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Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513

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Journal of Monetary Economics

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Exchange rate volatility and productivity growth: The role of

financial development$
Philippe Aghion a, Philippe Bacchetta b,, Romain Rancière c, Kenneth Rogoff a
Harvard University and NBER, USA
Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne, Swiss Finance Institute and CEPR, Extranef, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
IMF Research Department and CEPR, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: The vast empirical exchange rate literature finds the effect of exchange rate volatility on
Received 22 October 2006 real activity to be small or insignificant. In contrast, this paper offers empirical evidence
Received in revised form that real exchange rate volatility can have a significant impact on productivity growth.
24 March 2009
However, the effect depends critically on a country’s level of financial development. The
Accepted 25 March 2009
Available online 10 April 2009
results appear robust to time window, alternative measures of financial development
and exchange rate volatility, and outliers. We also offer a simple monetary growth
JEL classification: model in which real exchange rate uncertainty exacerbates the negative investment
E44 effects of domestic credit market constraints.
& 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Exchange rate regime
Financial development and growth

1. Introduction

Throughout the developing world, the choice of exchange rate regime stands as perhaps the most contentious aspect of
macroeconomic policy. For example, China’s relatively inflexible exchange rate system has been subject to intense
international criticism meanwhile South African policymakers are chastised for not doing enough to stabilize their
country’s highly volatile currency. Despite the perceived centrality of the exchange rate regime to long-run growth and
economic stability, the existing theoretical and empirical literatures on exchange rates or on growth offer little guidance on
this subject. The theoretical exchange rate literature is mainly tailored to richer countries with highly developed
institutions and markets (e.g., Garber and Svensson, 1995; Obstfeld and Rogoff, 1996), and it offers almost no discussion of

We would like to thank Jaume Ventura, Alan Stockman, Eric van Wincoop, Daron Acemoglu, Ben Sorensen, Henri Pages and several participants at
conferences and seminars for useful comments. Luis Angeles and Guillermo Vuletin provided able research assistance. We acknowledge financial support
from the Fondation Banque de France and from the National Centre of Competence in Research ‘‘Financial Valuation and Risk Management’’ (NCCR
FINRISK). The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF. The Appendix to this paper as well
as data and replication codes are available in the supplementary material.
 Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P. Bacchetta).

0304-3932/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513 495

long-run growth. The empirical literature on exchange rates is largely negative, suggesting to some that the degree of
exchange rate flexibility simply does not matter for growth, or for anything except the real exchange rate.1
This paper tests whether a country’s level of financial development matters in choosing how flexible an exchange rate
system should be if the objective is to maximize long-run productivity growth. Significant and robust evidence is found
that the more financially developed a country is, the faster it will grow with a more flexible exchange rate. The volatility of
real shocks relative to financial shocks—which features so prominently in the literature on developed country exchange
rate regimes—also matters for developing countries. But because financial shocks tend to be greatly amplified in financially
underdeveloped economies, one has to adjust calibrations accordingly.
Fig. 1 shows the relationship between productivity growth and exchange rate flexibility for countries at different levels
of financial development. The upper graphs consider the volatility of the effective real exchange rate and the lower graphs
deal with the exchange rate regime classification proposed by Reinhart and Rogoff (2004). Each case provides a comparison
between the residuals of a productivity growth regression on a set of variables and the residuals of an exchange rate
flexibility regression on the same variables. This gives adjusted measures of volatility and flexibility that are purged from
any collinearity with the standard growth determinants. Countries are ranked according to their level of financial
development measured by private credit to GDP averaged over five-year periods. The left-hand side in both panels shows
the lower quartile whereas the right-hand side shows the upper quartile of the distribution. There is clearly a negative
relationship between productivity growth and exchange rate flexibility for less financially developed countries, whereas
there is no such relationship for the most developed economies.
The results in Fig. 1 represent preliminary evidence that the growth effects of real exchange rate volatility and the
flexibility of the exchange rate regime vary with the level of financial development. The main purpose of this paper is to
explore the robustness of this finding and to rationalize it. The next section determines the extent to which the level of
financial development affects the impact of exchange rate volatility on growth. A systematic panel data analysis is
conducted, using a data set for 83 countries over the years 1960–2000. When a country’s de facto degree of exchange
rate flexibility is interacted with its level of financial development the results prove to be both robust and highly
significant. Various measures of exchange rate flexibility are considered, including the volatility of the real effective
exchange rate and the exchange rate regime. The classification of Reinhart and Rogoff (2004) is used in the main analysis,
but the results are generally robust to other de facto classifications.2 A high degree of exchange rate flexibility consistently
leads to lower growth in countries with relatively thin financial markets. Moreover, these effects are not only statistically
significant, they appear quantitatively significant as well. For example, the estimates indicate that a country which lies in
the middle of the lower quartile (e.g., Zambia in 1980), with credit to GDP of 15%, would have gained 0.94% of annual
growth had it switched from a flexible to a totally rigid exchange rate. Even a country in the middle of the second quartile
(like Egypt in 1980), with credit to GDP of about 27%, would have gained 0.43% growth per year by adopting a uniform
pegged exchange rate.
The core results appear to hold intact against a variety of standard robustness tests, including attempts to quarantine
the results against outliers and regional effects and allowing for alternative control variables. Alternative measures of
exchange rate volatility are considered and the country’s distance to the technological frontier is introduced as both, an
alternative, and a supplementary, interaction variable. To address the problem of exchange regime endogeneity, we use
techniques within the GMM methodology and we also examine the broader historical evidence on the choice of exchange
rate regime. Finally, we propose an alternative estimation strategy based on a difference-in-differences approach using an
industry-level data set. All these tests contribute to making us confident that the empirical results are indeed robust and
capture the causality from exchange rate volatility to growth.
Even though the focus on financial development as a key factor affecting the link between exchange rate volatility and
growth is novel, we carefully examine the related exchange rate literature and show that it can be fully reconciled with our
In Section 3, a model that rationalizes the empirical evidence is presented. It is an open monetary economy model with
wage stickiness, where exchange rate fluctuations affect the growth performance of credit-constrained firms. Exchange rate
fluctuations in turn are caused by both real and financial aggregate shocks. The basic mechanism underlying the positive
growth interaction between financial development and exchange rate volatility can be explained as follows. Suppose that

The classic paper is Baxter and Stockman (1989). In their survey, Ghosh et al. (2003) state that ‘‘perhaps the best one can say is that the growth
performance of pegged regimes is no worse than that of floating regimes’’. More recent studies include Levy-Yeyati and Sturzenegger (2003), Razin and
Rubinstein (2006), Husain et al. (2005), De Grauwe and Schnabl (2008), and Dubas et al. (2005). We note that Baldwin (1989), in his analysis of European
Monetary Union, argued that a single currency might have growth effects on Europe by reducing the exchange rate premium on capital within Europe.
Husain et al. (2005) argue informally that fixed rates may be more important for countries with more fragile political and financial institutions, but they
do not provide any direct evidence for this view. There is some evidence of an effect of exchange rate volatility on trade levels (e.g., Rose, 2000). The effect,
however, does not appear to be large and it is even less clear that the resulting trade expansion has any great impact on welfare (see Krugman, 1987;
Bacchetta and van Wincoop, 2000). Dubas et al. (written independently) conclude relatedly to our starting Fig. 1, that low income countries grow faster
under fixed rates. Levy-Yeyati and Sturzenegger (2003), however, find the opposite. In the next section, we will show how our results can be reconciled
with the literature.
The classification of Reinhart and Rogoff is more appropriate in our context, since they focus mainly on exchange rate volatility, in particular
including dual and multiple exchange rates. Other classifications, such as Levy-Yeyati and Sturzenegger (2003), capture better the constraints on
monetary policy by including changes in reserves in defining their classification. However, the focus of this paper is on exchange rate volatility.
496 P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513

Lower Quartile of Financial Development Upper Quartile of Financial Development

10 10

5 5
Growth Residuals

Growth Residuals
0 0

-5 -5

-10 -10

-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
Real Exchange Rate Volatility Real Exchange Rate Volatility
Lower Quartile of Financial Development Upper Quartile of Financial Development

10 10

5 5
Growth Residuals

Growth Residuals

0 0

-5 -5

-10 -10

-2 -1 0 1 2 3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Flexibility of Exchange Rate Regime Flexibility of Exchange Rate Regime

Fig. 1. Real exchange rate volatility, exchange rate flexibility and productivity growth. Notes: The growth residuals are derived from a pooled regression
using five-year average data for 83 countries over 1970–2000. The controls include initial productivity, secondary schooling, financial depth, government
expenditure, trade openness, term-of-trade growth and an indicator of banking and currency crises. The variables are defined in Section 2 and in the
Appendix. For each quartile, growth residuals are regressed on the adjusted measures of real exchange rate volatility and the flexibility of the exchange
rate regime.

