Sample Test Questions: Krok 2
Sample Test Questions: Krok 2
Sample Test Questions: Krok 2
Krok 2
Терапевтичний профiль 2
they were drinking alcohol and eating canned the knee and elbow joints is observed. Pulse
mushrooms and cured fish. The next day two of is 106/min., rhythmic. Blood pressure is 90/60
them were hospitalized with disturbed vision, mm Hg. Cardiac borders are unchanged, heart
swallowing and respiration; the third one sounds are weakened, at the cardiac apex there
presented with acute general weakness and is soft systolic murmur. What factor would
dry mouth. The remaining two were healthy. be the most indicative of the likely disease
A tick was detected on the skin of one of etiology?
the healthy group members. What is the most
likely diagnosis? A. Anti-streptolysin O
B. C-reactive protein
A. Botulism C. Creatine kinase
B. Tick-borne encephalitis D. Rheumatoid factor
C. Alcohol poisoning E. Seromucoid
D. Mushroom poisoning
E. Lyme borreliosis 31. A 45-year-old man complains of cough
fits and tickling in his nasopharynx. He had
27. A 23-year-old man complains of facial been staying for 10 days in the polluted area
edema, headache, dizziness, low urinary created by the Chornobyl nuclear power plant
output, urine discoloration (dark red). These accident. Rhinoscopy shows signs of severe
complaints arose after the patient had had a nasopharynx irritation. What radionuclide is
case of acute tonsillitis. On examination there the cause of this irritation?
are facial edema, the skin is pale, temperature
is 37.4o C ; heart rate is 86/min., blood pressure A. Radioactive iodine
is 170/110 mm Hg. Heart sounds are muffled, B. Radioactive cesium
the II heart sound is accentuated over the C. Radioactive strontium
aorta. What etiological factor is the most likely D. Radioactive plutonium
in this case? E. Radioactive cobalt
34. A 37-year-old worker during a fire ended fatigue. He has been presenting with these
up in the area of high CO concentration. He symptoms for 3 months. He has been smoking
was delivered to a hospital in unconscious since early adolescence. Objectively to is
state. Objectively: the skin of his face 37.4o C , respirations are 26/min., pulse is
and hands is crimson. Respiration rate is 82/min., rhythmic, blood pressure is 130/85 mm
20/min. ECG: alterations specific for hypoxic Hg. The right side of the thorax lags behind
myocardium. Hourly diuresis is 40 ml. Blood in the respiratory process, dull percussion
test: erythrocytes - 4.5 · 1012 /L, Нb- 136 sound and acute decrease of breathing
g/L, color index - 0.9, ESR- 3 mm/hour, activity are observed there. X-ray shows
carboxyhemoglobin - 5%. What criterion homogeneous shadow of the lung field on the
allows determining the severity of the patient’s right with mediastinum displacement towards
condition? the affected side. What is the most likely
A. Carboxyhemoglobin concentration
B. Respiratory disorders A. Central lung cancer
C. ECG results B. Exudative pleuritis
D. Extent of trophic disorders C. Pleuropneumonia
E. Development of chronic renal failure D. Pulmonary tuberculosis
E. Multiple bronchiectasis
35. A patient with suspected pheochromocytoma
has normal blood pressure in the periods 39. A 42-year-old woman complains of severe
between the atacks and a tendency pulsing headache in the frontoparietal area,
towards tachycardia. Urine test revealed vertigo, palpitations. She has been suffering
no pathologies. It was decided to use from hypertension for 3 years. Significant
a provocative test with histamine. What increase of BP occurs 2-3 times per month
medication should be prepared to provide and lasts for 3-8 hours. The left ventricle is
emergency care in case of positive test result? enlarged, heart sounds are clear, heart rate
- 105/min., BP- 225/115 mm Hg. ECG: signs
A. Phentolamine of left ventricular hypertrophy. What drug
B. Pipolphen would be the most effective for termination
C. Nifedipine of cerebral crisis attack?
D. Mesatonum
E. Prednisolone A. Labetalol
B. Hydrochlorothiazide (Hypothiazide)
36. A 46-year-old woman complains of C. Captopril
severe pain attacks in the right lumbar D. Losartan
area, which irradiate to the lower abdomen, E. Clonidine (Clophelin)
and nausea. This kind of pain attacks has
never been detected in the patient before. 40. A 45-year-old patient complains of pain
Plain abdominal X-ray reveals no pathologic in the epigastric region, left subcostal area,
shadows. Ultrasound detects a hyperechogenic abdominal distension, diarrhea, loss of weight.
mass 1.5 cm in diameter, which reflects sound He has been suffering from this condition for
wave, in the enlarged right renal pelvis. What 5 years. Objectively: the tongue is moist with
diagnosis is the most likely? white coating near the root; deep palpation of
abdomen reveals slight pain in the epigastric
A. Renal calculus region and Мауо-Robson’s point. Liver is
B. Benign renal tumor painless and protrudes by 1 cm from the costal
C. Renal cyst arch. Spleen cannot be palpated. What disease
D. Renal tuberculosis can be primarily suspected?
E. Malignant renal tumor
A. Chronic pancreatitis
37. A 60-year-old woman complains of B. Atrophic gastritis
unbearable pain in her right subcostal area. C. Peptic stomach ulcer
She has a history of acute pancreatitis. D. Chronic cholecystitis
Temperature is 38.2o C . Objectively her sclera E. Chronic enteritis
are icteric. There are no signs of peritoneal
irritation. Ortner’s and Gubergrits’ symptoms 41. For 4 days a 35-year-old man has been
are positive. Urine diastase is 320 U/L. What is treated in the resuscitation unit for acute renal
the most likely diagnosis? failure caused by compartment syndrome.
