of sector
congestion and delays. On top of this trajectory model, an interval. This can be done by manually giving some clearances,
optimization process minimizes these probabilities by tuning or by communicating the objective directly to the pilot. Then,
the parameters of the Bayesian trajectory model related to it can be easily entered in the Flight Management System
overflight times on metering points. The last component is the (FMS) of the aircraft. These objectives, associated to some
monitoring process, that continuously updates the situation of geographical points termed metering points in the following,
the airspace, modifying the trajectories uncertainties according
to actual positions of aircraft. After each update, a new optimal are the core of our approach. In terms of acceptability, the
set of overflight times is computed, and can be communicated responsibilities of the controllers do not change, because
to the controllers as clearances for the aircraft pilots. The fulfilling the objectives will nevertheless be given a lower
paper presents a formal specification of this global optimization priority than the safety of the aircraft.
problem, whose underlying rationale was derived with the help This article is organized as follows: Section II presents
of air traffic controllers at Thales Air Systems.
Index Terms—Air Traffic Flow Management, Air Traffic a literature survey of the air traffic flow management prob-
Control, Bayesian Network, Optimization, Prediction, Network lems. Section III defines the framework, while in Section IV
Monitoring the airspace model is presented together with a preliminary
analysis of its properties. Section V describes the optimization
I. I NTRODUCTION problem over the model and Section VI fully describes a
In the forthcoming years, an increasing demand on the toy example. Section VII presents a Monte-Carlo approach
worldwide airspace will result in restructuring the air traffic in order to simulate trajectories over a realistic airspace.
management systems. It will address the inherent problems of Finally, Section VIII concludes the paper and states some
uncertainty, complexity and sub-optimality. A better exchange open questions that will be eventually addressed in our future
of information between the stakeholders would allow the research.
enhancement of the current situation. Nevertheless, the infor-
mation must be exploited in such a way that the complexity II. R ELATED W ORK
does not increase. Otherwise, the capability of the controllers The literature on Air Traffic Flow Management is quite rich
to handle traffic will decrease, and this is the opposite of the in the Operational Research community since the beginning
initial goal. Therefore, decision support tools are essential for of the 90s. Different problems have been addressed with
the data processing task in order to give only the relevant different levels of complexity, and two different axes can be
information to the human after a series of underlying analyzes used to classify them. First, the static approaches consider a
which encompass many functionalities, such as prediction, single stage while the dynamic approaches are multi-stage.
correction and optimization. In addition, real-time monitoring Static problems perform an optimization once and for all,
whereas dynamic problems construct partial solutions on- was addressed in [12], also with Constraint Programming.
the-fly, based on regularly updated information, e.g. better Moreover, optimal path planning under weather uncertainty
forecast of weather and traffic demand. Second, the problems is addressed by [13] with Dynamic Programming techniques.
can be either deterministic or stochastic. In the stochastic In all previous models, uncertainty was eventually addressed
case, the constraints and the decision variables are not known by using a finite number of scenarios. Nevertheless, the sector
with certainty. Different scenarios are defined through a tree load prediction is an essential issue to consider. As a matter of
scheme, aiming at reducing the problem to an equivalent fact, a poor estimation of the time required to travel along a
deterministic model. A thorough literature review of these route will generate unnecessary regulations. Approaches based
approaches can be found in [1], and the remaining of this on trajectories have failed to predict the state of the airspace
Section will described the most well-known in turn. beyond a time horizon of 20 minutes, leading to the design
The Ground Holding Problem minimizes the sum of air- of aggregate models [14]. These models have been used by
borne and ground delay costs when the demand of the runway [15] to achieve control over one sector with a multicommodity
exceeds the allowed capacity. It does so by assigning ground network. Due to the fine time-discretization along the edges,
delays to flights. The first variant of the problem is the Single the size of the optimization problem is huge. However, to the
Airport Ground Holding Problem [2]. A stochastic and dy- best of our knowledge, no system has yet addressed the real-
namic version of the same problem was later described [3], and time monitoring and optimization of a large-scale network
recently addressed in [4] by overcoming some limitations of by modeling the flight plan with temporal uncertainty in a
the previous model such as modeling the change on marginal continuous domain. The purpose of this paper is to propose a
probabilities over a finite set of scenarios and allowing re- research path toward such a system, sketching both the formal
visions to assigned ground delays of flights. In these works, and the numerical aspects of the resulting problem.
