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Proof of GOD Existence

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Prove the existence of God with the help of five logical arguments. ............................................. 3

Definition of God: ....................................................................................................................... 3

Concept of God in different Religions:....................................................................................... 3

Existence of God: ............................................................................................................................ 3

Aquinas’ Five Ways .................................................................................................................... 3

1- The unmoved mover Argument:................................................................................... 3

2- The first cause:.............................................................................................................. 3

3- The necessary being: .................................................................................................... 4

4- Argument from degree: ................................................................................................ 4

5- The teleological argument: ........................................................................................... 4

Design and Designer Argument ...................................................................................................... 4

Cosmological Argument ................................................................................................................. 4

Proof of Existence of God with consistency of Quran with Modern Science ................................ 5

1- ARGUMENT ~ ALLAH is everywhere. You can feel him but you cannot see him: ..... 5

2- ARUGMENT ~ God reveals Himself through the manifestation of His perfect

Attributes/Design. ....................................................................................................................... 6

3- ARGUMENT ~ Disapproval of Atheist belief “There is no God.” ................................. 6

4- Consistency of Quran with modern science facts (Proof of God existence):................... 7

Q1: - Prove the existence of God with the help of five logical arguments.
Before going to proof the existence of God. Lets us first know what and who is God.
Definition of God:
God is conceived of as the supreme being, creator deity, and principal object of faith. God is
usually conceived as being all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present and all-good as well as having
an eternal and necessary existence.
Concept of God in different Religions:
Monotheistic religions refer to the god using various names and attributes. In ancient Egyptian
Atenism, possibly the earliest recorded monotheistic religion, this deity was called Aten and
proclaimed to be the one "true" Supreme Being and creator of the universe. In the Hebrew Bible
and Judaism, the names of God include Elohim, Adonai and others. In the Christian doctrine of
the Trinity, one God coexists in three "persons" called the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In
Islam, the name Allah is used, while Muslims also use a multitude of titles for God. In Hinduism,
Brahman is often considered a monistic concept of God. In Chinese religion, Shangdi is
conceived as the progenitor (first ancestor) of the universe, intrinsic to it and constantly bringing
order to it. Other names for God include Baha in the Baháʼí Faith and Waheguru in Sikhism.
Existence of God:
The confirmations for the presence of God can be found all over. There are various verifications
that prove his existence and unity for what it's worth.
Aquinas’ Five Ways
Aquinas’ Five Ways argued from the unmoved mover, first cause, necessary being, argument
from degree, and the teleological argument.
1- The unmoved mover Argument:
The unmoved mover argument asserts that, from our experience of motion in the universe
(motion being the transition from potentiality to actuality) we can see that there must have been
an initial mover. Aquinas argued that whatever is in motion must be put in motion by another
thing, so there must be an unmoved mover.
2- The first cause:
Aquinas’ argument from first cause started with the premise that it is impossible for a being to
cause itself (because it would have to exist before it caused itself) and that it is impossible for
there to be an infinite chain of causes, which would result in infinite regress. Therefore, there
must be a first cause, itself uncaused.
3- The necessary being:
The argument from necessary being asserts that all beings are contingent, meaning that it is
possible for them not to exist. Aquinas argued that if everything can possibly not exist, there
must have been a time when nothing existed; as things exist now, there must exist a being with
necessary existence, regarded as God.
4- Argument from degree:
Aquinas argued from degree, considering the occurrence of degrees of goodness. He believed
that things which are called good, must be called good in relation to a standard of good—a
maximum. There must be a maximum goodness that which causes all goodness.
5- The teleological argument:
The teleological argument asserts the view that things without intelligence are ordered towards a
purpose. Aquinas argued that unintelligent objects cannot be ordered unless they are done so by
an intelligent being, which means that there must be an intelligent being to move objects to their
ends: God.
Design and Designer Argument
Everything known to mankind didn't appear by some coincidence. The position of the things
mirrors the creator and his plan. Each item and all living things have explicit plans which
demonstrate its originator. The world doesn't appear by some coincidence. Our ideal body, this
planet the entire universe and all the framework that controlling this shows that there is
somebody who have behind this.
Cosmological Argument
The cosmological, or "first cause" argument asserts that since everything that begins to exist has
a cause, and the universe began to exist, the universe must have had a cause which was itself not
caused. This ultimate first cause is identified with God. Christian apologist William Lane
Craig gives a version of this argument in the following form:
1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
2. The Universe began to exist.
3. Therefore, the Universe had a cause.
Proof of Existence of God with consistency of Quran with Modern Science
1- ARGUMENT ~ ALLAH is everywhere. You can feel him but you cannot see him:
Atheists primarily contend that they would believe in God if they could see Him. People perceive
different types of physical properties through different senses; for example, sight, others through
touch, or smell, or sound or taste. As a case in point, color is recognized through sight rather than
by smell, touch or taste. Hence, if a person denied its existence on the grounds that they could
not discern it by way of the faculty of sound, would they not be considered a fool? Similarly,
sound itself is perceived through hearing. Again, would it not be ignorant for a person to insist
they would only believe someone could speak once they had seen their voice? Likewise,
fragrances are known through the sense of smell; yet, if someone were to claim they would only
accept the truth of the aroma of a rose if they could taste it, could such a person be considered
erudite and intelligent? In contrast, flavors such as sweet, sour, bitter, salty and so on are known
by taste and can never be recognized through smell. Hence, it is not necessary to disbelieve in
that which cannot be seen and accept only that which is visible to the naked eye. To do this
would be to deny the existence of the fragrance of a rose, the sourness of a lime, the sweetness of
honey, the bitterness of aloe, the hardness of iron and the beauty of the [human voice]; none of
these phenomena are perceived through sight, rather through the faculties of smell, taste, touch
and sound. Thus, the assertion that one has to see God to believe in Him is gravely mistaken. Do
such detractors recognize the fragrance of a rose or the sweetness of honey through their sight? If
not, why do they insist on sight as the determining factor for belief in God?
Power, intelligence, the soul, electricity and ether cannot be seen. Has anyone seen electricity?
Its existence is known through its effects rather than by looking upon it, by smelling it, by tasting
it or by touching it. Hence, when seeking to determine the existence of Allah the Exalted Who is
the most subtle of all, it is unjustified to put limitations on the requirements for belief in His
existence such as that His existence can only be attained through sight.
Surah Al-An'am Verse 103 support my argument that you cannot see Allah through eyes.
“No visual perception can encompass Him, even though He encompasses all visual
perception. He is the All-Subtle, the All-Aware.”
2- ARUGMENT ~ God reveals Himself through the manifestation of His perfect
Phenomena within our sight and beyond (outer space) exhibit such exquisiteness of structure,
function or interconnectedness that people it difficult to believe the whole universe as the cause
of big bang explosion without the Designer and the Creator. There is an abundant wealth of
evidence from the workings of physics, chemistry, and properties of the universe, our solar
system, and earth which indicate that life on earth did not happen by accident--it was planned.
There are many examples of how our world is designed in such a way that it works properly. For
❖ Trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.
❖ The Earth is uniquely placed in the solar system so that it can support life - not too close
to the sun that we burn up, not too far from the sun that we freeze.
❖ Thumb print of humans are different from everyone.
❖ The unique and beautiful design of human eyes. In the era of science and technology,
science is unable of produce a camera close to the human eyes which is also the
indication that human is not created without a creator. The complicated structure of brain,
eye, heart, muscles etc. invites man to think about the creator. Surah At ‘Tin verse 4 says.
“We have certainly created man in the best of stature”.
❖ The ozone layer around the earth is protective. Although the concentration of the ozone is
small, 2 to 8 parts per million, it is vitally important to life because it absorbs biologically
harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.
The scientist Isaac Newton (1642-1727) used the thumb print as evidence of the existence of
God because each person has an individual and unique thumb print. He argued that this pointed
to a designer rather than random chance.
3- ARGUMENT ~ Disapproval of Atheist belief “There is no God.”
Big Bang cosmology has been controversial from its beginning. Young-earth creationists have
typically opposed the Big Bang theory as it implies the universe has an age on the order of
billions of years. There are Christians who strongly disagree with the Big Bang. Some object
based on some curious observations of blue & red shifted objects gravitationally interacting with
each other as well as how light waves are affected when traveling through ionized gases.) While
the necessity of a young-universe interpretation of Genesis may be open to hermeneutical
questioning, the options open to scientists are as follows: the universe was supernaturally created
some 10 thousand years ago, or the universe was supernaturally created some 10 billion years
ago. For this reason, many atheist cosmologists have also opposed Big Bang cosmology because,
"[if there was] a beginning, then there must be a Beginner."
Einstein himself had trouble accepting his own theories with his worldview as they showed "the
necessity for a beginning,"4 and "the presence of a superior reasoning power."