The patient is disoriented. ECG shows high
A. Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis T waves and right ventricular extrasystoles.
B. Acute cholangitis His central venous pressure is 159 mmH2 O;
C. Chronic cholecystitis for the last 3 hours auscultation has been
D. Acute cholecystitis detecting isolated moist crackles in the lungs.
E. Pancreatic cancer Respirations are 32/min. Blood test: residual
nitrogen - 62 mmol/L, K + - 7.1 mmol/L, Cl− -
38. A 64-year-old man complains of cough with
expectoration consisting of blood-streaked 78 mmol/L, N a+ - 120 mmol/L, Ht- 0.32 L/L,
mucus, dyspnea, low grade fever and general Hb- 100 g/L, blood creatinine - 0.9 mmol/L.
In this case the most advisable would be to
Терапевтичний профiль 7
A. Malignant tumor of the urinary bladder 165 cm. The patient’s skin is clear, with even
B. Chronic cystitis distribution of subcutaneous fat; the thyroid
C. Chronic prostatitis gland is not enlarged; there are no menstrual
D. Acute glomerulonephritis cycle disturbances. What obesity prevention
E. Chronic pyelonephritis methods would be the most advisable in this
56. A 44-year-old patient with postinfarction
cardiosclerosis presents with frequent heart A. Dietary treatment, graduated exercise
rate disorders and lower extremity edema. B. Intensive training regimen
Objectively: Ps- 95/min., irregular, 10-12 C. Gastroplasty or gastrojejunal shunt
extrasystoles per minute. BP- 135/90 mm Hg. D. Inhibitors of gastrointestinal lipases
The 1st heart sound at the apex is weakened. E. Anorectic drugs
Pulmonary respiration is rough. The liver
is enlarged +2 cm. ECG: irregular sinus 60. A 57-year-old woman complains of
rhythm, heart rate - 95/min., frequent polytopic a sensation of esophageal compression,
ventricular extrasystoles. What antiarrhythmic palpitations, difficult breathing when eating
drug is advisable in this case for treatment and solid food, occasional vomiting with a full
prevention of extrasystole? mouth, ”wet pillow” sign at night for the
last 6 months. Objectively: body tempearture
A. Amiodarone - 39o C , height - 168 cm, weight - 72 kg,
B. Lidocaine Ps- 76/min, BP- 120/80 mm Hg. X-ray study
C. Mexiletine revealed considerable dilation of esophagus
D. Quinidine and its constriction in the cardial part. What
E. Novocainamide (Procainamide) pathology is the most likely to have caused
dysphagia in this patient?
57. A 60-year-old woman started feeling
weakness, vertigo, rapid fatigability during the A. Achalasia cardiae
last year. Recently she has developed dyspnea B. Primary esophageal spasm
and paresthesia observed. Objectively: skin C. Hiatal hernia
and mucous membranes are pale and icteric. D. Esophageal carcinoma
Lingual papillae are smoothed out. Liver and E. Reflux esophagitis
spleen are at the edge of costal arch. Blood
test: Hb- 70 g/L, erythrocytes - 1.7 · 1012 /L, 61. A 43-year-old woman complains of pain in
blood color index - 1.2, macrocytes. What drug the lumbar area, which irradiates to her left leg
can be prescribed on pathogenetic grounds? and aggravates on movement, and sensation of
numbness in this leg. Objectively palpation
A. Vitamin B12 of her shin and thigh is painful, there are
B. Vitamin B6 painful stretch symptoms of on the left and
C. Ascorbic acid gastrocnemius cramps. There is no sensory loss
D. Iron preparations or weakening of reflex responses. Make the
E. Vitamin B1 diagnosis:
58. After excessive consumption of fatty food A. Vertebrogenous lumbar ischialgia on the left
a 60-year-old woman suddenly developed B. Vertebrogenous radicular syndrome of L5-S1
pain in her right subcostal area, nausea, on the left
bile vomiting, sharp bitter taste in her C. Left-sided coxitis
mouth. In 2 days she developed jaundice, D. Endarteritis of the lower extremities
her urine darkened. Objectively: sclera and E. Spinal stroke
skin are icteric, the abdomen is distended, the
liver is enlarged by 3 cm, soft and painful 62. A patient with chronic pancreatitis
on palpation, Ortner’s, Murphy’s, Kehr’s, complains of diarrhea occurring up to 5 times
Zakharyin’s, Mayo-Robson’s signs are positive. per day (no blood traces), loss of body weight,
What diagnostic technique should be used in abdominal distention, dryness of skin, loss
the first place to confirm the diagnosis? of hair, thirst, bleeding gums, convulsions.
Complete blood count: leukocytes - 5.8 · 109 /L;
A. Ultrasound of the gallbladder and bile duct Hb- 86 g/L; ESR- 15 mm/g; Blood protein
B. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy test: total protein - 48 g/L; albumins - 28 g/L.
