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Reflection: (Physical Education 1)

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(Physical Education 1)

Submitted by:
Bethany Jane C. Mascardo

Submitted to:
Ms. Alexandra O. Bigno

The lesson 1 talks about the Physical Fitness which consists of at least five health-related
and skill-related components. It gives me a real and précised explanation about the Physical
Fitness. I understood that a person is physically fit if his body has an ability to function
successfully without experiencing ache or body pains. It is also essential to know the
components of physical fitness such as the body composition. Body composition made me
understood that our body needs fat that is relatively low but not too low and not to high. Just like
the component; strength and muscular endurance, an individual should have the ability to exert
themselves effectively because this is very useful especially in difficult situations. I have learned
that a person is considered physically fit if his body is pliable or able to move his joints in a full
range of activities in life. Speaking of the components of skill-related physical fitness, I
apprehended that agility helps performance in activities that require a person to change direction
quickly while keeping balance, strength, speed and body control. Agility is not just about the
speed with which an individual can change direction. But it's also defined by the grace and
fluidity of movement.

A also learned that Physical Fitness has also principles. The Principles of Physical Fitness
are; overload, recovery, progression, individuality, specificity and variety. This gives me an idea
that in order to be physically fit, one must know that there are principles that should be follow so
as to carry the demands and rigors of daily life effectively. Before, I thought that being
physically fit is very difficult to achieve because it involves a lot of time and effort especially,
the discipline of my body. It makes me think that it’s difficult because I know have knowledge
about being fit or any guide to follow. The principle of progression is really important because it
avoids muscle soreness and minimize injuries, and this is what I apply everytime I exercise. The
principle of progression is very effective. Giving all of your energy in order to be fit is not an
idea of physical fitness. It is an exercise or one of the disciplines that will not torture your body
but shape your body into a healthier and stronger one. Physical fitness is really necessary to
individual who wants to live a successful life because it is one the factors in living in this world
effectually. I also learned in this lesson that being fit is not other people’s responsibility but an
individual’s responsibility.

In this lesson, it explains and generalizes the meaning of health and wellness and what’s
the difference between the two. Before, I was still confused in these two words if they have the
same meanings. I apprehended that health and wellness is bound together to the belief of self-
responsibility. I know that Health is a condition in which a person is free from having physical
diseases or pains. But in wellness, I comprehended that wellness is not just a state of being a
healthy person but a capability of someone to maintain personal fitness activities or exercises and
is open minded for the improvement of levels of health. Wellness is especially important as we
age because regular exercise and proper nutrition can help prevent a variety of ailments including
cardiovascular disease, obesity, and fall risk behaviors. Wellness programs are good at helping
people adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. This is perhaps the biggest benefit of having a
wellness program. Healthy behaviors lead to lower health risks, and lower health risks lead to
less chronic disease. With less chronic disease employees have fewer health care costs.

It also discussed about the definitions of Health and Wellness Dimensions such as the
emotional/mental health and wellness, intellectual health and wellness, physical health and
wellness, social health and wellness, and lastly the spiritual health and wellness. I understand
that if you feel depressed, ignorant, unfit, lonely, unfulfilled, in Wellness dimension, it is totally
negative. Through this lesson, I can identify that a person with quality of life can enjoyably do
any kinds of activities of life without limitation and can function efficiently and effectively.
Good mental health helps you enjoy life and cope with problems. It offers a feeling of well-being
and inner strength. Just as you take care of your body by eating right and exercising, you can do
things to protect your mental health. In fact, eating right and exercising can help maintain good
mental health. I understand that Intellectual wellness encourages learning stimulates curiosity. If
a person is always working with people, it is important to have social health and wellness. As
humans, social interaction is essential to every aspect of our health. As what I observed, having a
strong social interaction or strong community bonds fosters both emotional and physical health
and is an important component of young people’s life.