the borrowing capacity of firms is proportional to their current earnings, with a higher multiplier reflecting a higher degree
of financial development in the economy. Suppose in addition that the nominal wage is preset and cannot be adjusted to
variations in the nominal exchange rate. Then, following an exchange rate appreciation, firms’ current earnings are reduced,
and so is their ability to borrow in order to survive idiosyncratic liquidity shocks and thereby innovate in the longer term.
Depreciations have the opposite effect. However, the existence of a credit constraint implies that in general the positive
effects of a depreciation on innovation will not fully compensate the negative effect of an appreciation. This, in turn, may
help explain why in Fig. 1 growth in countries with lower financial development benefits more from a fixed exchange rate
regime, and more generally from a stabilized exchange rate.3 Section 2 also shows that the superior growth performance of

A related explanation, which can be easily formalized in the context of our model, is that the lower financial development, the more the anticipation
of exchange rate fluctuations should discourage R&D investments. This would lower growth if these investments were to be decided before firms know
the realization of the aggregate shock.
P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513 497

a more stable exchange rate holds as long as the volatility of financial market shocks is large compared to the volatility of
real shocks (and that, in principle, the optimal monetary regime allows the exchange rate to move to offset real shocks
without introducing excess noise in the exchange rate). In any case, the source of shocks (real versus financial) only matters
at lower levels of financial development.
The remaining part of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 develops the empirical analysis and the results, with
the corresponding data being detailed in the Appendix. Section 3 presents an illustrative model to think about exchange
rate policy and growth, and rationalizes the main empirical results of this paper. It also presents further empirical evidence
using industry-level data consistent with the proposed mechanism. The Appendix provides additional empirical results.

2. Empirical analysis

Previous studies have shown that financial development fosters growth and convergence, conditions macroeconomic
volatility, or may play a crucial role in financial crises. An interesting question is whether the level of financial development
also conditions the impact of monetary arrangements, such as the exchange rate regime. Our basic hypothesis is that the
exchange rate regime, or more generally exchange rate volatility, has a negative impact on (long-run) growth when
countries are less developed financially.
To test these predictions, we consider standard growth regressions to which we add a measure of exchange rate flexibility, as
well as an interaction term with exchange rate flexibility and financial development or some other measures of development. In
this section, three measures related to exchange rate flexibility are considered: (i) the exchange rate regime based on the natural
classification of Reinhart and Rogoff (2004), henceforth RR; (ii) the standard deviation of the real effective exchange rate; (iii)
the degree of real ‘‘overvaluation’’, as a deviation of the real exchange rate from its long-term value. We also examine the
interaction between terms-of-trade shocks, the exchange rate regime, and growth. We first present the methodology and the
variables used and then the results based on a dynamic panel of 83 countries over the 1960–2000 period.

2.1. Data and methodology

As is now standard in the literature, a panel data set is constructed by transforming the time series data into five-year
averages. This filters out business cycle fluctuations, so we can focus on long-run growth effects. The dependent variable is
productivity growth, rather than total growth. We use the GMM dynamic panel data estimator developed in Arellano and
Bond (1991), Arellano and Bover (1995) and Blundell and Bond (1998) and we compute robust two-step standard errors by
following the methodology proposed by Windmeijer (2004).4 This approach addresses the issues of joint endogeneity of all
explanatory variables in a dynamic formulation and of potential biases induced by country-specific effects. The panel of
country and time-period observations is unbalanced. Appendix B presents the list of countries included in the sample.
The benchmark specification follows Levine et al. (2000) who provide evidence of a growth enhancing effect of financial
development; they were the first to use the system GMM estimation we are using. We consider productivity growth instead
of total growth, but our regressions are estimated with the same set of control variables.5 Starting from this benchmark, we
examine the direct effect on growth of our exchange rate flexibility measures. Then, we look at the interaction between
these measures and the level of financial development. More specifically, the following equation is estimated:
yi;t  yi;t1 ¼ ða  1Þyi;t1 þ g1 ERi;t þ g2 ERi;t  FDi;t þ dFDi;t þ b Z i;t þ mt þ Zi þ ei;t , (1)

where yi;t is the logarithm of output per worker; ERi;t is either the degree of flexibility of the exchange rate regime, real
exchange rate volatility, or a measure of overvaluation; FDi;t is a measure of financial development; Z it is a set of other
control variables; mt is the time-specific effect; Zi is the country-specific effect; and ei;t is the error term.
Our hypothesis is that g1 o0 and g2 40 so that the impact of exchange rate flexibility g1 þ g2  FDi;t is more negative at
low levels of financial development. Moreover, when g1 and g2 have opposite signs, a threshold effect arises:

dðyi;t  yi;t1 Þ f  g1 .
¼ g1 þ g2 FDi;t 40 3 FDi;t 4FD:¼
dERi;t g2
Tables 1–3 report threshold levels of financial development above which a more flexible exchange rate becomes growth
enhancing. The standard errors of the respective threshold levels are computed using a delta method, that is by taking a
first-order Taylor approximation around the mean. Notice that in small samples, the delta method is known to result in
excessively large standard errors.

It has been recognized that the two-step standard errors are downward biased in a small sample and the Windmeijer (2004) method corrects for
that. Notice that, as the two-step estimator is asymptotically efficient, this approach is superior to just relying on first step estimates and standard errors
as is common in the empirical growth literature that uses small samples. See Bond (2002) for a simple description of the methodology we follow.
See their Table 5, p. 55. The other differences with Levine et al. (2000) are that we use a larger data set, we use the Windmejer standard errors, and
we include a financial crisis dummy. Loayza and Ranciere (2006) show that their results stay unchanged when the original panel is extended to 83
countries over 1960–2000 and when a crisis dummy is introduced. Levine et al. (2000) show similar results when the same equation is estimated in cross-
section with legal origin as external instrument.
498 P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513

Three measures for the variable ERi;t are used. First, we compute an index of flexibility of the exchange rate regime
in each five-year period based on the RR exchange rate classification. Ignoring the free falling category, the RR
annual natural broad classification orders regimes from the most rigid to the most flexible: ERRt 2 f1; 2; 3; 4g ¼
ffix; peg; managed float; floatg. Hence, the index of exchange rate flexibility is constructed in each five-year interval as6

1X 5
Flext;tþ5 ¼ ERRtþi .
5 i¼1

The second measure is the five-year standard deviation of annual log differences in the effective real exchange rate. The
effective rate is constructed as a trade-weighted index of multilateral real rates as explained in Appendix A. The third
measure is the five-year average deviation from a predicted level of the real effective exchange rate.7
Financial development is measured as in Levine et al. (2000) by the aggregate private credit provided by banks and other
financial institutions as a share of GDP. The dependent variable is growth in real GDP per worker. The set of control variables
includes average years of secondary schooling as a proxy for human capital, inflation and the size of the government
(government expenditure as proportion of GDP) to control for macroeconomic stability, and an adjusted measure of trade
openness.8 A dummy indicating the frequency of a banking or a currency crisis within each five-year interval is introduced in
the robustness checks. This indicator controls for rare but severe episodes of aggregate instability likely to be associated with
large changes in the variables of interest.9 Definition and sources for all variables are given in Appendix C.

2.2. Exchange rate flexibility and financial development

Tables 1, 2 and 3 present the estimations of the impact of the exchange rate regime, exchange rate volatility and real
overvaluation on productivity growth. Each table displays the results of four regressions. The first regression estimates the
effects of the exchange rate measure along with financial development and a set of control variables, without interaction
term. The second regression adds a variable interacting the exchange rate measure and the measure of financial
development in order to test our main prediction: the presence of a non-linear effect of exchange rate volatility on growth
depending on the level of financial development. The third and fourth regressions replicate the same regressions with the
addition of a dummy variable indicating the frequency of a currency or banking crisis in the five-year interval.
In Table 1, regression [1.1] illustrates the absence of a linear effect of the exchange rate regime on productivity growth.
This result is consistent with previous studies. In contrast, regression [1.2] shows that the interaction term of exchange rate
flexibility and financial development is positive and significant. The more financially developed an economy is, the higher
is the point estimate of the impact of exchange rate flexibility on productivity growth. Furthermore, the combined
interacted and non-interacted coefficient of flexibility becomes significant at the 5% level (as indicated by the Wald test in
Table 1). Combining these two terms enables us to identify a threshold level of financial development below (above) which
a more rigid (flexible) regime fosters productivity growth. The point estimate of the threshold is close to the sample mean
of the financial development measure. In regressions [1.3] and [1.4], we introduce the crisis dummy described above. While
the frequency of crisis indeed has a negative impact on productivity growth, the non-linear effect of exchange rate regime
on growth remains robust and its point estimate stays almost unchanged.
The main result of Table 1 is that letting the degree of exchange rate flexibility vary with the level of financial
development allows us to identify significant growth effects of the exchange rate regime. The implication is that less
financially developed economies may derive growth benefits from maintaining a rigid exchange rate regime. As illustrated
by the examples given in the Introduction, these benefits can be economically large. This result provides a novel rational
interpretation for the ‘‘fear of floating’’ behavior based on long run productivity growth.
Table 2 presents similar results with exchange rate volatility measured by the five-year volatility of the change in
multilateral real exchange rates. Regression [2.1] indicates that exchange rate volatility has a significant negative impact on
productivity growth. This effect is economically important: an increase of 50% in exchange rate volatility—which
corresponds to the mean difference in volatility between a fixed and a flexible exchange rate (see the Appendix)—leads to a
0.33% reduction in annual productivity growth. This effect is only marginally reduced when we control for the impact of a
crisis, as in regression [2.3]. Regression [2.2] shows that the interaction between exchange rate volatility and financial
development is positive and significant: the more financially developed an economy is, the less adversely it is affected by
exchange rate volatility. Here again, the economic impact is important. For instance, consider Chile, whose level of financial
depth ranges from 10% in 1975 to 70% in 2000. This drastic change decreases the negative impact of exchange rate volatility