the objective functions are a trade-off between efficiency and
equity and might be non-linear. The second variant is the III. F RAMEWORK D EFINITION
Multi Airport Ground Holding Problem [5]. This model was The framework used in this work is different from the ones
the first one to model a network of interconnected airports of the literature. The time horizon considered is from current
and connecting flights with delays propagating through the time up to 2 hours which is referred to the strategic phase in
network, and addresses the static and dynamic cases of the air traffic control. The idea behind the strategic phase is, on
problem. However, strong assumptions are made: the sector the one hand, to bridge the gap between the air traffic flow
capacities are unlimited and rerouting and speed changes are management (ATFM) and the air traffic control (ATC), and
not allowed. These assumptions are unrealistic in a congested on the other hand, to bridge the gap between the ground, the
airspace such as the European one. This lead to introduce the approach and the en route phases. This is named a gate-to-gate
Air Traffic Flow Management Problem with sector capacities solution. The ATFM is responsible for validating the flight
and rerouting [6]. However, in this work, the decision variable plans of the entire day by considering the sectors capacity
of a time slice is set to true only if the flight enters a given constraints while the ATC is responsible to ensure the aircraft
sector exactly during time slice, resulting in tightening the separation and to minimize the delays. The idea behind the
structure of the linearized problem. Note that this work uses strategic phase is to take into account the information from
realistic instances with several thousand flights. Finally, the the ATC and predict accurately the future sector load. Then,
Air Traffic Flow Management Rerouting Problem [7] was regulations or clearances can be applied on incoming flights in
proposed, and is to-date the most complete description of the order to respect the sector capacity and reduce the complexity
actual system. It integrates all phases of a flight, ground and at the ATC level. In other words, the current information is
air delays, rerouting, continued flights and cancellations. The used to reduce the future complexity. Today, the controllers are
validation instances are of the same size than the National responsible for applying regulations or clearances to manage
Airspace of the United States. Also, [8], [9] developed a their airspace. As said previously, the decision support tool
formulation based on the routes of the network instead of must not increase the workload by communicating too much
the nodes, both for the deterministic and stochastic cases. All information. We think that objectives on metering points
the approaches mentioned so far resulted in boolean problems will suffice to create the multi-center collaboration. So, the
that were solved with 0/1 programming techniques. These responsibilities of the controllers are not impacted, but they
techniques are today powerful enough to address large-scale have additional information on the global state of the airspace
scenarios. A different type of problem setting lead to using i.e. a low value on temporal objective indicates that the flight
stochastic optimization methods: the work in [10] handles can go directly to the next metering point without causing a
sector congestion with take-off delays and alternative routes congested situation in the following sectors. On the other hand,
while managing the airlines constraints. In another approach, a high value indicates that airborne delays should be applied to
[11] modeled the slot allocation problem, which consists of reduce the workload in the following sectors. From the ATFM
assigning slots to flights in the sector and respecting the view, the model integrates the Central Flow Management
capacity constraint. The resulting problem was solved with Unit (CFMU) slot allocations of the European context. It is
Constraint Programming. Furthermore, the minimization of important to notice that the uncertainty comes essentially from
air traffic complexity in a multi-sector planning paradigm these departure slots. A slot is defined around a calculated
time of take-off td as an interval: [td − 5, td + 10]. So, the obtain it, one can generate the histograms and approximate
uncertainty of departures is around 15 minutes. The following them with density estimation techniques., e.g. kernel density
model will be a way to evaluate the impact of such intervals. estimation. To reflect the aircraft performance, a lower bound
The objectives are affected by the evolution of the uncertainty and an upper bound are also associated to routes.