In the Holy Quran, Surat Al-Anbiya’ verse 30, we read:

“Haven’t the unbelievers seen that the heavens and the earth were joined together (in one
singularity), then we clove both of them asunder.”

This verse reflects the unity of creation as a dominating factor in the orderly form of the universe
throughout its evolutionary history from one stage to another. However, long before discovering
the established phenomenon of the red shift, and its logical consequence of describing our
universe as an expanding one, scientists used Einstein’s theory of general relativity to extrapolate
back in time and came to the striking conclusion that the universe had actually emerged from a
single, unbelievably small, dense, hot region (the Hot Big Bang Model of the universe).
4- Consistency of Quran with modern science facts (Proof of God existence):
Today’s modern science find that the earth has 5 protective layer which are responsible for the
existence and protection of life on the life. These protective layers of atmosphere save life from
the harmful rays of sun such as ultraviolent rays. ALLAH, the creator himself mention in Quran
(Surah 21 verse 32) 1400 years ago about the protective layers of the earth as:

“We made the sky a protective ceiling. And yet they are turning away from Our signs!”

Iron is not natural to the earth. It did not form on the earth but came down to earth from outer
space. This may sound strange but it’s true. Scientists have found that billions of years ago the
earth was stuck by meteorites. These meteorites were carrying Iron from distant stars which had
exploded. In Quran surah 57 verse 25, ALLAH, the creator of everything says:

“We sent down Iron with its great inherent strength and its many benefits for humankind.”
Researchers and Archaeologists have shown that ancient Egyptian iron beads held at the UCL
Petrie Museum were hammered from pieces of meteorites, rather than iron ore. The objects,
which trace their origins to outer space.

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