The information on the flexibility of exchange rate is reported for each country-five years interval during which the RR classification indicates a non-
free falling regime for at least three out of five years.
This deviation is computed as the average log difference between the actual exchange rate and the exchange rate predicted by country and time-
specific characteristics (income per capita, population density, regional and time dummies) as in Dollar (1992). We also considered average log differences
from a HP detrended multilateral exchange rate series as in Goldfajn and Valdes (1999), and found similar results.
More precisely we use the residuals of a pooled regression of (imports þ exports)/GDP against structural determinants of trades such as landlock
situation, an oil producers dummy, and population.
For instance, Hnatkovska and Loayza (2005) present evidence that crisis volatility can explain an important part of the negative relationship
between volatility and growth observed in middle-income economies.
P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513 499

Table 1
Growth effects of exchange rate regime flexibility.

Period: 1960–2000
Unit of observation: Non-overlapping five-year averages

[1.1] [1.2] [1.3] [1.4]

Degree of exchange rate flexibility 0.191 1.135* 0.144 1.227**

(Reinhart and Rogoff classification) 0.349 0.579 0.288 0.563

Financial development 0.684** 0.185 0.655** 0.258

(private domestic credit/GDP, in logs) 0.347 0.160 0.326 0.941

Initial output per worker 0.150 0.117 0.152 0.126

(log(initial output per worker)) 0.418 0.447 0.447 0.461

Flexibility  financial development 0.303** 0.336**

0.146 0.159

Control variables
Education 1.493** 1.518** 1.481** 1.509**
(secondary enrollment, in logs) 0.630 0.676 0.574 0.605

Trade openness 1.632* 1.626* 1.719** 1.407*

(structure-adjusted trade volume/GDP, in logs) 0.914 0.858 0.869 0.799

Government burden 1.842* 1.950* 1.917* 1.989*

(government consumption/GDP, in logs) 1.088 1.136 1.114 1.150

Lack of price stability 2.731 2.767 1.660 2.470

(inflation rate, in log½100 þ inf : rate) 1.757 1.761 2.088 1.850

Crisis 1.826* 1.741*

(banking or currency crisis dummy) 1.054 1.075

Intercept 15.711** 17.418** 10.940 15.731*

7.5131 8.509 9.4513 9.2799

No. countries/no. observations 79/562 79/562 79/562 79/562

Specification tests (p-values)

(a) Sargan test 0.252 0.227 0.291 0.367
(b) Serial correlation
First-order 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Second-order 0.348 0.361 0.441 0.388

Wald tests (p-values)

Ho: exchange rate flexibility total effect ¼ 0 0.009 0.000
Ho: financial development total effect ¼ 0 0.035 0.044

Threshold analysis
Growth enhancing effect ofexchange rate flexibility
Private credit/GDP greater than 0.424 0.385
s.e. 0.190 0.170

Notes: The estimation method is two-step system GMM with Windmeijer (2004) small sample robust correction. Time and fixed effects are included in all
the regressions.
Standard errors are presented below the corresponding coefficients. Symbols ** and * means significant at 5% and at 10%.
Dependent variable: growth rate of output per worker.
Source: Authors’ estimations.

on growth by a factor of five. Moreover, our estimate indicates that exchange rate volatility exhibits no significant impact
on productivity growth for the set of the financially most developed economies.10

These are countries with a private credit to GDP ratio in the range of [90%,120%]. This includes the euro aera, the UK, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden,
the US, and Australia.
500 P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513

Table 2
Growth effects of real effective exchange rate volatility.

Period: 1960–2000
Unit of observation: Non-overlapping five-year averages

[2.1] [2.2] [2.3] [2.4]

Real exchange rate volatility 0.637** 3.124** 0.554** 3.319**

0.273 1.204 0.262 1.208

Financial development 1.111** 0.650 0.987** 0.729

(private domestic credit/GDP, in logs) 0.455 0.808 0.402 0.821

Initial output per worker 1.112** 0.530 1.025** 0.828**

(log(initial output per worker)) 0.391 0.474 0.360 0.404

Exchange rate volatility  financial development 0.677** 0.706**

0.262 0.277

Control variables
Education 1.807** 1.778** 1.976** 2.378**
(secondary enrollment, in logs) 0.532 0.694 0.465 0.585

Trade openness
(structure-adjusted trade volume/GDP, in logs) 1.053* 1.115** 1.420** 1.579*
0.572 0.769 0.569 0.975

Government burden 0.416 0.928 1.068 0.871

(government consumption/GDP, in logs) 1.153 1.070 1.104 1.372

Lack of price stability 2.569* 1.961 1.872* 1.172

(inflation rate, in log½100 þ inf : rate) 1.487 1.237 1.117 1.379

Crisis 2.250** 2.857**

(banking or currency crisis dummy) 0.878 1.374

Intercept 18.325** 13.346** 15.689** 14.556**

7.043 5.072 5.848 6.971

No. countries/no. observations 83/615 83/615 83/615 83/615

Specification tests (p-values)

(a) Sargan test 0.461 0.241 0.663 0.187
(b) Serial correlation
First-order 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Second-order 0.462 0.383 0.572 0.516

Wald tests (p-values)

Ho: exchange rate flexibility total effect ¼ 0 0.000 0.000
Ho: financial development total effect ¼ 0 0.032 0.012

Threshold analysis
Growth enhancing effect of exchange rate flexibility if
Private credit/GDP greater than 1.01 1.10
s.e. 0.34 0.39

Notes: The estimation method is two-step system GMM with Windmeijer (2004) small sample robust correction. Time and fixed effects are included in all
the regressions.
Standard errors are presented below the corresponding coefficients. Symbols ** and * means significant at 5% and at 10%.
Dependent variable: growth rate of output per worker.
Source: Authors’ estimations.
P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513 501

Table 3
Growth effects of effective exchange rate real overvaluation.

Period: 1960–2000
Unit of observation: Non-overlapping five-year averages

[3.1] [3.2] [3.3] [3.4]

Degree of real exchange rate overvaluation 0:995** 1:162* 1:176** 1:179**

(log deviation from equilibrium exchange rate) 0.504 0.711 0.534 0.659

Financial development 0.636* 0:101 0.595* 0:040

(private domestic credit/GDP, in logs) 0.345 2.509 0.330 2.163

Initial output per worker 0:038 0:360 0:057 0:355

(log(initial output per worker)) 0.382 0.531 0.369 0.518

Real overvaluation  financial development 0.205** 0.163**

0.077 0.082

Control variables
Education 1.185* 1.532** 1.245** 1.645**
(secondary enrollment, in logs) 0.613 0.772 0.595 0.800

Trade openness 1.328** 1.619** 1.462* 1.630**

(structure-adjusted trade volume/GDP, in logs) 0.626 0.688 0.812 0.777

Government burden 1:457* 2:184 1:329 1:931

(government consumption/GDP, in logs) 0.827 1.358 0.875 1.483

Lack of price stability 4:505** 3:819** 3:857** 3:708**

(inflation rate, in log½100 þ inf :rate) 1.009 1.160 0.935 0.881

Crisis 1:281 2:082

(banking or currency crisis dummy) 1.326 1.284

Intercept 27.612** 27.551** 25.148** 26.882**

5.720 8.751 5.556 7.626

No. countries/no. observations 83/615 83/615 83/615 83/615

Specification tests (p-values)

(a) Sargan test 0.413 0.224 0.279 0.220
(b) Serial correlation
First-order 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Second-order 0.268 0.278 0.359 0.271

Wald tests (p-values)

Ho: exchange rate flexibility total effect ¼ 0 0.000 0.000
Ho: financial development totaleffect ¼ 0 0.037 0.028

Threshold analysis
Growth enhancing effect overvaluation
Private credit/GDP greater than 1.63 1.28
s.e. 0.65 0.48

Notes: The estimation method is two-step system GMM with Windmeijer (2004) small sample robust correction. Time and fixed effects are included in all
the regressions.
Standard errors are presented below the corresponding coefficients. Symbols ** and * mean significant at 5% and at 10%.
Dependent variable: growth rate of output per worker.
Source: Authors’ estimations.

