Abhigyaan Institute: Gwalior
Abhigyaan Institute: Gwalior
Abhigyaan Institute: Gwalior
Class 9th
Time Allowed: 1 hour and 30 minutes Maximum Marks: 70
Section A
1. The property to flow is unique to fluids. Which one of the following statements is correct? [1]
a) Only liquids are fluids b) Gases and solids behave like fluids
c) Only gases behave like fluids d) Gases and liquids behave like fluids
2. Which of the following solids undergo sublimation upon heating? [1]
a) Urea b) Iodine
c) Ice d) sugar
3. The epidemic disease 'Dropsy' is caused due to: [1]
a) suberin b) lignin
c) cellulose d) cutin
8. Meristematic tissues in plants are [1]
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c) not limited to certain regions d) growing in volume
9. Which of the following is the characteristic of displacement of an object? [1]
a) (a) - (i), (b) - (iii),(c) - (ii), (d) - (iv) b) (a) - (iii), (b) - (ii),(c) - (iv), (d) - (i)
c) (a) - (iv), (b) - (i),(c) - (iii), (d) - (ii) d) (a) - (ii), (b) - (iv),(c) - (i), (d) - (iii)
11. Match the following with the correct response. [1]
(2) Limiting friction (B) Force just sufficient to move the object
(4) Rolling friction (D) Force sufficient to slide one object over another
a) 12.5 N b) 2.0 N
c) 20 N d) 125 N
13. Which one of the following cause kala-azar? [1]
a) Bacteria b) Trypanosoma
c) Ascaris d) Leishmania
14. Obtaining fish from natural water resources is known as: [1]
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c) culture fishery d) fish farming
Section B
15. Match the physical quantities given in column A to their SI units given in column B: [2]
(A) (B)
(b) Air, earth, fire, sky, and water (ii) Tiny Particles
25. A bullet of mass 5 g travelling at a speed of 120 ms-1 penetrates deeply into the fixed target [3]
and is brought to rest in 0.01 s. Calculate: (a) the distance of penetration in the target, (b) the
average force exerted on the bullet.
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26. Why female Anopheles mosquito feeds on human blood ? [3]
27. How has WHO defined health ? [3]
28. Deduce the following equations of motion: [3]
i. S =ut + ( at2
ii. v2 = u2 + 2aS
29. What is distillation and fractional distillation? What is the basic property that separates the [3]
two methods?
30. Distinguish between compounds and mixtures. [5]
31. A stone is dropped from a 100 m high tower. How long does it take to fall? [5]
a) the first 50 m and
b) the second 50 m.
32. Differentiate between various types of muscular tissues. Draw appropriate diagrams. [5]
33. Fill in the blanks: [1]
The ________ of a circle of radius r is given by 2π r.
34. Fill in the blanks: [1]
________ is the reverse process of boiling.
35. Fill in the blanks: [1]
________ have neither a fixed shape nor a fixed volume.
36. Draw a neat labelled diagram of an animal cell. [5]
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