C. Abdominal X-ray What indicators of coprological analysis would
D. Radionuclide scanning of the liver and accompany this syndrom?
E. Laparoscopy A. Steatorrhea, creatorrhea
B. Large amount of mucus, amylorrhea
59. A 30-year-old woman complains of C. Large amount of starch grains and cellulose
increased body weight and problems with D. Gas bubbles, acid reaction
physical exertion. Her parents are of increased E. Large numbers of iodinophilous microbes
body weight as well; typical meals in their
family are high in fats and carbohydrates. 63. A 35-year-old patient complains of
Objectively her blood pressure is 135/80 mm heartburn, gasseous and sour eructation,
Hg, pulse is 89/min., weight is 87 kg, height is burning constricting pain behind the sternum
Терапевтичний профiль 10
includes closed thoracic injury. Lately the dyspnea and cardiac pain. He ascribes his
patient has been suffering from increasing disease to the case of influenza that he had 2
dyspnea, sensation of heaviness in the right weeks ago. Objectively he leans forward when
subcostal area, and heart rate disturbances. sitting. The face is swollen, cyanotic, cervical
Objectively: acrocyanosis, bulging cervical veins are swollen. Heart borders are extended
veins, ascites, edema of the lower extremities. on the both sides, heart sounds are muffled,
Heart auscultation reveals muffled heart heart rate = Ps = 118/min., BP is 90/60 mm Hg.
sounds, additional III heart sound is Blood test: ESR is 16 mm/hour. ECG shows
detected. Provisional diagnosis of constrictive low voltage. X-ray shows trapezoidal cardiac
pericarditis was made. What diagnostic silhouette and signs of pulmonary congestion.
technique would NOT confirm the diagnosis? Choose the treatment tactics:
A. US of abdomen A. Pericardial puncture (pericardiocenthesis)
B. Computer tomography B. Diuretics
C. Echocardiography C. Antibiotics
D. Magnetic resonance imaging D. Pericardectomy
E. Chest X-ray E. Glucocorticosteroids
80. A 72-year-old woman suffers from diabetes 84. A 53-year-old woman complains of weight
mellitus type II, concomitant diseases are loss up to 10 kg within the last 2 years,
stage II hypertension and stage IIB heart liquid foul-smelling stool two times a day that
failure. She takes metformin. Hypertensic poorly washes off the toilet, periodic bouts
crisis had occurred the day before, after which of nausea, girdle pain in the upper abdomen.
the patient developed extreme weakness, Objectively: pain in Gubergrits zone (on the
myalgias, thirst, dry mouth, polyuria. BP is right from navel) and at Mayo-Robson’s point.
140/95 mm Hg, heart rate is 98/min., no edemas Biochemical blood analysis: glucose - 3,2
or smell of acetone detected. What measures mmol/l, bilirubin - 16,5 mcmol/l, crude protein
should be taken to prevent development of - 56,4 g/l. Urine diastase/amylase - 426 g/h/l.
comatose state in the patient? D-xylose test (oral administration of 25 g of
A. Stop metformin, prescribe short-acting d-xylose) after 5 hours reveals 3 g of xylose in
insulin urine. The most likely diagnosis is:
B. Double the dosage of metformin A. Pancreatitis. Malabsorption syndrome
C. Apply hypotonic solution of sodium chloride B. Pseudomembranous colitis
D. Additionally prescribe long-acting insulin C. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis
E. Prescribe glibenclamide D. Irritable bowel syndrome
81. Survey radiograph of a 52-year-old worker E. Chronic gastritis
of an agglomeration plant (28-year-long record 85. A 15-year-old teenager has undergone
of service, the concentration of metal dust medical examination in military recruitment
is 22-37 mg/m3 ) shows mildly pronounced center. The following was revealed: interval
interstitial fibrosis with diffused contrasting systolic murmur at the cardiac apex, accent of
well-defined small nodular shadows. The the II heart sound over the pulmonary artery,
patient has no complaints. Pulmonary function tachycardia. What additional examination
is not compromised. What is the provisional method will be the most informative for
diagnosis? determining diagnosis?
A. Siderosis A. Echocardiography
B. Silicosis B. Electrocardiography
C. Anthraco-silicatosis C. X-ray
D. Silicatosis D. Phonocardiography
E. Anthracosis E. Rheography
82. A 59-year-old patient suffering from 86. A 25-year-old patient is not married and
hypertension was delivered to the hospital has sexual relations with several partners.
with complaints of acute headache, nausea, During the last 3 months he noticed small
recurrent vomiting. On examination she amount of mucoserous secretions produced
presents with acute meningeal symptom from urethra. Subjectively: periodical itching
complex. BP is 185/105 mm Hg. What or burning pain in urethra. Two months ago
additional examination would you recommend pain in knee join developed. Possibility of