Table 3 presents regressions that focus on the effect of real exchange rate overvaluation. We present the results using
the deviation between the actual effective real exchange rate and its predicted value.11 In the baseline regression [3.1], real

We obtain similar results when we consider HP deviation from trend when—as in Goldfajn and Valdes (1999)—the HP filter parameter is set high
enough (lamba ¼ 108 ).
502 P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513

overvaluation has a significant and economically important negative effect on growth: a 20% overvaluation translates into a
reduction of 0.2% in annual productivity growth (computed from regression [3.1] as 0:99  lnð120=100ÞÞ. Regression [3.2]
studies the effect of interacting real overvaluation and financial development and shows that the more financially
developed an economy is, the less vulnerable it becomes to real overvaluation. Using the previous example, a change in
financial depth comparable to the one experienced by Chile over 1975–2000 results in a reduction by two of the negative
effect of real overvaluation on productivity growth.

2.3. Terms-of-trade growth and exchange rate flexibility

It is often argued that a flexible exchange rate regime is desirable since it can stabilize the effects of real shocks. Recent
empirical evidence actually shows that flexible exchange rate regimes tend to absorb the effects of terms-of-trade shocks
(see Broda, 2004; Edwards and Levy-Yeyati, 2005). We examine this issue by including terms-of-trade growth and terms-
of-trade volatility in our previous regressions and present the results in Table 4.
In regression [4.1], a 10% deterioration in the terms of trade leads to a reduction of 0.9% in productivity growth.12 In
regression [4.2], we find that the impact on productivity growth of a terms-of-trade shock crucially depends on the nature
of the exchange rate regime. It is larger under a fixed exchange rate regime and close to zero under a floating regime. This
result confirms the stabilizing role of flexible exchange rates. However, in regression [4.3], we show that this stabilization
effect fully coexists with the growth enhancing effect of a more fixed regime at low level of financial development. Thus,
the empirical evidence shows that even though exchange rate flexibility dampens the impact of terms-of-trade shocks, it
has a negative overall impact on growth for financially less developed countries since on average, terms-of-trade growth is
close to zero.
Regression [4.4] shows that terms-of-trade volatility has a negative effect on productivity growth: a one standard
deviation increase in terms-of-trade volatility reduces growth by 0.4 percentage point. In regression [4.5], we find that a
more flexible exchange rate regime dampens the negative impact of terms-of-trade volatility. In fact, the total effect of
terms-of-trade volatility on productivity growth becomes close to zero under a fully flexible regime. In regression [4.6], we
find that the interaction of exchange flexibility with financial development and with terms-of-trade volatility are both
positive and significant suggesting that both variables condition the impact of exchange rate flexibility on productivity
growth. However, even under the assumption of large terms-of-trade volatility—set at the 75th percentile of the variable
sample distribution—a more fixed exchange regime is growth enhancing for countries in the lowest quartile of financial

2.4. Alternative exchange rate regime classifications

Very similar results are obtained with three substantially different measures of exchange rate flexibility. However, given
the recent interest for exchange rate classifications schemes, it is useful to focus on exchange rate regimes and examine the
results with other schemes. The previous literature has not examined the interaction between exchange rate flexibility and
financial development, but has looked at the impact of exchange rate regimes for subgroups of countries. In particular,
Levy-Yeyati and Sturzenegger (2003) (LYS) find that exchange rate flexibility is growth-enhancing for less developed
countries.14 We examine the extent to which our results are consistent with theirs.
Table 5 presents the robustness test to four alternative de facto exchange rate classifications. For the sake of comparison,
we consider the shorter sample of 1970–2000. In three out of four cases, our main result holds. First, our result is confirmed
when the degree of exchange rate flexibility is measured on a more detailed scale using RR fine classification (i.e., using 13
categories instead of the 4 used in the other tables). We notice that the implicit threshold above which a flexible exchange
rate regime is growth enhancing is almost identical for the fine and coarse RR classifications.15 Second, the alternative de
facto ‘‘consensus’’ classification of Ghosh et al. (2003) yields similar results.
In contrast, when the LYS classification is used, the interaction with the level of financial development becomes negative
but insignificant. In order to understand the differences between the results obtained with the RR and LYS classifications,
we modify the latter in the following way: first, we eliminate the observations classified as free-falling by RR; second, we
reclassify the observations with a dual exchange rate according to the RR classification.
This procedure generates a classification that combines the LYS clustering approach with the main innovations of RR.
Interestingly, when this modified classification is used in the baseline regression, our main finding is confirmed. In that
case, the point estimate of the interaction term is slightly higher than the point estimate of the interaction term in the
regression using the RR classification on the same sample period (0.68 versus 0.43).

Our findings confirms the results of Mendoza (1997) who show that both negative terms-of-trade change and terms-of-trade uncertainty lower
economic growth.
The 75th percentile of the sample distribution of terms-of-trade volatility in log is 2:38 and the 25th percentile of the sample distribution of
financial development in log is 2:65: The total growth effect of exchange rate flexibility, moving up one step in the RR classification, for a country with
such levels of terms-of-trade volatility and financial development is therefore 2:748 þ 0:476  2:38 þ 0:525  2:6 ¼ 0:25:
Bleaney and Francisco (2007), however, conclude that LYS results lack robustness.
55% versus 59% when the fine classification over 1970–2000 is considered.
P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513 503

Table 4
Growth effects of exchange rate regime flexibility, terms-of-trade growth and volatility.

Period: 1960–2000
Unit of observation: Non-overlapping five-year averages

[4.1] [4.2] [4.3] [4.4] [4.5] [4.6]

Terms-of-trade growth 0.092* 0.327* 0.385**

0.054 0.169 0.173

Terms-of-trade volatility 0:205* 0:987** 1:189**

0.113 0.421 0.410

Degree of exchange rate flexibility 0:068 0:826 0:853** 2:748**

(Reinhart and Rogoff classification) 1.226 0.658 0.392 1.179

Financial development 1.039** 0.783* 0.285 0.681* 0.722** 1:178

(private domestic credit/GDP, in logs) 0.463 0.395 0.192 0.378 0.411 0.755

Initial output per worker 0:526 0:644* 0:702 0:396 0:173 0:061
(log(initial output per worker)) 0.460 0.381 0.465 0.404 0.455 0.514

Flexibility  terms-of-trade growth 0:107** 0:136**

0.044 0.062

Flexibility  terms-of-trade volatility 0.394** 0.476**

0.197 0.191
Flexibility  financial development 0.357** 0.525*
0.159 0.283
Control variables
Education 1.740** 2.301** 2.301** 1.541** 1.457** 1.166*
(secondary enrollment, in logs) 0.517 0.467 0.571 0.529 0.642 0.687

Trade openness 0.652 1.493 1.385* 1.339 1.734** 1.832**

(structure-adjusted trade volume/GDP, in logs) 0.746 1.074 0.706 0.962 0.878 0.931

Government burden 0:770 0:762 0:707 0:136 0:977 0:810

(government consumption/GDP, in logs) 1.248 1.191 0.982 [1.049] 0.930 0.930

Lack of price stability 2:620** 4:354** 3:560** 2:805* 1:997* 1:900*

(inflation rate, in log½100 þ inf : rate) 1.260 1.784 1.432 1.567 0.989 1.020

Intercept 13.700** 20.450** 20.000** 13.886 13.388 17.756

6.31 12.850 9.815 7.358 14.469 15.327

No. countries/no. observations 83/615 79/562 79/562 83/615 79/494 79/494

Specification tests (p-values)

(a) Sargan test 0.335 0.420 0.680 0.670 0.840 0.830
(b) Serial correlation
First-order 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Second-order 0.499 0.450 0.450 0.610 0.510 0.480

Notes: The estimation method is two-step system GMM with Windmeijer (2004) small sample robust correction. Time and fixed effects are included in all
the regressions.
Standard errors are presented below the corresponding coefficients. Symbols ** and * mean significant at 5% and at 10%.
Dependent variable: growth rate of output per worker.
Source: Authors’ estimations.

The treatment of dual exchange rate regimes and high inflation episodes are two key differences between the RR and the
LYS classifications. In particular, where there are parallel and shadow exchange rate markets impacting a significant
amount of economic activity, RR use these rates to construct a de facto exchange rate regime which can sometimes exhibit
much more flexibility than the underlying official rate. As RR show, when there are sharp sustained departures between the
official and parallel rate, it is very often the official rate that (periodically) adjusts. RR also create a separate category (freely
falling) for countries with inflation rates over 40% on the grounds that such countries have dysfunctional monetary regimes
504 P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513

Table 5
Growth effects of exchange rate regime flexibility alternative exchange rate regime classifications.