In this lesson, I was able to discuss to myself what are the good nutrition, nutrients, and
managing diet. Not all people practicing a proper nutrition, that’s why they experience any kinds
of diseases or illnesses. Having malnutrition or low energy is the result of having low food
choices. In fact, malnutrition is very rampant in our community. This occurs when a person's
body is not adequately serviced by its food intake. Individual's needs change under different
circumstances. Moreover, the foods needed by an athlete, a grandmother, a growing boy, an
office worker or a pregnant woman are not the same. Nutritional needs vary even from one
office-worker to another, according to genetic make-up, level of activity, general state of health
and environment. Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined
with physical activity, diet can help us to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of
chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer, and promote the overall health of a person. In
order to move and use our body for daily activities, nutrient is a factor that furnishes the body for
fuel for energy. There is considerable truth in the adage 'You are what you eat' and I believe in
that. The state of our body and how well it works depends to a large extent on how appropriately
it is nourished by the food we eat.

I can also express freely the importance of food, dieting, and nutrition. Establishing personal
diet program is very necessary. Dieting is not just keeping yourself out from food or killing
yourself in hunger but it is the proper practice of eating food in a regulated fashion. I was
corrected in this lesson because I thought that dieting is for people who want to lose weight. But
is not just for those chubby people but it is also for the thin people who wants to gain wait. The
body’s shape is not the basis that a person is healthy or not. I also learned that diets to promote
weight loss are generally divided into four categories which are the low-fat, low carbohydrate,
low-calorie and the very-low calorie. Examining foods for good nutrition is also important to
maintain the health of a physically fit person. In this lesson, I learned about the Top 10 Weight
Loss Programs. I assimilate that when I follow a healthy diet that consists of fruits, vegetables
and whole grains, I’m not just satisfying my hunger but I am nourishing my body too.

In this lesson, it talks about the Body Mass Index or commonly called as “BMI” or
“Quetelet”. I understand that BMI measures the weight of an individual’s mass and height. It is
really the recommended method for diagnosing overweight and obesity. It evaluates the
relationship between body weight and height. While BMI is not a direct measure of excess body
fat, it expresses the weight-height relationship and provides a more accurate measure than body
weight alone. It may be a great guide to establishing the amount of body fat I carry. It’s a good
measure of my health, but not perfect because it can’t tell what sickness do I have but it can tell
me if my weight is already prone to any diseases. This lesson also helps me to execute the
correct procedures in getting my BMI.

It also teaches me that I must value what I have not on how I look. Because body shape is
not an indicator that someone is healthy or not. It doesn’t mean that if a person looks thinner than
the other person who is chubbier, he is healthy. There are a lot of people who have a normal
body shape yet they are not healthy. I also learned that if a have a healthy weight, my body mass
index should fall between 18.5 and 24.9. If my BMI is below 18.5, I could be underweight. On
the other hand, a BMI greater than 25.0 is categorized as overweight, while a score above 30 is
considered obese. Luckily, when I measured my BMI, it falls into 23.5 which means that I have a
healthy weight. Since it signals that I could be malnourished or overweight, I should start eating
nutritious food so that my body will properly absorb nutrients and to get enough calories to
support my activity level. I realized that it’s really important to measure my BMI even just once
a month so that I will be aware in my food choices and in my health condition.

In this lesson, I was little confused why we went to the oval but suddenly I realized we
were going to have a physical fitness test. Fitness testing is a great way to monitor and assess my
ability as a student. It relates to aerobic fitness, strength, and flexibility. It can also help me to
understand how healthy I am and learn to set goals to improve my health-related fitness. In
Philippines, mostly in all universities and colleges have a physical fitness test and it is one way
of distinguishing the health status of every student. In this activity, I was able to determine to
myself if I am capable of doing any kind of activity without any undue fatigue. Being physically
fit is really a factor in doing some physical activities. The process of doing the activity has been
completed, from warming up to cooling down. If there’s any physical fitness test, it is necessary
to carefully record the results. I enjoyably record the data of every activity that we did. This is
process is very necessary because it can cause negative impact especially in the student’s
performance. As what I observed during the PFT, the students who are overweight are the one
who experience panting or easily be exhausted while doing the activity.

This activity also helps me to cope or improve my ability if I am too weak in a certain
exercise. It also gives me an idea how to maintain my ability that find me more capable of doing

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