to the patient in the first place? trauma or exposure to cold is denied by the
patient. During the last week eye discomfort
A. Lumbar puncture is noted - lacrimation and itching. What
B. Ventriculopuncture provisional diagnosis can be suggested?
C. Echoencephalography
D. Rheoencephalography
E. Electroencephalography
83. A 36-year-old man complains of marked
Терапевтичний профiль 13
husband had been treated for drug addiction. 106. A 38-year-old woman has been working
Sequential intravenous administration of as a milker for 15 years. She made
Amoksiklav (Amoxicillin+Clavunate) + an appointment with the doctor due to
Levofloxacin combination and vancomycin in development of red rashes on her hands,
the prescribed dosage was ineffective. Within predominantly in the interdigital space. The
the last two days the patient’s dyspnea and rashes are weeping, itching, and expanding
intoxication acutely exacerbated, bilateral on her skin. Examination of her hands shows
pulmonary infiltrates are observed. What her nail plates to be yellow and brittle. These
is the most likely cause of the medication presentations aggravate during work. Make
ineffectiveness? the provisional diagnosis:
A. HIV infection and pneumocystic pneumonia A. Occupational eczema
B. Tuberculosis mycobacterium infection with B. Scabies
development of tuberculosis C. Pemphigus
C. Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis D. Pyoderma
D. Infection with polyresistant bacterial strains E. Dermatophytosis
E. Cancer metastases in the pulmonary tissues
107. An 18-year-old patient complains of skin
103. A 64-year-old man suddenly sensed rash. The patient has been suffering from
pain in his occipital area, dizziness, general this condition for 5 years. The first instance
weakness. He has a 15-year-long history of of this disease occurred after a car accident.
hypertension. Objectively the skin and mucosa Objectively: the patient presents with papular
are of normal color. Auscultation reveals rash covered in silvery scales, ”thimble”
vesicular respiration across the lung surface. symptom (small pits on the nails), affected
At the cardiac apex the I heart sound is joints. What is the most likely diagnosis?
weakened, the II heart sound is accentuated
over the aorta. Pulse is 84/min., blood pressure A. Psoriasis
is 180/100 mm Hg. Other body organs and B. Panaritium
systems are unaffected. What drug should be C. Onychomycosis
prescribed in the first place? D. Lupus erythematosus
E. Rheumatism
A. Captopril
B. Ramipril 108. A woman complains of frequent, liquid
C. Urapidil stool (up to 9-10 times per day) with mucus
D. Perindopril and blood admixtures, dull pain in the
E. Amlodipine hypogastrium, weight loss of 4 kg within
the last year. Objectively: malnutrition,
104. During winter epidemics of influenza dry skin, low turgor, aphthous stomatitis.
caused predominantly by virus А/California/04/2009 The stomach is soft, the sigmoid colon is
(H1N1), on the 2nd day after the disease onset spastic and painful on palpation. Occult
a 30-year-old hospitalized man presented with blood test is positive. Fibrocolonoscopy:
high fever, dry cough, myalgia, headache, and edema, hyperemia, mucosal granulation,
general weakness. What should be prescribed pseudopolyps, small ulcers with irregular
as etiotropic treatment in this case? edges. Make the diagnosis:
A. Neuraminidase inhibitors (Oseltamivir) A. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis
B. Antibiotics B. Chronic enterocolitis
C. Immunoglobulin C. Colon cancer
D. Interferon inducers D. Irritable bowel syndrome
E. Acyclovir E. Crohn’s disease (regional enteritis)
105. A 57-year-old patient complains of 109. A 48-year-old woman has been
dyspnea at rest. The patient presents with hospitalized due to development of
orthopnea, acrocyanosis, bulging cervical tachysystolic atrial fibrillation. She has lost
veins. On percussion: dull sound over the lower 5 kg of body weight within 2 months. On
lung segments; on auscultation: no respiratory palpation there is a node in the left lobe of
murmurs. Heart rate is 92/min. Right-sided the thyroid gland. What pathology resulted in
cardiac dilatation is observed. The liver is the development of this condition?
enlarged by 7 cm. Shins are swollen. Pleural
effusion is suspected. What indicator would A. Toxic nodular goiter
confirm the presence of transudate in this case? B. Aterosclerotic cardiosclerosis
C. Chronic thyroiditis
A. Total protein content in the pleural fluid D. Nontoxic nodular goiter
below 25 g/l E. Autoimmune thyroiditis
B. Presence of atypical cells
C. Total protein content in the pleural fluid 110. A 48-year-old woman developed
above 30 g/l insomnia, depressive mood, anxiety, fears
D. Specific gravity exceeding 1015 and suicidal thoughts after the death of her
E. Positive Rivalta’s test husband that occurred one month ago. During
Терапевтичний профiль 16
her stay in the hospital she speaks in a low A. Neuropathy of the facial nerve
voice, is depressed, anxious, avoids sleeping, B. Neuropathy of the trigeminal nerve
refuses to eat. What medications should be C. Trigeminal ganglionitis
prescribed in this case? D. Neuropathy of the oculomotor nerve
E. Ischemic stroke
A. Antidepressants
B. Antipsychotics 115. A 37-year-old man working as a typesetter
C. Group B vitamins in a print shop complains of rapid fatigability,
D. Nootropics paroxysmal attacks of stomachache, weak
E. Anticonvulsants drooping hands. Examination of neurological
status revealed hypotrophy of the forearm
111. A 32-year-old woman complains of muscles. Carporadial reflexes are sharply
episodes of intense fear that occur without weakened. Sensitivity is not disturbed.
visible cause and last for 10-20 minutes; the Gums present with dark blue border. What
episodes are characterized by rapid pulse, neurological pathology is it?
sweating, labored breathing, and vertigo.
