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Adept Magical Operations

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Magical Operations
As one ascends the vertical line of their own personal enlightenment and transformation,
material circumstances tend to fall into place to suit the unfolding True Will.

y: Spiritual
conditions (State
of consciousness;
personal capability)
x: Material
conditions (Stuff; role
within Maya)

If conditions are not ideal upon the horizontal plane of manifestation, it is usually most
appropriate to simply find the internal blockage, the inadequacy of skill or knowledge, or
the lack of right effort that has resulted in these conditions. Corrective measures taken to
remove these blockages, gain the appropriate skills or knowledge, or to simply refocus one’s
conscious or unconscious efforts in the direction of the desired goal will nearly always be
adequate to produce the desired effect. Finally, it is often prudent to simply accept one’s
limitations as necessary, albeit temporary, karmic lessons. As the oft-repeated phrase
goes, “Whatever you resist, persists.” Within the realm of one’s personal hardships, such an
approach often leads to maturity and wisdom—far greater rewards than any temporary fix
of a physical problem—although oppressed and colonized peoples would rightly loathe to
entertain such a platitude.

Beyond such common sense measures—which work within the economy of already-present
resources—lies the perilous domain of sorcery. Initiates of the Golden Dawn were warned to
not seek to enlarge the circle of their karma—rightly so. Far better to accept the path that the
universe has already been leading you upon—your True Will, as laid out before you right in
front of your eyes in real time—and to grow upon that basis.

That said, practical sorcery at times forms a useful test of the individual magician’s acumen,
and can be greatly helpful in lining up material conditions to support the ongoing work of
the magician’s spiritual path. This should always be undertaken to fit the golden mean of the
individual magician’s True Will, which of course varies between individuals. For instance, it
may be far more beneficial to a magician’s spiritual path to achieve an anonymous life with
meager although sufficient independent wealth and few distracting responsibilities—thereby
allowing them the ability to engage in spiritual practice full time—than it would be to ascend to
the heights of Wall Street and obtain billions of illusory wealth tokens. However, the converse
may also be true—one’s True Will must, as always, be the guide.

Keep your eye on the prize—the fulfillment of the True Will—at all times. The goal is to win the
game, not to collect game tokens (money, fame, sex, power, etc) for their own sake.

(All games, physical and computer, that include an economic management component—for
instance, real-time strategy games—can often be an excellent teaching tool in this regard. My
personal favorite is Sid Meier’s Civilization—a profound teaching tool in many, many regards,
particularly in regards to the nature of history and of understanding human events. Role-
playing games, physical and computer, are also often excellent teaching tools in assuming a
strategic meta-perspective on human incarnation.)

The following list lays out magical operations that are “lawful” to undertake, inasmuch as they
intelligently uphold the path of spiritual attainment, and are unlikely to dangerously imbalance
the magician or bring them into overt conflict with forces beyond their ability to manage. They
are as rightful to undertake as eating, making a living, and providing for one’s own physical
well-being are.

I. The attraction of a mate and life partner—in general, never specifically.

(Ask for what you truly need; let the universe provide the answer.
NEVER do love magick with a specific person in mind.)

II. Understanding the mysteries of magick and mysticism; self-intitiation.

III. The success and growth of the true magical current generally,
and the Magick.Me school specifically, if one so wills.

IV. Improving your material circumstances, so that spiritual work becomes possible.
Stabilizing your life in accord with Yama and Niyama. (See the Fortuna Working.)

V. Ensuring personal security (through self-defense—never attack).

VI. Preservation and improvement of personal health.

VII. Enlightenment; the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.

VIII. Devotion to a God or Goddess—of a supreme and exalted nature.

(The Hindu and Egyptian gods are ideal for many aspirants.)

IX. Insight into the nature of and laws of the universe.

The aspirant may employ any method they like to these goals; this also forms a test of magical

These workings must not be undertaken for any other individual without their explicit informed
consent, even in cases as serious as the impending death of another individual. The Will of
other conscious beings must under no circumstances be violated; to do so is only to invite
calamity in the life of the magician.

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