generated by weather conditions, aircraft performances and
interaction between aircraft. In a purely deterministic world, a B. Trajectory Model
global optimization should be done once and for all in order The model used to express the uncertainty around a tra-
to find the global optimal plan. As seen, such problems can be jectory is a Bayesian Network (BN). This is a natural choice
solved for huge airspace, but the complete solution can hardly since it is a DAG composed of random variables (RV) and
be implemented due to the departure slot uncertainty of 15 their conditional dependencies. A node is equivalent to a RV
minutes. Here, this uncertainty will be integrated at the model and an edge between two nodes represents that the first RV
level, and monitored in a closed-loop way, as it diminishes has a direct influence on the second one. The BN framework
with time. If everything goes as planned, the objectives will can then be used to do inference when new information
be slightly modified according to the evolution of the variance. arrives as time goes by. For more information on BN, see
In the case that an unforeseen event occurs, the objectives will [16]. Compared to other approaches from the literature, BN
be modified in function of its severity. is a framework that deals directly with uncertainty. Some
continuous distributions can express a rich set of scenarios,
IV. S YSTEM OVERVIEW potentially an infinite number, with only few parameters. It is
This Section introduces the rationale of the proposed way to mainly used to infer unobserved variables and so, it is well-
manage the uncertainty and optimize the state of the airspace adapted for predicting the time of arrival on the following
at different time scales. The temporal scope is from the metering points. Many algorithms exist to do inference. Also,
current time up to 2 hours. The geographical scope is in the learning is an important topic in BNs. Techniques exist for
order of multiple centers in a congested area, e.g., the Euro- learning the parameters of the RV. This will be important in
pean airspace. The system consists of three processes: model the monitoring process. Optimization can be easily integrated
creation, monitoring and optimization. The model creation in this framework. Note that exact algorithms, like message
receives new flight plans, and creates one Bayesian Network passing, efficiently use the structure of the network to do
for each flight plan once and for all (in particular, all possible this task. In the case of huge networks, powerful approximate
alternative routes are known at creation time). The periodic inference algorithm, like particle-based, exists too. In our case,
monitoring adjusts the parameters of the model following this set of tools is well adapted to the graph structure of the
observations from the real world. This process ensures that airspace network. The interactions between metering points,
the model of the actual situation is consistent with reality, flights and sectors can be captured through this representation.
a critical issue for doing accurate prediction when sampling. In the context of ATFM, the metering points are 3D points
The optimization process optimizes the current situation by of interest (longitude, latitude, altitude) such as coordination
proposing modifications of the flight plans in order to reach points between sectors or convergent flows points. In order to
an optimal state. Then, these new plans (schedules at different keep the representation as compact as possible, only the points
metering points) are communicated to the controllers, who included in the flight plan at hand are part of the network. Let
implement them their own way. Gf = (Vf , Ef ) be the DAG giving the anticipated routes as
well as acceptable alternative routes of flight f . Two particular
A. Inputs vertices of the DAG are distinguished: V0 is the origin and
The inputs of the system are the airspace structure and Vd is the destination. Associated to a point i of the route, a
the flight plans. The airspace is defined by a set of metering probability density function (PDF) pTf,i : R → [0, 1] gives the
points located in different sectors where ingoing and outgoing probability distribution that f will flight over this point over
points are distinguished from the others. One flight plan is time. At this point, the PDF of V0 is known, i.e. the CFMU
defined as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) where the nodes slot or the estimated time of entrance in the airspace. Let’s
are defined as pairs (metering point, schedule), containing all determine the PDF of the others. To this end, we use the PDF
possible alternative routes for this flight. A flight plan also of Tf,i→i+1 , the probability distribution of the time required
includes the estimated time of departure, the estimated time to go from i to i + 1. Also, we make the assumption that the
of arrival and a statistic of the time required to travel along time required to go from i to i+1 is independent of the time of
the routes linking the successive metering points. This statistic arrival at i. Then, we suppose that Tf,i+1 = Tf,i + Tf,i→i+1 ,
can be determined with flight position recordings when they i.e. the time at the current point is the sum of the time at the
are sufficient or any model of trajectory uncertainty. It can also previous point with the time required to go from the previous
be defined with a simulator that can model non-deterministic point to the current one. To make sense, the PDF of Tf,i+1 will
phenomenon like the effect of the wind, errors on the cruise be determined in function of the PDF of Tf,i and Tf,i→i+1 .
speed, on the flight altitude changes etc. In any case, the We use the joint probability distribution pTf,i ,Tf,i→i+1 and we
following model is enough general to take into account any integrate along the line tf,i→i+1 = tf,i+1 − tf,i . In terms of
statistic under the form of a probability density function. To density probability function, we have:
pTf,i+1 (tf,i+1 ) and the associated PDFs must be computed. The modeling
Z ∞ of the uncertainty of the trajectory will be useful during the
= pTf,i ,Tf,i→i+1 (tf,i , tf,i+1 − tf,i ) dt optimization process to evaluate the objective function and the
−∞ constraints. This should also capture the actual situation of the
Z ∞
= pTf,i (tf,i )pTf,i→i+1 (tf,i+1 − tf,i ) dt airspace updated by the monitoring process. Contrary to the
existing works on stochastic optimization of the ATFMP, the
= pTf,i ∗ pTf,i→i+1 (tf,i+1 ) uncertainty is modeled directly in the trajectory through the
metering points.