Period: 1970–2000 1970–2000 1970–2000 1970–2000 1970–2000

Unit of observation: Non-overlapping five-year averages

Exchange rate classification De facto (RR coarse) De facto (RR fine) De facto (Gosh et al.) De facto (initial LYS) De facto (modified LYS)

Degree of exchange rate flexibility 1.742** 0.863** 2.280** 1.628 2.795**

0.745 0.390 0.954 1.660 1.207

Financial development 0.800 1.270 0.740 0.462 1.017

0.666 0.963 0.990 0.500 1.100

Initial output per worker 0.132 0.085 0.180 0.391 1.076

(log(initial output per worker)) 0.378 0.430 0.489 0.630 0.639

Flexibility  financial development 0.428** 0.215** 0.830** 0.462 0.688**

0.229 0.080 0.435 0.501 0.335

No. countries/no. observations 79/421 79/421 79/401 79/418 79/388

Specification tests (p-values)

(a) Sargan test 0.596 0.24 0.585 0.31 0.35
(b) Second-order serial correlation 0.125 0.565 0.114 0.59 0.41

Notes: The specification of the regression is identical to regression 2, Tables 1 and 2. The coefficients for the other control variables—secondary schooling,
inflation, openness to trade and government size—are not reported.
Exchange rate flexibility annual coding: de facto (RR coarse): four ways Reinhart and Rogoff fine classification (1: fix to 4: float). De facto (RR fine): 13
ways Reinhart and Rogoff fine classification (1: fix to 13: float). De facto (Gosh et al.): three ways consensus classification 1 ¼ fix and peg regime,
2 ¼ intermediated regime, 3 ¼ floating regime. De facto (Levy-Yeyati et al.): four ways classification coded as (1: fix; 2: peg; 3 managed float; 4 float).
Dependent variable: growth rate of output per worker.
Source: Authors’ estimations.

and cannot be put in the same bucket as countries with flexible exchange rates and low inflation rates.16 These differences
in categorization appear to drive the differences between the LS and RR results.

2.5. Endogeneity issues

At this point, the main qualification to our results would seem to be the standard question of endogeneity. To examine
whether this is a serious issue in our context, we can (i) make various test within the GMM methodology and (ii) examine
the broader existing empirical evidence on the determinants of exchange rate regimes or exchange rate volatility. Both
perspectives indicate that endogeneity is not a major factor behind our results. First, the dynamic panel procedure using
the GMM system estimator controls for the potential endogeneity of all the explanatory variables and accounts explicitly
for the biases induced by including the initial level of productivity in the growth regressors. It is true that the estimation
procedure is valid only under the assumption of weak exogeneity of the explanatory variables. That is, they are assumed to
be uncorrelated with future realizations of the error term. This assumption can be tested using a Sargan test of
overidentification which evaluates the entire set of moment conditions in order to assess the overall validity of the
instruments. The results of the Sargan test in Tables 1–4 show that the validity of the instruments cannot be rejected.17 As a
robustness check, we re-estimate regression [1.2] in Table 1 by substituting in the instrument matrix the third lag level of
the explanatory variables for the second lag level.18,19 Regression [6.2] in Table 6 presents the results of the estimation.
Lagging the set of internal instruments yieldsvery similar estimates and insures that our results are not biased by the
presence of some omitted variables that could be correlated with exchange rate flexibility and might have an independent
effect on the next period’s innovation in productivity growth.
Furthermore, our empirical approach has several features that makes it less vulnerable to a potential endogeneity bias.
First, we focus on identifying contrasting growth effects of exchange rate flexibility and volatility at different levels of

Note also that freely falling regimes tend to grow out of failed fixed exchange rate systems.
A second test examines whether the differenced error term is second-order serially correlated, a necessary condition for the consistency of the
estimation. In all regressions, we can safely reject second-order serial correlation.
For predetermined variables, such as initial income or initial secondary schooling, the first lag level is replaced by the second lag level. In order to
make the estimations comparable with alternative sets of instruments, regression [1.2] (Table 1) is re-estimated over 1970–2000 and over 1975–2000.
The results reported in the main tables are obtained using an instrument matrix that includes only the closest appropriate lags of the explanatory
variables. The choice to restrict the instrument matrix is dictated by two considerations: (i) the Sargan test loses power when the set of instruments
becomes large; (ii) if we used more instruments, we would run into a classical overfitting problem.
P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513 505

Table 6
Growth effects of exchange rate regime flexibility endogeneity issues and alternative set of instruments.

Period: 1970–2000 1970–2000 1970–2000 1975–2000 1975–2000 1975–2000

Unit of observation: Non-overlapping five-year averages

[6.1] [6.2] [6.3] [6.4] [6.5] [6.6]

Degree of exchange rate flexibility 1.742** 2.527** 2.357** 3.090** 3.124** 3.090**
(Reinhart and Rogoff classification) 0.745 1.197 1.179 1.453 1.500 1.453

Financial development 0.800 0.725 0.819 2.055 1.962 2.055

(private domestic credit/GDP, in logs) 0.666 0.907 0.918 1.455 1.359 1.455

Initial output per worker 0.132 0.150 0.076 0.102 0.147 0.178
(log(initial output per worker)) 0.378 0.564 0.572 0.540 0.824 0.917

Flexibility  financial development 0.428** 0.553** 0.513** 0.751** 0.766** 0.642**

0.229 0.246 0.261 0.321 0.376 0.339

No. countries/no. observations 79/421 79/421 79/416 79/352 76/343 76/342

Specification tests (p-values)

(a) Sargan test 0.596 0.285 0.26 0.269 0.298 0.245
(b) Second-order serial correlation 0.125 0.319 0.89 0.619 0.543 0.487

Notes: The specification of the regressions is identical to regression 2, Table 1. The coefficients for the other control variables—secondary schooling,
inflation, openness to trade and government size—are not reported.
Regression [6.1] is the same as regression [1.2], Table 1, estimated over 1970–2000.
Regression [6.2] is the same as regression [6.1] with all internal instrument lagged by one time-unit.
Regression [6.3] is the same as regression [6.1] with VetoPoint introduced as external instrument.
Regression [6.4] is the same as regression [1.2], Table 1, estimated over 1975–2000.
Regression [6.5] is the same as regression [6.4] with Creditor Rights introduced as external instrument.
Regression [6.6] is the same as Regression [6.4] Creditor Rights and VetoPoints introduced as external instruments.
Dependent variable: growth rate of output per worker.
Source: Authors’ estimations.

financial development. Endogeneity will be less of an issue with an interaction term than with single variables.20 Second,
similar results are obtained for various measures of exchange rate volatility, as well as for other measures of financial
development (see below). Finally, by excluding high inflation ‘‘freely falling’’ exchange rate regimes in our baseline
regressions, we are hopefully eliminating the most egregious cases where weak institutions would simultaneously explain
low productivity growth and the choice of exchange rate regime (generally flexible because high inflation makes a
sustained fix impossible).
A second way to address the potential endogeneity problem is to rely on the existing literature that tries to explain
exchange rate volatility or exchange rate regimes. The literature on exchange rate volatility is small, but it finds some
robust determinants for the degree of volatility. For instance, Hau (2002) finds a negative correlation between real
exchange rate volatility and trade openness.21 However, this does not affect our estimation as our specification includes
both real exchange rate volatility and trade openness as regressors and treat them as jointly endogenous. Hausmann et al.
(2006) investigate the determinants of real exchange rate volatility and find that GDP growth has a positive and statistically
significant effect. This finding suggests that if a reverse causality link stems for growth to volatility, this link should be
positive thus reinforcing our results.
The literature on the endogeneity of exchange rate regimes is more extensive, but it has been largely inconclusive. For
instance, Juhn and Mauro (2002) apply the extreme bound method of Levine and Renelt (1992) on the effect of a large set of
variables on the exchange rate regime and do not find any robust determinant.22 However, in a recent paper, Levy-Yeyati et