Specify the likely diagnosis: A. Lead polyneuropathy
B. Guillain-Barre syndrome (postinfectious
A. Panic disorder polyneuritis)
B. Paranoid syndrome C. Shingles
C. Manic syndrome D. Ulnar neuropathy
D. Simple schizophrenia E. Brachial plexitis
E. Claustrophobia
116. A 44-year-old woman has undergone
112. A 39-year-old man suffers from chronic subtotal thyroid resection due to diffuse
adrenal insufficiency and receives replacement toxic goiter. On the second day after the
glucocorticoid therapy (hydrocortisone - 15 surgery the patient’s condition deteriorated;
mg/day). He is to undergo elective surgery she developed palpitations, dyspnea, sweating,
for calculous cholecystitis. What medication and diarrhea, and became fearful The patient
adjustment should be made on the day of the is anxious, her skin is moist and hot to the
surgery to prevent the development of acute touch. Her temperature is 39.2o C . Heart
adrenal insufficiency? sounds are muffled, tachycardia is observed,
pulse is 160/min., blood pressure is 85/40 mm
A. Increase the dosage by 2-3 times Hg. The stomach is soft and painless. What
B. Cancel the drug for the day of the surgery should be measured to clarify the patient’s
C. Add mineralocorticoid condition?
D. Add antibiotic
E. Prescribe large volume intravenous fluid A. Thyroid hormones
infusion B. Blood sugar
C. 17-KS and 17-OCS in urine
113. A resuscitation unit received a 46-year-old D. Blood epinephrine and norepineprine
woman, who has been suffering from diabetes E. Serum transaminases
mellitus type 1 for approximately 30 years.
Objectively: the skin is pale, heart sounds 117. The dermatologist has an appointment
are weakened, BP is 170/100 mm Hg, lower with a 30-year-old man that complains
limbs are markedly swollen. Blood creatinine of severely itching rashes that especially
- 1125 mcmol/l, urea - 49,6 mmol/l, potassium disturb him at night. The rashes developed
- 6.3 mmol/l, glucose - 7,6 mmol/l, glomerular 2 weeks ago, after he had returned from
filtration rate - 5 ml/min. What treatment is a travel. Objectively on the lateral surfaces
indicated for the patient in the first place? of his fingers, hands, wrists, elbows, lower
abdomen, genitals, and thighs there are paired
A. Hemodialysis papulovesicles, single pustules, and scratch
B. Kidney transplantation marks. What disease can be suspected?
C. Hemofiltration
D. Enterosorption A. Scabies
E. Conservative detoxification therapy B. Pyoderma
C. Dermatitis
114. After a long drive with the window open D. Eczema
a man developed facial asymmetry; he cannot E. Shingles
close his right eye, his right nasolabial fold is
smoothed out, movements of expression are 118. A 28-year-old man, a teacher, after
absent on the right, there is a disturbance emotional stress developed painful muscle
of gustatory sensation in the tongue on the spasms in his right hand that occur during
right. No other neurological pathologies were writing; now he has to hold the pen between
detected. What disease can be provisionally the second and third fingers. He has no
diagnosed in this patient? problems with typing or writing on the
blackboard; no other motor disturbances or
neurological pathologies are detected. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
Терапевтичний профiль 17
1. During medical examination a cadet 5. On the 4th day after recovery from a cold
in the naval college was detected to have a patient was hospitalized with complaints
a painless dense ulcer 1.5x0.5 in size in his of solitary spittings of mucoid sputum. On
perianal area at the 2 o’clock position. The the 2nd day there was a single discharge
ulcer floor resembles ”old fat”. What is the of about 250 ml of purulent blood-streaked
provisional diagnosis? sputum. Objectively: the patient’s condition
is moderately severe. Respiratory rate - 28-
A. Hard syphilitic chancre of the rectum 30/min., Ps- 96/min., BP- 110/70 mm Hg.
B. Rectal fissure Respiration over the left lung is vesicular,
C. Rectal fistula over the right lung - weakened. There are
D. Anal cancer various moist crackles over the lower lobe
E. Anal crypt suppuration and amphoric breath sounds near the angle
of scapula. What is the most likely diagnosis?
2. A 10-year-old boy, who was outdoors in
windy and cold weather, developed moderate A. Acute pulmonary abscess
pain and tingling in his fingers and toes. When B. Exudative pleuritis
he had returned home, his parents noticed that C. Acute focal pneumonia
the tips of his fingers and toes were white D. Pleural empyema
and their sensitivity was lost. The affected E. Pyopneumothorax
areas are warming up, the fingers are tingling
and in pain. Skin pallor changed into redness, 6. A 65-year-old woman on abdominal
tingling stopped, slight itching and swelling of palpation presents with a tumor in the
the fingers appeared. Determine the frostbite umbilical region and above it; the tumor is
degree in this child: 13x8 cm in size, moderately painful, non-
mobile, pulsing. On auscultation systolic
A. Frostbite of the I degree murmur can be observed. What is the most
B. Perniosis likely diagnosis?
C. Frostbite of the II degree
D. Frostbite of the III degree A. Abdominal aneurysm
E. Frostbite of the IV degree B. Gastric tumor
C. Arteriovenous aneurysm
3. 4 days after a patient received a gunshot D. Tricuspid insufficiency
wound to the soft tissues of middle third E. Bicuspid insufficiency
of the thigh, his condition suddenly began
deteriorating. There are complaints of bursting 7. After a case of purulent otitis a 1-year-old
pain in the wound; pain has been increasing boy has developed pain in the upper third of
during the last 12 hours. Edema of skin the left thigh, body temperature up to 39o C .