The second line is obtained with the independence assump- 1) Sector Occupancy Model: In the ATFM context, the
tion. The third line expresses the fact that the PDF of the sum usual way to measure the complexity of an airspace configu-
of two independent RVs is the convolution of their PDFs. If ration is to count the number of flights that will go through
we suppose that the trajectory is defined as a series of RV the sector during a given time interval (e.g., one hour). Given
(Tf,i , Tf,i→i+1 )i∈{0..n−1} where n is the number of points of the flight plans of the day, the complexity of every sector
the trajectory, we can find that the PDF of any RV Tf,i is is predicted in order to determine the potential congestion
the convolution of all the previous PDF in the sequence. This time, and when appropriate, to issue regulations for certain
can be proven by induction. Then, in a real-time system, we flights. To this end, a capacity threshold on the number of
would like to take into account new information. This can be flights is used. Similarly, in the proposed model, the sector
done with the conditional PDF: constraint enforces that the number of flights in a sector is
below a threshold during a given time slice. Nowadays, the
pTf,i+1 |Tf,i (tf,i+1 |tf,i ) = pTf,i→i+1 (tf,i+1 − tf,i ) (1)
time slice has a constant size of one hour. The reason behind
which simply translates the PDF of the time of traveling of this coarse discretization consists to absorb the uncertainty
tf,i time unit. This does not change the previous result. As a of the trajectories. In other word, we can be sure that the
matter of fact, we can remove the PDF of the observed random flight will be in that interval at a given moment. This has
variables, because there is no more uncertainty associated to the effect to lower the effective capability of the controller
them, and replace the first remaining PDF with a conditional to handle traffic. As an example, assuming that the threshold
PDF. At this point, we have the necessary concepts to create of the capacity constraint is two flights and the time slice is
the trajectory structure in our BN. This corresponds to a path, 60 minutes, a sector would be congested whereas two flights
the sequence of metering points, and the RVs of traveling could land at the beginning and one flight could take off at the
linked to them. So, we can make a query on the BN by using end of the time slice. With a finer discretization of 15 minutes,
the joint PDF and its relationship with conditional PDF. For only the first time slice will be congested. Nevertheless, to
the sake of notation, let Pr(Tf,i ∈ dt) = pTf,i (tf,i )dt and achieve a finer discretization, the prediction capabilities of the
Pr(Tf,i ∈ dt|Tf,j ∈ dt) = pTf,i |T f,j (tf,i , tf,j )dt dt. Here, we model must be of the same order of magnitude than the time
use the Markov property: slice size. This will be an important element to validate on
the real dataset. To define formally the sector constraint, let
Pr(Tf,i+1 , . . . , Tf,i ) = Pr(Tf,i+1 |Tf,i ) Si,[t0 ,t1 ] be the random variable that models the number of
which states that the conditional pdf of the future point does flight traveling in sector i during the time interval [t0 , t1 ]. In
not depend on the past points given the current one. This the BN, we create a node Si connected to every boundary
simplifies the computation of the queries that required the joint points for every trajectories. Then, the PDF associated to Si
PDF. With the chain rule and the Markov property, one can is defined in function of PDF of the boundary points, which
write: can become easily cumbersome. Notice that to be a valid PDF,
n this definition shall respect the following property:
Pr(∩ni=1 Tf,i ) = Pr(Tf,1 ) Pr(Tf,i | ∩i−1
j=1 Tf,j )

i=2 Pr(Si,[t0 ,t1 ] = j) = 1, t0 < t1 ∈ R ∪ [−∞, ∞]
Yn j=0
= Pr(Tf,1 ) Pr(Tf,i |Tf,i−1 ) i.e. that the probability that there are any number of aircraft at
any time interval is equal to 1. Notice that this formulation can
= Pr(Tf,1 )
Pr(Tf,i→i+1 ) be used to describe the sector occupancy for any intervals. It
simply changes the integration bounds of the underlying PDFs.