Assume for instance that the choice of exchange rate regime coincides with the choice of other policies associated with higher future growth
opportunities unaccounted for by the set of explanatory variables. This could directly bias the estimation of the effect of exchange flexibility in a linear
regression. In contrast, this could bias the estimation of the interaction coefficient in our set up only to the extent that the correlation between such
policies and exchange rate flexibility or volatility varies significantly with the level of financial development.
Bravo-Ortega and Di Giovanni (2006) have complemented this finding by showing that real exchange volatility is correlated with an index of
remoteness defined as weighed geographical distance from main trade centers. This correlation suggests that remoteness can be a valid external
instrument for real exchange volatility. However, remoteness exhibits almost no time variation and thus is a weak instrument in our dynamic panel
context. When we use remoteness as an external instrument in a pure cross-sectional estimation, our results broadly hold but with less significance.
The findings of Juhn and Mauro (2002) have been obtained using Levy-Yeyati and Sturzenegger (2003) de facto classification and the IMF de jure
classification. We applied the same methodology to the RR classification and found the same result. We would like to thank Paulo Mauro for sharing his
506 P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513

al. (2004), using a logit analysis, find that some political variables can explain the likelihood of adopting a given exchange
rate regime. We find that one of their political variables, VetoPoints, is a good instrument for exchange rate regimes.23 We
re-estimate our baseline specification with the variable VetoPoints as an external instrument. The estimates are presented
in regression [6.3] in Table 6 and show results similar to the ones obtained using internal instruments. We also introduce a
time-varying index of creditor protection constructed by Djankov et al. (2007) as an external instrument for the level of
financial development and, again, find very similar results (see regressions [6.5] and [6.6]).
Beyond econometric tests, one can use the broad historical evidence to form a judgement on the endogeneity of
exchange rate choices to future growth prospects. This is the approach followed by Eichengreen (1992) in his classical
treatise. He shows that countries’ choice to exit the inter-war gold standard had a huge impact on their subsequent growth
trajectories. At the same time, the undisputed dogma in that period was that staying within the gold standard system was a
necessary condition for economic recovery. A detailed discussion of the history of post-war exchange rate regimes falls
outside the scope of this paper. However, our reading of the evidence compiled by De Vries (1985) and Boughton (2001), in
their massive sequential histories of the International Monetary Fund, is certainly consistent with politics, history and
ideology playing a dominant role in most countries’ choice of exchange rate or monetary policy regime.24 Indeed, although
it is hard to deny that growth was always an objective of monetary policy, history clearly points at the existence of a large
exogenous (for our purposes) component to exchange regime choice as well.25

2.6. Other robustness tests

The set of regressions presented in Tables 1–6 offers solid evidence that the level of financial development plays an
important role in mitigating the negative effects of exchange rate volatility on productivity growth. It is also reassuring that
control variables in the regressions have the expected effects: education and trade openness have a positive and often
significant impact on growth while the effect of inflation and government burden is negative although not always
statistically significant. Moreover, the results stay unchanged when the effects of crises are accounted for.
To further test the robustness of the main results, we conducted a large number of additional test and found that the
results are indeed robust. The Appendix available in the supplementary material gives the details of these tests and we just
summarize them in this subsection.
Different time windows: When shorter sample periods are considered, the main results basically hold. However, they
become more significant in the post Bretton-Woods era, e.g., if we drop the first decade in the data, 1960–1970. On the
other hand, when we restrict to the 1960–1980 period, the results are no longer significant.
Alternative measures of exchange rate volatility: We consider two alternative measures of exchange rate volatility: first, a
measure of real effective exchange rate volatility computed with CPI indices and nominal exchange rates; second, a
measure of nominal effective exchange rate volatility. The results are very similar to our baseline estimation when we use
CPI-based real exchange volatility. The results are also similar with nominal effective exchange rate volatility when the
estimation is restricted to the post Bretton-Woods era. However, this result is not robust to the inclusion of the pre Bretton-
Woods era: in that case, the interaction coefficient becomes small and insignificant. This result may not be surprising since
nominal volatility was much lower under Bretton Woods.
Alternative measures of financial development: Our initial and preferred measure is private credit to GDP from banks and
other financial institutions. Our main result still holds when we consider the other side of the financial sector balance sheet
(liquid liabilities over GDP) or when we restrict ourselves to a measure of the degree of financial intermediation provided
by deposit money banks (deposit money banks assets over GDP).
Alternative measure of economic development: Instead of financial development we consider the distance to the
technology frontier as measured as the difference in labor productivity with respect to the US. The results show that
the interaction between labor productivity and exchange rate flexibility has a positive and significant impact on growth.
The interpretation is that the higher the level of productivity is, the better (or the less detrimental) is the impact of a more
flexible exchange rate on productivity growth.
Omission of continents: Our main result remains stable and significant when sub-groups of countries are omitted in a
systematic way.
Crises and regime switching: A typical scenario of a currency crisis is a period of a fixed exchange rate with growth
followed, after a large devaluation, by a more flexible exchange rate and a depressed economy (e.g., the Asian, Mexican and

We would like to thank Eduardo Levy-Yeyati for providing us with the data. VetoPoints is an index measuring the extent of institutionalized
constraints on the decision-making powers of chief executives. Notice that the non-political variables used in Levy-Yeyati et al. (2004) are already
included in our set of control variables.
The dominant view of the IMF on exchange rate arrangement changed several time the last 30 years of the past century. In the early seventies, the
IMF proposed to substitute to the failing Bretton Woods system a system of fixed but adjustable exchange rate. Later in the decade, the conventional
wisdom in the Fund became that the floating-rate regimes were working reasonably well. In the eighties, the Fund became gradually more favorable to
fixed exchange rates regimes and their associated stabilizing and trade-promoting virtues. This position was later reversed in the nineties and the IMF
started promoting exit strategies for countries seeking exchange rate flexibility (Eichengreen et al., 1998).
Mussa (1986), especially, presents compelling evidence that the different behavior of real exchange rates under fixed versus floating regimes
cannot possibly be attributed to exchange rate regime endogeneity (in part because the change typically occurs exactly on the day a country switches
regimes even when the decision is announced long in advance).
P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513 507

Southern Cone crises). To determine whether this might be the driving force behind our results in Table 1 we conduct
various tests. First, we introduce a crisis dummy in Table 1 and show that this does not significantly affect our results. A
second and more stringent test consists of assigning the growth costs associated with a currency collapse to the pre-
collapse regime. When we do this, the results yield estimates that are very similar to our baseline specification. Two
reasons explain the stability of our results: first, the number of re-classified observations only represent a small share of
our data set; second and more importantly, with the exception of the notorious ‘‘twin’’ banking and currency crises of the
1990s that were associated with large output contractions, currency crises, in contrast to banking crises, are not generally
associated with large output losses.
Robustness against alternative non linear hypotheses: Our strategy has been to use an interaction term to test the
hypothesis of a non-linear growth effect of exchange rate flexibility or exchange rate volatility in the level of financial
development. To test the validity of our specification, we consider alternative non-linear hypotheses. We find that the
interaction effect between exchange rate flexibility and financial development remains strongly significant.

3. A simple model

In this section, we propose a stylized model to rationalize the empirical findings and in particular illustrate how the
interaction of exchange rate flexibility and financial development may affect productivity growth. We focus on the basic
mechanism through which a flexible exchange rate can have a negative impact on growth and leave out other mechanisms
described in the literature.26 The model shows how excess volatility in the exchange rate can, in principle, produce excess
volatility in profits and thereby lower the economy wide average level of investment. An example of this idea can be drawn,
for example, from the exchange rate pass-through literature (à la Dornbusch, 1987). Suppose a Korean exporter to the
United States faces relatively fixed wage costs in local currency. However, when the dollar/won exchange rate fluctuates,
the exporter is not able to completely pass through the cost change to US importers (perhaps because of competitive
pressures in the US market). Then, exchange rate volatility leads to fluctuations in profits. These, in turn, can lower
investment in an environment where the costs of external finance exceed those of internal finance (as documented by the
large empirical literature on the effects of cash flow on investment, see, for example Gertler and Gilchrist, 1994).
The model combines two main elements. First, productivity grows as a result of innovation by those entrepreneurs with
sufficient funds to meet short-run liquidity shocks. This feature is similar to Aghion, Angeletos, Banerjee, and Manova
(2005) (AABM). Second, macroeconomic volatility is driven by nominal exchange rate movements in presence of wage
stickiness. This monetary feature borrows from the recent New Open Economy Macroeconomics literature. Critically, we
make the realistic assumption that unless exchange rates are pegged, risk premium shocks lead to exchange rate volatility
in excess of any movement required to offset real shocks (an assumption that is strongly supported by the vast literature on
the empirical determinants of exchange rates).
The basic mechanism is presented in the next three subsections. We first focus on the case where firms only face shocks
to the nominal exchange rate and introduce productivity shocks in Section 3.4. Section 3.5 provides empirical evidence
supporting the main mechanism. Using industry-level data, we find that the negative impact of exchange rate volatility in
less financially developed economies is larger for industries with higher liquidity needs.