and hypodermic tissue quickly grows. Body Objectively: swelling of the thigh in its upper
temperature is 38,2o C , heart rate is 102/min. third and smoothed out inguinal fold. The limb
The wound edges gape, are dull in color; is in semiflexed position. Active and passive
the muscles, viable as of day before, now movements are impossible due to severe pain.
protrude into the wound, look boiled, are dull What diagnosis is the most likely?
in color, have dirty-gray coating, and fall apart
when held with forceps. What infection has A. Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis
developed in the wound? B. Acute coxitis
C. Intermuscular phlegmon
A. Anaerobic D. Osteosarcoma
B. Aerobic gram-negative E. Brodie’s abscess
C. Putrid
D. Aerobic gram-positive 8. A 74-year-old patient was delivered into
E. Diphtheria of the wound admission room with clinical presentations of
acute deep vein thrombosis of the shin. What
4. A patient received flame burns of both symptom is the most typical of this pathology?
hands. On the dorsal and palmar surface of
the hands there are blisters filled with serous A. Homans’ sign
fluid. The wrist joint region is hyperemic. B. Rovsing’s sign
The forearms were not injured. What is the C. Courvoisier’s sign
provisional diagnosis? D. Mayo-Robson’s sign
E. Grey Turner’s sign
A. II degree flame burn of the hands, 4% of
body surface area 9. A 50-year-old patient was delivered to a
B. II degree flame burn of the hands, 2% of hospital with complaints of blood traces in
body surface area urine. Urination is painless and undisturbed.
C. IIIa degree flame burn of the hands, 4% of Macrohematuria had been observed for 3
body surface area days. Objectively: kidneys cannot be palpated,
D. III degree flame burn of the hands, 4% of suprapubic area is without alterations,
body surface area external genitalia are non-pathologic. On
E. IIb degree flame burn of the hands, 2% of rectal investigation: prostate is not enlarged,
body surface area painless, has normal structure. Cystoscopy
revealed no alterations. What is the most likely
Хiрургiчний профiль 19
58. A 22-year-old man at 18:00 developed of treatment should be prescribed in this case?
persisting dull pain in the epigastrium. Three
hours later nausea appeared, he vomited A. Surgical
once. By the morning the pain shifted to the B. Conservative
right iliac area. Body temperature rose to C. Physical therapy
38.6o C , developed tachycardia of 110/min. D. Case monitoring
On examination there are muscle rigidity and E. Abstain from surgery in favor of complex
Bloomberg’s sign (rebound tenderness) in the conservative therapy
right iliac area of the anterior abdominal wall.
Plain x-ray of the abdomen shows no fluid 62. A 6-year-old girl arrived to the in-patient
levels, free air under the diapragm on the right. unit with complaints of enlargement of the
Make the diagnosis: lower third of her right thigh. According to the
case history, she has been stepping carefully
A. Perforation of a gastric ulcer on her right leg and limping for 6 months.
B. Renal colic Blood test detected anemia. X-ray of the right
C. Acute appendicitis thigh shows a round bone defect with clear
D. Acute pancreatitis margins resembling melting sugar in the distal
E. Acute cholecystitis metaphysis. What provisional diagnosis can be
made in this case?
59. On ultrasound of the thyroid gland, a 47-
year-old woman presents with a hypoechoic A. Osteogenic sarcoma of the right femur
node 1.6 cm in diameter with blurred margins B. Rheumatoid arthritis of the right knee joint
and intranodular hypervascularization. The C. Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis of the
doctor suspects thyroid carcinoma. What distal femoral metaphysis on the right
method should be used to verify the diagnosis? D. Tuberculous osteitis of the distal femoral
metaphysis on the right
A. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy E. Giant cell tumor of the right femur
B. Thyroid scintigraphy
C. Case monitoring 63. A 46-year-old man came to the surgeon’s
D. Determine TSH level in the blood office. He complains of twitching sensation
E. Positron emission tomography (PET) in the wound on his left foot, insomnia,
and anxiety. According to the patient, he
60. A 19-year-old young man complains of received this wound 5 days ago, when he
cough with expectoration of purulent sputum accidentally stepped on a glass shard, while on
in amount of 100 ml per day, hemoptysis, the beach. He requested no medical assistance.
dyspnea, increased body temperature up to Objectively the patient’s general condition is
37.8o C , general weakness, weight loss. The satisfactory, pulse is 75/min., blood pressure is
patient’s condition has been persisting for 4 130/80 mm Hg, temperature is 36.9o C . On the
years. Exacerbations occur 2-3 times per year. plantar surface of his foot there is a wound 1.5
The patient presents with malnutrition, pale cm long and up to 3 cm deep. The wound edges
skin, cyanosis of the lips, drumstick (clubbed) are moderately hyperemic, no discharge from
fingers. Tympanic percussion sound in the the wound is observed. What disease can be
lungs, weakened respiration, various numerous suspected in this patient?