Finally, let Ci,[t0 ,t1 ] be the Bernouilli RV that models the fact
where Pr(Tf,i→i+1 ) is the translated PDF defined at Eq.1. that a sector i is congested during the time interval [t0 , t1 ].
Notice that, for now, the graph structure of the resulting BN is Then, Pr(Ci,[t0 ,t1 ] = 1) = P (Si,[t0 ,t1 ] > ci ) where ci is the
a forest, a disjoint union of trees. Consequently, all trajectories capacity of the sector i.
are independent. To manage the case of diversions, we change
directly the structure of the BN by removing the old path and C. Monitoring
adding the new one. Notice that after the modification, all Finally, the monitoring process is responsible for maintain-
RVs connected by a path to any modified RV are impacted ing a consistent model of the actual situation of the airspace.
Information from radars, aircraft and the weather centers can B. Decision Variables
be taken into account to estimate the values of the distributions
of the random variables of the BN. The task undertaken in
The decision variables model two types of regulation. The
this process is filtering which estimates the current value
first one is the rerouting regulation, which modifies the path
given past observations. Practically, the monitoring changes
of the original flight plan. Here, we simply choose to keep the
the PDFs and integrates observations of overflight time by
initial route or to choose an alternative in the set of possible
creating conditional PDFs. By example, when a flight takes
routes for a given aircraft. Once an alternative is chosen, the
off, the exact time of departure in known and the 15 minutes
BN must be modified and inference must be recomputed.
of uncertainty vanishes. This must be taken into account in
This operation has a computational cost and an operational
the subsequent optimization phases.
cost in terms of complexity. For this reason, the modification
V. O PTIMIZATION of these decision variables shall be penalized. Nevertheless,
when observing the change in the cost function with different
Now that we have an airspace model, we want to optimize
alternatives, we can assess of the robustness of the solution
the time of over flight in order to reduce the probability of
with rerouting. Moreover, it can be a mean to evaluate if a
congestion for every sector and minimize the delays incurred
rerouting strategy is appropriate to decrease the cost function
by resulting regulations. To do so, we need to define an
of a flight. Besides, this permits to model the uncertainty
optimization problem with an objective function to minimize,
around a weather phenomenon that will require the rerouting
decision variables and constraints.
of a flight. Once the rerouting decision variables are fixed,
A. Objective function the second regulation concerns the times of arrival on the
metering points. This is done through the parameters of the
For the purpose of optimization, objective functions have to
chosen traveling time PDFs of the airspace model. On one
be defined. As a matter of fact, the interests of each stakeholder
hand, a change on the mean can suggest that the flight might
of the airspace are often antagonistic or ill defined. A cost
change its current speed and, on the other hand, a change on
index quantifies the benefit of a trajectory for an airline.
the variance might suggest that the flight will commit to arrive
Usually, this cost index is not communicated explicitly to the
at the metering points with a greater precision. Besides, these
controllers and so, integrating the airlines preferences in the
parameters must be bound to respect the aircraft performance
model can be difficult at this point. Nevertheless, the initial
constraints. An upper bound for the number of decision
flight plan is supposed to reflect the interest of the airlines
variables is A · M · P where A is the cardinal of the set of
and is validated by the CFMU. Let A be the vector of time of
alternatives, M is the maximum number of traveling time RV
arrival for every flight, usually given by the airline. With our
per alternative and P is the maximum number of parameters
airspace model, we can obtain an estimator of this value with
for modifying the PDFs of traveling time. Consequently, the
the expected time of arrival:
number of decision variables can rapidly increase in function
Z ∞
of these values.
Âf = E(Tf,a ) = tfTf,a (t)dt

Consequently, the cost function shall penalize the delays on

the expected time of arrivals:
X p
F(Â, A) = Âi − Ai p>1


where  is the vector of expected time of arrival for all the

flights. The definition of the aggregation of the cost function
of individual flights to obtain a global cost function is not
unanimously accepted. As a matter of fact, it can have a
major impact on the benefits of the airlines. The equity is
a serious issue in the domain and must be addressed in
this model. To do so, we use a super linear function [7],
where the exponent p will penalize the situation where all
the regulations are assigned to a few flights for the benefit of
the others. Regarding the fitness landscape of the objective
function defined previously; it is indeed possible that it is
multimodal. Consider for instance two flights that wish to enter
a sector that has a capacity threshold of one. Two optimal Figure 1. BN for two trajectories and a sector
solutions are to delay either the first or the second flight. This
kind of symmetry implies that the landscape is multimodal.