3.1. A small open economy with sticky wages

Consider a small open economy populated by overlapping generations of two-period lived entrepreneurs and workers.
The economy produces a single good identical to the world good. One half of the individuals are selected to become
entrepreneurs, while the other half become workers. Individuals are risk neutral and consume their accumulated income at
the end of their life. Growth will be determined by the proportion of entrepreneurs who innovate.
Since firms in the small domestic economy are price-takers, they take the foreign price of the good at any date t, P t , as
given. Assuming purchasing power parity (PPP), converted back in units of the domestic currency, the value of one unit of
sold output at date t is equal to

Pt ¼ St P t , (2)

where P t is the domestic price level and St is the nominal exchange rate (number of units of the domestic currency per unit
of the foreign currency). P t is assumed constant and normalized to 1. Thus, P t ¼ St . We begin with the case where exchange
rates are driven entirely by risk premium (or noise) shocks, so that under floating S is exogenous. Later, we will introduce
productivity shocks and illustrate how only excess exchange rate volatility is an issue.
In a fixed exchange rate regime, St is constant, whereas under a flexible exchange rate regime St is random and fluctuates
around its mean value EðSt Þ  S. The reason why fluctuations in the nominal exchange rate St will lead to fluctuations in
firms’ real wealth, with consequences for innovation and growth, is that nominal wages are rigid for one period and preset

Notice, however, that the theoretical literature has not examined the link between exchange regimes and growth, but has focused on the level of
output or of welfare.
508 P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513

before the realization of St . This in turn exposes firms’ short-run profits to an exchange rate risk as the value of sales will
vary according to St whereas the wage bill will not.27,28
For simplicity, the real wage at the beginning of period t is assumed equal to some reservation value, kAt . The parameter
ko1 refers to the workers’ productivity-adjusted reservation utility, say from working on a home activity, and At is current
aggregate productivity which is first assumed to be non-random. Thus
¼ kAt ,
EðPt Þ
where W t is the nominal wage rate preset at the beginning of period t and EðP t Þ is the expected price level. Using the fact
that EðPt Þ ¼ EðSt Þ ¼ S; we immediately get

W t ¼ kSAt . (3)

3.2. The behavior of firms

Individuals who become entrepreneurs take two types of decisions.29 First, at the beginning of their first period, they
need to decide how much labor to hire at the given nominal wage; this decision occurs after the aggregate shocks are
realized. Second, at the end of their first period entrepreneurs face a liquidity shock and must decide whether or not to
cover it (if they can) in order to survive and thereby innovate in the second period. The proportion rt of entrepreneurs who
innovate determines the growth rate of this economy. We first describe production and profits and then consider these two
decisions in turn.

3.2.1. Production and profits

The production of an entrepreneur born at date t in her first period, is given by
yt ¼ At lt , (4)
where lt denotes the firm’s labor input at date t.
Given current nominal wages, nominal profits at the end of her first period are given by
Pt ¼ Pt yt  W t lt ¼ At St lt  kAt Slt . (5)
In her second period, the entrepreneur innovates and thereby realizes the value of innovation vtþ1 ; with probability rt
which depends upon whether the entrepreneur can cover her liquidity cost at the end of her first period. As we shall see, in
an economy with credit constraints, the latter depends upon the short-term profit realization and therefore upon both
employment and the aggregate shocks in the first period.
Employment in the first period is then chosen by the entrepreneur in order to maximize her net present value:
maxfAt P t lt  kAt Slt þ brt Et vtþ1 g, (6)

where b denotes the entrepreneur’s discount rate.

3.2.2. Innovation, liquidity shocks and credit constraints

Innovation upgrades the entrepreneur’s technology up by some factor g41, so that a successful innovator has
productivity Atþ1 ¼ gAt . It is natural to assume that the value of innovation vtþ1 is proportional to the productivity level
achieved by a successful innovator, that is
vtþ1 ¼ vP tþ1 Atþ1 ,
with v40.
Next, we assume that innovation occurs in any firm i only if the entrepreneur in that firm survives the liquidity shock C it
that occurs at the end of her first period. Absent credit constraints, the probability of overcoming the liquidity shock would
be equal to one, if the value of innovation is larger than the cost, and to zero otherwise. In either case, this probability
would be independent of current profits. However, once we introduce credit constraints, the probability of the
entrepreneur being able to innovate will depend upon her current cash-flow and therefore upon the choice of lt :

The crucial feature in the model is that the input price is rigid. On the other hand, the degree of price flexibility is not crucial. It would not be
difficult to generate other examples of how excess exchange rate volatility raises the volatility of profits and thereby lowers investment under a broad
variety of assumptions and models.
In this benchmark model, the interesting measure of the real exchange rate is based on labor costs. The real rate based on price levels becomes of
interest once we introduce non-traded goods or distribution services. That real exchange rates are more volatile under a flexible exchange rate regime is
documented in the Appendix.
One can easily extend the model so as to allow firms to increase the probability of innovation by investing more in R&D ex ante.
Our choice of production technology is made for analytical simplicity and our results extend to more general settings.
P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513 509

The liquidity cost of innovation is assumed proportional to productivity At ; according to the following linear form
(multiplied by Pt as it is expressed in nominal terms):

C it ¼ ci P t At ,
where ci is independently and identically distributed across firms in the domestic economy, with uniform distribution over
the interval between 0 and c. While all firms face the same probability distribution over ci ex ante, ex post the realization of
ci differs across firms. We assume that the net productivity gain from innovating (e.g., as measured by vg) is sufficiently
high that it is always profitable for an entrepreneur to try and overcome her liquidity shock.
In order to pay for her liquidity cost, the entrepreneur can borrow on the local credit market. However, credit constraints
will prevent her from borrowing more than a multiple m  1 of current cash flow Pt : We take m as being the measure of
financial development and we assume that is it constant.31 The borrowing constraint is no longer binding if m becomes large.
Thus, the funds available for innovative investment at the end of the first period are at most equal to
mPt ,
and therefore the entrepreneur will innovate whenever

mPt XC it . (7)
Thus, the probability of innovation rt is equal to
rt ¼ min ;1 . (8)
cSt At
3.2.3. Equilibrium profits
The probability of innovation rt can be substituted in the entrepreneur’s maximization problem. The entrepreneur will
choose lt to maximize (6) which yields
St 2
lt ¼
and therefore

Pt ¼ cAt S2t , (9)

where c  1=ð4kSÞ: Therefore, equilibrium profits are increasing in the nominal exchange rate St :
Next, from (8), the probability of innovation can be expressed as
rt ¼ min St ; 1 . (10)

3.3. Productivity growth and the main theoretical prediction

Expected productivity at date t þ 1 is equal to

EðAtþ1 Þ ¼ Eðrt ÞgAt þ ð1  Eðrt ÞÞAt .
The expected rate of productivity growth between date t and date ðt þ 1Þ is correspondingly given by
EðAtþ1 Þ  At
gt ¼ ¼ ðg  1ÞEðrt Þ. (11)
We consider distributions of St such that for some values of St we have rt ¼ 1.33 The following can then established:

Proposition 1. Moving from a fixed to a flexible exchange rate reduces average growth. Moreover when m is not too small, the
growth gap decreases with financial development.

Proof. From (11), the average growth rate g t is proportional to the expected proportion of innovating firms. Thus, to
compare a fixed exchange rate (i.e., no exchange rate volatility) with a flexible rate, we just need to look at the difference
between the corresponding expected innovation probabilities34:
Dt ¼ r  Eðrt Þ,

If m was endogenous, it would decrease with more volatile profits, thus reinforcing the negative impact of exchange rate volatility.
We always have rt 40 since Pt 40 in equilibrium and St 40.
A standard assumption would be that ln St Nð0; s2s Þ.
The model can be turned into a convergence model, for example by assuming that innovating firms catch up with a world technology frontier
growing at some rate g, at a cost which is proportional to the world frontier productivity. Based upon the convergence analysis in Aghion et al. (2005), we
conjecture that the lower the degree of financial development in a country, the more likely it is that higher exchange rate volatility will prevent the
country from converging to the world technological frontier in growth rates and/or in per capita GDP levels.
510 P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513

r ¼ min ;1
Eðrt Þ ¼ E min ;1 .
To demonstrate the first part of the proposition, consider first the case where ro1. Then Eðrt Þ ¼ EðminðrS=S; 1ÞÞ. If we
had rt o1 for all St , then rt would be linear in St and therefore we would have Eðrt Þ ¼ EðrS=SÞ ¼ r. But, since we assume
that there are some values of St for which rt ¼ 1, then rt is a concave function of St and therefore by Jensen’s inequality we
have that Eðrt Þor. When r ¼ 1, it is also obvious that Eðrt Þpr since rt p1.
The second part of the proposition follows from the fact that r ¼ 1 when mX4kc, so that for such levels of m, the growth
gap decreases with m since Eðrt Þ increases with m (while r is constant). &

The superior performance of fixed exchange rates is driven by the asymmetry implied by the liquidity constraint and the
resulting concavity of the r function.35 These in turn imply that large depreciations do not compensate the impact of large
appreciations: once rt ¼ 1 is reached any further depreciation cannot have any impact on growth.36

3.4. On the stabilizing role of flexible exchange rates

In the previous section, the only aggregate shocks were exchange rate risk premium (noise) shocks to the exchange rate.
In this section, we allow for real shocks. Assume that domestic productivity is random and can be expressed as

At ¼ At eut , (12)
where (i) At is the country’s level of knowledge at date t; which in turn results from innovations in period t  1; according to

At ¼ ðrt1 ðg  1Þ þ 1ÞAt1 ;
(ii) ut is a productivity shock with mean Eðut Þ ¼ 0 and variance s2u :
The nominal wage is set before the productivity shock is known. Thus, analogously to Eq. (3) we have W t ¼ kSAt . It is
easy to show that Eq. (9) is replaced by