moist crackles in the lower pulmonary
segments on the left can be observed. In A. Tetanus
B. Diphtheria
blood: erythrocytes - 3.2 · 1012 /L, leukocytes C. Anthrax
- 8.4 · 109 /L, ESR- 56 mm/hour. On X-ray: lung D. Fasciitis
fields are emphysematous, the left pulmonary E. Phlegmon
root is deformed and dilated. What is the most
likely diagnosis? 64. A 20-year-old student was brought to the
first-aid center. He has a closed fracture of the
A. Multiple bronchiectasis of the left lung left forearm and a contused lacerated wound
B. Chronic left-sided pneumonia on his left shin. After the patient received
C. Chronic abscess of the left lung initial wound management, he presented the
D. Left-sided pulmonary cystic dysplasia documents confirming that he has received
E. Suppuration of the cyst in the left lung all the necessary preventive vaccination as
scheduled. What should the doctor do to
61. An 8-year-old child presents with blood prevent tetanus in this patient?
pressure up to 180/100 mm Hg in the
upper limbs accompanied by headaches, A. Dynamic case monitoring
tinnitus, occasional nosebleeds, and high B. Administration of tetanus immunoglobulin
fatigability. On examination there is no C. Administration of anti-tetanus serum
pulse over the leg arteries. ECG shows left D. Antibiotic therapy
ventricular hypertrophy. MRI-scan shows E. Administration of tetanus toxoid
aortic narrowing to 5 mm in the typical place.
Coarctation of aorta is diagnosed. What kind
Педiатричний профiль 26
A. Inferior distal obstetrical paralysis 33. A 5-year-old child has body temperature
B. Osteomyelitis risen up to febrile numbers, suffers from
C. Proximal obstetrical paralysis inertness, weakness. Examination revealed
D. Complete obstetrical paralysis hemorrhage on the skin of limbs and
E. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy torso. Enlargement of cervical and axillary
lymph nodes can be detected. The liver
29. A 15-year-old girl complains of dizziness is 4 cm below the costal arch; the spleen
and sensation of lack of air that she develops is 6 cm below the costal arch. Blood test:
in emotionally straining situations. Relief erythrocytes - 2.3 · 1012 /L, Hb- 60 g/L,
occurs after she takes corvalol. Objectively: platelets - 40 · 109 /L, leukocytes - 32.8 · 109 /L,
hyperhidrosis and marble-like pattern of eosinophiles - 1%, band neutrophiles - 1%,
the skin of her palms and feet. Clinical segmented neutrophiles - 12%, lymphocytes
and instrumental examination revealed no - 46%, monocytes - 1%, blasts - 40%,
organic alterations of the central nervous, Duke’s bleeding time test result is 9 min.
cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. What What examination is necessary to make the
provisional diagnosis can be made? diagnosis?
A. Somatoform autonomic dysfunction A. Myelogram (bone marrow biopsy)
B. Obstructive bronchitis B. Lymph nodes biopsy
C. Bronchial asthma C. Abdominal US
D. Stenosing laryngotracheitis D. Detection of hepatitis markers
E. Acute epiglottitis E. Analysis of dynamic platelet function
30. 10 days after birth a newborn developed 34. ECG revealed the following in a 10-year-
sudden fever up to 38,1o C . Objectively: the old child: sharp acceleration of the heart rate
skin in the region of navel, abdomen and - 240/min., P wave overlaps with T wave
chest is erythematous; there are multiple and deforms it, moderate lengthening of PQ
pea-sized blisters with no infiltration at the interval, QRS complex is without alterations.
base; isolated bright red moist erosions with What pathology does this child have?
epidermal fragments are observed on the
periphery. What is the provisional diagnosis?
Педiатричний профiль 30
46 ХY; uterus and vagina are absent. What is appendages can be detected. What is the
your diagnosis? most likely diagnosis?
A. Testicular feminization syndrome A. Sheehan’s syndrome (postpartum
B. Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser hypopituitarism)
syndrome B. Ovarian amenorrhea
C. Cushing syndrome C. Turner’s syndrome
D. Sheehan syndrome D. Ovarian exhaustion syndrome
E. Cushing disease E. Galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome
10. 6 hours ago the waters of a 30-year- 14. A 28-year-old woman complains of
old gravida 1, para 0, burst; her preliminary increased intervals between menstruations,
period was pathologic and lasted for over 2 up to 2 months, and hirsutism. Gynecological
days; the term of pregnancy is 39 weeks. No examination revealed the following: ovaries
labor activity is observed. Fetal head presents are enlarged, painless, and dense; no
above the pelvic inlet. Fetal heartbeats are alterations of the uterus. US of the lesser
142/min., clear and rhytmic. On vaginal pelvis: ovaries are 4-5 cm in diameter, with
examination the uterine cervix is not dilated. numerous enlarged follicles on the periphery.