C. Sector Constraint Pr(Fi,s,[t0 ,t1 ] )
The sector constraint can be used as a hard constraint or = Pr(Ti,2 > t1 ) + Pr(Ti,3 < t0 ) − Pr(Ti,2 > t1 , Ti,3 < t0 )
a soft constraint. For the first case, a feasible solution must
= Pr(Ti,2 > t1 ) + Pr(Ti,3 < t0 )
satisfies Pr(Ci,[t0 ,t1 ] > ci ) ≤ , i.e. that the probability that Z ∞ Z t0
the sector i is congested during the time interval [t0 , t1 ] is = pTi,2 (t)dt + pTi,3 (t)dt
under a threshold . For the second case, the soft constraint t1 −∞
will be part of the objective function in order to minimize the which corresponds to enter the sector after or to exit the
probability that a sector is congested. sector before the interval. Note that these two events are
mutually exclusive. Consequently, the probability to be in
the sector is: P (Fi,s,[t0 ,t1 ] ) = 1 − P (Fi,s,[t0 ,t1 ] ). So, we can
In this section, we present a toy example of use of the define the probability that the sector 1 will be congested:
airspace model. This will permit to understand the limits of a
theoretical approach with very simple PDFs and will translate Pr(C1,[t0 ,t1 ] )
by the use of approximation methods, which are simpler for
computer-based simulations. So, let’s imagine the case of = Pr(S1,[t0 ,t1 ] > 1)
two aircraft following the same flight plan. The sequence = Pr(S1,[t0 ,t1 ] = 2)
of waypoints is: 1-2-3-4. 2 is an ingoing waypoint and 3 = Pr(F1,1,[t0 ,t1 ] ) Pr(F2,1,[t0 ,t1 ] )
is an outgoing waypoint of the sector S1. Table 1 gives the
parameters of the uniform distribution of the input PDFs. The From the last equality, we remark that the flights are not
expected time of arrival for both flights is at time 46. Also, required to be at the same moment in the sector to be taken
we choose a capacity of 1 aircraft for sector S1. Figure 1 into account in the probability. Consequently, in this case, the
shows the resulting BN where the blue nodes are RVs of the probability that the sector is congested during [−∞, ∞] is
trajectories and the big yellow node is the RV of the sector equal to one. For the same considerations as described in the
occupancy. sector occupancy model section, it is important to consider
With the d-separation in BN, we can see that the two small intervals. On the contrary, the intervals must not be too
trajectories are independent if S1 is unknown because it is a v- small because the probability that the two aircraft will be in
structure. If S1 is given, then the information on one trajectory the same sector during a small interval decays rapidly. As
will impact the PDFs of the other trajectories. Moreover, we an example, let t0 = 10, t1 = 20 and  = 0.75, we obtain
can see the Markov property because there is only one edge P (C1,[10,20] ) = 196
225 ≈ 0.87 >  and so, we consider that
going out of a RV of metering point going toward another a regulation must be undertaken in order to reduce this high
metering point. probability. For now, the objective function is equals to 0 since
the expected value of the PDF at point 4 is 46. If we change the
TABLE I parameters of the uniform distribution of 1-2 for [12, 14], that
PDF S GIVEN AS INPUT is we delay a flight for 2 minutes, then the probability drops
Lower Bound Upper Bound at 75 ≈ 0.747 < . On the other hand, the objective function
1 -5 10 is now equal to 2, for p = 1. This toy example shows that the
1-2 10 12 model is adequate to model the uncertainty of the trajectory
2-3 15 20
3-4 12 18
at a high-level. Besides, we can see that the objective function
does not take into account the variance of the RV of arrival
time. In the latter, this issue shall be addressed.
Now, imagine that the PDF at the point 1 and the PDFs of
the traveling time between points are all uniform distribution: VII. M ONTE -C ARLO A PPROACH
U(t0 , t1 ). The PDF at point 2 is then the convolution of two
From the example, we can see that working with the PDFs
uniform distributions. The PDFs at points 3 and 4 are the
with a symbolic computation approach can rapidly become
convolution of the resultant and a uniform distribution.
cumbersome. Consequently, we will rely on Monte-Carlo
Figure 2 presents the resulting PDFs obtained by the
simulations to estimate the sector congestion PDFs. From [17],
convolution operator. The up left figure shows the PDF of
we know that a Monte-Carlo method used the fact that:
the origin point 1 where we choose the CFMU interval.