Pt ¼ ct A2t S2t , (13)

where ct  1=ð4kSAt Þ: Thus, the probability of innovation is given by
rt ¼ min At St ; 1 . (14)

This probability is determined by the volatility of the product At St . Following the same logic as in the previous analysis, the
optimal policy now is for the monetary authorities to stabilize AS as opposed to simply S. This is a completely standard
result (e.g., Obstfeld and Rogoff, 1996). Any policy conclusions from our empirical results must be tempered by this
observation: an ideal central bank policy would stabilize AS. In a world where the central bank has perfect information on
the shocks and can exactly control the exchange rate, the growth-maximizing regime does not literally involve a fixed
exchange rate. However, as long as exchange rate risk premium shocks remain when the productivity shock is introduced,
and as long as the central bank is not entirely successful in offsetting them, there remains the possibility that fixed rate
regime is still preferable to an imperfect managed float. This is particularly likely to be the case when the effective size of
the real shocks are small relative to the risk premium shocks and when the country has a low level of financial
development. The fact that we later find the consistent result that relatively fixed exchange rate regimes produce higher
growth rates in financially less developed countries perhaps suggests that, in practice, countries have difficulties offsetting
A shocks without introducing other significant volatility in S.
Notice that the model’s insight can be applied to other types of shocks and can thus be consistent with the negative
relationship between volatility and growth documented by Ramey and Ramey (1995), as long as this negative correlation is
exacerbated by financial underdevelopment.

Such concavity would not hold, for example if the distribution of liquidity costs c had mass points on (the upper part of ) its support. In that case, an
increase in the volatility of exchange rates might foster growth by making it possible for firms to pay a high liquidity cost at least under exceptionally high
realizations of St : Note, however, that in a world where such a ‘‘gambling for resurrection’’ effect were to dominate, one would observe a positive
correlation between exchange rate (or, more generally, macroeconomic) volatility and growth. However, this is not what we observe if we look at cross-
country panel data (see AABM and the empirical analysis in the next section).
Notice that a crucial aspect in our analysis is that nominal profits are more sensitive to the nominal exchange rate than the liquidity cost. Given the
production function (4), this property holds in the model. With a different production function, we may need to introduce some nominal rigidity in the
liquidity cost in order to get the same result.
P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513 511

3.5. Empirical evidence

This subsection provides empirical evidence consistent with the theoretical mechanism outlined above. This
mechanism implies that exchange rate volatility will be specially harmful to firms that have high liquidity needs in
countries with a low degree of financial development. This hypothesis is tested using industry-level data and measures of
industry-specific liquidity needs from Raddatz (2006).37
The industry-level production and employment data come from the 2006 UNIDO Industrial Statistics Database and
cover the period 1970–2000.38 There are 28 manufacturing sectors. The resulting data set is an unbalanced panel of 47
countries, but we ensure that for each country-year we have a minimum of 10 sectors, and that for each country, there are
at least 10 years of data. As for the cross-country regression, we construct a five-year average panel. We use the measure of
sector-specific liquidity needs constructed by Raddatz (2006), which is computed as the ratio of inventories to sale using
balance-sheet data of US public manufacturing firms. The Appendix reports the measure of liquidity needs for each
To see whether the differential impact of exchange rate volatility across industries with different liquidity needs varies
with the level of financial development, the following equation is estimated:
yi;j;t  yi;j;t1 ¼ a1 LNj  ERi;t þ a2 LNj  ERi;t  FDi;t þ gZ i;j;t þ Zj þ ci;t þ ei;j;t , (15)

where yi;j;t is the logarithm of output per worker in sector j in country i in period t; LN j is the industry-specific measure of
liquidity needs; FDi;t is private credit to GDP and Z i;j;t is a vector of controls. All the specifications include a country-time
effect ci;t and an industry-specific fixed effect Zj . Notice that the three dimension panel (country, industry, time) reduces
considerably potential endogeneity biases. Country-time fixed effects allow to control for any time-varying country-
specific factor that could be correlated with the productivity growth performance and exchange rate volatility or the
exchange rate regime. The effect identified by the regression is the difference in productivity growth between industries
with different liquidity need across countries with a different level of exchange rate volatility and financial development.
The results are presented in Table 7. From columns 1 and 3, we find that both the flexibility of exchange rate regime and
exchange rate volatility reduce that the productivity growth of sectors with high liquidity need relatively to the ones with
low liquidity needs. The differential impact is economically significant.39 Columns 2 and 4 show that a1 and a2 in Eq. (15)
are both significant and with the expected sign. By combining these estimates with the level on financial development, one
finds that the differential effect of exchange rate volatility across industries is maximal at low level of financial
development and fully vanishes at the highest level of financial development.40 In sum, the results for the industry-level
regression provide supporting evidence in favor of the mechanism of the model.

4. Conclusion

The vast empirical literature following Baxter and Stockman (1989) and Flood and Rose (1995) generally finds no
detectable difference in macroeconomic performance between fixed and floating exchange rate regimes. In this paper, we
argue that instead of looking at exchange rate volatility in isolation, it is important to look at the interaction between
exchange rate volatility and both the level of financial development and the nature of macroeconomic shocks. Our main
hypothesis is that higher levels of excess exchange rate volatility can stunt growth, especially in countries with thin capital
markets and where financial shocks are the main source of macroeconomic volatility. This hypothesis is shown to be largely
validated by cross-country panel data, which thus provide fairly robust evidence suggesting the importance of financial
development for the relationship between the choice of exchange rate regime and long-run growth.41 We also provide an
explanation that rationalizes these results.
Are our result at odds with the prescriptions of the standard exchange rate models? Not necessarily. The classical
literature holds that the greater the volatility of real shocks relative to financial shocks in a country, the more flexible the
exchange rate in that country should be. Our analysis shows that this prescription has to be modified to allow for the fact
that financial market shocks are amplified in developing countries with thin and poorly developed credit markets. Clearly,
more fully articulated structural models are needed to properly measure the trade-offs, which in turn remains an important
challenge for future research.

Using an approach in the spirit of Rajan and Zingales (1998), Raddatz finds that low financial development implies a higher output volatility
especially in the sectors with high liquidity needs.
We use the version that reports data according to the 3-digit ISIC Revision 2 classification. We convert data reported in current US dollars into
constant international dollars using the Penn World Tables (Heston et al., 2002).
The measure of liquidity need ranges between 0.06 and 0.26. Column 1 reports a point estimate for a1 equal to 4:13: Hence a one unit increase in
exchange rate flexibility reduces productivity growth by 0:3 percentage points for an industry with lowest liquidity needs (Petroleum Refineries) but by
1:3 percentage point for an industry with the highest liquidity needs (Leathers). See Appendix D for the measure of liquidity needs reported for each
The level of financial development measured by the log of the percentage ratio of private credit to GDP varies in the sample between 1.5 and 4.8.
Rogoff et al. (2004) and Husain et al. (2005) do find differences in exchange rate regime performance across developing countries, emerging
markets and advanced economies. However, perhaps because they do not incorporate any structural variables in their regressions such as private credit to
GDP, or distance to frontier, they only found significant and robust effects of exchange rate regime choice on growth in advanced economies.
512 P. Aghion et al. / Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2009) 494–513

Table 7
Industry-level evidence on growth effects of exchange rate regime flexibility and real effective exchange rate volatility: The role of liquidity needs.

Period: 1970–2000
Unit of observation: Non-overlapping five-year averages

[7.1] [7.2] [7.3] [7.4]

Liquidity needs  exchange rate flexibility 5.078** 17.35**

2.217 5.51

Liquidity needs  exchange rate flexibility  financial development 3.813**


Liquidity needs  exchange rate volatility 4.418** 11.8**

2.126 5.39

Liquidity needs  exchange rate votality  financial development 2.773**


Control variables
Initial output per worker 0.03 0.046 0.047 0.025
(in logs) 0.16 0.158 0.16 0.16

Industry share in manufacturing output 0.043** 0.037** 0.028 0.03*

0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017

Liquidity needs  financial development 0.512 0.692 0.36 1.516

1.47 1.45 1.62 1.89

Intercept 6.415** 6.703** 6.69** 6.299**

1.914 1.919 1.957 1.958

No. observations 5740 5740 5740 5740

No. countries/no. industries 47/28 47/28 47/28 47/28

Notes: The estimation uses a three-dimensional panel: time, country, industry. Country-time fixed effects and industry fixed effects are included in each
Financial development is measured by the log of the percentage ratio of private credit to GDP. Table A.11 in the Empirical Appendix report the measure of
liquidity needs in each industry.
Standard errors are presented below the corresponding coefficients. Symbols ** and * mean significant at 5% and at 10%.
Dependent variable: industry growth rate of output per worker.
Source: Authors’ estimations.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.jmone-


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