What further tactics should the doctor X-ray of the skull base: sellar region is
choose? widened. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Perform cesarean section A. Stein-Leventhal syndrome (polycystic
B. Induce cervical dilation with prostaglandins ovarian syndrome)
C. Stimulate the labor with oxytocin B. Algodismenorrhea
D. Wait for the onset of spontaneous labor C. Sheehan syndrome (postpartum
E. Prolong the pregnancy, while providing hypopituitarism)
antibacterial treatment D. Premenstrual syndrome
11. A 23-year-old woman came the the E. Morgagni-Stewart-Morel syndrome
gynecologist with complaints of blood smears (metabolic craniopathy)
from her genital tracts that have been
observed for a long time. Her menstruation 15. The gynecology unit received a patient
has been delayed for 8 weeks. Examination with uterine bleeding that started 6 hours
shows the uterine body to be enlarged up after induced abortion at the term of 11-12
to 14 weeks of pregnancy. US detected weeks. Objectively the skin is pale, pulse
a vesicular mole. What tactics should the is 100/min., blood pressure is 100/70 mm
doctor choose? Hg. On vaginal examination the uterus is
painless, its enlargement corresponds to the
A. Curettage of the uterine cavity 10th week of pregnancy; uterine cervix is
B. Hormonal treatment dilated enough to let in one finger, there
C. Hemostatic treatment are fragments of the fertilized ovum. What
D. Supravaginal uterine amputation actions should be taken next:
E. Uterectomy
A. Urgent repeated curettage of the uterine
12. A 46-year-old woman came to a maternity cavity
clinic with complaints of moderate blood B. Uterotonic drugs
discharge from the vagina, which developed C. Treatment for acute anemia
after the menstruation delay of 1,5 months. D. Antibacterial agents
On vaginal examination: the cervix is clean; E. Prescribe rest and continue to monitor the
the uterus is not enlarged, mobile, painless; patient’s condition
appendages without changes. Make the
diagnosis: 16. A woman came to the general
practitioner with complaints of fatigability,
A. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding significant weight loss, weakness, and loss
B. Adenomyosis of appetite. She has been presenting with
C. Ectopic pregnancy amenorrhea for the last 8 month. One year
D. Submucous uterine myoma ago she gave birth to a live full-term child.
E. Cancer of the uterine body Blood loss during delivery was 2 liters.
The woman received blood transfusion and
13. A 30-year-old woman complains of blood components. What is the most likely
amenorrhea that lasts for 2 years after she diagnosis?
has given birth, loss of hair and body weight.
The labor was complicated with hemorrhage
caused by uterine hypotonia. Objectively
the patient is of asthenic type, her external
genitalia are hypoplastic, the uterine body
is small in size and painless. No uterine
Акушерство i гiнекологiя 34
no complaints. Per vaginum: the uterus lies second pregnancy. She complains of fever,
in anteflexion, not enlarged, dense, mobile, chills, nausea, vomiting, lumbar pain, and
painless. On the left from the uterus in dysuria. Costovertebral angle tenderness is
the area of uterine appendages there is present on both sides. Urine analysis: pyuria,
a mobile painless outgrowth that can be bacteriuria. Blood test: leukocytosis. What is
moved independently from the uterus. On the most likely diagnosis?
the right the appendages cannot be detected.
What additional investigation would be A. Gestational pyelonephritis
informative for diagnosis clarification? B. Cystitis
C. Pyelitis
A. Ultrasound of the lesser pelvis D. Glomerulonephritis
B. Metrosalpingography E. Latent bacteriuria
C. Examination for urogenital infection
D. Colposcopy 42. A 32-year-old pregnant woman at the
E. Colonoscopy term of 5-6 weeks was vaccinated against
influenza along with her whole family. At
39. A postparturient woman, who has that time she was not aware of her pregnancy.
been breastfeeding for 3 weeks, made The pregnancy is wanted. The woman needs
an appointment with the doctor. For the an advice from the family doctor regarding
last 6 days she has been feeling unwell, the maintenance of her pregnancy, namely
complains of body temperature of 38- whether there is a risk of fetal malformations
39o C , general weakness; within the last because of received vaccination. What advice
2 days she developed pain and redness should the doctor give in this case?
in the area of her right mammary gland.
Examination revealed her mammary gland A. Vaccination against influenza is safe during
to be significantly enlarged and deformed; pregnancy
breast tissue fluctuations and lymphadenitis B. Therapeutic abortion is recommended
are observed. What type of mastitis is the C. Immediate ultrasound of the lesser pelvis
most likely? is necessary
D. Test for antibodies against influenza virus
A. Phlegmonous mastitis is necessary
B. Serous mastitis E. An infectious diseases specialist must be
C. Infiltrative mastitis consulted
D. Lactostasis
E. Mammary edema 43. A 17-year-old girl has made an
appointment with the doctor. She plans to
40. On the 9th day after childbirth the begin her sex life. No signs of gynecological
obstetric patient developed high fever up pathology were detected. In the family
to 38o C . She complains of pain in the right history there was a case of cervical cancer
mammary gland. The examination revealed that occurred to the patient’s grandmother.
the following: a sharply painful infiltrate can The patient was consulted about the
be palpated in the right mammary gland, the maintenance of her reproductive health.
skin over the infiltrate is red, subareolar area What recommendation will be the most
and nipple are swollen and painful. What is helpful for prevention of invasive cervical
your diagnosis? cancer?
A. Abscess of the right mammary gland A. Vaccination against human papillomavirus
B. Mastopathy (HPV)
C. Cancer of the right mammary gland B. Vitamins, calcium, omega-3
D. Serous mastitis C. Immunomodulators
E. Fibrous cystic degeneration of the right D. Antiviral and antibacterial drugs
mammary gland E. Timely treatment of sexually transmitted
41. A woman is on the 32nd week of her
Гiгiєна та органiзацiя охорони здоров’я 38