The up right figure shows the PDF at point 2, the down 1 X a.s.N →∞
f (x(i) ) −−−−−−→ f (x)p(x)dx
left shows the PDF at point 3 and the down right figure N i=1 X
shows the PDF at point 4. We can see that the number
of pieces to define the function increases rapidly. For where x(i) is a sample drawn from the PDF p(x). This is
the PDF of 4, the function is defined with 24 pieces. an unbiased estimator and, by the law of large numbers, it
Now, the probability, modeled with a Bernouilli distribution, will converge almost surely to the expected value. In our
that the flight i is not in sector 1 in the time interval [t0 , t1 ] is: case, scenarios are built with trajectory sampling for statistical
analysis on expected time of arrival and sector occupancy. A
Prior on departure point Resulting PDF on point 2

Resulting PDF on point 3 Resulting PDF on point 4

Figure 2. Convolution resultants on PDFs

scenario is complete when it gathers one sampled trajectory B. Sector Constraint Approximation
per flight plan. This process gives as an output a set of M As seen previously, an estimate of the probability of conges-
scenarios D = ψ[1], . . . , ψ[M ]. The elements of this set are tion can be the ratio between the numbers of scenarios where
referred to particles in an approximate inference context. Of the sector is not congested over the total number of scenarios.
course, the accuracy of the Monte Carlo simulations depends This probability is computed for every time slice and so, this
directly on M and a sensitivity analysis should be done on the creates a stochastic process. So, a finer discretization has a cost
real dataset in order to determine the order of magnitude of in the number of random variables in this stochastic process
M that is mandatory to ensure a good approximation. to be estimated. An efficient way to estimate this stochastic
process is to determine the time intervals during which the
flight is in a sector. This is straightforward with the sampled
A. Stochastic Optimization Problem times at the entrance and exit points of the sector. Afterward,
we can count the number of intervals that intersect with the
The goal of modeling a Stochastic Optimization Problem time slice and compare it to the threshold.
is to address uncertainty over the outcomes of a system by
considering the most likely ones. In our system, this is done C. Objective Function Approximation
with Monte-Carlo simulation, which generates the scenario In the Monte-Carlo approach, the landscape of the objective
set D. The optimization process contains its own copy of the function is not explored directly, but approximated with a huge
airspace model for evaluating the solutions without affecting number of simulations. In this case, it is often more relevant to
the monitored airspace model. Then, the optimization process maintain a pool of good solutions since a solution is better than
starts from the actual situation as a default solution and another solely with a given probability. Finally, regularization
generates a new set of parameters for the model. A trajectory terms will probably be necessary in the objective function,
sampling method is used to generate a new set of scenarios in order to obtain realistic solutions. The rerouting must be
and these are statistically analyzed in order to determine penalized since it adds a workload to the controller and the
the variation of the aggregate cost function under the sector pilot. The means of the traveling RVs should also be modified
capacity. A possible stopping criterion for this iterative process only slightly, and in a consistent way, in order to minimize the
is to monitor the value of the cost function, and to stop number of changes in the flight behavior. Finally, the variance
whenever it stays stable during a predefined time interval. should always reflect the uncertainty of the system and should
This stopping criterion should work even in the case where we be integrated in the objective function. These considerations
do not have enough information on the landscape of the cost will be more easily taken into account with the Monte-Carlo
function. However, other stopping criteria could be envisioned. approach due to its flexibility. More generally, it is very likely
that several different objectives will have to be considered IX. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
for realism. Most probably, the optimization problem might This author Gaétan Marceau is funded by the scholarship
become multi-objective - even though the ultimate output of CIFRE 710/2012 established between Thales Air Systems
the optimization process in the context of the proposed system and INRIA-Saclay, and the scholarship 141138/2011 from the
should be a single set of changes for all flights. Hence some Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Nature et Technologies.
decision-making algorithm might also be needed here - unless
some human supervision can be imagined. This could lead R EFERENCES
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This article describes the theoretical tools that can be used
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between the rate of convergence of the approximation and
the number of required scenarios is left for further work.

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